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Using a Tarp for Yard Cleanup

Use a Tarp for Yard CleanupWe cut the pampas grass and used a small light weight tarp for cleaning up the clippings. After putting it on the tarp, I tied the bottom ends of the tarp together in a loose knot, then tied the other end to give me a good grip to drag it. It took 3 trips and the tarp worked great for dragging the heavy clippings to the brush pile. It was easy to roll them off after I untied the ends.


A glove turned inside out next to a right side glove.

Left Hand Glove Turned Into A Right Hand GloveI use rubber gloves when I wash dishes and I wear the right hand glove out before I do the left hand glove. I save the left hand glove and when the next right hand glove gets a hole in it and I have two left hand gloves, I turn one inside out and immediately have another right hand glove.


Cooking hash on a griddle.

Binding Agent For Making Corned Beef Hash PattiesI recently searched for something to bind corned beef hash to make patties'. A series of blog answers came up via this website. Of the few I read, there were suggestions but many still seemed to have difficulty with crumbling. I want to share what I did that worked for me:


A chicken dish

Product Review: Dinnerly Meal DeliveryRecently, I tried a meal delivery service, Dinnerly. My teen daughter has been more interested in cooking lately and I thought it would be a good way to teach her some techniques and recipes that are different than my usual meals. Here's how it went:


Card holder for playing cards

Card Holder for Playing CardsI think playing Canasta everyday for the past 2 years has been the main cause of tendonitis in my wrist. After the doctor gave me a brace to wear, it was hard for me to hold the cards and continue playing. I thought I would have to quit.


Buttons next to silicone earring backs.

Keep Pinback Buttons SecureUse a rubber or silicone earring back! When you pin the button onto your item, place one on the pinback, just ahead of where it closes. This way, the buttons can't slip off and stay secure!


Pink roses in bloom.

Giving Flowers the Cheaper WayI went on a spree a while back giving flowers until I saw the bill all added up. Then a friend's sibling died, and my heart broke. Then I thought, hey, what do they deliver? At Walmart, they do have live roses as well as seeds. I don't know if seeds would say what I meant, but a live shrub cost $15.17, including tax and shipping. Please do not ask me what those other jokers charged, even with "free shipping" for a year. Delivery people don't even come to the house anymore.


Placing the cut can over the full can.

Keeping Carbonated Drinks Fresh After OpeningKeeping your carbonated canned drinks fresh after opening sometimes is a daunting task. Usually if they're open no matter what you put on them, they''re good for about a day and then all the fizz is gone. I experimented with many different things before I came up with one idea that will literally keep your carbonated canned drink carbonated and tasting like you just opened it for up to a week and, yes, you can use more of the drink and put this right back on and it''ll still hold it fresh and carbonated for 6 to 7 days!


A person putting a coin in a piggy bank.

ThriftyFun Updates (March 2022)We are announcing some big changes to both our newsletters and contests as of March 1st, 2022.


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Cutting Time When Making PuddingInstead of heating cold milk in the pan with the packaged pudding mix, I heat the milk in the microwave first. It certainly cuts down on time spent stirring until the mixture boils!


A woman shopping at a grocery store.

Using Digital Coupons and Rewards When ShoppingIn addition to coupons sent by mail or in newspapers, many stores have their own system for digital savings too. This is a great way to save money at the checkout. It encourages customers to be "loyal" to that store and allows the store to send you specific promotions based on your shopping history.


A garage sale outside a building.

Garage Sale Negotiating 101Garage and estate sales are some of the best places for bargain shopping. However, if you are new to yard selling, figuring out how to bargain can be tricky. You may feel like it takes a little boldness to ask the seller to come down on the price; however, it can be rewarding for you both. Here are some tips on negotiating to save money.


Cardboard underneath a couch cushion.

Free Fix for Sagging SofaOur older sofa and loveseat were losing support. There are sofa supports for sale at about $25 each. However, I used a large box, cut it in half, folded it and placed it under the cushions.


Organized recycled bags inside containers.

Storing Assorted Food BagsYou can save and reuse assorted plastic food bags without any fuss or mess. Here is how I do it.


Person using a television with a remote.

Review Your Subscription Services

Many of us have cancelled cable but quickly found we're spending the same money on streaming services. Even worse, it's sometimes hard to remember what streaming services we're actually paying for. With subscriptions not just for TV but also music, ebooks, newspapers, video games, and fitness it can be hard to keep track.



Two squares of suet made from one package.

2 for 1 SuetI have discovered the birds like my homemade suet over store bought. I scored a great price at Ace Hardware on suet and bought a lot. Then I took another step and melted down 1 cake and added lard, some peanut butter and add ins you want, and get the texture to form a cake by adding flour or oatmeal, or cornmeal.


A bee on white blossoms.

Best Flowers to Attract Wild BeesWild bees will be most attracted to a garden space that mimics their natural habitat and provides an abundance of food. Interplant local varieties that flower at different times throughout the year to ensure a continuous nectar supply for bees and other pollinators.


A label stuck inside a jar.l

Instant Label for Storage JarsI always store packaged dry foods (beans, etc.) in empty glass jars and for a quick label, I cut out the nutrition info I am interested in and put it inside the jar. Easy.


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Money-Saving Moving TipsTo find the right moving company, start looking far in advance. Ask your friends and family about moving experiences they've had - they may be able to recommend some good companies! You should request quotes from multiple movers and accurately describe your total moving inventory to them - you may be able to save money if your haul isn't too big and you certainly don't want any invoice surprises after Moving Day.


A woman holding lucky red envelopes for Chinese New Year.

Celebrating Lunar New YearLunar or Chinese New Year is celebrated worldwide, but especially in China and surrounding Asian countries. This important festival has been celebrated in China for over 2000 years, spreading to the other countries as did Chinese culture and language during that time.


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Life of a Sighted Care GiverI enjoyed sharing Ms Cordell's article's concerning the blind with my blind man. The other side of the coin is the care giver. I have been one for 17 years. Oh my what a re-teaching on my perspective of sight.


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Stop Dog from Eating PoopMy dog has always found feces to be a delicacy and I have been unable to stop her from doing this. You can buy supplements in pet stores that supposedly address this issue, but I've never tried them. I started giving my dog turmeric powder as an anti-inflammatory for her joint issues, and discovered after a week or two on this, she wasn't interested in the poop. I don't know if this is just a coincidence or not, but it's worth a try. Turmeric powder can be purchased at grocery stores, health food stores, but the cheapest place to buy it is in an ethnic grocery store (Indian, Asian, etc). Check with your vet or for dosage amounts based on body weight.


Two bowls with lids and two spray bottles.

Recycling Plastic Lids And Small Spray BottlesI'm always looking for ways to recycle and have found that some plastic lids like a coffee can lid or a raisin lid will fit over some bowls. I also save small spray bottles, which work well to put hair spray, cleaner, or other liquids in when traveling.


A COVID test.

Free COVID TestsThe U.S. Post Office is sending 4 free COVID tests to every home in the U.S. Sign up for yours by using the link below.


A Home Depot rental van.

My Home Depot Van Rental ExperienceDo you need to move something quickly? Or purchase something nearby and need to get it home? Home Depot is really convenient and there is no purchase necessary so you can walk into Home Depot and rent.


Seedling vegetables covered by a bedding plant tray.

Square Mesh Flat to Cover VegetablesDo your vegetables get eaten before they've grown? It's happened to me so many times! Now, I use these square mesh flats over my vegetables after seeding so the birds don't get to them. After my vegetables are bigger and stronger I will remove the flats. Chances are they'll make it and no longer vulnerable.


A thermometer inside a refrigerator.

Keep Refrigerator Coils CleanIn 2021, we used more electric (kWh) than we did the year before, causing our electric bill to be over $200.00 more for the year. I have been trying to figure out why. Recently, I noticed that our 1994 refrigerator was not cooling like it should and when the milk soured way before the expiration date, I knew something was wrong. I started searching the internet to see how much it was going to cost to get a new refrigerator.


A cut banana next to a lid to fit.

Banana SaverYou just need a banana, a knife and a lid that fits the size of the banana from your bag of lids that everyone saves, a cutting board and that's it. First, you cut the banana in half. Eat 1/2 and save the other half for later or tomorrow.


A pump style dish detergent.

Extending Dish Detergent with PeroxideA lot of us find the better dish detergents so thick and concentrated, we choose to dilute them a bit (or a lot). We save money and the product is easier to use.


Using tongs for your toaster.

Use Wooden Tongs on Your ToasterIf you have trouble getting toast out of your toaster because the toast doesn't pop up enough above the top or because you have sensitive fingers I highly recommend using wooden tongs.



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Crispy Rice Peanut Butter CookiesThis is a good recipe for using up leftover rice cereal, such as Special K or Rice Krispies. I've been making it since the late 60s.


Wrist Brace Sleeve

Wrist Brace SleeveI have developed tendonitis in my wrist and the doctor gave me a wrist brace to wear. It was not as comfortable as I would like so I cut an old sock off, just below the heel, made a little hole in the heel for my thumb and I had a sleeve to go over my arm under the brace. To keep the holes from stretching, I hand stitched around them and pulled the stitches up to fit my hand. The extra padding has made the biggest difference in the comfort of this wrist brace. I don't mind wearing it at all now.


An outdoor faucet on a brick wall.

Righty Tighty, Lefty LooseyWhen you get old like me, I hope it's not unusual to have a senior moment and feel really stupid sometimes.


Teddy bears on a shelf.

Coordinating DecorThis is my frugal idea for decorating your home. I choose a picture that I like and then decorate the room based on the objects/colors of the picture. The decor that I purchase has been found at garage sales or thrift stores. The end result makes my home look well decorated but I am able to do it on a budget. These are some of the pictures and decor I have used.


Protecting the end of your faucet.

Protecting Your Sink FaucetThere are lots of ways to help keep your kitchen sink looking new. Here's one more.


A rubber snake to scare off birds.

How to Deter Bluebirds From Pooping On Your CarWe love the Eastern bluebird and have several houses for them. Bluebirds are beneficial as they not only are pretty and pleasant to hear, they also eat bugs. We have them around all year long.


A pair of puppy clippers next to a pair of kitchen shears.

Dog Nail Cutters for Flower StemsI've tried all types of scissors including the ones that are for metal, cardboard, etc., those heavy duty kitchen scissors but I've never tried my stainless steel puppy nail cutters. They are absolutely hands-down the easiest. The blade doesn't slide off the stem. It gives a nice even cut, which is better for the flowers.


Ornament hangers stored on plastic bread tabs.

Store Ornament Hangers on Bread TabsLast year, I put my ornament hangers on bread tabs and it worked out great. They were not tangled up, which was a big help.


Using small oven racks in the refrigerator.

Small Oven Racks for Refrigerator OrganizingI don't remember where I saw this tip but it sure did come in handy this holiday with all the cooking that I did. I placed a small oven rack on top of the Pyrex dish in the refrigerator so I could stack something on top of it. The rack is strong and can hold weight.


The turkey with a stuffing package inside.

How to Easily Stuff and Unstuff a TurkeyOne member of my family insists on stuffing cooked in the turkey at Thanksgiving. I do that, as well as a separate casserole of stuffing. I noticed that much of the stuffing that goes into the bird gets stuck in the nooks and crannies. And it's kind of a pain to stuff the bird and have to find a way to keep it from spilling out.


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Sink Strainer Catch-AllI'm trying to get away from so much processed food. I still indulge occasionally. Single servings of Stouffer's Lasagna is a favorite, and for me, comes with a little kitchen aid bonus.


A Thanksgiving dinner served on paper plates.

Setting The Thanksgiving TableSome might think we non believers are a shallow, misguided, ungrateful lot. Nothing could be farther from the truth. While we may not practice a ritualized, much commercialized form of giving thanks to a deity, we too can deeply appreciate, even be humbled by, what we have.


Recipes for Thanksgiving

Recipes for ThanksgivingAlthough everyone's Thanksgiving food varies for each family, there are some traditional dishes that grace tables across the U.S.; like turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. These recipes are all from New England, where the first Thanksgiving was celebrated. Families have incorporated their own favorite dishes into their own celebrations. My family is planning on rice, stir fried green beans and mac and cheese this year, in addition to the basics.


Tubes of paint stored on binder clips.

Storing Art SuppliesI was over at my friend's house and she had a great way to organize her brushes and paints. She hung the tubes from binder clips and stored the tools in hanging glass jars. They are all out of the way but still easily accessible. This same technique could be used for markers, pencils or any type of craft tools and supplies.


A pair of clean silver earrings.

Baking Soda Will Clean SilverThe earrings I got were completely black with tarnish. I made a thick paste of baking soda and water, covered the earrings, and let them sit for an hour or so. I then rinsed them well, dried them completely, and enjoyed the sparkle.



A receipt from Target Curbside Pick Up.

Double Check Curbside Pick Up OrdersDo you use curbside pick up at Target? If you do, double check to make sure your bag fees are correct. Surprisingly my last 3 orders, I was charged the full $1.00 when I only received 1 bag each.


A gloved hand cleaning a microwave oven.

Deep Clean Your Microwave/Oven When Changing ClocksWhen I went to set my clocks ahead in the kitchen, I took the time to thoroughly clean the microwave. It gets wiped down pretty regularly but there was a surprising amount of greasy dust on the top and bottom. It's over our stove so I removed the vent fan filters and gave them a rinse too. I plan to do my oven this weekend so it is clean and ready for Thanksgiving and holiday baking.


An LED clamp lamp.

Product Review: LED Clamp LampI do a lot of close up work when crafting and this light is amazing! The neck is long and flexible, the clamp stays very snug and is great for saving space on your work table. The light is bright, and the magnification is perfect. The light was not that expensive either. It would also make a great gift for someone that does close up work. I don't know what I ever did without it!


A piece of cardboard that was inside the Swiffer WetJet.

Getting A Swiffer WetJet WorkingBrand new Swiffer and I couldn't get it to work until I looked closely and realized there was cardboard paper around the border of where the bottle fits. Pull out the bottle, then the paper on the side of where the bottle sits, then put the bottle back in the Swiffer. It should now work perfectly.


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Uses for Plastic Coffee ContainersI give used plastic coffee containers to new mothers and dads. They can use the coffee containers for holding clean diapers and another can for soiled diapers. This is very helpful when traveling, visiting, etc. The containers can also carry pacifiers, wipies, onsies, etc. Just put them in a small basket with labels on them. This saves a lot of space when visiting and or traveling.


A spray bottle on a counter.

Prevent Hair Clogs in the SinkHair can cause nasty clogs in the sink. I have curly hair and wet it down every morning to freshen up the curls. I used to wet it in the sink. I decided to fill a spray bottle with water, step away from the sink and do it that way. This has helped so much.


A sleeve on a mug.

Easy Sock Top Mug SleeveI used a child's sock and cut it off where the ribbing ended and made a mug sleeve. I did add a little embroidery but it's just fine as is, if you just want a basic sleeve for your mug. Super easy and a cute little protector for your hands.


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Plan Ahead for Holiday MealsHosting a holiday dinner? Planning ahead is crucial! Plan your guest list, your menu, and your detailed shopping list. Plan for extra /backup food items.


An old wooden mill with a water wheel.

Take a Day TripWe live in the northern Piedmont area of North Carolina. On a day trip, we can go to the mountains or the beach and have a great time and be back home before bedtime.


Halloween Gingerbread Whoopie Pies

Halloween Gingerbread Whoopie PiesThese little spooky whoopie pies are a real fun treat. Decorating them with candy eyes really makes these cookies look extra kooky. I did this Halloween activity with my kids. They had fun rolling the edges in sprinkles and adding the little candy eyes.


The completed gnat trap.

DIY Gnat TrapsI have had a problem with gnats in the house and have used vinegar to trap them. Yesterday, I decided to put a bowl of vinegar outside to see how many I could catch. In just a few minutes, they were gathering on the edge of the bowl and drowning in the vinegar. I caught some house flies and yellow jackets as well.


Using a bread tag to fix a flip flop.

Fix for a Broken Flip FlopFlip flops can break at any time. Carry a bread tab with you. If the toe portion comes out, put it back in the hole and attach the tab on the sole side of the flip flop. This will secure it.


The end of a pomegranate.

Cut Pomegranates So They Don't Lose Their JuicesCut a cap off the top of your pomegranates then cut along the ridges on the pom. Look closely, they aren't perfectly round. You may need to FEEL the pomegranate to determine the ridges. There's usually between 5 and 6.


Using Leftovers for Breakfast

Using Leftovers for BreakfastLast night, we enjoyed Thai takeout and we had some leftovers. Although we could have used it for lunch, there wasn't very much left. I decided to make a hearty breakfast instead. I heated the leftovers up in a pan and then scrambled eggs in the mixture. The resulting dish was the perfect start to the day and was enjoyed by the whole family.


A trap for mice and rats.

Getting Rid of Mice and RatsEvery year around September, we have an issue with mice and rats. Behind us is a stable so as you know they breed rats and mice. We normally have just a few mice but this year, we had to battle rats. When you have too many rats they move on to munch whatever they can find to eat.


A bottle planted near a plant.

Plastic Bottles to Keep a Plant WateredTo help keep our garden plants watered, this year we tried burying soda bottles, with holes in them, beside the tomato, squash and cucumber plants leaving the opening exposed. To easily fill the bottles, we used a flex funnel and the garden hose. The bottles worked very well to help keep the plants watered and we will be doing it again next year. The garden has just about given out and we have removed all the bottles that are no longer used, rinsed them and put them in the recycling bin.


A man giving a pot to a woman at the door.

Giving Household Items Within Your CommunityI am active in my local Buy Nothing group, where members gift furniture, clothing and other useful items to people in their local area. It is run on a Facebook page for my neighborhood, an area is a mile or so wide, bounded by the major streets. There are several different Buy Nothing neighborhoods in my city. This allows the members to be sure they are giving and receiving to their own neighbors, making pickups easy and bringing local communities together.


A pile of banana bunches.

Selecting Good BananasBananas slowly change color as they ripen. They start out hard and bright green, changing to yellow when they are ripe and then developing brown spots on the peel. When picking your bunch of bananas at the store, consider how quickly you are going to eat them.


Paint Color Paint swatches taped to a wall. Tips

Paint Color Selection TipsI read on a Facebook group I belong to that it is not necessary to purchase sample-sized cans of paint, or to order the peel-and-stick 12 inch x 12 inch sheets. What the poster did was to get several cards with the paint chip colors she wanted and to tape the same color chips together.


A wire frame to grow beans on.

Frame for Running BeansLast year we planted bush green beans and when they began to grow, they put out long shoots. That's when we realized that, by mistake, we had gotten some running beans instead of bush beans.


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Mixing Disappointing Hair ProductsHave you ever used a hair product like mousse, gel, cream, spray, etc. that for whatever reason was a disappointment? Maybe you didn't like the scent or its performance on your hair. Instead of tossing it in the garbage, I have a frugal solution that has worked well for me.


Grapes growing on a vine.

Keeping Animals Out of the GrapevineOur scuppernong grapes are ripening fast and they are so good. With us living close to the woods, animals can be a problem when trying to grow fruit and vegetables.


A flat screen television.

Check Warranty If TV Is Not WorkingWe were gifted this TV and so when the TV started experiencing some issues (ex: not turning on properly, the display would go be blank/black) we just unplugged and set it aside. While cleaning out the garage and planning to recycle this, I decided to check the manufactures date. (You can locate the manufactures date on the back of your tv by the serial number). The date was October 2020 and most TV manufactures last 1 year so I decided to reach out to the company, which was Philips.


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Muffin Tin MeatloafTry baking meatloaf in a muffin tin instead of the usual loaf pan. It will bake in half the time and you will have individual portions that are all ready to serve.


Water Leak Detectors

Water Leak DetectorsInexpensive water leak detectors can save you a lot of money and trouble by alerting you to small household leaks before they become a major problem.


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Must-have Tools for Cleaning GuttersThe arrival of the fall season brings many wonderful things like the changing of the leaves, an opportunity to wear scarves and sweaters, and pumpkin spice everything. It also means those leaves are falling off the trees and right into the gutters on your house.


Putting a nail into the wall to hang a picture frame.

Hanging a Picture FrameWant to learn a quick way to hang a picture frame or wall art? With some painters tape - line up where you want your nail to be. Then tape it down. Now you have your guide ready for you to make a dot to hang your nail!


A box of Kleenex on a bed.

Take Toilet Paper From Hotel RoomMy frugal tip is always take the toilet paper and kleenex with you from your room when you check out of your hotel when traveling. You paid for those. They are figured into your price you paid for the room. You never know when you may need it,for example the next rest area or a little ones runny nose.


A feng shui display for a window.

Feng Shui Decorating IdeasFeng shui is an ancient Chinese practice for arranging items in a harmonious way, also called geomancy. Feng shui is directly translated as wind/water. It is believed that properly placed items will increase the chi or qi, which translates into life force energy.


Storing deodorizer refills in an egg carton.

Reuse Egg CartonsI use egg cartons to store my B&BW wallflower refills in the drawer. They are easy to look through and upright so they do not leak. I just cut the top off and set the bottom in it to reinforce it. You could also use it to organize other things (sewing, screws, etc.).


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Check for Drug InteractionsI take 32 pills per DAY, not week, and 2 eyedrops, and 5 topical ointments. I put them all on and found that I can only take 8 of them! Half interferes with one drug, and the other half totally wrecks glaucoma! One of the eyedrops interferes with the main drug, too.


A wok stir frying vegetables.

Making Stir Fry at HomeMy son recently moved away from home and has been asking me for cooking tips for some of his favorite foods. I have made stir fry about once a week for my family for many years. It's a great way to use up excess veggies. I figured that I would share my tips with you all.


Masks hanging on small hooks.

Storing and Caring for Face MasksAlthough mask mandates were stopped earlier this summer, the new variants of COVID-19 are bringing them back. Many areas require masks for any indoor public places and some places, like hospitals and courtrooms, have never stopped requiring them. Here are some tips and tricks that may help you keep your masks organized and at hand when you need them.


A container with lids in the bottom for drainage.

Drip Drain for WatermelonThese two stackable containers come in handy for many things. I pulled out four plastic lids and they fit perfectly. They are deep enough to keep the watermelon out of the juice which keeps it crisp and fresh. If needed, I can punch holes in them for more drainage.


A recycled jar with change inside.

Change ShortageMy husband and I save our change. It's quicker and more convenient for us to get change back from the clerk than it is to carry change with us. However, there is a change shortage now so when I get a pint jar full, I roll it in coin wrappers and take it to the bank. They are so appreciative to get it. I turned in $46.50 a couple of weeks ago. I was surprised to see it was that much. It does not take long to fill a pint jar.


A tomato with a nose like extrusion.

Tomatoes with CharacterWe have had some funny looking tomatoes in our garden this year. Number one would have made a good Pinocchio character and number 2 has some spots that look like eyes and a dent that makes it look like it is smiling.


Watermelons protected with chicken wire.

Chicken Wire To Protect Garden From AnimalsWe have a few watermelons in our garden this year. Three weeks ago, it was a disappointment to find that an animal, probably a deer, had bitten a huge gash out of one. To remedy this problem, we covered them with chicken wire and have not had any more problems.


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Fog Free Bathroom MirrorWhat I do to keep my bathroom mirror from being fogged up after my shower is this. When I shave, there's usually some shaving cream left in my hand or lather cup, so I smear it on the mirror. With a bit of moist tissue, clean the mirror, which I believe is a very nice clean. When I get out of the shower, the mirror is fog free. No grabbing a towel and stricking it up or waiting for it to clear. So I can finish up and start my day.


A box holding a watermelon in a trunk.

Box for Transporting WatermelonIt's that time of the year when those delicious watermelons are in season. When we know we are going to pick up one or two, we put a box or the clothes basket in the trunk of the car to put it in. This secures the watermelon and keeps it from rolling around loose.


A baby shower cake with an animal theme.

Using the Nursery Theme for the Baby ShowerI used the motif of the nursery theme for the cake, also in a frame where the beverages were being served. I got the matching gift bag. Then using baby hangers, ribbon and blue clothes pins, I hung each outfit up, tied it to the ribbon on the hanger, knotted it, then went on to the next outfit. Total of twelve hangers, leaving at the end a tied round handle dangling from the bag that said'"pull me!"'


An umbrella with a sticky handle.

Fix for Sticky RubberWith time, some plastic and rubber can get a sticky, gummy feel. I had an umbrella like this. I made a paste of baking soda and water, rubbed it over the affected area with my hands, rinsed and dried. It worked so well and now I don't need to replace the umbrella.


Cat Litter Box Tip

Cat Litter Box TipMost of you have likely seen the large plastic box type litter box that has a square cut out for the cat to enter, this is what my cats use. The actual tip is how a Command hook is very handy to hang up the scooper. I have a small lined bucket for the deposits near by.


Using the blank back of a piece of junk mail as scratch paper.

Use Junk Mail For Scratch PaperWe receive a lot of junk mail. Instead of putting it in the trash, I go through it and tear off anything that would identify us and save the blank parts for scratch paper. The remainder goes in the paper recycling container.


A frying pan of green beans.

Freeze Green Beans for Stir FryingWhen we first started getting green beans from the garden, I did not have enough to fill the canner so I froze them. If they are small and tender, they are so good stir fried in a little olive oil, salt and garlic powder.


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Use Mini Blinds for Plant MarkersIf you have ever had to replace venetian blinds, don't throw them out before you cut several of the plastic strips off to use for plant markers. They can be as long or as short as you want them to be. Happy gardening!


A collection of fast food receipts.

Save Fast Food ReceiptsNormally when we occasionally stop by a fast food restaurant we used to discard or leave behind our receipts but now I keep mine in my car. If I end up stopping by some other day, I will first check the receipts and see if they offer a buy one get one item (often a sandwich!) at the bottom of the receipt for sharing about my visit online. I will THEN go online and answer their questions then get the code to use that receipt for a BOGO immediately afterward!


Don't Shrink Your CrocsI purchased my first pair of Crocs this year and was really enjoying them especially working out in the garden. Crocs are made of Croslite which is a comfortable material that shapes itself according to the wearer's feet. I learned to not put my Crocs out in the hot sun for a long time, especially if they are wet.


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You Don't Have to Buy a New Car If You Have a ToyotaI am a female, through and through, old fashioned, not old, old enough to know better, so I know very little about cars. I have a "new" transmission in my 2000 Chevy Malibu when it was the motor mount that was doing something--and didn't need replacing!! After that, I'm scared to DEATH of any mechanic. I finally said, Hey, I'm going to buy a better car.


Using a thick book for step exercises

Thick Book for Step ExercisesAfter sitting on the shelf for many years, this 1969 dictionary has come in handy. I don't want to get rid of it and I've found another use for it.


Using a cloth to avoid smudges on the microwaves.

Stop Smudges Before They StartA newlywed asked the question, "How do I keep my house clean with as little maintenance as possible?" on one of the Facebook groups I belong to.


Barn Swallow eggs in a nest.

Barn SwallowsBarn swallows were building a nest on the ledge of our porch. It did not look like a good place for a nest as the ledge is just an inch wide. Maybe we didn't need to do this but my husband put a little piece of plywood across the ledge to make a shelf for the nest.


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