Photo of a pan with homemade spaghetti sauce in it.

Tomato Sauce Recipes?This is a page about making spaghetti sauce using fresh tomatoes from your garden. Included are recipes and tips for making tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes.


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Septic Tank Tips?I bought a house in the boondocks, with private water and septic. What are the dos and don'ts? I love bleach as a disinfectant, is it okay to use?


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Making Gift BasketsI enjoy making gifts using baskets from thrift shops and filling it with tons of the samples I order from the internet. If the items are basically shampoo, conditioners, etc. I will line the basket with a couple of hand towels and wash cloths.


More Gift IdeasHere's my idea for inexpensive holiday gifts. It saves me some money to make many of my holiday gifts this way, and people seem to like them.


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Saving Money on VeggiesVisit fruit and vegetable markets and check out their marked down bins for slightly bruised and immediate use items at discount prices!


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Big List of Useful TipsRead a big list of useful tips sent in by Mary Kaye.


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Odd Foods That Can Be Frozen?I would like to know from your readers what are some odd foods that you can freeze. I found out you can freeze grapes, saves on throwing them out. Please let me know of other odd foods that can be frozen.


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Inexpensive Baby Gift Ideas?I need a new baby gift for a baby boy. I'm low on money. Thanks.


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Buying a Boot Dryer?Recently I was reading an answer to someone's request. I don't even know what the question was. But I do remember several answers included using a boot dryer, several mentioned buying this tool. Could someone tell me where I might purchase such a machine?


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Hardwood Floors and Rubber-Backed Mats?My husband wanted to purchase a rubber-backed mat to put under the chair at our computer desk. I feel that a rubber surface on a hardwood floor is not a good idea. Anyone have experience with this?


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Weed Control for the GardenPlace pieces of newspaper between your rows or plants. Each time you mow your lawn, dump your grass clippings over the paper. You won't have anymore weed problems, and it helps out your soil when you till it under for the next year.


Earthquake Art

I received these pictures from a relative that lives in Port Townsend, Washington. This is a drawing done by a sand tracing pendulum in a shop there in response to the shaking of the earthquake. Click on the headline to see larger pictures.


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Discarding Unneeded ItemsOnce a month go through all of your drawers and closets for discards. Put discards in a box for donation or to sell at a garage sale. If for a garage sale, make sure you price things as you pack them. It will make your sale much easier.


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Prevent Sliding Car RampsTo prevent your car ramps from sliding across the concrete garage floor while trying to drive up the ramps (to change the oil, etc.), try drilling a half inch hole in the concrete in front of each ramp and inserting a large nail; no more sliding ramps!


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Solution for Big ContainersShopping at the warehouse stores gives you gallon size containers which are cumbersome. The small size sport squirt top water/drink bottles are great for holding a manageable supply of oil, soy sauce or vinegar.



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Print on Email for AOL?Is there any way I can receive these newsletters on BOLD PRINT? - AOL Reader


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Cleaning My Chimney?Does anyone know how to clean creosote out of my chimney? Does stuff like Red Devil work?


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Keeping Soap DryI keep bath soap in an old nylon stocking in the bath. I can then use the soap just fine and hang it up after use for drying so it doesn't get mushy.


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Convenience FoodsI cook from scratch, which is a big money saver. I rarely buy convenience foods. Once in a while I will find a tremendous deal on something, only then do I buy it.


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Chocolate Stains on Rugs?Does anyone know how to get chocolate and wine stains out of rugs? Or a good universal carpet stain remover?


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Credit Card Frequent Flyer MilesUse one Visa/MasterCard and charge everything. For years we flew to Hawaii using frequent flyer awards to upgrade to business and first class for the same price as economy fare in "scrunch class."


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Save Money: Join a Food Co-opJoin your local food co-op to save on buying everyday items.


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Tiger Motif?My teenage daughter went back to school after her spring break. We want to redecorate her room while she is away. She chose a tiger motif. Any ideas? Thanks.


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Buy Bulk Salsa and Freeze Some for LaterOne of the best deals I've found is buying salsa or taco sauce in bulk containers. Freeze in recycled plastic containers.


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Check Soda Cartons for CouponsWhile consuming a 24 pack of soda, be sure to check the underside of the cardboard insert between the top & bottom layers of cans. You will frequently find coupons (still valid) associated with previous promotions. Angela


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Making Something Out of Things That Some People Throw in the TrashSave butter wrappers instead of throwing them away. Just toss them in a Ziploc bag (you keep for that purpose) in the refrigerator or freezer and use them to grease pans in the future. Read more...


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Tour USA Thrifty Style?Have travel trailer and want to tour USA with 2 sons, 12 and 9. Will home school on the road. Would appreciate any thrifty tips re: where to stay, inexpensive interesting historical, entertainment, outdoor/indoor museums, etc, that won't eat up our budget.


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Missing Your Newsletter or Happy Garden Posts?Our apologies to all newsletter and list subscribers. Due to changes in our web server, the list server has not been serving the lists. (I may rename it the "list nonserver".


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Pillsbury Orange Walkabouts?Does anyone have a recipe from Pillsbury called "Orange Walkabouts"? It is a strudel-like dough with nuts and orange (I think) flavoring rolled up in it. Someone gave me a taste and said that's what they were called, said she got it from the contest Pillsbury had a few years ago.


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Cleaning Your Sink But Allergic to Cleaning ProductsIf you are allergic to cleaning products, use baking soda to clean your sinks with. It works great!



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ISO Decorating Ideas for a H.S. Band Banquet?Need do-it-yourself ideas for centerpieces and gift bags for seniors!


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The Gift of AttentionThe gift of attention to the elderly is the best and easiest gift that anyone can make. I think that taking the time to visit an elderly relative is a great way to brighten up their day. Cookies and a smile are always welcome.


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Water Softener Recommendations?The hardness of our water now exceeds 20 grains and we have been told that in order to get clean glasses from the dishwasher we must install a water softener. Any recommendations on this type of appliance?


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Thrifty TipsHere's some great tips for June. If you have a thrifty tip, add it in the feedback.


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Saved Money When I Got Rid of My FreezerThough I loved my freezer when we first got it, over the years it wasn't freezing as well. Eventually I had to throw out food. We have only had the top of our fridge freezer for 9 months now.


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More Water Softening Problems?The hardness of our water tested at 20 grains. Best advice seems to be to install a water softener. Since neither sodium or potassium is acceptable in husband's diet we were advised to install softener on hot water only. Is this a viable solution? Is there a better way?


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Food and Kitchen TipsHere are this weeks Food and Kitchen tips from Clipper Readers.


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New Relationship Birthday Present Ideas?I have just recently started dating after getting divorced. I have been seeing this person on and off for about two months. My problem is that his birthday is coming up next week and I have no idea what to get him or do for him on his birthday.


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Budgeting for Entertainment?Hi, I am trying to set up a strict budget and wonder how much is normal to set aside for entertainment?


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Planet Protector's KitHere's a great kit for your young budding environmentalists.


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Grease/Oil Stains on Asphalt?Can anyone tell me how to get grease/oil removed from asphalt? I've heard kitty litter works, but some of the stains could be as old as 5 months. Thanks a bunch.


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Best Time to Buy Back to School Clothes?This is my daughter's second year of school. She will be in the first grade. Is it less expensive to buy her clothes now or after school starts? She already has one new outfit to wear for the first day. - Jennifer


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Extra Back to School Expenses for High School?My son is heading for high school this year. We are on a very tight budget and have other children. What added expenses should I expect during the first weeks of school?


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Experiences With AmeriDebtBeware of agencies like AmeriDebt to consolidate your debt. Read my daughter's story and feel free to add your own experiences.


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Packaging Odds and EndsIn the "Clipper" last week we had a tip about reusing the plastic that backs bacon for making hamburger patties. Linne sent in a response that inspired this brainstorm (it is posted below). We're opening this up beyond bacon backing, what odds and ends of packaging do you reuse and how do you use them.



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Replacing Griddle?Years ago I purchased an electric griddle and I think it was some type of galvanized aluminum. It lasted me about 35 years. It was about 8 1/2" x 11" and was fully immersible. It had a small opening in the middle on the edge so that you could empty any excess fat.


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The Terrible Events of the DayIn light of the devastating events in the United States today (September 11, 2001) there will not be any more ThriftyFun newsletters this week.


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In Memory of those LostAll of us at Thrifty Fun extend our sincere condolences to all of those who have lost family and friends from this terrible tragedy.


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Mail Box Covers or Decorations?Thanks for the hint about using table cloth to cover mailbox. Does anyone else have any cheap ideas on how to cover the regular silver colored mailboxes? I really want to cover mine.


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Campbell Soup Curtains?My daughter is re-doing her kitchen decorations. Over the years she has collected Campbell's soup collectibles. I saw some Campbell soup curtains somewhere and did not mention them to her as I thought she was no longer collecting Campbell's. Now I cannot remember where the curtains were.


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Looking for Tiered Circle Boxes?I am looking for a company that would sell boxes at a thrifty price. I am planning on making 3 tier snowmen as gifts for co-workers and friends. Does anyone know of a company that sells tiered circle boxes for a cheap rate?


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Shopping for a Teapot with Cup Set?I would like to find a catalog that has a single teapot that fits over a cup so that the cup warms while the tea is brewing. One that is not too expensive.


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Allergic Materials in Carpets?We are in the process of replacing our carpet in the bedroom. I'm reading about allergic responses to some carpet materials. Can you elaborate? My husband says "it's from the adhesive bonding materials used." Is he right?


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Make a Spice Bag with a Coffee FilterI am in the process of making pear butter this week and will be making pumpkin butter next week. My recipe said to place the spices in cloth and tie to make a spice bag. I didn't have any "cheese cloth" so I used a coffee filter and tied it with thread.


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Adoption Gift Ideas?I need a gift idea for family who has just finalized an adoption. The kids are too old for new baby gifts any ideas? Thanks


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Getting Tape off Wooden Furniture?Does anyone know how to get Scotch tape and brown tape off wooden furniture? It is impossible to peel off now. Thanks.


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Painting Advice Needed?I am painting before the holidays. I painted in the spring and old nicotine stains from a previous resident of our home came through the paint. How can I keep this from happening again?


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Ink Stains Off Paneling?Help! I am trying to clean a pen mark and permanent ink mark off of paneling in a manufactured home. Any ideas would be appreciated.


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Unique Christmas Gifts?What are your ideas for unique Christmas gifts. Something that is either handmade or reused or consumable. - rockytopp


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Family Present?I'm supposed to send some friends a "family" present. A gift for the whole family for under $20. Any ideas? There are 5 in the family, mom, dad, and 3 kids 5-9.


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Cool Christmas LinksSome great sites for Christmas ideas, one for carols, recipes, ecofriendly holidays, gingerbread and more.


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Interesting Old Cleaning TipsHere are some age old cleaning tips about wallpapering, fixing gouges and scratches in wood furniture, door mats and repairing rugs.


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Charcoal and Mothballs?When we visit in Florida you find little trays of charcoal under the beds or couch. Also they use moth balls all over the place. Does anyone know really if all that is necessary? or why?


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Church Dinner Centerpieces?Our church is having their annual parish dinner. I need to create 33 centerpieces with an international theme. I would like to spend between $3-5/each centerpiece. Any suggestions? Help!


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A Bright Idea for an AngelDo you Just throw your lightbulbs out when they burn out? Here is a cute craft idea to use your burnt out bulbs. Make it into an angel! Click the link below to read the instructions.


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French Vanilla Coffee Recipe?I need a recipe for French vanilla coffee like the General Foods International makes. I drink so much of this and it is too expensive for me these days.


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Alternate ModesRecently, we flew from Newark to West Palm Beach on business, and stayed a few extra days to visit with our daughter. Since this was the first time we flew since 9/11, we didn't know what to expect, so we allowed plenty of time before the flight. Read about Bob's flight.


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Ink Cleaner/Remover?All Ideas are welcome. IS there any safety ink-cleaner emover, makes this old (chaired)man happy again?. My grand father (65 yrs) is an old typewriter, and still using the mechanical-style printer with newspaper ink. And because oldness, he makes a lot of typing mistakes, May any one help? - Amayruee


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Kitchen Counter Tops?Does anyone know how to shine up a dingy counter top? After regular everyday cleaning and wiping with a kitchen spray, my kitchen counter is dingy and streaky. I would like it to not look so dull but new and shiny. Any suggestions?


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How to Use Dried Foods (PDF)Dried vegetables and fruits provide convenient and delicious additions to family meals. They can be used alone, in combination with other foods, or served for an accent to add flavor. Most uses require that the food be rehydrated, usually referred to as refreshing.


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Using It All - Canning Lid CentersWe have so many canning lid "centers" -- the round solid part and we can't figure out what to do with them except to paste pictures on them and we don't want to do that. We are looking for something that we could possibly use as a craft "item" for a craft sale. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for any help you can give us. - Lori


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Hotmail or Yahoo Newsletter DeliveriesWe've been having complaints from subscribers saying they are not receiving their newsletters. If you've been having that trouble or subscribe with a Yahoo or Hotmail address, please read the message here.


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Kitten in the Planter Boxes...Could someone give me some ideas on how to keep our baby kitten out of the planter boxes with flowers. - Jodi


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Opening Craft Pictures?How do I open those craft pictures that show half a page and then that little box at the bottom in the grey field? Sometimes it opens and sometimes it doesn't and I am not sure what I am doing -- and I just know I am MISSING A LOT!!! Thanks for your help. -Lori


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Characteristics of ChromeChromium is a hard blue-white metal with a brilliant luster that is generally used to plate other metals. Examples of use of chromium are car bumpers and handles, plating on appliances such as toasters, electric fry pans, and coffeemakers, and handles on ranges and refrigerators.


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House Boat Rentals? - CarolinasWe live on the central East Coast and would like to know where we can rent/lease a house boat for a vacation on the No. Car./So. Carolina coast. Can anyone help with this information? Thanks! - Gayle B.


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Deals?Does anyone know of the private web site that people post the deals and clearance items they get mostly from Target stores? Its a 2 word name. I was in the store one day, a woman came up to me and told me people write into it and let others know of the bargains they get from the store from other parts of the country that no all stores red tag, but are actually marked down. Please help. Thanks so much. - Laurie


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Food For Thought

A recent study revealed that Americans are eating 50% more junk food than they were 20 years ago. In fact, across all age groups, the consumption of snacks, soda and junk food is making our nation fatter and unhealthier than ever.


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The Future

Why are there so many books written on "getting out of debt" and "saving for retirement"? Why do so many people study these subjects or subscribe to newsletters that address these issues?


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Iceberg Lettuce TipWhen preparing iceberg lettuce for serving, break it apart instead of cutting it with a knife to help prevent it from browning.


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Lilac Bushes?How do you start one from another bush? Do you just cut a piece off - or what? Thanks, Annie-M


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magnetic rods?Anyone know where you can buy those small magnetic rods for steel doors- small ones for the windows along the sides? E-mail if you know - Lawnfitness


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9 Tips to Control Your Paper at Home10 great tips on keeping paper (newspapers, junk mail) from burying you and being able to find the important papers.


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July Mealtime IdeasAh! the month of July - hot, hot, and hot. Meals still have to be prepared and they should awaken very sluggish appetites. The food should not heat up the kitchen or the cook. The flavor should be brisk and the colors bright. So - what do you prepare when the temperatures soar but the desire to cook and stay in the kitchen is at an all-time low? Try some of these menu ideas and maybe they will just hit the spot!


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Black Skirt/White Sofa Help!I sat on my off white sofa with my black skirt. OH No I noticed a few minutes later the black dye rubbed off onto my sofa ....HELP . What can I do to wash it off I really don't have a clue. - Sue the Hummingbird


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One Day Only SaleI love the idea and tradition of giving one day to each child - during every season, not just the holidays.


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My 11 year old just received a CREDIT CARD!Have you notice that you can barley get though all your junk mail and now your kids are getting junk mail. Sometimes they are receiving magazines in their names or even pre approved credit cards. How can this be when they don't even have jobs?


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Hanging Lights?My son is turning 8 and we just painted his room a caruso blue making his room look darker now. there is no ceiling light, just a light switch connected to an outlet. I would like to do some kind of hanging light from the ceiling that doesn't require "remodeling" of any kind. any ideas? P.S. His birthday is at the end of this month, i would like to have it done by then. - Jennifer


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Healthier Cleaning Cleaning Can Be Hazardous To Your Health. Please don't use bleach to clean with. It is being linked to Cancer, Asthma and other illnesses. Vinegar, Baking Soda and Tea Tree Oil are super natural cleaners which can't hurt you or your family or your pets.


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Yellow Nails?Can anyone help me find an easy way to lighten up my nails to a more natural color. They have yellowed over years of painting. - Michelle


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Using TomatoesI have way too many tomatoes this year. Because this is a new problem for me, what should I do to preserve and use them? Jennifer L.


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Wallet Stain on Khaki Pants?I got wet while wearing my clothes (khaki pants) and my leather wallet stained my pants. Any tips on removing the stain? Thanks - David


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Seasoned Pepper and Texas Toast?Do you know of a recipe for homemade seasoned pepper, Bon Appetit Seasoning and/or a bread recipe for Texas Toast?


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Various Old Food TipsThese are interesting food tips from an old book: Asparagus will retain it's beautiful green if cooked uncovered in an open saucepan with water to cover. Asparagus water is full of vitamins and can be served separately.


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Effects on Food Prices Due to Longshoreman LockoutRight now because of the Longshoreman's lock out on the West Coast, ships are lining up off shore. Containers can't be unloaded and shipments going out are stuck either on the docks or back at their source.


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Preparations for WinterWe all make preparations for winter. Depending on where we live it can be a little or a lot. What preparations do you make for winter.


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