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Dematting a Cat?Does anyone have any good ideas for dematting a cat? Is my only option getting her shaved? Thanks in advance for the help!


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Kitty on the Counters?Any idea how to keep my kitten off of the kitchen counter? She runs when you see her. When I catch her I do spank her. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Frugal Dog Toys?Do you have any frugal chew toy ideas for dogs that are safe?


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Keeping Dogs Out of My Yard?How do I keep the local dogs from relieving themselves on my property? I have tried black pepper, moth balls, Lysol, Pine Sol, and some of those sprays specifically designed to keep dogs away. What is a person to do, summer is just around the corner?


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Keeping Cats Off Cars?Does anyone have a solution for cats getting up on your car and leaving cat prints and scratches all over? Thanks!


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Cat Friendly Plants?I have a brick planter on my back porch, it gets very little light. I want to put plants there, but I have a great friend, my cat, and I don't want to make him sick with "bad" plants. Please suggest plants I could use. He chews sometimes.


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Kitten in the Planter Boxes...Could someone give me some ideas on how to keep our baby kitten out of the planter boxes with flowers. - Jodi


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Big Barker: Tone Down By Barking Dog?Could anyone lend me some advice on how to tone down my barking dog. She barks when she sees people or when she's nervous. I haven't had alot of luck training her. Please Help..I think my neighbors are starting to get annoyed. - Michelle


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Cat Problem: Old Cat Urinating Everywhere?My cats have been urinating in different parts of the house, no way to predict where. They have a litter box but are getting up there in age and may be confused. Any suggestions on how to stop this?


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Kitten Accident Problem?Hi! My boyfriend is currently living with his sister, and about 3 months ago she got a kitten. He is a very sweet, yet energetic kitty! The problem is, his sister closes her bedroom door at night.


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Old set-in cat odor problem?How can I remove old set-in pet odor problems?


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Cystitis in Cats?Does anyone have any ideas on dealing with cats that tend to get feline cystitis? Can't afford the vets these days. A bit late I know, but I've realised having a cat comes in the "luxury" bracket! thegratewun


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Cat Problem?I have a 8 yr old male cat who recently dislikes my boyfriend. He did nothing to my cat. All of a sudden after six months of being together my boy hisses at my boyfriend when he comes over, he went to pet my boy and he bit him. The other day my boy and my boyfriend both in kitchen, my boy hunched in chair, growling, hissing, boyfriend doing dishes then my boy deficated on my chair. I feel he is jealous, because my boyfriend does not allow my boy nor female in the bedroom when he comes over. My female who is 14 yrs old is ok with this but not my boy. Please help me!


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Prevent Cat from Peeing on Friend's Clothing?For some reason, when ever I have company over my cat decides to not use the litter box. Instead, he pees on my friends clothing or on the carpet. I guess guests upset him but he is generally a friendly cat. Anyone had this problem? - Mel


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Keep Cat From Walking on My Roof?I have an elderly neighbor that leaves his door open at night for his beloved cat. I know that his cat is a handful, his drapes are shredded! The problem is the cat climbs on my roof at night. My roof is flat and it is noisy and wakes me up. I then have a hard time going back to sleep. I tried the gallon water jugs in the yard. I do get up and try to hose the cat, but he has caught on to me. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Sue from California



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Birdcage Decorating Ideas?I am interested in seeing tips on how to decorate a large iron bird cage. The cage was made in Italy and my husband doesn't want to use it because the prior bird died in it. He has repainted it but it is just sittling collecting dust. I would like to add silk plants and lights but I have no imagination for these kinds of things. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Lynda from South Carolina


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Looking for Birdcage Plans?I Would like to make my own bird cage. I recently Bought Finches. I plan on getting more. My cage is going to be large, like an aviary. Can anyone help me on this project please. Thanks Sharyl


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Looking for Paint for a Bird Cage? Hi, I am building a large bird cage for my pet birds and need help. I am not using chicken wire but stronger fencing and I am wondering if any one would know if stores sell the plastic coating that normal bird cages have? Do they sell a spray paint that I can spray on fencing? I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing but I'm going for it anyway. Thanks, Lu-Lu


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Dog is Losing its Hair & Request for Flea Remedy?What's the best home remedy to get fleas off my dogs, and what can i do about them losing their hair? Charlotte


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Transporting a Horse?I am moving from Oregon to Idaho for a couple years to go to school and I need to get my horse there. I have a truck but no trailer. I need to find a trailer to rent. A one way rental would be nice? Anyone have any advice? Kandice


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3 Cats that Don't Get Along?I have three cats. The first being the biggest and the third still a kitten. The kitten is not the problem here, he gets along with everyone. The oldest cat lives in EXTREME fear of the middle cat, and pees everywhere because of it and cries all the time. The middle cat is aggressive with him and always looking to attack him when possible. I'm not sure what to do about this. My oldest cat barely comes out of the closet because he feel safe in there. How do I get the middle cat to stop attacking? How can I train him that it is wrong? Any suggestions would help. Thanks alot, Matao


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Puppy Eating Dog Mess?How do you get a 10 month old puppy to stop eating dog mess?


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Pet Vaccines?Can you give your own rabies vaccines to dogs and where would you order that? Kathy


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Can I Have Another Kitten?I have and cat and a kitten. Can I have another kitten in a 860 square foot house? - Lizzie


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Leather Furniture and Dogs?Can anyone advise me as to whether it is a good idea to buy a leather suite for a house with a pet dog? I am worried about marks on the leather, however much you watch a dog there are always going to be times when it could 'paw' the leather, any advice would be gratefully accepted. Many Thanks, Joyce from Lancashire


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Keeping Pet Cats Out of the House?I would like to request someone to tell me how to keep pet cats out of the house.


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Candle Wax on Dog?I just spilt wax on my dog! Any tips other than the iron or spirits? Poor thing Dan


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Dog has Horrible Spreading Hot Spots and Skin Smells Like Bleach When Bathing?My yorkie/poodle 10 yr old dog starting getting hot spots about a year ago. It is destroying his life, his skin, his fur and I don't know what to do. I have tried used tea bags, still working on that. Maybe it takes time.


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Inexpensive Ferret Cage and Toys?I bought my first ferret about 2 weeks ago and I love her to death. She is just a baby, about 8 weeks old. She loves to climb and crawl through everything, but I don't have much that is safe for her to do that in. I have a cage, but it's not enough.


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Insulating a Pet Door for Winter?I have a pet door that my 3 little girls (doggies) go out during the day and night. The problem is that during the winter I am losing heat but hate to close off the door.



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Calming Down Your Pets With Comfort Oil?Has anyone used a product called comfort zone? You plug it into a wall socket, it has some kind of oil in it. To help calm down your pets. Ruthann


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Cat Peeing In Kids Room?I have had my cat for 3 years, nevered peed before and now he pees only in the kids room where he sleeps. The cat is fixed. What do i do? Robert


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Birds Aren't Interested in Suet?I've hung an onion bag of suet next to my regular platform feeder for several weeks now, and haven't noticed a single bird partaking of it. We get lots of sparrows, finches, and junkoes at the feeder, but none seem interested in the suet bag.


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Problem With Neighbor - My Dog's Life is in Danger!I have never gotten along with the renter next door for one reason or another. But, now, he has taken his cruelty out on something else - my dog! He is purposely leaving chicken bones in his backyard to attract my dog over, hoping that she will choke on one of them! How horrible is that? I have no idea what to do, it's not like it's against the law, so I really can't call the police, but something needs to be done or my dog might choke on one of these bones! But, please keep in mind this guy hates me with a passion and will do anything to hurt me or my dogs! Please help quick! Thank you! Kelly


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Temperment of Schnoodles?I really need some info on the cross breed of the Snoodle (Schnoodle). the Breeders all say great things but they are of course selling these babies for a living. Please let me know if you have first hand experience with this mix.


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My New Puppy Has Bugs?I have recently purchased a puppy. I am finding in the hair white bugs and the skin is flaking off the puppy. I have used the method of vinegar and water to spray this puppy with because he is only 5 weeks old. Is this fleas? I don't see any black spots or even black bugs of any sort. The bug is white with two little legs. Kind of like a white fly bug that you find on stems of carrots. The puppy has bumps all over its coat. Is this due to the bugs? I am wondering if I should take the dog back to were I bought it from to get my money back. He is a heathy dog otherwise. Can anyone help? Snowstress, Wisconsin


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Keeping Clasps on Dog Chains From Freezing?I have several inside dogs and a real problem in the winter is the hooks that are on their chains left outside freeze up and it makes it so hard to hook them out when they need to take a trip outside in the winter time.


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Inappropriate Cat Behavior?I have never heard of this problem with cats. My niece has two neutered male cats, Sammi and Buddha. They are about 5 years old and are from the same litter.


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Solutions For Shedding?I have a Jack Russell Terrier that really sheds, and all I know to do is suck it up with my vaccuum daily, and it's still full by morning. Keeping a sweater on her helps, but won't be good for the summer. If you know of any good solutions please let me know. Sandy in Kansas


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Looking For Website That Gives Pet Advice?Does anyone know of a web site I can go to and find information about animal behavior problems -- for example, a question and answer type site. Thank you. "Mike"


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Encouraging A Blind Cat To Be More Active?Anyone have any tips on how to get a blind cat to be more active? I have a 2 1/2 year old overweight female cat who has been blind since birth and was declawed by a previous owner before I took her in. She was already overweight and has only lost about half a pound since last year.


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Hummingbird Feeder Instructions?I'm looking for ideas on how to transform jars or wine bottles into hummingbird feeders. Any ideas on how to decorate the glass would be great and ideas on where to get the feeder tubes and how to secure them to the jar lid would be great too. Thanks! Tammy


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When Can You Let a Puppy Be Outside Alone?I have a 6 week old puppy and I wanted to know when is the best time to start leaving her out in the backyard alone to play? Is she too young? Will she be permanently fearful if I leave her out? Will she be afraid of neighbor's dog when he barks? I would greatly appreciate some advice on this. Thanks, sphinx


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Making A Crinkle Toy For Cats?How do I make one of those crinkle toys for my cats to jump on? There has to be a way to make something like those crinkle bags you see all of the time. Jenny in KY


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How do I move a blind cat to a new house?My 14 year old Siamese cat was just diagnosed with Progressive Retinal Atrophy. He seems to be about 50% blind and we are moving from New York to Florida in 6 months. I imagine by then his blindness will be more acute. My concern is two fold...



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Need to Find a Reputable Himalayan Cat Breeder?I have a 10 month old Pure Bred Chocolate Point Himalayan and am really in need of some help finding a reputable Himalayan Cat Breeder near my Home of Elmira, NY.


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Our Dog Is Waking Up Early?I have a german shepard/Spaniel mix who has decided to get up at 5:30am every morning. This a new situation. We take her out at 9pm or even as late as 10pm, but she won't let us sleep past 530am. Please help! Seven hours may be enough for her, but it isn't for us. Sherry


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Funny Kitten Feeding Habit?My two kittens have recently started to scratch the tiled floor next to their dishes while they are eating. It looks like they are digging in their litter box, but it has never led to them using the floor as their toilet. Does anyone know what this is about? DebC


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My kitten won't stop sucking my hair!Please can someone let me know why my kitten insists on sitting on my hair when I am sleeping and sucking and "kneading" it? I try to get her to stop, I am using a spray bottle, but I was hoping to understand WHY she does it to see if I can discourage it. DebC


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Treating a Pet Rat With Fleas?I have a rat who has fleas and I can't get rid of them, any suggestions? Keelie


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Schnoodle That Bites?My name is Baxter, I am a 9 week old schnoodle. I like to bite instead of love. Can anyone tell my mom If this is normal for a schnoodle. According to everything she has read I am supposed to be very loving. Well I'm not. Baxter


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Aggressive Dog Behaviour?I have a 10 month old poodle/cavilier spaniel cross. He is the greatest dog, but has a very annoying habit of humping peoples legs when they come to visit. I scold him and get visitors to talk crossly to him, but he continues to do it as soon as someone comes in. Any suggestions?


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Agressive Lab?I have a 1 1/2yr old Chocolate Lab. He is a great dog, sweet, and well behaved. The only problem is he does not like my one son who is 12. This all started happening about 6 months ago. He had surgery and was away from us for about 5 days,(for swallowing a ball that blocked his intestines) about a week after he was home he started showing signs of agression with certain children, (but not all, like I said he is very sweet)


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Keeping Cats from Scratching My Sculpture?I have a lovely wooden sculpture on my front porch. My cat has started using it to sharpen her claws. Does anyone know of anything that I can do to prevent her from ruining my sculpture?


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Preventing a Dog From Digging?My dogs digs terribly. I need a way to keep her in her pin. Please help. Thank you, Lorissa


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Candle Wax On Dog?My POOR GOLDEN LAB knocked a candle warmer off onto his coat, and now is covered in candle wax! I tried to explain to him it was not his fault, but now he looks kind of weird, AND feels embarrassed. :( any suggestions? I don't think ironing him will work, and I don't want to cut his fur yet. Darn. Hate it when that happens. Buddy and Diana SW Idaho


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Catching Guinea Pig Escapees?Our Moma guinea pig escaped into the vegetable garden some weeks ago. This is an area of about an eigth of an acre with large shrubs and bushes, a hothouse with a jungle of foliage plants, many clumps of herbs and other plants all providing unlimited hiding places.


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Cat Pees on Dirty Laundry only?My cat seems to pee only on my dirty clothes. Any idea's on why? She is almost 2 yrs old, and her litter box is kept clean. Please help with any ideas of how to make her go back to using her litter box. No changes in the household. Debbie


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Cat Peeing on Baby Seats?My 7 week old kitten keeps peeing on my grandchild's seats. i know she uses the litter pan, but don't know why she started this habit. is there some natural deterent that i can use? Pam


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Are Pink Cupido Roses Toxic?My cat likes to chew on this Pink Cupido-its a sort of rose bush- and everywhere I look to see if this sort of plant is toxic, it doesn't say a thing! Not a thing about rose bushes... so I was curious if anyone knew if a Pink Cupido is toxic to cats or not. I'd appreciate the help. Thanks. Kacie


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Kitty Litter Mess?My cat, who is now almost 18 years old, now uses two litter boxes overnight because after one use she doesn't want to go in the same box again. The problem is I have kitty litter granules EVERYWHERE. She tracks the stuff all over the place and I can't seem to keep ahead of the mess.


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Family Feud - Dog and Cat Fighting?I have many animals. Two of these animals cannot get along very well, my dog (a Lhasa Apso mixed w/ Scottish Terrier and Jack Russel Terrier, 4 years old) Misty and my cat (long haired marmalade tabby 9 years old) Butterpatch.


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Cat Always Pees Inside?I have a problem with my cat! She can be outside all day and then one more trip out before I go to bed but she always pees inside! Anyway to stop this and to take away smell? jennifer


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Cat Post Repair?We have a rather expensive and heavy cat post approximately 6 feet high. It is lined with carpeting. Our cat recently passed away and we are in the process of finding a new cat.


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Help Training a 9 Week Old Pit Bull?I have a 9 week year old pit bull that I have many questions about. He keeps niping everything, me, my furniture, everything! When he licks my face he sometimes nips. What should I do?


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Elderly Cat Peeing By Front Door?Please help, my 15 year old cat keeps peeing by the front door. I've used tin foil to cover it, what else will work?


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What to Use for Bunny Litter?Can I use Scoop Away cat litter as bunny litter? I have a Netherland dwarf bunny. brattykitty


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Breeding Around a Pit Bull?I have an 1 1/5 year old male Pit Bull and a 4 year old female German Shepherd. I want to breed my shepherd with another shepherd but I am not sure if my Pit will like the pups or if he would hurt them. On any other dog I wouldn't worry but since he's a PIT BULL I don't know if I should breed my shepherd. The pit an shepherd grew up together.


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Dog Grooming Tips?Tips to help you groom you dog. Post your ideas.


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Skinny German Shepherd?I have a beautiful German Shepherd named Bullett, he is 2, but to look at him, he looks like I do not feed him. He goes to the vet for his check ups and does not have worms, parasites, etc. He eats like a pig but will not put any weight on.


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Remedies for Ringworm?I have a four month old Basset Hound puppy that the vet says has ringworms. I have bathed him in the medicated shampoo and used the cream she gave me, but he just doesn't seem to be getting better. Does anyone know of something to get rid of these things?


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Pit Bull Eating Grass?Hey guys, I would like your advice. I have a one month old pitbull which was given to us since her mom died. We are currently giving her milk that we bought at the store, the shops were closed down that sell dog milk.


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Helping a Scared Dog, Rescued From a Puppy Farm?We have adopted a problem dog from the local dog rescue who spent the first 18 months of his life locked in a barn of a puppy farm. He is of a beautiful nature but has not had any socialization and is a nervous wreck.


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Chihuahua's Maturity?I have a small chihuahua.Taco is almost 5 months old, he weighs 3 pounds. I am interested in knowing if anyone has an ideal at what age a small dog should reach their maturity in weight and height.


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Pup Fighting?Hello, I have a 13 week year old male pit bull puppy an a adult female german shepherd. The problem or at least what i think is the problem is that he (the Pit) likes to play fight with the shepherd. He growls and snarls and stuff. i think he's playing but i am not sure. Sometimes the shepherd doesnt seem to like it. Should i let this continue? Mike


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Boston Terrier Barking?Our 18 month old boston terrier has started barking at any noise in or outside the house. It is an awful bark that makes you jump out of your skin. Is there a way to stop him from this behavior?


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Manx Male Cat Poops on The Floor?I have a 3 year old Manx male cat. He is an inside house cat. He has never been outside very much. (He will not go out unless I pick him up and put him out.) The problem is he poops on the floor all the time sometimes as much as 3-4 times daily.


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Orphaned Kitty Flea Problem?I've got a 5 week old orphaned kitten. She didn't appear to have fleas at first but as I was bathing her, I noticed fleas going into her ear. They were too fast for me to catch. Would a flea remedy work even if the fleas go into her ears?


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Moving An (Old) Elderly Cat?I am moving with my cat who is 18. She is an indoor cat, but I'm afraid the new house is going to be a real shock. Any suggestions?


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Litter Box Problems With a Grown Cat?I have a male neutered cat that is 4 years old and given to me over a year ago. He had no vaccinations when we got him and he had diarreah. We had him on stomach medicine for 10 days and then got his shots.


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Dog Food Advice For My Schoodle?My Schnoodle is 10 months and a very picky eater. I want to buy him the best dog food. I heard that Chicken Soup was the best but I can't find it where I live. I am now feeding him Bil Jac dry food and Neutro Max wet food. I don't know how good this food is, so I want to change.


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What to Do About Mother Mallard That Has Laid Eggs?A mother mallard duck has laid 5 eggs next to our front porch and has been sitting on them for the past week I live in Wisconsin and it has been getting cold here lately. Do I feed this duck? if so what and how? Do I have to worry about her getting cold? What do I do after the eggs hatch? sally jo animal lover


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Getting Rid of Cat Urine Smell for Future Cats?We had a 10 yr old cat, who peed in several spots in my daughters room and in the upstairs hallway. I cleaned it very well, using vinegar, the smells are gone to the human nose. My fear is that even though it has been 3 yrs the new kitten may be able to smell it and think that it is OK to pee there. What do you all think?


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Suggestion For Helping a Shy Dog?I adopted a shy dog on August 7, 2004. Unlike most shy dogs, her shyness happened, I am assuming, from being dumped. She began showing up at the church where I worked during the day and night. She slept at the church every night for almost six weeks.


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Rottweiler With Health Problems?My rott is having problems with bloody stools and I cannot afford a vet. I have checked the internet for symptoms of hookworm and she does not show any of them for hookworm. Could it be a change in diet or the type of dog food we buy her that can cause this.


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Building a Cage For a Large Lizard?Has anyone built a large cage/house for a large lizard? We have a water dragon, and it apparently needs a cage about 6 feet wide and 4-5 feet high. My son wants to build one as a homeschooling project and we are looking for plans.


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Tapeworm Prevention With Dogs?I have a cocker spaniel who has been plagued by tapeworm infections lately. We go to the vet and get the medicine, but invariably, within the month, I am seeing worms in his stool again.


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Poem For a Pet Owner That Has Lost Their Pet - Put Me To Rest?I just learned that my best friend's son lost his beloved dog. He had a heart attack, and the vet said he would live in pain, and strongly suggested he euthanize him. It took the poor guy 3 hours at the vet's office to break down and allow the vet to go ahead. My heart breaks for him.


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Gerbils In The Same Cage?I just lost my male gerbil. Can I put 2 females in the same cage?


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Cat Urine on Dog Bed?My cat has just peed on our dog's bed. Right after I felt the wet spot I wiped it with soap and water. After that I did a mixture of vinager and water, it's still wet and smells like cat pee and vinegar. It still stinks.


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Cleaning Up After a Shedding Dog?My chocolate lab, Wrigley, is now 6 months old and he sleeps inside our bathroom at night. When morning comes, we open the bathroom door and there is TONS of dog hair covering our tile floor! This is EVERY morning.


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My Dog Eats Socks and Bras?My chocolate lab is 7 months old now and he has eaten, well actually -- swallowed whole, every pair of socks that I or my kids have tried to hide from him (he still finds them), and also has eaten 3 of my bras! He eats EVERYTHING!


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Giving a Cat a Haircut?My cat's very long hair has become matted over the past couple of months. Since it's so hot here in Texas now, I wanted to give her an overall short haircut to clean her up and keep her cooled off.


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Pets Catalog and Parvo Shots?I am in need of a catalog called, The Pets Catalog. I am requesting for one to be sent to me. Or anything on how to get free parvo shots for puppies ages 12-20 weeks old.


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Keeping Cats Out of the Motor of Your Car?I need some help on how to keep a cat from getting up in the motor of our car. If anyone can give me some advice quick I sure would appreciate it.


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Kittens Born in Insulation?I have baby kittens in the insulation of my trailer, I don't know how to get them out. I tried to catch the mother cat but every time I try to see where she is feeding the kittens she gets up.


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Cat Odor in Pop-up Camper?We recently bought a pop-up camper and after it had been closed up for a while, we popped it up and realized there was an odor in there from cat spray or cat pee. I bought stuff from the local vet that said would eliminate the smell and that didn't help.


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My Pit Bull Pup Thinks my Hands Are the Enemy?Hi all, I have an 8 week old Pit Bull pup. I love the little guy to death but he's a spritely fella and bites EVERYTHING he puts his mouth on. I made the MISTAKE and gave him a tap on his mouth one day when he was biting my feet.


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Dogs Barking While In Kennel?All of you have been so helpful before, I hope you can help me again. Because of an unemployment issue, my two dogs have not been kenneled consistently since March the seventh. My husband is working now and they have to be kenneled. they tend to get into trouble when left alone.


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Basset Hound With a Rash on Belly?My female Bassett hound has developed a rash all over her belly. It is the first year she has ever had this. She is eating the same food and drinking the same water.


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Cat With Bad Diarrhea?We have a one year old cat that has severe diarrhea. The vet said there are no worms, but really didn't offer any good advice on how to cure her. Does anyone out there know of what I could give her to help? She poops all over the house, and I'm talking like 10 times a day!


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Herbal Remedies for Fleas?I would like to know if anyone has a receipe for a homemade herbal remedy for flea on cats and dogs. I do not want to use chemicals, and since I have quite a few cats. I thank you for any help you can give me. Also something for ticks would be nice.


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