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Can I Have Another Kitten?I have and cat and a kitten. Can I have another kitten in a 860 square foot house? - Lizzie


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Inexpensive Ferret Cage and Toys?I bought my first ferret about 2 weeks ago and I love her to death. She is just a baby, about 8 weeks old. She loves to climb and crawl through everything, but I don't have much that is safe for her to do that in. I have a cage, but it's not enough.


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Temperment of Schnoodles?I really need some info on the cross breed of the Snoodle (Schnoodle). the Breeders all say great things but they are of course selling these babies for a living. Please let me know if you have first hand experience with this mix.


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Looking For Website That Gives Pet Advice?Does anyone know of a web site I can go to and find information about animal behavior problems -- for example, a question and answer type site. Thank you. "Mike"


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Funny Kitten Feeding Habit?My two kittens have recently started to scratch the tiled floor next to their dishes while they are eating. It looks like they are digging in their litter box, but it has never led to them using the floor as their toilet. Does anyone know what this is about? DebC


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My kitten won't stop sucking my hair!Please can someone let me know why my kitten insists on sitting on my hair when I am sleeping and sucking and "kneading" it? I try to get her to stop, I am using a spray bottle, but I was hoping to understand WHY she does it to see if I can discourage it. DebC


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Schnoodle That Bites?My name is Baxter, I am a 9 week old schnoodle. I like to bite instead of love. Can anyone tell my mom If this is normal for a schnoodle. According to everything she has read I am supposed to be very loving. Well I'm not. Baxter


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Keeping Cats from Scratching My Sculpture?I have a lovely wooden sculpture on my front porch. My cat has started using it to sharpen her claws. Does anyone know of anything that I can do to prevent her from ruining my sculpture?


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Catching Guinea Pig Escapees?Our Moma guinea pig escaped into the vegetable garden some weeks ago. This is an area of about an eigth of an acre with large shrubs and bushes, a hothouse with a jungle of foliage plants, many clumps of herbs and other plants all providing unlimited hiding places.


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Cat Pees on Dirty Laundry only?My cat seems to pee only on my dirty clothes. Any idea's on why? She is almost 2 yrs old, and her litter box is kept clean. Please help with any ideas of how to make her go back to using her litter box. No changes in the household. Debbie


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Are Pink Cupido Roses Toxic?My cat likes to chew on this Pink Cupido-its a sort of rose bush- and everywhere I look to see if this sort of plant is toxic, it doesn't say a thing! Not a thing about rose bushes... so I was curious if anyone knew if a Pink Cupido is toxic to cats or not. I'd appreciate the help. Thanks. Kacie


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Family Feud - Dog and Cat Fighting?I have many animals. Two of these animals cannot get along very well, my dog (a Lhasa Apso mixed w/ Scottish Terrier and Jack Russel Terrier, 4 years old) Misty and my cat (long haired marmalade tabby 9 years old) Butterpatch.


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What to Do About Mother Mallard That Has Laid Eggs?A mother mallard duck has laid 5 eggs next to our front porch and has been sitting on them for the past week I live in Wisconsin and it has been getting cold here lately. Do I feed this duck? if so what and how? Do I have to worry about her getting cold? What do I do after the eggs hatch? sally jo animal lover


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Pets Catalog and Parvo Shots?I am in need of a catalog called, The Pets Catalog. I am requesting for one to be sent to me. Or anything on how to get free parvo shots for puppies ages 12-20 weeks old.


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Dogs Barking While In Kennel?All of you have been so helpful before, I hope you can help me again. Because of an unemployment issue, my two dogs have not been kenneled consistently since March the seventh. My husband is working now and they have to be kenneled. they tend to get into trouble when left alone.



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Problem with Neutered Dog?I have a 6 month old pit and a 4 year old german shpererd mix. i got them both fixed a bout a week ago, but the problem is that he stills tries to hump her! For example they'll play keep away and she (the shepererd) will go down back to the ground and then he'll start trying to hump her! What do i do?


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Urn for a Pet?I recently lost my pet and I'm looking for something to use for her ashes. I have done a search and can't find any under $100.


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Converting a Baby Stroller Into a Pet Stroller?I have been looking at the new pet strollers. They are all so expensive. I think I may try to convert a baby stroller. All I have to do is figure out how to enclose it so my cat doesn't get out. I can buy a baby stroller used at the childrens' consignment shop for about $25.00. I have spent hours searching the internet and I cannot believe that I can't find any information on this.


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Aggressive Poodle?I need help desperately. I have a terribly aggressive poodle, full-blooded. I don't know where else to turn. Does anyone have any tips? My poodle is almost 3 years old.


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My Neighbors are Placing Dog Poop In My Yard?I am experiencing the same problems as most of you have discussed regarding dog mess in my yard. The neighbors have no respect for other peoples property and every time we do improvements to our yard or home some type of vandalism occurs.


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Saving Money on Pet Supplies?Tips for saving money on pet supplies. Post your ideas.


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How to Winterize a Dog House?I have been feeding 8 feral kittens. Only one will come to me. I have an old doghouse that some of them are sleeping in. How can I winterize it? I live in Ontario and we get cold winters here. Has anyone used a heat pad from home depot?


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Squeaking Ferret Toys?I am playing Santa to a shelter ferret for Christmas. Her wants and needs are small as she is ill but one thing her person requested for her was small plush toys with a squeaker in them. She likes to hide them around the room, her human said.


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Storing Cat Food in Plastic Kitty Litter Containers?Is it safe to use the plastic kitty litter containers to store your pets food - loose. I buy 20lbs at a time and its very difficult to keep my two cats DewBugE and Little out of the bag.


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Pet Door Advice?Is there any way to turn an ordinary pet door into one that allows only your animal to enter and keeps all others out.


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Asking Someone To Not Bring Their Dog Over?Every time our neighbor lady stops over she assumes it's OK to just come in with her dog and to let him off his leash to run about and jump on the furniture and in my lap...


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Pickle Juice for Dogs?Is the pickle juice from pickles good for a puppy? Also, what can a dog eat and not eat? I am taking care of my sisters dog and I need to know this stuff!


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Pet Roly-Poly (Pill Bug)?I would like to know about keeping a rolly pollie as a pet. I mostly want to know what to feed him. He's in a cage and has a name, I just want to know what to feed them.


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How can you introduce a dog to an aggressive dog's household?How can you introduce a dog to an aggressive dog's household? I have two dogs, a pit-bull, Chow, rottweiler mix Penny, who is 4 and her son Doobie, a pit-bull, Chow, Rottweiler, German Shepard, Dingo mix. . .


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What do grasshoppers drink?What do grasshoppers drink?



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My Dog Bites?If my dog has bitten someone, should I get rid of it?


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German Shepherd / Husky Mix Statue?Where can I find a statue of a german shepherd/husky mix dog?


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Cat Poops Under The Bed?My cat poops under the bed no matter how clean litter box is. Any ideas?


Can Dogs Spread Disease?If a dog accidently licks a person in the mouth (yuck), can the person get a disease like for instance e-coli?


Veterinarians in Detroit, MI?I live in Detroit, MI around West Chicago and Wyoming area. I would like to know if someone knows where a vet is located around here.


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How to Make Homemade Doggie Wipes?Can anyone tell me how to make homemade doggie wipes? I have two pugs that have a lot of allergies, and I want to make some that are unscented with no harsh chemicals.


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Skin Fungus on Border Terrier Mix?My 2 1/2 year old border terrier mix has a skin fungus type thing on his belly towards his back legs. I took him to the vet (Banfield) and was confirmed was a fungus. Anyway, I got the pills and shampoo ...


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Dogs Wakes Up Every Night?I have a 9 year old Yorkie, who is totally devoted to me. Since a puppy she has slept on the floor next to my bed. For the past year or so she keeps waking me up at 3 AM to have a pee. At 7 AM, she yips until I get up. Has anyone any tips to help me get her out of this habit?


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Registering a Dog as a Therapy Dog?Does anyone know how to go about getting a therapy note for a dog or registering him as a therapy dog?


Small black and white dog.

What Breed is my Dog? (Terrier Mix)I think she has some Staffie in her because of the brindle, but I'm not sure what the rest could be. She's lightening quick and seems to go for any squirrel or pigeon that crosses her path. She's just over a year old and I got her from a rescue home so I don't know anything about her background.


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Advice For Dealing With Dead Squirrels?This about squirrels so don't know if having this under pets is quite right but it was the best I could find...


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Getting Dehydrated Dog to Drink Water?Getting dog to drink water when they are dehydrated.


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Making Things For Pigmy Goats to Play On?I'm looking to things to make for our 4 pigmy goats to play on. Any ideas? Pictures are a great help to me, but not necessary.


What Breed is Latte?Can anyone tell what breed my dog Latte is please? Many thanks.


ripping up paper

How Do I Stop my Dog Ripping Up Paper?How do I stop my dog ripping up the post (mail)? I am looking for ideas to discourage her but still allow the post to come through the door. Maybe allowing her to rip up all of the Christmas paper was not the best idea!



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Helping an Injured Mole?I was sledding with my dad and sister, and my sister found a baby mole. My dad was sledding right where we found the mole. He ran over the mole going down the hill. Now the mole is hurt, and it can't crawl. It needs food, but I don't know what to feed it. What should I do?


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Keeping Cats From Using Dog's Pet Door?I want my dogs to have access in and out using the pet door, but I do not want my cats to come in. Any suggestions?


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Removing Hard Water Stains in an Aquarium?I have a fish tank with two goldfish and a red eared slider turtle in it. I have some hard water/foggy stains on part of the glass that is not under water now. How do I clean the glass without killing the turtle and his pets? The tank is 30 gallons, and there is about 25-27 gallons of water in it.


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Cat and a Newborn Baby?I'm looking for some advice. I just found out that I'm pregnant, and we have a cat (Destiny). My hubby thinks we need to get rid of the cat, but I can't. She's another baby, if you know what I mean. I love my cat, but do cats and newborns get along?


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White Worm on My Puppy?I found a little white worm on my puppy. What kind of worm could it be? Where could it have come from?


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What Do Roly-Polys Eat?What do roly-polys eat?


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Making Diapers For Marmoset Monkeys?I have to make clothes and diapers for Marmoset monkeys. Can anybody help me with patterns or measurements. If you have more than one size pattern, it will be highly appreciated. I go this request from a pet shop as well as private owners.


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Using an Infrared Light to Keep a Dog Warm?How do you safely use an infrared light to keep dog warm in cold weather.


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Help with Using a Sling on Dog?My dog recently dislocated her hip, she is in a sling but refuses my help to get up. I am using a sling I put under her abdomen. She has to use it as little as possible so it hopefully stays in place any suggestions or past experience that could help me?


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Reporting A Kennel That Has Parvo?How do I report Parvo at a kennel who won't admit it. My dog got sick on my b-day Oct. 14, 2008, he passed away on Fri. Oct. 16, 2008. Myself, my husband, my son, and my daughter's boyfriend worked at a kennel. We never have before. Puppies are dying a lot, at least 10 to 15 a week. Also they burn them. My dog was 7 and had never been sick before this.


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Feeding and Caring for Ladybugs?I am a science coach with our school district and our first graders are going to be raising and caring for ladybugs in the classroom. We need to know what to feed them other than aphids? Hopefully we can find a food that is "classroom friendly".


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Making a Sugar Glider Bag?Does anyone know how to make a sugar glider bag?


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Keeping Dogs from Jumping Fence?My dog can jump over my 4ft. chain link fence. What can I do to keep her contained?


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Aggressive Pomeranian?I was just wondering, can Pomeranians be sometimes aggressive, if they were abused at onetime by their previous owners ?


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How Much Vinegar for Dogs?Has anyone ever heard of adding vinegar to pet's water to ward off fleas?


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Is Dog Breeding Cruel?Is dog breeding cruel?


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Fixed Cat No Longer Friendly With Other Cat?We have 2 female cats who got along great. They would sleep together and clean each other. We just got the one fixed and now they hiss and growl every time they get near each other. Why is that? What can we do to have them friendly again?


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Allergies to Dogs?I was wondering if a Miniature Dachshund and Chihuahua cross are OK to have around people with allergies to animals?


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Caring for a Rescued Chipmunk?My cat caught a chipmunk, but I got it away from him. He looks shocked and I can't tell if he's injured. I don't see any blood anywhere, but I don't want to scare it anymore than it has been, so I don't want to pick it up just yet.


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Treating the Lawn for Dog Parasites?I've been reading that you can treat your yard with bleach and lime alternately to help control the dogs becoming reinfected by certain worms and other parasites. What I can't seem to find are the measurements that are effective for killing the parasite and not the lawn.


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Are Cloves Harmful to Pets?Are cloves harmful to pets?


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Experiences With Pet Chinchillas?What is it like to have a Chinchilla as a pet? I am not going to get one, but would love to hear comments from anyone who has one about what they are like.Robyn


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Florida Law Regarding Rabies Shots?What is Florida's law for having to register your dog after a rabies shot?


What Breed is My Dog?Can someone try to guess the breed of dog that we just got?


What Breed is My Dog?I'm trying to find out what breed my puppy is. Please help me.


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Yorkie With Hair Loss?I found my 2 year old Yorkie at my door step several months back. She was infested with ticks and fleas. I got her cleaned up, but about a month ago she got some hairless spots on her back. I was thinking that it could be hot spots or mange.


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Shoeing a Horse ?My horse won't stand still so we can shoe her. She tries to kick us and rears up. What can I do?


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Bleaching To Get Rid of Parvo?How long before you can let your dogs outside, after a pravo outbreak? I have bleached my yard twice, and my other 2 dogs were all updated on shots prior to the outbreak.


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Cat Friendly Furniture?I am going to buy some new furniture. What would you recommend if you have 2 cats?


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Ear Cropping and Tail Docking?I am considering breeding my min pin to a chihuahua and was wondering if I should crop the litter's tails and ears or just leave them alone?


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Caring for Stray Cats?I am trying to help some stray kittens. One has pus in its eyes, runny eyes. One is blind. They are wild kittens. I have tried a lot of different medications.


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Agencies That Assist With Stray Animals?We take in stray cats and dogs and have them spayed and neutered, but right now the economy is bad and our resources for food and cat litter are pretty tight and low.


What Breed is My Dog?What breed is my dog? He is now 5 months old and weighs 50 pounds. The people I bought him from told me that he was a golden Lab/Rott mix, but as he grows bigger and bigger people keep asking me if he is a German Shepherd?


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Inexpensive Vet Care Near Baldwin, NY?I am a new pet owner and I am looking for inexpensive vet care in my area.


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Does My Dog Sleep Too Much?I have a 7 year old Yorkie; he weighs 8 pounds. For some reason he sleeps all day. Does anyone have any suggestions please?


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Dog Food Coupons?Where can I find coupons for dog foods?


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Care Credit For Expensive Vet Bills?I have just gotten a kitten, she is 9 weeks old, and needs her shots and first vet visit. I have called a few vets, and the cheapest cost for the first visit is $109. If I could pay it in installments it would be fine, but they tell me I have to pay in full.


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Poem "Master Do Not Cry for Me"?There is a poem I think it is from Europe. It's something beautiful, "Master do not cry for me". Do you know where I can find it? It helped me so much to say goodbye to my dog. My baby.


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Low-Cost Vets Near Riverside, CA?My pet may have broken his leg. Where is there a low cost/no cost vet?


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Average Cost of Pet Vaccinations?What kind of cost can I expect when getting my 2 puppies their first shots?


Dealing With The Grief After Losing a Pet?My dog, Simba, just passed away last Thursday. It was also my daughter's 10th birthday. We have had Simba for 13 years, since he was a puppy. We never boarded him and he went on every vacation we ever took (yes, even on airplanes).


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Oklahoma Pet Laws and Information?What are OK laws pertaining to owing/possessing a full-blood wolf dog? Is this legal? If not, what percent is legal?


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Reviews of Advantage Multi for Dogs?I'm concerned about using a topical for my dog. It is called Advantage Multi. I have always used pills for heartworms, etc. I don't think I would like to put a chemical on my dog. Can anyone share their thoughts on this topical Advantage Multi for dogs?


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Low Cost or Free Veterinary Clinic Near Ocean Springs, MS?I have a 2 1/2 month old long haired tabby kitten. I need to take him to a vet but I don't have the money to take him. I need a low cost or free veterinary clinic that I can bring him to in Ocean Springs, MS.


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Finding A Reputable Miniature Cocker Spaniel Breeder?I am looking for a miniature American Cocker puppy, preferably buff color and male. I've had Cockers all of my life and haven't replaced the last one because my husband was deathly ill for 2 years.


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Feeding and Caring for a Caterpillar?I need to know how to care for wounded caterpillar? It's still alive. but not crawling. What should I do?


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Is Borax Safe to Use Around Dogs?Is borax safe to use in the house when a dog is the house at all times?


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Hair Loss Due to Flea Allergy Dermatitis?My 5-month-old Bichon Yorkie has thin hair on his legs and back. The vet suggests it is a flea allergy. He acts like it is a death sentence. Can any one give suggestions?


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Identifying Ticks on Pets?Is there a picture of ticks? The ones I see look like black sesame seeds.


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Chinchillas As Pets?I am interested in information on chinchilla care and how to maintain them? Are they good pets? Messy/clean?


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Cat Pooping in House Plants?How do you stop cats from pooping in houseplants?


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Skin Wounds on a Cat with FIV?I have a 10 month old kitten. While we were at the vet's my daughter mentioned that she had felt a lump in the middle of his back towards his tail. The vet looked and said that it was a cut that was healing, but to keep an eye on it and not to worry.


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Keeping a Grasshopper?My daughter wants to know how to train a grasshopper so it's tame when held. I think one is an adult and the other is nearing adulthood.


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Caring for a Baby Mole?I need help with a baby mole he/she looks about 1 1/2 months old and I can't find anything about how to take care of the little guy. I don't want him to die.


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Keeping Pets Off Furniture?How do I keep cats off furniture? Is there a repellent that I can use?


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Grasshoppers as Pets?I have a grasshopper as a pet, how do I take care of it? Does it need sun light to live?


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