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Yellow birds in a cage.

Keeping a Bird Cage CleanThis is a page about keeping a bird cage clean. Birds can be messy pets. Cleaning their cage on a regular basis helps prevent the mess from building up.


A bird landing on a cage door.

Saving Money on Bird CagesThis is a page about saving money on bird cages. Every bird owner needs a cage to keep their feathered friend safe and happy.


Green and yellow bird in a birdcage.

Homemade Birdcage Cleaner Recipes?This page contains recipes for homemade birdcage cleaner. Keeping your birdcage clean can be tough. Birds are very sensitive, so it is important to use a cleaner that is safe for them.


Caring for Zebra Finches

Caring for Zebra FinchesThis is a page about caring for a zebra finch. These beautiful little birds can be an excellent pet option for a small home or apartment, but they do require special care.


Building a Birdcage, Wooden birdcages in a market.

Building a Birdcage?This is a page about building a birdcage. Building a birdcage for your feathered friends can be a gratifying experience. This is a page about building a birdcage.


An old bird cage.

Refinishing a Bird Cage?This is a page about refinishing a bird cage. Whether trying to refinish a bargain cage picked up at a sale or refurbishing your feathered friend's current digs, this is an easy DIY project.


Parrot With Toy in it's Mouth

Parrot Toy IdeasThis is a page about parrot toy ideas. There are a lot of bird toys on the market, some quite expensive.


Photo of a parrot.

Caring for a ParrotThis is a page about caring for a parrot. If well cared for your parrot can be a very long term pet and companion.


A parrot perched on a wooden dowel

Parrot Perch IdeasThis page contains parrot perch ideas. Your parrot needs a perch and suitable toys to keep her occupied, but perches can be expensive.


Pair of Zebra Finches on Perch

Breeding Zebra FinchesThis is a page about breeding Zebra finches. Zebra finches make excellent parents, you just need to follow a few steps to make breeding a rewarding experience for all.


A parrot perched on a wooden dowel

Getting Your Parrot to Try New FoodsThis is a page about getting your parrot to try new foods. Parrots can be finicky when you try to introduce new foods.


Caring for Parakeets

Caring for ParakeetsThis page is about caring for parakeets. Knowing the best ways to keep your birds comfortable makes for a rewarding experience and a healthy pet.


An African Grey screeching.

How to Quiet a Pet BirdThis page is about how to quiet a pet bird. When your bird won't stop making noise, there is something you can do.


female gold finch

Determining the Gender of a Finch?This is a page about determining the gender of a finch. If you are considering breeding finches you will need to be able to determine gender.


Training a Parakeet

Training a ParakeetThis is a page about training a parakeet. Parakeets are very intelligent and can be trained fairly easily.



Bathing a Parakeet

Bathing a Parakeet?This is a page about bathing a parakeet. Birds in the wild take baths as we know. Your pet bird is no different.


Parakeets sitting on a wood perch.

Determining the Gender of a Parakeet?This is a page about determining the gender of a parakeet. Determining the gender of a parakeet, especially a young one can be very difficult.


Broody Hen

Dealing With a Broody Hen?This is a page about dealing with a broody hen. Having one of your hens go broody can be surprising and a bit frustrating. She will be so intent on hatching her eggs that you may notice behavioral changes including cessation of eating and aggressiveness when you try to remove the eggs.



Chicken Pulling Out Its Feathers?This is a page about chicken pulling out its feathers. There are several reasons that a chicken may be pulling out its feathers. Some careful investigation and a good understanding of how to successfully raise chickens will help you determine the cause.


baby chicks

Sex Link Chicken Breed Information and PhotosThis page contains sex link chicken breed information and photos. Raising chickens can be fun and rewarding.



Cockatiel Information and PhotosThis is a page about cockatiel information and photos. These small parrots, native to Australia, are generally considered to make good pets. Proper handling can result in a gregarious, very tame bird.


Pet chicken in the backyard.

Pet Chickens Information and PhotosThis is a page about pet chickens information and photos. Keeping chickens as pets has become more popular as many urban households have begun to raise backyard chickens as pets and for the eggs.



Parakeet Losing Its Feathers?This is a page about parakeet losing its feathers. If your parakeet is losing feathers you will need to determine the cause.



Understanding Parakeet Behavior?This is a page about understanding parakeet behavior. Understanding your parakeet's behavior will make for a much more pleasant bird rearing experience.


Fledgling Beige Bengalese

Breeding Society Finches?This is a page about breeding Society finches. Society finches are rivaled only by Zebra finches in their willingness to breed in small cages.


Photo of a rooster in the grass.

Rooster Information and PhotosThis page contains rooster information and photos. These cocks can be very handsome and often become yard pets.


Two Masked Lovebirds sitting on a branch.

Breeding Lovebirds?This is a page about breeding lovebirds. Breeding lovebirds takes time, energy, and a love of the birds.


Sussex Chicken

Sussex Chicken Breed Information and PhotosThis is a page about Sussex chicken breed information and photos. The Sussex chicken originated in southeast England where similar birds have existed for centuries. This breed is easy to raise and an excellent egg producer.


Chicken Feeder

Making a Chicken FeederThis is a page about making a chicken feeder. Buying a feeder for your chickens can be expensive, however with a few inexpensive items you can make your own.


Blue-Fronted Amazon Parrot

Blue-Fronted Amazon Parrot Information and...This page contains blue-fronted Amazon parrot information and photos. These beautiful birds can be talkative pets and lifetime companions.



White Bantam Chicken

Bantam Chicken Information and PhotosThis page contains bantam chicken information and photos. These beautiful small birds make fun pets if you have the room.


duck nest

Ducks Not Sitting on Eggs?This is a page about ducks not sitting on eggs. Raising ducks requires a whole new category of knowledge. It can be confusing at the start to know if something is a problem or not.


Rhode Island Red Chicken

Rhode Island Red Chicken Breed Information and...This is a page about Rhode Island Red chicken breed information and photos. The Rhode Island Red is a popular backyard bird, because of their hardiness and egg laying abilities.


chickens in winter

Insulating a Chicken CoopThis is a page about insulating a chicken coop. As you are planning your new coop, one question that comes to mind is how and if you should insulate the coop.


Chicken Coop

Building a Chicken CoopThis is a page about building a chicken coop. You have made the decision to raise backyard chickens. One of the first considerations is providing them with a coop. You can buy one or you may wish to build your own.


Holding a baby duck in hands.

Raising Ducks as PetsThis is a page about raising ducks as pets. Ducks make great outdoor pets. They are social, intelligent, and can be trained to play games and with toys. They also can be raised for their eggs.


Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot

Amazon Parrot Information and PhotosThis is a page containing Amazon parrot information and photos. The Amazon parrots consist of approximately 30 different species ranging in size from medium to large. They are native to the new world with a range covering South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean.


Pet bird in a cage.

Caring for Pet BirdsThis page is about caring for pet birds.Having a healthy environment for your bird will keep it well and happy.


Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Cockatoo is Scratching Itself?This is a page about cockatoo is scratching itself. If your cockatoo is scratching too frequently you probably need to determine the reason for this behavior. You can either do some investigatory work yourself or schedule a trip to the vet.


Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo

Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo PhotosThis is a page containing sulphur-crested cockatoo photos. The sulphur-crested cockatoo is a relatively large bird native to Australia. They are mainly white with a striking yellow feathered crest.


Parrot sitting on a rope.

Understanding Your Bird's Body LanguageThis is a page about understanding your bird's body language. Most pets are able to communicate with their people in various ways.


Chicken Coop

Predator Proofing a Chicken CoopThis page is about predator proofing a chicken coop. Making sure your birds are safe from uninvited visitors will keep your hen house secure.


Man with Pet Cockatiels

Caring for and Training a Pet CockatielThis page is about caring for and training a pet cockatiel. They are originally from Australia and are prized as household pets and companions. Living to as old as 25 years, cockateils are found throughout the world and are relatively easy to breed.


Pet Goose

Photos and Information About Pet GeeseThis page contains photos and information about pet geese. These noisy water birds can be very helpful in the garden to keep certain weed grasses down.


Chicken Nesting Box

Getting Chickens to Lay in Nesting BoxThis is a page about getting chickens to lay in nesting box. Getting your hens to lay eggs in their nesting box helps to ensure that you get the maximum number of fresh clean eggs.



Chickens on a Chicken Perch

Building a Chicken PerchA perch gives your chickens a nice comfortable place to bed down at night. This is a page about building a chicken perch.


Heated Chicken Coop

Heating a Chicken CoopThis is a page about heating a chicken coop. Keeping your birds warm and healthy through the winter, can require an additional heat source.


Chicken Feed On Grain Bag

Storing Chicken FeedThis is a page about storing chicken feed. Whether you use plastic buckets or other food storage systems, it is important to keep your bird food dry and pest free.


Chicken Waterer

Making Your Own Chicken WatererThis is a page about making your own chicken waterer. You can save money or create the waterer that meets your special needs by making your own.


Couple Caring for Their Chickens

Caring for ChickensThis is a page about caring for chickens. When growing poultry for meat or eggs in your own backyard, you want to make it an enjoyable experience for your birds and your family.


Chicken Coop

Using Curtains in Your Chicken CoopThis is a page about using curtains in your chicken coop. Adding curtains to your chicken coop is more than just prettying up the place for the girls. There are some very practical reasons for taking the time to make this addition.


broody hen in nesting box

Dealing With a Broody HenThis is a page about dealing with a broody hen. Hens can periodically become broody, meaning that they don't want to get off their eggs. Broodiness is often also characterized by a moodiness and grumpy attidute.


Bengalese Finches

Breeding Bengalese Finches?This is a page about breeding Bengalese finches. Making sure your birds are healthy, and have adequate room is important when considering breeding your finches.


two backyard hens

Treating a Chicken With HeatstrokeThis is a page about treating a chicken with heatstroke. Knowing how to recognize and treat heatstroke can save your chicken's life.


chickens in their pen

Keeping Chickens Safe in Hot WeatherThis is a page about keeping chickens safe in hot weather. Hot weather can be a tough time for your chickens. There are several precautions you can take to keep them safe and comfortable when temperatures soar.


red first aid bag

Stocking an Avian Emergency KitThis is a page about stocking an avian emergency kit. Birds like other pets may at times need emergency first aid, either to easily treat a manageable injury or illness or until you can get to the vet.


Pet Bird Seed

Saving Money on Pet Bird SeedPet food can be expensive to buy. This is a page about saving money on pet bird seed.


Preventing Snakes From Stealing Eggs

Preventing Snakes From Stealing EggsThis is a page about preventing snakes from stealing eggs. Many types of wildlife will gladly help you eat up your farm fresh eggs.


red, blue, and green macaw

Parrot Photos and InformationThis is a page about parrot photos and information. These beautiful birds can be lifetime companions, and they have the ability to mimic the human voice. There are hundreds of species of parrots.



Lovebird Photos and InformationThis is a page about lovebird photos and information. There are nine species of these small parrots. Lovebirds are active, cheerful and enjoy being paired.


blue and white budgie

Budgie Keeps Laying Eggs?This is a page about what to do when a budgie keeps laying eggs. Bird owners are sometimes concerned when their pet is constantly laying eggs.


Chickens in a Garden

Benefits of Chickens for Your GardenThis is a page about benefits of chickens for your garden. The addition of chickens to your life can give you the freshest eggs, as well as fertilizer and some insect control in your garden.


My Finch Laid Eggs

My Finch Laid Eggs?If you have a female finch, they will likely lay eggs at some point. This page contains information about what to do when your finch lays eggs.


Two budgies (parakeets).  One is blue and white; the other is green and yellow

Breeding Budgies?This is a page about breeding budgies. Pet budgies, also known as parakeets, can be bred by their owners.


Chickens in the snow.  Two white and grey chickens are centered and two more chickens are in front of a hen house

Winter Care for Your ChickensThis is a page about winter care for your chickens. Chickens can use some special care during the depths of winter.


Two peach face love birds standing beak to beak. One is more green in color the other more yellow.

Determining the Gender of Lovebirds?This is a page about determining the gender of lovebirds. Love birds are a favorite pet choice for the bird lover. However, determining the gender of your birds can be a challenge.


Golden Finch perched on a nesting basket in branches.

Keeping Birds Warm in an Outside Aviary?This is a page about keeping birds warm in an outside aviary. Pet birds are often not native to the area where they now live. Consequently, they may not be well adapted to outside conditions.


Two chickens in the backyard garden.

Salmonella Concerns with Backyard ChickensThis is a page about salmonella concerns with backyard chickens. Salmonella is not just an issue with commercially raised chickens.


Bird Eating Homemade Bird Food

Homemade Bird FoodThis is a page about homemade bird food. Making a warm homemade meal for your birds may be just what they need.


A parrot chewing on a chew toy.

Parrot Toy IdeasThis is a page about parrot toy ideas. Parrots are intelligent birds that enjoy stimulating play. Bird toys can be quite expensive, but there are alternatives.


Three zebra finches sitting on a branch in a cage.

Introducing a New Zebra Finch into the CageThis is a page about introducing a new zebra finch into the cage. New birds like other pets need to be introduced to resident birds to ease stress and hopefully establish a lasting companionship.


A zebra finch sitting in its nest.

Finch Threw Baby Out of Nest?This is a page about finch threw baby out of nest. Breeding birds exposes you to many bird behaviors. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the species you have chosen so that you are prepared.


Two male zebra finches.

Distinguishing Between Male and Female Zebra Finches?This is a page about distinguishing between male and female zebra finches. It is easier to distinguish between genders in some bird species than others.


A bird being fed with a syringe.

Giving Medicine to a Pet BirdThis is a page about giving medicine to a pet bird. Medicating pets is often a challenge; birds can be even more difficult without the proper methodology.


nipples on bottom of bucket

DIY Bucket Chicken WatererKeep your chickens hydrated and happy with this easy to make project. With a sturdy recycled bucket and a few supplies you can make this DIY Chicken Waterer for your chicken coop.


Two zebra finches in a cage.

My Zebra Finch Has Laid EggsIf your zebra finch has laid eggs, this page can help give you advice about what to do. Most importantly, do not move or touch the fertile eggs or the mother may reject them.


A close up of a pet bird's foot and nails.

Trimming a Bird's Nails?The thought of trimming your bird's nails may be scary. There are some products that can help keep them short or you can seek a professional to groom them. This is a page about trimming a bird's nails.


A broken eggshell on a white background.

Eggshells for BirdsThe calcium in crushed egg shells can be beneficial to your indoor pet birds and even the chickens themselves. This is a page about eggshells for birds.


Finch Eggs

Does Egg Laying Cause Molting in Finches?When finches prepare to lay eggs they will pull feathers from their chest to line the nest. This may cause your bird to appear as though she is molting. This is a page about, "Does egg laying cause molting in finches?".


waterers in coop

Homemade Sports Bottle Chicken WatererHere is an easy and inexpensive way to ensure your chickens have water when they need it. This is a page about sports bottle chicken waterer.


britetap on water cooler

How to Make an Insulated Chicken WatererKeeping your chicken water insulated from the weather can help maintain a relative temperature for your chicken's water. This is a page about using a britetap chicken waterer.


Flying Zebra Finch

Helping Zebra Finches Build a Nest?Make your zebra finches happy and comfortable by helping them build their nest. This is a page about helping zebra finches building a nest.


A cat staring at a bird cage.

Bacteria From Cat Bites Can Be Deadly to BirdsThe bacteria in your cat's mouth can cause your pet bird to become deathly ill. A vet trip is highly recommended. This is a page about bacteria from cat bites can be deadly to birds.


Bird in cage with bird toys.

Homemade Bird ToysThese toys can be expensive, but with a little imagination you can make interesting pet bird toys at home. This page is about making homemade bird toys.


Using Vaseline for Chicks with Pasty Butt - applying Vaseline to chick's bottom

Using Vaseline for Chicks with Pasty ButtBaby chicks can develop an accumulation of poop around their vent that can eventually prevent them from pooping if not carefully removed. This is a page about using Vaseline for chicks with pasty butt.


A proud hen strutting outside.

Hen Not Laying Eggs?Hens do not lay eggs year around, there are breaks during the colder months. Older girls also eventually stop laying. If none of these apply, you may want to check with a vet to make sure your hen is not ill or egg bound. This is a page about hen not laying eggs.


Easter Egger - 7 Weeks - closeup of chick's head

Easter Egger Photos and InformationEaster egger chickens are not a true breed, but belong to a group of chickens that lay colored eggs including blue, green, and even pinkish. The chickens vary in color and form and are quite friendly and hardy. This is a page about Easter egger photos and information.


A chicken pen with a rooster inside.

Cleaning a Chicken Pen?Removing waste, old straw, nesting materials, and bedding are some of the things to attend to when cleaning your chicken coop or pen. Use caution if you choose to use cleaning or disinfecting products as they can harm the birds. This is a page about cleaning a chicken pen.


Dominique Chicken

Dominique Chicken Breed PhotosDominique chickens are a breed that was developed in the United States during the colonial period. The hens tend to be calm and quite personable a desirable trait in a layer. This page contains Dominique chicken breed photos.


chick feeder

Getting Ready to Raise ChicksPrior to bringing home your new chicks you will want to get all of your supplies and set out their brooder box. Then the fun begins. This is a page about getting ready to raise chicks.


Baby Finch

Caring for Baby Finches?Baby finches, like any baby bird, need much care and nurturing. This is a page about caring for baby finches.


Rat Trying to Get in Aviary

Keeping Rats Out of an Outdoor Aviary?Rats can definitely be a danger to the birds in your outdoor aviary. This is a page about keeping rats out of an outdoor aviary.


week 1 no 1

Chicks Week-by-Week (Weeks 1-6)This page documents the growth and development of backyard pet chickens over a six week period. This is a page about chicks week-by-week (weeks 1-6).


Araucana hen and chicks.

Araucana Chicken Breed PhotosThis domestic chicken native to Chile, is known for laying blue shelled eggs. This page contains Araucana chicken breed photos.


A white and a gray silkie chicken.

Silkie Chicken PhotosThis popular ornamental breed chicken is known for its fluffy plumage. This page contains silkie chicken photos.


Zebra Finch

Can Baby Zebra Finches Be Released into Nature?Bird species that have been bred as pets typically should not be released into the wild. This is a page about, "Can baby zebra finches be released into nature?".


Silkie Bantam - 7 Weeks - chick next to girl's leg

Silkie Bantam Photos and InformationThe silkie bantam is the most popular of the ornamental chicken breeds. They are sometimes called the lap kitty of the chicken world because of their sweet temperament. This page contains silkie bantam breed information and photos.



Dealing with Noisy BudgiesBudgies are noisy birds by nature. There are some possible solutions to their sometimes constant vocalizations. This is a page about dealing with noisy budgies.


A pair of zebra finches on a branch.

Zebra Finches Not Caring for Chick?Because zebra finches easily breed in captivity they provide pet owners many opportunities to observe and intervene, if necessary, in the raising of the chicks. This is a page about zebra finches not caring for a chick.


Hands gently moving a birds nest with small eggs.

Moving Zebra Finch EggsYour birds are comfortable and at home when they start laying eggs, and should probable stay where they are until the eggs hatch. This is a page about moving zebra finch eggs.


Finch Eggs

Moving a Finch Egg?Moving a finch egg that is outside of the nest should not be a problem. The birds will likely still care for it. This is a page about moving a finch egg.


Zebra Finch Not Sitting on Eggs Looking Down at Nest

Zebra Finch Not Sitting on Eggs?Zebra finches are popular pet birds in part because they are avid breeders. If your pair is not sitting on the nest there are a couple of possibilities. This is a page about zebra finch not sitting on eggs.


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