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Second Set of Zebra Finch Eggs?I have a pair of zebra finches they ended up having 5 babies. All 5 babies just came out the nest about 2 weeks ago and is starting to eat on their own, but now mom is laying more eggs. 1 each day she's up to 4 eggs now. Is this normal? What should I do? And how can I prevent this from happening a 3rd time ?


A sick bird.

Caring for Baby Zebra Finches?My parent birds Lucy & Ricky had their first eggs and I thought all was going good until the chirping stopped and there wasn't any movement. I got the nest down and found these babies. Well that was about 3 months ago and now we have 4 birds in the nest and their growing and eating. But I can see this again and I'm worried they will pass too, could they be over feeding them? This morning I found two tiny babies on the cage floor. They both had full bellies like this one but they are very young barely had feathers. I picked them back up and put them in some warm bedding, but the parents haven't checked on them at all. Any help would be great. I feel so bad for my bird parents.


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Finches Fighting During Incubation?My finch has laid 5 eggs till now for second time. The first time, they abandoned eggs after 10 days. Mostly they remain calm and sometimes the male fights with the female badly and runs after her everywhere in the cage. What should I do?


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Duck Left Egg?I have this black and white duck. She made a nest in the bush near a lake, and laid one egg down in it. She left the egg though and came in to her coop like usual. I know she is supposed to lay up to thirteen more or so. Is she supposed to sit on them when there is only one still there or should I incubate it?


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Feeding Baby Zebra Finches?Our pair of zebra finch successfully hatched 4 chicks around 3 weeks ago and all has been going really well. The babies have almost got their feathers and are chirping away. Unfortunately today, their mum escaped during a water change and we haven't been able to find her.


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Female Finches Laying Eggs?We may have two female society finches laying eggs that we are not sure will hatch. Do they need a male to hatch?


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My Zebra Finch Has Laid Eggs?My zebra finches gave two eggs. Sometimes, I disturbed them. They are not sitting on their eggs. Will the eggs hatch? How can I solve nest abandonment?


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Duck Eggs In a Nest?A duck has laid 9 eggs in a nest and been sitting on eggs for over a week. She's not been on the nest all day today and lots of feathers about, it's very cold tonight in Scotland and I don't know what to do with the eggs as it doesn't look like she's coming back. Would be grateful for some feedback. I don't have an incubator but have a heat lamp.


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Canary Finch Laid an Egg?I have a female canary bird and she laid an egg. Does it hatch without a male bird? Thank you for helping.


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Finch Sitting On Eggs?Gouldian sits on eggs only during the day but not at night?


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Zebra Finch Chicks?Hi. This is my first time breeding finches. My pair of zebra finches have successfully hatched 3 chicks which are 4 weeks old today. I've noticed the parents breeding again and this morning the hen has laid an egg. Will they continue to look after the chicks if they have more eggs. I was told the chicks needed to stay with the parents until they are at least 6 weeks old.


Two zebra finches in a cage.

Zebra Finch Laying Eggs?My zebra finches have laid eggs for the second time . First one didn't hatch except one, which I found dead on the bottom of cage. I removed the nest and old eggs and cleaned everything. My husband's clothes are in the same room as the cage but we don't bother them, just food & water. How can I keep the next ones if they hatch alive?


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Zebra Finch Newborns Left Alone?I just added two pair of Zebra Finches to my Quail aviary about three months ago. Provided nests, nesting material and food conducive to breeding. One pair started building a nest within a week. About three weeks in, I noticed one finch was ALWAYS in the nest so I assumed they are sitting on eggs. Based on the date, I figured the babies should hatch about the 20th of November. There was always one or the other finch in the nest at all times. I noticed on the 20th, both were out and every time I came out for the next two days they were always out of the nest. I finally decided to look inside but it was a straw nest with very small opening (not a wood nest box with lifting lid) so I couldn't see anything. On the 23rd, I decided to put my finger in and I felt flesh with no movement or sounds. I assumed the babies hatched and then died as a result of being abandoned. I brought the nest into the house and snipped the top half open to see what I could see. There were at least three maybe four babies that appeared dead. When i went to pick one up it moved slightly and made a small sound. I immediately closed the nest back up, tied it closed and put it back in the aviary in hopes that the parents would go back to the nest. Is it possible or did the parent abandon them and it is just taking a while for them to die?


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Finches Not Caring For Eggs?I have 4 finches; 3 females and 1 male. The four finches were in the same cage. The male mated with two of the females. Both females have their own nest and six eggs but one of the females kept coming out of her nest and chasing the other female through the cage so I turned around and set up a new cage and took two of the females and the eggs and put in the new cage. The other female and male are still in their big cage with their eggs. The two females that I put in the new cage used to sit on the eggs and turn them. In the last 4 days they haven't gone in the nest to do anything with the eggs. What do I do or will the eggs be okay?


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Help with Finches?I have 4 finches that were given to me a few weeks ago, 3 females and a male. Today I was cleaning cage and 2 females had 6 eggs each. What do I do? Should I take one with eggs and put her and eggs in a new cage? Please help.



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Zebra Finch Eggs?So my fiance cleaned our Zebra Finches cage to put them in a bigger cage and we discovered that they had laid an egg! He didn't know what it was so he picked it up and asked me what it was. He put it in the new cage as he had already moved them in there in a little nest like thing that is theirs. Does this mean they will abandon the egg? Is there a way we could care for it if they do that way it hatches? I'm excited to be a grandma and don't want anything to happen to it.


Zebra finches protecting an egg.

Zebra Finches Laid An Egg?This morning (13th June), our zebra finches pair had an egg. Now, its 7 p.m here. I have seen that my female zebra finch's right wing is not ok. It is being separated. But, it tries to keep it in the position. Is it normal when the hen is laying. Or, is there anything to concern?


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Round Raw Branch Perches?What's a good diameter if you're using round raw branches as perches?


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35 Eggs in One Duck Nest?This is my first time caring for ducks. We have 1 female and 2 males. We were excited when we found our first egg. We wanted to have little ducklings, and are learning the process. We have now counted 35 eggs in her nest. What do I do?


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Parakeets Are Acting Weird?I have 7 parakeets, but my blue parakeet is coughing for over one minute multiple times a day (over and over again). And it's just getting worse. She's flying outside her cage all day, has three different types of expensive seed brands like Zupreem Sensible seed, Kayette Egg flavored seeds and Gourmet Parakeet food that she loves and eats all together everyday.


A baby finch in a cage.

Baby Zebra Finch Leg Problem?Hi, My baby finch is 6 weeks old but is yet starting to change its beak color but was (maybe) beaten up by its father. Yesterday his 1 leg seemed to stop working and today other leg as well. I massaged his 1 leg a bit but I am worried. What should I do? The leg doesn't feel broken just unfunctional. Should I keep it separated or along with mother. Please advise as it is impossible to contact or see any vet.


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Zebra Finch Egg Laying Issue?Hi. I have one pair of zebra finches, but every time the female lays an egg on the ground and it breaks. They also have a nest, but she didn't go inside. What do I do?


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Aggressive Male Gouldian Finch?My pair of gouldian finch have a brood of 3 chicks. The chicks are about 15 days old and quite demanding. Recently I have noticed that the male is becoming aggressive to his mate and not allowing her to feed or sit in the nest. She wants to feed her chicks and care for them but everytime she gets close the male chases her off and starts pecking at her.


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My Zebra Finch Babies Keep Dying?My zebra finch babies keep dying after two weeks! I have a male and a female zebra finch they have now laid three eggs in total at different times. The first one never hatched the second and third one hatched but died within the first two weeks. Please give me a reason of why this might be happening what I can do to prevent it.


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One Of My Female Finches Is Male?About a year ago, my LPS sold me two zebra finches. As you can tell by the title, they sold me two zebra finches claiming they were females. I believed them, because I have had a male Finch before. These two "girls" looked like girls. I just didn't want a breeding pair.


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Baby Zebra Finches Dying?I started raising Zebra finches two years ago. They are very prolific and everything has been fine until now. I have over 200 birds. The cages all started at about 3x3 feet'and 6 foot tall. I've connected four of them. I would have a baby death once about every other month. Now all of a sudden I'm having two or three deaths every day.


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Zebra Finch Egg Laying?I put a pit and nesting material but my finches did not make a nest in in it but in another place. I did not see the egg but I saw after some time the broken egg.


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Gouldian Finch Not Incubating Eggs?My finches have laid 6 eggs, the last one being laid today, but they have not yet started incubating the eggs. What to do?


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Caring for a Baby Zebra Finch?My baby zebra finch hatched on 8/5/2020. Both parents seemed to have neglected the baby and I believe they are picking at him/her. I see the back of the babies neck is a little irritated as though they are pulling his/her feathers. Is it too soon to separate from the parents to a different cage?


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Zebra Finches Stopped Sitting on Eggs?I have had a pair of zebra finches for 2 months. They were in a much smaller cage. I shift them to a bigger cage and provided a breeding pot and nesting material. After a while she laid 2 eggs. Both the male and the female take turns sitting on them. 1 of the babies died while hatching and one of them survived. When the baby bird came out of the nest the female had already laid more eggs.



Finches Covered Their Eggs with Cotton? - finch in cage with a wicker nest with a layer of cotton over the eggs

Finches Covered Their Eggs with Cotton?My finches have covered their eggs with the cotton. Should I remove the upper layer of the cotton or leave it on them. It's been a more than a week since they laid eggs.


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Male Bird Left the Cage?Today in the afternoon my male bird left the cage. They have 4 eggs and now the female is sitting on the eggs. The eggs are at their 8th day. Will they hatch? Will the female alone take care of the babies? Do I need to buy a male bird now? We are on the fourth floor. Is there any chance of male bird coming back?


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My Finch Laid an Egg?I have two pairs of finches in my cage and they are doing good. One day I met with a surprise and there's an egg in one of my finches' nest. The next day there was only one egg and the next day an egg was there. But today there's no egg. I need to know whether this is the last egg or there's still a chance of getting more eggs.


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Duck Not Sitting on Eggs Again?My duck started sitting on the 8 eggs she laid on the 19th of May 2020. Suddenly I found only 7 eggs. I don't know where the 8th one is and today is the first of June. I had noticed 3 days back that now my duck is not sitting on her eggs again. What may be the cause or are the eggs ready to hatch?


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Finch Won't Sit on Her Eggs?My finch doesn't sit on the eggs. The male finch expired three days after the eggs were laid. The female finch would not sit on the eggs at all. What should I do?


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Finch Laid Eggs in Empty Food Bowl?My finches laid 2 eggs a week ago in their wood nest and then started laying eggs in an empty food dish. Now there are 5 eggs in it. It is pretty shallow though and I am worrying it won't be big enough if they hatch. The male is sitting on them almost all the time. Do I need to move them to larger nest?


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Baby Finches Dying?I have five finches, 2 are in one cage 3 are in another cage. One pair have had 6 eggs for the last month, but the eggs are not hatching. On the other hand where there are 3 birds, they have 11 eggs and 7 hatched, but every time when I saw a little one inside, in the next few hours it was dead and lying down in the nest. All 7 died the same way.


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New Female Finch Not Sitting on Eggs Laid by Previous Female?I had 2 Zebra finches, a male and a female who bred and laid about 6 eggs. The female cared for them really well. However, unfortunately my female finch escaped the cage and the male was left to care for the eggs. In a panic I got another female zebra finch hoping to save the nest.


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Zebra Finches Not Incubating Their Eggs?My zebra finch is laying eggs for the first time. It laid 4, but one got broken. So now there are 3. They are not sitting on their eggs to incubate them either during day nor at night. They don't care for their eggs at all. I am totally disappointed. What shall I do? (I have only two zebra finches.)


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Breeding Zebra Finches?My zebra finches laid 5 eggs, 3 hatched, the parents abandoned the nest, and they all died. Why did this happen? Should I allow them to breed again? When should I put a new nest in the cage?


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My Zebra Finches Are Laying Eggs?I have 2 pair of zebra finches. Pair #1 (Curly and Colleen) have 4 young ones now 4 weeks old. Colleen has taken over the nest and started laying again. The first egg was laid today. How do I stop them from breeding so soon? Is this also why the adults have become aggressive towards their 4 little ones?


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Can I Move My Pet Duck's Eggs?My duck just laid eggs for the first time. Her nest is not by her house or her area at all, we have owls and cats that can take her eggs. Can I move them without losing any babies?


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Female Zebra Finches Sitting on Infertile Eggs?I have 2 female zebra finches, and between them both they lay eggs from time to time. I usually have just tossed the eggs because I know that they are unfertilized. This last time there are 8 eggs between the 2 of them. They are both taking care of the eggs together, sitting on top of each other most of the time, but other times they start to get quite aggressive with each other and fighting.


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Zebra Finch Won't Lay Eggs in Nesting Box?Grace keeps laying her eggs in weird places, not in nesting box. 2 eggs were not viable, but damaged. I cleaned the cage and gave her fresh bedding materials and put the nest box back in. She insisted on laying her eggs in her gravel dish will the egg break there? There are no nesting materials in it. I have not touched it.


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Zebra Chicks Dying?My breeding pair hatched 4 eggs. All seemed fine, they grew out of their down. Then 3 died within days of each other (found dead in the nest). The survivor continued, but now is lethargic and not reacting to the parent's presence. It seems on it's way out. Any ideas on what is going on?



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Parakeet Behavior?Why do my two parakeets sit and stare at one another?


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Cockatiel Laid an Egg?I have a male and a female cockatiel. Both are about 6 months old. When the hen laid an egg for the first time the male took over the egg and is incubating it continuously. He is very aggressive and he is not letting the female to go into the nest. I believe some problem is going on and don't know what to do.


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My Finches Laid Eggs?My finches laid eggs, but it has been over 18 days can they still hatch?


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Female Finch Not Sitting on Eggs?My finch laid eggs. I only see the male sitting on them at night. Is that normal? I haven't seen the female sitting on them. This is her first time laying eggs. Is there anything I need to do?


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My Zebra Finch Has Laid Eggs?My white female zebra finch laid 3 eggs, 2 in the nest and one at the bottom of the cage. I haven't seen them lay on the eggs it's her first time. What should I do?


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Zebra Finch Stopped Sitting on Eggs?My finch laid eggs and was sitting on them and then they stop sitting on them. I don't know why or what I should do.


Parakeet Molting After Laying Eggs - woman holding a parakeet with bare spots

Parakeet Molting After Laying Eggs?So, my female parakeet, Rafiki, just recently laid 2 eggs with her mate Pikachu, male, and she is now molting. She has some bald spots on her breast area, and I was wondering if this was normal.


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Female Finch Laid Eggs and Has Died?My female passed and had eggs. Will another female foster the eggs? Also if I can not find another zebra female, will a society finch foster the eggs and will it get along with the male?


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Zebra Finch Is Laying Eggs?I want to ask if it is normal that my zebra finch laid 2 eggs outside the nest and 3 inside it. I thought at first that maybe the ones outside the nest are infertile, but then I saw that she sat on them and she is sitting also on the ones inside of the nest. In this case should I put all the eggs together in the nest or she will reject them if I transfer the eggs?


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Raising Zebra Finches?I have introduced a young female in with my male after my male lost his female friend (they were only friends). My male and the new female seem to get along, but when the go to bed he sleeps on the nest and she sleeps on the ground. She was an aviary bird, but has taken to cage life just fine as she is young. My question is why does he sleep on the nest and she sleeps on the ground?


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Raising Zebra Finch Babies?My zebra finches successfully bred two little guys. Soon after they were out the nest, the 'mom' escaped and the dad has since taken care of them. I know at a certain age you need to separate the babies from the parents. Both babies are males, so now there are three with the 'dad. Why must they be separated?


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Baby Finches Thrown Out of the Nest?My zebra finch had 3 eggs and they hatched yesterday and were thrown out of the nest. The male bird picked one by one out of the nest and left the babies down on the bottom and they are not feeding them.


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Raising Zebra Finches?I'm always finding things on the internet telling me to separate my baby zebra finches from their parents when they're old enough. I can't find why, and if I really should do this. All of my zebra finches right now (25 or so) are family, and haven't ever been separated. They are all in one aviary.


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Baby Zebra Finches Dying?My zebra finches had hatched a baby on the floor of the aviary. I understand that it died either because it was squashed by the mother, sitting on an egg next to it, or of coldness. That was my second baby zebra finch to die, but with both, a few hours after they died, there was no sign of them. The other one that died was in a hanging nesting box. Why have they disappeared?


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Several Baby Zebra Finches Died?My pair had babies. I saw 6 eggs, but am not sure if they all hatched. I can't really see inside. The other day I found two dead babies at the bottom of the cage. The next day there was one in the water dish which is on the opposite side of the cage. Could one of the finches carry that baby and drop it in the water? Other hatchlings I also found 2 in the water dish.


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Caring for Baby Zebra Finches?I put my zebra finch cage outside today. I have a male and female. They have two babies, the babies have been out the nest about a week now. Somehow the bottom tray came out a bit and my female escaped. Will the male cope feeding the little ones or do I need to intervene? I'm heartbroken. '


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Finch Laid an Egg?I had 2 finches and they had an egg, and this morning I found my female finch dead. They had food and water and no signs of attacking or anything. And I now have an egg and I can't tell if it's fertile or not or even how old it is. What should I do?


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Zebra Finch Laid an Egg?I am new to bird keeping. I bought 4 zebra finches some months ago and was told by the pet shop they were all females. Anyhoo a bird keeper friend quickly identified one as male. I have no nest box, but have today discovered an egg in the seed box. I have made an impromptu next box with a fruit tea bag box and some kitchen roll and placed the egg inside it.


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Breeding Finches?My partner and I have just bought 2 finches, a male and a female. I was wondering when or if they will breed?


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Caring for Gouldian Finches?Should I cover the cage of my 2 Gouldian finches at night?


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Caring for Zebra Finches and Their Chicks?Recently my 2 zebra finches had laid eggs and now I hear at least 3 babies in the nest box. The mother and father look stressed and are searching around the house for food, or are they? What can I do to help them? What food can I provide them, and how can I care for the babies?


Gouldian Finches Not Sitting on Eggs at Night - two birds perched on a person's hand

Gouldian Finches Not Sitting on Eggs at Night?My Gouldian pair has laid 4 (possibly 5 now) eggs. They take turns sitting on the eggs all day already, but do not sit on the eggs at night. Is this normal for this stage? I'm not sure if they are done laying yet.


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Zebra Finch Laid Eggs?I have a pair of zebra finches. The female laid 7 eggs 17 days ago and nothing hatched, however now there are 7 more eggs in the nest. Do I remove all the eggs? or hope that something hatches in the next 15 days?


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Breeding Zebra Finches?I have a pair of zebras. They built a nest. Today the female died. I want to get a new female tomorrow. Do I put them together and do I need to take out the old nest?


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Duck Not Sitting on Eggs?Our duck had sat on 8 eggs and they were due to hatch this weekend. She has left them all and they are now cold. Why did she leave them? They have full size ducklings inside.


When Do Baby Finches Leave the Nest? - view down into the nest

When Do Baby Finches Leave the Nest?I believe I have three baby zebra finches! I did see 3, but now I only see 1.


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Zebra Finch Laid Eggs?Recently my female zebra finch laid eggs, but then died and the male is left to take care of them. One has hatched already, but the other two are still unhatched eggs. I'm wondering if the male will take care of the baby finches, if not should I be the one to take care of them? Or what should I do?


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Finch Laid an Egg?I have two finches, a male zebra finch and a female Hecks Grass finch, they laid an egg and they have been sitting on it 24/7; it should hatch this week. But I just read that only the same type of finches can breed. So is it possible that the egg will not hatch?


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Caring for Finches?Yesterday I got 3 finches from a shelter (a mother and her 2 daughters) called Honk (the mother), Meep and Beep. I've never had birds before and so far those 3 seem really adorable, but I couldn't find any cages for them yesterday so I had to get them a small one and I ordered a larger one that should get here next week, until now they won't stop making noise.


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Finches Eating Their Eggs?My finches are eating their eggs. I have one feisty female who is always picking on the other one. Can you have too many nests in the cage? I have two males and two females with four nests.


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Finches Don't Want to Fly Outside Cage?I'm a new owner of two young female zebra finches. When we first bought them they had only a tiny cage. We let them out into the bedroom to fly multiple times a week to negate how small it was. We've upgraded them to a much larger cage, and today I was going to let them out, but they refuse and are just flying around their cage as usual. Is this OK?


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Caring for Zebra Finches?I have 2 zebra finches a male and female. I have had them for 2 weeks as they were needing to be re-homed from an elderly man. I had them 5 days when I discovered an egg in one of the feeding boxes which they tend to sleep in. She laid 4 eggs, but after several days of her sitting on them she managed to get them out of the box and unfortunately they broke when landing on the bottom of the cage.


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Will a Zebra Finch Sit on Another Zebra Finch's Eggs?I have three zebra finch pairs in three different separate cages. One pair has been my best breeding pair, it's their 2nd clutch this year. They had five healthy chicks 3 months ago and now they have again laid 4 eggs. My 2nd pair had mated, but it's hen was not laying eggs so I tried moving things around a bit. Ultimately, my question is will the eggs that I placed with another pair be hatched?


Finches Not Sitting on Their Eggs - two finches in a cage

Finches Not Sitting on Their Eggs?I have a flock of finches and the five females have laid 18-20 eggs. It has been over 2 weeks for some of them. I don't see them sitting on the eggs. When can I just take them out? There are eggs in all 5 nests.


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My Zebra Finch Has Laid More Eggs?My 2 finches have had 2 babies. They're 4 weeks old and still getting fed by their mother, but my female has gone back down on eggs. What should I do?


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Finch Is Not Laying Eggs?My finch has laid one egg which they busted, but that was months ago. She hasn't laid anything else since; why? Their nest is complete, they have plenty of food and water and they have this huge cage to themselves.


Determining the Gender of White Zebra Finches - two white finches in a cage

Determining the Gender of White Zebra Finches?Are these finches male or female? The beaks both look orange, not red. One has grey markings on wings and brown markings near the folds of each wing near breast. That one also has soft brown markings on its cheeks. The other one is all white and the brown markings on its cheeks are very, very, very faint. Also how old are they? Is there a typical age at which the stores will sell them?


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Baby Zebra Finch Died?What can cause a 16 day old zebra finch to die?


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How Often Do Finches Lay Eggs?When does a finch get pregnant again for the second time?


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Caring for Baby Finches After Mom Dies?My white finches hatched 3 eggs, but the mother died a few days later. The chicks are now 3 weeks old can they continue to live with their father permanently or should I remove the females?


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Finches Not Nesting?My zebra finches are adults, but why they are not building a nest if I have kept nesting material available.


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Finch Laid Eggs?My female finch has just laid 4 eggs. Can I leave the babies in the same cage when they come out of nest? I have a large cage.


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Why Is My Budgie Losing Feathers?My female bird is losing feathers around her back and is beginning to lose them around her neck. She is currently on her 9th egg and made a huge mess in her mating box. I need to know if she's sick or just stressed.


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Finch Laid an Egg?Two weeks ago I got a male zebra finch to pair with my female. The male immediately started doing his breeding dance. A few days after that my female laid one egg and none since. I've been keeping an eye on her checking every day for signs of her being egg bound so far there are zero. The egg's most likely a dud, but each finch takes turns sitting on the egg so maybe the egg is not a dud. Should I be worrying that my female only laid one egg? Is there a reason it's only one?


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Finches Laid Eggs in Their Food?The finches laid eggs in their food, what do I do? There are 3 eggs in there, do I move the dish? Do I add anything so they can cover them? Do I just leave them alone and see what happens?


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A Baby Finch Died?I have finches that just had 2 babies and one of them died. I don't know how or why, but it is still in the nest with the other baby that is still alive. I don't know if I should leave it until the other one isn't dependent on the parents or if I should take them both out in case it was the dad.


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Zebra Finch Is Laying Eggs?I have a pair of zebra finches. I noticed that the female zebra start laying eggs. It laid 3 eggs, but on the fourth day when I went to check to see if she laid another egg, I noticed that in the nest there were only 2 eggs. Is this normal?


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Breeding Finches?I have a CFW zebra finch male and a normal grey female. What would their babies look like?


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Finch Has One Eye Closed?My finch's one eye is always closed. What is the reason and how can I cure it? Will it automatically cure itself? Please suggest some remedy to me or whether I want to go to a vet clinic.


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Raising Zebra Finches?What if the zebra finch mothers are feeding their babies too much so that the food is getting stuck in the babies' neck and the babies cannot breathe? Two have died like this.


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Breeding Zebra Finches?I have two pairs of zebra finches and only one breeder box. Is that enough for the two pairs to breed or I have to buy another breeder box for them? Will the one pair damage the other pairs' eggs?


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New Zebra Finches Are Quiet and Not Active?My fiches are always simply sitting. Also they are not making sounds frequently. Is there any problem with them? I bought them just 2 days ago. I am just a beginner. I don't have any experience with birds.


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Zebra Finch Laid Eggs?Yesterday I woke up and I saw that my zebra finch had laid an egg. Today I woke up and saw that it had laid another egg. I saw them breeding a few days earlier, but I know nothing about what I need to do.


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Introducing a New Finch to a Lone Bird?I have a 6 year old male zebra finch and I'm looking to get another male. My finch has always been alone. So, my question(s) is/are, would they fight? Will my old one be territorial? How would I introduce them? I don't really want my old one to be stressed so if this doesn't sound like a good idea I won't do it.


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Budgies Started Being Really Loud Lately?I got two budgies from my neighbor a couple months ago. It seems to me like the female is mean, loud and pushy (even to the poor boy). It seems like she's screaming at him! Last week or two they've been extra loud. I would like to gain their friendship, but I'd also like to get back to the old, tolerable noise level.


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Breeding Society Finches?I bought 2 Society finches. 2 months later they nested in the food container. I bought an actual nest and they didn't want it. I just got small pine tree dried leaves, cotton strings, and pieces of fluffy Bounty napkins. 2 weeks later I saw 4 eggs. 18 days went by and on the 18th day in the evening I found all 4 babies dead!


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Zebra Finch Nest and Eggs Knocked Down?We have a pair of zebra finches. They built a nest and laid 2 eggs which surprised us because we got them from someone that told us they where just a few months old. Never the less things where going great, the dad was brining twigs to make a roof and they where taking turns nesting on the eggs.


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