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Kitten in the Planter Boxes...Could someone give me some ideas on how to keep our baby kitten out of the planter boxes with flowers. - Jodi


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Kitten Accident Problem?Hi! My boyfriend is currently living with his sister, and about 3 months ago she got a kitten. He is a very sweet, yet energetic kitty! The problem is, his sister closes her bedroom door at night.


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Cat Problem?I have a 8 yr old male cat who recently dislikes my boyfriend. He did nothing to my cat. All of a sudden after six months of being together my boy hisses at my boyfriend when he comes over, he went to pet my boy and he bit him. The other day my boy and my boyfriend both in kitchen, my boy hunched in chair, growling, hissing, boyfriend doing dishes then my boy deficated on my chair. I feel he is jealous, because my boyfriend does not allow my boy nor female in the bedroom when he comes over. My female who is 14 yrs old is ok with this but not my boy. Please help me!


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Keeping Pet Cats Out of the House?I would like to request someone to tell me how to keep pet cats out of the house.


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Gift for Your Cat - Make a Scratching BoxIf you want to make a gift for your cat, but aren't inclined to bake kitty treats, make him (or her) a scratching box. Take a small, flat box and cut off one of the large sides.


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Cat Peeing on Baby Seats?My 7 week old kitten keeps peeing on my grandchild's seats. i know she uses the litter pan, but don't know why she started this habit. is there some natural deterent that i can use? Pam


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Cat Always Pees Inside?I have a problem with my cat! She can be outside all day and then one more trip out before I go to bed but she always pees inside! Anyway to stop this and to take away smell? jennifer


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Cat Post Repair?We have a rather expensive and heavy cat post approximately 6 feet high. It is lined with carpeting. Our cat recently passed away and we are in the process of finding a new cat.


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Keeping Cats Out of the Motor of Your Car?I need some help on how to keep a cat from getting up in the motor of our car. If anyone can give me some advice quick I sure would appreciate it.


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Elderly Cat Is Bleeding?Please could someone give me some advice on my elderly cat. She is 17 years old and is experiencing anal bleeding.


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Spay and Neuter Help?2 years ago, I did what I thought was a good deed, I took in a stray female cat. She in turn brought me home 1 litter of kittens a year later.


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Cat Box TipsTips for cleaning and maintaining a cat box. Post your ideas.


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Is Clay Litter Bad For Cats?I've vaguely heard that regular clay scoopable litter is bad for kitties. The cat licks her feet and gets litter in her GI tract. The caking agent used expands 15 times its original size so even very small amounts can get to be a lot in a kitty's GI tract. It doesn't get eliminated from the body.


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Tree Sap on a Cat?My cat just got stuck in a tree and my husband had to go up the tree to get him. Now my cat has tree sap all over him. What is the best thing to use to get it out? Thanks to anyone who can help!


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Taming a Kitten?I just got a six month old kitten who's meaner than spit. She growls if anyone comes near her and bites if you try to touch her. She was scared when I brought her home and I was allowed to hold and pet her. As soon as she got used to the household, she started attacking anything that came by. Does anyone know what to do with a cat like this?



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Cat Keeps Returning to Previous Home?I have a 6 year old female cat. We lived in this trailer for her entire life, until just a couple of months ago when we built a house and moved into it. The house is only about 1/8 of a mile from the trailer we used to live in and the cat hates the house! (She's an indoor/outdoor cat).


Cat Appears to be Spraying?I have a 1 year old male cat, he was spayed when he was 6 months old but recently every time he is close to me meows a lot and raises his tail and makes an action like he is spraying me but nothing comes out. I have see him do that with some of the furniture as well. Is that normal and why is he doing it?


Kitten climbing up a plant stalk.

Help with the Garden"Kitty, kitty what I pity, you don't help my garden grow. You climb and walk up flower stalks, to give us all a little show".


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Cat Tent Pattern?I am looking for a simple pattern to make a "Cat Tent" for my daughter's cat. He loves to hide deep in the covers or a box. So I thought he might like a dark, soft cat tent.


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House Training a Declawed Cat?The problem here is that Lexi recently started peeing in my bed. My bed seems to be the place she is happiest, so I can't go and make her stay away from there. It is her sanctuary - where she feels safest. When she is chased by the other cat (Lily), it's to my bed that Lexi runs.


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How Can I Tell If My Cat Is Spraying?I have a male cat that is almost a year old. He has been the only household pet until recently. We just got a puppy rottweiler, he is about 13 weeks old. The cat hates him. We are trying to house break the puppy, so he has had a few accidents around the house. I am trying to figure out if the cat has starting spraying the furniture.


Cat Wants to Sleep With Me At Night?I have just acquired a 7 week old kitten and she WILL NOT sleep in her own bed at night. I've had to resort to shutting her out of the bedrooms at night, which results in her walking around yowling for about an hour. Any tips or suggestions would be very helpful.


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Putting Butter on Your Cats Paws When You Move?I have been told that when moving to a new house with your cats you should cover their paws with butter to stop them roaming and getting lost. Does anyone know why or if it works?


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Moving Cats to a New Home?I am moving from the U.K.. to Florida soon and plan to take my three cats with me. I am terrified of losing them and as they love to go outside. It is very hard to keep them indoors. Any suggestions on how to keep them close and keeping them from getting lost?


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Cat Scratching Furniture?Our cat is scratching our furniture. Any suggestions?


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Himalayan Peeing Everywhere?I have two himalayan cats, both mature, one male, one female--neither "fixed." the idea is that we want kittens. We have multiple cats and multiple litter boxes. The male cat pees everywhere. I don't think its just spray, as there is generally a huge puddle of it somewhere.


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Preparing a Cat for a Move?I've just moved into a new flat. My cat is 9 years old now an he's moved before. Any tips on how I can make it easier for him to settle in?


My Cat is Clawing at Her Mouth?I'm wondering if anybody could help. My kitten who is 6 weeks old has recently started clawing at her mouth causing it to bleed. This happens usually after taking a bite of food but yesterday she was doing it even when not eating, she would claw at her mouth with both paws every 20 seconds or so.


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Natural Recipes for Worming Cats?Does anyone have a natural homemade recipe for worming cats and kittens?


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Can I use Advantage and a flea collar on a 7 week old kitten?Can I use Advantage and a flea collar on a 7 week old kitten?



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Leashes for Cats?What do you use to tether you cats outside? I tried using a cat collar and leash and Grayce won't move. She just stares at the leash. She loves to go outside.


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My Cat Is Clumsy?I have a cat that knocks down everything... glasses, cups, candles, shampoo bottles. Nothing is safe! What is wrong with him? Here are a few other things I noticed.


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Giving a Cat Different Flea Medication?What would happen if you used too much flea medication on a cat? I used a horrible generic brand on my cat yesterday and I will be buying advantage tonight. Can I put it on them or do I have to wait, if so, how long?


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My Kitten Is Coughing?I just rescued a baby kitten for some reason she is coughing like she has a hairball but she's doing it too often to be a hairball. Do you have any home remedy suggestions to stop the coughing?


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Kitten Not Having Bowel Movements?My three week old kitten has not had a bowel movement since I rescued her. Is that normal?


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My Cat's Tummy Drags on the Floor?My 9 year old male cat seems pretty healthy, but his tummy drags the floor. Does anyone have any ideas how I may help him lose a little weight without hurting his health?


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When Can You Spay a Kitten?What is the youngest age you can spay your kitten?


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Cat Peeing Inside After a Move?I just moved to my daughter's home with my cat that I have had since birth (she's 18 months old). She attempted to pee on my daughter's couch and I am not sure why. What do you think?


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Acclimating a New Cat?Acclimating a New Cat. I love cats. I had 6 and got another one, who is such a lover. He's a 7 month old male named Punky. We have tried everything to acclimate him to the other cats but nothing seems to be working.


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Changing Outdoor Cats Bathroom Habits?We had a fair amount of poor weather this past winter in Missouri. My outdoor kitties (all sterilized) have developed a very poor habit of pooping and peeing in the gravel on the machine shed floor. We have lots of woods for them to potty in. There are no doors on the shed to shut them out.


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Cats Knocking Down Knick Knacks?I have recently gotten 2 kittens - both are about 7 months old. We have a ledge with knickknacks on it they can jump up to and they keep knocking things off. We have tried putting tacky stuff on the bottom of the items to keep them secure, also have tried green apple spray.


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Why do cats "knead"?I'm just curious: why do cats "knead" things? My cat is always "kneading" the blankets on my bed, I'm curious as to why she does this.


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Cat Peeing on Furniture?Please help with my male cat. He is fixed and he just got over a blocked pee pee, he had a catheter in for 4 days. It came out Saturday and he was fine but last night he peed on every piece of furniture we own.


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Feeding an Overweight Cat?My cat is slightly overweight and I would like to put it on a healthy and balanced diet. I'm not sure how much food to give her daily and what food might be the best. Does anyone know?


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How Long Does a Cats First Heat Last?One of my cats (an almost one-year old kitten) appears to be in heat for the first time. How long does this usually last, and can I have her spayed as soon as it's over?



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Stopping a Cat from Scratching a Couch?Anyway to break my adult cat from sharpening her claws on my couch. I am now sewing new slipcovers to cover the mess she has made and would love to break her of this habit. She also sharpens her claws outside as well.


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Bad Tempered Seal Point Siamese?I have a Seal Point, and you can't even hardly pet her, she hisses and smacks at you! She hasn't been declawed so therefore she will cut you bad. How can I make her a loving cat?


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Advice For Kitten With Small Uneven Eyes?I just adopted a stray 6 month old kitten. She has had a visit to the vet already and is in good health.


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How to Memorialize 2 Year Old Siamese?Yesterday, I had to send my 2 year old Siamese, Sarabi home to perch over the shoulder of our Lord, until I can join her once again. She came down very suddenly with wet FIP and there was nothing we could do. I held her and let her go with love whispered in her ear. She is buried at a family members house, who loves animals and will let me go sit with her whenever I need to.


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Advice With Helping Neglected Kitten?Kitten Help! I have just been out in the dark rescuing a kitten [8-9 weeks] from a tree down the street. The child at the house told me the kitty belongs to my next door neighbors.


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Caring For My Elderly Cat?I have a female cat that is 18. She has had a couple of strokes in the past few years and has a slight balance problem. Recently, she has started urinating everywhere!


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Advice For Cat That Doesn't Bathe Itself?I've recently adopted two cats from a local shelter. They're 11 months old.


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Help Getting Cat With Urinary Infection To Eat?I have a cat that had a urinary infection, I took him to the vet they done the catheter on him,ran some tests and said his kidneys were damaged a little bit.


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Taking Care of a Stray Kitten?I found a kitten outside last night. I felt really bad for it, it's been outside a long time and I fed it. I was going to give it to the animal shelter. They only keep it for a short time and if it gets sick, they put it down. I just got a dog and I don't want my dog getting fleas, etc.


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When are Kittens Ready for Solid Food?I have 3 four-week old kittens. How do I know when they're ready for solid food?


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Cat Froths at the Mouth When Given Medication?My cat froths at the mouth when I give her medication. I need advice!


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How Do I Introduce a Kitten to 10 Year Old Cat?I have just recently adopted a six month old kitten and introduced him to my cat of 10 years, Tucker. They began sniffing each other and then just walked away uninterested in the other. Well, now a week later my older cat is acting out and urinating on a bed, the carpet, laundry and several places other than his litter box.


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Fed Up with Cat Clawing Everything?My beloved cat is like part of the family, but I have just about had it with his clawing everything. My leather chair is wrecked, my cabinets in the kitchen are all clawed up from when he is reaching up to get something. He will not allow us to clip his nails, unless we want to wind up with very little skin. What can we do? Will a vet clip his nails on a bi-monthly basis for a fee.


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When Can I Bathe a Mommy Cat and New Kittens?My mommy cat is still having her baby kittens at 12:25am on Tuesday the 22nd of January, 2008. She started at 7pm Monday the 21st. I was curious how soon I could bathe momma and the babies for fleas. How long does it take for a mommy kitty to have all her babies?


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Repellent to Keep a Cat Off a Sofa?I am looking for a cat repellent gel to keep cat off new sofa and plants.


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Using Terramycin Powder Instead of Ointment For Cat?I have a cat with an eye problem, she has had for a long time. I have taken her to the Dr. several times for it and it always comes back. She was on terramycin ointment. I bought some terramycin powder when she ran out of it, I just am not sure of how to give it to her. Any suggestions?


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Can Male Cats Eat Liver?Has anyone ever heard that liver, cooked or raw, in cat food is bad for adult male cats? If so, why?


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Are Cats Supposed To Pant?Are cats supposed to pant?


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Help With 4 Year Old Male Cat That is "Leaking" Often?I have a 4 y.o. male cat (neutered) who seems to be "leaking" all the time. I've felt along his belly and can't tell if his bladder is "over full" or anything like that. I lost my job a couple of weeks ago, and don't start training until the 14th on the new job (so can't afford a vet). When I pick him up, he doesn't meow like he's in pain or anything.


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Mark In Iris Of Cat's Eye?My cat has recently developed a mark on the central bottom area of her iris, and it is steadily spreading. Does anyone know what this could be in iridology?


Cat Swallowing Food Kibbles Whole?My 2 year old cat (with good teeth) used to chew his tiny pieces of dried food (kibble) normally, (we'd hear "crunch-crunch" when he ate). But these days he just swallows the kibble whole. Do your cats also swallow their dried food whole or is something wrong?


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Reuse Bags For Thrifty Litter Box Clean-UpI have this "thing" where I like to reuse anything that's headed for the trash in another way at least one more time (yes, I probably border on obsessive-compulsive). However, in the long run, this practice does save money.


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Get a Safe Collar for Your CatIf you have a cat that goes outside, please don't use a collar with any elastic because if they get hung up on something they might turn around while trying to get away. This would tighten the elastic and they could very easily strangle themselves.


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Cat Is Dragging Laundry Around House?One of my cats started doing something strange this past year. Jesse is a 4yr old neutered male. He brings dirty laundry downstairs. I know he's trying to tell me something, but I can't figure out what it is. He'll grab a sock usually, but sometimes he'll bring underwear, t-shirts, pajama pants, and once he brought a blanket!


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Stopping My Cat from Getting on My Car at Night?I have a cat that lives in our barn. The cat gets on my car at night, now can I stop this?


Adult Cat Nursing on a Male Cat?I have two cats inside. One is a neutered male a few years old and I have a female who is about a year old. When we first got her she was a kitten and my male cat would clean her and stuff.


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Kittens Eye Only Half Open?We have five 3 week old kittens. All have opened their eyes, except one eye on one kitten is only half open. It appears healthy and is clear and clean. Should we worry?


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Cat Doesn't Use Cat Condo?My son has a cat that is only interested in the bottom floor of the cat condo (he climbs, but not the condo). No other pets in the apt. Suggestions to help the cat make full use of the condo, please. Thanks.


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One Saved Kitty!My son saved our kitty and I'd like to share how he did it. We had her spayed on Wednesday and she panicked when let out of the carrier and leaped to the loft area in our condo and disappeared into an attic area. We could not see her, and heard nothing until almost 24 hours later.


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Spraying Problems from Two Male Cats?I recently had to move in with my ill Dad. I brought my male cat with me, he has a male cat also. They stay their distances. I have caught my cat spraying (he is neutered), is there any thing that can be done? We can't be having that in the house.


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Older Cat Acting Like a Tyrant?My cat is spraying and beating everyone up, how can I stop it? He's about 13 and always been a gentle man, now he's a tyrant. He bit my partner and drew blood, he even beat up the other kitties. I've taken him to the vet, sprayed everything with natures miracle.


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Cat Poops On Floor When With Other Cats?We adopted an adult male cat (already neutered) about three 3 ago named Henry. We already had two adult males who we raised from kittens. All three are indoor only. At first, there was some hissing and growling but they soon learned to live in peace. However, about 1 year ago, Henry started to occasionally poop beside a litter box. I never found urine outside the box, only poo.


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Cat Pees on Rugs?I just got a cat a week ago. She uses the litterbox but also started peeing on my bathroom rugs. I pulled them up and she peed on my kitchen rug, I pulled that one. After she pees on them she will poo too, but usually uses the litter box for that. I woke up and she peed on my bed while I was sleeping.


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Rabies Innoculation for Cats?Does anyone know of an alternative cheaper protection against rabies for my cats than the usual innoculation by a vet?


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Poop On Cat's Bottom?Why does my cat have poop around her butt?


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Getting Husband and Cat To Get Along?How do you get your new husband to get along with your 10-year old male cat? My cat is peeing around his things and hides from him and my husband teases him. :(


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Cat Seems To Be Sick?My indoor cat is about 8 years old. She is fed dry food, but also a bit of wet food everyday as well. She doesn't seem to be quite herself lately, and today while cleaning her litter box, I noticed that she has had some loose stools recently. She is eating the same, but drinking slightly more water than usual. Do cats get under the weather like people and recover on their own?


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Cat Has Lost It's Appetite?My indoor-outdoor 3 year old cat is usually always hungry, but yesterday he lost his usual huge appetite. He has still been pretty much his normal, spunky, kitten-like self and still loves to run and play, but is a tiny bit sluggish. Yesterday he wouldn't eat his morning meal, but by evening we fed him his favorite of canned salmon cat food and he did eat it. But it's strange that he doesn't even want his treats which isn't like him. Could loosing his appetite be caused by worms? I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow.


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Smells From Other Cats Can Upset Your CatIf you see a tomcat in your area, be very careful when you are outside, because you can bring the tomcat (or any other cat's scent) into your home on your shoes.


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Cat Rolls in Litter Box?Have any of you seen a cat who rolls in his litter box? When I caught him doing this the cat box was fairly clean with almost new litter except in the bottom corner where he wasn't rolling. He had used this box to go in 2 times so it wasn't brand new litter. He's a strange cat that hardly ever cleans himself. In fact we call him Pig Pen because he loves to lay and roll in the soft dirt outside to "powder" himself in the summer time.


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Treatment Options for Cat with Luxating Patella?My 2 year old female cat has been diagnosed with luxating patella. The cost of an operation is about $800 Au. There is also medication which is like Nurofen for cats. I can't get this unless I go to the vet. This will cost me $82, the medication is only $25 but the cost of the visit takes up the rest. Is there any other way of managing this problem besides the two I have mentioned. There are two vets in this town, one is very expensive but nice and clean and professional. The other is very smelly and cheap. I can't bring myself to take my babies to the cheap one for fear of cross infection.


Maine Coon Kittens Have the Runs?My Maine Coon kittens always have the runs, any advice?


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Tying Ribbon to Cat Toys?I want to put ribbons or some long fibers on the balls that my cat likes. Hopefully it will make her run around and get exercise, she's a lay-about kitty. I don't want her to chew them up and get them stuck in her system (previous experience with Mylar). What is your experience? I was thinking grosgrain ribbon, but I'd like something not quite as heavy, but the kitty's health overrides everything else. Thanks for your thoughts.


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Kittens Scratching Wallpaper?How do you stop kittens from scratching wallpaper?


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Cat with Itchy Ears?I have a six year old "tuxedo" cat named Albert, who has an itchy ear problem. I tried the parasite meds and I don't see anything in there. Does the vinegar work for cats too? He weighs about 10 pounds.


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New Kitten Likes to Scratch?I was wondering if there were any ideas out there as to what to use to cover or protect sofas, doorways, etc from a new kitten who enjoys scratching things. She hasn't learned to use her scratching post yet.


Male Cat Nurses Itself to Sleep?I know this is very odd but I'm at my wits end. My 9 month old male cat who is been neutered "nurses" himself at night. He seems to do this every night in my bed and he has to be touching me. To me it seems to be a form of self pleasure for him. I know this is a bad topic but if anyone can help me I would be grateful. I love my cat very much and want him to be healthy. I also have his sister but have not noticed any odd behaviors from her. Why does he do this? And should I be worried?


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Crystallized Cat Urine?I have two adult cats, one about 13 and the other about six or seven. I have read lots about cats having difficulty urinating, urinating in odd places, etc. and crystals in their urine. During the past few months I have found small yellowish deposits which strike me as being what a mixture of water and brown sugar would look like after the water has evaporated.


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Helping My Cat Lose Weight?I have a very overweight cat, we're talking 20 lbs. I don't want to buy expensive weight loss food and she can't go outside (she has been de clawed). Help please!


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Feeding Cat People Foods?We adopted a kitten from the shelter. She is now 6 mos old. She loves apples, pears, oranges, carrots and especially yogurt. We do not feed her from the table but if we have any of the above items she goes crazy and we let her have just a little. Could any of the items be harmful?


Cats Attitudes Have Changed?I have two female cats, Polly and Ally. I got Polly when she was a kitten at a animal shelter knowing that she was a wild cat, and I got Ally about 3 months after I got Polly. I got Ally from a friend who couldn't have pets in his home. Polly is now 2 yrs old and Ally is about 5 yrs old.


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Make Cat Toys Out of Recycled MaterialsReduce, reuse and recycle! That seems to be my mantra now. Hmm, need more cat toys? Take an empty toilet roll tube and cut into 1 inch rings and toss one on the floor, lightweight, easily batted about, cheap (lol) and an endless supply!


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Cat Puts Things in Water Dish?My cat always puts things in his water dish. Not just anything, he puts only things that soak up water. I change his water every other day if not every every day and its filtered. He has done this ever since he was really young. Any suggestions?


Cat is Throwing Up Food?No matter what kind of cat food we have tried, Bailey seems to keep throwing up. What kind of food can we give him? He doesn't throw up everyday all day but almost every other day it seems like and it might not even be that frequent but it's enough to notice.


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Kitten Bothering Adult Cat?About 3 months ago we lost one of our two cats to a run in with a vehicle. We replaced him with a female tortoiseshell kitten. We also have a 5 year old male cat that grew up with our lost cat. The kitten will not leave the cat alone.


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Cats Have Become Picky Eaters?My 4 indoor cats have become extremely fussy and are turning up their noses at every brand of food lately (can or pouch). I end up giving it to the outdoor cats, who gobble it all up. My indoor cats still eat the same brands of dry food but look for other food and then won't eat what they're given.


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Waterfall Cat WatererMy friend's cat jumped at the chance to drink the water while it was running from a faucet. In fact, she refused to drink it any other way. The friend bought one of those cute little plug-in decorative waterfalls and set it on her hearth.


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