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Low Income Vet Care?I'm very low income and I was given a calico kitten for my last birthday. It has been 5 months and I also noticed that she did have a cleft palate and I'm not sure if it needs to be checked out. I really want to get her into the vet to get her checked out. Where can I get free vet care for my kitten if I'm low income?


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Why Does My Cat Pee On Baked Goods?I've had my cat for 8 years now, male, neutered and there is only one thing he does that I can't figure out. I raised him from a week old so I've watch his behaviors and have learned what most of them mean, or what he wants, however, this is something I can't quite figure out. Leo jumps on counter tops like most cats. I don't keep many things out on a daily basis, but if any type of baked good; ie bread, cookies. Anything left out wrapped or covered he will pee on it! He doesn't pee on anything else or anywhere other than his litter box. Why?


A tiny kitten wrapped in a towel.

Tiny KittenWe met this kitten at a fall event this weekend. It's just two weeks old and the eyes had opened only a couple of days earlier. It was so tiny and cute, such a precious bundle. We didn't catch the darling's name but the owner said it was a rescue. I think it is still being bottle fed regularly, which is why it was out at an event.


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Cleaning Cat's Ears?Can I use tee tree oil to clean my cats ears? He has this black stuff inside it, but I'm not sure what to do about it. All I have is Tea Tree oil.


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Cat Keeps Bringing Me Her Kittens?My 9 month old cat recently had a litter of 9 kittens. One was stillborn, one she fell asleep on, and one died this morning so I'm down to 6. They are two weeks old. I'm unsure the cause of death of the one this morning but she had brought it to me first thing this morning and I could tell it was weak but it was dead by the time I got home from church.


A cat using a litter box.

Make Your Own Cat Box Odor NeutralizerBaking soda is recommended for reducing litter box odors. Caution should be used with any other substances as they could cause health concerns. Do NOT use borax as it is toxic to cats.


A pile of shredded newspaper.

Shredded Paper as Cat LitterI have a tip for recycling paper. I shred all my flyers and newspapers and use them as litter for my cat. It saves so much money and is not as heavy to take out to the garbage. It works great.


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Cats Pooping Under Deck?We have cats that have adopted us and live on our back deck. We feed them. There are many places to poop besides under the deck as this does create an odor for us to NOT enjoy when we are lounging. Any ideas on a repellent for this that I can lay under the deck? I was thinking cedar mulch or cedar pet litter, looking for something dry I can lay under the deck that will not hurt them.


A cat with a wound under his ear.

My Cat Scratching Under His Ear?My cat has scratched the fur off under his ear and he will not stop scratching it. How do we stop him from scratching the area so it will heal? We have put vaseline on it. It worked for awhile but once it wore off, he would start to scratch it again and reopen the area.


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Keeping Dry Cat Food NeaterMy cats love their dry food, which they get along with canned cat food. But, they tended to scatter the dry food. I cut down on that by putting their double bowl in a shoe box lid.


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Low Cost Pet Euthanasia Services?I'm looking for a vet or a place were I can take loyal friend and companion, my baby girl, Gypsy. She has been with me 13 years and together we have been through many things. She is a miniature American Eskimo and has had issues with her hair falling out, with scabs and a smell. She has severe arthritis and her back legs just don't give anymore. It's so painful. I am having to pick her up carry her outside for her to relieve herself.


Two cat doors at the bottom of bedroom doors.

Allowing Cats to Access RoomsMy adult children each have a cat that is their responsibility, including the litter boxes which are kept in their bedrooms. I got these cute cutout cat doors for each of their bedroom doors for easy access.


A container of glass marbles on top of cat food in a self feeder.

Keep Your Self Feeder Cat Food 'Self Feeding'My cat is a lovely little gem. But he can't quiet grasp how to make the food come down like he needs it to. So today I helped.


A white Easter lily growing in a garden.

Easter Lilies are Poisonous to CatsLilies are a favorite flower for this time of year, especially as Easter gifts. But if you have cats, you should avoid these pretty flowers. The toxins in the flowers can cause liver damage and even death in small doses. This is true with other types of lilies so keep it in mind when selecting plants for your garden or yard as well.


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New Cat is Showing Dominance?My sister has three male cats. Figaro (neutered) is the oldest, I believe he is 10. Chan (not neutered) is about a year old and Angel is a little under a year old, not neutered and sprays all over the house. Angel is the newest cat in the clan though.



A cat next to a can of cat food.

Making Sure Cats Get Enough WaterA couple of years ago, my older cat was diagnosed with chronic renal failure. He was very dehydrated and weak and would regularly vomit up his food. The vet gave him a subcutaneous water treatment and prescribed him special food for renal support but warned us that it was not a cure, just a way to keep him as stable as possible for the next few years.


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Kitten Got Soap in Its Eye?My son got dish soap in our kitten's eye. It is now swollen and half closed. I can't afford a vet bill. Does any body have any suggestions?


Massage Kittens Paws Before  Holiday Pictures - massaging a kitten's paws

Massage Kitten's Paws Before Holiday PicturesI love taking seasonal photos of our pets. I have noticed a nice foot massage is great to calm my kittens and cats before a photo session. Some of them don't enjoy it, right away, but most of our ten cats do.


kittens on hammock

3 Week Old Kitten Hammock ActivityJust today, the kittens crawled out of their box and started making their way towards the front door. I had a hammock with three sides tied and one side loose. They are old enough to exercise, but not old enough to climb into a regular hammock on their own. This gives them a chance to use their muscles and balance.


A litter of kittens outside.

Caring for KittensKittens need special care until they are weaned, especially before their eyes are open. Abandoned or stray kittens may have to be bottle fed and may have a number of health concerns to be addressed by a veterinarian.


A plastic bag in a bucket with cat litter.

Use Produce Bags for Soiled Cat LitterPlastic produce bags make great bags for cleaning out the cat litter box. Usually the bags are damp or wet when empty, so I hang them to dry which does not take long.


A cat sitting in a litter box.

Cat Urine Smells Like Ammonia?If you find that your cat's urine has a strong ammonia odor, there are a couple of possible things that may be the cause. First it may be that the odor is actually the result of the litter box not being cleaned often enough. Secondly, you may want to make sure your kitty is hydrated. And finally, a trip to the vet could rule out a UTI.


A cat ignoring his food bowl.

Cat Won't Eat Cat Food?Cats can be fussy eaters and refuse to eat the pet food you are offering. There are a number of ways to handle this from cooking for your pet to adding meat to their kibbles or even improving on the canned food, if that is what you feed them. Several solutions can be seen below.


A meowing cat.

Caring for a Cat in HeatCats in heat can be quite uncomfortable and exhibit behaviors that are not typical for them normally. Warm cloths or beds may help, checking with your vet for solutions is another possible route to take. Ultimately, having a kitty spayed is safe and will end the concerns. More suggestions can be reviewed below.


A man looking at an air vent.

Getting Cats Out of Air Vents?An open home air vent can be very tempting to an inquisitive cat. If your kitty goes on a journey and can't get out, there are some things you can do to locate her and provide an exit. Be sure to check the length of the vents to determine if the cat has found its own way out, first.


A mother cat with several kittens nursing.

Caring for a Mother Cat and Her KittensDomesticate cats are honored guests in our homes. Because of the close relationship that has developed with our feline pets we may become caregivers to the mommy cat and her kittens should the need arise. This page addresses some of the situations that you may find yourself in with mom and kittens.


A cardboard kitty condo.

Making a Cardboard Kitty CottageUpcycle cardboard boxes to make this adorable kitty cottage. It's a great project for kids with a new and adventuresome kitten.


A cat being given liquid medication.

Giving Cats Liquid MedicationGiving your cat liquid medication, while definitely not fun for the kitty, can be done reasonably well using a dropper or syringe from the vet.


Temporary Crate for My New Cat Conner - kitty in the crate

Making a Temporary Cat CrateThis temporary cat crate is made from two milk crates. Until you can order or build a more substantial one, this quick fix allows you to take your kitty outside with you in the yard to enjoy the sun and do some bird watching.


Raising My New Cat's Dishes - waterproof mat under the feeding station

Raising Cat DishesRaise the level of your cat's food and water dishes using things you have at home rather than spending a lot at the pet store. Learn how here.



A cat on top of a cat tower.

Keeping a Cat Tree from Tipping Over?The base on some cat trees is insufficient in size and weight to prevent tipping. Below we have some permanent and temporary fixes for this issue.


A cat being trained with a treat.

Training CatsAlthough known for their independent nature, it is possible to train your cats to do or not do certain things. This page contains some cat training tips.


Cat Porch Sling - lace curtain cat sling on the porch

Cat Porch SlingIf you build it, they will come to the cat porch sling and mini 'cat'stle.


Little Orphan Annie (Cat)

Little Orphan Annie (Domestic Shorthair)Little Orphan Annie has been, and continues to a frequent photo guest on our site. We have gathered together some of her photos on this page.


A cat in a window with a warm scarf and a cup of cocoa

Keeping Cats Warm in WinterKitties love to be warm. In summer they enjoy sunny window spots. But winter is different. Keeping your cat warm in the winter can be accomplished using a warming lamp, a heated cat bed, or pad.


Two cats jumping from one couch to another.

Keeping Indoor Cats SafeHere are some great suggestions for how to keep indoor cats safe, should they get outside. Building an enclosed space outside, that is accessible from inside, is just one way to keep them safe.


A cat inside a hooded litter box.

Where to Keep the Litter Box?It is a great convenience that cats are easily trained to use a litter box. However, finding the best place to locate your litter box(es) out of site and reach of other pets and children can be a process of trial and error.


Spanish moss hanging from trees.

Is Spanish Moss Toxic to Cats?Research seems to indicate that Spanish moss is a nonpoisonous flowering plant found in tropical and subtropical regions. It is not considered toxic to cats.


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Cat Has a Piece of Claw Stuck Between Teeth?My 13 year old cat was constantly licking her lips so I looked and there is a small piece of her claw stuck in between her teeth. What do I do or will it dislodge on its own? I've tried pulling it out, but she doesn't sit very still and I'm afraid of breaking her teeth.


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Male Cat Attacks Other Cats?My male Scottish fold cat keeps attacking other cats. Every cat that it sees it literally attacks them and I do not know what to do. The only cat it does not attack is my female Scottish Fold/British shorthair however she hisses at him all the time even when I put them in a cage together. It has been a year plus now so I have to keep him locked up, but I don't want to do this.


A small kitten in a blanket.

What to Do for a Kitten Sucking on Blankets?Kittens who are taken from their mothers too soon and even cats who simply seek a comforting behavior may enjoy sucking on a blanket. Kittens will often outgrow this habit. If your cat continues, you might try giving them their own blankie. Just make sure it is in good condition and the fabric is not one that can cause them tummy issues.


Refinishing a Cat Tree - continue wrapping below the shelf

Refinishing a Cat Tree With Sisal RopeRather than buying a new cat tree when the original carpet has finally been shredded by your lovely kitties, try removing it and replacing with sisal rope. Cats love to use sisal as a scratching surface and will of course wear through it too eventually, but it is easy to replace. This page offers instructions and photos helpful for refinishing a cat tree with sisal rope.


Remedy for a Cat with Acne on Face and Head - cat with scratches and acne on face

Remedy for a Cat with Acne on Face and Head?My cat has chin acne, but it has spread to his head and face. It scabs up, but falls off then he scratches till he bleeds. The vet has given me shampoos, steroids, medications, and a change of food. I've spent over 1000.00 and it still hasn't been remedied. Any suggestions?


Two cats in an enclosure.

Building a CatioMaking a small indoor/outdoor enclosure for your cat can help make your home a more comfortable place for your pet. Making a catio can be very simple and your cat is sure to love it.


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Helping a Neighbor's Neglected Cat?There's been this stray cat roaming my block for 2-3 weeks now. I posted on Facebook seeing if anyone would like him. He's an indoor cat and extremely friendly and hungry. He tries to get into my house every time I go in and come out to smoke. He is quite skinny and he was out when it was storming.



Two Month Old Kittens Nursing Again - kittens nursing

Two Month Old Kittens Nursing Again?I have a female cat that is an outside cat and she has four two month old kittens. The kittens have been weaned, but now all of a sudden they've all started nursing off her again. Is this normal or is she pregnant again? My husband said he caught her hooked up to a stray male a couple of weeks ago.


A young cat high up in a tall tree.

Getting a Cat Out of a Tall TreeAn interesting approach to getting a cat to come down from a tree is to record a video of the cat meowing in the tree. Play the video back to the cat, and it just might come down. This is a page about getting a cat out of a tall tree.


gray and white kitty

Fuzzy (Domestic Longhair)We have gathered together several photos of this pretty gray kitty to track her exploits over the years. This page contains photos of a longtime member's kitty, Fuzzy a Domestic Longhair.


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Adult Cat Just Started Pooping and Peeing in the Closet?My 7 year old cat just started pooping and peeing in my closet on top of the shoes. Nothing has changed in our environment. He is healthy and has no problems. He had a vet wellness appointment a week prior. He still uses the litter boxes. So I ruled out UTI. I kept him out of my closet for 2 weeks and no accidents. He didn't go in any other closets in the house.


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Introducing a New Female Kitten to the Resident Female Cat?I just brought home a six week old female kitten. I have a four-year-old cat, who is also female, who is not impressed. I've kept them separated for a little over a week and offer visits only through the crate, I don't see much on here talking about two female cats getting along. Can somebody help me out?


Treating a cat with flea medication.

Getting Rid of Fleas on CatsGetting rid of fleas on your cat is actually a multifold process. Not only do you need to kill the fleas on your pet, you need to prevent the eggs from hatching and reinfesting them. Flea eggs can fall into your carpet and thus require special treatment there as well. As will your yard if the pet spends time outside. This page offers suggestions for getting rid of fleas on cats.


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Cat's Abscessed Tooth Burst?My 20 year old cat had an abscessed tooth. The vet wouldn't operate. I had them give her a shot of Convenia and pain meds. The tooth has now burst. What can be done? She isn't eating.


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Keeping a Cat Off the Stove?How can I keep my cat off the electric stove?


Identifying a Bump on a Cat

Identifying a Bump on a Cat?Can anyone tell me what this might be? We have a vet appointment coming up, but I'm curious. It doesn't seem to bother him at all.


Cat Likes to Jump into Empty Garbage Can - black cat with orange bow collar

Cat Likes to Jump into Empty Garbage Can?I have a Bombay cat who is about a year old. She keeps jumping into our empty garbage can. Whenever we get her out of there she jumps right back in. Why does she keep doing this? She never bothered it when it had a bag full of garbage, but when its completely empty she always jumps in.


Flame Point Siamese cat.

Flame Point Siamese PhotosColorpoint Shorthairs are a variety of domestic cat bred by crossing Siamese with the American Shorthair. The intent was to expand the point colors to 16 well beyond the 4 traditional Siamese ones. This page contains flame point Siamese photos.


Cat scratching carpet on the stairs.

Discouraging Cats from Scratching the Carpet?Cats scratch to sharpen their claws, to strengthen their forelegs, and to mark territory. The texture of carpet is quite appealing to many cats. There are several things you can try such, as a carpet scratching post and odor eliminating products if you believe the this is marking behavior. This is a page about discouraging cats from scratching the carpet.


Kitten getting a shot

How to Give a Cat Shots?Giving your a cat a shot can be easy or difficult. The ease and success will depend on the cat's temperament and your technique. Check with your vet for tips and perhaps try having two people work together. This is a page about how to give a cat shots.


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Male Cat Allows Kittens to Nurse on Him?I have had my male cat for eight years and every kitten that I bring into the house even though their mother is nursing them they go to him and attempt to suckle. He doesn't try to stop it. I now have five-month-old kittens that are still nursing off their mother And he will let those kittens nurse off of him.


Woman spraying a glass table while looking at her cat.

Homemade Cat Deterrent Spray?Trying to keep cats off furniture and other inappropriate places can be tough. Try mixing water and apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle. Some essential oils can be used in place of the vinegar. This is a page about homemade cat deterrent spray.


Anxious looking cat on a white carpet.

Remedies for Anxiety in CatsJust like their human companions, cats can exhibit anxiety over various changes in situation, including the death of a furry friend or a move. With the proper anti-anxiety medication, after all else fails, they will typically return to their normal kitty self. This is a page about remedies for anxiety in cats.


British shorthair cat stroked by a woman

My Cat Has DandruffIf your kitty has dry skin there are a number of home remedies you can try. Make sure that there is not an underlying medical issue when you next see your vet. This page contains several treatments, from food additives to topical ones that can help when my cat has dandruff.


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Mother Cat Aggressive Towards Kittens?We adopted a stray cat when she was pregnant. She gave birth to three kittens. One of them unfortunately died. The kitten was really undersized. The mother has been good to the kittens so far. But now suddenly she seems very aggressive. She'll pounce on them and scratch and bite them really hard.


Is Our Kitten a Siamese Mix? - gray kitten

Is My Cat a Siamese Mix?The Siamese cat's genetic structure is very dominant in mix breed cats. Thus you can see physical characteristics as well and behavioral ones that will help to determine if your kitty is a Siamese mix. This is a page about, "Is my cat a Siamese mix?".


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Cat Started Peeing on My Husband?We've had our cat for almost 8 years now and she has never done anything in the house. Now she goes in my bedroom when my husband is sleeping on the bed and pees on him. Why? We've been married over 20 years and she's never done this before.


Korat breed cat.

Korat Breed Information and PhotosA beautiful, ancient domestic cat breed from Thailand. They are very affectionate and love to be treated as the favorite. This page contains korat breed information and photos.


White mother cat feeding kittens.

Mama Cat Keeps Dividing Litter into Two Groups?Mama cats will sometimes separate their litter into smaller groups. This may help her to feed and care for them better. It is not cause for concern as long as she does feed all of the kittens. If she does not, you may have to help. This is a page about mama cat keeps dividing litter into two groups.


Photo of an older cat.

Older Cat Attacks New Kitten?Introducing a new kitten to your older resident cat can be a bit of a challenge. It typically takes some time, patience, and planning on your part for them to get used to each other. This is a page about older cat attacks new kitten.


Orange cat with orange cone around it's head.

Cat Scratching a Wound With Its Cone?Some cats are too smart for their own good. If you have one of these talented kitties that has discovered that the cone that is supposed to prevent scratching can in fact be used for just that purpose, read on. This is a page about keeping a cat from scratching a wound with its cone.


Gray cat with a cone around its neck.

Finding a Home for a Sick Cat?It can be difficult to find a home for cats and kittens with chronic and/or contagious diseases. This page contains some useful tips and recommended agencies that can help in this situation. This is a page about finding a home for a sick cat.


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Cat Drinking Water from a Rusted Pitcher?My cat has anemia. She only wanted to drink water from a rusted water pitcher. I started giving her water in an iron skillet and now that is the only "bowl" she will drink water from. Is she getting iron from the water and if so, would it be too much? I do notice she is getting better!


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Mama Cat Hiding Kittens?We have a mama cat who had 3 kittens 3 weeks ago. All of them were kept home since. Today while the door were open mama cat took all the kittens and put them under the decking area that we've no access too. We would literally have to strip most of the decking to get there.


Cat laying on a vet table getting it's ears checked.

Using Peroxide to Get Rid of Ear Mites?This is a page about using peroxide to get rid of ear mites. It is best to use a solution that is intended to treat ear mites. If left untreated, ear mites can cause ear infections that can lead to serious damage. Avoid using products such as peroxide, without first consulting a veterinarian.


Dark cat getting ears cleaned with a q-tip.

Treating Cat with Ear MitesEar mites are highly contagious and will cause your cat quite a bit of discomfort. If left untreated, these tiny mites can lead to serious ear infections. While some people try to treat ear mites with home remedies, it is best to seek professional treatment to avoid damage to your cat's ears.


Kitten with mouth covered in milk.

Caring for Foster KittensKittens are often given to foster families until permanent homes can be found. This is a page about caring for foster kittens.


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Keeping an Old Cat from Constantly Scratching Her Ear?I have a really old cat; going on twenty years now. When I first rescued her 15 years ago, she had a severe case of ear mites. We got that taken care of, but she wouldn't stop licking her foot and then rubbing her ear. It was an ingrained habit. Fungus developed. For the last 15 years, I've been treating her regularly for fungus.


Cat laying in the grass

Keeping a Cat Cool in Summer?This is a page about keeping a cat cool in summer. When temperatures rise keeping pets cool moves to the top of your to do list. Indoor cats may find the temperature indoors too warm. Make sure to leave down lots of water and use a fan or the AC if possible.


Gloved hands holding and spraying a litter box with a kitten sitting by.

How to Keep Litter From Sticking to the Cat BoxThis is a page about how to keep litter from sticking to the cat box. Often wet litter will stick to the sides and in the corners of the litter box. Try applying a thin coat of pet safe wax to the cleaned box and the litter should slide out more easily.


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Treating a Cat with Ear Mites?My lil kitty has mites in his ears and I would love you to give me tips on what I can do.


Two Birman kittens on a cat tower.

Finding a Birman Kitten?Birman cats are also called the "Sacred Cat of Burma" and are well known for their beautiful coats and deep blue eyes. This is a page about finding a Birman kitten.


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Kitten Has Dark Eye Color Rather Than Blue?I have a 4 week old kitten that I'm having to bottle feed because it's a lot smaller and fragile compared to its siblings. I was wondering if there would be any reason it's eyes are not tinted blue like the rest. Its eyes are dark colored.


A kitten wrapped up in a blanket.

Treating a Kitten with a Cold?You can keep your kitten warm and hydrated, but as kittens are susceptible to viruses and bacterial infections if the condition persists or worsens a trip to the vet may be necessary. This is a page about treating a kitten with a cold.


A cat lounging on colorful towels.

Cat Pees on Rugs and Towels?There are a few possibilities as to why your kitty may be urinating on rugs and towels. This page offers some reasons for the behavior and suggestions for what to do when your cats pees on rugs and towels.


closeup of chin and jaw

Treating Cat's Crusty Eye and Chin?The causes for crusty eyes and chins in cats are likely separate issues. The eye problem could be one of several, including allergies, something in the eye, or a viral infection. The chin problem is likely feline acne and is easily treatable. Also allergies to plastic food bowls can cause chin irritation. Check with a vet on both. This is a page about treating a cat's crusty eye and chin.


Kitten getting it's crusty eyes wiped.

Treating a Kitten's EyesThere are several medical conditions that cause swollen, closed or crusty eyes. You can clean them with warm water and a soft cloth, however a trip to the vet will help with a diagnosis and the proper treatment. This is a page about treating a kitten's eyes.


Kitten Being Held

Help With Kittens That Do Not Like to Be Picked Up?Making kittens feel safe and comfortable when they don't like to be picked up may take time and gentleness on your part. Try holding them when their are tired. This is a page about help with kittens that do not like to be picked up.


Mirror Ball for Cats - closeup of finished hanging mirrored ball

How to Make a Mirrored Ball for CatsThis is a page about how to make a mirror ball for cats. When you hang this mirrored ball up in the sunlight, the floor will be dancing with specks of light for your cat to chase.


Cat With Mouse in Mouth

Keeping an Outdoor Cat from Leaving Dead Mice on Porch?Some cats love to leave gifts for their beloved owners and dead mice are a popular gift. Keeping an outdoor cat from leaving dead mice on porch can be difficult but it may be possible to get them to stop.


Cat Hissing at another cat

Cats Not Getting Along After Being Spayed?After a trip to the vet for surgery your cats may have to be reintroduced to each other. They have returned home carrying different smells and may also be off because of the procedure itself. This is a page about cats not getting along after being spayed.


Cat with Roomba Vacuum

Keeping Your House Clean With Pet CatsThere are several ideas in this page that will help you have a cleaner home, even with pet cats. Start with the kitty box, by cleaning daily and adding a mat outside the box to help contain the litter.


Cat Litter with Scoop

Which Cat Litter Is Best?This may sound like an easy question, but there are factors to be considered when choosing the best litter for your kitties. Each type has pros and cons. Do your research. This is a page about, "Which cat litter is best?".


Cat Scratching

Cat Keeps Scratching Its Eyelids?If fleas are not present, then an inflammation of the eyelid, known as blepharitis, may be the cause of this behavior. A trip to the vet for a diagnosis is probably in order. Warm cloths may help until you get an appointment. This is a page about cat keeps scratching its eyelids.


Introducing New Kitten to Resident Cat - orange and white Persian

Introducing New Kitten to Resident Cat?I was wondering if any one can offer advice on introducing and settling a new kitten with an existing one?


Maine Coon Cats on Leather Couch

Protecting Leather Furniture from CatsThis is a page about protecting leather furniture from cats. One of the best ways to protect your furniture is to put nail covers on your cat's claws. They are soft, plastic tips, that glue onto the nails and prevent them from scratching inappropriately. They are safe and easy to apply.


Highland Lynx Cat laying in a mossy forrest.

Highland Lynx PhotosThis page contains Highland Lynx photos. The Timberline Cattery developed the Highland Lynx by breeding the Desert Lynx and the Jungle Curls. The first litter was born in 1995. Highland Lynx are typically polydactyl. Their small, curled ears are set wide apart and usually have feathering and tufts at the tip. Here are some photos of this exotic and rare cat!


Close up of aggressive domestic cat

Resident Cat Aggressive Toward New Cat?Introducing a new cat into your home can be more complicated than you might think. Proper steps in the process generally result in a positive outcome. This is a page about solutions for when your resident cat is aggressive toward a new cat.


Cat at Front Door

Cat Keeps Pooping at Front Door?Citrus, ammonia, or some essential oils smells may help keep a cat from relieving themselves in a specific area. This is a page about cat keeps pooping at front door.


Cat pulling it's Hair

Cat is Pulling Hair OutYour cat may have flea problems or a skin condition that is making it pull it's hair out. If your cat is cat is pulling hair out it may require a trip to the veterinarian.


Sharp Kitten Claws

Protecting Yourself Against Sharp Kitten Claws?Kittens have sharp claws that can easily scratch you as they play and climb up your legs or arms. Clipping their claws or using nail covers are two good ways to keep from getting scratched. This is a page about protecting yourself against sharp kitten claws.


Someone holding shredded paper in their hand.

How to Use Shredded Paper for Cat LitterShredded newspaper or similar newsprint type paper can be used in the place of traditional cat litter, to save on pet expenses. This is a page about how to use shredded paper for cat litter.


An orange cat sitting on the edge of a bathtub.

Cat is Peeing in the Bathtub?Assuming that this behavior is not due to an infection there are a number of ways to handle your kitty's new toilet practices. This is a page about cat is peeing in the bathtub.


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