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Low Income Vet Care?I'm very low income and I was given a calico kitten for my last birthday. It has been 5 months and I also noticed that she did have a cleft palate and I'm not sure if it needs to be checked out. I really want to get her into the vet to get her checked out. Where can I get free vet care for my kitten if I'm low income?


orange tabby and grey cats sleeping together

Cats Peeing in New Home?I just moved with my 2 cats (1 female, 1 male) and I want to stop them from marking the house, but I have no idea how. Any suggestions?


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Cat Peeing in Room at Night?My 2 year old fixed female cat has started to urinate in my room at night. She doesn't urinate anywhere else and she doesn't urinate in my room during the day. I leave my door open so she has plenty of opertunity to go downstairs and use the letterbox, but she doesn't.


Siamese cat in bed.

Introducing a Kitten to Resident Cat?My year old cat Lulu is my baby and is extremely spoiled. She nurses on my ear and will only eat baby food off of my finger that I dip into her bowl to feed to her. She was so focused on me and had so much kitten energy that I mistakenly thought she would benefit from the company of another cat.


close up of black cat

Introducing a Kitten to Resident Cat?Anya is a 6 year old black female. She was raised for 6 months in a vet, when my aunt adopted her for me. She has lived with a dog all this time until May of this year, when my brother and I got an apartment.


black kitten

Kitten Has Mucus in Eyes?I recently was given a kitten. His name is Shadow. He is about 10wks old. I don't know if it's because of the change of enviorment for him but he has had like light color mucus looks maybe green coming out his eyes quite frequently since I had him.


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Introducing a New Kitten to Resident Cat?We have a 5 month old male kitten (not neutered yet will be tomorrow). We felt he was lonely especially since we work 9-5's so we adopted a now 4 month old female (who will also be spayed tomorrow).


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Cat With Ear Mites?My cat has ear mites and I can't afford a vet. I need a good home remedy. Is garlic and olive oil best to use and how do I do it?


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Food for a Cat With Struvite Crystals in Kidney?My cat has recently been diagnosed with struvite crystals in her kidney causing her to have blood in her urine and serious, UTIs. Is there a cheaper wet food on the market besides " Royal Canin S/O Urinary" specifically designed for treatment of this problem?


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Cat Losing Hair?My cat is losing hair, lots of hair. He is 1 year and 3 months old, no allergies, and not licking excessively. This started suddenly. We didn't move anywhere or change his food.


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Introducing Older Cat to Resident Kitten?I have a thirteen week old kitten raised alone since it was three weeks old (mother killed). My brother wants me to care for his cat who is an older, male, neutered cat (five to six years old). Will my kitten be safe with him?


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Introducing a Kitten to Resident Cat?My cat Zuzu has been skinny ever since I got her as a kitten. She is now about 5-6 years old. I saved a kitten back in October and she's been acting very differently since.


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Introducing a New Kitten to Resident Cat?My 3 year old male (who I hand raised) is growling, hissing, and stalking the 9 week old kitten I just rescued. What should I do, we are on our 3rd day together.


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Introducing New Kitten to Resident Kitten?I got Hermione when she was 4 weeks old and she adjusted very quickly, but I wasn't able to get Binx, who is actually her brother, until yesterday.


Cat on pet lounge.

Cat Peeing on Bed Daily?My cat is well trained to use a human toilet, perfectly, for more than two months now, without any accident. I brought him to the vet who checked his blood 3 months ago, he was all healthy. But recently he started to pee in bed one time a day.



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Introducing New Kitten to Older Cat?How do I make my older cat get along with my new kitten without her growling and attacking her?


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Introducing a New Kitten to Resident Cat?I'm thinking of getting a new kitten, but I have heard that most cats and kittens don't get along. How do I stop them from fighting?


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Older Cat Growls and Hisses at New Kitten?My older female cat (approximately 1 year) has never been friendly to other house cats. We've had her since she was a kitten and she has been the only cat at the house apart from the strays my mom takes in.


Black cat laying on bed.

Kitten Sucks on His Stomach?My kitten Brody is 6 months old now. Whenever it's time to lay on my lap, he curls up and begins to suck on his stomach, begins kneading my leg, and purring very loudly.


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Cats Keep Peeing On My Bed?My 2 male cats are 4 years old and have been done, but since I had to move into my BF's mum's they have started peeing on the bed again.


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Introducing Kittens to Older Resident Cat?I am very worried about my 12 year old female cat that has been desexed, but never had any kittens of her own. I have had these two kittens, now 7 weeks old, in my house. They have been separated for two weeks. Initially my older cat was very cranky, hissing, and even attacked me, the owner.


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Older Cat Aggressive Towards New Kitten?My 7 month old female cat is very aggressive with my 8 week old kitten. Why does she growl, hiss, and attack the baby kitten? When will this stop?


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Cat Peed on Bed After Getting a New Kitten?I'm totally new to cats, until this year. So I really don't know much about them. Where I work there is a wild cat that keeps having litters (no one can catch her to try and get her spayed), but 5 months ago I took home a little boy kitten at about 5 weeks old....


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Cat Spraying Near Open Window?My friend next door has cats and one of them sprays on my lounge room window, as soon as I open it to let some fresh air in. I am getting very annoyed with this cat.


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Does Gender Matter When Choosing a Companion for Your Cat?I want another kitty. I have a female cat, indoor only, declawed. Would she get along better with a female kitty or a male one?


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Treating a Kitten for Eye Discharge?Anyone know of a natural or home product for baby kitty eyes? We have an eight week old with nasty eyes. Thanks for any info.


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Resident Cats Fighting Since Arrival of Kitten?I have 2 cats ( a 3 and 4 year old-male and female). Last month we brought home a 9 week old kitten of a different breed. He is very playful and "terrorizes" the other cats.


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Keeping Cats Off the Counter?Does anyone know how to keep a cat (19 mo old) off the counter/ entertainment center? He is driving me batty. Thank you in advance.


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Resident Cat Acting Aggressively Towards New Kitten?We rescued a stray kitten (4months) and he has been living with us in our room for 3 months now due to concerns that he'd be FIV positive. But now that he is cleared of that, we are trying to introduce him to our older cat (6 years old). They are both male.


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Kitten Has a Watery Eye?I found an 8 week old kitten and his eye is slightly watery. It looks like a clear tear drop falling down. What should I do? Is it serious?



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Introducing a New Kitten to Older Cat?We have a 4 year old female cat and we are thinking of getting a female kitten, but aren't sure whether our older cat will get along with the new kitten. Ideas?


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Cat in Heat Peeing on Clothing?Why does my female cat pee on my things only when she is in heat?


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Keeping Litter from Sticking to Litter Box?Can I use Pam to keep used litter from sticking inside the box, especially urine at the sides?


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Integrating Cats?My man and I got our big cat, Bela, about 3 years ago; she was a stray that we took in. Last week our new addition, Babu, moved in.


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Plant Remedy for Cat Spraying?I have heard that the plant star of Bethlehem will reduce stress in a female cat that is spraying. Is there any truth in that?


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Older Cat Less Friendly Since Getting a Kitten?Hey thank you and maybe you can help. I have a female kitten that was found on Thanksgiving of 2012 (she was 7weeks according to the local vet) at the same time already having a 2 year female in the house. The 2 year old was terrible at first hissing all the time at me and the kitten.


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Female Cat and Kitten Fighting?I have a 7 month old female kitten and a 5 year old female cat and a 6 year old male cat. There is no problem with the male, but the girls fight. The 5 year old stalks and fights with the kitten, the kitten fights back growls then hides. Any tips?


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Introducing New Kitten to Resident Cat?I have a 10 month old cat. I recently got a 6 week old kitten. Now my 10 month old, she was found in a bag with her dead brothers and sisters. She was almost dead the first day I got her. Now she is very healthy. Well she's a little spoiled.


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Cat with Seasonal Allergies?I have a cat that has seasonal allergies. I have tried 2 herbal remedies that I ordered with no help. I read about Quercetin with bromelain for cats that's like a natural Benadryl, but it didn't give a dosage.


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Resident Cats and Rescue Cat Don't Get Along?I have two cats in my house, an 8 month old kitten (not neutered yet, going next week) and a 2 year old cat (spayed). Recently I saved a pregnant cat, 4 years old, from a really bad situation.


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Cause for Cat Hissing at Owner?Why does my inside cat hiss at me?


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Replacing the Center Tube on Cat Scratching Post?I have a homemade 2 ft. carpeted wood scratching post for my cats, but on a whim I bought a cheap cat post with fleece-covered base and top ledge, with a sisal-covered post in between.


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Feeding Kittens Solid Food?My kittens are 4 weeks old and have teeth. When do I start feeding them kitten food?


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Adopted Cat Neck Scratching Wound?We adopted a cat about 6 weeks ago from an adoption center. He had a small scab on his neck, which he quickly scratched off.


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Homemade Senior Dog and Cat Food Recipes?I am looking for recipes that my elderly and dog can both eat. I need to feed them the same diet.



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Making a Petmate Crazy Circle Cat Toy?I would like to know how to make a copycat of the Petmate Crazy Circle cat toy.


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Introducing a New Kitten to the Resident Cat?I have a 9 month old kitten which looks like a full grown cat! Now I have a 6 week old kitten. I have only had the new one for 2 days. There is no hissing or growling, but the older kitten tries to bite and attack the little kitten.


Tortie and gray cat sleeping together.

Keeping Cats from Fighting?I have two cats, a male and a female, both are fixed. They are 2yrs old and I adopted them at the same time. The female cat will bathe the male, but the moment he starts to to do the same to her she bites his neck and attacks him.


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Making a Cat Window Perch?I'd like to hear ideas about how to make an inexpensive, yet durable cat window perch. Or if anyone has ever made one, how did you do it? My 7lb. calico loves to sit with me at the window when I am at my computer...


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Keeping Cats from Chewing Carpet on Cat Tree?My daughter bought a really nice cat tree/condo for my 2 kitties. However, they are chewing one of the carpet covered ladders. I am wondering what I can do to keep them from doing this. I am afraid they are eating the carpet, and it will cause health problems.


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Reviews of PetGuard Canned Cat Food?Has anyone used PetGuard canned cat food? If so, could someone tell me if supplements are needed or is this a complete balanced diet?


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How Can I Keep My Cat Off the Furniture?Is there any natural or household product I can use to keep our cat, Orion, off our new couch and chair? Thank you.


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Getting a Cat to Stop Spraying?I have 4 cats. They got along famously until I bought a kitten 4 months ago. All of them are used to her now accept one who is really annoyed, as she is constantly chasing him, so he spits and loudly hisses.


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Treating a Cat with Allergies?My cat has chronic allergies causing him to constantly have nasal congestion, watery eyes, sneezing, and malaise. I have removed all culprits from the household to no avail. I have tried Benadryl at feline dosages and it just makes him sleepy!


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Treating Cats With Dry Flaky Skin?My (2) 13 and 9 year old cats fur are have started getting mats and when I comb them out, it looks like they have dandruff too. What could be causing this? I only feed them a very good brand of dry cat food. Could something be lacking in their diet?


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Diabetic Cat Food Recipe?Does anyone have a recipe for cat food for a diabetic cat?


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Is it Normal for a Cat to Have Black Ear Wax?My male cat has had black slimy secretions from the right ear, as of the last few weeks. Since both my cats are on the once monthly, behind the back of the neck medicine, I took him to the Vet.


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Tigger's Tomato and Turkey Jerky?How do I make Tigger's tomato turkey jerky in a dehydrator? How long do I dry?


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