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Wood Stove Pellets as Cat LitterWood stove pellets at $5 for a 40 pound bag make a very nice cat litter. The pellets are made from hard wood so they last much longer than the pine pellet litter made for cats.


Cat Litter Box Tip

Cat Litter Box TipMost of you have likely seen the large plastic box type litter box that has a square cut out for the cat to enter, this is what my cats use. The actual tip is how a Command hook is very handy to hang up the scooper. I have a small lined bucket for the deposits near by.


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Keeping Dry Cat Food NeaterMy cats love their dry food, which they get along with canned cat food. But, they tended to scatter the dry food. I cut down on that by putting their double bowl in a shoe box lid.


Two cat doors at the bottom of bedroom doors.

Allowing Cats to Access RoomsMy adult children each have a cat that is their responsibility, including the litter boxes which are kept in their bedrooms. I got these cute cutout cat doors for each of their bedroom doors for easy access.


A white Easter lily growing in a garden.

Easter Lilies are Poisonous to CatsLilies are a favorite flower for this time of year, especially as Easter gifts. But if you have cats, you should avoid these pretty flowers. The toxins in the flowers can cause liver damage and even death in small doses. This is true with other types of lilies so keep it in mind when selecting plants for your garden or yard as well.


A container of glass marbles on top of cat food in a self feeder.

Keep Your Self Feeder Cat Food 'Self Feeding'My cat is a lovely little gem. But he can't quiet grasp how to make the food come down like he needs it to. So today I helped.


A cat next to a can of cat food.

Making Sure Cats Get Enough WaterA couple of years ago, my older cat was diagnosed with chronic renal failure. He was very dehydrated and weak and would regularly vomit up his food. The vet gave him a subcutaneous water treatment and prescribed him special food for renal support but warned us that it was not a cure, just a way to keep him as stable as possible for the next few years.


A cat box lined with newspaper.

Litterless Cat BoxHere is a free and cleaner way to have a cat box. After 30 years of being a cat parent, I have found that by simply lining newspaper inside a litter box, it is much more cleaner, not as time consuming, and free with newspaper donations. Plus, you are recycling newspapers.


Gum Container for Cat Treats - hand holding the container of treats with a black and white cat in the background

Gum Container for Cat TreatsI started putting the cat treats in an empty Eclipse gum container. It's much easier to get out a few when I want to give the cat some running exercise. The container keeps the treats fresh and it holds a 2.1 oz. package of Temptations treats for cats.


A filled tied off bag of used litter

Use Produce Bags for Soiled Cat LitterPlastic produce bags make great bags for cleaning out the cat litter box. Usually the bags are damp or wet when empty, so I hang them to dry which does not take long.


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Stopping a Cat from Bothering a WoundMy kitten had a bare, sore patch between her shoulder blades. A cone of shame made her hysterical! In desperation, I cut about 15 cm (6 inches) off the bottom leg of a pair of leggings, measured and cut holes for the paws and she wears it like a t-shirt. No more scratching, the wound is healing nicely and she is eating and moving around like normal.


A cat meowing for attention.

Use Ear Plugs to Block NoiseI'm cat sitting for our daughter. Ava is a house cat and, if she's not eating or sleeping, she follows me everywhere I go. She does not like to be held or cuddled but she loves to be rubbed.


Cat Porch Sling - lace curtain cat sling on the porch

Cat Porch SlingIf you build it, they will come to the cat porch sling and mini 'cat'stle.


Thrifty Cat Snack (Chicken Liver) - livers in an ice cube tray

Thrifty Cat Snack (Chicken Liver)I buy chicken livers and separate them into ice cube trays. Then I will slip the whole tray in an old bread bag (turned inside out so I know what it is.) I will remove and defrost one about once a week, then give it as a treat to my very enthusiastic, finnicky cat, especially in the winter when she gets bored.


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Getting a Kitten/Cat to Come Down from a Tall TreeRecently my kitten climbed a tall tree. She stayed up there, it seems like forever. She would not come down. I got my phone and took a video of her meowing. I played the video for her. She came down.



Giving Cats Liquid Meds - cat licking top of front paw

Giving Cats Liquid MedsIt is really hard to give cats meds. If meds can be a cream in a tube or even a liquid, smear or drop the meds on the top of a front paw. Cats hate stuff on their paws and will lick it right off.


Use Puppy Pads in Litter Box - pad in a cardboard box

Use Puppy Pads in Litter BoxI like to use a puppy pad in our litter box. This is for one older kitten. I'm sure it would work better for multiple cats. The kitten also uses the puppy pad meant for the Chihuahua puppy. I wondered if I could teach the kitten to use the puppy pad and I am so glad she did!


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Making Litter Box Cleaning EasierWith six cats, I clean litter boxes a lot. I came up with a tip that makes it easier and less messy. I use a small round bathroom size trash can and put a bag inside it. I scoop the dirty litter into the bag inside the can and carry it with me. I carry the can outside, take out the bag, tie it and put it in the trash.


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Dr. Elsey's Litter for Cats that Won't Use Litter BoxWe were thrilled when we got our adorable 1 year old male cat from an adoption center. We figured a lot of the first year problems would have been resolved. Wrong! He would use the cat box sporadically. We took him to the vet who said that there are no medical issues.


Keeping a Cat from Licking and Scratching Its Wound - orange tabby wearing a harness

Keeping a Cat from Licking and Scratching Its WoundMy cat would not stop licking and scratching its wound behind its neck removing fur and causing scabbing. I got one of the dog harnesses that is fabric with Velcro and it has really helped and now his skin is healing wonderfully! Plus my cat does not hate it at all. It's worked out better than a cone!


Ash Tray as Cat Food Bowl - vintage ash trays

Ash Tray as Cat Food BowlTypical cat dishes have sides that are too high or crevices where wet food gets wasted. A bowl may be too small for a cat head and whiskers, so we prefer a flatter dish, one that won't slide. I finally found some flattish colorful plastic ashtrays at an estate sale for a quarter, pictured.


Use Flowers to Identify Gender of Foster Kittens - black female kitten with pink flowers

Use Flowers to Identify Gender of Foster KittensWe have had at least 22 kittens come through from various places and it can get confusing to tell them apart. I saw some artificial flowers at Walmart and I decided I could use them to help identify who was who.


An Ace bandage wrapped around an arm for kittens to cling to.

Wear Ace Bandage on Wrist for KittensI used 5.5 foot long Ace bandage and wrapped and tucked it around my wrist. The kittens have something to grab onto when being given meds or other forms of care. This bandage calms them down during holding sessions and nail clipping for the wild ones.


Disposable Litter Boxes for Training Kittens - litter box in grocery cart

Disposable Litter Boxes for Training KittensI have a large number of pet cats at our house. I have six adult cats and 14 kittens at the moment, and they are getting ready to be adopted. My adult cats use these huge plastic tubs filled with cedar shavings or pine shavings as litter boxes. However, when they are babies, I always use the normal kind of litter.


Egg Yolks as Treats for Cats - egg yokes

Egg Yolks as Treats for CatsI was looking for a treat for my mother cats, who I have at the house. They need to have extra nutrients when they are nursing babies. I found some boiled eggs at the store, in a bag, and I just popped out the yolk and broke it into pieces. They enjoyed eating it and had more energy afterwards.


Tips For Keeping Kitty and Your Home Cleaner - closeup of tabby cat

Tips For Keeping Kitty and Your Home CleanerWhen I moved into my new apartment with my kitty cat Mya, I was determined to get my deposit back. The tips in this article are some of the things I've done to help keep my apartment and cat cleaner.


Bailey Loves Dressing Up in Crochet Squares

Bailey Loves Dressing Up in Crochet SquaresWe are having a cold snap, with temperatures around 19. Cats love being cozy, and I love covering Bailey up in crochet squares. He always falls right to sleep. He is almost a year old and spoiled rotten, the way any cat should be ;)


Lilly (Kitten) Rides in a Car - calico cat in small crate

Lilly (Calico) Rides in a CarLilly is one of our younger kittens who won't let anyone pet her around her head. As a runt, she didn't get the chance to be the center of attention.


Massage Kittens Paws Before  Holiday Pictures - massaging a kitten's paws

Massage Kitten's Paws Before Holiday PicturesI love taking seasonal photos of our pets. I have noticed a nice foot massage is great to calm my kittens and cats before a photo session. Some of them don't enjoy it, right away, but most of our ten cats do.


Simple Cat and Kitten Toys Are Best

Simple Cat and Kitten Toys Are BestCats and kittens like simplicity, that and boxes with crumpled up paper balls! The more you can engage them with simple toys the better they will be, because they will always have toys.



Product Review: Nemex 2 for Worming Cats and Kittens

Product Review: Nemex 2 for Worming Cats and KittensThis is a worming medicine that is designed for dogs. It kills all intestinal worms except for tapeworms. The taste is acceptable to all 11 of my cats and they put up little resistance to taking it. Dose according to weight of animal.


Special Item of Clothing for Kitten Vet Trip

Special Item of Clothing for Kitten Vet TripOne of our older kittens caught a severe respiratory infection so I took him to the vet. The vet prescribed him Terramycin ointment for his eyes, and a liquid antibiotic called Clavamox. The winter hat he is sitting on helped to comfort him the whole time he was at the vet's office.


Ferret Cage as Cat Condo

Ferret Cage as Cat CondoI am always looking for reasonably priced animal housing. I found a ferret cage on Craigslist, and bought it for use of my cats. They love it, I have yet to put cushions and hammocks in it.


bottle cap with snowman picture inside

Milk Bottle-top Cat ToyI was at McDonald's the other day, and I purchased three of their little bottles of milk. I immediately knew that they would be used as some kind of craft or toy or decoration at our home. I decided to use them as a seasonal cat toy.


Neck Pillows for Kitten Playtime

Neck Pillows for Kitten PlaytimeI have found that 6 week old kittens love to play on, in, and around neck pillows that are 'u' shaped. They also love playing and climbing through my big rolling basket on wheels.


Teaching Kittens to Sleep in Their Own Bed

Teaching Kittens to Sleep in Their Own BedKittens can be taught to go to their own bed if they are brought to it and praised several times a day. This applies mainly to the young ones; is nice to see them all snuggled together. Their bed needs to be somewhere where they can see where their humans are and have a litter box where they can see it.


kittens on hammock

3 Week Old Kitten Hammock ActivityJust today, the kittens crawled out of their box and started making their way towards the front door. I had a hammock with three sides tied and one side loose. They are old enough to exercise, but not old enough to climb into a regular hammock on their own. This gives them a chance to use their muscles and balance.


shaking into litter box

Diatomaceous Earth in Shaker for CatsI keep my food grade diatomaceous earth in a shaker bottle. I often shake it on the the litterbox. This does two things, it gets the cats to lick it off their paws, and also it kills any bugs that try to get in the litter box.


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Better Than Cat LitterCat litter is messy and can be is expensive. After trying a few different alternatives, I have found one that works great and is much less expensive!


Homemade Cat Litter Box - deep storage container for litter box

Homemade Cat Litter BoxI love cats. But I hate the litter. They scatter it all around. Some dogs love to get into the litter. The smell can be terrible between changes. But I came up with a solution that is cheap and works well.


photo and small tin for urn

Cornelius has left the building...On Friday, January 8th at about 5:10 pm, Cornelius took his leave. He was very sick and not having any fun, so I chose to think about him rather than keep him with me, I wanted to more than you know.


Orange Collars for Indoor Cats

Orange Collars for Indoor CatsHave your indoor cats wear an orange collar to mark them as a cat who shouldn't be outside, or a "convict kitty". This will help neighbors differentiate your cat from outdoor pets who don't need help.


Siamese cat

Taking Care of Your Outdoor CatIf you plan on having a pet cat and want it to be an outdoors cat, be prepared for it to come scratched or harmed by other cats. You should have a first aid kit for just in case because your cat is bound to get into some trouble.


bags of frozen cat kibbles

Freeze Extra Dry Cat FoodI have two kitties on prescription food. It is rather expensive, but there is a noticeable break if you buy the larger bag, 17 lbs. However, my discriminating cats don't eat stale food as reliably as when it is fresh. I bag up the excess and freeze it for future use.


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Homemade Cat Litter BoxAfter seeing a nifty cat box with a high price tag, I decided to make my own. It is a tote with a hole cut in the top of the lid. I had empty totes already so that didn't cost me anything.



kitty in outside litter box

Keeping Your Cat from Using Garden as Litter...Because cats like soft, dig-able soil, every year my flower gardens were at risk of my cat using them as a litter box and digging up my new seedlings, flowers or plants, but I found an answer!


cat food lid

Cleaning Out the Cat Litter BoxI'm having the pleasure of keeping my 2 grandcats for a couple of weeks. When Max does his business, he loves to dig deep into the litter box and sometimes the urine sticks to the side and bottom of the box. When trying to remove it, no matter how hard I bang the box on the floor, it does not turn loose.


Fuzzy and Lil Orphan Annie

Keep a Spare Litter Box HandyI love my cats, but I don't love stinky litter boxes so I have two litter boxes. One is in use and the other is away. When one box gets dirty I replace it with the other box to give me time to empty the first one and thoroughly clean and sanitize it with vinegar, water, a bit of dish detergent and baking soda.


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Making Cat Shelters from Recycled MaterialsI am a volunteer taking care of stray cats, so I buy 12 bags or 18 lbs of cat food a week. I use all the empty bags to build shelters and food stations.


In/Out Sign for Pet

In/Out Sign for CatMy kitty runs in and out of the house so much, and falls deeply asleep while in the house so she doesn't always hear my calling for her. I made an IN and OUT sign to remember where my kitty is!


Rubbermaid bin to cover litter box

Litter Box CoverI have a large Rubbermaid-type storage container covering my kitty's litter box in my storage room. She used to kick litter all over the place. Now I have much less to sweep up, plus it looks much more pleasant for company.


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Make Litter Box Tending EasierGet 4 or 5 litter boxes of the same size. Fill each one with a few inches of litter. Stack one on top of another. When it's time to change the litter just remove the top most box.


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Litter Box TipsI find it helpful to put many layers of old newspaper in them and then sand on top. I only let them use 1 box and keep the other clean, with its door to the wall.


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Pizza Crust for Teething KittenWe recently got a 3 month old kitten and he's teething. The other day, me and the hubby fixed pizza and the crust was rock solid. Our kitten, being a curious little guy, starts sniffing my pizza so I gave him a bit of crust.


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Tips for Keeping Cats AwayHere is what I've found to deter cats from areas they are unwanted and prevent spraying.


Cedar Shavings as Kitty Litter Alternative

Cedar Shavings as Kitty Litter AlternativeI was going to do an experiment on cedar shavings and sheets of paper and ripped up strips of paper as an alternative for regular kitty litter.


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Mark Cat Carriers with Pet InformationI took three cats in to the vet today to be altered. I taped a card to each carrier with the cat's name, color, temperament, and my name and phone number. One of them is quite feral, and it is important that the staff know that before opening the carrier.


Wheat Kitty Litter is Awesome

Wheat Kitty Litter is AwesomeI took a chance and bought a huge bag of wheat kitty litter.


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Train Cats to Come When You CallOne thing I teach all the kittens very early is to come to me, using food as a enticement. When I feed them in the morning and night time, I call them saying "food food". When I give them treats, I always call them using the words "treat treat".


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Homemade Cat Litter AdvicePlease do NOT use Speedy Dry or any similar product as cat litter. At least some of them have additives that may be harmful to or fatal for your cat. I foster so therefore have a lot of cats and am ALWAYS concerned with cost.


Lemon Scent to Deter Cats

Lemon Scent to Deter CatsMy big cat Cornelius sleeps on my bed with me. Something happened in the last three months that made him bite my foot. Now, we are not talking a little "love nibble" but a full on strike like a viper, fast and hard and painful.


Roll Call Tool for Keeping Up with Eight Cats

Roll Call Tool for Keeping Up with Eight CatsI learned this from my daughter's Head Start class many years ago and adapted this to a roll-call method to make sure all my cats are indoors during the arctic vortex or any other kind of cold snap.


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Ice Cream Bucket for Used Kitty LitterI use an ice cream bucket to put the litter clumps in. The top fits tightly so I don't have to worry about odor, and they are disposable.


Finished post.

Repairing a Sisal Wrapped Cat...My kitties really love their sisal scratching post. They had finally shredded the the sisal in the area that they use the most. Rather than buy a new one, we decided to repair this one. I purchased a spool of 1/4 inch sisal from Lowe's.


Bath Mat Inside Pet Travel Cages - cat in large cage with mat on the floor

Bath Mat Inside Pet Travel CagesI have a rather large cat called Mr. Smith. He completely refuses to get into anything smaller to travel in, so we have a small dog cage. He has grandiose ideas!


Cat exploring while on leash.

Teaching Your Cat to Walk on a LeashI think the first and most important step in teaching your cat to walk on a leash has to be to use a harness - never simply attach a lead to your cat's collar as cat collars are designed to be easy for the cat to twist out of should he/she be caught on something.


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Save Money on Pine Kitty LitterPine kitty litter is safe, natural, and biodegradable. It also gives great odor control. The problem is that pine kitty litter is fairly expensive (especially if you have multiple litter boxes).


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Canned Air to Deter Cat ScratchingJust figured out how to stop the cat (temporary solution) from scratching furniture. I blast them with canned air when they scratch my box springs and mattress. Runs them off.


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Use Metal Muffin Tins to Feed KittensI foster kittens from the Wisconsin Humane Society. In cases where I have large litters of kittens, rather than put 6 or 8 little bowls of food out that I will only have to wash later, I just put food in the muffin tin. That way they all get their own little "bowl".


Two cats in cat basket, intertwined.

How Much to Feed Your CatWhen I took my two rescue kitties to the vet, he found them to be a bit overweight. He asked how much I was feeding them.


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Catnip for Helping Cats Get AlongBuy the loose catnip in a bag at the store and scatter it around when you have them out together. I never force cats together. The scared newcomer will stay in the bathroom until it develops skills and confidence to approach not only humans but other cats.


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Dramamine for Car Sick CatMy cat Numi does not like to ride in the car. In addition to objecting loudly (he is part Siamese) to turns, bumps, and higher speeds, he gets car sick. I spoke to our vet and she recommended Dramamine.


Car Scent Canister for Bedroom

Car Scent Canister for BedroomI have a chair in my bedroom that is holding up a fan. I don't like the cats to go underneath it. I put this can under the chair and it has made the whole bedroom smell wonderful when the fan is on and when it is off.


pom pom cat toy

Homemade Yarn Pom Pom Cat ToyIf you are looking for a quick and easy cat toy to make, give these a try:


Cat Who Loves To Play In Water - cat pawing at water in its dish

Cat Who Loves To Play In WaterMy 3 year old cat loves to splash the water out of his bowl. He still drinks out of the bowl, but loves to play with the water. He also comes in and drinks water from my bath when I'm in it.


Six pack and yarn cat toy.

Homemade Cat ToysI make lots of cat toys to hang on walls where I can see them play. I won't let them have string toys by themselves, as they can eat the string.


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Teaching a Cat Not to BiteI learned through trial and error a couple things to help your kitty stop biting you during play.


Cat First Aid Procedures for First  Aid Kit - cat with bandaged right front paw and leg

Cat First Aid Procedures for First Aid KitThe following is an assignment I submitted on Feline First Aid. I thought it might be a nice addition to any feline first aid kit. Also I have provided lines at the bottom of the page to put the vet's phone number on.


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Easy Way to Give Tablets to CatsStore the tablet for as long as you can with the cat's kibble or treats -- long enough for it to take on the smell of the food. Serve the tablet along with the kibble/treats.


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Clear Plastic Cake Boxes for Cat BedsI keep any plastic cake box I get from Walmart. I wash the top half of it and put a sweater in it. I hide it somewhere cozy for the cats. They love to lay in them.


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Recycled Items For Cat Litter and BoxI use phone pages for the garden, flower pots AND to line the cat litter boxes (I do cat and dog rescue). The cats don't use clay litter, although, I do, in the beginning, put a handful of it on top of the paper and then wean them off of it.


Cats on chair and table.

At Home Kitten and Cat Health CareA Day in the Life of a Healthy Cat Owner


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Worm Kittens with Tapeworm TabsSomeone on here had asked what to worm their kittens with at first. They need to worm all kittens for tapeworms. The best you can do is Praziquantel.


gray cat next to laptop

Feeding Cats Who Fight SeparatelyIf your cats fight over food, separate cat food bowls where they cannot see one another eating; or in more flowery terms, here is a poem which describes this tip.


Peanut Asleep

Playing Games with Peanut (Cat)Last night, I was playing this little game I have, that was just a dollar, and you flip these little frogs into this bowl.


Christmas tree with colored balloons.

Keeping Kitty Out of Your Christmas TreeI have been dealing with my year old kitty climbing into and knocking over my Christmas tree until I came up with this idea. I blew up balloons and added them to the tree. She jumped in and accidentally popped one causing her to jump off immediately!


Numi with terry cloth cleaning rag.

Applying Topical Flea Meds on CatsI followed the package directions when applying flea treatment to my Numi cat and placed it between the shoulder blades. Well, Mr. Flexible had no trouble twisting around to lick the spot, sigh.


Kitty Condo out of Styrofoam BoxesI have several recyclable things on my patio that I have turned into play areas for my cats. I get these Styrofoam boxes in the mail when my siser sends us turkeys and the fixings for holidays.


cat nail caps 1

Using Cat Nail CapsOur cat has decided to start clawing wooden furniture. He has never done this before and building him a scratching post has not stopped him from destroying our furniture.


Plywood window seat for kitties enjoying the sun.

Window Seat for CatsOur furbabies love to be in the computer room with us during the day and look out the window. However, with five furbabies, seats at the window used to be a premium.


Food take away box recycled as kitten toy.

Recycled Kitten PlayhouseI made this playhouse for my new kitten from our leftover cardboard dinner carrier from Bojangles dinner meal box. I simply cut out a few holes for her to poke her legs through to play, and cut out an entrance.


Black and white kitty.

Canned Cat Food for Urinary Tract HealthPrescription wet canned cat food for a urinary diet is not very interesting to my cat. Our cat Patches' veterinarian granted that the second best alternative is to have a high-quality canned food, that is "no dry".


Homemade Cat Shelf

Homemade Cat ShelfI wanted to add a cat shelf to our kitchen window since we live next to the park. My husband used a regular shelf that he had and "L" brackets for support. You can buy this kind of shelf at a store like Home Depot or Lowes and they are very inexpensive.


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Shredded Paper As Cat LitterI have a tip for recycling paper. I shred all my flyers and newspapers and use them as litter for my cat. It saves so much money and is not as heavy to take out to the garbage. It works great.


cat being brushed

Tips For Grooming CatsStart grooming as soon as you get your cat. Start slowly to see how kitty responds. If he or she is skittish, do it frequently in short time periods until kitty responds better.


Karma doing his job as office supervisor.

Give Your Cat Yogurt for Soft StoolsWhen I adopted Karma kitty from the shelter, he was suffering with soft stool. First, I tried canned pumpkin, as the vet had recommended it for our dog in the past. Karma gave it a try but was not too impressed.


Black and white cat lying on top of a tabby cat.

Tips To Calm Pets When MovingThere are a few pheromone sprays available at pet stores that when sprayed into the carrier, help calm and relax kitty. The pheromone is the scent that mama cats have during nursing.


cats sleeping in a basket

Inexpensive Cat BedsThe cats that I have shared my home with have made it very clear that they are not impressed with the price of a bed. It's the same scenario as giving a child a present and having them enjoy the box the gift came in more than the gift itself.


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Check Litterbox Often And Other TipsCheck the litterbox for solids every time you use the bathroom. You were going to wash your hands anyway.


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Making Outdoor Cats Live IndoorsAnimal Control recently laid down the law; keep our cats from straying into neighbor's yards. We achieved this by adding extra litterboxes indoors and by opening a window a crack for them to view the outdoors. They gradually discovered that the indoors was not so bad!


A young tortiseshell kitten playing with a toy.

Adopting a Shelter Cat or KittenI strongly recommend that anyone who is wanting to add a kitten or cat to their life, do so by adopting one from a shelter or rescue organization. I have done this often and have found the following tips helpful when bringing home a cat or kitten from a shelter.


Litterbox in the basement inside a dog crate.

Where to Keep the Litter Box?If you're like me and have multiple indoor cats, you need several litter boxes. It's often hard to find a spot to keep them where they're not too much of an eyesore and the litter that gets kicked out doesn't cause an issue.


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