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Ivermectin for Heartworm Prevention?I have seen the answers to ivermectin in cats for mites and I am going to try it on my goldendoodle I have in the house. I have a bottle of 1% ivermectin and I want to mix it right for heartworm prevention for my dogs. I don't want to overdose with this because I know this is powerful stuff, so how would I mix the ivermectin and what do I mix with for consumption (propylene glycol)? I have several German shepherds and they are all about 60-80 lbs. each, they hate taking the safeguard and I thought if I can get them on this every month maybe that would take care of the intestinal worms also.


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How to Help Sick Dog that is Vomiting?My dog is sick and I'm out of work and homeless. My dog has been with me since my girlfriend past away because of cancer. All I have to keep me in somewhat remembrance of her. She is sick just started vomiting and drinks continuance and she is uncomfortable panting . Walking with head down not reacting to much but looking at me for help


A pack of huskies next to a mother and child on a couch.

The Pack Order in Your HouseEspecially when you have multiple dogs in the family, knowing the pack order is important. To your dogs, you are part of the pack. To have a happy home, you need to be at the TOP of the pack order.


A cooling rack of homemade dog biscuits.

Honey Mint Dog BiscuitsThese home-made dog biscuits are easy to make and dogs love them. They are also breath fresheners.


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Health Concerns About 9 Week Old Puppy?So my family gets dogs from the same breeder. Currently we have 6 dogs and love them to death, but before we had 6 dogs, we had just 2. We had gotten a puppy from them but the breeder said the momma tried to kill that litter. We just thought the mother was mean. We named him Ozzie. Well not even a day later, he has passed away while everyone was sleeping.


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Is Pumpkin Pie Okay For Dogs?Is Pumpkin pie okay for dogs?


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Puppy With Neurological Disorder?How likely will my 6 week old puppy recover from a neurological disorder? He is very sensitive to the touch, he yelps like crazy when he is picked up, he lost function of his front and hind legs. I went to the vet and she referred me to a neurologist.


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How Do I Help My Puppy Walk Again?My 6 week old puppy ate wet puppy food that was unsealed in the can in the refrigerator. Not only was he lethargic and had diarrhea, but he lost use of his limbs as well. My puppy can not take a step without falling over. I took him to the vet and left with pre filled syringes to give him every 24 hours but the vet did not explain clearly on why his limbs are failing. What can I do to help my puppy walk again?


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Using Benadryl Spray on Dog's Paws?My little dog has been licking his two front paws to where now they are swollen bigger than the average size. He licks underneath them. I got some Benadryl antihistamine spray and sprayed them; was that OK?


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Dog with Skunk Breath?My dog got skunked last night and I used the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and liquid soap method that worked very well on his coat. The problem now is that when the dog got sprayed by the skunk, he was barking and apparently got a mouthful of the spray also. He still has that awful smell coming from his mouth and nose. Any other helpful hints would be appreciated.


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Can I Give My Dog Canned Soup?Can I give my dog canned soup? For example Habitant beef, chicken, or vegetable soup. Maybe giving 5 or 6 tablespoons and mix with the 2 cups of dry food I give her.


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What is The Fastest Way to Housebreak a Yorkie?I got my Yorkie yesterday, (9 week old Ali) - What is the fastest way to housebreak Yorkies?


A dog that is not feeling well.

Dog is Lethargic After Using Frontline?I have a healthy 9 year old terrier mix female dog. My vet discovered she has fleas for the 1st time ever. The vet prescribed Frontline, the kind that is in 3 vials that you apply once a month.


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Dealing With Dog Phobias?Saw a post from several years ago from this site on Google about dogs being suddenly afraid of the TV and thought the advice was good but had more questions. Our dog is 10 years old. Our home flooded about 4 1/2 years ago during a hurricane which was traumatic for him and all of us. During the rebuild process, he became afraid of power tools which was understandable. We've always tried to minimize any exposure to this since then and he will just come inside when my husband uses them.


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Finding a Collie in Southeastern Iowa?Our Collie passed away recently and we are very much wanting to find another one. She was a wonderful dog and we desperately want to find another Collie. It seems that Collies are in short supply around southeastern Iowa and I was just hoping that possibly someone out there might know where we could find one.



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Heartworm Medication Recommendations?I am looking for recommendations for heartworm medication for my dogs. I would also like one that prevents ticks.


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Stop Dog from Eating PoopMy dog has always found feces to be a delicacy and I have been unable to stop her from doing this. You can buy supplements in pet stores that supposedly address this issue, but I've never tried them. I started giving my dog turmeric powder as an anti-inflammatory for her joint issues, and discovered after a week or two on this, she wasn't interested in the poop. I don't know if this is just a coincidence or not, but it's worth a try. Turmeric powder can be purchased at grocery stores, health food stores, but the cheapest place to buy it is in an ethnic grocery store (Indian, Asian, etc). Check with your vet or for dosage amounts based on body weight.


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Treating Yorkie's Skin and Hair?My yorkie has oily hair with itchy dry skin, what can I use to prevent both?


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My Dog Won't Let Me Put Medicine in His Ears?I need help my dog has yeast infection in his ears. I have the medication to put in them, but he will not let us put it in. We got him held down once and now he will not let my husband near him. We tried a muzzle and he will not let me touch him now to put that on.


A dog looking up at the camera.

Is My Dog a Pitbull?Is my dog a pitbull/ bull terrier?


A small dog looking back at the camera.

Is My Puppy a Pomeranian?I recently purchased a sable pomeranian puppy from a pet shop. She is about two months old. Her size and her tail does look like a pomeranian but her coat is very short. Is her appearance normal for a pomeranian puppy at two months? I have added some photos. Thanks


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Getting Rid of Mange in the House?Will bleach work to kill mange mites in my carpets?


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My Dog's Spine is Sticking Up?My pit bull puppy who just turn 1 looks like his lower spine is curved. It sticks up and doesn't look healthy. He eats well and plays and is very energetic. He shows no pains in his lower back. Any idea what this could be?


A yoga mat piece lining the inside of a dog crate.

Prevent Blanket Slippage in Dog CratesIf you line your pet's crate with blankets, throws, or towels and find they constantly slide around on the slippery plastic tray that comes with the crate, I have an inexpensive solution. I found an old exercise/yoga mat that I was no longer using, which I cut with scissors to fit the crate's plastic tray. Since my dog is small, I still have enough of the mat left to cut two more pieces, which I can trade out when one needs to be cleaned.


A small dog standing on a blanket.

Chihuahua or Dachshund Trait?This is my Chiweenie. He is 3.9 lbs at 5 years old. He is very lovable. He tries to kiss me, sneakingly creeping slowly to my face. Is that a Chihuahua or Dachshund trait?


A dog sitting on top of the new ottoman.

Doggie OttomanOur dog needed her own little couch to sleep on, so we made this doggie ottoman so she could have her own spot.


A dog's protruding spine.

Helping A Dog In Pain?My dog has a protruding spine. She is 5 years old and is a mixed breed. She is eating well, but screams if you touch on the spine in the middle or her hips. She also screams when she is turning while laying down. What would be best to assist her?


A sad dog lying on a carpeted floor.

Helping a Grieving DogDogs have strong feelings and can experience grief when losing another pet or person in the family. This will pass over time but serious depression or anxiety should be cause for a vet visit.


A Husky/German Shepherd mix in the woods.

Ideal Conditions for a Husky Cross Outside?What do you guys think is the coldest temperature that my Gerberian Shepsky can survive? And what is the hottest temperature that they can survive? (A Gerberian Shespsky is a dog with a Husky and German Shepherd parent.)


A toy for a horse or a dog.

Durable Toys for Large and Medium Breed DogsIf you have ever wondered what a really durable toy for a dog is, look no further. The most durable toy I have ever seen, is actually a horse toy, but dogs play with them too.



A dog sleeping on a pet bed.

Dog's Behavior While SleepingDogs spend a lot of time sleeping, especially when they are older. Sometimes, their behavior can be a cause for concern, especially if it changes unexpectedly.


A sick dog at the vet.

Dog With Bloody Stool?Bloody stools can be the sign of a serious medical issue, such as parvo or a intestinal injury. Dogs exhibiting this symptom should be taken to a veterinarian immediately for professional care.


What Breed Is My Puppy? - tri colored puppy with blue eyes

What Breed Is My Puppy?My puppy is 4 months old. When we got him he was very skinny, but he's put on weight quickly over the past week and now is ~18 pounds. I'm not sure what kind of dog he is. (I'm guessing he's a mixed breed of some kind).


A woman with two English Sheepdogs.

Old English Sheepdog Information and PhotosAlso called the Bobtail, Old English Sheepdogs are strong, compact, muscular dogs with an immensely shaggy coat that covers their entire body. Originally developed from drover's dogs, this breed has a loud, distinctive sounding bark, which he uses to announce any occurrences he deems peculiar.


Four bloodhound puppies.

Bloodhound Photos and InformationThese large beautiful dogs have a finely tuned sense of smell and are often used for hunting or tracking. Bloodhounds have wrinkled skin on their long faces and droopy ears.


sketch of finished water bucket

Making Pet Drinking BucketsSome pets live outdoors so they need a water supply. The idea I came up with is a reasonable idea and takes less labour to keep water good. We bought a 5 gallon bucket made of plastic, with a lid to keep on at all times. We cut a house shaped hole in the side, this is access of the pet to drink. If you do this you will lessen objects falling in the water and less green forming in the bucket. The size is determined according to the pet you have. We have a large dog in a pen.


A small chihuahua lying on the ground.

What Breed Is My Pup?I know it's a Chihuahua but a different type. Can anyone help me?


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Potty Training a DogI have a now 5 month old blue nose/red nose mix. We've had her for about a month and no matter what we do, she still pees and poops inside the house. She has stopped going in her crate however.


A small dog near a water dish.

Is Our Dog a Pure Bred Belgian Malinois?This my dog when she was around 5 months old, but she is 1 year old now. I don't have her picture yet so I'll leave it here. Since I know that this will not be a purebred one, so is there a chance that she has a Belgian Mal trait or Belgian Mal dna? She look so like a Belgian Mal based on her coat and color, but her height is just a little different from a purebred one, based on my own research.


What Breed Is My Dog? - black dog with upright ears

What Breed Is My Dog?Please I need help with the name of my dog's breed.


Is My Chihuahua Full Bred? - black and tan fuzzy puppy

Is My Chihuahua Pure Bred?I've had Bert for a few months now. He is 4 1/2 months old. The lady I bought him from said he is a full pedigreed Chihuahua and even gave me his parentage back 4 generations. But anyone that sees him reckons he's mixed with a terrier. Can anyone help? Not that I'd love him any less, but I'd really like to know. (BTW his ears have finally gone up now after some serious teething.)


A bottle of coconut oil and a toothbrush.

Coconut Oil for Dog's Tooth BrushingHaving your dog's teeth cleaned is a good health measure, but having it done by a vet can be quite pricey. Read on to find out an alternative option, using a toothbrush and coconut oil.


A yorkie with a top knot.

Keeping a Yorkie's Hair Out of Face?If you are looking for suggestions for keeping the hair back off your Yorkie's face this page offers several. Two popular methods include using a child's clip or hair band.


A German Shepherd puppy.

Does my German Shepherd Look Purebred?My little fur baby is 9 weeks old. I bought her from a breeder without any papers besides the vet examine paper. The mom and dad look purebred and the breeder claims she is. What do y'all think? I'll include mom and dad pic. Mom is black and tan and Dad is all black.


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Puppy Recovering from Parvo Can't Walk?I have a pup with parvo. I took her to vet and got her IVs and injectable meds. 6 days passed and she recovered, slowly drinking by her own, eating little by little and now she's on oral supportive medication. She is also on meds for deworming, but I notice she has trouble walking. She can stand, but not walk. Is she still on her recovery phase?



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Dog Recovering from Parvo Not Eating?My dog has been at the vet for 10 days after he caught the parvovirus and we were so happy he made it through. We thought he was gonna recover fully after he started eating and drinking and feeling better. Yet today (the 12th day) he was really lethargic and he would not eat AT ALL so we took him to the vet and she gave him antibiotics and IV fluids are in his system.


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Caring for a Puppy with Parvo?If a puppy has parvo and has been treated do they sleep a lot?


A white puppy on a couch with a toy.

Is My Puppy a Pure Bred Staffordshire Terrier?I adopted this puppy and they told me she's an American Staffordshire Terrier, but I think she's maybe a mix. She's 4 months old and she has a lot of mini black spots.


A small brown puppy on a bed.

What Breed Is My Puppy?We just got a new puppy! He was abandoned on the side of the road, so we have no idea what he is. The vet says he is almost 5 weeks old and possibly a Boxer mix.


A Belgian Malinois lying on a wood floor.

Is My Dog a Purebred Belgian Malinois?The Belgian Malinois originated in the Flemish city of Mechelen. They resemble the Belgian Shepherd. There are physical characteristics that might help make a rough guess, but determining if your pet is a purebred Malinois is best done via a DNA test.


A fearful dog on a white background.

Dog Is Afraid of Men?Rescued dogs come with their own history. Sometimes you may find that your new pet is fearful around men. One possible reason for this fear could be due to past abuse by a man. Read on for some additional thoughts on this topic.


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Dog Stopped Eating After Vaccinations?My Shih Tzu is 1-2 years old. He got his yearly vaccination (rabies and distemper shots) 4 days back. He was fine, ate a little and was active for the following three days after the vaccination. But on the fourth day, he didn't eat at all. He ate grass and puked foamy vomit. What's wrong with my dog? Is this because of the vaccination?


A mixed breed Belgian Malinois outside near trees.

Belgian Malinois Mix PhotosThe Belgian Malinois is a popular herding dog breed. It can resemble a German Shepherd, but is less stocky. Malinois mix dogs can be assumed based on appearance, but would need a genetic test to confirm.


A dog lying in a bed with white sheets.

Keeping a Dog Off the Bed?Some dog owners do not want to allow their pet to sleep on the bed. One option is to close the bedroom door. If you want your pup to sleep in the same room you will need to train her to sleep on the floor. Some suggestions follow that address keeping a dog off the bed.


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My Shih Tzu Is Teething and Not Eating?I have a 3.5 month old Shih Tzu puppy. She is very active and going through teething. All of her front teeth have been fallen out and she is losing her appetite as days go by. I took her to the vet, but they said it's normal for this age, but I'm worried that she is not eating anything, only drinking water. Her stools are also fine.


A sleepy dog.

Caring for a Dog with a Heart Murmur?Having a dog with a heart murmur is not necessarily an issue. Many of these pets live a normal life not even requiring medication. A murmur may have to be considered if your dog were to need surgery. A vet can provide the best advice in that instance.


Two dogs interested in each other.

Keeping Dogs From Mating?If there are health or breeding reasons for not having your dogs spayed or neutered then you will need to use other methods to keep them from mating. Several suggestions are offered on this page.


A dog sitting in a car.

Remedies for Dogs with Car SicknessJust like their pet parents, dogs can suffer from car sickness. You can check with your vet for suggestions and/or give one of the tips below a try.


A dog under a blanket.

Feeding a Parvo Survivor?Once your dog recovers from the parvo virus you can begin introducing some solid food. Your vet will probably have good advice. Bland foods, such as chicken broth, boiled chicken, and rice are good options. Their regular food is also good for pups who don't eat people food. Additionally, you will want to introduce food in small quantities. Add more as your pet continues to improve.


A puppy smelling a flower in a field.

What Breed Is My Puppy?Puppies take a bit of growing before it they look like their parents' breeds. Here are questions and answers about all sorts of different puppies and what they might be combined with.


An angry dog barking with teeth bared.

Training a Guard or Protection Dog?The first thing to keep in mind when considering training your dog to be a guard or protection dog is to recognize the difference between a guard dog and an attack dog. Guard dogs are trained to alert and adopt a defensive stance when there is an intruder or danger, not to attack. The actual training takes research into techniques, the right dog, and patience.


A puppy in a bed at night.

Soothing a Whining Puppy at NightPuppies may be lonely and whine at night, unable to sleep. To help soothe your pup you can try an old ticking clock, a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel, or even a blanket that smells like you. More suggestions can be found on this page.


A dog walking out a door onto a porch.

Dog Poops and Pees on the Porch?It is very frustrating if your dog suddenly stops going in the grass and begins to poop and pee on your porch. There are some very helpful suggestions for changing this behavior below.


black and white Spaniel

Blue Rhone Spaniel PhotosBlue Rhone refers to a Cocker Spaniel with a coat color that is the result of interspersed black and white hairs. Since they are Cockers they possess the same charming breed personalities.


A Belgian Shepherd or Groenendael in a grassy field.

Groenendael Breed Information and PhotosAlso know as a Belgian Sheepdog, the Groenendael belongs to the herding group. These beautiful, intelligent, hard working dogs also love human companionship. They are highly trainable dogs and have a life expectancy of 12-14 years.


A sad dog lying down.

Grieving Dog Pooping and Peeing InsideDogs can have strong emotional responses to the death of another pet or one of their people. Sometimes this grief can result in a well trained dog beginning to poop and/or pee inside. Read on for some helpful suggestions to assist your pet in moving through their grief.


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Recovery Time for a Dog with Parvo?My 1.5 months old Lab has parvo. The vet diagnosed it on Tuesday and since then he is getting his IV. He hasn't pooped in the last 28 hours and hasn't puked 4 times in 24 hours. Will he be able to make it?


A dog ignoring his food bowl.

Causes of Weight Loss in Dogs?There are a number or reasons that your dog may be losing weight. If your dog is acting normally you can try troubleshooting the reason yourself. Perhaps the pet food needs to be changed, if you make your own, confirm that it contains the proper nutrients, finally eliminate other possibilities. Then it may be time to see your vet.


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Dog Is Eating Wooden Throwing Sticks?I have a 5 yr. old Shepherd Lab mix who has eaten sticks all of her weaned life. She gradually eats her oak throwing sticks in noticeable amounts a day. I'm wondering how safe it is for her to do.


What Breed Is My Dog? - black and grey mixed breed dog

What Breed Is My Dog?When we bought my puppy the owner said she was a pure bred German Shepherd?


Dog Potty Spot Made from Sod Squares - sod in a pool

Dog Potty Spot Made from Sod SquaresThis creative dog potty spot is intended to be used on a porch or patio in bad weather. Using a child's pool and sod from a nursery gives your dog a dry place to go.


A dog scratching his ears outside.

Treating a Dog with AllergiesThe first step in treating a dog that seems to have allergies is to determine what they are allergic to. Dogs can develop allergies to their food, as well as experience allergic reactions to fleas, household products, etc. Once the cause is known then the best solution(s) can be tried. You will also want to treat the skin damage done by licking and scratching.


A dog biting his hindquarters due to fleas.

Using Advantix on DogsAdvantix is an over the counter medication that treats fleas, ticks, and other pests. When applied properly it is effective and generally safe to use. Some pets have been known to have an allergic reaction to this product.


A dog shaking his ears and head.

Can Advantix Cause Seizures in Dogs?Not all dog owners have had confidence in using Advantix for flea control. Some have experienced seizures in their pets and think that this product may have caused the dog's health problem.


A Belgian Malinois lying on the grass.

Belgian Malinois Photos and InformationSimilar to a German shepherd, here are some pictures and information to help you learn more about the Belgian malinois breed of dog.


A dog sleeping on the sofa.

How is Parvo Transmitted?Many pet owners have real concerns regarding the transmission of this sometimes fatal virus. Parvo is transmitted by contact with an infected animal, feces, vomit, and from your hands, clothing, and shoes if you have come in contact with the live virus. It is not airborne.


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Treating a Puppy for Worms?Can you possibly give a puppy mineral oil for worms?


A dog at a shelter, hoping for adoption.

Returning a Dog to the Shelter?Considering returning a dog to the shelter can be distressing. There are good reasons that require rehoming a pet. If you must take your dog back, check to find a "no kill" shelter. Perhaps as an alternative, a good friend may be looking for a loving pet.


Expected Size of a Mixed Breed Dog - black and brown puppy

Expected Size of a Mixed Breed Dog?Her mom has Beagle and Hound dog cross. And her dad has Pit and Boxer. I wanna know which features she has the most of, Pit, boxer, hound dog, or Beagle. Her mom and dad where both big dogs. I'm just curious to find more information an other people's opinions. I am trying to figure out if she will be a big or a small dog.


What Breed Is My Dog? - Pit puppy

What Breed Is My Dog?What is his breed? He is going to be 6 months old on the 20th. His dad is blue and his mom is red. The first pic is Haus the second is dad. Mom is built low like dad with thick bull head.


A Yorkshire terrier licking his lips.

Recipes for Yorkshire Terriers?Some dog owners choose to make their own dog food rather that serve commercial brands. This can be tricky as sometimes the ingredient proportions in the recipe may be inaccurate. Do your research, talk to your vet, and create away. This page focuses on homemade food recipes for Yorkshire Terriers.


Miniature Pincher

What is My Miniature Pincher Mixed With?Without a DNA test you can only guess what mix your dog may be. Some physical characteristics might help narrow the possibilities. This page contains discussions regarding "What is My Miniature Pinscher Mixed With?".


Is My Dog a Purebred German Shepherd? -closeup of a Shepherd

Is My Dog a Purebred German Shepherd?I bought this dog as puppy with no papers and was told it was a purebred German Shepherd. The mom and dad were on site and they both look purebred so I wanted to get other people's opinion.


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Finding Free Pet Euthanasia Services?I have a 15 year old Pit Bull that is suffering and I can't afford any vet care at this moment. I was wondering if there was anywhere I can take him to have him put down for free. I can't handle it anymore he is suffering.


A German Shepard and a Jack Russel next to each other.

German Shepherd Jack Russel Mix PhotosWhile not a typical cross, because of the size difference, German Shepherd and Jack Russel terrier mixed puppies are possible. This page contains photos and comments regarding German Shepherd and Jack Russel mix pups.


A scared dog hiding under a blanket.

My Dog Is Afraid of EverythingMany dogs exhibit fear in a variety of situations. Sometimes this behavior is the result of previous abuse, the breed, or often a lack of socialization and confidence. As there are a number of causes, there are also a few different things you can try if you dog is afraid of everything. This page contains several suggestions for helping your dog to feel calm and safe.


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Older Dog Peeing and Pooping Inside?Our family dog, Annie, is a Jack Russell and is 12 years of age. She used to have great bladder control, but over the past couple of months she has been frequently urinating inside the house, on any bed she gets to, or the hallway. Just prior to this she did her business (number 2) in the hallway quite frequently.


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Creating an Enclosed Outdoor Dog Area Off the Deck?I'm getting a puppy (small dog) who will be indoors most of the time, but outdoors too. I'm going to make an area off the deck fenced so he can have shade and place to potty. Our ground is hard with stickers. I'm thinking of putting pea gravel/or something out there so he can be on the deck, but go there to potty.


What Is My German Shepherd Mixed With? - black and tan puppy

What Is My German Shepherd Mixed With?First mistake, never trust every Craig's List seller! But, other than that, the breeder said she was a pure German Shepherd. But I just visited the vet for a little puppy visit on her belly, and she said there's no way she is a purebred because of her pointy nose and her short hair and how rough it is.


What Kind of Pit Bull Is He? - dog lying down on carpet

What Kind of Pit Bull Is He?Can someone please tell me what type of Pit Bull he is so I can figure out how big he is going to get? Right now he is 6 months old.


Is Ampitrexyl Safe for Dogs? - white Poodle

Is Ampitrexyl Safe for Dogs?Is ampitrexyl safe for dogs?


Recovery Time for a Puppy with Parvo - black and white puppy

Recovery Time for a Puppy with Parvo?My 6 month old puppy was diagnosed with parvo on Saturday. It's now Tuesday and he's made a full recovery as far as eating and drinking. His fever broke and he has energy, no bloody stool. All stools are solid now and there is no diarrhea either.


What Breed Is My Dog? - girl and black and white puppy

What Breed Is My Dog?The owner told me it's a Pit Bull, but I need opinions on what she looks like?


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3 Week Old Puppy Not Pooping?I have a 3 week old puppy and it keeps crying and not pooing what can I do?


An aggressive dog on a leash.

Causes of Aggression in DogsPatience and proper introduction techniques can help reduce or eliminate the potential aggressive behavior of dogs. Determining the cause of aggression in dogs can be a challenge.


What Breed Is My Dog?

What Breed Is My Dog? (Boxer Mix)Determining your dog's breed mix can be fun. Different physical characteristics can help, but a DNA test will give you accurate results.


Dog Not Eating After Being Sick - small brown dog

Dog Not Eating After Being Sick?My dog's been very sick and throwing up badly for about a week. He's a small dog and he's better except now, I can not get him to eat anything at all. He's now only drinking water. He needs to eat. What can I do? How long do I have before he dies of malnutrition? I love my dog and he's only a year old. I do not want him dying.


What Breed Is My Pit Bull Puppy? - closeup of a tan and white puppy

What Breed Is My Pit Bull Puppy ?I got my Kernal when he was 4 weeks old. He is now 5 months old and very energetic. I was told he's a Pit Bull Bully, but I'm not sure and the vets here in the Caribbean are not equipped for DNA testing. Can someone tell me what breed he is?


What Type of Husky Do I Have? - person's hands holding a puppy

What Type of Husky Do I Have?I just bought 2 Huskies, but don't know what type Husky they are. They have siblings with more red in them and a brother that is same color, but a little more fluffy.


A Yorkshire terrier lying on carpet in the sun.

Yorkie Randomly Shaking?Yorkies are known to sometimes begin to shake. There are a variety of reasons for this. One is that lacking an undercoat they are more likely to reacting to the cold. Also, puppies under 4 months may suffer from hypoglycemia, a sudden drop in blood sugar which can result in shaking. Check with your vet to ensure your best response to this behavior.


The inside of a dog's ear.

Identifying Dog Ear Problems?If your dog is rubbing and scratching their ears it could be either an infection of an ear mite infestation. A trip to the vet is a good way to identify the problem and to determine the best treatment.


A dog with his tongue out next to a full water bowl.

Dog Refuses to Drink WaterIf your dog refuses to drink water, it is very important to find out why. A dog that goes too long without water is in danger of a serious illness or even death. A trip to the vet will diagnose any health issues that may be causing this.


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