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Frugal Dog Toys?Do you have any frugal chew toy ideas for dogs that are safe?


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Keeping Dogs Out of My Yard?How do I keep the local dogs from relieving themselves on my property? I have tried black pepper, moth balls, Lysol, Pine Sol, and some of those sprays specifically designed to keep dogs away. What is a person to do, summer is just around the corner?


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Big Barker: Tone Down By Barking Dog?Could anyone lend me some advice on how to tone down my barking dog. She barks when she sees people or when she's nervous. I haven't had alot of luck training her. Please Help..I think my neighbors are starting to get annoyed. - Michelle


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Dog is Losing its Hair & Request for Flea Remedy?What's the best home remedy to get fleas off my dogs, and what can i do about them losing their hair? Charlotte


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Puppy Eating Dog Mess?How do you get a 10 month old puppy to stop eating dog mess?


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Leather Furniture and Dogs?Can anyone advise me as to whether it is a good idea to buy a leather suite for a house with a pet dog? I am worried about marks on the leather, however much you watch a dog there are always going to be times when it could 'paw' the leather, any advice would be gratefully accepted. Many Thanks, Joyce from Lancashire


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Candle Wax on Dog?I just spilt wax on my dog! Any tips other than the iron or spirits? Poor thing Dan


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Dog has Horrible Spreading Hot Spots and Skin Smells Like Bleach When Bathing?My yorkie/poodle 10 yr old dog starting getting hot spots about a year ago. It is destroying his life, his skin, his fur and I don't know what to do. I have tried used tea bags, still working on that. Maybe it takes time.


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Insulating a Pet Door for Winter?I have a pet door that my 3 little girls (doggies) go out during the day and night. The problem is that during the winter I am losing heat but hate to close off the door.


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Problem With Neighbor - My Dog's Life is in Danger!I have never gotten along with the renter next door for one reason or another. But, now, he has taken his cruelty out on something else - my dog! He is purposely leaving chicken bones in his backyard to attract my dog over, hoping that she will choke on one of them! How horrible is that? I have no idea what to do, it's not like it's against the law, so I really can't call the police, but something needs to be done or my dog might choke on one of these bones! But, please keep in mind this guy hates me with a passion and will do anything to hurt me or my dogs! Please help quick! Thank you! Kelly


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My New Puppy Has Bugs?I have recently purchased a puppy. I am finding in the hair white bugs and the skin is flaking off the puppy. I have used the method of vinegar and water to spray this puppy with because he is only 5 weeks old. Is this fleas? I don't see any black spots or even black bugs of any sort. The bug is white with two little legs. Kind of like a white fly bug that you find on stems of carrots. The puppy has bumps all over its coat. Is this due to the bugs? I am wondering if I should take the dog back to were I bought it from to get my money back. He is a heathy dog otherwise. Can anyone help? Snowstress, Wisconsin


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Keeping Clasps on Dog Chains From Freezing?I have several inside dogs and a real problem in the winter is the hooks that are on their chains left outside freeze up and it makes it so hard to hook them out when they need to take a trip outside in the winter time.


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Solutions For Shedding?I have a Jack Russell Terrier that really sheds, and all I know to do is suck it up with my vaccuum daily, and it's still full by morning. Keeping a sweater on her helps, but won't be good for the summer. If you know of any good solutions please let me know. Sandy in Kansas


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When Can You Let a Puppy Be Outside Alone?I have a 6 week old puppy and I wanted to know when is the best time to start leaving her out in the backyard alone to play? Is she too young? Will she be permanently fearful if I leave her out? Will she be afraid of neighbor's dog when he barks? I would greatly appreciate some advice on this. Thanks, sphinx


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Our Dog Is Waking Up Early?I have a german shepard/Spaniel mix who has decided to get up at 5:30am every morning. This a new situation. We take her out at 9pm or even as late as 10pm, but she won't let us sleep past 530am. Please help! Seven hours may be enough for her, but it isn't for us. Sherry



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Aggressive Dog Behaviour?I have a 10 month old poodle/cavilier spaniel cross. He is the greatest dog, but has a very annoying habit of humping peoples legs when they come to visit. I scold him and get visitors to talk crossly to him, but he continues to do it as soon as someone comes in. Any suggestions?


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Agressive Lab?I have a 1 1/2yr old Chocolate Lab. He is a great dog, sweet, and well behaved. The only problem is he does not like my one son who is 12. This all started happening about 6 months ago. He had surgery and was away from us for about 5 days,(for swallowing a ball that blocked his intestines) about a week after he was home he started showing signs of agression with certain children, (but not all, like I said he is very sweet)


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Preventing a Dog From Digging?My dogs digs terribly. I need a way to keep her in her pin. Please help. Thank you, Lorissa


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Candle Wax On Dog?My POOR GOLDEN LAB knocked a candle warmer off onto his coat, and now is covered in candle wax! I tried to explain to him it was not his fault, but now he looks kind of weird, AND feels embarrassed. :( any suggestions? I don't think ironing him will work, and I don't want to cut his fur yet. Darn. Hate it when that happens. Buddy and Diana SW Idaho


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Help Training a 9 Week Old Pit Bull?I have a 9 week year old pit bull that I have many questions about. He keeps niping everything, me, my furniture, everything! When he licks my face he sometimes nips. What should I do?


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Breeding Around a Pit Bull?I have an 1 1/5 year old male Pit Bull and a 4 year old female German Shepherd. I want to breed my shepherd with another shepherd but I am not sure if my Pit will like the pups or if he would hurt them. On any other dog I wouldn't worry but since he's a PIT BULL I don't know if I should breed my shepherd. The pit an shepherd grew up together.


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Skinny German Shepherd?I have a beautiful German Shepherd named Bullett, he is 2, but to look at him, he looks like I do not feed him. He goes to the vet for his check ups and does not have worms, parasites, etc. He eats like a pig but will not put any weight on.


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Pit Bull Eating Grass?Hey guys, I would like your advice. I have a one month old pitbull which was given to us since her mom died. We are currently giving her milk that we bought at the store, the shops were closed down that sell dog milk.


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Helping a Scared Dog, Rescued From a Puppy Farm?We have adopted a problem dog from the local dog rescue who spent the first 18 months of his life locked in a barn of a puppy farm. He is of a beautiful nature but has not had any socialization and is a nervous wreck.


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Chihuahua's Maturity?I have a small chihuahua.Taco is almost 5 months old, he weighs 3 pounds. I am interested in knowing if anyone has an ideal at what age a small dog should reach their maturity in weight and height.


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Pup Fighting?Hello, I have a 13 week year old male pit bull puppy an a adult female german shepherd. The problem or at least what i think is the problem is that he (the Pit) likes to play fight with the shepherd. He growls and snarls and stuff. i think he's playing but i am not sure. Sometimes the shepherd doesnt seem to like it. Should i let this continue? Mike


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Boston Terrier Barking?Our 18 month old boston terrier has started barking at any noise in or outside the house. It is an awful bark that makes you jump out of your skin. Is there a way to stop him from this behavior?


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Dog Food Advice For My Schoodle?My Schnoodle is 10 months and a very picky eater. I want to buy him the best dog food. I heard that Chicken Soup was the best but I can't find it where I live. I am now feeding him Bil Jac dry food and Neutro Max wet food. I don't know how good this food is, so I want to change.


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Suggestion For Helping a Shy Dog?I adopted a shy dog on August 7, 2004. Unlike most shy dogs, her shyness happened, I am assuming, from being dumped. She began showing up at the church where I worked during the day and night. She slept at the church every night for almost six weeks.


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Rottweiler With Health Problems?My rott is having problems with bloody stools and I cannot afford a vet. I have checked the internet for symptoms of hookworm and she does not show any of them for hookworm. Could it be a change in diet or the type of dog food we buy her that can cause this.



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Tapeworm Prevention With Dogs?I have a cocker spaniel who has been plagued by tapeworm infections lately. We go to the vet and get the medicine, but invariably, within the month, I am seeing worms in his stool again.


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Poem For a Pet Owner That Has Lost Their Pet - Put Me To Rest?I just learned that my best friend's son lost his beloved dog. He had a heart attack, and the vet said he would live in pain, and strongly suggested he euthanize him. It took the poor guy 3 hours at the vet's office to break down and allow the vet to go ahead. My heart breaks for him.


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Cleaning Up After a Shedding Dog?My chocolate lab, Wrigley, is now 6 months old and he sleeps inside our bathroom at night. When morning comes, we open the bathroom door and there is TONS of dog hair covering our tile floor! This is EVERY morning.


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My Dog Eats Socks and Bras?My chocolate lab is 7 months old now and he has eaten, well actually -- swallowed whole, every pair of socks that I or my kids have tried to hide from him (he still finds them), and also has eaten 3 of my bras! He eats EVERYTHING!


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My Pit Bull Pup Thinks my Hands Are the Enemy?Hi all, I have an 8 week old Pit Bull pup. I love the little guy to death but he's a spritely fella and bites EVERYTHING he puts his mouth on. I made the MISTAKE and gave him a tap on his mouth one day when he was biting my feet.


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Patterns For Yorki Clothes?I would like to know if anyone has a pattern for making yorki clothes. My daughter just got a yorki and she weighs 5.01 Lbs. I have checked out some of the clothes they sell, the price is insane! If any one can help me out I would like to make her some clothes for her puppy.


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Dog with Skunk Breath?My dog got skunked last night and I used the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and liquid soap method that worked very well on his coat. The problem now is that when the dog got sprayed by the skunk, he was barking and apparently got a mouthful of the spray also. He still has that awful smell coming from his mouth and nose. Any other helpful hints would be appreciated.


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Feedback About Nosodes?I would like to know if anyone knows anything about nosodes in place of pet injections and if so how do you use them?I have read about them but don't know how to use them are where to get them. Its suppose to be a natural thing in place of shots.Has anyone used this?


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Someting to Carry a Puppy In?I am from Las vegas with a brand new puppy. Howie weighs about 10 lbs and is 4 months old. I need something to carry him in besides my arms when we go out or visiting.


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Overly Friendly Pit Bull?I have a 7 month old pit bull that is over friendly! I'll be on my porch with him and the next minute he's running to someone and licking him/her to death. I really want to break him of this, the last thing I want is for a full grown male pit running after some kid trying to play (of course the kid wouldnt know he trying to play). He knows stay, come etc.


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Dog Bathing Tips?Tips for bathing your dog. Post your ideas here!


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White Shaker Dog Syndrome (Tremors)?Looking for information about white shakerdog syndrome or tremors in small dogs. My dog has them and he is on steroids, but his liver count is high because of the pills.


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Chew Toy Advice?My 10-month-old female Dachshund loves to chew on shoes (other things, too, but mostly shoes). We have changed our habits by ensuring that our shoes are out of reach, but it's difficult to communicate this importance to guests who visit for extended periods.


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Dachshund Losing Hair?I have a female Dachshund that is losing her hair in spots and it isn't ringworm or mange. She itches all the time and scratchs all the time. Does any one have any ideas on what it could be? We give her bathes in dog shampo and she's well taken care of.


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Sneaky Chewer?We found a QueenslandX dog about 9 months old that no one claimed. We are trying not to take her to our high kill animal shelter but she is a chewer. I mean she chews EVERYTHING - even takes a loaf of bread off kitchen table - cat toys, furniture, clothes, you name it.



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Training Your Dog to Sit?Tips for training your dog to sit. Post your ideas.


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Training Your Dog To Stay?Tips to help you train your dog to stay. Post your ideas.


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Pug With Yeast Infection?It started out him getting sick once in a while to now about every other night. He was throwing up but I have changed his diet and feeding times and that has seemed to control that. His stools are still a little runny and frequent.


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Dog With Eye Infection?My Maltese left eye has become infected over the last 2 to 3 days. He's keeping it shut but opens more when excited about getting his treat. He seems to be sleeping more and shivering more than normal. What do you think? I


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Giving Your Dog a Bath?Tips to help you when giving your dog a bath. Post your ideas.


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Scaredy Dog?My name is Amanda, I have 2 sweet little terripoo's, one boy, one girl. We have had them for about 4-5 months now and when we first got them, they would not come near us. After a few days they started to become curious and after about a week or two they settled down a bit.


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Cluster of Ticks?My neighbor's dog pretty much lives at my house and I noticed that he has a cluster of ticks on his shoulder. There were probably 8 ticks of various sizes! I got some of them off and noticed a swollen area with some pus. I am guessing it is infected.


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House Training a 15 Month Old Dog?Our Lakeland Terrier is 15 months old and we are having a difficult time getting him to hold his bodily functions until he gets outside. He will not usually poop or pee in the house when we are with him, but if we leave him alone or if he wakes up in the morning before we do, he will do his business as he pleases.


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Dryer Sheets for Flies on Dogs?Can static dryer sheets be used to help control flies on my dog's ears?


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How Much Should a German Shepherd Weight?My father has two beautiful German Shepherds named Buck and Lady, but I think they weigh too much. Buck weighs 150 lbs and Lady weighs 110 lbs. They both appear to be big boned, but I feel they should weigh less. They are very well behaved, but they don't get any exercise. They are either in the house or chained up outside. What is the ideal weight for both?


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Pug Vomiting?I have a black pug. From time to time she vomits her food. Not often. Is there anything out there my pug can eat that won't upset here already upset stomach.


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Lonely Dachshund?I am the proud owner of a miniature red Dachshund, female, Name: Brandy Alexis. I have noticed that she has lost some of her enthusiasm, she spends a better part of the day by herself (i.e. work) could it be that she is lonely? And if so, what would be a good companion for her?


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Pug with Black Smelly Skin?I own a 5 year old pug. Since he was 6 months old, he has had non-stop ear infections, yeast, staph, etc. He has seen 2 very good vets and I am now getting ready to take him to a natural vet.


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My dog started messing in the house.My 4 year old Husky, Leea, started messing in the house when I leave. She started doing this a few months ago. We have had her about 2 years now. She was abused and abandoned. Now she is a very loved baby girl. My boyfriend is not to happy with this new behavior.


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Training an Older Cocker Spaniel?We just adopted our second Cocker Spaniel (a male) from the animal shelter. He is 5 1/2 years old. The first Cocker miniature (female) that we adopted (7 years old) was crate trained and is just perfect. So we bought a crate for him to sleep in but he just shook the door so badly over and over that we let him sleep on the floor in our bedroom.


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Dog Licked Up Spilled Grease?My Dog licked up some spilled grease and now has vomited once and acts uncomfortable. What home remedy can I give her or does she need to go to vet?


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Presa Canario Keeps Itching?My friend has a female Presa Canario who has a terrible case if itchy skin and she is chewing herself to ribbons. She is 18 months old and nothing seems to stop this. No signs of fleas are on her at bath time. We are in Hamilton Ontario and the weather was hot but is still humid and has cooled down to the 20's C. The highs being 29 lately.


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Helping a Dehydrated Dog?My friend has a three year old boxer has had weight loss but still is eating normally. He is kept outside in a dog pin. Last night he was barking very unusually for him at night. He put him in the garage. When morning came he want to check on him.


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Dog is Too Submissive?I have a 5 year old long-haired dachshund that I rescued last December named Doodad. I know a little about his previous life in a household with 4 other dogs, but what I wasn't told but suspect is that he may have been abused. When I reach down to pet him, he acts like he thinks I am going to hit him and frequently flops down onto his side and squirts out a little urine.


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How Do I Know If My Dog Has Fleas?How do i know if my dog has fleas, and what is the best remedy to get rid of them?


What Are Pekingese Like?I heard from a friend that pekingese are very snappy. My roommate Aria is going to bring a pekingese named pepper to our apartment soon. Does anybody who owns one have any advice? Are they loud? Are they energetic? Are they rough?


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Housebreaking Problems with a Pomeranian?We have two puppies, one Sheltie and one Pomeranian. Both were acquired on the same day. The Sheltie understands to do his business outside, but the Pomeranian just can't get it about peeing inside versus taking it outside. He has the pooping down.


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Are Wolf Hybrid Dogs Safe?Last week my kids went to the pound with a family friend. Our daughters Taylor and Brooke have been bugging us about this dog (Cooper) from the shelter. They have been asking us to adopt him. He is 1 year old and he is a wolf-hybrid.


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Dog Whining?I have noticed more and more that my dog seems to whine often. This has been going on forever (not all day long). Even if she has been fed, played with, potty, she whines, why?


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Dogs Chewing Everything?We have two puppies that love to chew on everything from the dining table legs, chair legs, plastic garbage bags, weights and have even destroyed the blue padding that covers the springs on a trampoline! I've tried scolding verbally, they ignore me. I tried showing them the fly swatter and smacking my hand with it, also to no avail.


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Puppy With Stomach Problems?I was given a 4 week old pit and I don't know why but all of a sudden her stomach seems to be twice the size and her tummy makes a lot of rumbling noises. Also I've been giving her is regular milk instead of a formula milk. I've had other dogs but never a baby.


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Dogs Peeing On Wooden Coffee Table?I have 8 dogs and all were abandoned except 3. How do you get males to stop peeing on wooden furniture? I have an antique coffee table I want to use but don't want the dogs to ruin it.


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Dog Knocking Over Water Bowl?My dog has just recently started putting her paw in her water bowl before drinking, then she'll drink a little bit, stick her paw in again, drink a little more, then purposely spill the whole bowl. Then I'll fill it and and a little while later it will happen again.


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Dog With Chronic Diarrhea?I've a 7 month old sweet pup that we've had since he was 10 weeks old. Here's the problem: He has a bad case of diarrhea. We have tried just about everything. We've had him back to the vets office 4 times in the last 2 months.


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Aggressive Pit Bull?I have a 3 year old pitbull whom I love very much. She has always been incredible with my 2 young children and I have never been afriad of having her, instead always feeling safe. We recently just moved into a house, we lived in a condo before, and she has become very aggressive with anyone that walks into the house or that she might see while walking.


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Dog's Medication Smells Like Sulfur?I have a dog that just recently went to the vet because he has a skin bacteria that keeps him itching and biting. They gave me a medicine that smells like sulfur and now my whole house smells this way. What can I do to get rid of that smell?


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Tape Worm Remedies for Dogs?My name is Tammy and I wanted to ask you a few questions. I have a 6 week old puppy whom I'm sure has tape worm. I cannot afford a vet and wanted to know if you know of any home remidies? Someone told us to put a couple of teaspoons of mineral oil over his wet food. Have you heard of this?


Dog Keeps Knocking Over His Food?I have a two year old cocker spaniel who has a habit of pushing his food out of the bowl and eating it off the ground. We got him a food bowl and he puts his paw in the side and it makes it flop over spilling the food on the ground and then he eats it. He does it all the time. Why does he do that and how do I stop it?


Dog Tearing Up Papers?My lab mix puppy just turned a year old and has been out of her crate without any issues for the past 4 months. Beginning yesterday, she has been knocking everything and anything off of my kitchen counters and tearing them to shreds while I'm gone. She's used to being alone for several hours a day so that's not the issue.


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My Dog is Afraid of Children?Is there a way to train my shepard/husky/lab mix to not be afraid of children? She is 6 months old and acts like she might bite them. We have a grand baby coming in the spring and would like to know if there is anything we can do!


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Dog Consuming Dog Urine?I was wondering if it is normal for my soon to be 2 year old male dog (Maxwell) to consume the urine from my new soon to be 7 month old female pup?


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Training an Older Collie?I've known my fiance for four years, he has a 8 year old large Collie (he's had since he was a young pup). Before "Champ", all I ever knew about collies was Lassie. I've looked up sites and information, Champ is hardly anything like them, his personality is horrific, he is a glutton no matter how much you feed him. Collies are normally friendly with children (even babies), he will bare his fangs at Ariana (nine months old).


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Calming a Dog for Grooming?My old dog has a difficult time going to the vet and groomer. She needs to be muzzled and even then has bit herself during grooming in distress. Besides getting tranquilizers from the vet, how else can I calm her down?


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Indestructible Dog Bed?You all were such a big help with my Lab mix puppy's new chewing habits so I thought I'd try again. Now that we have her back in her crate, I need to find something indestructible for her to lay on while she's in there. We tried towels but she rips them to shreds.


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Training a Rottweiler?I have a female rotty and I was wondering if you had any ideas on what to teach her. She already knows, sit, down, stay, heel, come, bite, and out. I need to know where to go from here.


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Puppy Cries When Left Outside?I have a 10 week old puppy, I've had her since she was 5 weeks old. House training is going well, I have a few nipping problems, but we're taking care of it. The big thing is outside... I have a chain for her outside that I would like to be able to put her on for maybe an hour or two a day, mostly when I need to keep her from being underfoot, but the moment you close the door she starts whimpering... and its not a quiet whimper.


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Pomeranian with Itchy Skin?My Pomeranian has dry itchy skin. She just had blood tests run and everything was ok. The vet gave me some shampoo for her but I'm wondering if I should be adding some oil or something else to her diet to help also. She is 10 years old.


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Decorating or Hiding Your Dog's Crate?Our dog's crate takes up a lot of room in the living room. Any ideas for hiding it or making it useful?


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Dog With Hip Problems?I have a flat coated retriever mix that is two years old. When she was little she had a problem with her hind hips. She would pull them out of socket when playing. In the last day or so she seems to be hurting and is have trouble standing. It's hard for her to get up off the floor. Could this be arthritis?


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Puppy Pants?I have a puppy in heat and am just wondered if anyone has good ideas for puppy pants. I got some that you can buy at the store but at night she gets them off when she crawls into our bed and I can't have her in bed without them so she is stuck in her crate at night. She HATES it.


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Dog Barks When the Doorbell Rings?I have problems with dogs barking when people come over or when the door bell rings. Does anyone have any solutions to annoying dogs barking every time someone comes to visit or when someone comes to the door?


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Saving Money on Piddle Pads?Does anyone else have Chihuahuas? Maggie and Jack use the blue piddle pads in a box, but it does get expensive. Does anyone know how to stretch the use of them? I live in SD and going outside in the winter is not an option.


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Housebreaking a Cairn Terrier?How do I housebreak my 17 week old Cairn Terrier? I have 4 other dogs and have never had a problem housebreaking, but I cannot get this puppy to learn.


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Dog Urinating at Friend's House?I have a male, neutered labrador dog. He will be 2 in April. He has been house trained since he was 10 weeks old and has never had a problem since. I take him to friends houses quite frequently who have dogs, but last night he urinated twice inside a friends house. Once on my friend's bed pillow that he had knocked off the bed and for a second time on my friend's dog bed that he has for his male golden retriever.


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Dander Reducing Shampoo Recipe?I've been reading a lot about these dander reducing shampoos, sprays and wipes on the market. I'm sure there is a cheap way to make a version of these products yourself. Does anyone know of a way?


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Can Heartworm Shots Be Harmful to Dogs?I was surfing around dog sites and found a number of references and letters about a 6-month heartworm shot for dogs and reports it had actually caused a number of dog deaths due to severe onset anemia.


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Dog Shredding Puppy Pads?Does anyone have any ideas on how to break my 8 month old Pomeranian from shredding his puppy pads? When he was a tiny puppy he used the pads most every time but it seem that now he holds his bladder until I get home to take him out which is good but the pad that I leave for him is always in a million pieces.


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Dog With Discharge From Eye?I adopted a 5 year old male Chihuahua from a shelter, I've had him for 10 days he has had 3 vet visits. He started getting small red boils around his stomach and the top of body, he was treated with a antibiotic and a steroid shot.


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Training a Dog to be Friendly?I have a mini pincher/chihuahua mix who is just 8 weeks old, my question is how to we teach him to be friendly and not atack everyone in sight, people, ect. He isn't doing any of this YET, but his daddy does.


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Are Dog Bones Made for Teeth Cleaning Safe?Just a simple query: I've been feeding my dog bones especially created for cleaning their teeth. Though I haven't asked my vet, I'm wondering if there is any reason not to feed him these sorts of bones? He seems to enjoy them a lot. Any ideas as to why would it likely be bad for him?


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Dog Not Going to The Bathroom?My husband and I just rescuded a Border Collie/Chow mix yesterday. She had a sore on her bottom, I am guessing it was from the wet floor in the kennel at the shelter. We plan to take her to the vet this weekend to see what the sore is about. She has a hard time sitting because obvisously it hurts.


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When Should I Get My Dog Fixed?I have a 7 month old female mix, we think she's mostly Brussles Griffon. When do I get her fixed? I hate the thought of her little tummy being cut. Do they do laparoscopic spaying?


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