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Getting Rid of Fleas?I haven't been able to get rid of the fleas on my dogs and cats. People have suggested Capstar so I gave them some. How do I know it's working? Any advice?


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Homemade Flea Treatment?I need a home remedy to treat fleas in my apartment. I bathed my dog and cat, but what to use something on the floors and furniture, other than commercial products. The fleas keep coming back.


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Using Witch Hazel to Get Rid of Fleas on a Dog?Can I wash my dog in witch hazel for fleas?


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Using Fairy Washing Up Liquid for Fleas?Is Dawn the Same as Fairy Washing Up Liquid? We can't get Dawn in Australia. I have Fairy and would like to try it on my dog to rid him of fleas?


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Alternative to Dawn Dish Soap in the UK?I live in England and keep reading about how good Dawn dish soap is for killing fleas on dogs, but they don't seem to sell it over here! This is a long shot, but has anyone any idea what the equivalent would be?


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Using Advantage for Fleas?Good Morning from Israel. Has anybody noticed that Advantage isn't as effective as it used to be?''


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Using Vinegar to Get Rid of Fleas?How much white vinegar do you use to get rid of fleas on a dog?


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Getting Rid of Fleas in an Apartment?I live in an 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment. I foster animals with a rescue and have never had any issues until my most recent lot of kittens. I currently have 7 foster kittens, 1 foster puppy, and my personal dog.


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Using Tea Tree Oil for Fleas on Dogs?How much tea tree oil do I dilute in water for fleas on dogs?


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Trouble Getting Rid of Fleas on My Dog?No matter what I try I can not get rid of the fleas on my dog and I live in the country as well. What can I possibly put on my dog to get rid of the fleas? He has dried up skin from scratching.


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Treating a Feral Mama Cat and Her Kittens for Fleas?I have a feral mama cat who, along with her "community" mother, "adopted my home, pregnant. For the past few months she took up home in my bedroom where she eats, sleeps, and uses a litter box. She does come out to hang out with other pets, watch TV, and observe us out of curiosity.


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Using Garlic Topically to Repel Fleas on a Dog?Is it safe to rub garlic on the back of my dog's neck (where he can't lick it) to repel fleas?


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Using Capstar for Fleas on a Cat?Will the fleas jump back on my cat after treatment with Capstar?


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Getting Rid of Fleas?I have 4 little dogs and spend a lot of time fighting fleas. I have been using Frontline Plus, but after a few months I have to switch because it stops working. I have used K9 Advantix ll. Half the time the bottles are empty and the other part of the time it does not work.


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Killing Fleas Using Ammonia?Do I mix ammonia with water to kill fleas or use straight ammonia?



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Treating a Cat with Fleas?I gave my cat and dog Advantage 11 last week and my cat is still scratching. I know I have to give them 3 more treatments, but does this mean she still has fleas? I bathed her yesterday and I didn't see any.


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Getting Rid of Fleas on Cats?I gave my cat a bath in Dawn dish soap to kill the fleas, but he will not let me comb him to get the fleas out of his fur. I just want to know if they will come back to life or not if I don't get them out of his fur.


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Using Homemade Flea Sprays on Your Pets?I have seen a lot of recipes for sprays on pets. How often do you spray your pet? How much do you spray on them?


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Getting Rid of Fleas on a Puppy?My 6 week old puppy recently got fleas, and I gave him a bath. Is it safe to de-flea my puppy? Also he is too small and I'm wondering if I can use vinegar on the dog?


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Trouble Getting Rid of Fleas?I have tried it all, Frontline, Advantage, Dawn, everything under the sun and I still can't get rid of the fleas. I do not have carpet and my furniture is leather. I spray my bed and theirs. It is driving me and the dogs nuts. I have six dogs. All my poor babies are just eaten up and nothing I do is working.


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Can't Get Rid of Fleas?I have tried everything and can't get rid of my dog's fleas. I treat all of them with Advantax or Frontline once a month and then supplement with the chewable flea treatments that can be given safely every 24 hours. I've washed all their bedding in hot water, but my pets still had fleas! I took them to the vet.


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Outside Dogs Suffering from a Flea Infestation?I have 3 outdoor Chihuahuas, of one is a mommy of 3, 3wk old males. The poor babies are infested with fleas. The yard has been treated several times, bedding area is cleaned, I know I can't use toxins on any pet if around mama and especially the babies. I've bathed them with Dawn and combed them all many times.


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Getting Rid of Fleas on a Kitten?How do I get rid of fleas on my 2 month old kitten?


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Using Dawn Dish Soap for Fleas?I was wondering how much dish detergent and alcohol to mix together to spray my floors, my furniture, my carpets, and so on? Is it possible to use too much? Also how often can I bath my two cats with the dish soap?


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Getting Rid of Fleas in Artificial Christmas Tree?My cat has fleas. I've been doing everything I can think of to eliminate the problem, but I have an artificial Christmas tree in a box that wasn't closed well in the same room where she likes to spend a lot of time. Is there a way to make sure my tree is flea-free, or should I just junk the tree and the box?


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Getting Rid of Fleas Inside?My dog is just getting over having fleas, but he's chewing his tail. Does that mean he still may have some? I've checked him and they are gone and he's been treated by the vet already. Do I still have to treat my house and everything he's been sitting on?


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Getting Rid of Fleas?Can Downey soap kill fleas on dogs? Is Downey soap the same as Dawn soap?


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Treating a 10 Week Old Kitten With Fleas?I rescued my kitten at about 5 or 6 weeks old, he is now 10 or 11 weeks old, my question is can I put flea drops on him now, even though the drops say to do so at 12 weeks. I give him regular baths every week or 2, and by the time he is due for a bath he has a lot of fleas on him just in that amount of time.


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Using Dawn and Flea Medicine on Cats?I gave my 2 cats a bath in Dawn soap and then I put flea medicine on them as soon as I got them out of the tub. Will the flea medics work?


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Getting Rid of Fleas in Outdoor Dog Run?I need help dealing with fleas in the outdoor dog run. It is covered with wood mulch. The dogs also have access to a limited part of the garage which will be easier to deal with. Is diatomaceous earth of any use? Flea baths and topical flea meds are scheduled.



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Preventing Fleas and Ticks on Dogs?I have been seeing fleas on my dogs. Even though they are bathed regularly, fleas and ticks are still there. Any sugestions on how to remove and avoid them?


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Treating a 3 Week Old Puppy for Fleas?What can I do to rid a puppy three weeks old and under 2 lbs. of fleas?


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Treating 2 Week Old Kittens for Fleas?My cat had her kittens 2weeks ago and they have fleas and need to be bathed with Dawn ASAP. This is her first litter and she has moved them twice now. I think she was "protecting them"? If I bathe her kittens is she going to freak out and harm them or neglect them because I touched them too much or too early?


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Getting Rid of Fleas on a Cat?My cat recently got fleas and I've tried everything to get rid of them and they won't go away. How do I get rid of these stupid fleas?


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Flea Treating a Dog With Puppies?My German Shepherd dog just had puppies and she has fleas. I would like to know what can I give her so she won't be passing them to the puppies?


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Getting Rid of Fleas on a Cat?I need a safe way to get rid of fleas on my cat.


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Using Brewer's Yeast for Fleas?How long does it take for the brewer's yeast with garlic to start getting rid of the fleas on a dog?


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Using Yeast to Get Rid of Fleas on Pets?I only just found out about the debittered (brewers) yeast that you can give to dogs and cats. Yippee, something natural to get rid of and keep fleas away. How long before it starts to work? Do they have any side effects at the beginning?


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Natural Remedies for Fleas and Ticks?I am noticing that my dog has a lot of ticks and fleas. Taco bell, is an active dog who plays a lot and runs a lot, but a problem I have is he licks everything. We bathe him reguarly with flea and tick shampoo and I am losing my mind. So I am asking what is a natural remedy I can use?


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Getting Rid of Fleas?We recently moved in with a friend and they have 3 dogs. The entire house is full of fleas. I have tried washing the animals in Dawn and spraying the whole house with apple cider vinegar and lemon juice with water and nothing I've tried is helping. You can't even sit on the furniture without being covered in fleas.


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Getting Rid of Fleas?My cat ha been sneaking outside and bringing a lot of fleas into the house. What are the best home remedies for a very bad case of fleas?


Getting Rid of Fleas on Dog?How do I get rid of fleas? I've tried everything and am lost. My 5 pound Miniature Pinscher has fleas and I can't bear to see her go through any more. Suggestions please.


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Fleas on Kittens?I have hardwood floors all over the house except the kitchen and bedroom which have tile floors. I read where you mix apple cider vinegar, Dawn, and water, and bathe both kitties. How much would I use of each or equal amounts?


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Remedy for Fleas on Dog?I need good home remedy for fleas. My poor dog is chewing himself up!


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Getting Rid of Fleas on Humans?Our dog recently got infested with fleas, even though we used Frontline. We went to the vet and got the flea, heartworm, parasite treatment. I have bombed, used spray, washed everything. I give our dog regular baths for fleas. Now for my question, the dog and my boyfriend constantly have fleas on them.



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Getting Rid of Fleas on a Dog?How do I kill fleas quickly on my dogs?


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Getting Rid of Fleas on My Kitten?Can I use normal dishwashing detergent to get rid of the fleas on my kitten instead of using Dawn detergent?


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Fleas on My Dog?My dog has flea patches will they go away? I wash her 3 times a week. I just brought a product called Bug Off, but couldn't use it tonight because I combed her too much and her back is pink. I'm frightened this spray may sting.


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Getting Rid of Fleas on Cats?What is the best flea remedy for cats?


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Getting Rid of Flea Eggs on Dog?We bought an 8 week old Malipoo and she has fleas and eggs, because every time we kill them and then check her again she will have baby fleas. Will Dawn dishsoap kill the eggs too?


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Getting Rid of Fleas with Dawn?Does it dry out their skin because my dog has very dry skin?


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Using Brewer's Yeast for Fleas on Cats?My mom uses brewer's yeast for our dogs and I was wanting to know can you use the same brewer's yeast for cats as you use for dogs or is there a different type for cats?


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Using Dawn for Fleas on Cats?I have 2 nine year old inside only cats that have attracted fleas from somewhere. I have given both baths with an organic oatmeal and vinegar based flea shampoo for cats, but they still have fleas.


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Using Yeast for Fleas?Can I use baker's yeast instead of brewer's yeast? I can't find brewers.


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Using Dawn Soap for Fleas on Dogs?How often can you wash your dog using Dawn soap for fleas? daily? weekly? etc. Thanks!


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Getting Rid of Fleas on Kittens?I need home remedies to deflea infested kittens.


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Getting Rid of Fleas Naturally?How do you get rid of fleas naturally?


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Getting Rid of Fleas?I need a remedy for fleas, with no money to buy anything. My dog has got fleas so bad, that when I gave him a bath he was actually bleeding from being bitten.


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Getting Rid of Fleas?Our dog, Maggie (Yorki-poo) has fleas and skin allergies. We've taken her to her vet. He gave her an injection + Prednisone. And prescribed 1/2 a pill of Pred every other night. This was about 1 1/2 months ago. They gave us another round of (Pred). She still has fleas.


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Homemade Flea Treatment?Does anyone have a homemade recipe to get rid of and prevent fleas?


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Using Ultra Dawn on a Puppy for Fleas?Can I use Ultra Dawn on my 10 week old puppy? I can't seem to control the fleas. I have sprayed my rugs, etc. Is Ultra Dawn OK? It is all that I have.


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Using a Flea Collar?Will a flea collar cause ear damage?


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Ridding the Yard of Fleas?I have fought the fleas for 40 years. I treat the house, dog, yard, and dog's bed. We pick up poop and put it in the trash. I have used liquid and granules, but still fleas. I have also used the diatomaceous earth stuff. I buy dewormer for tape worms from the feed store.


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Keeping Fleas Off Pets with Essential Oils?Can you really clean pets with citrus or lavender and keep fleas off them?


Black and tan puppy with fleas.

Treating Flea Sores on Dog?My six week old puppy has flea sores on her neck. She has long hair and I have been bathing her with Dawn soap. What should I do to help her with the sores?


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Using Capstar for an Older Cat?My cat is about 20 -25 yrs old. Is it still safe for him?


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Getting Rid of Fleas Naturally?I have 2 indoor cats. I was treating them with Revolution up until a few months a go, I then noticed my youngest male started over grooming. I found it just on the front of his arms.


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Getting Rid of Fleas on Puppy?I have a miniature Pinscher, he is 10 weeks old and very tiny. I am looking for a safe affordable solution to get rid of his fleas. He only weighs about 1.5 lbs


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Using Dawn for Fleas?I see how Dawn can work, it also takes the oil off of flea's larva. But my question is, will using Dawn deplete my dog's natural oils that his coat needs.


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Home Remedies for Fleas?I was looking on the internet a while back and I remember it saying something about using oil, apple cider vinegar, and water. I don't remember what the measurements were for this or if it even works.


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Using Brewer's Yeast for Fleas?Is there any flavor of brewer's yeast other than garlic? My dogs don't like garlic.


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Getting Rid of Fleas on Cats?We have used two kinds of flea chemicals on our cats over a 2 week period, but they still have some. They are not scratching much now, but they are licking. I have stripped my bed twice now, but I am still seeing the fleas. How do I use Dawn to get rid of the fleas?Please help us.


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Fleas on a Puppy?I bathed my new 6 week old puppy in Dawn because I heard how well it worked, but all the fleas ran to her nose. What can I do?


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Treating Cats With Fleas?I have a 3 month cat and a 4 month old cat. They both have fleas. I went to the vet and asked for some kind of shampoo and was told they don't make it for cats. I've tried Dawn and am fighting fleas. I bathe them once a week. What else can I do? Help!


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Inexpensive Flea Treatment?I am dirt poor except for my 3 kitties, Nala, Rajah, and Berlioz. We just got Berlioz 3 days ago and now all 3 of my babies have fleas. All 3 are indoor cats. Nala is the oldest, she's over a year old, but the other 2 are about 4 months. Please help. I don't know what to do for them.


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Dawn Dishwashing Soap For Fleas?I know I can use it to give my dog a bath, but would it be effective at all as a spray as well?


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Using Witch Hazel and Vinegar for Fleas?Can you spray the witch hazel/vinegar mix right on the dog?


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Getting Rid of Fleas?Can I give my dog garlic pills?


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Caring for an Abandoned Kitten with Fleas?I love animals. I have a little kitten that hangs around my house. She's my neighbors kitten. My neighbor abandoned her. I can't let her in because I am allergic and have a dog.


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Getting Rid of Fleas and Preventing Their Return?How do we rid our dog of fleas? And how can we keep her from getting them in the first place?


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Getting Rid of Fleas on a Dog?Can I mix vinegar and bath oil to spray on my dogs for fleas?


Two dogs.

Using Brewer's Yeast and Garlic Pills for Fleas?I've heard that like onion, garlic is poison and my old dog did die of liver related stuff at age (almost 16). i was reading about brewers yeast/garlic pill and thought i should put this out here~ maybe what I read was wrong?


Kids with the dog.

Getting Rid of Fleas?I have a Lab who is covered in fleas and my home is all hardwood floors. I have read about salt working to kill the fleas in your carpet. I vacuum every day. Can I still use the salt on wood floors?


Using Garlic to Get Rid of Fleas?Is brewers yeast with garlic tablets good for them?


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Using Dawn for Fleas on Dogs?How long does it take for Dawn dish soap to kill dog fleas?


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Dog Covered in Flea Bites?I just moved from Idaho, where there pretty much aren't any fleas, to Louisiana where there are too many fleas. It has been two days and my little dog is covered in them.


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Getting Rid of Fleas?I live in an apartment and on a fixed income. My dog is severly allergic to fleas. What is the cheapest way to get rid of fleas in my home and on my 60 pound dog?


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Giving a Cat Brewer's Yeast?How many grams of brewers yeast, per day, for a 12 lb cat?


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Using Flea Drops on Cats?I have 3 cats, indoor/outdoor, and they have fleas and most of all are being bitten by mosquitoes. They have collars on for the fleas only, but recently got drops for them. So I need to take off the collars and wait how long before using drops?


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Home Remedy for Fleas on Pet and in House?I need an immediate home remedy for home and dog flea infestation!Its too late at night to go to any store.


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Using Garlic to Keep Fleas Off Dogs?If you put garlic in dog food will it keep fleas off your dog?


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Will Garlic Powder Help With Fleas?If you put garlic powder on your dog/cat and they lick it off, when it's in their blood will it stop fleas and ticks from biting? Or will it harm your best friends (pets)?


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Preventing Fleas Using Garlic?At what age can I give a puppy garlic for flea protection?


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Generic Version of Capstar for Cats?Have any of you tried this product? It is a chicken flavored flea killer that is gone out of your pets system in 24 hours the same as Capstar.


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Getting Rid of Fleas?How do you get rid of fleas for good? I tried washing both of my dogs last week and then they came back. So should I wash them again and then add some power on them? What else can I try?


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Getting Rid of Fleas on My Cat?My poor cat has fleas and he is allergic to Fipronil which is the main ingredient in all flea killers.


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Dawn Dish Soap for Washing Dog?Does it matter which Dawn I use to bathe my dog? Blue, scented, etc.?


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Garlic for Fleas?I have a 60 lb. Husky and Dalmatian mix. I want to know how much garlic to give her and how often. Can I give her fresh garlic? Thank you.


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Good Remedy for Fleas?What is a good flea cure?


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Using Garlic for Dogs?I bought some garlic gel-caps, 1000mg. I was wondering how much to give a 7lb dog?


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Getting Rid of Fleas on Kittens?I have 5 day old kittens with fleas; how do I get rid of them? Is it only Dawn soap or does Ajax dishsoap work too?


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Treating Mama Cat and Kittens for Fleas?I have a female cat and she had her kittens three days ago. I've noticed fleas and ticks on them and don't know the best way to get rid of them. I regularly treat my cat and I only knew she was pregnant about a week or two ago.


Tiny tabby cat.

Treating a Kitten for Fleas?How old does a kitten have to be before I can put a flea collor on her or flea drops?


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Lemon Joy for Fleas?Does lemon Joy kill fleas?


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Dawn Soap for Fleas?What is the amount of Dawn liquid soap I should use on my dog to kill fleas?


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Keeping Ticks and Fleas Off Dog?Is there any natural way to keep ticks an fleas off my dog?


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Getting Rid of Fleas on Cats?I have two cats. We spray about ever two days for fleas. Nothing is working. We do have a flea collar on them. Would Epsom salt work as the same as plain salt?


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Flea Treatment Safe for Puppies?My puppies are only 10 weeks, but badly invested with fleas from their mum. Is there anything I can use on them to help them at this very young age?


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Fleas on Dog and Cats After Treating?I have a Shih tzu/Cocker mixed dog who is about 17 years old and also 6 cats. The dog is the only one that goes outside. She is so eaten up with fleas and has been chewing and pulling her hair out on her back to her tail. I have tried everything.


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Dawn Dish Soap for Fleas on Dogs?Can I use Dawn dish soap to get rid of fleas on my dog?


two kitties cuddling

Herbal Home Remedy for Fleas on Cats?Did I read somewhere that rosemary oil mixed with lemon juice was a good flea deterrent? If so, what are the amounts of the two to mix together? Has anyone else heard anything about this herbal treatment? Please help if you can.


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Is There an Herb That Will Repel Fleas on Dogs and Cats?Does anyone know of an herb that works to keep fleas off dogs and cats? I have 9 cats and 9 dogs and live in the south.


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Borax for Fleas?How do I control fleas using borax?


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Home Remedies for Fleas?I have 11 cats and 9 dogs. It is too expensive to buy Frontline or the equivalent to get rid of the fleas. I am also on disability so money is tight. How can I get rid of the fleas very cheaply?


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Fleas In An Apartment?What can I do myself to kill fleas or mites in my apartment?


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Best Inexpensive and Long Lasting Flea Remedy?I am having a flea problem, does anyone have any advice on what is the best and long lasting way to get rid of fleas in my home? I am also on a fixed income so I can't afford professional or really expensive remedies!


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Would Treating the Carpet With Borax Make My Cats Sneeze?I recently treated my carpets with borax to eliminate fleas. Now 4 out of 7 of my cats are sneezing and seem to have a cold? I put it down and vacuumed it up within 24 hrs? I don't know if I should take them to vet.


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Fleas and Hardwood Floors?Would resealing a hardwood floor trap and kill any fleas in the floor?


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Natural Flea Remedy?How do I get rid of fleas naturally?


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Fleas on My Cat and Her Kittens?My cat had kittens 4 days ago. She had fleas before she was pregnant, while she was pregnant, and now after she had her 3 kittens. Her kittens now have fleas and I don't know how to take care of it.


Fleas on a Kitten?I rescued a stray kitten that has fleas. I am starting to get bitten and can see the fleas on him. What can I do to get rid of them safely and quickly besides using Advantage? Please help!


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Preventing a Flea Infestation from a New Cat?How quick can your house become infested with fleas? I have two adult cats that have never had fleas. I brought a new 3 week old kitten into my house 3 days ago and never noticed any fleas at all. Today, I noticed a few fleas.


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Treating Fleas on a Puppy?I have a puppy, 5 weeks old, that gets fleas really bad. How can I keep them off? I bathe her almost every day.


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More Flea Questions?I live in a basement that had a lot of flood damage and want to know if that attracts fleas and bugs, because now my house is infested with fleas. Can this happen even without animals?


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Ridding a House of Fleas?We just bought a new house and while we were painting we discovered it had a flea problem. I have sprayed with Sentry Home household flea and tick spray which says it kills fleas, their eggs, and larvae.


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Pet Store Flea Treatments Compared to Veterinary Products?Are the flea treatment solutions that are in the pet stores just as good as the ones the vet supplies? It is so expensive to get it at a vet. If so, which ones would you recommend? I'm looking for one that you can use on both fleas and ticks and that is not very expensive.


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