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The dirty soles of four girls feet, all in a row.

Photo: Dirty FeetWe'd been remodeling the house, trying to add on another bedroom. The original house is well over 120 years old, so there's lots of old, fine creosote like dust and dirt. Apparently Hubby didn't clean the floor very well, because the girls' feet were no longer clean.


small dog

Ginger (Miniature Rat Terrier)Ginger is 4 years old and is a Miniature Rat Terrier. She was the Pet-of-the-Week and we saw her on the local news. We called the animal shelter and told them that we would be perfect parents for her!


Fleur de lis (The Lily Flower) - light and darker purple iris against a royal purple background

Fleur-de-lis (The Lily Flower)You won't find an iris more plain or simple than this. It was about the only one to adorn the flower beds around 1900, before intensive cross breeding began. I still grow it. It's the first of all my iris to bloom, sort of a harbinger of what's to come.


Mountain City Webcam

Mountain City WebcamI love looking at web cams. This one, located in Tennessee, has a beautiful live mountain scene that changes with time and weather. I'm looking forward to seeing it in the fall, when there should be lots of bright colors. Hope you will enjoy looking at it as much as I do.


A waterfall in the woods.

Bear Creek Falls (PA)I live in the Poconos, where nature provides so many wonderful displays of beauty. This waterfall is so accessible, it's only steps off the road. It is so refreshing in the summer to stand near it and feel the mist.


A deer eating a snowy tree.

Snowy Snack (Deer)This photo was taken in my yard. The wooded community I live in is also home to a large population of deer. They make their rounds thru the community looking for good things to snack on.


A tree with yellow leaves in fall.

Webcam: Beautiful Fall ViewDo you want to see something beautiful? Look at this webcam.


A picture of sunset in Maine.

Sunset (Ogunquit, Maine)This was a picture of the sunset behind my hotel in Ogunquit, Maine. Gorgeous place to vacation. This is on the Eastcoast of Maine. York Beach, Wells Beach, Kennebunkport, and many more wonderful places to visit. If you like lobster, THIS is the place to go. I have been going to this area for 40 years. It's my home away from home.


A beach in Maine.

Ogunquit Beach (Maine)My vacation just two weeks ago. The most beautiful beach.


Two turtles playing in the water.

Playing TurtlesA local park has a lot of turtles, and we love to watch them.


The sun setting over water.

The Sun and The WaterSummer night around 7 pm


A deer in the woods.

Beautiful View (Deer)We just moved to a community that is nestled in the woods. The deer live here with us, they are part of the community. We have a large bay window in the living room, and this was my view when I glanced out the other day.


A beautiful scene from Jiuzhaigou, China.

Beautiful Scene in JiuzhaigouI have been in Jiuzhaigou in 2019. It's very beautiful, just like my dream scene.


A palm tree lined street.

Drifting Away (Florida)Beautiful view of palms and a street that runs right by the beach in Clearwater Florida! White sands, salty ocean air & breeze, blue skies, and lots of sunshine. A heavenly daydream lived through one picture.


The sun shining through leaves.

Time to Wake UpThe early morning hours are a good time to take photos as the sun comes out for the day. I like this picture taken on a hiking trail, when the sun is shining through the foliage while parts of the foliage are still waking up!



The sun peeking through the trees.

Sun Playing Peek-A-BooThere is something so serene, so special when I see the sun peeking through the trees.


A lake surrounded by forest.

Spring Surroundings of the Vidraru LakeThe surroundings of the Vidraru Lake are unforgettable especially in spring. The mountainous landscape, the gentle rays of the sun and the calm surface of the lake enchant with their beauty.


A woman at the edge of a riverwalk looking at the river.

Date Night (Chattahoochee Riverwalk)Date night in Alabama.


A boat on a lake at twilight.

Twilight on Lake ZvornikThe best way to spend a great summer day is to go to the lake. but the most beautiful moments come at the end, when the sun sets and everything calms down.


Beautiful Amaryllis - red and red and white blooms in garden

Beautiful AmaryllisI love amaryllis because of its beautiful flowers, which last quite a long time and as by arrangement, they often flourish together.


Icy asparagus branches and fruits.

Icy Asparagus Branches and FruitsUsing only frost and water, nature has turned asparagus branches with fruits into fabulous decorations.


Pelargonium (Geranium) - closeup of beautiful red geranium bloom

Pelargonium (Geranium)Red has always attracted a lot of attention, and red flowers are always the most beautiful. Whether you are giving away or receiving flowers, red is a great choice.


Ducks swimming in the water.

Delightful DucksIt was a beautiful cloudy day. A pair of ducks were swimming together. One of them kept diving into the stream. Its feathered bottom looked so cute sticking out !


A fountain with orange flowers.

Orange You Glorious (Tucson, AZ)This picture was taken at St. Joseph Church in Tucson, AZ. The running fountain with the flowers surrounding it was so peaceful and beautiful. If we look for nature's art, we will find it!


A blue bird being held.

Beautiful BirdsOne of my favorite hobbies is to feed birds. I love seeing ANY bird, but to actually get to hold a wild bird is amazing to me. Unfortunately, the Indigo Bunting and the Cardinal flew into my glass patio door. I gently held them and petted them until they flew away.


Two knees over a grassy field.

Legs in the Middle of ParadiseI haven't felt free and refreshed for a very long time because of this pandemic. Yet, on this day, I felt like a rebooted phone right after.


Red leaves with snow.

Vibrant RedsA splash of red on a snowy day.


Wildflowers at sunset.

Wildflowers and Sunsets of SerenityThis absolutely beautiful picture of yellow daisies, dandelions to make a wish upon, bunches of petite white flowers, peace. Long grass and pretty green weeds, this is my garden of sunshine, my garden of peace. This is heaven.


A red-tailed hawk on a branch.

Eyes On The Prize (Red-tailed Hawk)I almost walked right past this handsome fella at the park last fall. He was perched above my head watching the nearby bird feeder looking for lunch. Luckily I looked up and saw him. He was very close to me and I was surprised to see him right above the very busy walking trail.


A sky full of clouds that resemble cotton balls.

Weird Looking CloudsThe temperature was about 40 degrees and we had a snow shower that lasted about 30 minutes. No rain or snow was in the forecast. Afterwards, these weird looking clouds appeared in the East as the snow showers moved in that direction. I had never before seen clouds that looked like this.



A lone tree in a field in Serbia.

A Lone Tree (Serbia)This lonely tree was photographed in Tara National Park. It attracts attention because there are only meadows and pastures all around it.


A doe with her two spotted fawns.

A Mother's Love (Deer)Driving down a county road on an early July morning in North Dakota, twin fawns popped up out of the grass in the field to my left as the sound of the gravel beneath my wheels spooked them. The spotted babies looked my way for a moment or two before all the sudden they were bounding away with a destination in mind.


A double rainbow in the sky.

RainbowsThe rainbow has always attracted people's attention. I had the opportunity to photograph as many as two rainbows that appeared next to each other. A beautiful sight, indeed.


Fungi Photos - irregularly shaped fungi

Fungi PhotosWhile hanging out some laundry on a sunny November day, rare in this area, I spotted these interesting fungi. I am not sure what type these are. I love taking photos of mushrooms and other fungi. I hope you enjoy them.


A chestnut-sided warbler in a bush.

Chestnut-sided WarblerI captured this picture in September while I was birding at a local pond. This little bird was elusive, hopping from branch to branch, keeping an eye on me at all times. His beautiful green plumage confused as to what species he was but I soon discovered it was a juvenile Chestnut-sided warbler!


A black bird with a yellow head.

Yellow-headed BlackbirdThis is a male yellow-headed blackbird that I photographed last summer at a small pond on the prairie of ND. He was with a presumed nesting female and was in beautiful plumage.


A tree with many pears beginning to ripen.

Partridge in a Pear TreeNo partridge here but after all, it is the Christmas season! It was interesting to see the pears beginning to ripen on the pear tree.


Baby (Cat) - long haired gray and white cat sitting on a chessboard

Baby (Cat)My little cat just HAD to try to play chess with me!


Zeus (Great Dane)

Zeus (Great Dane)Thru a breeder in July 2020. He is four months old. Zeus does not know how to get up in a chair yet. I caught him with his rear end not quite getting into the chair.


A foggy reflection on a lake.

Foggy ReflectionA foggy morning along a still river.


A spiderweb covered in dew.

Designs by Nature (Spiderweb)These water droplets appear to be a design as if someone painted them using water! If you look closely, at the top of the greenery, there is also a spider web woven into the droplet design--nature's mixed media art form.


Two people fishing on a dock on a lake at sunset.

Fall Fishing (Manitoba, Canada)We go to this camping spot every year, just prior to the provincial parks closing up the camping sites before winter. It never disappoints with the fall sunsets and flights of hundreds of geese heading south to beat the cold winter winds.


A spider web covered with dew.

Orb Weaver Spider WebI have always loved the uniqueness of this type of spider web. It is so professionally done and especially beautiful when it's wet with dew and the sun is shining on it. This spider web is constructed by the Orb Weaver. She catches insects therefore earning her keep on my carport.


A hawk on a powerline.

A Walk and a HawkI was out for an evening walk with my dog, when I heard tree branches move. I looked up and this male or female hawk looked at us for a while. In person, it looked bigger than the picture. :)


Trees in front of a still pond.

Nature's Stillness (Wisconsin)The sun shines through these beautiful trees and onto the still salmon pond. This is a perfect place to sit amongst the tree bark and observe the salmon as they dart to and fro.



Praying Mantis in My Backyard   - mantis with a caterpillar of some sort

Praying Mantis in My BackyardWe have a couple of praying mantises in our backyard. They like to hang out in our apple tree and passion fruit vine. Sometimes they are hard to spot because they camouflage so well. I just happened to have my camera out when I saw this praying mantis catch it's prey! It is very fascinating to see how small its mouth is yet it has such a big appetite.


Finches Dining on Rudbeckia Seeds - late flowers and finches eating the seeds of the earlier blooms

Finches Dining on Rudbeckia SeedsTypically I don't deadhead my rudbeckia for this very reason. At the end of the season the birds love to eat the seeds. I had to take this photo through a window as there was no good way to get closer without scaring these sweeties away. They appear to be female gold finches or juveniles. I have nyjer thistle feeders further south in the same part of the garden.


A Rose of Sharon in bloom.

Rose of Sharon Bloom (Hibiscus syriacus)My little Rose of Sharon plant got a slow start this season, but is now blooming again! I just had given it a drink right before taking this photo. I love the color of the flowers.


Peeling Bark on a Madrone Tree - peeling bark on a madrone

Peeling Bark on a Madrone TreeTo me, one of the most interesting and striking characteristics of madrone trees is the beautiful mahogany colored bark which crazes and then flakes off year round exposing the underlying green bark which will turn brown, then orangish, and finally this deep hue before it sloughs again.


Flowers growing in the desert in Arizona.

Desert Flowers (Arizona)Even in our Arizona desert, there are flowers that thrive. These may not be as colorful as flowers in more fertile areas of our country, but they are pretty nonetheless.


A view of a small town street.

Living in the Middle of TownA picture of the everyday life of what a young town girl sees when she looks out her window


Pretty Purple Plums - purple plums on a roadside tree in Arizona

Pretty Purple PlumsWe took a little day trip to explore parts of Arizona we hadn't been to before. Near Yarnell, Arizona (an old mining town), I saw these plums growing on the side of the road. Imagine that! Plums near the Arizona desert!


Rough Green Snake - bright green slender snake

Rough Green SnakeAlthough the weather is hot, it is good to be able to get out in the early evening and go for a walk with our daughter. She is a nature lover and has been picking up snakes since she was a child. She knows which ones can be handled. As we were walking, suddenly she stopped and grabbed this green snake from the limb of a small pine tree.


Wildflowers in a grassy field.

Beautiful Wild FlowersWhile my sister and I were taking a walk on a wonderful summer day, I saw these beautiful wild flowers next to the road.


Hollyhock Sky - red or very dark pink and light pink hollyhocks against a cloudy blue sky

Hollyhock SkyThe beautiful sky and beautiful blooms reaching for the sun symbolize this perfect summer day.


Cute Tiny Mushrooms - gloved hand holding tiny mushrooms growing on a twig

Cute Tiny MushroomsWhile I was weeding in my garden I found a bunch of these tiny mushrooms all over the ground! They were so cute! You can see just how tiny they are compared to my hand in the picture.


A Pop of Pink - Hanging Baskets - petunias and impatiens

A Pop of Pink - Hanging BasketsA pop of pink adds so much energy to a garden. Here pink petunias and impatiens spill out over their pots to add a pleasing pop of color to my little balcony garden. Pink also attracts hummingbirds so that's another reason I incorporate pink into my garden!


Bee-utiful Tomatoes - tomato plant with a cute bee plant stake

Bee-utiful TomatoesA fun bee plant poke stands guard over the first tomatoes of the season. I'll give the green ones to mom when they get big and plump because she loves her fried green tomato sandwiches. The red ones I'll keep for topping my vegetarian hamburgers. This is the first tomato plant I've ever grown and I'm sure the bees have helped it along!


An overview of Bear Lake.

Bear Lake Overview (Idaho)In June, my family went on a trip to Bear Lake, Idaho. We went on a hiking trail and near the top of the mountain we had this exquisite view.


Pretty little white flowers growing outside.

Pretty Little White Flowers (Idaho)In June, my mother and I stayed at a KOA cabin. We woke up early in the morning to take some photos. We found a hiking trail near a creek. I loved these flowers and love how the macro shot turned out.


A rock bridge over a creek.

Rock Bridge Over CreekAt the beginning of June, my family went to stay at a KOA cabin. My mom and I woke up in the early morning, so we could capture nature's beauty and have good lighting. We found a hidden hiking trail. Along the way, I took pictures of the bridge over the creek.


A bird walking in a marsh with tall grass.

Bird in the Marsh (Idaho)My mother and I went on vacation to Bear Lake, Idaho. We decided to go to the Bear Lake Wildlife Refuge.We saw a variety of birds walking along the marsh. I took the picture of this bird because I thought it was neat to see the bird's reflection in the water.


Swans with Their New Signets - pair of swans and their babies

Swans with Their New SignetsThis pair of swans I feed all year and when their babies are born they bring them to see us and then I keep on feeding them dog biscuits.


Callistemon (Bottlebrush) - closeup of the beautiful red fuzzy flowers

Callistemon (Bottlebrush)This Callistemon Laevis has been growing in my front yard for years and there seems to be more blooms every year.


Snowball Bush - white flower clusters on a snowball bush

Snowball BushI captured this photo of my grandma's white snowball bush in Perry County, Ohio. Last summer while visiting her I noticed how it looked fully bloomed and I wanted to capture its beauty. This photo shows in detail the small flowers that make up the entire snowball bush.


Poppin' with Color (Poppy) - closeup of a beautiful red poppy

Poppin' with Color (Poppy)While visiting my brother in the rural area of central Utah, we had a drive through historic Spring City and came across these beautiful poppies growing alongside the road.


Carmine (German Shepherd) - lying in the grass

Carmine (German Shepherd)I adopted him when I married my husband, but my husband got him when he was a pup. He adopted him from a farm right after he finished basic training.


Purple Beauties - tall stalks of purple flowers

Purple BeautiesPurple is my favorite color and when I saw these flowers in my sister's neighbor's yard, I couldn't resist.


First Raspberry 2020 - closeup of a red raspberry

First Raspberry 2020Summer is officially here when the raspberries fruit. They are so pretty to look at and the taste of a fresh-picked raspberry is indescribable!


Coral (Domestic Shorthair) - grey and white cat under a scratching post

Coral (Domestic Shorthair)Meet Coral, my little sweet baby. We found her in one of the pet stores that is under of Humane Society. She was 1yr old. The 1st owner put her to the Humane Society because she doesn't like any pets in particular. The 1st time I saw her I fell in love with her. She loves going outside surprisingly she doesn't care about raindrops. Every morning at 8 she's in my bedroom waiting for me to get up.


Baby Bluebirds - nest box with baby birds

Baby BluebirdsI checked the blue bird house to see if there were any little ones in there. I assume these are blue birds. The nest is full and it looks like these babies will be taking flight soon. They know how to duck down and hide. They are all asleep except for one. I guess he's on watch duty.


Mother Goose on Mother's Day - Canada goose on nest

Mother Goose on Mother's DayWe went on a walk Sunday morning and then down to a nearby reservoir to look for driftwood. There we saw a goose suddenly rise up out of hiding in plain sight, hiss angrily, and flap her wings at us.


Timing Is Everything (Spider and Fly)

Timing Is Everything (Spider and Fly)This is a colorful photo I took of a spider that just caught a fly. I don't know how the spider let me get so close to take this picture, and I don't know how I was lucky enough to get it at this perfect moment. I guess timing is everything (for me and the spider.. not so much for the fly though).


Junco Babies

Junco BabiesMy friends have a section of their yard that they leave unmowed in the spring and summer. This allows birds to nest there and pollinators to enjoy the flowers. They recently were able to enjoy their little "contribution to the animals" when a Junco chose it as their nesting spot. Look at this tiny, hungry babies!


Backyard Visitor (Fawn) - beautiful spotted fawn lying the grass

Backyard Visitor (Fawn)This adorable baby showed up in our yard last week. Our backyard borders the gamelands, and we have seen adult deer walk down our driveway to graze in the fields across the street. We figured momma deer left the baby in our care, so she could feed and run errands.


Passionfruit Flower - light purple and lime colored passion flower

Passionfruit FlowerIt is passionfruit season! Flowers are blooming everyday. I just love how detailed and beautiful they are that I had to share. :)


Blue Beauty (Butterfly on Sedum flower) - brilliant blue butterfly on pink autumn sedum flower

Blue Beauty (Butterfly on Sedum Flower)Autumn sedum beckons the bees making it almost impossible to capture the perfect photo of the vibrant blue butterflies that flit from flower to flower. Hoping against hope I wouldn't get stung, I planted myself next to the blooms, shutter in hand, waiting for the perfect shot. Behold, this "Blue Beauty" stopped for a sip of nectar, and click, I captured a forever memory.


A Sheltering Place (Chinese Maple Tree) - beautiful photo looking up through the branches and red leaves of this magnificent old tree

A Sheltering Place (Chinese Maple Tree)After what seemed like weeks of non-stop April showers, we had a rare sunny day. My husband and I grabbed our face masks and went to visit an arboretum at a local college. The school was closed due to the virus restrictions, but the arboretum was open to visitors. As we passed a large and very old Chinese maple tree, I ducked under it's expansive network of low-hanging branches and looked up.


Moonlight (Siberian Husky) - sitting up

Moonlight (Siberian Husky)I got my puppy from a shelter when he was 2 months old on February 17 2019. My dog loves to play in water. Moonlight know how to blow bubbles under water on command and he loves belly rubs.


Buttermilk Falls - woodland waterfall

Buttermilk FallsThe quarantine was getting to me, and I decided to go for a short ride. I live near a dam and nature preserve, and felt confident that it wouldn't be populated. I took a leisurely drive enjoying the beauty of the area, and then I came to the falls. We had quite a bit of rain over the weekend, so there was a lot of water spilling down. Such a beautiful sight.


Rose Celebrating a New Day - pink rose bloom with two buds one on either side that look like arm raised up in celebration

Rose Celebrating a New DayThis rose caught my attention this morning because it was the only one in bloom, at the very top and center, and with what appears as arms (stems) up in the air. It looks as if it's saying thank you God for a new and sun shining day!


Echinacea and Bee - bee on purple cone flowers/echinacea

Echinacea and Bee"Hands down, hold still, it's a bee!" The petals of the flowers, for some reason, were all in a "down" position while the bee was pollinating. Was it out of fear for the bee? Of course not, but it was kind of interesting to see the unusual position of the flower petals.


Tree Tops - Oahu  - tree tops with mountains and sky in the background

Tree Tops - OahuWhile on a jungle tour ride, the guide stopped several times and allowed the tourists to get out of the jeep and take pictures and walk around. This grouping of different kinds of trees against the background of sky was particularly striking.


Mr. Red (Cardinal) - cardinal on a tree branch

Mr. Red (Cardinal)It took about an hour to snap a picture of this red cardinal as I chased him around from bush to bush and from tree to tree. He finally gave in before I did.


Spikingly Beautiful Cactus Flower - beautiful red bloom surrounded by buds and needles

Spikingly Beautiful Cactus FlowerThis gorgeous cactus flower photo was taken in my home state of Arizona. Cacti are more than just green humps with prickles! They have blossoms of red, pink, yellow, and orange.


Storm Clouds - very dark clouds over the tree tops

Storm CloudsWe have had a couple of days of rough weather coming from the northwest. Rain, wind and hail. What's that old saying, "April showers bring spring flowers"?.


Horse Lubber Grasshopper - chunky grasshopper on bright green leaf

Horse Lubber GrasshopperAt first glance, this grasshopper has a horse shape which is probably why it is called a horse lubber grasshopper. The colors are more profound against the bright green leaf background.


On The Bayou - Cypress Trees - cypress trees in a Louisiana swamp

On The Bayou - Cypress TreesWhile staying in a cottage near a swamp in Louisiana, we had this beautiful view of the cypress trees, casting a reflection on the water, while hearing the insects chirping and cautiously looking for gators stealthily creeping up from the swamp.


Lights On! (Banana Flower) - purple banana flower with green fruit near top of photo

Lights On! (Banana Flower)This was by far one of the most unusual botanical flowers I saw while going through the Waimea Valley in Hawaii. The stem looks like the arm of an adjustable lamp while the actual flower part of the plant looks like a light bulb with a globe on the top of it.


Mini Flower Garden in a Flower - closeup of pistil with tiny purple flowers in a bromeliad

Mini Flower Garden in a FlowerThis flower appears to be growing a mini purple floral garden within its pistil.


Feeding Time (Egret) - watching a fish

Feeding Time (Egret)During an early morning hike along the trails of El Dorado Nature Reserve in Long Beach, California, I stumbled upon this little egret in the waters below. I stopped, found a place to hunker down, and spent my morning watching him hunt for breakfast.


Hawaiian Gecko - bright green gecko with tan belly, pinkish brown markings, and yellow near neck

Hawaiian GeckoThis picture was taken on the last day of my trip to Hawaii at a unique Hawaiian botanical garden, home to this Hawaiian gecko.


Orchid Rock Rose (Southern CA) - three beautiful blooms

Orchid Rock Rose (Southern CA)I have seen some beautiful rock roses, but this orchid rock rose put me under its spell! The amazing colors and silky petals tremble in the mountain breezes. I hope they last a few more weeks!


Kylie and Kaiser - girl in crate with dog

Kylie and Kaiser (Doberman)My granddaughter petting our dog before going to bed. Our Doberman sleeps in his crate at night because I don't like to leave him outside and if he is loose in the house he will wonder all night long, so before going to bed my granddaughter likes to get in his crate to pet him.


Opposites Attract (Dog and Cat Friends) - Boxer and white cat laying next to each other

Opposites Attract (Dog and Cat Friends)When growing up an example of opposites was always cats and dogs. When there were fights they'would describe the two people being like cats and dogs. Can't we all just get along? I think that this picture proves yes we can if they can. Here are our dog Baby, a Boxer and Whitey, the cat.


"Iris" Morning Delight! - close up of a white and yellow iris with water droplets

"Iris" Morning Delight!Photos of a white and yellow iris.


Memorial Angel Ornament - clay ornament of a man wearing a plaid shirt and jeans

Memorial Angel OrnamentMy kids lost their dad and the first Christmas I made them each one of them, out of salt dough, an angel ornament this one looked like their dad with his favorite clothes he loved to wear and added wings. They cried and will treasure these for the rest of their lives.


Will the Real Ellie Please Purr! - torti cat next to figurine of cats

Will the Real Ellie Please Purr!Kittens are like spring flowers. They thrive with sunshine and love.


Making a Wish - daisy type flower with bud and a bit of fluff

Making a WishThe white seeds that form on a dying flower, turning it into a "puff," are what you blow on to make a wish. This photo shows three stages of a flower: the live bud, a full bloom, and the "puff" from a dead flower. The last stage is a "wish in action!"


Nature's Oddity (Fungus) - orange, yellow, and white fungus on a fallen tree

Nature's Oddity (Fungus)While hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains, I came across this unusual looking fungus growing on a tree. It looks like a piece of candy corn. I couldn't resist taking a picture of something so unusual.


Butterflies Galore! - butterflies on orange slices in a shallow outdoor water filled basin

Butterflies Galore!This was one of the first pictures I took as an amateur photographer during my freshman year of high school. My mom and I had a fun day going to the botanical gardens and taking pictures of nature. I loved the colors in this picture!


Butterfly on a Hiking Trail Bridge Railing - pretty black and yellow butterfly

Butterfly on a StickThis state park in Canada had pine trees, water falls, a large pond, and many other things to photograph. However, the most fun was chasing the butterflies and taking pictures of them. This one landed on the railing of the hiking bridge. The shadow from the butterfly on the railing makes a nice silhouette.


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