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Wildflowers at sunset.

Wildflowers and Sunsets of SerenityThis absolutely beautiful picture of yellow daisies, dandelions to make a wish upon, bunches of petite white flowers, peace. Long grass and pretty green weeds, this is my garden of sunshine, my garden of peace. This is heaven.


A foggy reflection on a lake.

Foggy ReflectionA foggy morning along a still river.


Hollyhock Sky - red or very dark pink and light pink hollyhocks against a cloudy blue sky

Hollyhock SkyThe beautiful sky and beautiful blooms reaching for the sun symbolize this perfect summer day.


Backyard Visitor (Fawn) - beautiful spotted fawn lying the grass

Backyard Visitor (Fawn)This adorable baby showed up in our yard last week. Our backyard borders the gamelands, and we have seen adult deer walk down our driveway to graze in the fields across the street. We figured momma deer left the baby in our care, so she could feed and run errands.


A Sheltering Place (Chinese Maple Tree) - beautiful photo looking up through the branches and red leaves of this magnificent old tree

A Sheltering Place (Chinese Maple Tree)After what seemed like weeks of non-stop April showers, we had a rare sunny day. My husband and I grabbed our face masks and went to visit an arboretum at a local college. The school was closed due to the virus restrictions, but the arboretum was open to visitors. As we passed a large and very old Chinese maple tree, I ducked under it's expansive network of low-hanging branches and looked up.


"Gotcha" (Chipmunk) - closeup

"Gotcha" (Chipmunk)While at the botanical gardens in Tempe, Arizona, I saw the chipmunk along the trail having a little snack and striking a pose! Gotcha little guy!


Morning Glories Growing Wild - pretty purple morning glories

Morning Glories Growing WildPurple morning glory vines growing wild all around some of my husband's work benches. I have never grown any, but have always loved and wanted to. On October 10, 2018 a category 5 hurricane came through and left behind devastating destruction on homes and property. With our home and property being such a sore eye, seeing these beautiful morning glories just reminds me it is a new beginning.


Dark stormclouds over the ocean and a field.

Wicked SkiesWicked storm cloud, took this photo with my iPhone.


Backyard Hummingbirds - two birds at the feeder, one upside down

Backyard HummingbirdsWe call these two, the Bibs sisters, because they both have like a red bib on their necks, actually their throats, and it's adorable how they'll sit at a feeder together, and in this picture they'll even drink together from the same hanging feeder. They're female Anna's.


Fall at Mabry Mill, VA - old mill with fall color

Fall at Mabry Mill, VAI took this photo on 10-24-07. It was a rainy day and it has turned out to be the best shot I have gotten of this beautiful place. I think it's due to it being a cloudy day.


Elephant in the Garden - butterflies  on tree trunks that resemble an elephant

Elephant in the GardenI took this photo in the butterfly garden. There were so many lovely beautiful, colorful, quiet little beauties in that garden! I must have taken 100 pictures that day. Thru the camera lens I peered and snapped photos and all of a sudden I saw an elephant!


Loving a Chicken - tan and white hen closeup

Loving a ChickenI save my food scraps to take to my neighbor's chickens. There is one little hen that gets out of the pen most every day. When she sees me coming, she runs down the path to meet me and follows me to the pen. She lets me pick her up and put her over the fence back into the pen. She wants to eat too.


A brand new baby hummingbird on a perch.

Brand New Baby HummingbirdThis is a brand new to the world baby hummingbird. Yesterday was her first day out of the nest and I think we were as excited as the mother bird was.


Three hummingbirds crowded around a feeder.

Three Is a Crowd (Hummingbirds)This is my photo of the little hummingbirds that come to our feeders daily. We have 19 feeders outside but, for some reason, this feeder is just simply their favorite.


Hungry Baby Robins In Their Nest - babies with mouths open

Hungry Baby Robins In Their NestThese hungry little baby robins are awaiting their meal. The 2nd photo is of the newborns napping. They were taken atop our weeping cherry tree by the porch. The parents didn't mind us taking the photos.



A ocean beach coastline with old weathered cypress stumps partly covered with sand.

Along Florida's Forgotten CoastThese photos were taken while visiting my parents one December. The beach was deserted and cool; the perfect day to walk and explore! My husband and I came across these wonderful old Cypress skeletons which reminded me of an ancient, other-worldly realm.


Gumamela's (Hibiscus) Point of View

Gumamela's (Hibiscus) Point of ViewOur lives are like a flower. Some are colorful. Some are not. Some are fragrant. Some are not. Some are pretty. Some are not. But its appearance doesn't define its whole being, because each one of us have our own kind of beauty.


A waterfall in the woods.

Nature Walk at Anna Ruby Falls (GA)The majestic Anna Ruby Falls is located within the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest in North Georgia. This past August, during the heat and drought of the summer, my husband and I found it so refreshing to escape to the paved 0.4-mile footpath which leads from the parking lot to the base of the falls.


tree hanging on at edge of creek with roots exposed

Sentinel of the Passage of TimeThis old tree sits on a creek near my house. It seems almost frozen in time, but everytime I see it, I always wonder what tales it would tell me if it could. How much has it seen in its life? How many sunrises, how many storms?


grasshopper on pinecone

Fall is Leaping ForwardHere in Oklahoma, it seemed to switch from summer to fall practically over night. One day the heat seemed oppressive, while the next evening we needed long-sleeved shirts and warmer socks! Today this grasshopper landed right in front of me, with all of his orange and yellow finery.


bee on passion flower

Bees Love Passion FlowerThe beautiful passion flower is our Tennessee State Wildflower. We let it grow wild on our homestead in our garden to encourage the bees to come pollinate our plants. I harvest the leaves of the passion flower to make extract which helps promote restful sleep.


Finch nests in tree in South Africa

Finch NestsAfter an unusually cold winter here in South Africa, it is a blessing to start seeing signs that the seasons are changing. Our apricot tree is sporting its first few small blossoms, and the days are slowly getting warmer. This morning I noticed these finch nests hanging from a tree in our neighbor's garden.


pink blossom on cactus with multiple babies around base of plant

Blooming Cactus with New BabiesI've had this cactus for 15 years and this is the third time it has blossomed. It doesn't last long and will soon fade, but it is always a happy surprise when it happens. It is surrounded by babies.


purple and white iris

Bearded IrisIris in all its beauty!


purple lotus flower

Purple LotusThis is probably the most beautiful photo of a flower that has ever bloomed in my presence. The colours are extremely vivid and beautiful. I love this photograph so much that I've even made this my wallpaper!


Three kids posing with jack o'lanterns

My Three GoblinsThree shots of my little goblins hamming it up with their pumpkins. I post my family photos around my house during Halloween, just for fun and memories!


Baby Ducks on a Log

Baby Ducks on a LogThis photo is of a momma red-headed wood duck with her 10 babies taking a rest on a log right in front of my deck. What a beautiful sight to start the day. The river flows right through our front yard and we see lots of geese and other critters including a beaver.


A peacock in the wild.

Majestic Peacock (India)A few days ago, it was really cold. I got up early in the morning because of some strange noises.


Smiling Goat

Smiling GoatMy children and I recently went to a county fair. This goat really caught our eye, in the midst of all the noise and commotion, he was peacefully sleeping on another goat.


Morning Fog Over The Pond

Morning Fog Over The PondIt was very foggy this morning. When I opened the back door, this is what I saw. It was so beautiful! It wasn't until after I took the picture, that I noticed the huge bird's nest in the top of the tree straight ahead. A huge bird was sitting on the edge of the nest.



Closeup of bee on celosia flower.

Bzzz - Bee on Celosia PlantThese very tall Celosia plants were grown from pass-along seeds from our mechanic's wife. I have never seen these in the nurseries. The bees are oblivious to me and my camera as they happily swarm and devour the nectar. They are endlessly entertaining!


red flowering shrub by split rail fence

Blossoms by the FenceI drive down this road often, and always see something that attracts my attention. The blossoms were so vibrant next to the bare tree, stone wall and fence - it was picture perfect!


Who's Watching Who (Snowy Owl)

Who's Watching Who (Snowy Owl)Early January winter morning in South Western Ontario, I traveled along a country road and spotted this beautiful Snowy Owl in a farmer's field, only about 100 feet from the road.


Mockingbird and Osprey (Marco Island, FL)

Mockingbird and Osprey (Marco Island, FL)"Excuse me buddy, you're in my corner!" This mockingbird has no intentions of backing down from the Osprey, That is his sit, Mr Osprey has to leave.


Wild Friends (Coyote)

Wild Friends (Coyote)We frequently have wild visitors in our yard. We call this coyote, Sam. He has a mate we named Misty. They are very thirsty because we are having a drought.


Bumblebee Asleep on Passionflower

Bumblebee Asleep on PassionflowerThis bumblebee appears to have slept all night on this passion flower in one of our gardens. I was able to get up very close to it to take this picture.


Spotted Eagle Owl (South Africa)During the recent school holidays, we visited the SA National Birds of Prey Centre. The centre focuses on the rehabilitation of different types of birds of prey. They use falconry methods to train the birds, and to prepare them to re-enter nature.


Baby Fawn at Rest

Baby Fawn at Rest (Coleman, TX)While out walking, we spotted this baby fawn laying in the grass.


Hermann Tortoises

Hermann Tortoises (Monte Casino Bird Park, South...I took this photo of the three Hermann's tortoises during a visit to the Monte Casino Bird Park.


Nyala (Dinokeng North, South Africa)

Nyala (Dinokeng North, South Africa)Our staff went on a team building experience at Camp Discovery in Dinokeng North. To end the day, we went for a game drive. We saw several beautiful and unique animals, but the pick of the day was this nyala.


Pretty pale yellow flower.

A Natural BeautyThis lovely flower was part of our summer garden in 2012.


Winter tree with golden sunset.

Winter SunsetSunsets are gorgeous where I am. I go out my door and this is what I see. Last night it was more vivid than normal. The pic with the tree was out my front door and the sky view with clouds was out my back door.


Pit Bull on kitchen rug.

Bear (Dog)Meet Bear. Hard to believe that a few short months ago he was abandoned at a kill shelter, with demodex mange, emaciated, and heartworm positive. Today he is the result of a loving rescue, a dedicated foster and finally, us the ones blessed enough to adopt him into our family forever!


Chipmunk letting me take his picture.

Morning ChipmunkEvery morning I put out wild bird seed for a few squirrels and birds that I've been feeding for awhile now, not to mention probably some of their offspring.


Sunset over Wenatchee.

Beautiful Colors (Wenatchee...Beautiful sunset photo taken in Wenatchee, Washington



Air Show (McChord Air Force Base, WA)

Air Show (McChord Air Force Base, WA)They have an air show every year and it is awesome to watch it! Usually we just see a few fly over by our house. This time we went and watched in person. It was amazing!


Chambers Bay (Lakewood, WA)

Chambers Bay (Lakewood, WA)This is Chambers Bay in Lakewood, Washington. Beautiful area, a nice place to go walking and take pictures. Others like to go golfing.


View of the space needle.

Space Needle (Seattle, WA)This is the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington.


Bald eagle on sign.

Ocean Eagle (Long Beach)This was taken at Long Beach. It was so awesome to see one so close!


Bluish photo of the falls.

Spokane Falls (Spokane, WA)This is Spokane Falls. It is a gorgeous place to see if you're ever in Spokane, Washington.


A turtle sitting on a log at American Lake, WA

Turtle (American Lake, WA)We were fishing. When we turned around in the boat, we saw this turtle going across this log. It was awesome, the closest we had got to one. Our son was very excited to see one so close. He had only seen turtles in a pet store.


Beautiful pink and purple sunset.

Sunset (Tacoma, Washington)I was bringing the dog in from the back yard and this sunset was in front of our house. There were such gorgeous colors, I had to grab my camera.


Finding Sand Dollars (Copalis Beach, WA)

Finding Sand Dollars (Copalis Beach, WA)We went away for the weekend for my son's 13th birthday. He had a friend come along. We did R/C Cars, kites, hung out and looked for sand dollars.


Raccoon at squirrel feeder.

Wildlife: RaccoonThis is not a pet, just a wandering visitor. I had made this little "Town Hall" for the squirrels to come and eat peanuts from, and one morning there was a raccoon up there helping himself to the buffet.


A white peacock with his tail displayed.

White Peacock (Oklahoma City Zoo)I took the grandkids to the zoo in Oklahoma City in June. As we were strolling through, we saw this peacock walking away from us. I guess we startled it because, it stopped right in front of us and started its strutting.


Waterfall in rainforest exhibit.

Serenity (Cleveland Metroparks Zoo)This is what you see first when you walk into the rainforest exhibit at our local zoo. I could watch this waterfall for hours.


Travel Soap Container As Camera Case

Travel Soap Container As Camera CaseUse a soap container to carry your camera in. I bought one at the Dollar store for mine, it fits perfectly. It's easy to carry it around in your purse and there is less chance of breaking it.


A Light At The End Of The Tunnel" (Sullivan, NH)

A Light At The End Of The Tunnel (Sullivan, NH)This is a beautiful country road in Sullivan, New Hampshire. A magical moment was caught on camara as the sun filtered through the trees and made it appear as if a light was at the end of the road.


Sunrise in Heyden, Ont

A Moment in Time (Heyden, Ontario)I took this photo early one morning at our cottage a few years ago, just as the sun was coming up.


Spicebush Swallowtail

Spicebush Swallowtail (Paris, Ontario)This picture was taken in Paris, Ontario, at a pond that's full of colour and nature's wildlife. I regularly take my walks with my dog on the trails here. This butterfly is a Spicebush Swallowtail, which is just one among many that show up to share their beauty!


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Wild Ponies (Asseteague Island, MD)While visiting Asseteague Island, I was lucky enough to have these two stunning wild ponies take a minute of their time and pose for a photo for me.


Shadows of Boys holding hands

More Than Brothers (Harrisburg, PA)I happened to notice my grandsons shadows on our garage wall as they were walking up the hill. I thought it made an adorable photo!


Texas Bluebonnets, spring in Trenton, Texas

Texas Bluebonnets (Trenton, TX)There is nothing better than Texas in the spring, when the bluebonnets bloom. Everyone flocks to the fields to take photographs of their family and pets. I also do this but I also love all of the other visitors to photograph.


Old Barn (Mason County, WV)

Old Barn (Mason County, WV)Old barn in the spring time.


Reindeer Herd in snow

Reindeer Herd (Cairngorm Mountains)My niece has been working with the reindeer in Scotland's Cairngorm Mountains. They are very tame and a popular tourist attraction all year round.


Two hearts caused by tire tracks in the snow.

Hearts in the Snow (Gilsum, NH)My friends just moved away and dropped off a picnic table that they were not taking with them. When they left, I noticed that where they backed up to leave, their pickup truck left tire marks in the snow that made two joining hearts.


Diving Swallowtail Butterfly

Diving Swallowtail Butterfly! (Santa Barbara,...Our Alstromeria was in beautiful full bloom that day when I spotted this Swallowtail Butterfly with his "nose" in the Alstromeria blossom. I ran to get my camera, and took this photo.


Fresh Linen Drying On The Line outside.

Fresh Linen Drying On The LineLine-dried laundry!


Cemetery Christmas Wreaths (Central Texas Veteran's Cemetery, Killeen, Texas)

Cemetery Christmas Wreaths (Central Texas...Each year in November, our community provides the Christmas Wreaths that are placed on all of the headstones of the Veterans and their spouses. The volunteers return in January to retrieve and store the wreaths for future use.


Scenery: Sunset (Lyle, WA)

Scenery: Sunset (Lyle, WA)Sunset and sunrises are our speciality overlooking the Columbia River Gorge!


Wildlife: Squirrel At Wedding on cake table.

Wildlife: Squirrel At WeddingThis little furry friend helped himself to our wedding cake. I know, he was just hungry, and a squirrel has to eat too, right?


Man walking in the snow.

Scenery: Snowy Scene in North CarolinaThis is a a shot of my husband surrounded by a beautiful scene of snowy silence around Christmas last year. We love to walk on our property when it's covered in snow because it is like a whole new world.


A squirrel knocking on the window, looking for food.

Wildlife: Impatient SquirrelThis is a squirrel that visits my parents house three times a day for feeding. I always tell my friends about how she impatiently knocks on the window and demands food but no one ever believes me, until now!


A lorikeet at the Montecasino Bird Gardens, South Africa.

Scenery: Lorikeet (Montecasino Bird...During our summer break, we went to Montecasino Bird Gardens. At the entrance, we could buy a little bowl of nectar, and then walk through several aviaries.


Great Dane in orange jacket.

Harlee (Great Dane)Harlee is a 6 year old Great Dane. I gave Harlee to my daughter in February 2005. He loves to run in the woods. My daughter has woods behind her house.


Young boy with Tigger the cat.

Best FriendsTigger was laying on my bed and my son came in and gave him a hug. Tigger pressed his face against my son's and my son asked me to take a picture. These 2 are best friends.


Pink Sunset Whiskey Run Beach, OR

Scenery: Pink Sunset (Whiskey Run Beach, OR)Ah, Whiskey Run Beach, my absolute favorite place to be! While strolling hand-in-hand with my husband down the gorgeous, low-tide shoreline, our eyes could hardly believe the array of colors surrounding us!


Fall Foliage

Fall FoliageI was admiring the fall foliage while waiting for a bus in my town. The turning of the leaves doesn't last long here but when it happens it's quite beautiful.


A wild turkey in a backyard.

Wild Turkey (Santa Barbara, CA)I had gone out of the house to the front to pick up my morning newspapers when lo and behold, straight down the sidewalk came 2 beautiful wild turkeys strutting along! I was quite near them.


Lager Mill in Winter

Scenery: Lager Mill By the Creek (Frankenmuth, MI)I was walking through downtown Frankenmuth, Michigan on my way to see the ice sculptures. I stopped and thought this lager mill would be a nice scenery picture, here it was in the middle of winter.


Cemetery with fall colored leaves in trees and on the ground

Fall Foliage in Cemetery (Springfield, MO)The trees in our area are exceptionally beautiful this year. This is a photo taken in a cemetery in Springfield, Missouri.


Halloween Skeleton in Back of Car with Red Upholstery

Halloween: Skeleton in Car"Are we there yet?"


Hummingbird feeding at lavender

HummingbirdThis lovely Anna's Hummingbird came in under the patio roof to feed on a lavender blossom. He stayed a brief time, hovering ever so carefully, to approach the lavender blossom. Lavender blossoms are very popular with hummingbirds.


Small Stream with Fall Colors Reflecting

Scenery: Stream With Fall Color (Spearfish Canyon,...This photo was shot in Spearfish Canyon, South Dakota. I was crossing this little stream and noticed the color of the water. I was captivated by the colors from the leaves' reflections.


Mirrored Tree at Dry Falls

Scenery: Tree (Dry Falls State Park, WA)Hiking in Eastern Washington at Dry Falls State Park, we saw this amazing tree. It stood like a spirit, a sentinel, over all we enjoyed. A reminder to me of the invisible presence, watching.


Little Girl Dancing in the Yard With Red Shoes

Photo: Dancing Like a PrincessI took this picture of my daughter dancing and spinning "like a princess" in our yard.


Mother and Fawn Deer in the Woods

Wildlife: Mama And Baby Deer (Shenandoah...While driving along Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park a few weeks ago, I was able to capture this Mother Doe and her Fawn posing together ever so nicely in the woods. I couldn't have planned it any better myself.


Kitten in Window looking out From Orange Wooden Shutters

Kitten in the Window (France)This cute little kitty was staring at me as I was walking down an alley in France on the way to getting some croissants. I thought the huge wooden shutters were beautiful, too. It really made my day!


Pink and White Fireworks

Scenery: Fourth Of July Fireworks (Coos Bay, OR)Taken at the 2010 Fourth Of July Celebration at our local docks, accompanied by my little sister, these were some of my favorite fireworks on the night.


Girl Holding Hand and Walking with Great-Great Grand Father

Photo: 4th of July on the Farm (Henderson, IA)This is a photo of Lee and his great-great granddaughter, Hailey taken on the farm in Henderson, Iowa.


Cardinal in Frozen Tree

Wildlife: Cardinal on a Frozen Limb (Louisiana)It was an icy January morning in 2011, and I was snapping photos of the birds in our back yard here in north central Louisiana. I do this often from our back deck, it is like therapy for me! I was so happy to capture this fella's pose that day.


Beautiful Sunrise Over a Hill

Scenery: Sunrise (Cameron, MO)I went from thinking I should be tending to chickens instead of puppies, to "Wow! Look at that! Only God can give me a sunrise like that!" So, I ran into the house, grabbed my camera and started snapping pictures.


Sunset on the Ohio River

Scenery: Sunset (Ohio River)I took this picture in July while fishing the Ohio River. This is my family's favorite place to fish. We love sitting on the river bank watching the sunset.


Sunset at Lake Texoma with Tree in Foreground

Scenery: Sunset (Lake Texoma, TX)My daughter worked a youth camp this summer between her sophomore semesters in college. She had time before the kids started showing up to document some of the beauty of the facility and it's surroundings.


A friendly zebra at a wildlife park.

Wildlife: ZebraWhile visiting a local wildlife farm, I stopped to take a picture of the zebras. As I stuck my camera lens through the fence, this guy started coming close to me. I wasn't sure if he wanted to say hello or eat my camera!


2 kid goats curled up in tire

Scenery: Kid Goats (Somerset, UK)Taken at a local farm here in Somerset. Two baby goats napping in a tire - no kidding!


Looking back at train

Travel: Potomac Eagle Scenic Railroad (Romney,...This is a photo of the Potomac Eagle Scenic Train ride we took from Romney, WV. The view was just beautiful. We were lucky enough to see several bald eagles. The ride lasted about 2 hours, and we really enjoyed it. It was such a great, fun day!


Bashful Bulldog

Bashful (English Bulldog)Bashful is a 10 month old English Bulldog. After weeks of looking for the right puppy, Bashful came to us through a fellow friend. It was one of those rare but special coincidences.


Squirrels on the birdfeeder

Birdbath VisitorsWe have many little visitors to our birdbath each day. Usually the squirrels only like the bird food, but Texas summers are unforgiving even for the wildlife. We would all like some relief, send rain and a nice cool breeze, please.


Young girl in tattered skirt and red shoes

Photo: Red ShoesI have found that there are times when you can capture the soul of a child without even photographing their face. This picture shows exactly who my daughter is; a free spirit in red scuffed shoes and a tattered ballet tutu.


An orange and black Tiger Swallowtail butterfly near some pink flowers.

Wildlife: Tiger SwallowtailI photographed this tiger swallowtail butterfly, as it alighted on brilliant flowers. I asked him to pose for me, and he did!


Praying Mantis Zoom

Garden: Blessed with a Garden HelperLook what I found sitting on my sunflower leaf! I smiled when I saw him there, as I ran to get my camera hoping he would still be there. When I got back he was, and he posed for this picture before he walked away in the direction of a bug.


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