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Zucchini Growing

Zucchini Rotting on the VinePoor pollination or a lack of calcium can result in zucchini fruit rotting before it's ready to harvest. This page has advice about how to solve common problems that result in zucchini rotting on the vine.


Crafty Pea Trellis - finished trellis

Crafty Pea TrellisI'm a fan of sugar snap and snow peas. I've seen all sorts of trellises for vining plants like these. Most are some variation of cedar lattice or pipes and wires. I wanted something I could compost with the leaf matter at the end of the season. With a very few durable pieces I could disassemble and reuse. I came up with this design based on what I had in my garage and scrap wood pile.


Growing Celery From Kitchen Scraps - celery growing the garden

Growing Celery From Kitchen ScrapsWhen you are finished with the bunch of celery, put it in a glass of water to root. Then put it in a pot with potting soil. When it gets bigger plant in the ground. Water it regularly and you will have celery.


DIY Green Onion Garden - large green onion tops

DIY Green Onion GardenI love having a never-ending green onion garden, especially on the cheap. I recently got a huge bag of green onions at the shop for 50 cents. Some of them were starting to wilt at the tips. I used the dark green parts in some recipes, and soaked the roots in some water overnight. I then planted them.



8 Great Perennial VegetablesDespite the wait, often a year, before they produce their first crop there are many advantages to planting perennial vegetables. Some good choices include, artichokes, asparagus, chayote, rhubarb, and more. This is a page contains information about eight great perennial vegetables.


Closeup of green bell pepper on vine

How to Grow Gorgeous Bell PeppersBell peppers are surprisingly easy to grow and don't require a lot of space to produce a good harvest. This is a page about how to grow gorgeous bell peppers.


closeup of zip tied plant

Use Zip Ties to Support PlantsZip ties are inexpensive and come in a variety of lengths. I use them to attach my plants to my chain link fence, tomato cage, or pole support. It keeps the fruit from rotting and also stakes them so they don't steal the sun from other plants.


cucumber seed envelop

Choosing A Cucumber VarietyI am harvesting, and enjoying, some of the best cucumbers I have ever tasted. I wanted to share the name with you.


green bell pepper

Our Very First Green PepperThis is a picture of our very first successful green pepper.


Easy Way To String Tomatoes, Cucumbers, or Green Beans

Easy Way To String Tomatoes,...One of the most difficult parts about gardening and growing your own vegetable is stringing them up to keep them off the ground. A lot of people will use a garden trellis or pole to keep their green beans, cucumbers, and tomatoes off the ground. However, I find that making an open A-frame enclosure works best.


A plate and bottle

Protecting Tomato SeedlingsI used to place each plant into a paper cup that had the bottom cut out. I now use the red plastic disposable dinner plates. I cut a round hole in the center with a slit cut to the edge of the plate. Then I make 4 cross cuts around the circle for the round trellis to poke through into the dirt.


example of miner damage

Leaf Miner Beetle Damage to CropsLeaf miner beetles seek out leafy greens. They lay their eggs often unnoticed and when the larva hatches it burrows into the leaf and lives inside it tunneling around eating the inside of the leaf. They eventually drop into the soil and burrow down into the dirt to wait for next year's crop.


Asparagus Harvest

Extending Your Asparagus HarvestThis is a page about extending your asparagus harvest. With a few simple strategies you can stagger and extend the length of your asparagus harvest.


Foxglove Companion Plant

Companion Plants for Growing VegetablesThis is a page about companion plants for growing vegetables. Choosing the right combination of vegetables, flowers, and herbs can help improve your garden and save space.


A trellis with wood poles and rope, for training beans.

Simple Pole Bean TrellisOur kids planted pole beans this year and we needed a simple trellis for the beans to grow on. My husband found some pieces of 2x2 wood, leftover from another project, and cut 3 pieces to the same length.



hand holding a potato

Harvesting PotatoesThis is a page about harvesting potatoes. Growing your own potatoes can be a fun and rewarding part of your vegetable garden. Once the potatoes are full grown it's time to harvest them.


Closeup of green bell pepper on vine

How to Grow Gorgeous Bell PeppersBell peppers are easy to grow, nearly pest and disease-free, and they produce a lot of yield in a small amount of space. You can either buy transplants locally, or start seeds yourself. Here are the basics of what you need to know to get started.


Two tomatoes on vine sprinkled with water

Tips for Tomato GrowersTomatoes are America's most popular garden crop, but they are not necessarily the easiest crop to grow. Even the most experienced gardeners occasionally find themselves at a loss as to why their tomato plants fail. Here are a few helpful guidelines for understanding tomatoes.


Photo of harvesting potatoes.

Harvesting PotatoesIf you like potatoes, consider planting a few hills in your garden. For the small amount of space they take up, they will easily earn their keep by providing you with a high return on your investment. Here are some tips for harvesting and storing them.


Managing Vegetable Garden

Maintaining Your Vegetable GardenAfter planting your vegetable garden, it might seem like there's a lot of downtime while waiting for your crops to grow. Establishing a routine for garden maintenance, is vitally important if you want to reap a good harvest later in the season.


A bunch of red radishes

How to Grow RadishesRadishes are one of the first vegetable crops to get planted in the spring and one of the first crops ready for harvest. If one of your gardening goals is to grow mouth-watering radishes, here is everything you need to know to get started.


Cherry Tomatoes in hanging basket

Cherry Tomatoes for Hanging BasketsWith their small fruits and trailing growth habit, cherry tomatoes are ideal candidates for growing in hanging baskets.


Veggies from small garden.

Six Ways To Get Big Yields From A Small GardenIf the size of your garden is limited, you can still produce a surprising amount of food just by employing a few intensive gardening techniques. Here are 6 simple ways to help you produce a maximum yields in a minimum amount of space.


Sprouting Vegetables in Water?I was talking with a fellow shopper in the supermarket today and she mentioned something about sticking the end of a celery bunch in water to sprout it. I was wondering which veggies you can do this with and how and when to plant them in soil.


artichoke plant

Eight Great Perennial VegetablesPerennial vegetables sometimes take a year or more to yield a first harvest, but the rewards are well worth your effort. Plant them once and you will have a reliable annual crop for years to come.


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