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A tree filled with magnolia blossoms.

Magnolia Blossom PhotosThe Magnolia tree was magnificent! Each blossom sang out to me. Take my picture, no take my picture. Oh, which one to choose, they were all so beautiful, so settled on the silent and quiet one.


Peeling Bark on a Madrone Tree - peeling bark on a madrone

Peeling Bark on a Madrone TreeTo me, one of the most interesting and striking characteristics of madrone trees is the beautiful mahogany colored bark which crazes and then flakes off year round exposing the underlying green bark which will turn brown, then orangish, and finally this deep hue before it sloughs again.


A field of poppies with a setting sun.

Poppy PhotosThere are numerous varieties of poppies. They can be grown as perennials, annuals, or biennials. Their colors range from brilliant red to the blue of the more difficult to grow Himalayan poppy. This page contains shared poppy photos.


A flowering passionfruit bush.

Passiflora PhotosThese exotic blooms are generally referred to as passion flowers. The passionfruit is primarily used for its delicious juice.They grown naturally in tropical areas of the Americas, the Caribbean and parts of Asia.


A collection of white daisies with yellow centers.

Daisy PhotosThere are so many varieties of daisies that grow wild all across the world. Gardeners often plant them as annuals to add color to a garden bed or planter.


A snowball bush in bloom.

Snowball Bush PhotosThe old fashioned snowball bush with puffy white flowers is found in many gardens and yards. This can be either a type of hydrangea or viburnum.


Tomatoes growing in the garden.

Garden Tomato PhotosIt is fun to share photos of our garden produce. Whether it is to brag a bit about the abundance or to share a photo of a misshapen, weird, funny, or uniquely shaped tomato; gardeners often enjoy seeing pictures from like minded folks' home veggie gardens.


Swimming Snail

Swimming SnailThe other day as I was walking past our bog pond I noticed something moving. Upon closer observation I realized it was one of the resident snails swimming in the water. I just had to get a video so that I could show my 6 year old. He loved it and I hope you do too!


Different colored bromeliads in bloom.

Bromeliad PhotosThese beautiful, colorful, tropical plants are mainly native to the tropical Americas. Some are found in the subtropics and one species grows in Africa. Despite their unusual appearance they are not high maintenance as one might expect and can be successfully grown as houseplants. This page contains photos of these tropical beauties including one with a cute little visitor.


A banana tree with bunches of banana fruit.

Banana Plant and Flower PhotosThis beautiful purple flower is a banana tree bloom. They form at the end of the fruit clusters. In South-East Asian cuisines they are eaten raw or cooked in salads, soups, and curries.


A bee on the top of a purple coneflower.

Photos of Bees on Echinacea FlowersThese pretty flowers attract both bees and butterflies. They are native to the eastern and central areas in the U.S., but do well in many other growing zones. These lovely photos capture some of their visitors.


Pink and yellow plumeria blossoms.

Plumeria (Frangipani) PhotosThese warm region flowering deciduous trees or shrubs are native to Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. They do well from Brazil to Florida. Photos of these beautiful flowers follow.


A pot of purple pansies growing outside.

Photos of PansiesFound in Europe and western Asia the pansy is a hybridization of several species in the genus Viola. They are also some of the cutest, happy, little flowers you can add to your garden. Enjoy the photos of pansies found in this page.


A collection of different colored chrysanthemum.

Chrysanthemum PhotosThese beautiful flowering plants are native to Asia and northeastern Europe. The chrysanthemum makes a lovely, colorful addition to any garden. This page contains chrysanthemum photos.


Cascade of Vines - vines cascading over a retaining wall with orange and yellow flowers below

Cascade of VinesI work for the State University of New York in Albany. On a lunch time walk I couldn't help but notice the beauty of these cascading vines and the color of the flowers was so vibrant. I also found the angled view gorgeous.



Moonflower or Datura flower.

Moonflower PhotosWhether they are ipomoea, datura or cereus, these night blooming flowers can be seen in the light of the moon. This is a page about my blooming moon flowers.


Weird tomatoes outside on a table.

Weird Tomato PhotosTomatoes come in many sizes, colors, and shapes. They can become an unexpected form or have additions that can remind you of something else. This page contains weird tomato photos.


Stillness in Bloom - bust of a head surrounded by orange flowers

Stillness in BloomWhile visiting a garden in Olathe, Kansas this past July, the stillness of the statue amongst the movement of the flowers captured my attention. It was such a captivating moment as she peeked out of the flowers when I walked past her. I just had to take a picture.


Field of orange poppies.

Orange Poppy PhotosPoppies are available in a variety of colors. Orange is less commonly seen (excepting California poppies). Some orange poppy blooms are exquisite and may call to be added to your garden. This page contains orange poppy photos.


Yellow and orange tulips.

April Flower PhotosDepending on your growing zone, April may be the start of the flowering season in your garden. The beautiful colors begin and continue throughout the spring and summer and then into the fall. This page contains April flower photos.


Debra''s Peonies - white peonies in vase with red roses

Debra''s PeoniesThis peony was moved to my house from my mother's two years ago. This is the first time it's bloomed. I think it's just gorgeous! It's in a vase with my red roses.


Light pink Honeysuckle flowers with leaves on white background

Honeysuckle PhotosHoneysuckle can be either an arching shrub or a twining vine. This fragrant garden plant with its tubular flowers in shades of creamy white through yellow and reddish orange, has some medicinal properties and is also used in fragrances and lotions. This page contains honeysuckle photos.


Close up of ripe peaches on a tree.

Peach Tree PhotosThe lovely light pink to light purple blooms of peach trees herald the delicious fruit to follow. This page contains beautiful peach tree photos.


The Chicago Peace Rose - dense pink rose with hints of yellow

The Chicago Peace RoseI have always appreciated the Chicago Peace rose, even more so than its parent, the Peace rose. Ironically, this is my first year to grow it.


Twelve Apostles (Dietes Iridioides) - long leafed plant in pot with pretty white and purple flowers

Twelve Apostles (Dietes Iridioides)I love these small flowers. They have a slight fragrance that you really have to put your nose on to smell. I wish they would last more than one day. It's easy to miss the blooms.


Daffodils and Tulips in a garden

Spring Flower PhotosThis page contains spring flower photos. With the arrival of spring we are cheered up after the long winter by the beautiful and numerous flowers blooming everywhere, in gardens and on roadsides.


Many colors of wild flowers in a field

Flowering Weed PhotosThis page contains flowering weed photos. Plants that are often referred to as weeds include a wide variety of wild flowers, many with blooms that could rival a cultivar.


Close-up of Playboy Rose with other flowers in background

Playboy Rose PhotosThe playboy rose is characterized by orange-scarlet double blooms with a light apple scent. This page contains playboy rose photos.


Autumn Garden full of color.

Autumn Garden PhotosAll of the seasons have their own beauty that can be captured in a photo. Fall is especially notable for the beautiful foliage colors found in many gardens. Some gardeners even select trees and shrubs based on their fall colors. This page contains autumn garden photos.


Yoshiko Cherries - small bright red cherries

Yoshino Cherry Tree PhotosThe Yoshino cherry is a popular ornamental flowering tree known for its lovey white pink flowers and delicate almond fragrance. This page contains Yoshino cherry tree photos.



Forest Fungus

Moss and Fungi PhotosWe are all wowed by beautiful flowers and graceful trees, but don't overlook the beauty of the numerous varieties of moss and fungi present in nature. This page contains moss and fungi photos.


My Miracle Rose (Pristine) - lovely white rose with a blush of pink

My Miracle Rose (Pristine)At the risk of being admonished by the editors for submitting too many rose pictures, I give my fellow members my best picture of my most perfect rose of the year.


A purple morning glory blossom surrounded by green leaves.

Morning Glory PhotosAlthough these climbing vines have beautiful flowers, they are considered a noxious weed in some parts of the world. This page contains morning glory photos.


Pink Crinum Lily

Crinum Lily PhotosThe crinum lily has large, fragrant blooms that emerge on leafless stems from bulbs that thrive in damp or moist areas, along streams and in marshes. They are a southern US garden favorite. This page contains crinum lily photos.


A beautiful white gardenia.

Gardenia PhotosThe fragrant, white flowers of the gardenia bush make a beautiful garden photo subject. This page contains gardenia photos.


Pristine Rose At Dusk - pretty pink rose

Pristine Rose At DuskI did an article on the advantages of using early morning light when photographing your garden. There is also a brief period of time just before dusk when there are the same advantages. Get out your camera and take advantage of those advantages!


red impatiens in front of house

Photos of My GardenThe beauty of a garden provides joy, wonder, and often a sense of peace and serenity to the gardener. Taking photos allows you to share the beauty and reminisce through the seasons and years. This page contains photos of my garden.


Lilac blooms.

Lilac PhotosThe beauty of purple or white lilac blooms, in conjunction with their luscious fragrance, make them a perfect choice for many gardens. They are also an excellent subject for a photo. This page contains lilac photos.


Photo of an orange lily.

Lily PhotosThere are so many varieties of lilies that can be planted in your garden you can often have blooms from spring to fall. This page contains lily photos.


Mating Common Red Soldier Beetles - mating beetles

Mating Common Red Soldier BeetlesSince we let a lot of our garden go wild we have seen a large influx of new wildlife and beautiful wild flowers. Early one evening before sundown, in early July, as we were admiring a patch of pretty clover and dead nettle, I noticed a tiny red thing on the end of a grass flower stalk.


A pink peony bloom.

Peony PhotosPeonies are native throughout the northern hemisphere. Their large showy flowers are sometimes quite fragrant and add interest to a sunny garden location. This page contains peony photos.


The Pristine Rose In Bud Form - pale pink rose

The Pristine Rose In Bud FormI was at the checkout with this reduced by 60%, 'Pristine' rose, when an attractive, very refined lady mentioned that she had been looking everywhere for this particular variety. I told her there were a couple left on a bargain rack. She was ecstatic! Unsure of where she should look, I walked with her to the rack.


Ajuga Chocolate Kiss - planter with purple flowering ajuga

Ajuga Chocolate KissThere are still a few little garden treasures to be found at this time if you look carefully. My ajuga is in full bloom. It's a nice ground cover. It will even grow well in shade under trees providing it gets enough moisture.


Wisteria Photos

Wisteria PhotosWisteria is a vining, flowering plant member of the legume family. The draping clusters of purple flowers are quite fragrant. It is typically grown as a woody vine, but can also be trained as a standard or small tree. This page contains wisteria photos.


Multi-colored tulip garden covered in fluffy snow

Winter Garden PhotosThis is a page about winter garden photos. Even in the dead of winter your garden may be a beautiful subject for a series of photos.



bright red chili peppers hanging on plant

Gorgeous Naga Viper ChiliThe Naga Viper Chili is always attractive with its bright red color. My mom-in-law planted the seeds that she got from my father's garden and she now has a fully grown Naga Viper chili at her place. We visited her this weekend and its ripe fruits hanging beautifully in her garden caught my attention.


Red tulips in bloom.

Tulip PhotosThis page contains tulip photos. These lovely spring flowering bulbs are available in so many colors and varieties that it is easy to create a beautiful tulip planting in your garden.


A lotus flower in a pond, with a clear reflection.

Lotus Flower PhotosThis beautiful aquatic flower holds great significance in several major eastern religions. This page contains lotus flower photos.


A yellow Welsh poppy in bloom.

Welsh Poppy Photos (Meconopsis cambrica)The pretty flowers, ranging from yellow to orange, of the Welch poppy make it a popular garden flower. This is a page about Welsh poppy photos (Meconopsis cambrica).


Rock purslane growing outside.

Rock Purlsane PhotosThis page contains rock purslane photos. This drought tolerant, low lying plant adds beautiful color with its many blooms.



Wildflower PhotosThis page contains wildflower photos. Wildflowers are the ancestors of the lovely garden specimens we plant in our yards. But take a walk or drive and you can enjoy them in their natural splendor.


Blooming Schlumbergera (Christmas Cactus) Photos

Blooming Schlumbergera (Christmas Cactus) PhotosThis page contains blooming Schlumbergera (Christmas cactus) photos. Although not really a cactus, these plants are popular during the winter holidays for their colorful indoor blooms.


Two Tulip Tree blossoms in a tulip tree

Tulip Tree PhotosThis is a page about tulip tree photos. Several different varieties of trees are commonly referred to as tulip trees.


Assorted dahlia blossoms

Dahlia PhotosThis is a page about dahlia photos. Dahlia blooms come in numerous colors and configurations.


pinkish purple bloom

Rose of Sharon PhotosThis is a page about rose of Sharon photos. Rose of Sharon is the common name used to refer to several flowering shrubs from varying parts of the world, frequently the Hibiscus syriacus.


Close up Rambutan Tree Fruits

Rambutan Tree PhotosThis is a page about rambutan tree photos. A southeast Asian tree that is related to the lychee with edible hairy fruit.


Hibiscus Swirl Blossom

Hibiscus Flower PhotosThe hibiscus is a large genus of flowering plants that are native to temperate, subtropical, and tropical climates. Winter protection allows you to enjoy them in colder area gardens. This is a page about hibiscus flower photos.



Daylily PhotosThis is a page about daylily photos. Daylilies are available in a wide variety of sizes and colors. Some even bloom repeatedly throughout the summer.


Mango fruit hanging from the limbs of a tree

Mango Tree PhotosThis is a page about mango tree photos. If you are lucky enough to live in a warm climate you can grow your own mangos fresh for the picking.


purple bellflower

Bellflower Bloom (Campanula...This tiny flower, smaller than a dime, is the one to carry that huge, tongue twister of a name, 'Campanula portenschlagiana'. It couldn't be any prettier if it were called something simple, such as 'Bellflower', which it is. Ain't life sweet?


Morning Garden Tour

Morning Garden TourThis is the melon that looks and tastes more like a cucumber. They are best at 6-8 inches. Remember, when saving a fruit/vegetable for seed, it should be allowed to stay on the plant/vine for as long as possible.


Closeup of Salmon Queen Geranium

Geranium PhotosThis is a page about geranium photos. Geraniums can be upright or vining and come in many colors from white through pinks and reds to deep purples.


vine with statue

Garden Angel Statue PhotosThis is a page about garden angel statue photos. A common garden decoration is an angel sculpture.


Grape Hyacinth on our "Junk Hill"

Grape Hyacinth on Our "Junk Hill"We used rubble from renovations and other junk to make our own mini landfill site in a corner of our garden. We covered it in topsoil and made a stepped path to the top with a seat made from a dismantled concrete fence. I planted bulbs including grape hyacinth up the sides of the path.


Multiple white flowers around central stem

Innocence FlowerThis is a page about innocence flower. This beautiful white flower with a hint of pink appears to be a musk mallow.


Three full Gazania blooms and several budding flowers in garden

Gazania Flower PhotosThis page contains gazania flower photos. Theses native south African annual flowers add beautiful colors to your garden.


Orange Pentas

Pentas PhotosThis is a page contains pentas photos. These beautiful, showy, tropical flowers brighten up your garden.


Sacred Datura growing in the red sands of Utah

Datura PhotosThis is a page about datura photos. Datura is a genus containing several species of poisonous flowering plants.


clay pot fountain

Garden Fountain PhotosThis page contains garden fountain photos. An outside water feature can be a wonderful focal point with pleasant sounds, and be inviting to feathered friends.



Orchid PhotosThis page contains orchid photos. These diverse plants produce some of the most delicate, beautiful and photogenic flowers in the world.


autumn flowers and garden bench

Fall Garden PhotosThis page contains fall garden photos. As the days grow shorter and cooler, the colors in the garden can be brilliant. Beautiful photos can be taken.


beautiful purple gladiola

Gladiolus PhotosThis is a page about gladiolus photos. These popular garden bulbs produce a tall spike of beautiful flowers in a variety of colors.


Vegetable Garden Harvest Photos

Vegetable Garden Harvest PhotosThis is a page about vegetable garden harvest photos. Growing your own food in the garden is a satisfying experience. You can save your experience with photography.


orangish yellow forest mushrooms

Fungi and Mushroom PhotosThis is a page about fungi and mushroom photos. While all mushrooms are fungi, not all fungi are mushrooms. Mushrooms are the spore bearing fruiting body of certain types of fungi.


Cactus Blossom

Cactus Blossom PhotosThis is a page about cactus blossom photos. Cactus for all of their prickliness have strikingly beautiful flowers.


Garden Bird

Garden Bird PhotosThis page contains garden bird photos. The beauty of our feathered friends in the garden is rewarding to capture in a snapshot.


Ninebark (Physocarpus)

Ninebark (Physocarpus) Garden PhotosThis page contains ninebark (physocarpus) garden photos. A drought tolerant, deciduous shrub with delicate foliage that produces clusters of early summer white flowers.


Iris Photos

Iris PhotosThis page contains iris photos. The iris is found in a wide variety of colors and configurations, making them a popular subject of garden photos.


Baby Bird

Baby Bird Photos and InformationThis page contains baby bird photos and information. The precious, helpless new life that emerges when eggs hatch needs special care. They change and grow so fast. As long as the mother doesn't mind, they can be a fun photo subject.


Blooming Tree

Blooming Tree PhotosThis page contains blooming tree photos. Springtime brings an abundance of flowers on many kinds of fruit and nut trees. They can make gorgeous photographs.


White Rose Bush

White Rose PhotosThis page contains white rose photos. These exquisite flowers come in a variety of sizes and are appreciated by people all over the world.


A wet red rose in the rain.

Red Rose PhotosThis page contains red rose photos. These wonderful flowers can be captured in beautiful pictures to appreciate the year round.


Summer Poppy Garden

Summer Garden Flower PhotosThis page contains summer garden flower photos. Garden blooms are a fun to photograph and can brighten up any day year round.


Photo of a beautiful blooming lotus.

Flower PhotosThere are so many beautiful, large and small blooms that are wonderful, fleeting subjects for the photographer. This page contains flower photos.


A field of wildflowers.

Wildflower Garden PhotosThis page contains wildflower garden photos. Whether you planted the flowers or they seeded themselves in your garden, wildflowers in bloom are naturally beautiful.


Pink Roses

Photos of RosesThis page contains photos of roses. In the wild and in the garden, there are many kinds of these beautiful flowers.


Lavender Rose

Lavender Rose PhotosThis page contains lavender rose photos. These beautiful flowers are appreciated around the world for their unusual color.


Pink Rose

Pink Rose PhotosThis page contains pink rose photos. These exquisite flowers are appreciated by people all over the world.


Yellow Rose

Yellow Rose PhotosThis page contains yellow rose photos. These wonderful garden flowers can be captured in beautiful pictures.


sunflower and blue sky

Sunflower PhotosThis page includes sunflower information and photos. These beautiful flowers of all sizes are loved by many.


Yellow Daffodils

Yellow Flower PhotosThis page contains yellow flower photos. Beautiful flowers are a joy anytime of year.


Ladybug on a blade of grass

Ladybug Photos and InformationThis page contains ladybug photos and information. Coccinellids, which are called ladybugs or ladybeetles are a beneficial garden visitor. These pretty red bugs with their black spots are fun to watch and photograph.



Rhododendron PhotosThis is a page about rhododendron photos. Rhododendron shrubs are a beautiful addition to your garden. There are hundreds of species worldwide.


Amanita parcivolvata  in the forest.

Amanita Parcivolvata Information and PhotosThis is a page contains Amanita parcivolvata information and photos. This mushroom is common in the eastern and southeastern United States, often found near oak trees.


Rose plant completely encased in ice.

Ice Encased RoseA beautiful rose that has been covered in ice in my friend's garden. I've never seen anything like it in my life. Water had dripped from the roof thus encasing it magically in ice.


Easter lily with a bee collecting pollen.

Nature in Action - Bee on Lily StamenI captured a beautiful white lily at my nephew's June wedding. Much to my delight there was nature in action when I viewed the picture after up loading to my computer. It was a wonderful surprise.


Burgundy foliage in wooded setting.

Smoke Bush (North Carolina)This is a picture of my smoke bush and it is really smoking! It has attractive burgundy leaves. The sap of the tree is white which I think is unusual. It's one of my favorites (I have a lot of favorites!)


Poppy Flower (Upstate NY)

Poppy Flower (Upstate NY)No, this is not a scene from Little Shop of Horrors (remember Audrey, the carnivorous plant?) This plant looks like it's eating a red flower, but it's actually just a normal poppy flower in the process of opening.


Orange and Yellow Flower

California Blossoms (Rancho Santa Margarita,...My fiance and I recently moved to Southern California and we are fortunate enough to have a small park near our condo. It's called Altisima Park and I love walking up to the park, taking a stroll along the paved path, and returning home in the Cali sunshine!


Blooming Houseplant

Blooming Houseplant (Summerhill, PA)This flower was a great suprise yesterday. Grown from a cutting from a friend, and it bloomed just yesterday. It may be a Orchid Cactus, Epiphylum. Anyone know for sure?


Fruit Tree Blossoms

Spring Blossoms (Apple Grove, WV)I took these photos in my backyard. This spring all of our fruit trees were full of beautiful blooms.


Frosty Morning

Garden: Frosty Morning (Hillsboro, OR)Today was the first deep frost of the year. I thought the ice crystals on the vine maple in our front yard were especially beautiful, particularly as the sun was just starting to hit the leaves.


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