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Best Time to Buy Back to School Clothes?This is my daughter's second year of school. She will be in the first grade. Is it less expensive to buy her clothes now or after school starts? She already has one new outfit to wear for the first day. - Jennifer


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Extra Back to School Expenses for High School?My son is heading for high school this year. We are on a very tight budget and have other children. What added expenses should I expect during the first weeks of school?


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One Day Only SaleI love the idea and tradition of giving one day to each child - during every season, not just the holidays.


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Reading to the KidsMy 4 year old Grandson loves to soak in the tub when taking his bath. I use that time to read him classic children stories


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Thrifty Stores for Back to School ShoppingDon't forget to check out Goodwill and the Salvation Army stores for good buys on clothing. Stick to neutrals when buying the basics and you can expand your wardrobe.


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School Supply Tip: Cheap Office SuppliesOk, this not exactly a tip on how to buy cheap school supplies but is something to think about while you are busy buying your kids supplies. Every year although my kids are all grown I hit the school supply sales and here is why:


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Teen Back-To-School Saving On Designer ClothingI discovered Plato's Closet which is a teenage designer clothing consignment store. My teen can get name brand clothing for less than it would cost to buy her clothes at Walmart. She also can take her outgrown clothes that are in good condition and receive money back. Go to to find the location nearest you. You won't be disappointed! By M. Day


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Brand Names Vs. Your BudgetHow can we avoid the back-to-school shopping "brand-name blues?"


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Ten Dos and Don'ts for School DazeKids all over the nation are returning to school. Here are some things to anticipate, and some tips.


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Let Older Children Handle Their Clothing BudgetGive older children and teenagers their own reasonable clothing budget. They quickly learn that the money only goes so far. If they want designer jeans, fine, but they'll have to cut back somewhere else or earn the extra money themselves.


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Whistling for the KidsI taught my children to come when for. I have a different tune that I whistle loudly for each child and they come running as soon as I whistle for them.


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Games for Promoting Your Child's Motor DevelopmentIf a child is having fun while moving, that child is far more likely to want to keep moving.  What he doesn't realize is that he's also practicing his movement skills!  Following are activities that help promote the development of locomotor (traveling) skills:


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Baby LullabiesYou can download many baby lullabies and classic music off the internet and make a custom CD for the baby too be played at nap time or bedtime. Also many sites have children's Audio Books that can be made into a bedtime Cd for older children. By Debra in Colorado


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Remedy for Kids Not Remembering What You Told ThemI decided I was tired of my kids always saying that they didn't remember me telling them something, like "clean your room". So what I did was tape off an area around the lightswitch and painted around it with melamine paint (the kind they use on dry erase boards). So now, I write something on there and anytime they turn on the light, voila! they see the note! By Lisa Trudeau


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Box Lunches That Boost GradesThe right lunch can boost kids' brainpower, cut down on sick days and give them steady energy. Here are the best foods to keep school kids in tip-top shape:



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Buy Dark Clothing - Know When to SkimpIf you're on a budget, spend less by buying dark-colored clothes. Workmanship is much less noticeable in dark-colored fabrics, so most inexpensive darks can pass for pricier.


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Choking Hazards For BabiesEverything that ends up in baby's hands, ends up in baby's mouth. I was shocked one day to find my 8 month old daughter had pulled a button off the clothes she was wearing. She could have very easily choked had she swallowed it. To prevent this from happening again, I inspected her clothing to make sure all buttons were sewed on securely. I then put a small drop of super glue on the back side of the button threads (on the inside of her clothing) to permanently secure the button. This may not be a cost-saving measure, but it could very well be a life-saving one! By Leann D


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Daughter's First Car AdviceI need suggestions on how to make giving my daughter her first car a BIG surprise. How can I make it fun but special too? Cheryl


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Local Directories Help Keep Tabs on KidsIn the town where we live, the people are offered a city directory once each year. It does cost a little to purchase one, but we have heard about how invaluable they are, especially for people with young children. The directory lists everyone alphabetically by last name, by address and by telephone number. This is especially helpful if you have small children and you want to know who their friends are and their families as well as where they live. By Robin


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Fortifying Night DiapersIf you babies diapers don't hold it all during the night, try adding a budget sanitary pad in, sure saves on the laundry, not to mention making it a lot more pleasant for your little one. By Katrina McPherson


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Keeping Toys Handy for the Little OnesOur children are pretty much grown, but occasionally we will have friends with little ones come for a visit. I try to keep a drawer or cabinet filled with some fun things to keep the children busy. You can use books, coloring books and crayons, small stuffed animals or dolls or even some games in there to keep them occupied. By Robin


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Surviving Winter BreakWinter break is much shorter than the summer break, but for many parents it feels like the longer of the two breaks. Here are ten ideas for you and your children to help you survive the long winter days without blowing your budget or losing your sanity.


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Shoe Shopping Strategy - Trace Your Child's FeetSo that I don't miss out on kids' shoe sales when I am out shopping without my daughter I periodically trace her feet on a piece of paper, cut it out and tuck it in my purse.


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Why Buy Baby Food?You need never (or at least rarely buy baby food) if you just plan ahead.


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Beware of Icy and Snow Covered Tree LimbsWe just had a pretty bad ice storm here in Indiana. PLEASE remind your kids not to stand under trees as these falling limbs can cause serious injury! :) By Aeromama


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Practice Reading With Your ChildrenPractice reading with your child everyday. If you read one page, she reads one page, the story goes quicker, you and she can discuss the story as it goes. By Linda


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Fun Way to Teach Simple WordsWhen teaching Kindergarten. I found a fun way to teach my kids simple words like: cat, dog, pie, bird, shoe, etc. I made a game called spill and spell.


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Bar Of Soap For KidsGot kids? Do they constantly drop the bar of soap when bathing? Do they have trouble keeping a grip on it with their little fingers? Cheap solution. Find some pantyhose you no longer wear, cut off at the foot. Drop the bar of soap in the foot part and tie a knot at the end. Now it's easier to keep a grip! My kids use this technique everyday and it works great! It's much cheaper than buying the costly kids soaps with attached netting. You can't re-use those! By joelen


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Make Favorite Books Tapes For KidsMake cassette tapes of yourself reading favorite books to your kids or grandkids. These can be used by the babysitter when you are out, or you can even mail the tape to faraway grandkids to listen to as they flip through the book. By Becki in Indiana


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Consignment Shops In Virginia and New Hampshire?I was looking for consignment shops or 2nd hand thrift shops that buys children's clothes. Good ones, used just once or twice. I have so many that it's hard just giving it away. Anyone know any, here in Virginia and also in Nashua, New Hamsphire area? Thanks, Rads from VA



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Free School PicturesThis tip is for families living on one income with school age children. We have a limited budget and every year the elementary school takes 2 sets of pictures for the parents to purchase. One in the fall and the other in the spring.


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Keeping Track Of Your Sippy CupsWhen taking my daughter to church or other outings, there were always people there with her same kind of sippy cup. I hated to write on the actual cup with a permanent marker so I used my label maker to print out her name and placed it on the lid of the cup.


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Tactile LearningIt is really true what they say about some of us being sight learners and hearing learners and some of us use our hands to learn. If your child is having a hard time with their ABCs and 123's try this trick. Get your self an ABC stencil. Trace around the letters onto sandpaper and cut them out. Now run your child's finger around the letter as if you were writing the letter, This really seems to work for tactile kids. By Debra in Colorado


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Use Hand Cut-outs To Teach NumbersTo teach my little ones the concept of numbers I did the normal counting beans and other objects. A fun thing we did as a craft and a lesson was this. We traced both hands on construction paper and cut them out. Then we traced these several times and cut them out. I would have the child take one cut-out hand, and show me how many fingers we needed for the number one. They would use their glue stick to glue down the other fingers just as we do when we hold up one finger. It was so cute watching them figure out which fingers to glue down and how to do it. When we got to the numbers six thru ten they really had to think because they had to figure out which pair of hands they needed.When they had met the challenge we tacked their work on their personal bulletin board. By Trigger


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Poem for Mommies - When Mommy's Your NameThe telephone's ringing, the TV is blaring. Sister is crying' cause Brother's not sharing. There's a spill on the carpet that no one will claim. There's no time for sitting when Mommy's your name.


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What Are They Selling? Helping Your Kids Say "No!"Do you ever feel helpless in the face of the massive advertising campaigns directed at your children?


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Show The Babysitter AppreciationA special thing you can do for your babysitter is to take them out to eat and do something special and fun once a month to show appreciation for the love and attention they give your child/children when you cannot be there. Teenagers especially enjoy this! Take them with your whole family and have a wonderful time!


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Teaching A Child How to Spell His/Her NameI have a four year old daughter and I am trying to help her get a head-start on learning before she starts school. My husband and I taught her how to spell her name one letter at a time.


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Less Laundry with BabiesTo lessen your laundry load with babies, put a bib on your baby when you feed and burp them, this way if they spit-up it will get on the bib and not their clothes.


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Anyone Can Play a Harp with Confidence from the First Time They Try It may seem daunting to imagine yourself playing a harp. But it really isn't such an impossible task. To ease you into that possibility, let me share some perspectives with you. Learning to play the harp is like painting by numbers. You will get there by the end of this article.


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Feeding Toddlers in RestaurantsDining out with hungry toddlers can be challenging. My tip is to order the Chef Salad for myself and have a small plate for my child. The lunch comes from the kitchen pretty quickly and is the perfect meal to share - it's big, and has child-size pieces of ham, egg, turkey and cheese.


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Getting Babies to SleepTips for getting a baby to sleep. Post your ideas.


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Tips for a Mom Expecting Twins?My niece "But I only wanted two kids" is expecting twins. She also has a two year old. Does anyone have any information where she can find a web site or a group for helpful tips about preparing/anticipating for twins?


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Telling Your Mom You Are ExpectingWhen my daughter-in-law was pregnant, she found a unique way of telling her mother and I. She found out just before Christmas, and on Christmas Day, there was one special gift for just myself and her mother.


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Baby Modeling?I have been very interested in getting my 18 month old son into baby modeling, But I don't know where to start?



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Baby Safe Cupboard Ideas?I'm interested in suggestions for securing a lazy susan type cupboard. Our toddler is starting to show an interest in opening the cupboards and drawers in the kitchen and we are concerned about him pinching his fingers in the lazy susan. Has anyone found a resolution to this issue?


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Cloth Training Pants?I am trying to make training pants for my son. I was thinking of using my old gerber cloth diapers for absorption and I am not sure what to use for a cover. Also I want to make sure the 'pattern' is correct. So if anyone has experience or and ideas about making cloth training pants I would greatly appreciate you sharing it with me.


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Covering Baby Car Seats During Hot WeatherKeep a white towel in your car for covering the babyseat, steering wheel or front seat during hot sunny weather.


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Games for a Stormy DayFun games to play with children on a rainy day. Post your ideas.


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Getting Started With Homeschooling?If anyone can help me with info on how to get started on home schooling I would appreciate it. I just received guardianship of my 16 year old niece and her Mom and I would love to have her home schooled. Her mom lives in Vegas and I live in Michigan,so I need info on how to get it started.


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Thrifty Fun at the MallGo to a mall with the kids try out massage chairs, Try scented soaps and have kids use soap and lotions. Bring picnic lunches and eat in food court and people watch.


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Trying to have baby?I am currently trying to have a baby. Just wondering if there is anyone else that is trying and would like to email support and such.


Angel in Pink

Angel in Pink - Rewards of BabysittingThis is a photo of my Granddaughter caught at naptime. Babysitting your grandchildren is so rewarding. They get love and you get love in return.


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Laptop Bag and Backpack Reviews?I'm going back to school and need some ideas on a good bag to get. Also, is it a good idea to get a laptop backpack instead of carrying a laptop bag around? I'm just worried that it will damage my laptop.


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Cheap Indoor Fun for Wintertime?I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for cheap inside fun in the winter. I have a 2 year-old son. So I'm looking for things to do with him, as well as things we can do as a family. I know it's still summer, but I'm trying to hatch a good plan now, before the snow flies!


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Work or Family? What's More Important?I need some serious guidance please. My husband and I both have great jobs. I am a Kinder teacher in an awesome district in my state. We are thinking seriously of starting a family but have a dilemma. We do not have any family nearby, all our close family is about 4 hours away. We miss them terribly and are not sure we want to start a family without them around.


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Was Getting Married, Now I'm Expecting?I was planning for a wedding in March. But now found out we're having a baby due in April. I really think we should get married right away before the baby is born, but my fiance wants to wait since I'm on Medicade. What do you think is the best thing to do? Should we wait?


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Small Signs for Learning Vocabulary and MathI use this to learn more medical words concerning my illness, but I had used this when my daughter was in school.


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Free Child ID KitI have seen on the news that Hurricane Katrina left many children separated from their parents; I cannot fathom being separated from my son, and could imagine that I'd be extremely panicked and would be trying everything possible to locate him.


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Safe Quiz Sites For Kids?My 10 year old daughter loves spelling and math quiz websites. But I am very strict about what she looks at. There are some very weird 'kid sites' out there. Can anyone please advise me of a site that is educational and 'safe'.


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Free Baby Samples?I am wanting to know if anyone knows some sites that offer free baby samples to try since I will be called grandmaw soon. This will be my first grandchild and I am all excited.


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Bakeless Bake Sale Ideas?Bakeless bake sales are the new big thing at my daughter's high school. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Karleigh and Her AuntThis is a photo of my sweet new Granddaughter, Karleigh Brooke and her Aunt Heather. My camera goes with me everytime I babysit. Wouldn't take a million dollars for these precious moments I'll always be able to remember.


Taliesin in the BathAlways watch your child in the bath, never leave him or her alone!


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Helping My Daughter End Her First Relationship?My daughter just got her heart broken by her first love, she is ready to go on with her life and he keeps giving her the guilt trip. He didnt have time for her, now all of a sudden he does. She wants to end it but doesn't want to hurt him, it's her first love!


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How to Avoid Eating Nuts?I was just told by my Pediatrician that my 3 year old son is allergic to peanuts, peanut butter and to avoid all tree nuts. I know that starting in January, all food and candy companies have to list all 8 allergy ingredients on their packaging.


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VarTech Phone Card for My Kids?I am trying to locate a phone card that my kids use to have when in school. It is by VarTech, who are still in business. This card ONLY allowed them to dial a specific code that rang our home number. This way I did not have any excuses of a cell phone out of range, or out of minutes, etc.


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Buying Baby EssentialsGet little sample/travel sizes of lotion and baby wash. They are great, then refill with your big bottles for diaper bag/travel kit. Walgreen's sells TINY tubs of Vaseline...


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Does Bringing Up Baby Have to Cost a Fortune?You'd think that a person who can't speak to ask for Starbucks or Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and who only eats a few ounces of food a day, wouldn't cost much to upkeep.


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Mom and Dads Helping Their Children SaveIf you have a teenagers who do part time work along with the chores at home. They make up to twenty five dollars per week, if you could kick in with them a few more dollars, you could start them off for the future. I did this with my two sons...


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Register at Baby SitesOne of the Best Money Saving Tips I've found for new mothers is to go onto the baby sites and register. They have sent me tons vouchers for up to $5.50 off formula and also full sized cans of formula...


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Storynory.comTired of spending money on audio CDs for children. At, you can download classic and modern stories read by a brilliant young English actress. They are just as good as any CD, but completely free...


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Helping Grown Sons Be Responsible for Holidays?Does anyone have ideas about how to help grown sons with families of their own to be responsive to holidays, birthdays, and communication in general? I am single and I do most of the calling, traveling, and visiting.


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Can Food Coloring Be Harmful?My daughter has discovered using food coloring to color her oatmeal and milk to make it more enjoyable for her to eat. My question is this, does anyone know if too much food coloring is harmful, or unhealthy to children? She likes to use it everyday, and it is now the only way I can get her to drink milk and eat oatmeal.


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Reactive Attachment Disorder Advice?Does anyone here know anything about (R.A.D) Reactive Attachment Disorder and how to handle it in an 18 month old toddler?


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Picking a Good Music TeacherIt is good to be frugal; very good. However one must be careful where one cuts costs. Sending your children off to an unqualified teacher is exactly like sending them to an unqualified school teacher instead of regular school with qualified teachers. The result will almost always be significantly poorer. . .


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Working vs. Staying at HomeThis is really kind of a testimony. When my daughter graduated from high school I decided to go to work to pay college expenses. My daughter was a straight A student but found it difficult to get scholarships at the time locally.


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Cleaning a Crib Mattress?My DD has a toddler bed with a crib size mattress, the kind with plastic sealed around it, and the mattress has some small tears in it. When she wet to bed some of it seeped into the mattress and now her whole room smells.


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10 Month Old Won't Hold His Own Bottle?My son is 10 months old and still will not hold his bottle on his own or a cup. He does everything else any 10 month old does. I'm a new mother so I don't know when they start doing this. Does anyone know?


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Preventing Squeaky Crib RailsSqueaky crib rails waking baby? Spray them with non toxic Pam spray . . .


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Summer Fun On a Budget?Now that Summer is here, I'm finding it hard to think of new creative ideas to fill the days on a dime. I want to know what creative ways you fill the days with without spending a alot of money! Any ideas?


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Traveling With a Newborn?I was also wondering about travel tips for newborns. I know that we will have to stop a lot more often but we want to visit with family over Christmas and give everyone a chance to see the baby. The down side is they all live 9 hrs away.


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Fun Things to Do With an Infant?Can anyone tell me "fun" things to do with an infant? I know peekaboo but I don't know where to find the "fingerplays" or anything like that. There's also got to be more that you can do with them before they start to walk or even crawl. How young is too young to give them a piece of paper and crayon and let them have fun with that (closely suppervised of course)?


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Tips for Pregnancy - Working Around Feeling IllWhen I was pregnant with my third child, I had a medical condition that made me extremely physically ill. The kicker? I had 3 year old twins with special needs that I still had to care for. . .


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Daughter-In-Law Won't Accept Used Items?I need a little advice here. I have a daughter-in-law who is due with our first grandchild. She grew up more fortunate than our children. I bought several things in really good shape at a garage sale but was told by her that she only wants new stuff, she doesn't want anything used by someone else. How do i handle a situation like this?


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Comments to Mothers-To-BeYesterday, my dear daughter was in tears to her husband because it was pointed out to her SEVERAL times that she was quite large and only in her eighth month of pregnancy..


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Encouraging Children to Not Wear Shoes?Do any of you allow or even encourage your children not to wear shoes. For the last year my seven year old daughter has only worn shoes to school and the rest of the time she is barefoot.


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Caring for a Baby in Hot Weather?I need suggestions for a 8 month old child visiting hot California! There's no air conditioning in house we are staying in and no shade outside. He gets so overheated. Any tips will be appreciated. Nap time is especially difficult for the poor little one.


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Sharpening a Pencil?Why is it that I can't seem to sharpen a pencil without the lead falling out as it gets pointed? I have to sharpen a few inches off a pencil until the lead does not break.


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Games You Can Play With BookshelvesTake a decently backed bookshelf to the front or back porch, facing the wall when not in use by the child who can enter into all sorts of imaginary fantasies using it ranging from. . .


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Sharing the ComputerSharing the Computer. Do you find that whenever you want to use the computer, it's always occupied? Well that was happening with my daughter and I, so I made up a time schedule. . .


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Using Email To Keep In Touch With TeachersUsing Email To Keep In Touch With Teachers. If you are a working out of the home parent, let a teacher know if you can be reached by email at work. . .


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Extra Expenses at the Beginning of SchoolI remember when my children were in school, there were always extra unexpected expenses in the first weeks of school.


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School SnacksBack to School Snack. A little story of when my daughter was younger. I would now and then make her some peanut butter crackers. No big deal. Before you know it she was coming home with all types of junk snacks. . .


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Back to School "New Year Resolution" Studies say that you are less likely to be able to keep a January resolution due to fatigue and post holiday stress syndrome... So, why wait until January to resolve to make a lifestyle improvement?


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Technology Free DaysTechnology Free Days. Our youngest daughter was addicted to the television. She tried to turn the TV on the moment she walked into the house and preferred to watch TV over anything else. We had to find a way to break the hold the Television had on her impressionable little mind. . .


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Tips For Getting The Correct Free FormulaTips For Getting The Correct Free Formula. This tip is for anyone who receives free formula checks. If your child is on one specific brand of formula, sign up for the Nestle, Similac and Enfamil free check offers. When the checks arrive, use them all. . .


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Help With a Disobedient 4 Year Old?I have a 4 year old daughter and she has no respect for me or my partner at all. She disregards everything we say to her, never obey's us and she's always back-chatting and pulling faces behind my back. If she doesn't get her own way she screams and cries.


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Alternatives to High Chairs for BabiesWhen looking into highchairs for babies, think about alternative options. If you already have a dining room table you may not need a typical high chair. . .


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Easy Baby LegwarmersEasy Baby Legwarmers. Use adult socks. If baby doesn't like having her feet covered, use older sox and cut the toes off them first.


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What Should I Bring For My New Baby?My husband and I are having our first daughter within the next couple of weeks and we are close enough that we will be able to visit with my family for lunch then his for dinner and it'll be less than a mile home.


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My Daughter Is Starting To Date?My daughter is starting to date. Do you know how I can help with this milestone in life?


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