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Son Giving Up Scholarship For Girlfriend?Since his sophomore year, he has been approached to play college basketball and has received a few scholarships which we were excited for him. He now says he doesn't want to play basketball and wants to live in the city and attend college there.


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Parenting A Four Year Old?My daughter is almost 4 and she is beyond attached to me. I can't explain it any other way other to say that it is extremely exhausting and unhealthy. I don't know what to do. Besides the extra clingy thing, she also has a really hard time listening. From the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to sleep, it's an ongoing battle.


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Son Declining Baseball Scholarship for Girlfriend?My son has been playing baseball since 4 years old. It has always been his dream to play in college and maybe be a pro someday. Recently, out of the blue, another college heard he was "free" and offered him a great scholarship to come play for them. In the meantime, his girlfriend, who is a senior in HS, has had some rough family issues since she was 8. Now, my son has this opportunity and he does not want to take it because he does not want to leave her.


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Convincing Parents to Drop Extra TutoringMy mum forces me to have lessons with tutors outside of school. I'm really busy (with clubs, homework, etc.) and I barely have any free time! I get good marks on tests and in class, follow the rules and so on. I don't need the lessons, I'm not struggling in school but it's not too easy. The lessons are extremely boring, not helpful, and I'm getting really sidetracked from school worrying about them!


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6 Year Old Child Lies, Steals, and Acts Out?I have a 6 year old boy who is peeing and pooping and rubbing it into his floor because he says he doesn't get what he wants. My wife and I have told him that if he listens and does good he can have what he wants. He steals candy and then lies about it. We have tried everything.


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Allowing Your Daughter to Date at 11?My daughter really likes this boy and they are in the same class and he asked her if she wanted to date him. She asked me and I don't know if I should let her; she is 11.


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Issues with an Adult Child & Rent?I live on low income disability. My paid for house is in desperate need of several repairs. My adult child and small grandchild moved in with me. They work 140 hrs per month and pay me $250 monthly to watch the child. I asked for $100 month "rent to start making repairs". They said "NO! The home is paid for. I'd rather live on my own than give you my $$."


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Asking Mom for a Bra?I'm 13 and my bra is getting a little small. I don't know how to ask for another one without being embarrassed. My mom hasn't noticed me only wearing sports bras and I really need help.


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Finding Help After the Loss of a Child?I lost my only child. I am having trouble coping. Although he was an adult, he really was all I had. Is there anyone else going through this pain?


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Allowing Teens to Go to Overnight Coed Parties?Should I let my 14 old daughter go to overnight coed birthday party?


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How to Talk to Kids about School Shootings?How do I talk to my kids about school shootings? I have been living abroad and my family and I just moved back to the United States. My kids grew up in a different country where firearms were illegal for citizens to own. My son just started 2nd grade today and I realized he probably doesn't know about school shootings.


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Anxiety Over Wearing Knickers?My 5 year old daughter has developed a fear of wearing her knickers over the past few months which has gradually gotten worse to the point where she screams her head off, cries and throws herself to the floor if we try to get her to wear them. When we do manage to get her to wear them as soon as she goes for a wee she will refuse to put them back on.


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Remedy for a 6 Year Old Child Peeing in the House?Any update on 6 year old peeing in house? I'm going through same thing.


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3 Year Old Is Aggressive Towards Baby?My 3yr would grab his brother's head and kiss it. This was very new and different for us because he took becoming a brother very hard and would stay far away. The baby is 7 months old and crawling now, so he seems to be more OK with him being around. Yesterday he kicked his brother and got in trouble. He later went over and kissed the baby on the top of his head, but also shook his head.


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Apologizing to Your Parents After a Fight?I kinda pissed my parents off really badly today. Any advice? I've apologized multiple times and tried being a sweet little angel, but they're still super pissed at me. I'm 15 and had my first fight that the rebel teens do with my parents.



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Taking a Toddler Bowling?My grandson went bowling the other day - he just loved it. He's 3 1/2 yrs old - he's very strong & tall for his age. Is 3 or 4 yrs old too young?


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Kids Constantly Fighting Over Xbox Controller?My kids fight over the Xbox game console all day long. I've taken it away, put them on restrictions, tried talking to them, but nothing works. I really want to do bad things to that Xbox. Should I?


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Finding a Teen Job?I am about to turn 15 in June. I need to find a job so I can make some money to get a car so I don't have to walk to school on cold mornings and so I don't have to ask for a ride to go places?


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Child Has Poop Accidents in Pants?My 5 year old will pee in the pot throughout the day, but will poop in their pants. They clean their self up and have no problems about feeling remorse.


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7 Year Old Wetting Herself?My daughter is 7 and she wets herself all the time. I have 2 children who live w/my parents due to their father being so abusive while we were still together. The kids never were in direct line of the abuse plus my daughter was only 18 months old at that time. My parents shame her and belittle her.


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Is 13 Too Young to Have a Boyfriend?So I'm in love with this guy and I think he likes me too. He's one year older than me. And I really wanna be with him, but am I too young?


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Teaching Children the Value of Money?How do I show a child the value of money? Mom used to sit with me and pay bills with me. Now, everything is all on auto payments. Does anyone have suggestions for how to explain how things work?


What Do Babies Dream About? - closeup of a baby's face

What Do Babies Dream About?Mothers may have more intuition when it comes to this question. I'd like to hear from them. But on the other hand, just a good imagination might give us some insight. So, anyone with any ideas, feel free to answer.


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Finding Sponsors for Daughter's Cheerleading Activities?Is there anyone that can help point me in the right direction. I am looking for companies or organizations that sponsor cheer-leaders. We live in the northern Virginia area. My daughter is 15 years old and she has been a cheerleader since she was 6 years old, cheering for 2 different all-star teams.


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Mending a Broken Relationship with an Adult Daughter?My daughter drinks heavily, says she's bipolar, and is in a second marriage that's going sour. She left her first husband and kids for another man 12 years older who treats her like a child. Every couple of months she leaves him to come to my house putting her job in jeopardy.


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Potty Trained Toddler Wetting the Bed at Night?My 27 month old boy stopped wetting the bed when he turned 24 months, but all of a sudden he started peeing on himself during the day and wetting the bed. What might be the problem?


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Getting a Teen to Budget His Pay?My 18 year old son just got his first job. It's part-time, 23 - 30 hours/week at $10/hr. So far he is on his 8th paycheck and has blown it all. Each week, he promises to start saving but doesn't. He says it's his money and he'll decide.


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Babysitting Ideas?I'm babysitting 2 kids for 10 hours every weekday for 3 weeks. I had my first day and it was awful. The kids and I don't click and they get bored really easily. I had only babysat them at night before and had to entertain them for a couple of hours. Now I'm having to entertain them all day (they're both above five).


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Babysitting Ideas?I'm 13 and about to babysit two boys in the summer, one is eight and the other is five. This is my first year and I'll have them two times a week all day. What fun things should I do?


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Job Ideas for a Teenager?I am from India. I am 14 years old. Can you give me some tips for making money?



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Activities for Children 3 and 5 Years Old?I babysit two boys, one is three and the other is five. I babysit them for two hours every Wednesday and Friday. I am looking for ideas for activities to do with them. They both love dinosaurs, superheroes, board games, and charades.


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Grandchild Not Grateful for Birthday Gift?I sent my new college freshman grandson $50 on his birthday for his on-campus account last week. I know he knows I did so, because my son told me he had let my grandson know I did. Knowing my grandson responds to text messages, here's the one I just composed to him:


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Requirements for Getting a Lifeguard's License?I'm a young teen in Maryland who is interested in getting her lifeguard license. However I don't know how old you have to be or the laws on that.


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Job Ideas for a 12 Year Old?My daughter is 12 years old and she really wants to earn money fast. I don't know what she can do. She wants to work for money, and I don't know what.


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Daytime Wetting by 7 Year Old Twins?I have twin girls that are almost 7 years old that still wet their pants during the day, but not at night. I have had them to the doctor and they have run all kinds of test on them. They all come back negative.


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Teens and Consumerism?My ultra-frugal shopping has gone unopposed by my son. He is almost 13, and is succumbing to peer pressure and hearing comments that he wears "poor people shoes", etc. We can afford the brands of clothing he's wanting, but....


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Job Ideas for a 10 Year Old?My kid is 10 years old and wants to earn money because she is tired of being broke. What job is best, that is safe and good for her to do?


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Asking Dad's Permission to Wear a Crop Top?I really like the crop top style, and I've been working to have abs so I can wear one. My mom said it was fine with her, but my dad would have a literal heart attack. I love my dad very much, but I don't think he'll understand that I'm not doing this for attention or boys or anything like that.


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Babysitting Activities for a 5 Year Old?I'm babysitting a 5 year old boy until 5:00 today and I am miserable. He can't stay occupied for very long, he's demanding, and starts to cry when he doesn't get his way. If I can keep him occupied he's a very well behaved kid, but I have run out of ideas. Help!


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Babysitting Activities for a 2 Year Old?I am babysitting a 2 year old boy for the first time, I have never met him nor the mother. I am stumped on activites and fun things he will enjoy doing. Do any of you have some ideas? Also, what are some tips to stop a 2 year old from crying/having a tantrum? I am 13 years old.


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Teen Job Ideas?I am 13 and I really need to make some money. I don't know how to. Any suggestions?


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Raising a Mouthy Grandchild?I have been doing this alone for close to 7 years. I have had this little guy since he was a day old. He is an only kid and spoiled rotten! Since he has started school, he has gotten mouthy with me. I will send him to time out the and words are screamed out the door. How do I deal with this?


Asking Mom for a Bra?I'm 13 years old. I started wearing sports bras when I was around nine as my breasts are huge. Recently, I feel the need of a bra. I feel really embarrassed to talk to my mom about it, I've tried giving her a few hints, but she doesn't notice.


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Monitoring Your Child's Texting?My daughter's friend recently got invited to the park by a boy two years older than her and asked my daughter to go with her. I read all of her texts after getting a call from her friend's mother, and the fact that they were using occasional profanity astonished me.


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Are Mylar Balloons Safe for Children?How safe is the mylar/foil balloon for children?



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Babysitting Activities for 2-9 Year Olds?I'm babysitting 6 kids 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. I have 3 girls and three boys and they all have different tastes except crafts. Anyone have any other activities I could do with them?


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Tween Dating?My daughter really likes this boy. She's 11, as is the boy. I heard a few days ago from the boy's mom that the 2 are a 'couple'. What do I do?


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Dealing With a Sibling's Friends?I am 13 years old and I need some advise on how to deal with daily unannounced visits by my younger sister's friend. It's summer vacation and both our parents are at work. My sister's friend visits us every day from 1 pm to 5 pm and sometimes it's very annoying and sometimes I don't want her company.


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Finding Jobs for a 13 Year Old?I'm 13 and I need a job. I live in Liberty, Missouri. All I can think of, is mowing lawns and babysitting. But there aren't any kids to babysit in my neighborhood, and mowing lawns isn't really ''my thing''.


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Adult Daughter Is a Mess?My adult daughter has been going in a downhill spiral for a long time now. She has been in a loveless marriage for at least ten years. She has been in and out of alcohol treatment for at least that long. She has had several jobs and has been let go from the last three due to her alcoholism.


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Jobs for 13 Year Olds?I'm 13 and my friend and I are looking for fun and easy ways to earn money. Any ideas?


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Babysitting Activities?I have babysat these kids before, they are 4 and 9. They want to play house, Barbies, etc. constantly. I mean all day long literally. I need something that they will like just as much and be time consuming so they can have a variety of things to do.


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Babysitting Tips?Can somebody give me good baby sitting tips for 9 year olds and 5 year olds please?


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Adult Son is Argumentative?I could use a bit of help. My son is 35. He is spending Christmas with his wife's family which is only right, we take turn. He is demanding that I hand over the Christmas gifts for the children as they are not allowed to open them before.


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Babysitting Activity Ideas?I need help thinking of ideas for babysitting 5 younger kids.


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Concerns About Unsupervised Activities for Young Teens?I have concerns about a 13 year old girl and her 14 year old friend being dropped off at concerts/theme parks with no adult supervision. Are her dad and I overreacting or is this neglect?


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Fun Babysitting Activities?I am babysitting a 4 year old boy and a 7 year old girl tomorrow for 13 hours. They are tired of my ideas, please help. We have done Play Doh, painting, face paint, bear caves (decorating paper cups), forts, movies, baking, water fights, pretend ....


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Adult Child Distancing Himself from Mother?I have a very loving relationship with my adult son. However there are times when he distances himself from me for no apparent reason. He doesn't answer my calls or texts even after I've tried him several times. This makes my heart heavy.


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Planning a Car Wash?How do you do a car wash?


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Aggressive 3 Year Old Step Daughter?My 3 year old step daughter is very aggressive with her younger sister, who is 22 months old. She is always hitting, biting, kicking, pushing and pinching her. There have been multiple times when the little one has even shed blood at the hands of her sister with scratches and bites.


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Advice for Making Money?I am a 13 year old girl and I need money. My mom and dad don't believe in giving me money for doing chores, because it is my responsibility. Does anyone have any ideas?


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Babysitting Activities for 5 and 7 Year Old Girls?I'm 15 and I'm watching a 5 year old girl and a 7 year old girl from 4pm to 11pm. What fun activities should I do with them?


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Answering an Adopted Child's Questions?My adopted granddaughter (now 7 years old) is obsessed with seeing her birth mother. She was adopted at the age of 6 months. It is an open adoption, but the birth mother has never tried to contact her or be involved in any way.


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Babysitting Activity Ideas?I'm babysitting tomorrow and I need some ideas for some activities i can do. There are 4 kids, 3 boys and a girl, (youngest to oldest boys ages- 3,6,8, girl- 11).If you have any suggestions, that would be great!


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Advice for Babysitting an Infant?I want to babysit all ages, but I'm worried about the worst coming first. Like what if the parents forget milk and it's still on breast milk?


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Job Ideas for Teen?I am a 13 year old girl and I am an A+ student who loves kids and animals. What can I do to earn some money?


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Jobs for Teens?I'm a 13 year old boy that's good with technology. I don't want a way to make money that costs money.


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Tips for Teen Babysitters?I'm 13 and starting a babysitting service, but don't know how much to charge and need help with babysitting tips.


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When Can Babies Sit Up Alone?My daughter is about 10 months old; she can't sit, but she is looking OK. If I take my hand away she goes backwards.


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Teen Job Ideas?I'm 13 and I wanna make some money. I need it for up coming Christmas. I don't know anyone around my area, so I can't ask if they want me to do chores and I don't think shops would want me either.


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Finding a Job at 14?What are some places in Virginia that a 14 year old can find a job?


Fun Jobs for 14 Year Olds?I'm fourteen and I love horses. I want to save up and buy a horse of my own, including registration in an equestrian center, tack, feed, and all that! How can I earn money in a fun and safe way? Thanks!


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Activity Ideas for Babysitting?I would like your advice on what activities I should do when I babysit two girls? They are 8 and 10, but the ten year old had a tumor removed from her head. I am not sure what types of activities I could do with both of them. Please help me.


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Tech Jobs for a 14 Year Old?I'm 14, and looking for a job. I have a lot of skill when it comes to PCs and am wondering if there is any way that I could use said skill to earn more money? I can assemble a computer, diagnose hardware related problems, and remove/repair/reinstall most software.


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Job Ideas for Teens?I'm 13 years old and I'm looking for a way to make money. But the thing is that I live in a pretty bad neighborhood so babysitting and dog walking won't work for me. I need to find a way to make money, but how? Please help.


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Older Child Afraid of the Dark?My middle child is 12 now and is still afraid of the dark because she feels unsafe and believes that if she turns the light off someone will kidnap her or kill her in a twisted way. How do I assure her that she is safe?


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Teen Making Money Ideas?I'm 13 and I really want to make money. I am really good with animals, I have a pet snake, a cat, and 2 dogs. My sis and I really want to make good money. We considered dog walking and if you think this is good, how much would be a good reasonable price to ask for? Also give other ideas. Thanx.


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How Can 14 Year Old Boys Make Money?I'm a 14 year old boy who is really good with technology. Any suggestions on how I can make some money?


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Jobs for Kids?I'm a girl that is not old enough to find proper work, but need a job to help my family. Do you know anything that I can do that wouldn't cost much? (Also I can't pet sit since we live in an apartment.)


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Babysitting Activities?What fun stuff can you do with a 5 year old and a 7 year old?


Potty Training a 3 Year Old?I have a 3 year old daughter named Breawna. My husband and I started potty training her when she was 2 and she was doing really well, but later on that year my mother-in-law's colon cancer returned full force and shortly after that she passed away.


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Self Employment Ideas for Young Adults?I've been reading all the great ideas posted, however in Missouri there seems to be very little to no help. Are there any other self employment ideas?


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Middle School Melee - Getting a Boy to Read?Any additional suggestions on how to get a middle school/junior high boy to read? I am concerned about my grandson. I know my daughter would be interested in her son's academic improvement.


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Summer Actives for Teens?My friends and I are 17 (girls) and we're looking for more things to do. We have access to a car.


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Summer Fun for Boys?My friend and I both have two sons ages 13 and 11 and we are looking for some inexpensive ideas to help them enjoy their summer break without breaking our purses. Please help!


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Getting Son to Take Care of Braces?I spent $4000 on my son's braces and he doesn't follow the dentist's rules of brushing and putting bands on. He's had them on longer than he should. Have any ideas?


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Behavioral Issues With Teen Aged Son?I have an almost 16 year old son who misbehaves and is disrespectful. He calls me names and tell me that I'm a liar when I'm clearly speaking the truth.


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Toddler Kicked Younger Brother?Today my four year old daughter kicked my 13 month old son in the head. When asked why she did this she said" because she wanted too." She has never done this before. What should I do? I'm a old fashion husband and I know what my dad would have done, but I feel there's a better way. Any suggestions?


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Summer Activities for Teenager With a Disability?I have a teenage son with a disability living in New York. His disability limits the amount of walking he can do. I do drive. I wanted to know what fun activities he can join or do during the summer.


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Teen Job Ideas?My name is Nathan. I'm 14. I live in the woods and have no way to make money to save up for a car. I only have 1 neighbor. Anyone have any ideas?


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Unique Name Instead of Gramma?I am going to be a first time gramma any day. I am only 38 yrs. old and gramma sounds just old. I never really had a nick name and I want to find a unique, different name for my grandchild to call me. My real name is Monica Lynn if that helps.


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Writing a Thank You Note?What is the appropriate time line for a grandchild to write a thank you note for a birthday present? Thank you.


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Natural Remedies for Baby With Colic?I think my baby has colic. Each evening, she cries and cries. There's nothing I can do to pacify her. I've tried swaddling and Harvey Karp's "5 S's". Anyone have any other suggestions?


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Gas Drops or Gripe Water for Crying Baby?Anyone know the difference between gas drops and gripe water? My baby is crying, arching his back, and I'm trying to see if either of these would help.


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Children and Long Hair?My daughter is almost 12 and has super long hair down to the middle of her back. Should I cut her hair short or keep it? It's a lot of work when I comb it she always screams about the knots. I told her she will have to take care of it; she does not always. Any opinions?


Toddler Has Temper Tantrums?I'm 22 and have a 16 month old son. He gets very angry and has started kicking doors and biting himself hard enough to leave marks. I've tried to stop him and explain to him that what he is doing is wrong. I feel like I'm hitting my head of a brick wall. Any ideas?


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Young Toddler Crying All of the Time?I have a 14 month old that won't stop crying. I have not changed her diet or routine, sometimes she is crying while I am holding her. I just don't know what to do anymore. It is causing stress between my bf and I. Can someone give any advice?


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Keeping a Journal?A person wrote about journaling her granddaughter's quotes she made to her. I love it and have been looking for a journal to do this.


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Developing a Routine for a Special Needs Child?My child has learning disabilities and I need help getting him into a strict routine. Any ideas?


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Appropriate Diet For A Nine Year Old?My son is only nine and weighs about 109 pounds. He is about 4 foot 2 inches tall. I am worried. Should I put him on a diet?


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Treating an Infant's Cold?What can I do to help my little one with a cold? He is 4 months old.


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Safety Concerns With Jogging Alone?My close cousin is 15 and she wants to go running by herself in her neighborhood and her mom doesn't want her to go anywhere alone.


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