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Plumping Up Thin Hair?Does anyone know of something that really works and is really good to plump up thinning hair in women?


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Allergic Materials in Carpets?We are in the process of replacing our carpet in the bedroom. I'm reading about allergic responses to some carpet materials. Can you elaborate? My husband says "it's from the adhesive bonding materials used." Is he right?


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Using it Up - Lotions, Shampoo, Perfume?My niece was telling me that she often receives gifts of scented bubble baths, lotions, perfumes, shampoos and conditioners that she can't use because she doesn't care for the scent. Does anyone have ideas on how to put these to other uses?


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Lemon Juice on Skin and Hair?Please, please, answer my question as soon as possible. Can you use fresh lemon juice on face and body skin or should you dilute it with rosewate?


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Makeup for Large Pores?I have large pores on my nose and on the skin on either side of my nose. I call it "orange peel" skin because nothing conceals the pore size. The rest of my facial skin is normal and has no large pores. Every makeup I've used settles in these pores and looks bad at the end of the day. Does anyone have a brand of makeup that is best or any tips for this problem? -ATB


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Aloe Vera Juice?I have aloe vera plants outside and I'm looking for a recipe for aloe vera juice. Anybody got one?


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Cutting Your Kids Hair?I have been looking for ways to save money and would like to start cutting my kids hair myself but don't want them to look like Frankenstien or the Beatles (I guess that wouldn't be too bad). :-) Anyone have any hair cutting tips? I have never done it before. Thanks, Jenni


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Migraine Headaches?My daughter has very bad migraines. Has anyone found any thing that helps? Thanks


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Frugal Solution Needed For Extremely Dry Feet and Callous Removal?I would like to know if there is an alternative to expensive pedicures (even at the beauty school here they are $20, the salon/esthetician is $30-$60). My feet are very dry and calloused, moisturizing, even using petroleum jelly at night with cotton socks isn't enough.


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Remedy for Sore Gums?i would like to know more about sore gums my gums has been sore for 3 weeks. Helen


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Looking for Advice on Hearing Aids?I am having a hearing problem and am checking into getting a hearing aid. Can someone tell me their experiences with this - whether good or bad.


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Looking For A Natural Cough Medicine?My son has coughed for a month. He's been to the doctor twice, on antibiotics twice. He has no other symptoms other than a cough so bad that he either throws up or has bronchial spasms and can't breath air in or out.


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The Best Tired Muscle Relief?For sore, tired muscles I have found that one of the best ways to get relief is to simply sit in a bathtub full of water that is as hot as I can stand. I sometimes will add a little bubble bath or bath salts to add some extra relaxation. By Robin What do you do for tired muscles?


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Anti Aging Moisturizers?Does anyone know what the differences is between Oil of Olay versus Mary Kay products. Both seem to be good, but I would like to get one product and stick with it instead of switching all the time. -penguin21


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Helping Someone Who Is Choking?Tips for helping you are or someone else who is choking. Post your ideas.



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Cough Remedy Using Brandy?I am looking for a natural cough remedy using brandy. I've been pretty much using it mixed with water. It's the only relief I have found yet. Could anyone suggest other ingredients to add to this mixture? I've had this cough for a week and as soon as I lie down the coughing begins. The brandy works for about 4 hours and then it begins again.


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Using Elmer's Glue To Make Hair Spikes?I'm going to try elmers glue to put my hair in spikes... does it come out easy!? mohawk chick


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Controlling Underarm Wetness?Please inform me on some ways to control underarm wetness.


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Preventing and Treating Cataracts?Tips for preventing and treating Cataracts. Post your ideas.


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Make Your Own Blush?I love the creamy style blush! I would like to know if anyone knows how to make your own creamy blush? Thanks!


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Sore Throat and Ear Ache?I'm fighting a sinus infection and just got an antibiotic from the doctor but it hasn't kicked in yet. So I have a very severe sore throat and ear ache. Any tips to ease the pain for these? I've tried gargling with salt water, honey and chloraseptic but it still hurts.


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Long Hair Tips?Tips for caring for long hair. Post your ideas.


Man holding back in pain.

Working Long Hours - Dealing With Pain in Feet,...I work long hours and have a lot of pain in my feet, legs and lower back. Basically, I hurt all over! I wear insoles in my shoes (not custom), and take ibuprofen for the pain. Does anyone know how to manage my pain without so much over the counter medicine?


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Solutions for Soft Fingernails?I was wondering if anyone has any ideas for something that is good to use for soft, weak fingernails. Mine are so soft that I can bend them forward. Any ideas will be appreciated.


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Using Glue to Make a Mohawk with Spikes?I'm going to try glue to put my hair in a mohawk with spikes. Does glue come out easy?


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Saving Money on Moisturizer?Tips for saving money on moisturizer. Post your ideas.


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Hair Highlight Tips?Tips for giving yourself highlights and caring for hair with highlights. Post your ideas.


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Quitting Smoking Tips?Tips to help someone quit smoking. Post your ideas.


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Hair Coloring Tips?Tips for coloring your hair, or having your hair colored. Post your ideas.


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Frugal Exercise Equipment?Tips for creating or acquiring inexpensive exercise equipment. Post your ideas.



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Electric Razor Reviews?Can anyone recommend a good electric shaver? One that shaves closely and doesn't break? Thanks, Gene


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Why does my husband's head stink by the end of the day?Why does my husband's head stink by the end of the day? He uses soap on his hair and washes it everyday.


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Dry Scalp Hair Treatments?I have very dry scalp and hair problems. What are some homemade secrets to fix this? It is very embarrassing and I need help!


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Shaving Your Legs - Tips?Tips and advice for shaving your legs. Post your ideas.


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Mohawk Color Advice?I have a mohawk but i can't decide what color to make it. Does anyone have an idea for a nice color?


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Hair Colored Like a Skunk?i'm planning to color my hair like a skunk (black hair with a white stripe in the middle.) Do you think that i should try it?


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Chamomile Face Cream Recipe?I am looking for a chamomille face cream, and\or haw to make one.


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Spending Less on Hair Coloring?Well, I did get my hair colored several months ago - it cost me $120! - I showed him a recent picture of Sandra Bullock's hair and he colored it with 4-dimensional colors that were shades of light brown to strips of champagne blonde. I LOVED IT! He made my hair look just like the picture!


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Diet Pill Advice?I was wanting to know if anyone out there knows of any good diet pills on the market. I would like to try some to help me shed a few extra pounds.


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Chigger Bites?I think I have chigger bites but I was wondering how can I get rid of them. Any suggestions? i have tried clear finger nail polish but I scratch it off. If you have ANY suggestions please post them.


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Tips for Sleeping with a Mohawk Haircut?How do I keep my mohawk from getting smashed everytime I sleep so I dont have to do it every morning!


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Solutions for Puffy Hair?I have puffy hair and it's wavy so when I try to straighten it, it doesn't work. It gets a little better but not much. I want to know how to get it to calm down and not be so dang puffy.


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Hair Removal Before Puberty?Would it be a good idea to start early to use Bladeless Hair Removal system on an 8 year old girl who is starting to show dark hair growth on legs, to maybe, deter or make hair weaker and less noticeable when she goes through puberty?


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Baby Oil After a Shower?After taking a shower use a little baby oil (the cheapest is still the best!) and then pat yourself dry. You'll be amazed at how much faster your skin will become moist and soft. Also, to prevent any falls, always rinse the tub after your done to rid any excess oil that might be there on the bottom of the tub.


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Self Tanners?I am a pale red head and want to know what self tanner's are good. I don't want to be streaky and orange. I've tried a few but they are so expensive so I don't want to keep trying everything on the market. I don't want to be really brown I just don't want to glow anymore.



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Daughter Shaving Her Sideburns?My teenage daughter shaved her sideburns and then she went further on the side of her face. I flipped out when I noticed that she did that. I kissed her cheek the other day and she had STUBBLE! Oh my gosh! Help! What do I do with her?


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Coloring Your Own Hair?Now that I've gotten, um... "older", my hair, which used to be an awful mousey brown color has turned a silvery blonde color. I remember that all my aunts on my mom's side had hair this color. It must be our Swedish/Danish heritage. My aunts used to refer to it as Nordic Blonde.


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Removing Make Up?Tips and ideas for removing make up. Post your ideas.


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Foot Care?I have the WORST feet! Does anyone have suggestions on keeping then callous free, soft and smooth? I sure would appreciate it. I have decided I don't want to wear polish. I am looking for a totally natural look.


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Sleeping Tips?What is the best way to get a good night's sleep?


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Using Up Body Lotion?I have so many bottles of nice body lotion. There is only so much of it that can be used before it loses its color or fragrance. Is there a way to combine the lotion with liquid soap to make a nice fragrant hand soap?


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Swollen Knee After Surgery?I have a swollen knee post surgery. It's been 10 months. I had shots in knee to reduce swelling, but they are not helping.


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Tony Little's Gazelle Reviews?I want to get a "Gazelle", however, there are several styles of them to choose from. I want to get something that is good, but I also have to watch how much money I spend. Does anybody out there have one? If so, what kind? Did it work for you as a form of exercise?


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Spirits of Ammonia and Coke?My mother used to take an combination of coke cola and spirits of ammonia. It was maybe 4 drops of the spirits of ammonia in a coke glass and drink.


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Perfume Bottle Won't Spray?I have some perfume that won't spray. I have cleaned the nozzles but still cannot get them to spray. Anyone have any tips to help they would be greatly appreciated.


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Spreading Rash With Blisters?Right now I have this rash that is so bad. I first noticed it by having a bad itch on my back and thought it was just one spot, but it covered a large area. Then I spent about one hour in the sun on Saturday and then on Sunday. After walking for a few hours in 90+ degree weather, I came home and had a rash just like on my back but on my midsection and on small part of my rib cage.


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Treating Poison Ivy?Any new ideas on treating poison ivy? My arms started with the rash, itch three days ago and I am about to go crazy. Not to mention that it looks so gross!


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Removing Hair Without Shaving or Waxing?Every girl at my school shaves their legs and I'm not allowed to! I've asked my mom, tried to make a deal, even asked my dad! I have alot of hair on my legs!


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Hoodia Diet Supplement?I was wanting to know if anyone has ever tried the new diet supplement called Hoodia? If so please let me know about it, as I was interested in it myself.


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Braun Shaver Clean & Charge Cartridges?Does anyone know a recipe for the alcohol based cleaning fluid in the Braun Clean & Charge Refills?


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Do I Have Dandruff?I have always had kind of oily hair. I wash it everyday. If I don't wash it everyday I get what feels like little bumps in the back part of my hair but when I scratch them off it's flakes that are stuck to my head. What could be doing this? Is it dandruff or could it just be dry scalp? What could I do about it?


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Remedies for Thin Hair?I have thin, lifeless, hair with no body. I wear it short. Does anybody have any suggestions to give body to my hair?


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Using Knox for Your Hair?I have a mohawk, around 8", and my hair is stubborn about staying up with glue and hair spray. I have have heard that knox works wonders, but I'm not sure how much or what to mix it with and so forth, any help is much appreciated.


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Natural Indigestion Remedies?I have a relative with indigestion regularly that won't take over the counter or prescriptions if she can possibly help it. Other than milk thistle, which is great for indigestion, can anyone tell me what they have done which eliminated the problem using only foods or natural items?


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Natural Homemade Tooth Powder?I want to make my own tooth powder from natural ingredients. I would like this powder to be safe enough for everyday use. I would also like to use sage or the equivalent to whiten my teeth as well. Is there a safe, homemade tooth powder that whitens, too, and can be used on a daily basis?


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Lipstick Causing Chapped Lips?Lipstick seems to be making my lips so chapped! I've tried different brands of lipsticks and lip balms (even Burt's Bees) but nothing seems to make them smooth and soft. They seem to be getting worse.


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Finding a Dentist for a Coward?How do I go about finding a dentist who caters to cowards? A family member has avoided the dentist's chair for five years now because she is pretty sure she suffers from panic attacks in the dentist's chair.


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Mohawks On Girls?Well, I'm thinking of getting a mohawk. I'm not worried about my parents and/or guys. How do Mohawks look on people with full faces? I've had a mohawk before, but I never shaved my head.


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Do I have Diabetes?I went to the doctor yesterday because I have been feeling lightheaded and my vision feels blurry. She checked my blood sugar and it was 132 and said it was pretty high. I had eaten pizza a couple hours before my appointment and she said it is possible that the pizza caused my levels to go up. She wants me to come back in if I still feel these symptoms.


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Sweaty Feet?My 10-year-old daughter complains that her feet sweating. Yes, it's summer, but she says that they are sweaty in sandles too.


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Make Your Own Shampoo?I was wondering if anyone knows how to make their own shampoo?


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Make Your Own Conditioner?I was wondering if anyone knows how to make thier own conditioner?


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Saving Money on Mascara?Tips for saving money on Mascara. Post your ideas.


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Remedies for Rope Burn?My Granddaughter was playing with a rope the other day and she put it around her neck and jumped off the porch when no one was looking. She now has a rope burn on her neck.


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Diet Tips - Desperate To Lose Weight?I'm not sure it this is the appropriate place to ask, but I see so many good suggestions and ideas on this website.. I thought I'd give this a try.


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Problem With Eye - Floaters?I have recently developed a floater in my left eye (black spidery lines) which is very annoying. I have been to the opticians and doctors and they said there is not much I can do about it. Anyone else get these and is there anything that will help them go away.


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Problems With Sweating?I have a real problem with sweating and it is really embarrasing. I take dance lessons and within the first 2 minutes my clothes are wet and sweat is running down my face, it seems like anything I do causes this. Has anyone else had this problem and what can be done about it?


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Tips for Losing 50 (or more) Pounds?I have tried everything to lose 60 pounds. I am about to turn 40. Any ideas on how to finally deal with this problem would be gratefully accepted. Because our good Lord knows, my ideas are not working up to this point.


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Buying Beeswax Tips?There are so many great beauty recipes which contain beeswax. Where online can I get some small quantities of cheap beeswax?


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Contact Dermatitis Help?My best friend has a severe case of contact dermatitis. His arms are scarred from all the itching. His face, arms and hands become VERY irritated and break out. He's 40 and this has only been happening for about 4 years. His dermatologist gave him an allergy test and he's allergic to almost everything now. We know it has a lot to do with his immune system.


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Inexpensive, Unscented Liquid Soap?I have been looking for inexpensive, unscented liquid soap. I like to make my own bubble bath soap. I found some at a whole foods store, but it seems to be so expensive. Any other ideas?


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Helping My Husband Lose Weight?I would like some advice on how to get my husband to lose some weight without hurting his feelings or making him feel unloved or ugly.


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Coping With Fibromyalgia-CFS?I have fibromyalgia-cfs. If anyone else out there has this and has any ideas on making daily living, ie; chores, etc. easier and less taxing on the body, please share. I have days where I'm in so much pain it's hard to even take a shower. My hands hurt so much just holding a tooth brush hurts.


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Feeling Lightheaded?I have been very lightheaded as well as having sinus pain, pressure and headaches for the last 2 1/2 weeks. Being lightheaded is my biggest complaint. My doctor seems to think it is from allergies even though I dont have any other allergy or cold symptoms.


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Asking My Mom To Let Me Shave?My name is Katie and I am 14 years old. I am a freshman in high school, and I dont shave. I would really like to but I am just too afraid to ask my mom. I am so embarresd by it and I need your adivce. I was wondering if I should just start (buy my own razors and go for it) or if I should just ask my mom.


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Dry Cuticles and Dry Lips From Wearing Disposable Gloves and Masks?I work in a dentist office and use non-powdered gloves and disposable face masks. My cuticles are very dry and itchy and are coming up off the nail bed and my lips are also itchy and dry and peeling. Both my nails and lips are painful. I've tried vaseline, chapstick, aveeno lip moisturizer, bendryl allergy cream, triple antibiotic on both my lips and nails.


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Adding Tea Tree Oil to Hand Soap?I was wondering if anyone knows if you can add tea tree oil to any handsoap? And if so, how much and what kind of soap is best? Or is there a good hand or body soap already made using tree tea oil?


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Budget Mineral Makeup Store?Does anyone know of a budget mineral makeup store online for e.g. sheer miracle, bare essentials, or other items that are just as good.


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Is Using Bar Soap Safe?I have a question. I remember many years ago, ads on TV about bar soap (that had been used) harboring germs. Is it true? Or was that just a marketing ploy for SoftSoap? I have spent years being paranoid about using bar soap for handwashing, but I wonder if it is unfounded.


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Homemade Sanitizer for Makeup Brushes?How can I make a homemade sanitizer for makeup brushes? I know rubbing alcohol cleans, but is it sufficient to sanitize?


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Questions about Tramadol?I have fibromyalgia and the doctor has put me on new medication. Does anybody out there take Tramadol? It is friday night and I will talk to a doctor tomorrow but not the same doctor that prescribed it. I have some questions about it.


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Rebates for Prescription Drugs?My husband regularly takes several prescription drugs. I have seen where sometimes you can get a rebate coupon for up to $30 on prescriptions - does anyone know if there is a website that you can check drugs you are taking to see if they qualify for such rebates?


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Product that Reuses Remnants of Soap?Does anyone know of a product that re-uses remnants of soap. When it's ready to be thrown away, there is a device to put the slivers into, and suds up with water. I had seen one about 15 years ago when recycling was unheard of.


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Using Tint Makeup?Has anyone ever used a "stain or tint" make-up. I have a bottle (looks just like a nail polish bottle) however I can't read any of the words on it anymore. I think it came from the Color Institute however I can't find anything about it on the web site.


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Cleaning Hair Off Velcro Hair Rollers?I use those velcro hair rollers, but after some usage, loose hair becomes stuck to the rollers and then they don't work very well. Does anybody have an easy way of taking the hair off the rollers? Picking it off by hand is very time consuming!


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Colored Contacts?Where can I find colored contacts?


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Frugal Hair and Body Care Tips?I'd like to know of frugal hair and body care tips.


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Removing Beeswax Hair Remover From Skin?How can I remove leftover beeswax hair remover from skin?


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Spending Time at the Hospital?My husband was diagnosed with cancer today. He is 39 years old. We have a long road ahead of us with many hours to be spent in hospitals. We have never walked this road before and would like some input on how to make this experience workable for us.


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Inexpensive Treadmills?My wife and I are looking for a good, low-budget treadmill. Do you have any suggestions on which brands, models, etc?


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Controlling Large Pores and Blackheads?I would like to know how I control large pores and blackheads. I have tried many products and none seem to work! i don't have a lot of money and hate wasting it on products that don't work.


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Tired of Shaving My Legs?When do women stop shaving their legs. I have shaved every day for the last 40+ years and I am sick of it. Do you just quit or do you shave every few days?


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