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Egg White To Draw Out BoilsA way to treat and draw out boils is to crack an egg, take the egg white and put it on the boil. Put a bandage on it and leave overnight. When you wake up, you will see a big change. Do this as often as you like until the boil has gotten the core out.


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Use A Sanitary Napkin As A Wound DressingMy friend recently had breast surgery for cancer and when the drainage tube was taken out she had an infection. She was told to keep a clean bandage on at all times.


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Water Down Expensive PerfumeNice perfume can be very expensive, so most of us don't tend to buy it, but I found if you go to freebie websites like hunt4freebies and you can get free samples of expensive perfumes in the trail size bottles.


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Pickle Juice to Control Blood SugarI read in a magazine that taking 2 oz. of apple cider vinegar before meals helps control your blood sugar. Tried it - YUCK! But I did try sugar free (made with Splenda) pickle juice from Vlasic. This has worked like a charm.


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A&D Ointment As Night CreamA wonderful night moisturizing cream, possibly in your medicine cabinet! I stumbled across a wonderful, cheap nightcream. A & D Ointment.


A trash bag being used as a cape for cutting hair.

Trash Bag as Cape for Cutting HairBeing homebound with the Covid-19 virus for over 2 months and needing haircuts before the virus, I think our hair grew faster than ever. My husband was getting desperate for a haircut and it will be another two weeks before his hair appointment. He decided he would let me cut his hair.


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Use A Butter Knife To Get Rid Of HiccupsTo get rid of hiccups, pour cold water in glass and put a stainless steel butter knife into the glass. As you drink the water, the hiccups disappear almost instantly!


A picture of little black bugs.

Little Black Bugs Could Be ScabiesI had little bugs crawling on me, in my hair and in my clothes. I kept finding black specks that didn't move. I would notice glitter on my face in the sun light. I didn't realize this was scabies. I washed, sprayed and bombed; nothing seemed to work. Unfortunately, I gave scabies to my friend. She told me the only way to get rid of these bugs was to get ivermectin.


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Use Super Glue to Stop Nail SplittingI have a fingernail that always splits in the same place. There seems to be a ridge in the nail. If I get busy and don't keep the nail filed and buffed, the nail splits all the way to the quick.


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Vicks Vapor Rub for Minor BurnsFor minor burns, such as steam burns in the kitchen, after running cold water on the burn, you can put Vicks Vapor Rub or a similar product on it and it will take the sting/soreness out of the burn!


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Use Half A Benedryl to Avoid Side EffectsMy son and I both have pollen and various topical allergies. It seems that Benadryl is the only thing that works for either of us. Since he does a lot of driving in connection with his work, he bought the little pink Benadryl tablets and broke them in half.


A woman wearing a sleeveless sun dress with her arm in a sling.

How to Survive Weeks in an Arm SlingAfter having surgery on my shoulder for a torn Rotator Cuff two weeks ago, I've learned a few useful things that might help you one day.


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Anise Extract for Acid RefluxMy son-in-law and I both had acid reflux. I went to the store and tried to find licorice oil with no luck. I finally went to the grocery store in the seasonings aisle. I found anise extract.


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Generic Zyrtec is Not as GoodI just wanted to throw my two cents in about the generic Zyrtec. My husband does real well on Zyrtec, the allergy medicine. Well we tried to save a little money and bought the Walmart brand equate, there are some differences in the ingredients but we didn't think a lot.


Fig Milk for Wart and Skin Tag Removal

Fig Milk for Wart and Skin Tag RemovalThe milk that is inside of the stems of fig branches is a natural and highly effective way to remove warts and skin tags without the dangers of chemical acids.



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Finding it Hard to Drink Enough Water?Many people do not like water. It's plain and very simple. Even though it is a needed element to keep our bodies from becoming dehydrated. Many people just don't care for water. What can you do to help water taste better? Filtering it helps but the major way to change the flavor is to find some herbs (lavender or mint), vegetable slices (celery, ginger, or cucumber), or fruit (lemon, lime, strawberries, or grapefruit). The trick is to find ones you like to fuse with water and make them taste better for your consumption. Here are some other ways to help you get the water you need each day:


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Fibrous, Filling and Fat Burning: Eating Carbs and Still Losing WeightThis time of year many are thinking of losing weight, changing diets, and looking for different foods to eat. Many dieters will shy away from carbs because carbs are seen as being the culprit in weight going up instead of down. But, doing away with carbs or eating the wrong ones can mean you may be robbing yourself of important nutrients.


Foods containing fiber.

Fiber Is The WordDoes your diet contain complex carbs, lean protein, healthy fats, and fiber? Fish, lean meats such as beef or pork, dairy products, and fruits and vegetables include these needed nutrients. The body needs certain nutrients to help it remain healthy, lose weight, maintain weight, and live longer. Instead of counting and keeping track of calories, it might be easier to keep track of fiber. In doing so, you may begin automatically to look for foods such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruit which are usually lower in calories than other foods.


A woman standing with a dog.

Losing Weight Without Being Able to ExerciseI was asked by a close family friend, how I lost weight. After a lot of thought about how to word everything, without hurting feelings I did my best to truthfully answer.


Two day of the week pill boxes.

Free Pill BoxesI love these little pill boxes they give out free at the pharmacy in Walmart where I get my prescriptions filled. They are white with raised letters and very good quality.


An ice pack inside.

Wearing An Ice PackWhen you don't have time to lay around on an ice pack, wear it.


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Leave Seal on VitaminsWhen you open your vitamin bottle, only cut half of the paper seal away. It's easier to get just one vitamin out at a time that way. It also prevents excessive handling of the other vitamins in the bottle, as well.


A woman in the car.

Music During Dental VisitNo one likes to go to the dentist and quite by accident, I discovered something I had done that made my visits more bearable. While waiting for my mouth to become numb, I was playing around with my phone and was listening to some music through my earbuds in high hopes it would help me relax.


Wrist Brace Sleeve

Wrist Brace SleeveI have developed tendonitis in my wrist and the doctor gave me a wrist brace to wear. It was not as comfortable as I would like so I cut an old sock off, just below the heel, made a little hole in the heel for my thumb and I had a sleeve to go over my arm under the brace. To keep the holes from stretching, I hand stitched around them and pulled the stitches up to fit my hand. The extra padding has made the biggest difference in the comfort of this wrist brace. I don't mind wearing it at all now.


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Mixing Disappointing Hair ProductsHave you ever used a hair product like mousse, gel, cream, spray, etc. that for whatever reason was a disappointment? Maybe you didn't like the scent or its performance on your hair. Instead of tossing it in the garbage, I have a frugal solution that has worked well for me.


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Check for Drug InteractionsI take 32 pills per DAY, not week, and 2 eyedrops, and 5 topical ointments. I put them all on and found that I can only take 8 of them! Half interferes with one drug, and the other half totally wrecks glaucoma! One of the eyedrops interferes with the main drug, too.


Using a thick book for step exercises

Thick Book for Step ExercisesAfter sitting on the shelf for many years, this 1969 dictionary has come in handy. I don't want to get rid of it and I've found another use for it.


A small scrape on an arm.

Ease Itchy Rashes or ScrapesI once discovered a small rash on my arm; then a scrape on my elbow. I've also had cuts and splinters, etc. For me, cuts and scrapes hurt the most so I subconsciously lightly rubbed the rash, scrape, scratch, etc. and felt it become less itchy almost immediately. You may want to ask a doctor, but using this trick has always helped relieve my itchy sores, such as those listed above. I'd advise others to ask a professional before using my tip, but who knows? If it's safe and as it works for me, maybe it can work for you. Good luck!


A pair of nail clippers with tape on the side.

Nail Clipper HackThis nail clipper used to have a plastic shield to prevent nail clippings from flying. Unfortunately the plastic shield broke and I tried to find a replacement nail clipper (no luck).


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Baby Oil For A Dry NoseAs a little kid, I used to get bloody noses all the time. Especially in those dry winter months. But my mom would get me baby oil and I would put some on a Q-tip and put the oil in my nose. It worked wonders! They eventually stopped.



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Preventing Blisters in New ShoesAs much as I love getting new shoes, I sometimes hesitate because they always tend to rub my feet in different spots, heels, toes, etc., and cause a blister the first few times they're worn.


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Slippery Shampoo BottleI have a hard time holding onto the wide shampoo bottles with wet hands. I saw an empty syrup bottle. It has rings around the top and is not as wide at the top. I emptied my shampoo into it. Now I can securely hold on to it in the shower.


makeup brushes on top of a toothpaste holder.

Travel Toothbrush Holder for Makeup BrushesI never used this toothbrush holder for toothbrushes but really needed a case for my new makeup brushes. The toothbrush holder works very well for storing and protecting them.


Sugar pills being stored in a prescription pill bottle.

Storing Sugar Pills For DiabetesI am diabetic (Type 2) and sometimes when running errands, my blood sugar levels will drop. Doctor recommended that I keep some sugar pills on hand but that big bottle of 50 does not really fit my purse. I took one of my prescription bottles and put 5 tablets in it. Now it fits my purse and I don't have to worry about having a sugar crash while out.


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Bandaid over Bug BitesI searched how to cure itchy bug bites and tried some off the list (clean bite with rubbing alcohol, ointments, aloe vera) but those didn't work out for me. The first night wearing knee high socks worked and helped me not itch but I was getting warm at night.


A mother putting sunscreen on a young girl.

Safe Sunscreens for KidsThe Environmental Working Group (EWG) puts out a list each year of the safest sunscreens. They rate the sunscreens on five factors: health hazards, UVB protection, UVA protection, balance of UVA/UVB protection and sunscreen stability. From these analyses they give each sunscreen a score, the lower the score the better.


An expensive tube of lotion, in the shower.

Cheaper In - Shower CreamI found this cream in the back of my closet. Upon using it, I found it too greasy for my taste. However, we are sheltering in place and I didn't want to make any unnecessary trips to the store to get my usual brand. I discovered that if I apply it right after my shower to wet or damp skin, there is no greasy residue at all.


Helping Your Foot Health - left foot

Helping Your Foot HealthI have had planter facetious for years. It comes, I limp, it goes. Until 2019 when it was so bad I suffered every single step, for months. I found some relief with an insole specifically made for this malady, but it was not a permanent solution. So, I went to my podiatrist. We decided on a cortisone injection.


A dab of coconut oil to use for dry hands.

Coconut Oil for Dry HandsI think I have washed my hands more in the last two weeks than in the past two months. To keep them from getting so dry, I use lotion. In addition to the lotion, I have been using coconut oil to keep my hands soft. It's an easy application with the use of X-large disposable latex gloves.


A shirt being used as a cowl type mask.

Cowl Mask IdeaI began walking again, to counteract the shelter in place order in our state. We can walk our pets, do any essential things and such but nothing else. So, while I can keep my brain sane with crafts, I have to keep my body as fit as I can get it, plus get some fresh air.


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If You Are Healthy, You Can Still Donate BloodI keep seeing Internet notifications saying if you are healthy you can still donate blood. Reminds me of the time I gave blood. I went to the clinic and was greeted by a nice elderly nurse who directed me to a seat. She said while I was waiting she would need to get some information from me. With clipboard and pen ready, she began to ask questions.


How to Protect Yourself Against the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

How to Protect Yourself Against the Coronavirus (COVID-19)This week, the CDC has told Americans that we need to be prepared for an outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The virus has been spreading across the globe with outbreaks in China, Korea, Japan, Italy, and Iran. As of today, the US has only seen 56 cases of the disease. Currently, 8,400 people in California are being monitored for the coronavirus.


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Drink More WaterHydration is tremendously important for overall health. Soda has absolutely ZERO nutritional content; it's like pouring a punch of sugar and syrup into your cup. Instead, fill it with life-replenishing water. It may taste plain at first if you're coming off of a heavy soda-drinking streak, but you'll soon find yourself addicted to it.


Strips of paper to remind you to take morning medication.

Remembering to Take Morning MedicationsSince my blood pressure medication has been increased, it is very important that I don't forget to take it in the morning. For years, when I take my nightly medication, I have been putting my morning medication in this little jar and setting it on the counter where I will see it and remember to take it.


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Remedies for HiccupsSeveral remedies for hiccups. Share your own tips too.



Two headbands tied together for a looser fit.

Combining Dollar Tree HeadbandsI went to the local dollar tree and get 4 nice wide headbands. But, they were just a bit too tight. In fact, they hurt my ears. So today I fixed them by cutting them on the seam and tying them together. I have a nice comfortable one, that is multi-colored!


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Medical Information for EmergenciesI was in a car accident three months ago. The ambulance took me to the hospital from the car accident. I didn't have a list of the medicine I take and what I am allergic to. My tip is to keep your list of your medicine in the car or in your purse so that if you are in a accident, the doctor will know what you are taking.


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Vaseline for Preventing Hair Dye StainsOkay guys, I have been using black dye for 5+ years now and I always get covered in it, but NO MORE! Before applying, clip hairline back, and cover your face and neck entirely in Vaseline. Put on hands and arms before wearing gloves. Even hours after, a warm soapy cloth washed over stained areas, and VOILA! Gone from anywhere that's human skin.


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Lemon Juice For Clean Nails and FingersBefore giving yourself a manicure, dip your fingers in undiluted lemon juice bought at the dollar store. Let the whole top of your finger soak to get rid of dark marks. Then, just wash your hands as usual. No chemicals needed or used. This works wonders for those doing heavy soiling work. My father did way back when he worked on cars.


Using baking soda in socks to deodorize feet smells.

Baking Soda For Foot OdorsWhen I worked in construction, it was necessary for me to wear high top, steel toed, tightly laced boots. With no air circulation around the feet, a perfect breeding ground for bacteria was created. I found an effective remedy.


Two tubes of toothpaste with names marked on them.

Label Each Person's ToothpasteIt's back to school and the kiddos are bound to get sick one way or another. To prevent spreading germs, I would recommend labeling their toothpastes separately. Also, store toothbrushes away from others.


Long nails beautifully manicured with an opalescent blue polish.

How To Make Your Manicure LastI'm very conscious of how I treat my nails because I love them to stay as nicely polished as day one, for the sake of the look and the cost. This begins with making sure they are treated well before I even put the paint on, and extends to dealing with them for the coming weeks. Here are some tips to keep your manicure lasting as long as possible.


A t-shirt to dry hair.

Dry Hair Fast Without a Blow DryerAlthough it may save you some time, you don't actually need a blow dryer to dry your hair quickly. My favourite method of a quick dry uses a big soft t-shirt. This isn't only great for saving on electricity, it also saves your hair by not allowing it any heat damage. It also leaves your hair quite shiny.


Tape placed on a mosquito bite.

Put Tape on Mosquito BitesNo matter how hard you try to stay away from them, pesky mosquitos will somehow make their way to your skin. If one manages to bite you, you can banish the itchy feeling quickly by placing a piece of tape right on the bite.


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Peanut Butter And Poor SleepI think not many adults will be having before bedtime snacks of peanut butter. You might want to keep it in mind though if you have children, who like me, sometimes don't easily associate cause and effect.


An exercise mat and a pair of dumbbells for exercising.

Frugal FitnessI am trying hard to stay healthy, isn't everyone? I've tried the YMCA, which was wonderful, but it isn't close by. Between the travel cost, time and membership, I looked for alternatives.


A tea bag in a bowl with some salt.

Salt Water Tea Bag for Inflamed GumsI grind my teeth while I sleep so I wear a night guard. This helps a lot but I still chew on the guard all night. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, my gums are inflamed from doing so. Swishing with warm salt water is helpful but does not have as much as a lasting effect as using both salt water and a tea bag compress.


A toothbrush holder next to an insulin pen.

Toothbrush Holder to Protect Insulin PenI live about 15 miles from my daughters and the big city she lives in. When I go into town, I have to take my insulin pen with me. Often, it's a bit tricky for me to just "throw" it in my small purse.


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Make Bruises Go Away QuicklyApply any hemmoroid cream to a bruise that you want to clear up sooner than the waiting for a normal bruise to heal.


Two girls with masks on to prevent respiratory infections.

Use Doctor's Office Masks With CareI was appalled, disgusted, almost sickened by what I witnessed in a doctor's office this morning. I came back home and could hardly wait to share what I witnesses with all of you. Be forewarned. It is unpleasant.


3-Step DIY Hair Treatment - three supply bottles

3-Step DIY Hair Treatment TipThis at-home hair treatment works like a charm on all hair types; even the frizziest of locks. It helps your hair retain moisture and keeps your mane looking super shiny. All it takes is a liquid, an oil, and a cream. The great thing about this method is that you can even use some of the cheapest products around your house.


Using a vinegar soak before applying nail polish.

Vinegar Soak Before ManicureSoak your fingernails in a solution of 1/2 cup warm water mixed with 2 teaspoons of white vinegar for a couple minutes. Dry thoroughly, then apply your nail polish. This will get rid of all the oils on and around your nails to help your polish stay on a lot longer.


A bottle of Vaseline for using on your skin.

Vaseline for Softer SkinIf you are like me, you have used every cream and lotion available. After a visit to my dermatologist, I was told to go back to Vaseline. Yes, it is a little messy, but the real question is, how much do you want soft skin?


Feet soaking in a tub.

Contrast Bath for Foot Pain ReliefI recently learned this tip from a professional runner I train with. When you have achey feet, soak them in warm water for a few minutes, then switch to a cold water soak for a few minutes. Go back and forth between these temperatures about 6 times.


Plastic tubing cut into small sections to be used as a nasal breathing insert.

DIY Nasal Breathing InsertThose adhesive strips (to help better breathing) didn't work for me. I made my own devices instead. This is heavy rubber tubing from the hardware store; I use 5/8 inch diameter. Cut, with scissors, into approx 1/4 inch circles; you can get quite a few from 6 inches of tube.


A spoonful of minced garlic next to a mixture of garlic and honey.

Garlic: Nature's Best RemedyNot too long ago, my mother told me she started mincing up raw garlic and swallowing them like pills first thing in the morning with water, all to help her stay healthy and keep her cholesterol down. I can tell you I usually just trust her homeopathic ways, but I started doing it myself and I feel so good.


Safe Disposal of Medicine - disposal box at pharmacy

Safe Disposal of MedicineI went to get my flu shot and I am pleased to say we now have a medication disposal drop off box at our local CVS.


A wrist brace and a metal canning jar insert on a woman's wrist.

Help with Injured Wrist on the CheapIn 1975, I was injured in a freak accident. I didn't break anything, but I have a permanent injury to my left wrist. And if I overdo it, it reminds me with a searing pain that debilitates me for a day or two.


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One Armed DressingMy left shoulder was broken so I cut the left strap neatly at the front bottom edge where it joins to the cup. I attached two sticky back Velcro strips about 2 inches long, one to the inside of the strap and the other to the outside of the cup. I took the Velcro strips off when I laundered the bra and stuck them back on later.


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A Little Gob Will Do YaI've noticed that my hair lately doesn't have the same shine and bounce to it that my curly mop used to have. It seems to be rather dry even with the use of a good shampoo, conditioner and periodic olive oil and/or other homemade moisturizing treatment.


A package of dental floss.

Saving Money on Dental VisitsMedical is some of our most costly expenses and since dental visits aren't always covered by many insurances (nor by Medicare), folks sometimes don't go to their dentist every 6 months. I am not encouraging this. It's just a FACT.


A manicured hand next to a gloved and duct-taped hand, protected from hair dye.

Keeping Hair Dye Off Polished NailsOne thing that really irritates me is when I have a nice manicure and a bit of hair dye gets on my nails and they get ruined. I love to wear regular and glitter polishes, but they suck up hair dyes like a sponge.


Vodka being poured onto a soft cloth to be used in an ice pack.

DIY Reusable Soft Ice PackCombine equal parts vodka and water, then soak it up with a piece of cloth. Throw the whole thing into a plastic bag, then place it in the freezer to set up. The mixture will freeze soft-set due to the alcohol content inside, changing the freezing point, making it more comfortable on your body.


Floor mats stacked on top of each other for padding when exercising.

Stack Mats for Indoor ExerciseOfficial exercise mats and jump mats can be pretty expensive. When I'm at home, I like to run in place, do jumping jacks, and jump rope while I watch TV. The impact from the floor can be damaging to the body, so I stack a bunch of my mats on some carpets to lessen the blow.


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Sharpening Makeup PencilsI use makeup pencils for eyebrows, eye liner, and lip liner. I started putting the pencils and the sharpeners in the freezer for an hour or two before sharpening, and they will harden just enough to make it easy to do without breaking.


Small jewels attached where the manicure color has grown out.

Nail Art to Extend a ManicureSometimes my manicures stay nice and intact all over, but new nail growth will really take away from its "polished" look. To keep my nails looking fresh, I grab some baby jewels from my local Japanese dollar shop and affix them on top of the new nail growth with a bit of strong, clear polish. Fun and cheap!


A before and after weight loss photo of Atossa.

How I Lost 125 Pounds on a BudgetI'd always been a bit overweight growing up. I just thought that was the norm since most of my family members always carried extra weight. "We're a big-boned family," we'd joke. But our appetites were huge, especially coming from cultural backgrounds where food was the primary offering in times of celebration... or any occasion.


Sunless tanning lotion next to a jar of regular lotion.

Mix Sunless Tanning Lotion with Regular LotionI use half and half. If you do this, you avoid streaks, it reduces the odor of the sunless tanning product, and you save money, since the sunless product is typically more expensive than the lotion you dilute it with


Putting extra lotion in a plastic container.

No Wasting LotionWhen you get down to the last squirt from your bottle of lotion, don't throw it away. There is probably a lot of lotion still left in the bottom of the bottle.


An expensive mascara wand next to a cheap mascara.

Keep Mascara WandsIf you find a mascara that really works well for you, save the brush. That's the part that's doing all the work to get the style you want on your lashes, not the actual mascara. All mascaras are the same, just divided by waterproof or regular, so you can dip your favourite wand into any mascara and you will still love your look.


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Tea Tree Oil for Bites and BlemishesTea tree oil (melaleuca) has been miraculous stuff for me and the friends I've recommended it to. Just a dab on a mosquito bite knocks the itch out immediately and heals the bite.


A hand with blue glittery nail polish.

Paint Glue Under Glitter PolishI love the occasional glitter manicure, but when it's time to change to something more subtle, I seem to use up so much nail polish remover trying to get all the little bits off. A good way to avoid that is by painting a coat of white glue (like Elmer's) on the nails as a base coat.


A row of small empty mason jars with prescription medication bottles.

Mason Jars for Storing Daily MedicationI have tried this and that, and finally found the best way to take my medications. They have mini mason jars for 2/$1.00 at the Dollar Tree. This is 7 jars, one for each day. I have a big "I" on the top to remind me to take my insulin in the AM.


Dipping a face cloth into whey to use as a beauty treatment.

Whey for Healthy Skin and NailsThis is something I learned from my late great-aunt Azizi. Besides using whey in your cooking, you can use whey as a face toner or on your hands to balance your pH and rejuvenate your skin. I like to dip towelettes in a cup of whey and rest it on my face, then rinse it off.


A contact lens case filled with Vaseline for use as a lip balm.

Use Contact Lens Case For VaselineMy granddaughter had scarlet fever a few months ago and her lips were super dry, being so sick. Her doctor recommended Vaseline only on them. She was staying with us but when she went home to be with her mom, she didn't have any Vaseline. I was trying to figure out what to put some in and I remembered I had a full case of unused contact lens cases. I put some in it and it's been the perfect solution.


Okra soaking in a measuring cup of water.

Okra to Stabilize Blood SugarOkra has been brought up in many case studies to aid with stabilization of blood sugar levels. My father has type 2 diabetes, where it's been easy for his levels to spike with a little change in eating habits. We've been soaking cut-up pieces of okra in water overnight, then he drinks the water part of it in the morning.


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Cheap Natural Hand ScrubI tend to have a hard time with my hands being rough and not feeling soft. Recently I purchased a box of Raw Sugar at the Dollar Tree to decorate the top of cookies. Because of the coarseness of the sugar, I had a great idea. I took an old parmesan cheese container with the green shaker top, and filled it up with the Raw Sugar. I placed it on the sink next to my liquid hand soap.


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Treating Gaulding and ChafingI suffer more than most from decreased exercise and lack of circulation after becoming a disabled veteran. I found an overnight cure with just one application of Nystatin cream or powder. The best remedy for the gauding or chafing (Monkey Butt) is to first use soap and water.


A toothbrush under a folded white washcloth.

Storing a Toothbrush for Daily UseWe have all tried several different ways to deal with drippy toothbrushes in the bathroom. Those old icky containers with holes in the top, where the water drips down and forms a scum. Then the ones in the medicine cabinet that cause rust on the metal. Well listen and learn from an old lady who has done them all.


Packages of Band-Aids and Hy-Tape for covering healing wounds.

Reduce Scars When HealingThis product "Hy-Tape" is a great alternative any time to Band-Aids when we get a cut that we need to protect so it can heal correctly and be aesthetically pleasing.


Tea Tree Oil in Bowl With Cloth

Many Uses for Tea Tree OilTea Tree Essential Oil is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-septic and anti-microbial. I use 6-7 drops in my dishwater for washing dishes. Same amount in the Washing Machine for Cleaning clothes. I add some to a bowl of hot water to clean my kitchen counter tops (instead of using harsh chemicals).


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Butt Paste for Cracked HandsMy hands start to crack every winter from our dry air. Hand lotion does not seem to help. I remembered how well Boudreaux's Butt Paste Diaper Rash Ointment worked for my babies so I thought I'd try it. It really works well to help my skin heal and prevent more cracking.


A bottle of bright nail polish.

Strong FingernailsFor stronger and healthier nails, soak for 3 minutes a day in a solution of 1/2 cider vinegar and 1/2 alcohol.


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Instant Relief for Acid IndigestionMix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 cup of water. Drink immediately. It helps with sour stomach, nausea and acid stomach only seconds after drinking.


A razor blade next to a container of coconut oil.

Extend the Life of Razors Using Coconut OilIf you prefer using razor blades for a nice close shave, store them in coconut oil.


Packets of honey to be used as a hair treatment.

Honey Hair TreatmentI have coarse naturally curly hair. The only thing that really makes it feel soft and look healthy is honey. We go to Popeye's Chicken and always get extra packets of honey for the biscuits and they eventually accumulate in my pantry. I decided to put the packets in a container and put it in the bathroom where I need it for my hair.


Corn silk and cherry stems for making a healthy tea.

Corn Silk and Cherry Stems for HealthDon't throw away the silk from corn or the stems from cherries. Lay them out to dry and keep them in containers. These items have amazing anti-inflammatory and diuretic benefits that help with ailments like kidney stones, gout, rheumatism, and blood pressure.


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Support Hose for Leg PainI have always suffered from leg pain. I have had it so badly it has made me cry. I know a lot of people who use support hose for fluid retention and to prevent blood clots. I found if my legs are hurting, I can put on a pair of support hose and it helps my legs feel better.


Mixing different makeup products together to create the perfect foundation.

Mixing Foundation and Contour For LessEven when they are not the correct shade for my skin tone, I buy foundations and makeup liquids when I see them on big sales. I then mix them together to make my perfect base makeup colour. I use the darker tones for shading around the edges of my face and under my cheekbones, and the lighter ones for highlighting my brow, cheeks and nose.


A collection of different products for caring for contact lenses.

Getting the Most Out of Contact LensesContact lenses do not come cheap. It can be easy to mishandle them and let them go to waste. Here are some tips from my optometrist and myself on how to get the most out of your lenses.


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Walking for ExerciseI have enjoyed these cool mornings and have started walking our country road for 30-45 minutes each morning. This makes 4 weeks that I have been doing this daily. When I wake up in the morning, I'm ready to hop out of bed and go for my walk before breakfast.


Nails painted in Tiffany blue on a Tiffany jewelry box.

Inexpensive Nail DateAre you on a budget? You and your best friend, sister, mom, friend or cousin can do each other nails and catch up for only $1.99.


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