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Homemade Cough DropsIf you can't pronounce the ingredients, chances are you probably don't want to be putting it into your body. I read some of the ingredients in the cough drops I usually buy and was not too happy. I usually go through quite a bit of these, especially during allergy season to sooth my irritated throat.


Banana Peel Sleepy Tea

Banana Peel Sleepy TeaDon't throw away that banana peel! It will help you fall asleep tonight, for free! Just steep your clean, sticker-free peels in a pot of water for 10 minutes, sprinkle with cinnamon, drink an hour before bedtime, and off you go.


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Avoid Aspartame for Bladder Control IssuesDo you drink sugar-free drinks or otherwise use aspartame? Do you have an issue with frequent urges to urinate, or incontinence? Did you know that aspartame many times is the cause of these issues?


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Remedy for HivesI finally figured out how to deal with hives.


Lemons in a bag

Lemon DeodorantI have been reading alot of stuff about deodorants and how they clog your lymph system. They are also full of aluminum. I decided to try lemon. I was a little skeptical at first but it works.


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Vinegar And Honey for Arthritis PainThis is an old wives tale, but it works! Mix in a glass 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of honey. Mix well and drink. Follow with a glass of water. I have recommended this remedy to many friends and they are amazed.


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Heal Minor Burns Instantly With Soy SauceThis tip might, if not save your life, at least make it a lot more agreeable! It happens to all of us at some point - we spill a bit of hot water on ourselves, we touch the stove too soon, or we interact with high temperature tools or irons.


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Wearing Cheap EarringsI used to have to wear only gold or silver earrings. I have some costume earrings that are very pretty. When I try and wear them, my ear lobes end up getting red and sore. I have to treat them by rubbing them with antibiotic cream.


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Using Cold Black Tea for Skin IrritationWhen I have allergic rashes and all else fails for relief, I use cold black tea compresses! This is especially good for around the eyes where most other remedies are too harsh!


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Onion for Mosquito BitesRub the juice from a piece of cut onion on your mosquito bite. It will stop itching immediately and if you apply the onion juice two or three times a day the bite will disappear within a few days. Who can't find a piece of onion at a picnic, barbeque or camping!


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Preventing Smelly Feet and ShoesKeep an inexpensive container of solid deodorant where you first put on your shoes in the morning. Just quickly rub the deodorant stick over the bottom of your feet (soles and toes), before putting on your socks or shoes.


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Tea Tree Oil For ToothachesMost toothaches are caused by an infection around the tooth. It is between the tooth and the gums causing pressure. Try coating the area with Tea Tree Oil on a Q-tip. Try to keep your tougue away from it, it tastes terrible.


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Remove Planter Warts PermanentlyThis tip for removing planter warts has worked on both my sons. They get them on their feet. Use clear nail polish and seal it with duct tape. This method truly gets rid of them permanently, but it can take up to a year. If you are not diligent about it, it can take longer.


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Use Maalox on Skin RashesOne of the best treatments around for really bad rashes and skin irritation is liquid Maalox, the stuff you use for indigestion. When my friend was in the hospital ICU, she had horrible, uncontrolled diarrhea and bed sores, which literally left her skin raw and bleeding.


White Nedi pot on mat on table

Tips for Cold Prevention And TreatmentI can't tell you how many people, either in my life or on Facebook, have already been struck down this year with a cold; not just a sneeze, but really ill. So here we go again; what do we do, is there anything?



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Stopping the Itch from Chigger BitesFirst, I want to say this: I know there are some people who are going to want to give me a lecture on the evils of bleach, especially putting it in any form on your skin. Please don't - especially if you've never had a chigger bite!


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Elevate Feet For ConstipationI know constipation is a sensitive subject, in more ways than one, that most people don't want to talk about. But I learned a tip several months ago that really helps, and I wanted to share it.


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Natural Sore Throat RemediesCold and flu season is upon us so here are some good old fashioned home remedy standbys for sore throats.


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Use Teething Gel for Minor InjuriesI recently burned the heck out of my finger while using hot glue for a project in my daughter's room. The pain was horrendous so I found some baby Oragel and put that on my burn. It immediately stopped the pain.


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Celery For HeartburnAfter a meal, my friend took out a long stalk of celery from her purse, and began eating it. She told me that she had been living on Tums since she was young, but had just recently tried celery.


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Tennis Ball MassageFor a do-it-yourself back massage that works every time, try this: Place two tennis balls into the toe of a man's long tube sock. Hold the sock by the top and lower the toe of the sock (with the balls inside) over your shoulder and onto your back.


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