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Car Repair TipsThe best time to locate and check out a repair shop is when you don't need one! Don't wait until you have a serious problem and are in a panic, that can make you a prime candidate for making a costly mistake.


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Prevent Sliding Car RampsTo prevent your car ramps from sliding across the concrete garage floor while trying to drive up the ramps (to change the oil, etc.), try drilling a half inch hole in the concrete in front of each ramp and inserting a large nail; no more sliding ramps!


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"Drivers urged to hunt for cheaper gas"We have noticed a wide range of gas prices in our area. Up to 10 cents difference for the same grade at different gas stations. Be sure to shop around...


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Fill Up the Tank EarlyFill your gas tank in the morning or when it is the coolest. The gas doesn't expand as much when it is cool so you get more gas per gallon. That's why they say don't 'top off' your tank especially on hot days or it will come out of the gas cap if you fill up and just park the car. By CSINBAD


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What Other People are Paying for GasOur fuel prices are high, but check these out. These are prices paid in some other countries (and these do not include recent increases due to world-wide demand). It could be worse...


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Saving Gas with One TripI live a distance from the town where I shop, have a part time job, work out, and do other errands. To save time and gas money, I accomplish everything with one trip. Sometimes this means I have to buy my groceries first to fit into my time allotment, so I always carry an ice chest or two in the back of my van or in the trunk of my car.


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Cleaning Bugs Off Car FinishMy Air Force buddy came to visit me from Oregon and the front of his car just covered with bugs. His wife said can you give me a little baking soda?


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Removing Political Bumper StickersSeasonal or political stickers on your car windows after the election can easily be removed with a single edge razor blade. Just slide the blade along under the sticker and it'll peel right off. Razor blades won't scratch the glass. Work carefully! By Linda


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Removing Paint Stains from CarsThose new 'eraser' sponges also work on cars. Last summer I backed into the garage and got too close, the result was brown paint on a white car! Yikes! Only minimal elbow grease required.


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Buying a Used CarBuying a used car - don't overlook the private seller. I've bought two used cars, with 60,000 miles on them, paid $200 each time and drove them another 80,000 miles with no major repairs. They were not pretty cars, but very dependable transportation. By Betty G.


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Keep Reflector Tape In Your CarLets hope this doesn't happen, but if you become stranded at night and need to make your car seen. Put a large X of reflector tape across the inside of the trunk lid and on the inside of your hood. Lift the trunk and hood, and your car can be seen from a distance. By Tracey


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Using the Correct OctaneUse the gasoline octane rating recommended in your owner's manual. Using too high of an octane can cause pinging in the engine, which can be annoying and can also be a sign of engine problems.


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Make Them Buckle UpWhen people get in your auto, make sure they buckle up. If they don't do it automatically, remind them by saying to them, "My car won't start until everyone is buckled up.


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Comfortable Seat Belt For Short PeopleI am a short person and when I buckle up, the seat belt cuts into my neck. I saw an ad for an item that would help the situation, it was $3.99. Being frugal I thought there must be something as good and less expensive.


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Getting All the Motor OilMake sure to get all the motor oil out of the containers used in oil changes buy letting them drip upside down in a funnel back into one of the containers, letting each one drain for a couple of days. By Melanie



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Keeping Bags from Rolling Around in the TruckI use a small truck to shop at stores. In the past all the packages used to tip over and roll out of reach.


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Emergency UmbrellaKeep a small folding umbrella and a plastic bag (for when you have a wet umbrella) in your car so that if the weather changes, you are prepared. Its easy to slip into a purse or pocket.


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A Heavy Duty Battery For Cold WeatherA tiny spare tire isn't the only way in which car manufacturers are sneaking weight and raw material from new models. Puny batteries are another concession to mileage improvement and cost cutting.


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Is It A Safe Car? Call and check before you buy.Before you buy a car, new or used, you might benefit from a call to the toll-free Auto Safety Hotline sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


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Keep Boots or Sneakers In Your TrunkLadies, be sure to carry a pair of boots or sneakers in your trunk in case you should breakdown. Dress shoes are not good for walking in an emergency situation. An old warm coat and gloves left in the trunk is also handy to have.


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Wash The Car In Flip FlopsI wash my car frequently in the summer months at the small car wash in my town. Sometimes when I am in town running errands and need to wash the car, I don't always want to because I may be wearing the wrong shoes. (I hate to get splatter on nice shoes). I keep a pair of old flip flops in the trunk, slip them on and wash away! Alica


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Use A Toothpick For Car Touch UpsPaint chips and minor scratches can be repainted using a toothpick for a brush. First, use a typewriter eraser to clean away the rust from the damaged spot.


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Adding Weight To Your Truck For Winter DrivingWhen snow and ice are on the ground, you see a lot of people loading the bed of their pickup truck with heavy stuff to help with traction on the slippery roads. Please remember that whatever you have in the back of the truck can go flying if you are involved in a crash.


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WD-40 For Frozen LocksI spray a little WD40 in my locks when the weather man say it's going to be freezing and it will keep all locks from freezing. But if you do have a frozen lock, spray the WD40 in your keyhole and it will unthaw it quickly.


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Tips for Finding a Good MechanicThe best time to locate and check out a repair shop is when you don't need one! Don't wait until you have a serious problem and are in a panic ... that can make you a prime candidate for making a costly mistake.


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Buying a New Car? Take Your Time!One way that car sales people try to rope you into a quick sell is by creating the impression that you NEED to buy now to take advantage of some deal. Or if you wait a day, the car won't be available. Dealerships and salespeople are out to make a profit off your purchase, not find you the best deal.


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Remembering to Turn Your Lights OffIf you're anything like me, my memory fails me quite often. On a rainy day I choose to drive with my headlights on but often forget to turn them off. On older model cars you do not get a reminder bell, so I simply turn the lights on and immediately lock my driver's door.


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Avoid The Drive ThroughDo not wait in a drive-through line for food to go, you will save money on gas lost waiting in line, and also get exercise by parking your car and walking inside to order!


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Using Rain-X On Your WindshieldI highly recommend using Rainx on your windshield. The first time it rained after I had applied the rainx I was able to see so clearly it looked as if wasn't even raining.


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Review of The Dodge Grand CaravanThis tip is to sing the praises of our Dodge Grand Caravan. This is the second Dodge van we have had and we just have to say that we LOVE them! There is nothing more comfortable to ride in.



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First Aid Kit for the CarAn old purse can make a great first aid kit for the car. By imaqt1962


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Driving TipsWant to be a better and safer driver? Here are some tips to help out. Also, post your ideas.


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Thrifty Items For Your Glove BoxHere are some items that you can put in your glove box and save time and money.


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Keep Your Car Upholstery Free From Sun DamageFaded upholstery and a cracked dashboard will lower the resale value of your car. Use an accordian-style cardboard windshield screen whenever you park in a sunny spot, and preserve your investment! These shields only cost a buck or two, and sometimes they are even free when they advertise a local business! By Becki in Indiana


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Check Your TiresBe sure to look at all your tires before getting in the car, as one might be low and cause you to have a blow-out and wreck. By Terri H.


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Emergency Cell Phone For Your CarSo you're on you're way home and you get into an accident or your car breaks down. You're trapped in your car. You have no way out. You can't afford cell phone service. What do you do? Did you know that if you keep any cell phone new or old charged even WITHOUT paying for service that you can dial a 911 call in case of emergencies to get the help you need.


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Emergency Car KitYou never know when you could break down in bad weather and eventhough you have a cell phone, you never know how long it will be until the tow truck will be there. So here are somethings you should keep in a plastic tub in your trunk:


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Store a Phone Book in Your TrunkKeep an extra phone book in the trunk of your car, so that you'll have any number you need in case of emergency. Locksmith, directions to hard to find stores, anything & anyone you might need to contact from the road will be at your fingertips. By Doggy


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Icy Car StrategyOur two car garage has too much stuff lining the walls to accommodate both large vehicles we own. When the second vehicle is needed for early morning transportation but is coated with frost that would take time to scrape off...


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Deodorizing the CarIf you don't have a lot of time to deodorize your car, use dryer sheets. You just hold or tuck one in the vent and turn the fan on! It works for me and sends a nice scent through the car.


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Shopping for Car Insurance - Get Multiple QuotesGet 3 or 4 quotes from different insurance companies. Write down as much information as possible about each insurer. If the agent or representative is not willing to answer your questions, it's probably not a good company to give your business.


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Keeping Bugs from Sticking on the CarIf you're going on a car trip and know you're going to be driving through an area with a lot of bugs (like the south), spray some Pam cooking spray on your windshield and radiator grill to keep the bugs from sticking. You will have a much easier time washing them off!


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Power Steering LeaksIf your power steering is leaking from the seals, try using a power steering conditioner. It worked for us.


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Rotating Your TiresHave your tires rotated every 5,000 miles. When you do, also have them check the air pressure in each of them. Some of the time, spare tires are usually found low or already flat.


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Check Your Wiper BladesCheck your wiper blades on your vehicle periodically. If you don't watch, they'll separate and the next time you turn them on, they'll scratch your windshield.



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Gas and Oil AdditivesTo get better fuel mileage on your vehicle, use a gas additive.


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Gas Saving TipsWeather permitting, turn off the air conditioning and travel with the windows opened. You'll burn less gas. Also, fuel economy is higher if you fill up before your gauge reads below 1/4. Under inflated tires waste gas also, so check your tire pressure regularly, before you set out. Once you've driven a very few miles, accuracy is compromised. Whenever possible, car pool. When you have several chores, try to align them in the shortest, most direct route. : ) By Doggy


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Losing Gas From a Loose Gas CapMore gas is wasted by people not completely fastening their vehicle's gas cap after putting gasoline in. Screw it in until you hear a clicking sound, otherwise it'll either spill out or evaporate. With the price of gas these days, make the most of each tankful!


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Using an Established MechanicConsumers can lose lots of money yearly, by taking their vehicles to unestablished garages and mechanics, on unneeded and poorly done repairs. Before you need repairs, look for a mechanic who is...


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Get Your Carpeted Car Mats Super CleanWash your carpeted car mats in the washing machine with laundry detergent and hang inside or outdoors to dry.


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Extending the Life of Windshield Wiper BladesBefore replacing worn windshield wiper blades, try roughing up the edges of the blades with sandpaper or even an emery board. You can probably get a few more weeks of use out of them!


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Keeping Track of When You Changed the Air FilterWhenever I change my car's air filter, I write that day's date right on the rim of the filter with a Sharpie marker. That way, I can see at a glance when the filter was last changed.


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Disposable Cameras For Fender BendersKeep a disposable camera in your car's glove box. In the event you are involved in a car accident, you can take photos of any cars involved as well as the scene of the accident to protect your interests.


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Potpourri In The AshtrayTo keep your car interior smelling sweet, place potpourri in the ashtrays. It can last longer than some air fresheners.


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Parking Beside the Cart HoldersI have parked beside the cart holders in the parking lot for years for several reasons. At first I did it because I had an infant carrier, and rather than carry it into the store and then get the cart, I put it on the cart and pushed the whole thing inside. Now I use it so that I cut my risk of a door ding in half, and I can put the kids in the van and put the cart away without leaving them!


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Rotating Tires TipWhen buying new tires or having the ones that are currently on your car rotated, ask to have the rims installed by hand, instead of with an impact wrench. With an impact wrench, sometimes they'll cross thread them.


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The Value of Cell Phones When TravellingMy son and I learned a valuable lesson about cell phones in a car this fall. We left to make a trip to Frankfort (which is probably 100 or more miles away) to obtain a birth certificate copy. Outside Lexington we hit a construction area and picked up a nail having a flat.


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Frozen LocksIf you are having cold weather and one of your locks outside has stopped working, the chances are it has frozen. Try heating the lock with a hair dryer until you are able to turn the key.


Stack of tires with one leaning up against it.

Saving Money on TiresIf you are a commuter and would like to save money on tires, make sure you buy tires with a mileage warranty and follow the warranty rules.


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Shop For The Best Trade In OfferWhen looking for a new car don't just look for the best offers on the new cars you look at, but also look for the best trade in offers from the dealerships as well.


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Travel Safely this SummerYesterday morning I heard news that a friend and beautician who cuts my hair had been killed in a car wreck. Normally I wouldn't post an article about something of this nature, but in spite of the tragedy and loss to her family, there is a valuable lesson for drivers which should be passed along.


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Tips for Cleaning Car WindowsTips for cleaning a car or trucks windows. Post your ideas.


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Keep a Copy of Your License and Insurance HandyIn case of leaving the house in a hurry for one reason or another and you do not have your purse, clip a twenty to the inside of the sub visor and a xerox copy of your licenses and insurance in the glove box for those terrible panic stops by your local law enforcements, it helps to keep you free of a ticket, if the explanation is reasonable enough.


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An Emergency TwentyFor emergency purposes, stash a $20. or more, somewhere in your car, so only you know where it is (maybe your spouse, too), in case you leave home with no money in your wallet, purse, or are pickpocketed.


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Mapquest Directions and Map PagesAfter I go someplace I have Mapquested, I file the printout in a special file in the glove compartment (or trunk) of my car. Then next time I need to go, or need the mailing address, its handy. I also always write the phone number right onto the Mapquest pages.


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Removing Your License PlateIf you've ever gone to the DMV to trade in your car tag and forgot to take a screwdriver (as I have), a penny will do the trick. Just align it with the slot and turn (clockwise.)


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Emergency Information on Car SeatsRecently at a kids day event, they were handing out orange emergency stickers you could put on your child's car seat/booster in the car. I had more than one child in car seats so I decided to make something emergency personnel could use.


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Buying Blemished TiresWhen going to buy new tires for your vehicle, ask if they have any "Blem" tires. These are tires that have blemishes on the sidewalls, nothing wrong with them otherwise & they sell them cheaper than the others.


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Keep Baby Wipes in the Carven though I have no babies, I carry a cheap package of baby wipes in the car. I always have them for a quick clean up of my hands after thrift store shopping, wipe a spill in the car, or wipe down the dash while waiting in traffic or at lights.


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Fill Up Gas Tank Before WeekendAlways fill up your gas tank on Thursdays because they always hike up the prices on Fridays for the weekend because that is when most people travel.


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Car Washing TipsTips for washing your car. Post your ideas.


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Disposable Cameras for Auto AccidentsKeep a disposable camera in your glove compartment. If you're in an accident, get photos of the scene - it may help with your insurance claim.


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Double Check Your Tire Changing ToolsWhile at home, before going on a trip, check the original manufacturer's tire tool kit to see if you can change the tire if needed.


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Don't Drive Through Flood WatersTo save yourself a bunch of heartache, headache, possibly your life and the life of your automobile, do not drive through flood waters. You could be thinking that it's not very deep, when the road could possibly be washed out.


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Don't Stop For Unmarked Police Cars(?)This was recently submitted, similar versions are making their way around the internet and have been for years. It's an urban legend but probably worthy of mention.


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Cooler in My VanI keep a large ($10 at Dollar General) cooler in the back of my van for cold grocery items such as milk and meats. It lets me continue my shopping and not worry about something spoiling.


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Another Use for Tomato CagesInstead of using cones to help a teen learn driving maneuverability; we used the tall tomato cages, upside down of course...


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Removing a Bumper StickerTo remove a bumper sticker from a metal bumper, dampen the sticker with vinegar, lighter fluid, or nail polish remover. Then scrape the sticker off with a razor blade.


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Car Buying Tip 1 - Take Your TimeRealize how big a purchase a car is. It's the second-largest purchase most people make after buying a home. When you buy a home, you have so much help: a broker to help you find the home, and a mortgage broker for financing. An inspector, an attorney, a title search, a mover, and more.


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Pump Your Own GasA good way to cut your fuel costs some is to pump your own gas at the "self-service" pumps instead of having an attendant do it for you!...


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Best Time of Year for Car BuyingThis is the best time of year (Dec.) to buy a car! With sales being slow and the salespeople needing to meet the end of the year quotas, you'll probably be able to save thousands...


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Coca Cola for Battery TerminalsCoca Cola is great on corroded battery terminals in your car. The caustic acid eats the corrosion quite well. And if your windshield is oily from driving in rainy weather? Coke works great!


Renting Cars for Long Trips

Renting Cars for Long TripsThe poll about leasing a car reminded me of our renting cars for long trips. My husband thought it was better to rent a car than use ours. So when we travel we rent a car and never worry about anything.


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Stubborn Lug NutsCarry a cross shaft lug wrench in your car to use when you get a flat. It gives you greater leverage than the single shaft wrenches that come with most new cars. You can also carry a metal pipe to fit over one of the shafts for even better leverage.


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Don't Let High Fuel Costs Drive You NutsWhether you drive an economy car or an SUV, there are plenty of ways to improve your gas mileage. Avoid aggressive driving and observe the speed limit. Speeding, fast acceleration, and hard braking wastes gas.


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Selling a Car to a Private PartyIf you sell a car to a private party, make sure to transfer the title. If you don't do this, and the car ends up on the side of the road or in a ditch, you will have to pay for any fines or impound feeds associated with the vehicle.


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The Benefits of Buying Used CarsYou can save a bundle on your next car purchase by buying a used car. One of the common concerns I hear from people about used cars is that they will require expensive repairs sooner than new cars.


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Rolling Existing Car Loans Into a New Car PurchaseDon't buy a new car if you haven't paid off your old one unless you have equity accumulated. One common practice at dealerships is to offer to roll the balance of an existing loan into the financing for a new car.


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Keeping Your Windshield Free of Snow and IceUse an old set of car floor mats to cover your car's windshield in the evening and you won't have any ice to scrape in the morning. Carpet remnants also work.


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Dry Erase Board Eraser for Foggy WindshieldsKeep a dry erase board eraser in your car's glove box. Use it to clear the windshield from the inside only. It is amazing how good it works. NEVER wet the eraser, always use it dry.


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Quickly De-icing Your WindshieldQuickly De-icing Your Windshield. Instead of using expensive de-icer on your car windscreen in the cold weather, or trying to scrape ice off with a rubber scraper thingie, pour warm water (not boiling!) over all your car windows.


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Major Car Repairs - Ask for a Rental Car RentalIf you are having a major car repair done and your car won't be available to you for days, or even weeks, ask the garage doing the repair to give you a loaner car to use while you wait. They may have loaner cars available for this purpose or they may arrange to get you a car from a rental agency.


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Loaning Your Car To Someone - Auto InsuranceCall your insurance company prior to loaning your car to a friend or a family member to make sure that you coverage extends to them. Your policy may have coverage for short term loans.


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Get an Estimate for Car RepairsGet on Estimate for Car Repairs. Always get an estimate in writing before having repair work done on your car. Once the repairs are done, only pay for the repairs that you authorized.


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Caution About Ribbon Auto MagnetsCaution About Ribbon Auto Magnets. Around our town, a lot of people have those big (5 to 7 inch) patriotic (or other colored) ribbon shaped magnets on their vehicles.


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Cleaning Windshield WipersCleaning Windshield Wipers. When your windshield wipers seem to not be working well, try cleaning them with simple soap and water. Dirt, leaves, and pine needles get stuck there.


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Check Out Your Car Before Driving In Extreme WeatherWhen going into extreme weather conditions, have your automobile checked out thoroughly. Don't cut corners if possible. It's for your own safety as well as for others.


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Auto Battery CareTo improve your automobile battery post and cable life, make a mixture of baking soda and water. Pour this mixture over your battery cables if they have a build up.


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Protect Your Trunk From SpillsProtect Your Trunk From Spills. I usually check the lid of a detergent bottle by trying to tighten it. The one time I forgot, the bottle turned over in the car trunk and spilled.


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Office Chair Mats For Car MatsMy older minivan far back carpet got ragged and tattered. A replacement one would cost over $100, which I may never have to spare, being low income.


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Slow Down In Construction ZonesI'm sure this happens in other areas, not just ours. When you see those bright orange construction signs on the highway, saying to reduce your speed, do it.


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Cardboard Windshield Cover For Bad WeatherWhen you are ready to park your car for the night, take a few minutes to take a couple pieces of cardboard and slip them under your windshield wipers so that they are held securely and cover your windshield.


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