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Uses for CDs?Does anyone have lots of ideas or a source for lots of ideas on how to recycle those CDs we all get in the mail almost daily? I will appreciate any help.


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Recycle Old Coffee Cans?I have many 3 lb. coffee cans that I hate to throw away. Does anyone have any clever and practical uses for them?


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Energy Conservation Ideas?As the California energy crisis continues to draw more concern around the country we think this is a good time to start a discussion about energy conservation.


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What Can I Do with Coal Ash?I know a reader recently posted a question about wood ash, but I have a whole lot of coal ash, and am wondering if there are any good ideas for it? Thanks!


Uses for Tennis Balls?I have a box full of tennis balls that are old and beat up from when my son used to play tennis in high school. Does anyone have any imaginative or practical uses for these?


Uses For Cardboard Boxes?I work at a restaurant that throws away all of their cardboard boxes. For a month or so I have been recycling the boxes for them because it annoys me that they throw them away.


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Teaching Kids to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle?I know it is kinda late, but I need some ideas for February 13th on fun things kids between the age of 5 to 14 can do to learn about reducing and recycling. I have hardly any ideas and am lost. Any ideas would be great.


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Frugal Uses for Packaging Materials: Bubble Wrap and Foam Peanuts?I am looking for frugal uses for bubble wrap and packaging peanuts. Do you have any tips?


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Recycling vs Too Much Stuff?I guess I would qualify as a pack rat. What advice can you give me about what to keep, recycle, reuse?


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Newbie to Frugal Living?I'm pretty new at this stuff. Does anyone have good recommendations for books about living frugally?


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Frugal Ideas for Charitable Giving?I am not the richest person in the world, but certainly not poor. I am wondering what other people might be doing this time of year to lend people less fortunate a helping hand without spending a lot of money (which I don't have at the moment).


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Reusing Old Wine Bottles?Does anyone know of a use for vast quantities of wine bottles, the typical 750 ml. size? My family loves good wine, and the proof has taken over the garage.


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Using It All - Tin Cans and Lids?How do you use tin cans other than recycling them. Ideas can include craft ideas or anything else you can think of. Please specify type or size of can.


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Using It All - Margarine Tubs?What uses do you have for margarine tubs?


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What to Do with Pine Cones?Does anyone have any ideas what can be done with whole lot of pine cones? I have hundreds in my yard and would like to help someone with how they could use them or what to do with them. Thanks.



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What do I do with my old computers?I have a couple old PCs. They are of the DOS variety. Too old to even effectively search the net. They have a mouse but you can hardly use it without the computer crashing. I couldn't even sell them or give them away at a garage sale. I am pretty sure that you are not supposed to throw them in the trash so any information would be appreciated. I live in Salt Lake City. What can I do with them, where can I take them? - Steve


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Uses for Jello Cups?Ways to reuse Jello and Jello pudding cups. Post your ideas below.


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Looking For Free Junk Website?Sometime in the past few months I came in contact with a website with state and county breakdowns of 'free junk from my house to you'.


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Printing a Recipe Book Cheaply?I am trying to put together a recipe book for a family reunion. Does anyone know a company that would print them for a low cost?


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Uses for Candle Wax?Tips for using leftover wax from candles. Post your ideas.


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Recycling CD Jewel Cases?I have sent this request once before. I was wondering if there is anyone that is aware of a store, organization, or recycling center that will take old CD Jewel cases. I have a ton of them from CDs and we do not use them since we have caselogic CD wallets for the car.


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Uses For Plastic Hooks From New Socks?I was wondering if anyone had any uses for the little plastic hook things that come with new socks? I hate to just toss them in the trash. Thank you, MrsMoted2


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Looking For Inspirational Poem?I am looking for a poem, it's about cancer, or finding the guts to undergo treatment again, when the cancer has returned. I heard this long speech or poem on Murphy Brown when her cancer returned and she did not want to suffer the treatments again.


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Collecting Baby Items for Orphans in Romania?Does anyone know of any companies that would be willing to donate baby/toddler supplies (clothes/shoes/blankets/toys) to an orphanage in Romania? I will be traveling to an orphanage this summer for 2 months to work with 200 babies/toddlers and am looking for some help with gathering supplies. I am going through Greater Europe Mission here in Monument,Colorado.


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English Definitions?This is a strange request, but I was wondering if any ThriftyFun subscribers from the UK could answer this for me: I'm reading a British murder mystery and it talks about someone "sloping" out of the room.


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Interested in a Job Writing Greeting Cards?I have a natural born love for writing.I have written many different poems and readings for many different occasions, and would dearly LOVE to write for greeting card companies.


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Other Uses for an Old Sewing Machine?I have an old Singer cabinet style sewing machine and I would like some ideas of how to utilize it other than using it as an end table with a cloth covering it. I would appreciate any clever ideas you may have.


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Using Coupons at Dollar Stores?I was just wondering which dollar store will take coupons. I'm pretty sure I read about one in thriftyfun a awhile back, but I've been searching the website and I can't find it. If anybody knows which store it is, please let me know.


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Using It Up - Old Pantyhose and Nylons?How do you use old panty hose and/or nylon stockings when they can no longer be worn.


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Uses for Oxygen Tubing?I need to do something with used oyxgen tubing. It's clear in color and 50ft. long and as round as a straw.



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Charities To Help Someone Whose House Burned Down?I need your help. My freind Dino's house burned down yesterday distroying everything he owned except for the clothes on his back and his two dogs. We are so greatful that nobody was hurt however Dino needs help.


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German Girl Coming To Canada?I am 14. Our neighbor is German and her 14 year old relative is coming here from Germany to see Canada and to learn English. She'll be here for 3 weeks and we don't even speak each other's languages. I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice on what to do?


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Uses for Old Vertical Blinds?Does anyone have any uses for old vertical blinds? We replaced a bunch and I feel like there must be something I can do with them. They are the fake wood kind not the plastic.


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Uses for Floppy Disk Cases?I have a lot of old plastic floppy disk cases that snap close. They are the plastic ones that are 5.5 inches that you can sit on a shelf or stack. I need some ideas for what to do with them.


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Grants for Low Income Seniors?I am 74 years old and live on limited income with no savings. I would like to know if there are any grants out there I can apply for. I will be grateful if you can help me.


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Water Saving Tips?Tips for saving water. Post your ideas.


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Care Packages for Troops?My husband and a friend recently was deployed to Iraq as civillians attached to military units. My friends and family are wanting to put together simple little care packages for their units and want to try to send one in time for Thanksgiving and one for Christmas. I am wondering if anyone out there has had someone there and had any new creative ideas of things to send over.


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Baking for the Troops?This is the first time that I have some free time on my hands, and I thought that I'd make some care packages to send to friends of my son who are in the service. I remember seeing posts in the past about what to send, but cannot find them at this time.


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Christmas Help?Does anyone know where to find Christmas help for our grandkids. We don't have funds this year. We don't matter but the kids do.


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Frugal Living Saying?Does anyone remember all the words to the saying: use it up, make do, do without... I can't remember all the words and I would like to use the saying in my newsletter.


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Dealing with a Nosy Coworker?I have a coworker who is very nosy. He is always sticking his nose in my business no matter if it is work related or personal. Should I just tell him to stop or would this create a huge problem?


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Post a Profile on ThriftyFun?I am new to this site and just love it! I enjoy reading the profiles of all the people that have set up an account, I just wish more people would tell a little something about themselves.


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Uses for Plastic Vitamin Bottles?Any ideas for reusing empty plastic vitamin bottles? How easy is it to remove the labels?


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Uses for Used Canning Lids?I do a lot of canning and jam/jelly making and always end up with used lids. They can't be reused for canning since used ones don't seal. I have hundreds of them and just can't just throw them away. I've already used many for storage, but still have lots left over. Any ideas, crafts or otherwise, are appreciated.


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Gas Range Pilot Lights? I currently have a gas range. The pilot light stays lit. I bought the range thinking if the power went out I would always be able to cook, as opposed to an electric ignition range. Well now that gas prices are sky high I am wondering if I would be better off getting a range that has the electric ignition on it?



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Impact of Candle Warmers on Your Electric Bill?I have heard that using electric candlewarmers will really increase your electric bill since it is basically a hot plate. Has anyone noticed this?


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Uses for CD Jewel Cases?I have tons of CD Jewel cases that I have no use for them as my husband and I use the CD cases in the car. I was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I can ship all of our old CD cases in exchange for cash.


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Tire Disposal in Indiana?Does anyone in have any idea where to take a large amount of used tires in northern indiana?


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Recycling Junk Mail?Does anyone have any good uses for recycling junk mail and paper? I would like to try making homemade paper and would like instructions.


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Making Logs out of Paper?I have been looking for a way to convert junk mail, paper, cardboard, etc. into fuel for my open fire. Having discovered the "paper log / brick makers" on ebay and through other searches and finding them too expensive for my meager income, I wonder if there is an effective way to do this by hand.


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Uses for Dry Cleaner Bags?I have accumulated a lot of dry cleaner plastic bags. I hate to just throw them away as I know there must be something I can do with them.


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Do You Receive Home Newspaper Delivery?Do you still receive home newspaper delivery?


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Silly Wonderful Memories?I'm wondering what silly wonderful memories any of you have of your early days of relationships? I know there must be many. We have one that we remember and we still re-create it, if you will. This may not be that funny but it still makes us laugh.


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Operation MoM Golf Tournament?Our organization, Operation MoM, is hosting our 2nd annual golf tournament to raise money for the troops. We are looking for companies or individuals to sponsor a hole, donate items for our goody bags and raffle or pay to play.


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Uses For Square Plastic Baby Food Containers?Can anyone tell me what to do with the new baby foods square plastic boxes? I have used them for jewelry, storing small items, storing matches, sewing kits, safety pin and straight pins, small staples, buttons, cut up fruit. I am out of ideas!


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Laundry Soap and Greywater Systems?The concern that I would have now days with gray water from the laundry is that the soap has various chemicals in it that they didn't have maybe 20 or 30 yrs ago when it was more prevalent in using gray water for the garden.


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I'm Having a Hard Time Being Thrifty?I am just trying to learn any tips about getting on track financially. My taste is wine but our bank account says cheese, that's straight to the point I guess. I want to be more thrifty, it just seems hard to get use to it. How long did it take all of you?


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Sample Sized Ice Cream Cones for a Fundraiser? I'm doing a fundraiser for our local hospital on 5/25/06 and I need to purchase some sample sized ice cream cones because I'm giving away banana ice cream cones. Any ideas where I could find some? eBay has none.


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How to Recycle Used Clothing?I have not worn my professional suits and cocktail dresses for many years. They are timelessly simple (chocolate chiffon, Chanel suits) and in perfect health. Every resale shop I have called will accept no clothing older than two years.


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Using a Digital Thermostat in the Summer Months?I had a digital thermostat installed last Fall for my furnace. Do I take the batteries out and shut it off during the summer months? I usually shut the natural gas furnace off during the summer.


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Uses for "International Coffee" Containers?My aunt drinks "International Coffee" drinks which come in those nifty little square tins w/ plastic lids. She hates throwing them out, but just can't think of a clever use for them besides storing nuts and bolts. Let's be real - she only has so many nuts and bolts.


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Creating Shade on My Porch?My electric bill is about to go up and up higher here in Maryland. I want to hang something on my porch that will block some of the sunlight but not the breeze.


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Talking to My Mom?I have a problem. I feel like if I need to open up to my mom but she will get mad at how I feel because everything I say.


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Uses for Sippy Cups?What are your ideas for using retired sippy cups?


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A Speech to Honor My Dad?I need a nice speech to honor my dad for his 80th birthday.


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Uses for Non-working Freezers?I have a huge chest freezer that no longer works. I hate to throw it away and was wondering if anyone might have some ideas on putting to use.


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Printable Versions of the Lord's Prayer?I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find printable wallet sized versions of The Lords Prayer? I would like to make several for my children and family to carry with them. I would love to find them and laminate them. And also the Serenity Prayer?


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Uses for Pudding Cups?What are some ways to recycle/reuse empty clean pudding cups? I am talking about the Hunt's Snack Pack pudding cups. I usually have 2 empty ones daily. I have thought of a few ideas to reuse a few but otherwise have just been recycling them on trash day.


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Uses for Plastic Bowls from Frozen Meals?I sometimes buy the frozen meals that come in the black plastic bowls e.g. Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers, etc. I keep some of them to put other portions of meals in to freeze and would like to know if anyone has come up with ideas for any other uses for the bowls.


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Do Commissary Stores Accept Expired Coupons?I once read that commissary stores would accept expired coupons from military families. And that these stores would accept donated expired coupons from the public so the families could select the ones they wanted.


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Uses for Plastic Oval Shaped Mayonnaise Jars?I love the new oval shaped plastic mayonnaise jars. They have a flip top lid and I don't want to throw mine away. Any ideas on reusing it?


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Uses for Chipped China Platters?Does anyone have an idea of how to use old chipped china platters? I have some plain ones and some beautiful ones that I don't dare serve on due to chips and discoloration.


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Saying "No" to Charities?I need help to say "No"! It's not that I haven't been thrifty and frugal, I've had to be. It's just the many, many requests for donations and subscriptions to worthy causes.


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Thrifty Living Advice From World War II Survivors?Could we please have information from survivors of WW II on thrifty living? - before there's no-one left to pass on the information?


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Uses for Plastic Pour Spouts From Laundry Detergent Bottles?Has anyone come up with uses for the large pour spouts inside plastic jugs of laundry detergent? I discovered they are easily removed with a thumb and that two jugs of "empty" detergent jugs release a whole single load-size of left-over liquid laundry soap when the drip spout is removed.


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Garden Chipper Reviews?I'm looking for a garden chipper, i.e. a mulcher to chop up small branches, garden plants, etc.


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Fundraising Ideas for Our Rescue Group?I'm a member of our local Rescue Squad and I am looking for some ideas for fundraising for a non-profit organization. We have about 20 members and we are in great need of a "new" truck and tools.


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High School Fundraiser Ideas?I am 16 and in high school. Through the high school I, along with 29 other students will be going to Chicago for Model UN. Which is where we go and represent countries and debate on World Issues from that countries point of view.


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What can I do with old magazines?What can you do with magazines besides crafts? I don't do arts and crafts. Can they be donated to any organizations? Shame to throw them away. Some I don't even get a chance to read.


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Uses for Wire Hangers?I have lots (over 90) wire clothes hangars. What can I do with them? I don't want to make crafts with them, Goodwill won't take them and the school Sculpture class doesn't want them. I hate to throw them away.


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Fundraiser Ideas for Volunteer Work?Some of you may know that I have spent the past 6 months in Vietnam working in orphanages.


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School Fundraising in a Rural Community?My name is Marnae, and I attend a tiny high-school. When I say tiny, I'm not exaggerating. We have a student body of 22 kids, from grades 7-12. In some ways, we don't have very many opportunities or options.


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Starting a Food Co-op?How do I go about starting a Food Co-op?


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Uses for Cardboard Egg Flats?What can large cardboard egg flats be used for?


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How To Raffle?I need ideas on how to raffle a centerpiece?


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Church Fundraiser Ideas?Our church is wanting to build but we are short on money. Does anyone have fundraiser ideas?


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Uses For Water Bottles?Uses For Water Bottles. I am looking for any ideas that I can make using 8oz plastic water bottles. Any Christmas ideas?


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Uses for Empty Plastic Thread Cones?Does anyone have any idea's how to use empty plastic thread cones?


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Biodegradable Cleaners? am looking to buy but prefer to make some biodegradable cleaners. Can you help me with some brands or some recipes?


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Building Self Esteem?Building Self Esteem. My adult sister dumped all over me telling me what she has thought of me all her life and how I wreck everything for her. All of which is not true.


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Disposing of Paint Containers?Where do I dispose of paint containers?


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Balancing Work and Family?Balancing Work and Family. I have a two year old beautiful daughter and another child on the way. I love my job, but it breaks my heart when my little girl cries for me to stay home with her so we can be together all day.


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Old Medicine Bottles?How can I earn money with old medicine bottles?


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Uses for Lipstick?Does anyone have a use for old, unused lipsticks? A craft? A method to make them usable as lipsticks again?


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Environmentally Friendly Pet Care?I am interested in ideas that will help us make our pets lives more environmentally friendly. I know picking up their poop is helpful, but what else? Any ideas are appreciated.


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Mallard Duck Laid Eggs?Mallard ducks have laid 2 eggs but the female and male both just left them there. What do I do?


Uses for Old Watches?Creative ideas for reusing old and broken watches from our ThriftyFun community.


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Fundraising for a Cadet Corp?What is the best way to fundraise for a Cadet Corp with parents that are not very active in the corp?


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Getting Parents Involved With Our Cadet Corp?I am the Cadet Liaison for my daughter's Cadet Corp and parent involvement is sadly lacking. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the parents more involved?


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Recycling Computers?Do you have any tips disposing of or recycling computers? Post them below.


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Shopping Bag Made for Produce?I would like to purchase a bag to fill with my produce from the super market. I don't want a solid bag. Rather I would like to purchase a string type that has lots of holes in it so the produce can breathe until I get it home. Can anyone help?


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Fundraising Ideas?My class is planning a trip to Malawi in June 2008. As sports leaders we will be teaching/helping out in some P.E. classes. But before we go we have to raise the money to get us there. Altogether we need to raise about £10,000.


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