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Stuffed Easter Bunny

Be a Honey BunnyThis year, a lot of us will be shopping the thrift stores and yard sales for Bunnies to fill our Easter Baskets. There is nothing in the world like seeing a child on Easter morning hugging that sweet Easter bunny.


My Frugal Life: Cut Any Corner You CanI'm frugal because I just don't like throwing my money around! Not that I have a lot, being a single parent and not having a well paid job. There is also a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that I can do most things in a cheaper way. I like to try to be as 'green' as possible too.


How I Save Money By Keeping a Clean HouseI save money a number of different ways by keeping a clean house. This may seem like "too much work" to some people or you may say it "takes too long", however I have not found that to be the case.


My Frugal Life: With Help From ThriftyFunOh, yes, ThriftyFun has helped me in many ways showing me ways to improve our lives. I never dreamed there were as many others such as ourselves, trying to live and get along with everyday life as frugally as possible.


A couple on a hike in the mountains.

Enjoying Being FrugalEven though my husband took a pay raise when we moved to NJ almost two years ago, NJ is one of the most expensive states to live in.


What Are We Saving All This Money For?

What Are We Saving All This Money For?I was reflecting this morning, "what are we all actually saving this money for?" I guess there are as many diverse answers as there are readers here: Are we saving to reduce our bills and get out of debt? To buy a house? To take a special holiday?


Frugal And Green Laundry

Frugal And Green LaundryI just can't justify wasting warm water and soap so I often plan for at least two loads of laundry and reuse the wash water from the first load to do the second load.


My Frugal Life: "Frugal McDougal"They call me "Frugal McDougal" or sometimes "The Coupon Queen." Taking advantage of the many kinds of coupons available these days saves more money than one might think, and, like any thrifty housewife, I make good use of them.


My Frugal Life: ThriftPack a lunch. Hop the bus to work. Drive a modest car. Walk when you don't have to drive. Hang your clothes on the line. Perhaps not, someone might think you're poor.


My Frugal Life: Live Within Your MeansRaising three children as a single mother is never easy. But the key to contentment is learning to live within your means. I never owned a new car, a house of my own, and worked in trade for most of my furniture.


My Frugal Life With The Four H'sMy name is Jen. I just turned 37 on 8/6/07. We have been fated to a frugal life and are coming to love it. I have a home with my husband of 8 years, and our 4 girls, Holly, Hailey, Hannah and Harley.


My Frugal Trip To DisneyWorldI first wrote asking for dining tips for our August family vacation to Disney in Florida. One of the replies to my request was a question asking how I found such fantastic deals. Research, research and more research.


My Daughter's Well Deserved GraduationMy daughter has put in 13 years of hard work in school and received many awards. I'm very proud of my daughter in all that she has done. All she has asked of me was to let her have a graduation party with my family. Yet I couldn't afford to do this.


Income Tax Payment Is A Wake Up CallA year ago, I owed an unexpected $900 on my federal income tax return. I juggled a few financial responsibilities, cut some costs and was able to pay my tax bill by April 15.


Finding a Blessing from a DisasterSix weeks ago, I slipped on some melting snow and broke my leg but good! After emergency surgery with lots of pins and plates, I also had a two-day hospital stay.



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Take Pride In Not "Keeping Up With The...What makes someone take up frugal habits? Being independent of "keeping up with the Jones'" as the saying puts it! Going along with the crowd or whatever is "in" at the moment seems to be an indication that one has no individuality!


My Frugal Life: Watch Where The Money GoesAs a single mother, money can get very tight at times. I was tired of living paycheck to paycheck so I knew things had to change.


My Frugal Life: Stretch Every DollarI'm an old lady now, but I guess my upbringing is what led me to always be inventive and saving. Dollar bills did not multiply without a lot of making do and doing without!


My Frugal Life - My Favorite BirthdayMy uncle Al sent everyone on his Christmas card list, the story of his favorite Christmas. In turn, I wanted to do the same back, yet I couldn't come up with one that stood out. A birthday did stand out though, it could be frugal depending on the two people involved, for us it was.


My Frugal Life - We Have It AllI guess since my hubby was in the Navy, I learned to be frugal. I save money to this day and am proud of it. I have seen my friends struggle ...


My Frugal Life - Getting ByMy frugal life began when I married young against my parent's wishes. I dropped out of high school and made my way in life without a lot of help from anyone so learning to do without or making it myself became a life-long thing.


My Frugal Life - Lessons From The AmishI am going to start this by saying that I believe I was born in the wrong era or else I was given up for adoption by an Amish family! I truly believe that being frugal helps simplify my life. Go figure, when some of the things I do to save a dime are more time consuming!


My Frugal Life - Enjoying the Wisdom of Our ParentsI am happy to say that I grew up in a frugal family. It certainly made a difference. My greatest influence was my father.


My Frugal Life - A Week Of Frugal Summer FunThe week never cost more than $7.50. The public library has a program to encourage reading. They have story time and a craft to go along with it. We would then pick out the books for the week.


My Frugal Life - Frugal Living on Five AcresDuring a stressful time in our lives, my DH and I did not have the money to pay our rent, so we had to search for a more frugal life for the two of us, our daughter and three children who were at the time living with us, plus our son and his two children who also stayed part-time with us.


My Frugal Life - A Fun AdventureFor 21 years, I've lived the "frugal life" so, I guess it's really a way of life for us now. I've done all the classic frugal things. Most people say I have a knack for being in the right place at the right time, but I think it's really about being aware of what's going on.


My Frugal Life - Coupons, Contests, Freebies and RebatesI've used coupons and have done rebates and sweepstakes for years, even before my husband and I got together 20 years ago, this next month. I got started by seeing a show on TV and thinking, I could do that, too. I did, even when I was single and still living with my parents.


My Frugal Life - Homemade Christmas GiftsHomemade Christmas gifts? We love them in our family. My aunt always gives homemade dishcloths, etc. My parents, who are in their 70's, loved their gift last year. I went to the store, bought a couple of big boxes of Q-tips, Ivory soap, toothpaste, everything they use in the bathroom, careful to use their usual brands.


My Frugal Life - Comfortable and FrugalI grew up with frugal parents who did well by watching how they spent their money but saved for luxury items. We were taught to be careful with our money and to watch the cost of utilities.


Frugal and Tightwad LivingThis is my story about frugal and tightwad living! To start, I live alone right now. I have been frugal my whole 38 years. I am also a tightwad. My family laughs about to what lengths I will go to live the way I do.



My Frugal Life - "Time is Money"I was raised in a frugal household so I learned from the masters. I am a very organized person who believes "Time is Money" so I have learned to budget my time very wisely.


Back to School Clothes on a Budget

Back to School Clothes on a BudgetTips as suggested by our ThriftyFun community: My daughter has three children in school. She visited our local Goodwill Store, got 6 pair of boys jeans, 2 skirts, and 12 blouses for $100.


My Frugal Life - It's for the kids!I am a stay at home mom of two little boys. It was not a hard choice, given my mother stayed at home for as long as she could with her four children.


My Frugal Life - BarteringI'm almost ashamed to admit it but I have not been a frugal person most of my life. Up until 5 years ago, my husband and I both had great jobs ...


My Frugal Life - Giving BackI went out into the world and started supporting myself at age 15. At age 22, after a disastrous teenage marriage, I became a single mom and learned frugality out of necessity.


My Frugal Life - I'm Thankful For What We HaveAfter graduation, most people go out to a big fancy dinner, spend lots of money on graduation gifts and have a big job all lined up. Nope. Not us. For dinner, we enjoyed Hamburger Helper from the $1 section at the grocery store (with free meat from my parents' farm).


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My Frugal Life: My Frugal ParentsMy father was my example when it came to being frugal. He lived through the "dirty thirties" and the depression had a life long effect on his frugality.


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My Frugal Life - A Frugal Challenge - Up From HomelessnessIn August of 1998, I decided to find an apartment after living in a long term homeless shelter for over 2 years.


My Frugal Life - Frugality, Debt Reduction and Giving BackFriends and family have called me a tightwad or a cheapskate. I prefer to be called "frugal"! About 12 years ago, my husband and I came to the bright conclusion that we had too much debt (after only 3 years of marriage!)


Living Off The LandWhen my husband and I married, we each brought children to the union. Within a year, we had added the two little boys from across the street. In an 800 square foot house with two bedrooms, this did not work.


My Frugal Life - Frugal Rural LivingMy family was tired of living in the big city. High taxes, high crime and high cost of living. After many years of scrimping, coupon clipping, yard-saling etc., and just barely making it, we decided to make the big move.


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My Frugal Life: Buying Items at Country AuctionsBuying Items at Country Auctions. We are retired and are living on a fixed income. Being frugal has become a way of living. We shop the specials at the supermarkets and I have a vegetable garden.


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My Frugal Life: Lessons Learned by a Single MomIn my early thirties, I went through a divorce and suddenly found myself as a single mother of three small children. Fortunately, I was able to still manage to buy a small home with a backyard and continue working full time.


My Frugal Life - Why I Love Yard SalesYard Sales are on during the spring and summertime. Honestly, yard sales are truly a money saving thing for me. I am a person who finds treasure in somebody's trash.


My Frugal Life - Free Produce... Saved From The DumpsterIt occurred to me that the local grocery store throws away bruised fruit and spotted veggies everyday that I could put to good use if I prepared them right away.



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My Frugal Life: Finding Small LuxuriesMy earliest adult encounter with frugal living was as a twenty-something single woman living on $425 a month in the 70's. I was exasperated with most of the budgeting articles in ladies magazines with titles like "How to Get the Most Out of Your Roast".


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My Frugal Life: Advice From a Stay at Home MomI've always been pretty smart with money, but three very special little boys have taught me that simplifying all areas of our lives is one of life's sweetest lessons learned.


My House (And Bank Account) Have Never...A few years ago, I was out a job from my third oil company layoff, and decided to move from Houston to Galveston to get away from big city blues. That saved me a lot right there - moving to a smaller city, only an hour away! But there were fewer jobs here, all vastly lower paying, so I had to economize. Here are some of the things I did:


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My Frugal Life: Save Everywhere I CanHere goes my life. I try to save everywhere I can. I shop at thrift stores for necessary items. I give a lot to thrift stores, because clutter will increase your cleaning by 50%.


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My Frugal Life: Two Part AgendaMy first career was as a musician. Despite some good breaks and a substantial amount of business success, music was basically a hand-to-mouth existence. So I learned to manage on the little money that I had.


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So Many Ways to SaveI started reading about frugal living about 9 years ago. My main reason was to save us money for my husband and I who were living on our own for the first time. Now we just bought our first house so I'm trying to learn even more about frugal living.


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My Frugal Life: Country LivingI began my quest for frugality when my husband had been laid off from his job and we were in a financial bind. It isn't something that you want to do, I don't think, in the beginning. But realizing the benefits from just changing a few things can really have an impact on your life.


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My Frugal Life: Thrift Store ShoppingI grew up in a family of 4 children, a stay-at-home mom, and a father who didn't make a lot of money. We had everything we needed but I did wear a lot of boys PJs inherited from my older brother and cousins.


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My Frugal Life: Tips from a Save-o-holicI honestly don't know where or how to begin telling everyone how I save money, because it's natural for me. It's an everything day thing. I love to teach others how to save. Saving money is a "rush" for me.


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My Frugal Life: Cooking For OneI am a 63 year old female, and I eat on an $80.00 a month food allowance. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, so I have to watch what I eat.


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My Frugal Life: You Can Have It AllWhen I was about twelve I had a talk with my Dad about money. He looked at me and said. "You can have anything you want as long as you pay for it." Wow the possibilities!


My Frugal Life: Dealing With Big BillsI have been hit with many big bills lately. I have disconnected my caller ID, saving me $7.00 per month. When I drink milk or juice, I add water to the glass first.


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Thrifty Tips of the WeekThis weeks tips are compliments of The Homemakers Journal and include lots of car tips. Be sure to add your own or feedback to these ideas.


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