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Starbucks price information.

Saving Money at Starbucks

I'm a coffee drinker so when I go to Starbucks, it's often to get a drip coffee. I ordered this one day and the man behind me in line turned to his wife and said, "See, you can just order coffee." Black coffee drinkers definitely save money at Starbucks but there are some strategies that can make your Lattes and Frappuccinos less expensive too.


Rehashing Frugal Living After a Death

Rehashing Frugal Living After a DeathI mainly lurk these days but I had to become super frugal since the death of my husband in May. I am trying to get my widow benefits (we were both on SSDI), so I am living on less than half of what we were bringing in. I paid $500 up front for the cremation, but because SS is taking so long on my widows' benefits, the funeral home wrote off the rest of the bill. I do have his ashes with me now.


A man giving a pot to a woman at the door.

Giving Household Items Within Your CommunityI am active in my local Buy Nothing group, where members gift furniture, clothing and other useful items to people in their local area. It is run on a Facebook page for my neighborhood, an area is a mile or so wide, bounded by the major streets. There are several different Buy Nothing neighborhoods in my city. This allows the members to be sure they are giving and receiving to their own neighbors, making pickups easy and bringing local communities together.


A set of organized small shelves in a bathroom.

RepurposeAn artist at heart, my brother loved doing home renovations. He also loved teaching me the basics, like how to use a power drill. This skill has played an essential role in my frugal living. Many of my frugal habits center around repurposing. It is finding another meaning in something, whether it retains its current form or not, and whether it is carefully preserved or eventually discarded.


A woman using coupons when grocery shopping.

Living on a BudgetMy boyfriend and I live in Southeastern KY. We are both disabled and living on disability. We have to budget everything, from electricity to groceries, every month. We are members of several store loyalty programs that automatically apply coupons to your purchase, which helps a lot. You can also use clip coupons along with that to add extra savings.


Tomatoes growing in a garden.

A Green Frugal LifeI've always been a frugal person, following in my Grandma's footsteps. She survived the Depression yet fed her family well. Even a teaspoon of leftover corn at dinner was put in a homemade soup. Pastry scraps were made into the most delicious treats, spread with either cinnamon sugar or jam, then rolled, baked and sprinkled with powdered sugar. From her, we learned how to make delicious meals cheaply.


An antique phonograph playing a small record.

Jeannie Rollins ~ Frugality Without ChoiceMost of us have hard times now and then. Some of us have not just hard times but hard lives. Sometimes we all need something to jolt us back to reality. To a perspective from which we can see ' things really aren't as bad as they seem'. Some have it much worse than you.


A crazy quilt made from scraps of material.

The Most Frugal Of All, Free MemoriesWhat is your earliest memory? I will tell you three of mine as I don't know which is earliest. When I was little, the house was not heated past bed time. If the temperature was 10 degrees outside, it was 10 degrees inside, not long after we all went to bed.


A small leather pocketbook.

Gratitude Not AttitudeGratitude, not attitude. Last week Lowes was giving away gift cards in denominations from $5 to $1500. As to be expected, most cards were $5, which is what I got. I saw some posts from people saying they "only" got $5. I felt it was $5 that I did not have before.


A single layer chocolate cake

Baking LessonsA hearth is timeless. In days past, of the likes of Little Women, warm flickering light from the stove used to brighten up evenings for families coming together over a meal. What would they talk about? Maybe the ships coming in from sea, slow telegraphs from a father far away, the newspaper picked up for a dime from the little boy at the market? After the dishes were put away, a child like Beth might play hymns on her old upright, several decades before the radio was ever invented.


A freezer filled with vacuumed sealed foods.

Living With Less Is MoreI have always been a bit of a cheapskate and as I get older I have grown to realize that I am not a "cheapskate", I am Frugal! And might I say I am proud of it! It started in my 20s.


Go-Go Boots - young woman wearing white go go boots and lime green vinyl dress

Go-Go BootsWhen I was in the sixth grade, short white leather boots, called go-go boots, were all the rage. All the cool girls got them immediately. Not-so-cool girls got them in rapid succession. In a short period of time, anybody who was anybody had a pair, except for me.


The mountain town of Hot Springs, NC

Inner Roadblocks to Financial WellbeingI am not a fan of money in any shape or form. I pretty much have come to hate everything about it. Especially the way it interferes with what I'd rather do in life which means basically not having to care about who has it or who doesn't or how to get it or how not to - in other words, the way the cancer of money destroys everything in its wake.


A platter of homemade banana cakes.

A Hundred Dollar For A Family of FourGrowing up wasn't that easy for a simple girl who is shy and almost doesn't talk in public. My family has had a lack of resources since I was a kid, as my parents were just starting a small family. I remember one time my parents told me and my older brother to hide during snack time because we only have water and fried bananas on our lunchbox.


An old fashioned wringer washer.

Frugality Ain't What It Used To BeGoogle just added a silly slide out panel to the new Gmail. It serves no purpose, gets in my way, and I find it very annoying. I think most businesses of today feel they won't be considered progressive unless they're constantly making changes, whether needed or not, whether good or not.



A small boy in a large white cowboy hat.

10 Gallon HeartIn traveling with my children, I noticed everything always was easier and better if Grandpa was going. It was like bringing a living breathing toy along. He always had 3x5 index cards in his pocket and an extra pen so when the children got fidgety, he would say "Draw grampa a picture and I'll give you a piece of candy" which he had stored in his pocket.


A vintage gold trinket on a white background.

The Thief In Your Closet and On Your ShelvesIs your stuff stealing your time and money? You know those doodads on your shelves, your clothing, the flotsam and the jetsam piled up in the nooks and crannies of your house. For most of us, the answer is a resounding YES! Your stuff is making you poor and you probably don''t even realize it.


A Thanksgiving table set and ready for dinner.

Living Within Your MeansNow on a very small fixed income, I kept finding myself running out of money before the end of the month to pay my monthly bills and living expenses. So I wound up drawing money out of my savings account every month to pay bills until my next monthly check came in. I realized that my savings account was shrinking at an alarming rate. In looking at my lifestyle, I realized I had to change some of my habits.


A medicine cabinet of personal care items.

The Frugal Lady Is At It AgainI have found when a friend or neighbor helps me in some kind way, it's nice to pack up a care bag for two household items. They are often in need of them. I have had wonderful feedback from that. The bags I order free by playing a game, about 50 shopping bags in each.


An orange stuffed bear with flowers on its stomach.

Why Do We Keep Keepsakes?We all have memories, some of them good, some bad. Our keepsakes are most likely associated with the good memories. And they're sort of like Christmas. Every day Christmas would be no joy. It's the year long anticipation that makes it so special. And so it is with keepsakes.


Book Flowers and Coffee Cup on Table

No Need for a TVDue to a divorce that left me with no retirement at age 60 I do not pay for cable TV or any other TV service. I have to watch every penny and try to create some kind of retirement plan. I love to read and my garden and yard keep me busy except in the winter and then I catch up on home repairs. I don't miss TV.


A white shelf with a coffee center and some condiments.

Shopping with Less MoneyHello again, I would like to share my frugal story. I am living with fibromyalgia so I am in a lot of pain. It took a while to get this done but it is done. I am paying off my credit report for this year. I am living on $780 but my check is paid out.


A park with a floral display in the center of the driveway.

Being Frugal Can Be Hard WorkBeing frugal can be hard work for some people. I find it very satisfying and fun. Doing things to save money is better than doing nothing. You must be realistic. You have to have an open mind to accept new ideas. If you do nothing, you will accomplish nothing.


Woman Showing Daughter how to Save Money with Piggy Bank

Our Throwaway SocietyThis is a page about living frugally in a throwaway society. There are many ways to live a meaningful life with less things, and reuse items that many just throw away.


Adult Mother and Daughter Together

Lessons About Frugal Living from My MotherThis page contains frugal living advice. Growing up during or just after the Great Depression, meant that life was tough for many people. One of our users wrote about the lessons her mom shared with her from growing up in a time where it was important to be frugal, waste nothing, and appreciate what you had.


A sad and small Christmas tree.

The Christmas Tree GrinchMy father bought our Christmas tree every year on Christmas Eve. My father, well, he was a bit of a Grinch when it came to purchasing a tree. He didn't want to spend money for a tree that was only going to be up for one week. It was his money; after all, we were spending.


Applebee's gift cards purchased at a CVS pharmacy.

Stretching the Value of a DollarGrowing up, I was taught to use money wisely in scenarios where I could save. Now being engaged to my fiancé - we are slowly getting in the rhythm of joining our bills, budgeting and making compromises.



Use Wallpaper for Shelf and Drawer LinersWhen you find discounted wallpaper ends, you can use the pieces to line drawers and shelves. This is a page about use wallpaper for shelf and drawer liners.


An unpaved dirt road through pine trees.

Goodness Still ExistsWhen I was eleven or twelve, I did something I'll never do again; probably couldn't do again. I walked twenty-two miles in a single day. Just on a lark. At that age, I was often besieged with fits of 'larkism'.


Father Helping Daughter Put Money in Piggy Bank

Enjoying Being FrugalLife is always subject to change. Learning to live within your means can be a challenge and very satisfying. This is a page about enjoying being frugal.



A cellphone in a car, being held by a rubber band.

Rubber Band as Car Cellphone HolderIt is illegal to use a cellphone, without using it hands-free, in many states. Save yourself an expensive ticket with a simple rubber band. Using a rubber band as car cellphone holder is a great frugal hands-free device.


A mug that says "Happiness anytime anywhere, just pick it up" next to a window and a green vase.

My Personal Guide to Frugal LivingEvery person has his/her own way of living. There are different types of people and each one's lifestyle is unique but for sure, we all wanted our lives to be easier to fulfill our desires, to fully enjoy the things we possess and live a better life.


A young girl gardening with her grandpa.

Gardening With GrandpaTime spent with one's grandparents often creates treasured memories that drift though our minds later in life. Life lessons are also often learned at the side of these experienced elders. This page contains two award winning essays from one of our Thriftyfun members, reminiscing about gardening with her grandfather when she was a child.


A rainbow over some fields.

Country Meets CityWhen I was five, we would travel from Hamilton to Roebuck to see my dad's parents. We loved it there, even though there was no running water or any thing fancy. There was a built in toilet, like an outside outhouse. I remember my aunt carrying the pail to dump, she hated it.


A pantry full of cans of food.

Developing a Frugal LifestyleI used to think that frugal living centered around clipping coupons and buying items on sale. I have come to realize that frugal living is a lifestyle that can be developed by adopting specific money-saving habits. Getting and staying organized can be the foundation upon which the many other frugal living habits such as simplifying, scheduling and budgeting, can be successfully implemented.


Saving Coins

Challenging Yourself to SaveSaving money is an important skill to learn. This is a page about challenging yourself to save.


Couple Sunning Backyard

The Non-Vacation VacationSometimes a staycation is exactly what you need to relax with out traveling far away. This is a page about the non-vacation vacation.


Homemade Wipes

Homemade Adult WipesAdult wipes can get expensive to purchase regularly. You can save some money on these items by making them yourself. This is a page about homemade adult wipes.


Two hands putting money into a piggy bank.

Change from a Spendthrift into a SaverLiving within your means makes life less stressful and you still are able to get what you need. This page is about change from a spendthrift into a saver.


Group of young men and woman discussing frugal living.

Start Your Own Frugal ClubWhether it's at a school, church, or local community center; starting a frugal club to help your friends and neighbors save money is a great idea. This is a page about start your own frugal club.


A bottle of ammonia and a cleaning rag in the bathroom.

Why Doing Things Yourself is More than FrugalMost people I know have someone else to clean their homes and wash their cars. They bring in food a lot and go out to eat often. They tell me that since I work full-time, I am wasting my precious free time. They also think I'm cheap.


A woman writing a check for a bill.

Being Frugal From NecessityFrugality is a way of life that isn't always a choice. This is a page about being frugal from necessity.


A woman wearing white nursing scrubs and a charm bracelet at her graduation from nursing school.

The Bracelet Legacy to a Florence NightingaleMy oldest daughter Angela lost her home in a horrific fire and was downsized to unemployment in her job. She made the decision to return to college and pursued a nursing career. I presented her my high school graduation charm bracelet at graduation.


Writing a budget on a notepad.

Living on Very Little MoneyIf you are low on money living frugally is an imperative. Use these thrifty ideas to help get you through times when money is short. This is a page about living with very little money.


Learning Frugality

Learning FrugalityHowever and whenever you learn to be frugal, it will be helpful for your life. This is a page about learning frugality.



A girl at a thrift store.

7 Tips for Making Thrift Shopping a BreezeThrift store shopping can be a fun and very successful way to shop for clothing and many other items. This is a page about 7 tips for making thrift shopping a breeze.


Hand holding Social Security Card.

Surviving on Social SecurityTrying to live on your Social Security income alone can be very challenging. It requires planning and creativity, along with obvious frugality. This is a page about surviving on Social Security.


Reviving Dried Up Markers - close up of marker in a cup

Reviving Dried Up MarkersSometimes there is plenty of ink left, but the marker tip has dried out. This is a page about reviving dried up markers.


A person wearing a plaid shirt and green gardening gloves.

Our Little Trailer on the PrairieIn the early days of our marriage, Jim and I had six teenagers and a weekly food budget of $35.00. I am grateful that Jim is such a fine gardener, and that he thoughtfully included the children in that hobby; however, those who have fed a growing teenager, especially a boy, know how very much they can eat!


A group of friends playing a card game.

Cheap and Free Retro ActivitiesLisa shares ideas for having fun without spending a lot of money. This page has ideas for cheap and free retro activities.


A couple walking and holding hands.

Thrifty Love StoriesBeing thrifty doesn't prevent a person from being romantic. This page features thrifty love stories. Feel free to share you own!


A frustrated woman looking at her laptop computer.

Surviving an Economic CrisisLiving a frugal lifestyle can help you live comfortably during tough economic times. This page is about surviving an economic crisis.


Snack sized chocolate candy bars.

Memories of a Thrifty Love StoryHere are tiny packs of chocolate my cousin sent all the way from Pennsylvania. Those are the kinds of chocolates that most Filipinos love to have on their so called "balikbayan package". Last night, I received mine. The sight of the chocolate made me go back to seven years ago when hubby and I were young lovers.


A orange and yellow flowered wallet with money sticking out the top.

When Frugal is Not!After watching some TV shows tout frugality that aren't really in our best interest, I wanted to express what I think is not frugal.


A birthday cake with colored marshmallow fondant.

My Very First DIY FondantBefore my son's birthday celebration, he came to me and said he wanted a themed fondant cake. I was planning to bake a cake for him but to make a fondant, I wasn't sure if I could do it. What disheartened me most was when I went out to canvass prices in cake shops, the prices were really out of my budget.


glass jar with baking soda and spoon

Reusing Refrigerator Baking SodaThis is a page about reusing refrigerator baking soda. Once a box of soda has been used to absorb odors in the fridge, it can be useful for a variety of other things.


A hand dyed blouse.

Resourcefully ThoughtfulOnce we had neighbors whose son looked a lot like my younger brother. He tried to help his parents by going door to door and offers cleaning services for a dollar. Our relatives noticed the resemblance too, and so we call him John Number 2. It melted the hearts of everybody, especially seeing the poorer version of my brother.


cleaning with vinegar

Frugal Uses for VinegarThis common fermented liquid can be an inexpensive product for many household uses. This page is about frugal uses for vinegar.


A mom and child walking in the woods.

Living a Simple LifestyleThis is a page about living a simple lifestyle. Modern life can be stressful and living with less things can often be a positive change.


When Are You Being Too Frugal?

When Are You Being Too Frugal?We all need to be thrifty to avoid waste and reuse whenever possible, but not be penny wise and pound foolish. This is a page about when are you being too frugal?


No-Car Day

No-Car DayThis summer, I decided to do an experiment. I decided to see what would happen if I didn't use my car one day a week. I have discovered that this is a really good idea for many reasons.


fish sculpture

Finding Your Own Frugal BusinessI learned when I was very young that toys and new clothes did not take a priority in our family. My mom bought me the least expensive little cotton dresses and then she would purchase and applique of a sheep or a bear that I liked and put it on the pocket, and I felt pretty special. It wasn't her fault, at all. I grew much faster than my older step siblings. It's the truth that if she bought me some Sunday shoes on Monday, they would be too small by church time. She also grew up in the Depression, and she was extremely creative. Some nights, I would hear the sewing machine going all night while she created the outfit of my silly dreams, complete with hidden pockets everywhere.


Growing Up with Little Money

Growing Up with Little MoneyI grew up in a family of four and my mom was on a fixed income. I thank her for making me understand how important it is to know that not being able to buy all the name brand clothes because, even though we got those things, we were still not happy.


Becoming More DIY

Becoming More DIYI have learned through my 60 years on this earth that not everything that is good is easy. Rewards come to those that wait or work hard for what they get. This holds true with food. I am single but now helping to raise my 16 year old granddaughter with my son, who is unemployed.


Easy Ways to Live a Frugal Life

Easy Ways to Live a Frugal LifeYes! I do believe in frugal living. I think it does not matter whether you earn more or less, but keep an economical approach towards our expenses helps us in reducing financial stress. Definitely, living a frugal life requires certain lifestyle changes and a conscious awareness about how we are spending and saving money? My idea of thrifty living comprises basic three principles: Smart shopping, use appropriately to waste less and save in advance.


Feeding Your Family For Less

Feeding Your Family For LessLiving in Tahiti can be a bit costly when it comes to buying food, household cleaners, paper goods, shampoo and toothpaste. However, I have found a way to save money each year by buying in bulk quantity. Now and then the stores on the island will run a monthly special.


A variety of mixed bulk beans

Saving Money When ShoppingI know this seems obvious, but how many times have you bought something on sale just because it's a really good deal? You think, "'I'll find a way to use this,"' but it's more likely to sit in your pantry until it's past the date.


7 Tips for Making Thrift Shopping a Breeze

7 Tips for Making Thrift Shopping a BreezeThrift shopping is one of my favorite ways to save money. As the old saying goes, one person's trash is another person's treasure. The following are some tips to not only make thrift shopping easier and more pleasant, but also help get the most for the least amount of money.


Seventh Birthday Memories (July 1958)

Seventh Birthday Memories (July 1958)Today is my birthday and I'm so, so excited. I'm seven years old now. I don't know why being seven is better than being six. It just is. Maybe it's because whenever I really want something, Mum always says 'when you're older'. So now I'm older and maybe we can get the baby kitty I want.


Taking Pride in Being Frugal

Taking Pride in Being FrugalThis is a page about taking pride in being frugal. There are many personal rewards that result from living a frugal lifestyle.


Affording Real Food

Affording Real FoodRecently, I was talking with a friend about the difficulty of feeding our growing families affordably but also in a healthy way. She was talking about the extra cost of buying and preparing "real food", meaning not processed and mostly from scratch. I started wondering if it is really more expensive?


Loaves of bread

When is Enough Enough?A friend of mine, for as long as I can remember, would say, "A loaf of bread costs what it costs, and you can eat only so much bread. Why would you buy more bread then you could ever use?". In my younger years I would chuckle to myself.


A finger and thumb pinching a penny.

Pinch Those Pennies When You're YoungMy great aunt and uncle were very frugal. They made their own furniture out of pressed wood. They had a schematic of the property, where every wire was buried outside, location of all piping, cable etc. They ordered kitchen cabinets to put together themselves and bought parts for repairs in bulk; plumbing, sprinkler, electricity, basically anything that could break and need repaired. They bought the best quality gloss enamel paint so everything was easy to maintain with washing.


Hands holding shopping list.

Shopping on a Low-Income BudgetIt gets harder each month, when the prices of food keep climbing up, and your money coming in does not! Well, that is why I have to shop frugally. I make 3 lists.


Game Shows Imitate Life

Game Shows Imitate LifeMy husband discovered a TV channel that has game shows 24 hours a day. We had a good laugh looking at the outdated hairdos, clothing, and products featured. After the novelty wore off, I discovered a lot of things just by watching the shows.


A man holding open an empty wallet.

A Fortnight's Lost IncomeThis is a story from my past, which taught me that when you have to you can do it! It was the day after payday and I had the cash on the table, working out where it would be going. There was a knock at the door so I hid the cash. It was an hour or so before I got back to my budgeting task. Unfortunately, I had forgotten where I'd put the money!


Take Time To Enjoy Your World

Take Time To Enjoy Your WorldIt has been said that only boring people ever get bored. I think there's a lot of truth in that saying. People who are easily bored lack a healthy curiosity about the world around them. Some people go all their lives without awareness of things that make other people's lives more enjoyable.


Look Like a Million for $2.50

Look Like a Million for $2.50Whenever I shop, be it retail or thrift, I always have my eyes open for a great deal on formal wear. If you wait until you get an invitation, you have limited time to shop and will likely spend top-dollar.


Suzzycue's Frugal Lifestyle

Suzzycue's Frugal LifestyleLiving a frugal lifestyle is not easy. It takes a lot of dedication to make it work. The best thing I did to promote my frugal lifestyle was learn to cook. If you learn to cook you can have delicious meals with leftovers for the next day for the same cost or lower than buying one hamburger.


A dress bought at a thrift store

Using My Clothing Budget WiselyI am often asked where I bought one thing or another. The answer is almost never as simple as just a department store.


Remembering Granny Rollins

Remembering Granny RollinsWhere does frugality end and parsimoniousness or down right stinginess, begin? That may depend on who's giving the answer and what hardships and meager times they've endured in their own lives.


container garden

Frugality, Foraging and FarmingI've been on my own now for four years, a single parent turned "empty nester", and living on a disability pension. Here are my tips.


An old fashioned black and white photo of a woman in glasses.

A Tribute To Bertie JaneI was born and raised in the city. When grade school was out for the summer, all my friends stayed close to home, taking occasional trips to a beach or theme park. None of them would have agreed to spend their summers the way I spent mine. I chose to spend them in the country with my cousins and uncle, and my aunt, 'Bertie Jane'.


A recipe book with a wooden spoon.

Teaching the Next Generation to be ThriftyWe grew up in a country area, at least 15 miles from a small town. We were taught how to work hard at all things. There was no down time as some make sure they get today. Each season had its work; some were to be fast and others slow and regular.


An old fashioned black and white photo of a family.

How To Appreciate Cobbler CrustThis was to be a prelude on the importance and appreciation of good, crusty Southern style biscuits, and more tips on how to make them. This 'prelude' became so lengthy, it turned into a 'story' in its own right. Read on.


Bottles of dish soap on sale.

Living the Best Frugal Life I CanI will stock up and buy three of anything to keep me from running out too fast. Tonight, they had soap on sale for 99 cents, so I bought 8 bottles. There can never be too much dish soap.


Two shirts on sale.

Frugal Queen in ProcessI am frugal and learning every day. I budget every cent I have on pen and paper. When I spend it, I keep my receipt and log in down. I pay a little more on each bill as often as possible.


A chicken coop made from recycled materials.

Don't Waste AnythingIf you want or need to be frugal, it's not just about the "stuff" you don't buy. You also have to use everything to its maximum potential.


Butternut Creek

Being Healthy is FrugalWith health care being the most expensive cost in all of our lifetime, maintaining and improving our health is the most frugal way to live. It just makes sense to stay healthy, reduce stress and will improve the overall quality of your life well into your senior years.


A jar full of bills and coins.

Painless Ways to SaveI'm in my 60s and have always done little things that add to our savings. Neither hubby nor I were ever promoted at work, so our paychecks were on the smaller side. Even so, we paid off the mortgage on our home, paid cash for our car, have no debt, and look forward to retirement next year.


Collecting eggs on the farm.

Big Family on The FarmMy husband and I are raising 10 kids on about $25000 a year, yes 10! We have always lived inexpensively even before we had any children. We were able to purchase a small farm with an old farm house on it many years ago and fixed it up ourselves over time.


A woman looking at a clothing rack.

Life in the Fab Lane Without Breaking the...So, alright, I work at Wal-mart and see all kinds of shoppers. Some are good and buy mostly generic. Others use coupons. Then there are people that buy 6 makeup items and spend almost $50! They could have taken five minutes and saved almost $15 in coupons!


Learning Frugality

Learning FrugalityI have always been a pretty frugal person, but I'm finding later in life that I don't need as much as I once thought I did. When you are young, you are led to believe that those pretty new shiny objects you see on TV or someone is wearing is something you just can't live without.


Reviving Dried Up Markers - marker in a cup

Reviving Dried Up MarkersMy son loves to color, he is constantly asking to get the markers out. I noticed that some of his favorite colors were starting to run dry. I was thinking I ought to buy a new set, until I remembered there was a way to get them working again!


Being Thrifty or Frugal: The Big Picture

Being Thrifty or Frugal: The Big PictureWhen I was a child, my family and I lived in the city. Being a nature lover, I would often take long walks in the country. At that time, the county did not have a garbage collection service. People would put their garbage in a vacant area on their property.


flowers made from yarn

What is Living a Frugal Life About?At various times of my life, I have had to live frugally. I've had times of plenty and times of hardship. Over my many years, I have become a bit of an expert.


A family playing in a sprinkler.

Cheap Ways to Beat the HeatThis page contains cheap ways to beat the heat. Try some ways to cool your temperatures and your budget as well.


A woman clipping coupons for the first time.

Starting to Live Frugally?This page is about starting to live frugally. It's never too late to begin saving money and reusing what you may have trashed in the past.


Stretching My Meager Dollars

Stretching My Meager DollarsI am a single mother of two kids. The income I have comes from what little I make from my full time job, my job working in my church's nursery on Sundays, and Child Support for my oldest. I am constantly learning new ways to stretch my meager dollars.


English Scones

Frugal Colonial Lifestyle of the PastI feel very close to the people in the English Colonies. I may be somewhat different in my circumstances but I have the same heart! I appreciate all that I have and try to make it go as long as it can. I use things in different ways, that I think they might have given me the nod of approval.


Items for Goodwill

How We Shared in our Needy DaysWe lived in the countryside and we had some hard times, just like many others. That did not stop us from sharing with people or trading to make things easier for both us and others. We had a few second hand stores in the town we went to shop.


Watering The Garden

My Adventures In Cheap SkatingLiving frugal can be a very simple, yet rewarding change in your lifestyle. I used to think that meant eating rabbit food and living in bamboo huts. Me, in a loincloth? Never! But it's actually very easy to do and you don't have to give up the things you love.


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