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Making a "Basket of Sunshine"Everyone can use a "Basket of Sunshine" now and again to brighten their day. This is a page about making a "Basket of Sunshine".


A gift basket with a theme of "Dinner and a Movie".

Dinner and a Movie Gift BasketMake this gift basket for a couple in need of a date night. This page is about making a dinner and a movie gift basket.


Family Playing Checkers by Fire

Family Night Gift Basket Ideas?A fun gift to give a friend or family member is a personalized Family Night basket. Include a movie, games, snacks, and more. If they have young children, consider a book. This page is about family night gift basket ideas.


Magazine Bowl Gift Basket - wrapped paper bowl gift basket

Making a Magazine Bowl Gift BasketDecorate a paper bowl with magazine clipping to create a colorful gift basket. Add your items and wrap with cellophane paper and gift.


Completed cone gift.

Ice Cream Cone Shaped Bath GiftYou are sure to make someone smile when they receive this adorable gift go bath items shaped like an ice cram cone. Make an ice cream cone shaped bath gift for someone special in your life.


Paper Plate Cookie Gift Basket - cookie gift pack

How to Make a Paper Plate Cookie Gift BasketThe humble paper plate once again finds itself the star of this cute cookie basket craft. This is a page about how to make a paper plate cookie gift basket.


VHS Tape Candy Bouquet

Making a VHS Tape Candy BouquetThis is a page about making a VHS tape candy bouquet. A fun way to reuse old video cases to make a plastic vase for a candy bouquet gift.


Beer and Snacks Bouquet

Making a Beer and Snacks BouquetTry making this fun, personalized gift bouquet for an upcoming birthday or other event. This is a page about making a beer and snacks bouquet.


Middle School Survival Kit

Making a Middle School Survival KitThis is a page about making a middle school survival kit. These snack laden bags make for a special gift for your child, as they leave lower or elementary school and prepare to start middle school in the fall.


Father's Day Candy Bouquet

Father's Day Candy Bouquet IdeasThis is a page about Father's Day candy bouquet ideas. Dad will love to get a homemade candy treat for Father's Day.


Paper House Gift Box

Paper House Gift BoxThis is a page about making a paper house gift box. Making your own gift boxes is a craft in itself.


Father's Day Ideas!
Fourth of July Ideas!
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