
InsectsAsk a Question Follow

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Identifying White Grapelike Eggs?

Identifying White Grapelike Eggs?These eggs are on all my azaleas front yard bushes. Some appear as though they've Hatched. I live in Massachusetts


Eggs on the back of a leaf

What Type of Eggs Are These?I found this colony of what looks like bug eggs in my garden. What type of bug do these eggs belong to? They were on the bottom of a milkweed leaf. (Definitely NOT monarch)


Identifying Insect Eggs on a Papaya Tree? - scattering of small white insect eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs on a Papaya Tree?I just found these eggs on my papaya tree and don't know what they are. Do they look familiar to anybody?


What Kind of Insect Eggs Are These? - eggs on a leaf

What Kind of Insect Eggs Are These?I've never seen anything like these before. I did some searching online and figured they may be butterfly or moth eggs. Any ideas?


Small Insect Eggs on Plastic Part of Wooden Playground? - cluster of eggs on plastic tube covering swing chain

Small Insect Eggs on Plastic Part of Wooden Playground?Can someone identify these insect eggs? I viewed another forum stating that they (eggs similar to these) were wood mites. I'm doubting that these eggs are from mites because they were laid on the plastic covering swing chains. We are in a lightly wooded area in the Chesapeake region.


Identifying Small Brown Bugs? - small, long brown segmented bug

Identifying Small Brown Bugs?I found these under my plant stand. They kind of look like really skinny rollie pollies.


What Type of Insect Eggs Are These? - pink conical eggs

What Type of Insect Eggs Are These?Can anyone identify these eggs? They are on a muscadine leaf in North Carolina.


Identifying Insect Eggs? - cluster of round pinkish insect eggs on tree bark

Identifying Insect Eggs?What kind of eggs would these be? They are on a tree. All I can find is maybe lady bugs? Can you help?


Is This a Brown Banded Roach Egg Case?  - egg case next to a ruler

Is This a Brown Banded Roach Egg Case?Can anyone confirm if this is a brown banded roach egg case? It was at my sister's on the sill by her AC unit that is rarely used. It's just under 1/8th of an inch and as you can see by the photo appears to look identical to photos of those egg cases online, albeit a bit smaller.


Any Idea What These Eggs Are? - small round yellowish eggs perhaps

Any Idea What These Eggs Are?These look like eggs. They're smaller than a pinhead and I constantly see them on the underside of our umbrella. Sometimes I'll find them on the side of the house after a day or two they turn black, but they start out yellow. Any idea what they are?


Identifying Egg Cluster on Corn Leaf? - small cluster of white insect eggs

Identifying Egg Cluster on Corn Leaf?I found this strange hexagon shaped egg cluster, on the back of one of the leaves on my corn plant. It's about the size of a Japanese beetle. I thought it was the shadow of one, under the leaf, when I first saw it. The eggs almost look like gray tubes with a thick white coating or "glue". It looks pretty solid too. Any clue what they are?


Identifying Insect Eggs? - egg cluster on a peach

Identifying Insect Eggs?I am looking to find out what type of eggs these are? There's a dead fly next to them, but I don't think those are the eggs from the fly. This is attached to a peach.


White larvae in a potted plant.

What Are These in My Potted Flowers?What are these in my potted flowers? They are more brownish color, the flash made them look whiter. Also what's the best way to get rid of them?


Dark eggs on a yellow surface.

What Kind of Eggs Are These?These egg clusters are all over the outside of my house. Any idea what they are?


What Insect Laid These Eggs? - cluster of eggs on pepper plant leaf

What Insect Laid These Eggs?I found them on a leaf of my pepper plant. They are very very small and they came up all together (none separated) when I peeled it off the leaf.



What Kind of Eggs are These? - cluster of small yellow eggs on window

What Kind of Eggs are These?I found these on the window to to my backyard. They're outside and I was wondering what kind of eggs they are. They're oblong when looked at from above.


Identifying Insect Eggs Found on Wood Deck?

Identifying Insect Eggs Found on Wood Deck?Yesterday I saw about 30 of these on the railing of my wood deck. At first I thought they were ants carrying crumbs, but after looking closer I only see a small black dot on the bottom. They seemed to be wiggling some. Today I found even more on the back deck and some on my wood front railing. I am not sure what they are or where they came from!


Identifying Insect Eggs on a Tomato Plant - cluster of tiny yellow eggs on tomato leaf

Identifying Insect Eggs on a Tomato Plant?I found these on my tomato plant, any idea what kind of eggs they are?


Identifying Small Brown Bugs - bug on light wood looking background

Identifying Small Brown Bugs?What is this house bug? I found them in my house by all the entrance doors.


Identifying Insect Eggs - black eggs in tan cup like base

Identifying Insect Eggs?I found this small formation of eggs. Anyone have thoughts on what left this behind?


Egg Case Identification - possible praying mantis egg case

Egg Case Identification?During quarantine I've been very busy in my garden. Because if this, I'm now raising ladybug larvae because I found their eggs in a rose I was trimming. But, now I've found this cocoon on a dying bush. I'm not sure it's viable or beneficial. I don't see any exit holes. I'd love to know what kind of creature is inside. I live near Sacramento, CA.


Identifying Insect Eggs - brown eggs(?) that resemble grains of rice

Identifying Insect Eggs?What is this? I found it in my raised bed garden. Is it friend or foe?


Identifying Insect Eggs - cluster of small white eggs in the soil with a dime for size reference

Identifying Insect Eggs?Found these cluster of about 100 small white squishy eggs just under the surface of some soil around my garden when I was weeding and haven't seen anything quite like them before. I currently live in Southern California in Riverside and over the past week we have had an unusual amount of rain. They weren't far down underneath the soil at all, only about two inches or three maybe max.


Identifying Insect Eggs on an Apple Tree - rows of medium tan round eggs on branch

Identifying Insect Eggs on an Apple Tree?What kind of eggs are these? I just found them on my apple tree. I'd like to know if these eggs belong to a beneficial insect or not.


Identifying Insect Eggs - dark round eggs on leaf

Identifying Insect Eggs?What kind of insect eggs are these?


Identifying Insect Eggs - cluster of yellow insect eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?The weather in western MA has varied the past few weeks, but stink bugs have been spotted here and there. We've got a wood burning stove. This picture was taken outside on the patio next to where we store wood, so stink bugs would be my best guess. Can anyone confirm or identify?


Identifying Insect Eggs - cluster of eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?The eggs are very small and shiny. They are almost silver and were covered with an orange fuzz/fur.


Identifying Insect Egg Casings - on the inside of a bird house

Identifying Insect Egg Casings?I found this inside a bird box. It's very fibrous and very strong. The photos aren't great, but there are egg like casings and as you can see the box lid has been excavated somewhat and only shows a bit of the egg shells. Any ideas what they belong to?


Identifying Insect Eggs - clusters of yellow eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?A few days after I spotted the white insect, those yellow eggs appeared. What is that insect, and did it lay those eggs? If not, what might have left the eggs? I am debating whether or not to remove them for safety.


Dust Mites in My Potted Plants - closeup of soil in a pot

Dust Mites in My Potted Plants?I have dust mites in the soil of my pot plants all of a sudden. Why and how do I kill them off without me harming my plants?



Identifying Insect Eggs - cluster of insect eggs on a piece of salad greens

Identifying Insect Eggs?Anyone know what kind of thing laid these eggs on my "washed and ready to eat" package of salad?


Help Identifying Insect Eggs - white eggs on screen

Help Identifying Insect Eggs?So, I found this weird patch of eggs on my screen for the bedroom window? Does anyone know what they are?


Identifying Insect Eggs - round eggs on T-111 type siding

Identifying Insect Eggs?I found this cluster of white insect eggs that appear to have some brown spots on them. They are on my front porch wall. Could someone please identify them and possibly tell me removal methods if it is something harmful?


Identifying Insect Eggs - insect eggs on screen door

Identifying Insect Eggs?I am not sure what this is, but it's between the glass and the screen of my screen door. They are a very dusty pink color and very very small. Any information on this would be great.


Identifying Insect Eggs - multiple chambered cluster of eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?I found these eggs on an olive tree leaf in my garden and wonder if they are from a harmful insect or a beneficial insect. There are a few other egg nests like this.


Are These Insect Eggs? - round tan objects

Are These Insect Eggs?We found these in my friend's car and we aren't sure if they are eggs or not!


Identifying Insect Eggs - bugs and eggs on the back of a leaf

Identifying Insect Eggs?Can anyone identify these hatching insect eggs?


Identifying Insect Eggs - rows of eggs on a piece of wood

Identifying Insect Eggs?Found these eggs on a piece of sleeper wood lying in the yard. Anyone know what they might be? When rubbing one a turquoise colour liquid came out. The eggs are copper metallic in colour.


Identifying a Bright Orange Insect Egg - single ovoid egg on concrete

Identifying a Bright Orange Insect Egg?Does anyone know what kind of egg this is?


Identifying an Insect Egg - tiny white egg suspended from a strand on the tip of a leaf

Identifying an Insect Egg?Does anyone know exactly what this single egg on what appears to be a fine hair would be?


What Kind of Bug Eggs Are These? - tan eggs? on wood splinter with center hole

What Kind of Bug Eggs Are These?I found these really weird eggs growing on a small splinter of wood on a part of the fascia on my house. The images are hi-res so you can zoom in pretty far. There are two pictures, one for each side of the wood splinter.


Identifying Insect Eggs on Tomato Leaf - cluster of tan eggs on underside of leaf

Identifying Insect Eggs on Tomato Leaf?What are these on my tomato plant leaves?


Identifying Insect Eggs - tiny eggs on clothesline

Identifying Insect Eggs?I found these eggs on my clotheslines and I was curious what they are. I live in Michigan if that helps. Does anyone recognize them?


Identifying Insect Eggs - cluster of round white insect eggs on glass

Identifying Insect Eggs?Any idea what these are? They are on a glass door. Not mine so I can't provide more info.


Identifying Insect Eggs - lines of small tan round eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?I found these on some flower leaves in my garden. Can anyone tell me what these eggs are?



Identifying Insect Eggs on a Milkweed Plant - orange egg cluster

Identifying Insect Eggs on a Milkweed Plant?What kind of eggs are these on my milkweed plants? There are three. I know the single white one is a monarch. But what is the white egg cluster and the orangish-red egg cluster? Are they good or bad?


Identifying Insect Eggs - cluster of green eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?I spotted this on the cement wall on the outside of our garage. I live in south west CT. I thought it was a caterpillar at first glance. Then maybe moss. With more sun, I am now fairly certain it's a cluster of eggs. Any thoughts? I included a picture of a moth I'd never seen before. I was hoping they might be lunar moth eggs, but images in a Google search look nothing like this.


Identifying Insect Eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?I found these eggs in the corner of my garden in a dark and moist place. I was wondering what they were. They are about as big as a pepper grain.


Identifying Insect Eggs - elongated cluster of pink eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs (Apple Snail Eggs)?These large pods of little pink dots look like they may be some sort of larvae or egg, or possibly some sort of algae. These are found in central Florida, if it helps. I am very curious as to what they are.


What Are These Insect Eggs? - round white eggs on leaf

What Are These Insect Eggs?I found these egg looking things lined up on my plants this morning. Since I'm new to gardening, I'm worried these eggs are bad for my plants. Does anyone know what laid these?


Identifying Insect Eggs on a Yellow Iris - elongated cluster of white insect eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs on a Yellow Iris?Can anyone help me to identify these eggs? They have been laid on a yellow iris and are about a foot up from the water.


Identifying  Insect Eggs - eggs on a pumpkin plant

Identifying Insect Eggs?What kind of eggs are these on my pumpkin stalk? They are small, green, and clustered. There were a lot more before I poked them with a stick.


Identifying Insect Eggs - small black eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?Can anyone tell me what these are? I found them on leaves of lettuce in my garden.


Identifying Insect Eggs - small round yellow insect eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?I found these small, bright yellow eggs laid on the bark of my outdoor tortoise enclosure after a storm. I just wanted to know what they are and if I should be worried. '


Identifying Insect Eggs - clump of tiny black eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?We found these eggs in a sunken window. We would love an expert opinion to help us identify them. So far our exterminator couldn't identify what they are.


Identifying Insects Eggs - eggs on white fabric

Identifying Insects Eggs?Please help to identify these insect eggs. I found them on a shirt on the washing line. I live in Cape Town.


Identifying Garden Insect Eggs

Identifying Garden Insect Eggs?I'm having trouble identifying these orange spindle shaped eggs on the underside of a broccoli leaf. They could be lady bug eggs, but I'm not sure about the protective web covering. There was a green caterpillar lying along side of the eggs, which I removed.


Identifying Insect Eggs on Window

Identifying Insect Eggs on Window?I found these on my window and they look like eggs! A couple of days later I also noticed them (possibly same eggs) on my washing line so I'm really freaked as to what they are! Does anyone know?


Identifying Bug Eggs - black eggs on plant

Identifying Bug Eggs?Can anyone tell me what kind of bug eggs these are?


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Gnats in Potting Soil?What are the little gnats in my potting soil?


striped beetle

What Kind of Beetle is This?My son found this beetle on the wall at the library and insisted that I take a photo of it. Does anyone know what kind of beetle it is?


black and white bug

What is This Insect?I came out to my car to find this on my windshield! It was huge...about 4 inches long including it's antennae. I have never seen anything like it before!


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Number of Legs on an Asian Lady Beetle?I was wondering how many legs do Asian lady beetles have.


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Identifying Large Red and Black Ants?I have large red and black ants. Can anyone tell me what they are?


Small long beige insects on gardenia.

Thrips on Gardenias?Are these thrips on this gardenia? What is the best way to get rid of them?


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Identifying Black Hairy Caterpillars?I have hundreds of black hairy caterpillars all over my yard. How do I find out what kind they are?


Identifying Beneficial Garden Insects?I have a food garden and I see a lot of different bugs. There are wasps, ants, different flies, and so on, including some bees. Which bugs are good and which bugs are bad for your garden? Is there a natural insecticide for your garden?


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Is Arnold's Grub Killer Safe Around Birds and Pets?I have Arnold grub killer here, what about the birds and my little dog? Having poisoned soil sounds horrible, what a worry!


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When Do Grasshoppers Chirp?Do grasshoppers chirp in the day or night?


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Squash Vine Borers?Squash vine borers have destroyed our whole squash crop. We have tried aluminum foil, pantyhose, waiting until after the borer "season" nothing is working. We will try the covered technique next year, however, the pollinators are unable to get to the squash that way.


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Copper Colored Bug with White "Flowers" All Over?I do not have a picture of it, but at work I came across a beautiful bug, went to lots of identify a bug sites, but there are zillions. Wondered if I describe it maybe someone will know, or maybe saw one before.


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Getting Rid of Aphids and Whitefly?There was a post awhile back about making your own pest control out of soap and water. I need a pest control for aphids and whitefly. Can someone help me?


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Pests That Attack Sunflowers?I am a very amateur gardener, and I decided to take a stab at growing sunflowers. My only problem is there are these tiny yellow-black larvae-worms that are tunneling in the leaves of my sunflowers and eating the leaves from the inside out.


What do Ladybugs Eat?What do ladybugs eat?


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