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Collecting Child Support from a Deceased Parent?I'm just wondering how do I receive child support for my son and my daughter whose father passed right before Christmas? I don't think he had any estates or a will or none of that. I do have a ongoing child support case I just need to know what's the next step?


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Collecting Back Child Support?I'm 26 and in college. My dad moved out of state after my mom passed and my sister took custody of us. My dad recently called and asked if we were receiving child support because they are garnishing his check. Is there a way I can relieve it or see how can I receive it?


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Paying Back Child Support?I just discovered I may be the father of a 22 year old. Am I liable for back child support?


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Collecting Back Child Support if Parent is Deceased?Almost 8 years ago, I was given full custody of 2 young girls. I received child support for the first 2 years from 1 of the parents, but not the other (the bio parents were divorced and ordered to pay separate child support amounts). The girls' dad just passed this last September and I was able to apply for survivor benefits for 1 of the girls, the other is now 19 and does not qualify.


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Collecting Back Child Support if Parent is Deceased?Recently the court made an order for back spousal support to be paid. Payments have been made, but a little more than half is due. My ex recently passed away and his current wife hired a lawyer the next day who sent me a letter stating I was not to talk about this matter to her though she was the one I've been speaking to about it for a year.


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Collecting Back Child Support if Parent is Deceases?My son is 9 years old and his real dad just passed away over a week ago. His father owes almost $1000 in back child support still. What happens with him owing that much and being dead? How can he pay what he owes if he isn't alive anymore?


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Collecting Child Support Arrears from Deceased Parent?The father was paying the mother arrears in child support. He had been on SSDI and his SSDI check was garnished to pay the arrears of $527 per month. The child is in college. So far the father owes around 7500.00 in arrears. He recently passed away. What happens to the arrears now? Will the SSDI still pay the arrears till they are paid in full? Or does the father's passing dissolve the arrears?


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Child Support and SSI?I was wanting to know if my ex still needs to pay child support. He recently got approved for partial SSI benefits in the amount of 338.29. He receives PERA in the amount of 441.67. So child support closed my case because he is receiving this amount in SSI. Who can help me to enforce the order by the court? I was in a bad car accident and have had no pay check for almost 2 months.


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Understanding Child Support in a Divorce Decree?Our divorce decree states that the father pays $2300 a month in child support of minor children until the youngest reaches age of 18. No where does it say it decreases as each child reaches 18. It only states he pays that amount until youngest is 18. As each child once 18 will spend 4-5 years in college and can't support themselves or pay their car insurance and car that I have pay for.


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Child Support and Disability?If my child receives a disability check, but I get child support from his father how much does the state take from the child support since he gets the disability?


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Collecting Back Child Support When Parent Is Deceased?My ex-husband, who never paid any child support to our daughter since birth, recently passed. He was an established dentist in California. His estate is now in probate. Our daughter is also not declared in the divorce decree, as he kept the whole thing hidden from his surviving spouse. I would like to know if I can collect for back child support, and how do I go about it?


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Social Security Retirement and Back Child Support?My husband is currently having child arrears garnished out of his paychecks. His children are in their mid 20s and he's been paying off arrears for 5 years now and only owes 3k more. He put off retirement a year. We just found out he will get a lump sum for working till 67 instead of 66. Even though he's been paying $500 a month regularly will child support take his lump sum?


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Collecting Back Child Support if Parent Is Deceased?My father and mother divorced back in the 1980s. My father was ordered to pay child support. The only time my mother received any money was when the Oklahoma State Tax Commission intercepted his taxes one year. He passed away owing a tremendous amount of money in back child support on 4 children. Is there any way to find out if he had some sort of estate or if he had a life insurance policy?


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Garnishing Disability for Child Support?My fiancé is severely disabled as of three years ago. He started receiving disability payments this past August and the state takes his monthly child support obligatory payment every month from his check.


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Collecting Child Support Owed by a Deceased Parent?How do you collect child support from a parent who has passed away without signing the child's birth certificate?



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Social Security and Back Child Support Obligation?I am about to retire. I owe back child support. Will my Social Security retirement be garnished? How much of it can be taken?


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Collecting Back Child Support After Death of Custodial Parent?My mother passed away a couple years ago; it was a tremendous loss. I am searching for answers regarding me and my sister's father and his back child support. He claims it ends with our mother after she passed and it can't be paid. However he owes about 40k in back child support. Is there still a way to recover this as the remaining children?


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Back Child Support and Disability?I have recently been awarded SSD. Thankfully with help I have been able to pay child support during the time I was disabled. Once my children receive their back pay (which is greater than my child support obligation), is my ex-husband responsible to repay me the $20,000 I have paid from loans? Or am I out that money completely? I have so many people to reimburse and really need that money back.


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Child Support and Social Security Survivor Benefits?My grandbabies are getting their decreased mom's Social Security death benefits and their father is paying child support. We are trying to get an increase in the child support because now he has a job. Can the survivor benefits that they are getting affect an increase in child support payments?


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Garnishing SSDI for Child Support?Does anyone know how long it takes when a SSDI check is garnished for the custodial parent to receive the funds? My ex got his back pay from disability over 2 weeks ago. I have an income withholding order in place from the court. He told me they did take the money out, but I haven't received it yet. I was told the US Treasury sends it to child support and they send it within 2 days from there.


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Collecting Back Child Support After Payor Dies?My daughter's father passed last year. No one told me. He was $2000 behind in back child support. His other 5 children received Social Security survivor benefits (survivor Ben), but his wife doesn't want be involved. What do I do?


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Modifying Child Support While Receiving SSI?I am disabled and my only income is SSI. I was ordered to pay child support, but when I got my disability award, I attempted to modify it. My ex has fought me every step of the way on this. I originally filed for a modification a year ago and we have met with the OAG twice to modify.


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Collecting Child Support Arrears from Deceased Parent?My son is now 24 years old and his father owes arrears on child support payments. His father just passed away a few days ago and hasn't paid child support over the past several months. Now that he has passed away is there any way for me to collect past due payments and/or arrears payments?


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Supplemental Security Income and Child Support?I am a permanently disabled mother of 3 kids. SSI is my only income, plus child support for one of my kids.


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Collecting Back Child Support?My ex owes $65,000 in child support arrears. The automatic deduction from his monthly navy retirement income of $1,400 is only $100. He also receives SSI. He is now in a nursing home. My DOR caseworker won't contact the navy to request an increase in the child support arrears deduction.


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Receiving Back Child Support?My husband passed away in October. Is the IRS going to take my refund for the child support he's been back paying for his adult children?


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SSI and Back Child Support?I receive Social Security income. Right now I'm about to receive a one-time lump sum of back child support will that affect my SSI?


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Refund of Child Support Collected After Death of Custodial Parent?How can I get back child support paid to custodial parent after she was deceased? She passed away 5 months ago and child support has just ended. How do I get back the 5 months of child support taken while she was deceased? I am the primary (only) caregiver of the child.


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Back Child Support and Social Security Disability?I received back child support from my kid's father, but he was getting it through disability. He recently passed; will I still receive a child support check?


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Social Security Child Benefits and Child Support?My ex-husband is disabled and is the custodial parent of our adopted son. He receives a Social Security child benefits for our child and he wants child support as well. He says that I do not receive a credit towards child support for the child benefit he receives because it is derived from his earned income/disability.



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Social Security and Child Support?According to Social Security your ex wife will receive SS benefits sooner if you have a kid that is 16 years old below.


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Calculating Child Support?How is child support calculated in Miami Florida when a parent is not working? Is there a certain amount that is standard?


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Child Support and Disability?My ex has my kids 5 days a week. We have 50/50 joint and physical custody. He gets a disability check and gets $600 more for my kids. I'm paying child support. Would that affect his check? Will his benefits get reduced?


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SSI and Back Child Support?I understand my SSI can't be garnished for back child support, but can the state of Oregon come after my bank account that my benefits are directly deposited in?


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Collecting Child Support from a Deceased Parent?The father of my twin daughters is deceased, because of his large insurance payout isn't he still obliged to pay the child support till they're 18?


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Back Child Support Interest and SSI?I have started an application for SSI and want to know what bearing does that play on the interest on child support. Will this put a stop to the interest accruing annually?


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Social Security Disability and Back Child Support?I was injured in the military and got approved for SSDI. I've paid child support on time and lived on limited income. I told the SSA that my child lives 50/50 with both parents. The SSA sent my ex the back pay for the child, how can that be legal?


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Back Child Support and Social Security?My husband just got back a lump sum payment from SSA, but he is behind 10,000 or more in child support. Will child support take out what is owed for child support and give him what's left?


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Trying to Establish a Child Support Order?I am trying to collect child support from my stepdaughter, but she's on SSI. I know they won't touch it, but she's also working. Will child support take payments from her work check even if she's on SSI? I have been raising her 7 year old son for his whole life with no help from anyone.


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Collecting Back Child Support?My father died a few days ago and he had lots of money owed for child support. Is there any way I will see this money in the future? What steps do I take? I'm 20 now.


Social Security and Back Child Support

Social Security and Back Child Support?My adult children's father just passed away. He owed back child support. Can I claim his Social Security to cover the back child support?


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Social Security Disability and Back Child Support?My ex-husband died owing $90,000 in back child support for my daughter. He remarried and has two children under the age of 18. He was on Social Security Disability when he died. My daughter is now 27 years old. I wanted to know if she could receive his Social Security benefits.


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Collecting Back Child Support?What can I do if my biological father owes child support that he has never paid? I am in my 30s and he is 81. He denied me in the beginning and still does, but I have the original court documents stating he is the father and has to pay a certain amount, as well as the original DNA test.


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SSI and Child Support?Social Security has stopped my child support. The letter says child support can not take SSI/SSD money for child support! They still have not approved his Social Security disability. He has been waiting 9 months, and got the letter about child support being stopped a month ago.


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Collecting Back Child Support Owed to Deceased Mother?My father paid all of his child support to my mother who had passed away in 2012. Someone recently told me that there is a list with my mother's name on it for child support back pay and they could not contact her to give her the money they were holding.



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Child Getting Support and Social Security from Father and Stepfather?My younger child has my ex-husband's last name. He is not her father. She gets Social Security from him due to her last name and he is on her birth certificate. But she also gets child support from her real father. A lawyer in court told me this is legal in the state of Louisiana.


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Collecting Back Child Support if Father is Deceased?I have a few questions. Can an adult child (30 years old) claim back pay from a deceased father? The deceased father was on SSI for many years before passing so will SSI cover cremation expense? And finally, can any of this happen if the deceased father passed away on Feb 4th?


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Child Support and SSI?If a person gets or receives SSI benefits, by law in Kentucky can a court make that person pay child support?


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Child Support and SSDI?So does the attorney general's office get informed if the non-custodial parent gets SSDI? Or does the custodial parent inform them?


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Receiving Back Child Support?My ex-husband told me they took out 5,000.00 for back child support from his lump sum payment along with continuing to take out $136.00 a month until back support is paid. My question is when in the world will I receive it? It's been almost 2 months now and I called my support office and they know nothing.


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Collecting Back Child Support?My sons' father recently passed away' They are 40 and 37. Dad never paid a dime of child support. Sister is beneficiary on the IRA. Shouldn't that go to the sons? Also what about Social Security?


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Social Security and Child Support?I receive monthly survivor's benefits for my 8 year old daughter because her mother passed away. Can my ex-wife have child support taken from those benefits?


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Child Support and Social Security?Can my child's father be made to pay child support if my child is receiving my Social Security benefits and no longer getting his Social Security benefits?


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Social Security Disability Child Support Not Being Received?My ex's disability has been garnished since August. Missouri child support said they received nothing. The child support office says SSA has a hold due to the large amount. SSA says they send it every month. And the benefits the children receive are credited to his amount every month.


Survivor Benefits and Child Support

Survivor Benefits and Child Support?I have a 17 old son who is in foster care. He will turn 19 on 9/9/20. He receives survivor benefits from his deceased father. I am the non custodial parent now being ordered to pay child support. Can I (non custodial obligor) off set child support obligation using Social Security death benefits?


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SS and Back Child Support?My daughter is 19, almost 20. Her dad died a few days ago. We are wondering if his back child support can be paid out of any Social Security he may have paid in over the years? My daughter is his only child and he was never married. Doesn't his Social Security go to her?


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California Child Support and SSDI?California Child Support has been taking half of my SSDI for child support. I went back to court to modify it due to my financial hardships and was sent a "zero support" order. Will child support stop my garnishment now?


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Child Support and Medicaid?I'm receiving Medicaid and EBT benefits for three of my children and the father is already ordered to pay child support on one. Do I have to force child support on him for the other two or can I deny it and still receive benefits for all of them?


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Child Support and Social Security Benefits?I just found out who my 23 year old son's father is, but he's deceased. Are we entitled to back child support or Social Security benefits? If so what documents will I need for verification?


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Social Security and Back Child Support?Am I entitled to my ex-husband's Social Security for back child support? It's about $45,000. He recently passed away.


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SSDI and Child Support?I get about $1100 each month from SSDI and they take out $385. I can't pay my bills, being disabled. Can I contact child support and get it lowered or dropped?


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Social Security and Child Support?I just got told that child support is taking money out my SSI every month for one case, but I have another case. Will that come up and if so will they take money out of my back payment for the two cases?


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Child Support and Disability?If a mother has been ordered to pay child support and all at once she quits her job and sighs up for disability, does she get out of paying all the back child support that she is behind on? She is trying to get out of paying child support by signing up for disability and she is very able to work.


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Child Support and SSI?I have a question and I don't know what to do. My kids' dad is trying to get on SSI to get himself more help and so he won't have to pay child support. I'm just worried where I'm supposed to go from here. I am a single mom raising three kids.


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Collecting Back Child Support?My daughter's father has not yet paid back the child support he was order to pay 13 years ago; his family has been hiding. My daughter will be 18 next month and she receives SSI. I was told from someone that he receives SS. What should I do?


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SSDI and Child Support Payments?From anyone's experience, are the Social Security Disability Insurance payments made directly to Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA)? A certain amount of money is being garnished and being paid to the child/ custodial parent. I am not sure if this payment is paid directly to CSEA.


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Child Support and SSDI and Back Child Support?My daughter's father has started receiving SSDI and now my daughter is receiving 50% of what he receives. He was paying child support and he is current, now they are taking the child support away because she is receiving SSDI benefits. Since he is current with his child support does she still receive the back pay?


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Paying Child Support?My husband and I pay child support for our 2 kids who family has. He just got on SSI and I still work. Do I still have to pay child support since he receives SSI and family has guardianship of them?


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Reclaiming Child Support from Grandmother?I recently found out that my grandmother was getting a child support check for me and I wasn't in her care nor custody so I have never seen the money. Is there anyway to get that money now that I am aware of these actions?


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DNA Test Ordered for Child Support?I have an ex who filed for child support. I know she can't get anything because I get SSI. But they made me take a DNA test for two kids. If one of the kids ain't mine are they going to make me pay for the DNA test for the kid that ain't mine and for the kids that is mine due to me getting SSI?


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Receiving Back Child Support?I recently was diagnosed with cancer. My doctors suggest applying for permanent disability. I have been receiving back child support payments even though my kids are now grown adults. Can Social Security consider my back child support payment as income and disqualify me from receiving Social Security benefits?


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Getting a Child Support Overpayment Back?My disability check was being garnished for child support and processed by Social Security. My daughter turned 18 last December. I was notified of termination. Then SS advised that she was starting college. Another letter arrived stating she did not start school and I was no longer obligated.


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Child Support and SSI?I am a grandparent raising 3 grandchildren. The parents were ordered to pay child support and not much at that, but anyway they have never paid a dime in 2 years. Now the mother is bragging that she will never have to pay me because she just got her SSI.


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Child Support and Social Security Disability?My ex owes me over $5,000 in child support. He was approved for Social Security disability. I received my first disability check in January 2017, which is $1056. My child support amount is $420. Will the court subtract the $420 from the $1056, and then add the $636 towards the money that is owed from the $5,000?


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Collecting Back Child Support?I raised my grandson from 3 months to 11 years. At the 11th year Steven moved in with his mother. Years later I located the father of my grandson.


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Disability and Back Child Support?My ex-wife owes me 15k in back child support. She hired a lawyer so that she would be approved for disability. When she is awarded disability they will owe her a good bit of back pay. Will the back child support she owes be paid? I am not sure what type of disability she will be awarded.


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Collecting Back Child Support?My ex-husband had his bank account frozen for back child support. How long will it take for me to see any of that money?


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Social Security and Child Support?Social Security is sending money to the wrong child support account. They will only tell us it went to the Sacrament office of child support. California, the originating jurisdiction, doesn't know where the funds are and keeps referring us back to Colorado, the jurisdiction of our residence.


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Paying Child Support?Would I be asked to pay child support if I make more money than my ex? However, I have my son 84% of the time.


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Receiving Back Child Support?It's been years since I've received support. Child support took him to court years ago and he applied for disability. He was finally approved for his disability and back pay is being intercepted due to arrears. Does anybody know how long the child support office holds the funds before disbursing them?


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Child Support and Deceased Parent?My ex just passed away. He was disabled and was paying child support thru his Social Security for my 11 year old son. Can someone explain the process now that the other parent is deceased? Will my son be able to get a check from his dad's Social Security? Or will his support check just stop.


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Garnishing Disability for Child Support?Is there a program that will replace the money they take out for child support from a person on disability?


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Social Security and Child Support?If my daughter's dad received a lump sum from Social Security and child support filed a motion to collect back child support from that lump sum on top of Social Security money how long do you think it would be till I get it?


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Child Support and SSD?My ex husband collects SSD and pays child support. My ex is moving and continues to harass me and my fiancé trying to claim that the children receive SSD. So with him paying SSD, does he still have to to pay child support? And does domestic relations take from child support?


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Child Support and Social Security Disability?My son's father just got approved for disability. He owes child support. How do I go about getting him to pay?


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Is Stepparent Responsible for Child Support?I am going to be marrying, my soon to be husband, and he is on SSI and has kids that he sees once a month. He went to the courts before I met him and they ruled that he did not have to pay child support. Can his ex come after me for child support?


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Can an Adult Child Collect Back Child Support?I'm 30. My parents divorced in 1991 or 1992 in Illinois where I currently reside. My father was ordered to pay child support and never did. He has since passed away back in 2007. Does a chance exist of me still trying to collect back child support? Is collecting through Social Security even a legit option?


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Child Support and Social Security Disability?My eleven year old daughter hasn't seen or heard from her biological dad since she was 16 months old. I have never received a dime of child support from him. He is fighting stage four squamous cell carcinoma, and I'm wondering; if he files for disability, would I be able to make a claim for my daughter to benefits?


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Child Support and Social Security Disability?My ex-husband was just approved for disability (SSI) and is receiving one check for himself and one check for our daughter. Should I (she) get this check in lieu of child support? (or in addition to?) He has moved two states away so I am not sure why he should be getting a check made out to her.


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Child Support And SSI?My children's father just recently went and filed something that stated that he is not ordered to pay child support to me anymore due to him receiving SSI. He has paid in the past and it was a very small amount for 2 kids. The support office told me to hire an attorney.


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Disability and Child Support?I am a divorced, disabled non-custodial father. I get 1449.00 per month in SSDI benifits. I'm supposed to pay 550.00 per month child support. Their mother gets 714.00 per month from my disability. Is the 550.00 that I'm supposed to pay supposed to be taken out of the 714.00 or in addition too?


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Back Child Support and SSI?My daughter's father hasn't been in her life for years. The courts ordered him to pay $165 a month. He smoked like a chimney and ended up with COPD and congestive heart failure. He is applying for disability. I've heard that if he gets the SSI, all of his back child support (he owes roughly $10,000) will be forgiven.


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Collecting Back Child Support?I'm 28 and have 2 brothers 27 and 29. We all have the same father. My mother raised us in Illinois. My dad owes 82000 in back support, but Indiana couldn't find him. That was where the order was so they transferred it to Illinois, but now Illinois said he doesn't owe it, but Indiana said he does.


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Collecting Back Child Support?I have a question and hope you guys can help. I'm 28 and I found my dad. I would like to know can I still charge him for unpaid child support?


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Child Support and Social Security Disability?My son was disabled before the age of 19. He is now 45 and until last year, when I started drawing SS, he was getting SSI. He is now drawing disability from AD on my work record. He draws half of what I draw. It is about $100 more than he drew on SSI. Will he now be required to pay support?


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Collecting Child Support?If my son's dad is collecting retirement benefits can I collect child support? And how do I find out and get started?


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Collecting Back Child Support?If a father was never ordered to pay child support, is he still responsible to pay back child support, even if the child is a grown up now? We were never married and I never took him to court for anything.


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Collecting Back Child Support?My son is 19. We just found out his dad has been getting disability. Can my son get back pay from his dad?


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Collecting Back Child Support?My child is an adult and no longer lives with me. Her father owes back pay in child support that he is paying it out of his SSI. Will my daughter receive the check with her name on it because she is an adult or will I?


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SSDI and Child Support?My daughter has been receiving dependent benefits since she was about 2 mos. old. Her dad now has a second child. I would like to know if he could be made to pay me child support for at least the amount that our daughter is now losing from her monthly dependent's benefit.


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Child Support and Social Security Disability?I receive SS disability. I remarried in 2015. We have a marriage contract. Can my husband's ex take him back to court for more child support and include my SS disability as additional income?


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Collecting Child Support?Can a biological father be made to pay child support for children, where no adoption took place by step father, the children were not his biologically, and still carry the birth father's last name? The children were conceived out of wedlock, and paternity was never established. All children now over the age of 18.


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Social Security and Child Support?For the past 2 years my young son has been receiving $1000 a month from Social Security as I am collecting full Social Security. I also pay the courts $260 a week for child support which is $1040 a month. From what I have been reading I should not had to pay the the child support of $1040, but only $40 a month.


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Collecting Back Child Support?My ex owes me thousands of dollars in child support from 40 years ago. Can someone tell me if there is a statute of limitations on collecting it if I live in California, but the decree was made in Nevada?


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Paying Child Support?I adopted 2 kids ages 8-10. My wife left and I now pay child support. Can I get my child support lowered, as she collects survivor benefits for both children in New Brunswick, Canada?


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Collecting Back Child Support?My daughter's father met her once, and hasn't seen her since. He gives fake addresses, switches phone numbers, and refuses to communicate. So when he stopped paying child support, it was like pulling teeth to find out why.


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SSDI and Past Due Child Support?I have a friend that receives SSDI and for the past 7 years has had his benifits garnished because of non payment of child support. The question I have is can that really be legal if the children are not yours but your wife's?


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Social Security and Child Support?If a child is receiving child support from the Social Security Administration, because the father is on Social Security will the father begin receiving the amount back for child support once the child is no longer eligible? Once the child turns 19?


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SSI Backpay and Child Support?My father got approved for his SSI and received a portion of his back pay before he past away. He wasn't married at the time, I'm his only child and next of kin. I'm 35 years old now, but he owed back child support to my mother. Are we entitled to the rest of his SSI back pay that he was suppose to receive?


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Social Security and Child Support?I am the payee of my son's Social Security payments. I pay child support for my two other children. I was told that child support couldn't take it, because my son's Social Security has nothing to do with my other kids or child support.


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Child Support and SSI?I am 8 months pregnant. Yesterday, the father quit his job and told me he would not be working "for a while" because he is trying to get SSI. Has anyone else filed for child support while the non custodial parent was either applying for or receiving SSI?


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Collecting Child Support?My ex is collecting survivor benefits from her son's biological dad's Social Security and child support from me. Is there anything I can do?


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SSD and Child Support?My ex has recently gotten on SSD for his PTSD from the army. He has to pay child support of only $166 and wants me to add our child to his disability. However I have had a major wreck and am trying for disability myself.


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Collecting Child Support?I am posting this question to your forum regarding my child who is 6 yrs. old and the father is a 78 year old American. The father of my child is now disabled after his stroke and heart attack. He cannot remember anything anymore so he has had a guardian appointed by the clerk of the court.


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Paying Child Support?My partner has a 5 year old daughter, her mother has always contemplated letting my partner see his daughter. However for 4 months on-off he sees her each weekend. Then all of a sudden she stops coming down/speaking to him.


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Collecting Back Child Support?My ex-husband was court ordered to pay child support. He left the area and never paid. He returned when the children were over the age of 18. I am asking now because one of my children, who has cystic fibrosis is very sick and I could use the money to help her. He is now drawing Social Security.


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Paying Child Support?How can I get off paying child support? I only receive $800 dollars after they take it out. I can hardly pay my bills.


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Child Support and Income Changes?If the father had a large change in income from 76,000 to 101,000 and did not tell the mother, however his income has dropped back to 85,000 per year now, how does that work? Shouldn't he have been obligated to report such a significant change?


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SSDI Dependent Benefits and Child Support?My ex-husband was awarded SSDI benefits in 2011. Since then, our 2 children, 7 year old twins, started to receive a monthly SSDI dependent payment. (I hope I am using the SSDI term correctly)


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Child Support and SSI?I have a friend and he's paying child support for his two kids. His two kids are both on SSI and so is the mother. They worked out an agreement for a certain dollar amount per week, so she wouldn't have to let Social Security know about the adjustment.


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SSI and Child Support?I am on SSI disability and my daughter is on SSI disability. I am separated from their father. I am currently filing to receive child support. How much will that effect my SSI disability, how much will that effect my daughter's SSI and will it effect the amount of my son's child support?


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SSDI and Child Support Arrears?My son's mother owes me $11,000 in child support arrears. She recently applied for SSDI and should qualify very quickly with her diagnosis. She is court ordered to pay $25 weekly on arrears and hasn't done so in months. Will they automatically garnish her check and how much can they garnish?


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Child Support for an Adult Disabled Child?My friend's disabled daughter is 30, works, and gets state aid and he is still required to pay child support. How can he get free of this? He lost his job and they are taking him to court. He is $1,800 behind and sinking.


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Social Security and Back Child Support?How can Social Security deduct child support from your check when the child is 34 years old? Isn't there a limit of time even if you owe some back child support?


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Social Security Disability and Medical Child Support?My son's father was ordered to pay child support (Arizona) along with providing medical and paying his percentage of care in medical deductibles and childcare and provide insurance on our son. Shortly after our divorce he was awarded SSDI.


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Survivor Benefits for my Younger Brother?My mother past away this month. She left behind me, my 12 year old brother, and her significant other (not married) but together for more than 15 years. There is no common law marriage in WA state. I am filing to be my little brother's SSI payee so I can protect him, and put his money in a trust for when he is an adult.


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