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Outfit With 5th Grade Promotion Shirts?Our 5th-grade promotion shirts are ugly. They are on a highlighter yellow background and say on the front "This year was bright" in big red letters. On the back, it says all of the 5th graders' names. I have not a single idea of what to wear with it. I also want to do my makeup but I have no idea what to do. Our promotion is on June 8th, 2023. If you have any ideas, please let me know. I am open to anything.


A woman getting started cleaning a mess.

Getting Your Life in OrderIf things in your life get overwhelming, take a step back to decide what is most important. The best way to get your life in order is to take small steps and establish a routine.


correct use of "there"

Grammar TipsEnglish grammar can be tricky. Frequent errors result from using words with similar spelling but different meanings, mixed tenses, misuse of the apostrophe, and subject verb disagreement. This page contains examples of common grammar errors.


Stick people with a bubble containing curse words.

A Better Today and TomorrowRecently I asked someone if I was being a 'bitch'. The person I asked the question of drew my attention to the word I used. I was quite embarrassed; it made me stop and think. In my defense, such that it is and it's no good excuse I know, the word slipped out of my mouth without thinking and I didn't even consider that I was using a harsh or vulgar one.


Man doing yoga balance pose

Exercises that Improve Your BalanceNo matter who you are you can benefit by a few exercises that help you balance. This is a page about exercises that improve your balance.


Woman meditating on her work desk.

Take 15 Minute Soul BreaksThis is a page about taking 15 minute soul breaks. Renew and re-energize yourself every day by setting aside as little as 15 minutes to relax, take a walk, call a friend, or whatever appeals to you. The results will be very positive.


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Remedy for Loneliness in a New City?I just moved here 3 months ago from a city I lived in all my life. I moved to be closer to my son. He is the only one I know here. I am shy so I have a hard time doing things on my own. I am so so so lonely. I have a lot of medical problems which confines me a lot. Please can you give me any suggestions?


"It's or its" written on a blackboard.

Grammar Tip: "It's" vs "Its"Some parts of English grammar can be very confusing. One common example is the difference between "it's" a contraction of "it is" and "its" a possessive pronoun. This page contains a grammar tip: "it's" vs "its".


Picture of the word "Advice" in a dictionary.

Grammar Tip: "Advice" vs "Advise"Use tricks to remember the little differences between similar words, to avoid incorrect usage. This page contains grammar tips about "advice" vs "advise".


Happy Grandfather and Grandson in Grass

Living Life to the FullestTake the time to participate with people, activities and things you love. This is a page about living life to the fullest.


A Plea For The Animals - Chihuahua on a bed

A Plea For The AnimalsWho are you? Some ancient accounts would place us 'a little lower than the angels'. Those same sources tell us we are to have dominion over all animals. That position sounds rather impressive, but it can play havoc with an unrestrained ego. Remember, this same source condoned slavery.


Computer Training
for Senior Citizens

Free Computer Training for Senior Citizens?New technology can sometimes make an older person feel left behind. However, there are opportunities for getting free training to help you keep up with the latest computer hardware and software. This page offers some suggestions for finding free computer training for senior citizens.


A stressed out housewife, vacuuming with laundry all around.

Putting Things Off Creates Extra WorkProcrastinating a task is something we all do, but it almost always makes more work for yourself. This is a page about how putting things off creates extra work.



Never Too Late to Continue Your EducationI spent a good part of my life working a job I did not enjoy. I did enjoy it when I was hired, but the duty I did was phased out to contractors. By that time, I had 20 years in and needed 30 to retire, so I did another 10 years and stuck it out.


A group of people commuting by walking.

Walking as TransportationThis is a page about walking for transportation. Abandoning your vehicle for the healthy, green alternative of walking is the perfect choice for some, if not all, of us.



A woman standing on a scale.

Weight Loss TipsThis is a page about weight loss tips. Finding the right formula of diet and exercise, can help you take off unwanted pounds.


Woman trying to remember something with a question mark background.

Tips to Help You RememberThis page contains tips to help you remember. There are a number of ways you can remind yourself of things you need to bring or do.


Planning Service Trips with Teens

Planning Service Trips with TeensThis is a page about planning service trips with teens. Instead of a trip to a theme park or other tourist destination, consider taking or sending your teen on a service trip. This is a page about planning service trips with teens.


Living a Positive Lifestyle

Living a Positive LifestyleThis is a page about living a positive lifestyle. Maintaining a positive outlook in all your activities and interactions with family, friends and coworkers, will improve the quality of your life.


Family Reading Time

Learning Outside of SchoolThis is a page about learning outside of school. There are many resources available to educate yourself and your family outside of the school room.


bored couple sitting at a coffee counter

Activities to Overcome Boredom?This is a page about activities to overcome boredom. The funny or not so funny thing about being bored is how difficult it can be to break out of it and get going.


Woman Working Out

Monthly ResolutionsThis is a page about monthly resolutions. Year's resolutions are often not kept. Try working on a smaller scale and improve your success.


National Guard Woman

Joining the National Guard?This is a page about joining the National Guard. Joining the National Guard is a good way to serve your country, generally in a local situation, and to also get training and educational benefits that can be helpful in achieving your life goals.


Blind Man With Dog

Surviving on the Blind SideThis is a page about surviving on the blind side. Loss of vision creates a whole new set of things to learn or relearn. Successful and joyful living after the loss of sight depends in large part on the person themselves and the resources available to them.


Woman Teaching Sign Language

Learning Sign Language?This is a page about learning sign language. There are many reasons that a person might decide to learn sign language.


Woman with Positive Attitude

Maintaining a Positive AttitudeThis is a page about maintaining a positive attitude. Keeping your life in balance with good habits and exercise can help you be healthy in body and mind.


Apostrophe Key

Proper Use of an ApostropheThis is a page about proper use of an apostrophe. People love to put an apostrophe to show ownership or possession, but make sure you are using it correctly.


Reference Books

Setting Up A Basic Reference LibraryThis is a page about setting up a basic reference library. You can research anything on the net, but it can be convenient to have the information you need in books.


Women Greeting Each Other

Remembering NamesThis is a page about remembering names. When being introduced to a new acquaintance, it can be a challenge to remember their name. There are a few memory tricks that can help.


Woman in Her Vegetable Garden

Healthy Living AdviceThis page contains healthy living advice. There are many ways to improve your lifestyle by developing good habits. It is important to avoid unhealthy food and beverages, and to get regular exercise.



Man Greeting the Dawn

Building Self Confidence and Self EsteemThis page is about building self confidence and self esteem. Maintaining a feeling of self assurance isn't always easy, but it is important to being successful in all you do.


Teen Babysitter Playing Dominoes with Child

Advice for Teen BabysittersThis page contains advice for teen babysitters. Taking care of other people's children is a great responsibility. There are many important things to keep in mind, to make childcare a successful experience.


Dictionary and Notebook

Building Your VocabularyThis page is about building your vocabulary. Finding good resources and learning a new word everyday can be fun.


Staying Passionate About Your Cause

Staying Passionate About Your CauseThis is a page about staying passionate about your cause. Working to make others aware of an issue or to effect change can become frustrating and overwhelming for even the most dedicated activist.


rolled up diploma

Getting a GED?This page is about getting a GED. Continuing your education may require obtaining this basic diploma.


Close Up of Handwriting

Handwriting TipsThis is a page about handwriting tips. We have all be taught penmanship in school, but over time we develop our own handwriting style. However, when writing down information for others to read, we want to make sure that our handwriting is clear and easily readable.


Man and woman in a difficult relationship

Maintaining Independence and Self Confidence in a...Relationships are about two people joining together to form a complementary unit. However, it can be difficult to retain a sense of self in some relationships, especially if one of the partners is too dominant or overbearing. This is a page about maintaining independence and self confidence in a relationship.


"Affect" vs "Effect"

Grammar Tip: "Affect" vs "Effect"There are many words in the English language the meanings of which are commonly confused. This is a page about the grammar tip: "affect" vs "effect".


A journal ready for some New Years resolutions.

Making New Year ResolutionsThis is a page about making New Year resolutions. Making and keeping New Year's resolutions is an annual ritual for many of us.


Teacher With Students in Classroom

Saving Money on Vocational TrainingThis page is about saving money on vocational training. The cost of vocational education may be more than you can manage.


Cell Phone Etiquette, Woman on Cell Phone in Movie Theater

Cell Phone EtiquetteThis is a page about cell phone etiquette. No one likes to have someone ignore them while talking on their cell phone or even worse talking so loudly on their phone in a public place that it disturbs other people.


Small Support Group Talking

Finding a Support GroupThis is a page about finding a support group. If you are dealing with a personal or family crisis, it can be important to connect with people that understand what you are going through. Finding the right support group can be a big help.


Being on Time

Being on TimeThis is a page about being on time. Busy schedules abound these days. It's easy to get caught up with your current task and end being late for your next one. No one likes to be late and certainly, no one likes to have to wait for someone who is late.


A girl writing in a journal.

Keeping a Diary or JournalThis is a page about keeping a diary. A diary or journal is a great way to get your daily thoughts written down. It can help you get organized, work through problems and issues, or simply be a creative outlet.


Woman Learning self Defense Against Male Attacker

Learning Self DefenseThis is a page about learning self defense. You never know when you might need to rely on yourself to get out of a dangerous situation. Learning self defense can teach you the skills you need to protect yourself.



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Fund Raising Ideas for Participation in People to People Program?I am 16 and I got invited to travel to 6 different countries, but need to raise money to do so. I need to raise about $6500, this is for the airplane, hotels, food, and activities. If you have any ideas on how to raise the money I would appreciate it.


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Is it Too Late to Start an Acting Career?Is it too late to start an acting career at my age? I am trying to build my name quickly so my children who are as much interested in entertaining, have a foundation to stand on, as well.


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No Cost Quality of Life ImprovementsThere isn't a person among us who doesn't have days of feeling "down" on life - especially if you pay too much attention to news on the economy lately. Whenever I'm having "one of those days", I simply say to myself - What can I do today to improve the quality of my life?


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How To Improve Concentration?I need suggestions for improving my concentration. Sometimes I just can't face looking at these math books. But I don't have the luxury of saying, "Forget it!"


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Book LearningThere's an old story in my family how my father got his first job after WWII by cramming the weekend before from a book he got from the public library! (He went to classes later, but that weekend of cramming got him in -)


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New Year's Resolution: Simple, Small Goals Every DayNew Year's Resolution: Simple, Small Goals Every Day. Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed with things to do around the house? Feeling guilty about not getting everything done in one day? Have things that you "keep meaning to get around to"? Need a New Year's resolution? I have just the thing. I only started doing this two days ago, but it's easy, and it gives me a sense of accomplishment every single day, and I see myself sticking to it.


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Continuing Your EducationI'm one of those people that dropped out of school then went back to school and college in my 40's. It was great, but I would have rather been educated the old fashion traditional way like Most people.


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Interested in a Job Writing Greeting Cards?I have a natural born love for writing.I have written many different poems and readings for many different occasions, and would dearly LOVE to write for greeting card companies.


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English Definitions?This is a strange request, but I was wondering if any ThriftyFun subscribers from the UK could answer this for me: I'm reading a British murder mystery and it talks about someone "sloping" out of the room.


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Stand Up For YourselfI used to think after the fact, about all of the intelligent answers I could have used when people were impolite or ignorant to me. I never had a problem being there for someone else though.


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