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Finding a Support Group?Looking for a support group for parents who have lost an adult child.


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Sharing Responsibilities in a Relationship?My boyfriend has own place and so do I. He works 6am to 7pm and picks me up to spend the night to wake up at 4am to serve him oatmeal, coffee, do the dishes, make him lunch for work, do laundry, and make dinner. I'm exhausted and can't do my responsibilities. What to do?


Abusive Husband

Leaving a Verbally Abusive Spouse?An abusive spouse does not have to be physically threatening to be controlling, frightening, and difficult to leave. This is a page about leaving a verbally abusive spouse.


A woman holding up her hand to stop someone.

Getting Out of an Abusive Relationship?Leaving an abusive relationship is not always easy. But with support and a plan it can be done. This is a page about getting out of an abusive relationship.


Close-up of Slot Machine displaying 3 stop sign

Setting Limits on GamblingThis is a page about setting limits on gambling. As most of us know, gambling can easily move from entertainment to addiction.


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Is This an Abusive Relationship?My BF has 3 children and he has 50 per cent custody. They are at home 2 weeks each month. I moved with him to his town from a city. He asked me to help with his kids while I am studying.


2 woman eating breakfast

Dealing With Roommates?This is a page about dealing with roommates. Sharing living expenses and household upkeep with others, no matter how much you like them, can be a challenge.


Dealing With Mood Changes

Dealing With Mood Changes?This is a page about dealing with mood changes. Sometimes your mood is not stable from day to day or even moment to moment. These mood swings can be stressful to both you and others around you.


threatening man choking a smaller woman

Dealing With a Physically Abusive...This is a page about dealing with a physically abusive husband. Sadly some relationships devolve into ones where verbal abuse leads to physical violence.


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Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?Literally minute to minute my future ex texts me: drop dead b****, two minutes later: I miss you so much, I love you.... What is up with this?


Getting a Good Night's Sleep

Getting a Good Night's SleepThis is a page about getting a good night's sleep. When you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep through the night, it can leave you feeling tired all day.


we speak italian si parka italiano

Translating Italian Into English?This is a page about translating Italian into English. Computer programs and the internet can make translating a foreign language easier.


Visually Impaired Reader Using Magnifying Glass

Tips for the Visually ImpairedThis page contains tips for the visually impaired. A vision impairment does not mean you can no longer enjoy reading or other regular activities. It just means that you will need to research and use new options.


Finding Help

Finding Help for Victims of Domestic Violence?This is a page about finding help for victims of domestic violence. Sometimes providing safety and security for your family may require a radical change in your living situation.


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Dealing with a Spouse Who Drives Drunk?My. Husband drove with me and my son in his cab drunk. I had no clue, I sensed that he had alcohol on his breath before leaving the house, but he said that it wasn't alcohol so I believed him. We left with our 3 month old baby in the car and he was drunk and I didn't even notice!



A girl being taunted by another girl at high school.

Dealing With Mean Girls at School?This is a page about dealing with mean girls at school. Getting along with your peers can often be difficult and confusing, especially for school children.


Boyfriend hitting his girlfriend.

Leaving an Abusive Boyfriend?This is a page about leaving an abusive boyfriend. Leaving an abusive relationship is actually very difficult to do.


"Stationary" vs "Stationery"

"Stationary" vs "Stationery" - Grammar TipsMany words in the English language with very similar spellings are commonly confused. There are some easy tips that can help you remember the difference. This is a page about "stationary" vs "stationery" - grammar tips.


A woman afraid to get her hair cut.

Help With Tonsurephobia (Fear of Hair Cuts)?This is a page about help with tonsurephobia (fear of hair cuts). The fear of getting a hair cut can be overcome by following a process that works for you.


Verbally Abusive Spouse

Dealing With a Verbally Abusive SpouseThis is a page about dealing with a verbally abusive spouse. Verbal abuse can be very damaging in a relationship.


Man in bed hitting snooze button on an alarm clock.

Waking Up on TimeThis is a page for ways to wake up on time. Late again? Getting up on time is something we all have problems with.


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Ideas for Working After Retirement? I am retired and looking for some sort of job where I can keep myself busy and active. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.


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Coping Strategies for Tension?How do I cope with tension?


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How to Encourage a Partner to Go to Counseling?I'm on disability and only source of income. We live pay check to pay check (wife doesn't work). Whenever we get an unexpected bill I struggle to pay it e.g., property tax, or vehicle breaking down. She acts like everything's OK and at times is spending more at the store than needed.


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Conquering a Fear of Thunder?Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to conquer the fear of thunder?


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List and Find Solutions for Your WorriesIf you are having problems sleeping, don't lay in your bed tossing and turning. Take a piece of paper and make list of everything that is on your mind. If it is a thought or worry write it down.


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Getting Over A Break Up?What do you do to get over a heartbreak? A trip would be nice to get away and forget, but it's not in the budget right now.


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Dealing With a Nasty Boss?I know this request doesn't have anything to do with being thrifty BUT. i work at a doctors office. I love my job, the patients, etc. but the office manager is sometimes really nice and then flip the coin and what can I say... she isn't nice.


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Keeping Your Words SweetAlways keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.


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Brightening Your Day By Helping Someone ElseIn my many years of living I have found that the best pick-me-up for depression is to get your mind off your own problems and do something to cheer someone else up.



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Don't Feel Good and Don't Know Why? Keep a diary of your sleep habit and what you eat. What is causing the most stress? Good days need to be in detail, because things are happening to make you happy.


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