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Finding a Support Group?Looking for a support group for parents who have lost an adult child.


Resources for Leaving an Abusive Relationship

Resources for Leaving an Abusive Relationship?I have two cats that have held me together through a lot of mental abuse and more. I want to leave the situation, but I can not leave my two boys behind. He has thrown them outside before when I tried to leave.


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Sharing Responsibilities in a Relationship?My boyfriend has own place and so do I. He works 6am to 7pm and picks me up to spend the night to wake up at 4am to serve him oatmeal, coffee, do the dishes, make him lunch for work, do laundry, and make dinner. I'm exhausted and can't do my responsibilities. What to do?


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Dealing With an Abusive Spouse?I'm 27 and my husband is 28. We have been married for 7 months. I'm a stay at home wife and currently can't work. Before marrying my husband I had my own apartment, car, income from my family and was going to college. When we fight he doesn't fail every single time to tell me that I'm surviving through his mercy.


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Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?I am looking for some advice. My husband is generally a good husband and father, but when we have disagreement, arguments, or if I don't agree with him, or something simply doesn't go his way, he insults me and calls me names. This happens when we are alone and in front of our son.


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Leaving a Verbally Abusive Spouse?After 30 years of marriage, I left once, came back, left again, and came back. My husband controls me. He always wants to know where I am. I have no will power to stand up to him. I told him he had been controlling for years and that I just finally had enough. I'm thinking of leaving tomorrow and need some advice.


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Dealing with a Physical and Verbally Abusive Spouse?I have a well paid husband and a 2 year son. I'm 26 years old and unemployed. He often abuses me verbally in little arguments and always says go back to your home (divorce). Today he hit my son accidentally and also hit me very hard so that I almost fell, just because I didn't come when he called.


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Is This an Abusive Relationship?My BF has 3 children and he has 50 per cent custody. They are at home 2 weeks each month. I moved with him to his town from a city. He asked me to help with his kids while I am studying.


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Understanding an Abusive Spouse?My now-ex, who I was with for almost 9 years, became very angry and abusive when I ended the relationship. He raised my daughter from 9 months old to almost 9 years of age, and requested that we change her last name to his, and then spoke of adopting her.


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Dealing With a Messy Roommate?My room mate is a pig, well, not in the species of swine. I needed someone to help with rent and be a witness to my future ex. So, I knew this woman who, by her own admission, does not clean up after herself. I told her, her room is hers, the rest of the place please don't leave it a mess.


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Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?Literally minute to minute my future ex texts me: drop dead b****, two minutes later: I miss you so much, I love you.... What is up with this?


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Dealing With a Drug Addicted Abusive Husband?I am 24 years old and 3 months ago married my husband. We had been dating since we were 16. We always had our problems, but here in the last years it has gotten to the point of no return. He has become physically abusive and is using heroin.


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Verbally Abusive Husband?I have been with my husband for 10 years and married for 8 years. After the kids I got really depressed, but my husband didn't help either. He would always point out how hot these other girls were. Not one day went by where I didn't felt helpess and worthless with him.


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Is My Husband Abusive or Am I?My life has been a very confusing mess. Since I have known my husband he's been very moody, but accuses me of being very moody. I have always been liked, can hold down a job, I am college educated, and can support myself. One of the biggest pain points in our marriage is that we decided to start a business together.


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Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?I have been with this man for 14 yrs, When he gets angry he's really mean and calls me all kind of names. He has hit me before. We have got 2 boys 15 & 7. He hasn't hit me in a while, but always threatens me that he is gonna hit me.



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Leaving an Abusive Husband?Since I was on here last I told my husband I wanted him to leave. He laughed at me and said he is on the lease so he doesn't have to. Since then I have been avoiding him as much as possible and only talk to him when it regards the kids. How can I make him see that I want a divorce?


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Relationships and Financial Responsibilities?I have been in a long term relationship with my boyfriend, now fiancé, for over 5 years. When we met I loved my life! I owned my own 5th wheel, which was my home, along with a nice vehicle, some quads, generators, etc. I didn't have any debt and was content with my life.


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Leaving an Abusive Spouse?I am 31 with 5 kids. The oldest is 14 and the youngest is 4. I have been with my husband for 17 years and married for 3. When my oldest son was little my husband used to hit me and call me a lot of names and I left and went to a domestic violence shelter.


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Sharing Living Expenses?My boyfriend and I have been together for 18 months. He is 37 and I am 46. He was separated when we met and is now nearing the end of a very expensive divorce. He is from India and I am American.


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Leaving an Abusive Long Term Partner?I have been with my partner for 14 years. We have a 10 year age gap between us and 6 children combined. The first time he yelled at me I was terrified and ran for the hills. Being young and desperate for someone to love me I took him back. My partner has never hit me and for some years it got better.


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Verbally and Physically Abusive Husband?I have been married for one and a half years and I just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl a month ago. My first marriage ended in divorce. I married a second time and it is worse than the first time.


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Husband is Verbally Abusive?I have been married for 25 years. Three months into our marriage my husband accused me of cheating on him, that never happened. Then he would say little things while we were out at footballs games, the mall, etc. like "Are you looking for your boyfriend?"


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Abusive Husband?I have been married for 7 years. He has always been abusive. I have had 2 trips to the hospital, and 1 broken finger while he was trying to take my keys. He finally stopped the physical abuse, but started mentally abusing me.


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Sharing Living Expenses With an Abusive Partner?I have been with my son's father for almost 12 years now (yes still not married). We have been thru the worst times ever to the best times ever. Three years ago I found out he was having a relationship with someone else for 2 years behind my back.


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Where Else Can I Look for Help in a Small Town?I have no clue where to start, but here goes. I'm 33 years old living in a studio apartment in a very tiny town. I've been here in this area and on my own since October. Prior to moving in here I was in a domestic violence shelter about 45 minutes from here for 3 months.


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Dealing With Verbal and Emotional Abuse?Yesterday my husband and I got into an argument because my son left the lights on in his room. When I defended my son he then said that "my marriage was in danger". He always threatens me with divorce and end of the marriage.


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Husband Sometimes Verbally Abusive?I have been with my husband for 19 years. We have two girls. On a daily basis he is fine. He works and pays the bills. I work, as well, although I don't contribute much to bills.


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Getting Out of an Abusive Relationship?I'm disabled and have a 7 yr old daughter who doesn't belong to him. I can't afford to move. When we married 4yrs ago we moved into his house. He's very verbally abusive; everything is my fault.


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Abusive Husband?It's my 2nd marriage and I have a 7 year old boy from my previous marriage. I got married in 2010 and I had a daughter and 1 son who is 7 months with my current husband.


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Dealing With an Abusive Husband?When my husband is at his worst, he calls me obscene names, all in front of our daughter. I always remain calm and tell him speaking to me like that is unacceptable.



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Living With an Abusive Spouse?I have been married for 13 years to my husband and he has always been controlling and used to cheat all the time. Somewhere in the middle of him going to prison for 6mos. and trying to raise our kids alone and run his small construction business I got addicted to drugs.


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Dealing With and Abusive Spouse?I have been with my husband for 16 years. During this time he has been verbally abusive to me and my daughter. He has also hit me several times, including today. We have custody of my daughter's oldest son and I am afraid he will grow up to be like him because he hears the things he has said to me.


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Husband Verbally Abusive with an Infant?My husband is verbally abusive to me and is now starting to be to so with my year old son as well. He is 15 years older than me and we began dating when I was 18.


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Abusive Boyfriend?My boyfriend and I have been together seventeen years and have two children together. My daughter is fifteen and my son is thirteen with PDD; which is a form of autism.


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Dealing with an Abusive Spouse?I have been with my husband for nearly 20 years and we have 5 children, who range in age from 17 to 5. When we met in college, his neediness to be "taken care of" appealed to my nurturing side and I happily obliged.


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Leaving an Abusive Husband?I have been married 18 years. I have three children. The first years of marriage were filled with violence, control, everything.


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Dealing With an Abusive Spouse?My husband has a habit when he has gotten upset or fought with me, he leaves home and goes gambling. He hurts me too many times and now he has start beating me.


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Spouse is Verbally Abusive and Addicted to Painkillers?The man I married is not the same man I agreed to marry and spend the rest of my life with, "in sickness and in health, til death do us part". I knew when I married him, he came with health issues. What I didn't know, was the power of painkillers!


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Husband Argues When Drinking?I have been married for 38 years. I am 55 years old. In all these years my mother-in-law has never liked me. She always liked to showed favor to her other daughter-in-law and son. Now she is 86 years old and sick.


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Resolving Conflict With Spouse?My husband was abused and yelled at as a child by his father. He also had to endure the fact that I had an STD that I gave to him knowing I had it, but thought since it hadn't flared up in years and I didn't give it to anyone else that I could justify not telling him.


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Husband is Verbally and Physically Abusive?My husband scares me. He has had his hands round my throat, calls me horrible things; I feel worthless. His family tells me I am a burden on him.


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Dealing With a Thoughtless and Verbally Abusive Husband?I have been married for 9 months. My husband is often leaving his job. He in the teaching profession. I am also in the teaching profession.


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Leaving a Verbally Abusive Spouse?I am a mother of 4 children. I am married to a verbally and sometimes physically abusive man. He is not the kids biological father. I know if I leave it will be with only my children, very little money I can stash away without him knowing, and maybe a couple of suitcases of clothes.


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Dealing with a Spouse Who Drives Drunk?My. Husband drove with me and my son in his cab drunk. I had no clue, I sensed that he had alcohol on his breath before leaving the house, but he said that it wasn't alcohol so I believed him. We left with our 3 month old baby in the car and he was drunk and I didn't even notice!


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Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Wife?I am 42 years old. I've been divorced once. For my own bitterness issues, I dated my current wife for 4 years before we got married and even still I had not healed completely for about 3 years after that.



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Verbally Abusive Husband?My sister had an affair three years ago and her marriage has not been good since her daughter's birth 6 yrs ago due to him yelling, calling her names, and saying he wouldn't feed her.


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Married to a Verbally Abusive Alcoholic?We've both been married twice before. I was skeptical in the beginning. We had about a 4 year, long distance relationship, midwest to the south. He would visit me often and regularly. We had lots of fun, laughed, went to dinner and he always bought me flowers.


No Where to Go from Abusive Relationship?I am 23 years old and I have a 2 month old baby. I have been with my bf who is the father of my son for 7 years and I can't take living with him any longer. Throughout the whole relationship it's been verbal abuse and physical fights. We both have suffered bruises.


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Leaving an Abusive Husband?I have been married 11 years (together 15) and have two boys, 17 and 7. My husband is mentally, verbally, and emotionally abusive to me and my boys.


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Ending an Abusive Relationship?I have been in a relationship for 11 years. It just ended. He was not always very nice to me. He slapped me and tried to choke me once and he went to jail. When he came back he didn't touch me with his hands again. He was very verbally abusive.


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Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?After 42 years of dealing with my husband's verbal abuse and bullying; should I stay? My husband was bossy and a bit of a bully before we got married. Since then he has found every reason to blame everything that goes wrong in his world on me.


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Other Girls Being Mean?Everyone's being mean to me. I've asked why. I've said sorry, even though I haven't done anything. I don't know what to do?Please help.


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Emotionally and Verbally Abusive Husband?I came from an abusive home. He knows this, after 26 yrs. He cuts me down in front of my girls, saying my mind is tainted, making stuff up. I had a stroke in 2009 and he was working in California. He did not come home to take care of my 2 girls, one was 10 and the other 5 at the time.


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Dealing with an Abusive Husband?My husband and I have been married for 11 years and together for 13. We both came from bad marriages and we have 7 children between us with the youngest being ours. My daughter who is 16 recently accused him of sexual abuse.


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Dealing With a Mean Wife?I'm a 41 year old male. I have a good job, I start work everyday at 4:30 am and get home around 5:30 pm. My wife is a stay at home mom that doesn't clean, cook anymore, etc.


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Getting Out of an Abusive Relationship?I'm 47 and on my 2nd marriage to a younger man. He is verbally, emotionally, and mentally abusive. He criticizes me and blames me for everything. He is a control freak who yells, screams, and swears at me.


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Married to a Verbally Abusive Spouse Who Drinks?I am 47, I have been married for 8 years. I have an older son, but he is not my husband's. My marriage has fallen apart. Over the years my husband has been verbally abusive and he has a very keen liking for alcohol.


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Dealing with An abusive Husband?I'm 27 and I have 3 kids with my husband, who is 25. I been with him for 13 years now, but for the last 3 years it's been on and off. We were separated for almost a year. I was moving on with my kids and we were happy. I despise of my status here.


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Leaving an Abusive Boyfriend?I am 19 and my boyfriend abuses me. He threatens to hurt me if I don't have sex with him, if I don't answer the phone, if I make him repeat himself, actually if I don't do what he says when he says it it's a problem. Even if it's for something small like me wanting to go home to my family.


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Getting Out of an Abusive Relationship?I am 23 years old and have an 18 month old daughter. I am living with my daughter's father who is 45. I know it sounds crazy, but I loved him at some point. We have been together for almost 4 years now.


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Advice for Dealing with an Abusive Husband?How can a stay at home mom of 3 kids leave an abusive husband that won't give her any money? I have been married for 15 years and have been a stay home mom since our first of 3 kids was born. It has always been hard because I had no help.


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Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?I am in this position right now that is horrible and very sad. I am 26 years old with one two year old and am a stay home mom, as well. My husband is a nice guy, but when we disagree on a topic, it is just not a pretty picture.


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Verbally Abusive Husband?I have been married for one year and I have a son, not by him. I have moved into my husband's house with his son and daughter. It started three weeks after we got married. He just starts yelling at me if he does not like what I ask him.


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Abusive Husband?I am 32 years old. In my 7 years of marriage I have been experiencing physical and emotional abuse to a large extent. Now my 5 year old girl child is witnessing all of this. I can't discuss this with my family or walk out of this mess.


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Advice for Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Spouse?I have been married to my husband for 25 years. We started out rocky and it only got worse. Over the years he has gone through the usual cycle of calmness and then the verbal and emotional abuse, even to our grown daughters. Is there any advice that can be offered?


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Ideas for Working After Retirement? I am retired and looking for some sort of job where I can keep myself busy and active. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.


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Coping Strategies for Tension?How do I cope with tension?


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How to Encourage a Partner to Go to Counseling?I'm on disability and only source of income. We live pay check to pay check (wife doesn't work). Whenever we get an unexpected bill I struggle to pay it e.g., property tax, or vehicle breaking down. She acts like everything's OK and at times is spending more at the store than needed.


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Conquering a Fear of Thunder?Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to conquer the fear of thunder?


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Overcoming Boredom After Retirement?What do I do now that I am retired and bored?


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Trouble Getting Motivated to Clean Room?My room is a massive headache, when I feel like cleaning it I can't seem to start. Maybe because I'm 24 and live with my parents. How can I clean up when I don't feel like this is my place any more?


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Dealing with a Verbally Abusive Spouse?I'm a 27 year old, stay at home mom. I have three young girls that I love very much. I spend all day, everyday cleaning and taking care of my kids, but I also have a husband that can act like a child himself.


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Getting Over A Break Up?What do you do to get over a heartbreak? A trip would be nice to get away and forget, but it's not in the budget right now.


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Advice for Dealing with Lazy and Abusive Husband?I'm financially independent woman. I am married and have a daughter an year and half old. My husband is also earning but a little lesser than me. He is dependent on me for paying the rent of the house. He agreed to bring the grocery items. I do all the household work. He doesn't lift a waste paper and throw it in the dust bin.


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Dealing With a Nasty Boss?I know this request doesn't have anything to do with being thrifty BUT. i work at a doctors office. I love my job, the patients, etc. but the office manager is sometimes really nice and then flip the coin and what can I say... she isn't nice.


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Building Self Esteem?Building Self Esteem. My adult sister dumped all over me telling me what she has thought of me all her life and how I wreck everything for her. All of which is not true.


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Looking For Inspirational Poem?I am looking for a poem, it's about cancer, or finding the guts to undergo treatment again, when the cancer has returned. I heard this long speech or poem on Murphy Brown when her cancer returned and she did not want to suffer the treatments again.


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