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House Training a 15 Month Old Dog?Our Lakeland Terrier is 15 months old and we are having a difficult time getting him to hold his bodily functions until he gets outside. He will not usually poop or pee in the house when we are with him, but if we leave him alone or if he wakes up in the morning before we do, he will do his business as he pleases.


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My dog started messing in the house.My 4 year old Husky, Leea, started messing in the house when I leave. She started doing this a few months ago. We have had her about 2 years now. She was abused and abandoned. Now she is a very loved baby girl. My boyfriend is not to happy with this new behavior.


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Dogs Peeing On Wooden Coffee Table?I have 8 dogs and all were abandoned except 3. How do you get males to stop peeing on wooden furniture? I have an antique coffee table I want to use but don't want the dogs to ruin it.


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Dog Urinating at Friend's House?I have a male, neutered labrador dog. He will be 2 in April. He has been house trained since he was 10 weeks old and has never had a problem since. I take him to friends houses quite frequently who have dogs, but last night he urinated twice inside a friends house. Once on my friend's bed pillow that he had knocked off the bed and for a second time on my friend's dog bed that he has for his male golden retriever.


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Dog Urinates When My Husband Comes Home?I have a 1 year old miniature dachshund that urinates every time my husband comes home. He wants us to get rid of her and I want to keep her. Any ideas?


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Dog Pees in the House When I'm at Work?My dog is 2. He was crate trained but he pees in the house when I leave him to go to work for 9 hours. How do I stop this he is ruining my carpet?


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Housetraining a Cockapoo?I have an 8 month old cockapoo and she is driving me nuts. I think she might have bladder problems or something. I take her outside to go pee and poop but she does not go and I wait out there for 10 minutes. Then we go inside and about 15 minutes she goes pee on the rug or poop.


Housetraining a Yorkshire Terrier?My 6 month old Yorkshire terrier has been very difficult to housebreak. She goes to the bathroom outside 3 times a day, but is "sneaking" pottying in a couple of places in the house. There are puppy pads in a designated part of the house, but she will only use them if she's confined there most of the day.


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Puppy Pees in Kennel?How do I stop my 8 week old puppy from peeing in her kennel? When we first got her, I introduced her to her kennel, just like all the books say, but she still doesn't care for it too much. We had a little breakthrough when she went in her kennel twice last week to go to sleep, but since then has stopped.


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Housetraining a Rescue Dog?I am trying to crate train a rescue dog who is fine about going in the crate and never soils it in any way. I feed him in the crate and then take him out about 45 minutes later. As I have to keep him on a long leash he will pee, but will not do the business whilst on the leash.


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Dog Scared To Go The Bathroom Outside?My almost 5 month old Pit Bull girl, rarely ever goes to the bathroom outside. Now, she pees and poops on paper in the kitchen. Now that she is crated she is making a mess in her crate pooping all over. I don't know what to do.


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Dog Going to the Bathroom In The House?My dog is now 5 years old and EVERY day she does her business in the house. I live with my parents and they said that if I don't find out why she's doing this I'll have to get rid of her.


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How can I get my dog to stop peeing by the bed?My dog, Charlie Brown, is not really house broken, but I don't mind to be honest, i just clean after him. The only thing that bothers me is that he always wants to pee right beside the bed, often getting the sheets messy, and causing me a lot of laundry. How


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Housetraining an Older Dog?I have a 4 year old male toy fox terrier-chihuahua that apparently was never potty trained correctly. He has found a spot in my bedroom against the wall and onto the carpet to lift his leg. I have tried to watch him, also spanked him when I caught him at it.


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Housetraining 1 Year Old Min Pin?I had a Min Pin that I had house trained, and he was outside and somebody ran over him a couple days ago (I am 23 and cried like a baby).



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What is The Fastest Way to Housebreak a Yorkie?I got my Yorkie yesterday, (9 week old Ali) - What is the fastest way to housebreak Yorkies?


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Housebreaking a Dog Again?My dog pooped in a bedroom, then did it again the next day. We made a point of keeping the door to that room closed. He figured out that too because then he did it right outside the door to that same bedroom.


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Does a Dog Door Help or Hurt When Potty Training a Puppy?My four-month-old puppy has a 98% success rate eliminating outside, thanks to the dog door. My only worry is that she isn't learning how to hold it (or developing a big bladder) and that she isn't learning how to let us know when she has to go (for times when we will be at friends' houses, who don't have dog doors)?


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Keeping Dogs from Peeing on the Floor?We have just had to move in with my in-laws, they have 3 inside dogs. I have a 20 month old daughter. These dogs are 10 yrs old and up, so there is no trying to train them to go outside. They pee everywhere and we step in it. The whole house smells awful.


House Training a 2 Year Old Dog?I have a dog that is almost 2 years old and is still not fully house trained. I'm open to any suggestions. Can anyone help?


puppies sleeping

Potty Training Two Puppies at Once?We had a 14 week old 'Bug' Pug/Boston Terrier mix and then I was able to buy favorite dog in the whole world a English Bulldog. The only problem is that my Bug was not potty trained yet so they both are peeing and pooping on the new hardwood we just put down! HELP! How do we do this?


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Blocking a Doorway for a Dog?We need to keep a door to a bedroom open for air circulation, but the dog has jumped over the baby gate (no babies in the house so don't worry about it) and done his business there.


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Potty Training A Insecure Puppy?We recently rescued a beagle-terrier mix who is 2 months old. She is a very happy and loving dog in all respects, but for some reason she will only go number 2 outside. She will run around and sniff, but will not pee. As soon as you bring her inside, she will release a flood.


Housebreaking A Husky Mix?We have a Husky/German Shephard mix. Annika is approx. 1 and a half. She came to live with us by way of my brother. He had a big back yard for her to run and play in and she was not used to a leash when we got her. My brother soon realized that he doesn't have time for a dog, so she has come to live with my husband and I.


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Puppy Peeing in Crate?How can I get my puppy to stop peeing in his crate at night?


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How long does puppy house training take?My 15 week old Jack Russel poops outside but she pees in the house. She is a good dog and she has had all her injections. How long does it take to train a puppy like her? Is it ok to give her raw mince meat, as she won't eat dog food? She is very active and healthy. Please help. Thank you.


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Dog Has Accidents In Same Spot?My dog has accidents in the house. What can I use to discourage him from doing it in the same spot?


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House Training Cavalier Spaniel?I have an 18 month old male Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He's still urinating on the carpet several times a month. We crate trained him, helped him mark his spots outside, offered food rewards early on and remained gentle throughout.


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Dog Potty Training Problems?My Min Pin, Rocky, is 2 1/2 years old. I got him when he was one, and the lady that had him first never trained him.


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Housebreaking a 2 Year Old Beagle?How can I housebreak a 2 year old beagle? I tried a crate but he soils in there.



Puppy is Pooping in Cage?My Staffy poops in her cage. My puppy is 15 weeks old and is being trained via a cage. The cage is a large one and I'm wondering if it's too big. She was doing really well pooping and peeing outside. But then, last week she had her injection (because previous owners hadn't vaccinated her) and her vet check. We were told she was slightly thin. We upped her food and since then she has gone backwards and she's pooping in her cage now. Please help us as we are unsure of to what to do.


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Puppy Will Only Pee on Newspaper?My son got himself a 10 week old collie from a farm. The dog was never trained and was kept along with 5 other pups in a barn. When the dog was taken home it peed on a newspaper within 10 minutes, ever since we cannot get the dog to pee outside. It does not help that my son lives in an upstairs flat.


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Pit Bull Puppy Keeps Peeing Inside?I have a 7 month old pit. She's a good dog but sometimes she goes in the house. I take her out in the morning and afternoon and she goes outside. The problem is that she goes outside and still goes inside. I need help.


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Puppy Pooping Inside at Night?My 14 week old puppy seems to have clicked well with house training during the day, but at night she poops all over the kitchen floor. The pad is kept in the same place during the day and night.


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House Training a Schnoodle Puppy?I have a white schnoodle. He is 8 months old and I cannot get him to stop peeing in the house. I take him out and he goes to the bathroom outside and then comes in and will pee where ever he is. On the sofa, the floor, my bed, he has even peed on my lap.


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Puppy is Peeing on Bed Ruffle?My dog is in a crate during the day and we have a puppy door so he can go out to the bathroom. However if there is a bag on the floor or a bed ruffle around the bed he will hike his leg and pee every time. Is there anything I can do to break this habit?


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Dog Going Potty in the House?My daughter has a Maltese. He will be one year old this May. We can keep him in the yard for a long period of time to do his business and the minute we bring him in he does it in the house. We put his nose close to it and it still doesn't help.


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House Training a Pomeranian Puppy?I have a new puppy that is a Pomeranian mix. I need tips for how to housebreak him.


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Potty Training an Abused Dog?I just got a 1 1/2 yr old male min pin from an abusive home. I am having the biggest problem with this potty training. I have other dogs that I potty trained, but he is being difficult. I have him in a crate at night and when we are not home. He still urinates in it! Does anyone have any advice?


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Potty Training an Older Puppy?Please help me housebreak my Chi shihtzu mix; 5 months old and neutered. Just doesn't seem to want to cooperate at all.


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Puppy in Heat Started to Pee in House?I have an 8 month old, female Lab puppy who has just came into heat. Since then she just seems to be peeing in the house all the time. I am wondering if this has got anything to do with it? I am stressing out, because it just feels like we have gone right back to the beginning.


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Dog Pees on Furniture?I have been breeding Miniature and Toy Schnauzers for years, have 12 of them in the house and I have only had this problem twice, with other dog breeds. The first was a mini-Dachshund who eventually grew out of it, the current one is a Bichon-a-Poo.


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House Training a Dog?My friend has a little Yorkie terrier. It will not do his potting outside, but will do it inside. It can be outside for hours and not do anything. Is this the way they are? Can something be done about it?


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Puppy Poops and Pees in Crate?When I put my dog (who is a 12 week old lab) in his cage for the night he continues to poop and pee in the cage. He does this even thought I let him out before bedtime. When I wake up in the morning to take him outside he is laying in it.


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Dog Won't Pee Outside?My dog will not pee outside.



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Dog Pees in Crate?Olly we have had just 2 weeks, he is very good in the home and his manners. He is crate trained, but barks now at 5:30. When I go down to let him out he has wet in his bed and it is still warm.


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Housebreaking Older Dogs?I have two altered Chihuahua's; one 5 year old male, and a female which we believe to be around 9 years old. They have a very bad potty problem. Any ideas would greatly help.


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Housebreaking a Three Year Old Dog?How do I convince my parents to get my dog housebroken? My dog is 3 years old and my parents think it will mess the house.


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Trouble House Training a 3 Year Old Dog?I have a 3 year old Yorkie Bischon. I have had her for only one year.


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Puppy Only Poops Inside?I have had a Cavalier for a month and he is 3 1/2 months old. I feel like I'm not making any progress with his house training. I am using a crate, and I'm home most of the time. So, he is being taken out every hour.


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Dog Pees On Rugs?How do I keep my dog from peeing on the bathroom rug?


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Dog Is Peeing In Front of Doggie Door?I have a year old Yorkie mix and just recently he started peeing right in front of his doggie door. He has been house trained for at least 6 months now. Its really strange.


Re-House Training a Dog?Our puppy Lilly, who we have dubbed a Lab/Boxer mix, is now close to 4 months old. After bringing her home 3 weeks ago, I noticed that she seems to be terrified of being outside at night even though I go with her.


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Training a Dog to Bark to Go Outside?I have the cutest miniature Pekingese that you have ever seen. I got her when she was 2 months old. She is now 9 months, and still has not mastered potty training. We've tried everything and if you take her outside she's OK, but she won't bark to tell you that she needs to go outside.


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Making a Dog Litter Box?I have a 5 year old chihuahua. I rescued him from his owner last year. He was abused really badly. I tried to potty train him to go outside but he is to scared to go outside. Today I made a litter box from a plastic storage tote for him but what should I put in it so he can use it?


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Paper Training vs Yard Training for a Puppy?I have a Pomeranian that just turned 5 months old. I have always crated him and then paper-trained him rather than going outside. I just don't want him outside too often and the paper method is convenient for me.


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Puppy Pad Trained Dog Now Peeing on Rug?I have a 1 year old pup that has been apartment trained to use pee pads. She now has a problem once in awhile (not everyday) and pees on the rug and on my bed. Help.


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Grown Up Dog Peeing In the House?I have a 3 year male dog and two females They are all house dogs. They are trained to go outside. The male is neutered, but he pees on everything in the house when we are not looking. He has ruined so much furniture. Please help me. I am tired of cleaning up his pee.


Housebreaking Cocker Spaniel?I have a 2 year old Cocker Spaniel. When she gets excited, she piddles on the floor. But now she always pees on my carpet. I just want to know if there's a way I can keep my dog from peeing on the carpets.


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Dog No Longer House Broken?I have a German Shepherd and he will be 7 years old in November this year. In the past 4 months he has started to use the living room as his business area. We have tried keeping him outside in the day, but he still does it. The vet says there is nothing wrong.


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Using Puppy Pads for Training?I have an Pomeranian puppy; she is 9 weeks old. I'm having a little trouble potty training my baby. She has the pee-pads. I don't take her outside to potty. I want her to learn to use the pads. Sometimes she gets it, but most of the time she will potty wherever she wants.


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Dog Urinates Inside When Left Alone?How do I stop my 2 year old Staff from weeing in the house? He only does this when I leave him home alone. Even if I leave him for ten minutes he will do it. He knows where he is supposed to go. Any suggestions other than crating him or neutering him, as I want to breed him?


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Using a Kiddie Pool to House Train a Puppy?Has anyone ever tried using a kid's small plastic pool to help paper train their dogs? I do not have dogs myself, but wondered if this was a good way to keep pets from urinating on flooring or carpet by putting the newspaper in the kiddie pool.


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Dogs Wet Their Bed?I have a 2 yr old English Bulldog who has slept in a cage since we have had her from a puppy. She is house trained but has always wet her bed during the night. She likes sleeping in her cage as we have tried other options, but nothing seems to work.


Problems Housebreaking a Dog?I have a Dutch Mastiff (Pug). He's house broken for the most part. We feed a mix of dry and Alpo Selects canned. We walk him from half an hour to an hour after eating and walk him on a regular basis. He only poops when it's convenient for him.


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How Do I House Train My Dog?How do I train a dog from using the inside of the house?


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Dog House Trained Except at Night?I have a house dog that is potty trained except of a nighttime. He won't wake me up during the night, he will just go to a bedroom at the back of my house and go. Is there a way to stop this?


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Dog is Peeing Next to Pee Pad?Why is my chihuahua peeing on floor beside the pee pad? She was doing so well. She is now 1 year old and I know she knows better.


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Dog Pees in House When One of the Owners Not at Home?I have a 3 year old female Siberian Husky. We adopted her a little over two years ago from the Humane Society. She is completely housebroken and over all a very well behaved dog.


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Dog Won't Potty Outside After Grass Was Removed?I have a 3 year old Poodle that was completely potty trained. I have a dog door. I had the grass taken out of my back yard and gravel and rocks put in and I have flower beds. She does go out but pees on my carpet.


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Dog Peeing on Couch?My Boxer who has been house broken for years urinates on my sofa. He has no health issues and has been to the vet. How can I stop this behavior?


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Dog Pees in House Rather Than Going Outside?Why does my dog pee at the back door when the door is open for her to go out? I never see her do it to stop her.


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Puppy Will Not Poop on Training Pads?Mattie uses her pad to pee, but refuses to use it to do do. What is the answer? She is a very excited animal and seems to do the do do bit for spite, when she doesn't get her own way. She is a miniature Schnauzer. She is 8 months old and a very lovable and good companion.


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Puppy Will Pee Outside But Not Poop?I have a pet Schnoodle who is 12 weeks old. I have had him since he was 8 weeks old. I am having problems with toilet training him to do solids outside. He has been fine with liquid waste and will go whenever he is put outside and instructed to do so.


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Dog Going To the Bathroom Inside at Night?I have a female, fixed Boxer that is six years old that started peeing on the floor at night when we are asleep. I work during the day and she is fine. She has full range of the house and she is never crated. I take her out at 6:30 am, 5:30 pm, 8 pm and about 9:30 pm.


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Teaching a Puppy to Use a Puppy Pad?How can I get my puppy to use a puppy pad to poop?


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House Training a Pitbull?I have a 9 week Pitbull puppy and we are working on house breaking. It's going ok for her age, but the problem I'm running into is I will take her outside and she will go to the bathroom 3-5 times, but then 2 minutes after coming back in the house she is peeing on the floor.


House Broken Dog That Has Started Pooping in the House

Previously House Broken Dog Has Started Pooping in the House?I have a Sheltie that is about 11 months old and she is going poop in the house after I have taken her out. Sometimes she is out a long time, but won't go! She has been potty trained for a while! I work night shift and I am going through a divorce. Could she be stressing herself?


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Getting Dog to Use Training Pads?I've had a Springer spaniel pup for 2 weeks now, but she is starting to drive me nuts! I take her outside in the garden to toilet after meals, sleep, and play, etc. and she always goes wee and poop if needed. During the night she was using her puppy pads for wee, but never poop.


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When Should My Puppy Have Access to Water While Housetraining?When can I give my pup water while house breaking?


Chihuahua Puppy Poops In Crate?I have a miniature Chihuahua that was found abandoned in a neighbor's apartment. When I first got her, I got her a large dog carrier for her to use as her "house". At night I would lock her in it so that she would not mess on my floors or furniture.


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House Training a Blind Dog?How can I train my little toy Poodle who was born with out eyes to go to the bathroom outside or even on a newspaper? I just got the dog a week ago, she is a year and a half old and it was always picked up and put outside to go. However, she's peeing on my carpet and pooping, too.


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Puppy Won't Go Potty In The Rain?If it rains, one of my dogs has begun pooping on our new rug which is on wooden flooring and after trying "everything" to stop it we rolled up the rug. When we brought the new rug in they did not do it. They had stopped since the wood floors had been installed.


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Problems House Training a One Year Old Dog?How do I house train my Poodle? He is almost 1 year old and still not house trained! I'm frustrated with him.


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Dog Peeing Inside House?My new APBT is 10 months old and has been in many homes. I am having some problems with her doing pee pee a lot even though I take her out a lot. Stress maybe?


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House Train Pit Bull Puppy?I have a 5 month old gator Pit Bull mix. When I got him I was told he was house broken. However, ever since I have had him, he is persistent in pooping and peeing in both his crate and the rest of the house. How do I break his habits?


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Puppy Regressing in House Training?My 6 month old Shep/Rotti puppy has started to go potty in the house again. She had been housebroken since she was 9 weeks old. I have a bell on the door for her to ring, which she used to always use.


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Dogs Have Started Pooping Inside?My dogs have decided to potty in the house, it seems they will hold themselves til they come in. Especially now that's colder, they will just stand at the door. They especially like to use one upstairs bedroom to poop in, even after they pooped outside!


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Transitioning Puppy from Potty Pads to Outside?How do you get your puppy comfortable with using the bathroom outside instead of in the house on her potty pad?


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Advice For House Training Puggle Puppy?How do I potty train my Puggle puppy?


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Retraining a Previously House Trained Puppy?My puppy has been potty trained for 8 months. We have a new baby at home and the puppy keeps peeing in the new baby's room all the sudden.


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Litter Box Training a Puppy?How do I litter train a Blue Nose Pit puppy?


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Crate Training a Puppy?I have a 10 week old female Boxer that may have anxiety in her crate. We have trained on this consistently. She will freely go in to eat or get a toy, but the moment the door closes she gets anxious. I have sat in front of the crate and talked to her and fed her treats.


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Paper Training a Puppy?I wanted to know if anyone has any ideas on how I can potty train my new Pit Bull puppy? He is too little to take outside so I laid out papers all over.


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Previously Housebroken Dog Has Started Urinating and Defecating in the House?I have a 11 year old female golden Lab, who over the last few months has been urinating and pooping in the house. This is since my daughter has moved back in the house with her boyfriend and baby. Could this be psychological or her age? What can we do?


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Puppy Poops in Crate?I have a 3 month old Husky/Shepherd mix. She is a very sweet docile dog, but she does not like us to leave her. She will sleep in her crate at night, but if I leave her for even 15 minutes in the crate during the day, she poops in it.


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House Training a New Puppy?We are the proud owners of a beautiful 17 week old German Shepherd boy. He is doing wonderfully in all aspects except for one issue. We take him out hourly for potty breaks. We take him out 20 minutes after a meal and we take him out 20 minutes into playtime.


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Dog Won't Go Potty Outside in Cold Weather?My dog won't go to the bathroom if there is snow on the ground.


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Previously House Trained Dog Has Started Peeing in House?I have a 4 year old track rescued Greyhound. She has been a challenge since we got her (her sister is fine). For about 8 months she did really well, then recently started peeing in the house on occasion again.


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Training a Dog to Not Poop Inside?We adopted an 18 month old Cocker Spaniel. She goes all night with no problems and in the morning she does her business fairly quickly. We take her out a least 6 times a day and we walk her around a mile every day. She does poop in the living room a least once every day or two.


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Dog Pooping in My Bed?I have 3 dogs. Two I've had for four years, and one I've had for 11 years. My neutered dog has never relieved himself in the house in the 4 years I've had him. Friday when I came home from work and he had peed on my bed.


Dog Peeing Inside After New Dog Arrived?My 5 year old female Maltese, that was previously house trained, has started to soil all over the house. We think it is because we got a male Maltese puppy at Christmas.


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Housebreaking an Abused Dog?I recently took in an abused female, maybe a Bluetick, who had been running for a week in a high-traffic area with a collar, but no tags. 4 weeks later, after being treated for pneumonia, she had a litter of 7 pups.


House Trained Dog Peeing and Pooping in the House?I have a 6 year old Staffie. He started weeing and pooing in the house when my Akita died at 7 months. I need help to keep him from doing this in the home.


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Trouble House Training My Chihuahua?We have a one year old Chihuahua that is driving us crazy with house training. Chico continues to use our home as a bathroom. We take him and our other dog (a 7 year old chocolate Lab) outside on a regular basis and have favorable results.


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Potty Training an Adult Dog?My husband and I have noticed that every day his dog has made a very large accident on the kitchen area rug. The dog is a Lhasa and has been doing this every day at different times. He said that Jumba (the dog) has been doing this for months now even before we were together.


House Training a Puppy?We have had our baby Bichon for three weeks. He is now about twelve weeks old. Please give me ideas as to how to potty train him. I do have the pads and he occasionally uses them, but most of the time he does not. Help please. Thanks so much.


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House Training a Shih Tzu?How do you house train a Shih Tzu?


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Why Does My Dog Pee on the Bed?I want to know why the dog pees on the bed even though he has been outside enough times to relieve himself. He was given to me from someone who had him in a dog crate most of the time. He knows he is supposed to go outside and seems housetrained already.


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Paper Training an Older Dog?I adopted a 3 year old female Chihuahua two weeks ago. The previous owner assured me she was paper or pad trained, but since I have had her here, that hasn't been so. I can't make her go on the pads/paper unless she is confined to a very small area.


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Getting Dogs to Stop Marking Territory?I just got a 2 year old alpha male dog and I can't stop him from lifting his leg on everything. It's even worse now that my daughter lives with me, and she has a male dog. What can I do to stop this?


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Potty Training a Puppy?My 9 month old puppy is not housebroken yet. She won't do it outside. How do I do potty training?


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Old Dog Peeing in House?Our dog has started peeing inside, she doesn't know she is doing it. She is a 10 year old cross Jack Russell.


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3 Year Old Housetrained Dog Started Peeing in the House?I have a 3 year old Cocker Spaniel that I adopted from the pound 5 months ago. He came home and was amazing, never an accident in the house, and a great personality. I felt very lucky to have him. Then I met my boyfriend, who loves dogs and has a 13 year old Lab.


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4 Year Old Dog Has Started Peeing in the House?Why would my 4 year old Jack Russell start peeing in the house? He has never done this before. We put paper down for him, and in the mornings he's still has been all over the place.


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Dog Peeing in the House When Husband Leaves the Room?My 3 year old Malamute has started peeing in the house. We have lived in this house for over a year, our schedules have not changed, and there has not been a change in jobs or family members. But when my husband goes into another room our dog immediately goes to the kitchen to pee.


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Shih Tzu Peeing in the House When left Alone?I have a 2 year old Shih Tzu who will not stop peeing in the house. Please help; how do I get her to stop? We have 2 older dogs that do not go in the house, but we need to teach the small dog to stop peeing in the house when we are not home.


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House Training a Two Year Old Dog?How do I house train a 2 year old Brittany Spaniel that hunts and is crate trained? He is a good hunter and well disciplined otherwise.


closeup of long haired Dachshund

House Trained Dog Peeing and Pooping in the House?I have a five year old Dachsie female (Abbie) who has regressed to puppy hood. She has had back trouble and has been sick. She pees on the carpet, so I have been keeping her in her crate. She does not drink much when she is in the crate and will not pee outside.


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House Training a Six Week Old Puppy?I have a beautiful six week old Pit Bull puppy, it lives with us in the house. The problem is that it poos everywhere it likes in the house. My dog does not like to poo outside. Please help. How do I teach my dog not to poo inside the house?


Weimaraner type dog sitting in driver's seat in car.

2 Year Old Dog Has Started Peeing in the House?I have a 2 year old male dog that has started peeing in the house. I've talked very straight to him; he hides when I yell at him. I don't know what do. Please help.


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Dog Poops in the House at Night?My dog is potty-trained and does really good, the only thing is when I take him out right before we retire for the night, he simply will not poop, no matter how long we sit out there or how many times I take him out to try. Then, in the morning, I'll find poop on the carpet.


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Crate Training a Puppy?I have a 14 week old Pitbull puppy that we are trying to crate train. He has made some progress, but he is still messing in his crate. My husband and I work all day and do not have someone to take him out in the afternoon.


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Housebreaking an Older Dog?We are considering purchasing an 18-month old male Cocker Spaniel. He has been used as a show dog, so he has not been housebroken. The breeder said to just train him the same as a puppy, but I am concerned about buying him if he is not housebroken at his age.


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Previously House Trained Dog Peeing in the House?My 20 month old puppy keeps peeing in the house all of a sudden when we are gone; what can I do? He has been doing really well. Now all of a sudden about 2 weeks ago he began peeing in the house, twice on the toilet seat once in the living room, and now today in the kitchen.


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House Training an Abused Dog?I just purchased a 2 year old Welsh Terrier. I think she has been abused. She has always been outside. I take her out for long periods of time, and she doesn't do anything, then when I take her in she goes potty. How can I housebreak her?


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