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Housetraining a Yorkshire Terrier?My 6 month old Yorkshire terrier has been very difficult to housebreak. She goes to the bathroom outside 3 times a day, but is "sneaking" pottying in a couple of places in the house. There are puppy pads in a designated part of the house, but she will only use them if she's confined there most of the day.


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Dogs Peeing On Wooden Coffee Table?I have 8 dogs and all were abandoned except 3. How do you get males to stop peeing on wooden furniture? I have an antique coffee table I want to use but don't want the dogs to ruin it.


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Housetraining a Cockapoo?I have an 8 month old cockapoo and she is driving me nuts. I think she might have bladder problems or something. I take her outside to go pee and poop but she does not go and I wait out there for 10 minutes. Then we go inside and about 15 minutes she goes pee on the rug or poop.


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Yorkie Adult and Puppy Peeing Inside?I own a 6 year old Yorkshire terrier who is/was toilet trained. Since we brought a pup yorkie home 1 year ago, the older dog pees inside now, as well as the pup.


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Potty Trained Dog Keeps Peeing In House?I have a 4 year old pitbull named Ruby. We have had her for almost 2 years and moved recently and brought 2 more chihuahua mix puppies'. Soon after, my dog has been peeing. I don't know why she never peed inside at our old house till we got new puppies.


A Yorkshire terrier.

House Training a Dog?My female Yorkie is 10 years old. I got her when she was 9 after her owner passed away. We connected immediately, love at first sight. She follows me everywhere.


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Dog Pooping and Peeing Inside After New Dogs Moved In?I have a male dog, Mario, who is 16 months old. He was fixed at 15 months. I also have a female dog that I have had for 15 yrs. He was 60% potty trained prior to getting him fixed. My boyfriend has now moved in with his 2 dogs, a 9 yr old German Shepherd and a 13 yr old Chihuahua. Now my dog is acting out and has peed on the bed 2 days in a row. He is pooping in the house a lot more as well.


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Potty Training a DogI have a now 5 month old blue nose/red nose mix. We've had her for about a month and no matter what we do, she still pees and poops inside the house. She has stopped going in her crate however.


House Training a Pit Bull Puppy - tan and white Pit puppy

House Training a Pit Bull Puppy?I bought a blue fawn Pit Bull when he was just a few months old. And now he is almost 5 months old. My boyfriend and I live together and we train him constantly to prevent pooping and peeing in the house. We both have had Pits before and this one just is very different and difficult to train. We got him puppy pads early on and we thought we finally had gotten him trained before we moved.


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House Training a Yorkie Puppy?I am a new Yorkie mom. My male Yorkie will be home in two weeks. I'm not sure the best way to potty train him when he comes home. I live in a house with a front and back yard. So should I pee pad train my Yorkie or train him to go on the grass in the backyard?


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New Dog Not Going to the Bathroom?I have a 9 year old dog that came from a multiple dog home of a disabled owner. She was newspaper trained and never walked outside. I've had her for 3 weeks and was doing pretty good with potty training, as she would consistently go back to the pad, but would pee right on the edge so half would go on the floor and half on the pad.


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P Pad Trained Dog Now Using a Rug?I have an eight-year-old Yorkie who has been trained on a P pad since she was a pup. Now all of a sudden she is pooping and peeing in another room on a rug. What can I do?


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Potty Training Advice for an 8 Month Old Puppy?I have an 8 month old blue Pit/American Bully. We began training her at 6 weeks. She does good for the most part, but still will pee or poop in the house. Our vet told us to crate her when we're not around and to confine her to a smaller area in the house until she'gets better. She doesn't bark when she needs to go out, she just paces and if we don't catch her it's too late.


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Dog Pees and Poops in the House?My Jack Russell (10) keeps on urinating and pooing in the house, in spite of the door being open all the time. I got her two years ago and was told she is house trained, but obviously that is not the case. One of the carpets is so stained, I can not get it clean.


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My Dog Poops and Pees on My Bed?As soon has I leave the room for 5 minutes I come back to pee and poop on my bed. He does that even if he has gone out. I can't take it. What can I do?



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Puppy Peeing in the House?My son has a 4 month old American Boxer. He seems really smart, but what a problem with the house training. It is better than a month ago, but my son just took him outside 3 times in the last 90 minutes (he does not play with him when they are outside for potty relief), he peed each time.


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Using Homemade Bitter Apple Spray on a Dog?Is homemade bitter apple spray safe to spray on a small dog to stop my big dog from licking her?


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Training an Abused Dog to Poop on a Leash?I have a 1 year old Pit. She was abused before I got her. I got her to stop going to the bathroom in the house, but I can not get her to go poop on the leash. She walks on the leash, but not go very far until she wants to turn around and go back home. She will pee on the leash, but she will not poop. Any suggestions?


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Puppy Urinating Inside at Doggy Day Care?I have a 6 month old female Labradoodle who was house trained from 6 months. For the last 4 weeks she has been going to doggy day care. The lady who looks after her already has 2 dogs, one male and one female. After 2 weeks of being there she has done the odd wee in the house. She does seem to do this on rainy days even though she is let out into the garden regularly, why is she doing this?


House Trained Puppy Still Pees and Poops Inside - black and brown dog on floor mat

House Trained Puppy Still Pees and Poops Inside?Our 9 month old dog was rescued at age 4 months. She is dog door trained, yet sometimes poops and pees again inside, in 2 rooms which have been professionally enzyme cleaned. She stopped for about a month, but started again. She does it even when we're home. The rest of our home is unsoiled.


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Previously House Trained Dog Has Started Peeing Inside?My dog is a male Pomeranian and he's been potty trained. But ever since we went on a 2 week vacation (we left him with my aunt) he's been peeing wherever he wants to. It's been 1 month already and he's still peeing inappropriately. We put him on time out and punish him like we did before, but he's still peeing. What am I doing wrong?


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House Training a 6 Month Old Puppy?I have a 6 month old Pit x Cane Corso x Staff and he just isn't getting the concept of telling us when he wants to go out. We take him out and he'll do his business and we praise him and then we'll come back in and he'll still do more business inside. It's driving me insane as our flat is stinking all the time no matter how much we clean.


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Puppy Started to Poop in His Crate?My Shih Tzu is 5 months old and has been really good with potty training and crate training, but for two days straight in the morning he has pooped inside of his crate. There have been no new changes.


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Dog Is Peeing and Pooping on Furniture?I have a one year old male French Bulldog. He was never really fully house trained despite all of our bests efforts, we even got a trainer! Ever since he was big enough to get onto the furniture, he started to pee everywhere including all of the beds (4 beds) and on the sofas, and all over the house.


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Puppy Leaves a Tiny Poop After Going Outside?I have a 5 month old male German Shepherd, we have finally potty trained him so he will go outside. He will poop and pee outside, but he's very persistent in squeezing out one tiny drop of poop on the third floor of our house. What can I do to make him stop?


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Rescued Dog Pooping and Peeing Inside?We rescued a 2 yr old Chihuahua Terrier mix. He is neutered. He had a few accidents the first couple of days, then no accidents for 2 weeks. For the last week he has been pooping at least once a day in the house and today he peed. He has done this in a closet, 2 bathrooms, and the mudroom. Today he suddenly took off down the hall and I quickly followed. Too late, he was already done.


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Puppy Pooping in the Basement?My 7 month old puppy keeps pooping in our basement. She finds a way to get passed the gate we have put up and poop downstairs. When I catch her from coming back up she knows it was wrong. I praise her when she goes outside, but it still continues to happen. Any suggestions?


Puppy is Pooping in Her Crate - woman holding a Yorkie puppy

Puppy is Pooping in Her Crate?My 6 1/2 month old Yorkie poops in her crate every night. I did have her in an indoor dog fence with a pee pad, but she'd poop and pee partly on her pad and the rest on the bottom of the fence, every night. I'm so tired of cleaning up every single morning. She has no health issues. Should I just put a doggie diaper on her at night?


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House Training a Pit Bull Puppy?I have an 5 month old Pit Bull who refuses to be potty trained. I take him out every 30 minutes. He doesn't do anything, but when we come back in he pees.


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Dog Pees Inside When I'm at Work?Remedy for a dog that pees in the house when I'm at work.



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Potty Training a Yorkie?I have a 5 month old male Yorkie. He pees and poops everywhere inside the house. I can't take him outside yet. How can I teach him to poop in a crate inside the house?


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House Training an Abused Dog?I just adopted a 3 year old Boxer Cur mix and was told she has been abused. She is not housebroken and she's scared to death of the leash.


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House Training an Older Dog?How do I house train an older dog? I have a 3 year old Shih Tzu and she pes and poops on the floor. I take her for 3 walks a day, but I also have to keep her on a leash. I want her to learn how to go loose without leaving the lawn. She has gotten loose on me a few times.


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Adopted Dog Pees and Poops in His Crate?My husband and I adopted a 2 year old Lab Pit mix about five days ago. Since day 1, he has had issues using the bathroom. I noticed immediately that he was not peeing or pooping outside. We live in an apartment complex and when we took him outside he just spent the whole time sniffing everything. We got a crate (he had one before) and he goes inside it but not outside.


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Using Red Pepper to Keep a Dog from Peeing on the Carpet?My daughter just got a new puppy and it keeps going in my closet and peeing and pooping. Will using crushed red pepper deter a dog from peeing on my carpet if I sprinkle it on heavily?


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Pit Bull Potty Training Advice?So I have had my Pit Bull for about a year. He's around 2 now, but he keeps peeing and pooping in his crate when we leave. We've been working on potty training for a while now, but nothing seems to work. He's also started doing it on our rugs too, but we take him out at least every hour or two. Is there anything else that I should try?


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Rescue Dog Won't Poop Outside?My new rescue refuses to poop outside. We've only had him for two days, but we will walk him and he will come right in and poop in the house. What can I do to get him to go outside?


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Dog Poops in Her Bed?I have a Chihuahua and she goes outside very well, but she has a small piece of her poop in bed with her. I get rid of it, but she poops just a little and there is another piece in her bed. What does this mean and will she stop? She is 13 months old.


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Dog Poops and Wees Inside?I have a 5 year old male Whippet that constantly poops and wees in the house once he's came back in from outside. Is there anything I can do to try and stop him?


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Dog Peeing in the House?I have a four-year-old male blue Staff. And lately, probably for the back past eight months, I am struggling with the times I have to clean up around my house even though he has a dog flap where he can go in and out at will.


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Puppy Won't Pee Outside?I just got a 9 week old puppy and have had her for 8 days now. When she first came she was going outside to the toilet, but about 3 days ago she just wouldn't go in the garden. She will poop out there. She has never done that in the house, but won't wee out there.


Rescue Pit Bull Peeing Inside - brown and white Pit being held

Rescue Pit Bull Peeing Inside?We just adopted a 3 and 1/2 year old Pit Bull from a shelter. He was abused, but he's very sweet. My problem is he' was an outside dog and now he keeps peeing in the house with many potty breaks. He never poops, just pee. How to I get him to stop?


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Dog Poops Inside at Parents' Home?My dog generally stays at my apartment all day. She rarely poops inside. Half the time we take her out in the middle of the day and she doesn't poop. However, when he stays at my parents' home he always poops inside.


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House Training a Pomeranian?My mom acquired a Pom. I am not sure of her age, I think she is under one. The lady that had her worked all the time and the dog stayed in a crate. We have trained many dogs. Never has she had a Pom. This dog seems untrainable!


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Puppy Backsliding on House Training?We got our 7 month miniature Australia Shepherd at about 8 weeks. Within 2 months he seemed to be potty trained. Lately, it's like he has forgotten everything he's learned. We use the bell method and our 8 year old German Shepherd does not have accidents. He will ring the bell sometimes, but does nothing when he goes out.



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House Training a Pit Bull Puppy?I've had my Pit Bull puppy for 3-4 months. He is now 6 months old and I have been working on the potty training, but he still pees in the house every day. And every night he will poop inside at least 2 times a week. How do I get him to stop going? He whines after he has used the bathroom.


Toilet Training a Puppy - reddish brown and white Cocker puppy

Toilet Training a Puppy?We have a 4 month old Cocker Spaniel, who we regularly take out into the back garden for a wee or a poo. He has a spot where he goes. When indoors he will go to the back door to be let out to go to toilet, but he will also wee and poo on our carpet in the hallway. Is there a way we can stop him doing this?


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Adopted Yorkie Pees in the House?I adopted/rescued a 7yr. Yorkie. The original owners stated he was house broken/trained. It has only been a week, but he keeps peeing in the house (kitchen). I have put up gates between the kitchen and living room to limit the peeing in one area.


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House Training a Rescue Dog?I'm so frustrated with my new rescue. I've had her for less than a week and evening potty time is very frustrating. She takes so long to pee outside at night. There are no issues in the morning in the backyard or for the dog walker mid-afternoon. Only nighttime potty breaks are problematic.


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Dog Pees in Owner's Bed?My boyfriend and I took this dog in from a friend. My boyfriend was his favorite person and he just recently left for the Navy. It's obviously distressing Berkeley as he has been consistently having accidents in the house. I will leave for ten minutes and he'll relieve himself by the door. Today he urinated in my bed.


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House Trained Dog Started Pooping Inside?I have a 12 month old Cockapoo who has been pretty well house trained for the past 6 months. He will cry at the door when he needs to go outside, and he is taken out shortly after eating. He has been having an increasing amount of pooping accidents in the house.


Puppy Peeing Where She Sleeps - gray puppy

Puppy Peeing Where She Sleeps?I have a 5 month old puppy. About 3 days ago she started peeing where she sleeps, twice in bed with us and once on her bed, and few times on the sofa. She is still in potty training, but never peed where she slept. Since day 1 she was jumping out of bed in the night and peed on the carpet, but never in bed until recently.


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Dog Started Peeing Inside?I have 4 dogs, all of them rescued from the streets. All of them have access to the garden at any time to go and pee or poop outside. We take them for a walk without fail every day for at least 30 minutes. One started peeing inside.


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Puppy Pooping Inside?I take my 5 month old puppy outside just before I go to work in the mornings and check on him almost every hour. He seems to get the right idea on peeing outside, but not the poo.


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House Trained Dog Pooping and Peeing Inside?I have an 18 month old Lab mix. He was doing great, house trained. He still does well during the day, but now at night he is pooping & peeing in the dining room. He goes out before bed, the last time he eats is about 5:00, and he even goes out once during the night.


House Training 9 Month Old Puppy

House Training 9 Month Old Puppy?My dog (Calypso), a 9 month old Pit/wolf mix, has issues with potty training. He is crate trained, but busts out his huge cage now. He also goes to the bathroom everywhere if left alone for a few minutes. I want to leave him out as I'm afraid of someone breaking in. But if I do he eats everything and potties.


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Puppy Is Peeing on His Bed?I got my 4 month old Pit Bull puppy about 3 weeks ago. Now lately he started urinating on his bed. He literally stands and just let's loose. He knows it is wrong because he immediately runs away. This is the 3rd time he has done it. I am really not sure what to do.


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Rescued Dog Pees Inside on Rugs?I have a rescue dog that was badly treated before I took her from the local SPCA. She is about 3 years old now. I have had her for 2 years. From the first day that I got her, she will pee only on the carpet.


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House Training Dogs?So my dogs won't go outside unless I tell them to. They have a doggy door to use, they're not scared of it either, they just won't go outside to potty. We've tried everything.


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House Training and General Dog Training Advice?We have just adopted a Lab mix. She is 10 months old. How do we potty train and train her in general? She was spayed the day before we could bring her home. We have had her 5 days now. She keeps peeing/pooping in the house. She very seldom goes potty outside. She will pee outside, but not often.


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House Training a Puppy?I have a an 8 month old pup. We have limited his access to our home for house training purposes, and this has worked well; he rarely has an accident. I want to extend his area of freedom in our home, but every time we try, he poops in the new area. Is this because he doesn't consider it part of his den? What can I do?


Puppy Peeing Inside After Adopting a New Dog

Puppy Peeing Inside After Adopting a New Dog?We have a 7 month old female Frenchie Pug mix (neutered) who was mostly house-trained. 3 weeks ago we adopted an 8 year old diabetic Pug female. They get along pretty well, but fight over toys (and me) a bit. The puppy has started peeing all over the house 2-3 times a week.


Problems House Training a New Puppy - dogs in bathroom

Problems House Training a New Puppy?I just recently adopted a 7/8 month old puppy. We aren't really sure what type of dog she is, but we have an idea. We think she might be a Doberman/Beagle mix. Her name is MJ. We have had her for almost two weeks now and I'm not sure if she's happy or not.


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Training a Dog to Poop on a Piddle Pad?My dog is one year old. He pees on the pad, but won't poo on it. How can I train him to poo on the pad?


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Dog Pooping and Peeing Inside?I have an almost 5-year-old Australian Shepherd. He's an awesome dog and very high energy. He goes out to the bathroom numerous times daily, but lately he invariably pees and started pooping in my apartment now long after I let him out. I'm gonna start putting him in a crate.


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Dog Pees in the House When Left Alone?I have 9yr old Jack Russell who wee's in our home when left alone! It can be from 10 mins to 2 hours, we've crated him in a smaller crate in which he stopped cocking his leg, but while not in the crate he is still peeing on the kitchen corner units. Why does he do this?


Dog Not Holding Pee During the Day - light brown, tan and dark brown Pom

Dog Not Holding Pee During the Day?Why does my Pom go all night on my bed without peeing till I let him out, but during the day he goes to the door and barks to go out every 3 hours? If I try not to pay attention he will piddle on the floor. He is 10#s and one year old.


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Rescue Bassett Hound Pooping Inside?I rescued a Bassett Hound from the street about 7 weeks ago. The vet said she is about 1.5 - 2 years old. My problem with her is the frequency she goes potty. She consistently poops 6-7 times a day. Recently she has started pooping in my bedroom right after I take her inside from pooping outside.


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House Trained Dog Pooping Inside Since Move?I have a Chihuahua that I've had for about 6 years now, but 6 months ago we moved to a new house and since then she has been acting really weird. When she goes outside, since we moved here, we have a hard time getting her into the grass and even when she does go into the grass she won't potty. She goes pee, but not poop.


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Rescued Dog Peeing in the House?I have a 2 year old Pit that I got from the shelter and she will not stop going to the bathroom in my house, no matter how much I take her outside. I have rubbed her nose in it and told her no! I have tried giving her a treat and praising when she goes outside only to have her come right back in and go again in my floor.


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Puppy Peeing in His New Bed?I have an 8 month old French Bulldog puppy and his behaviour and training has been really positive so far. He out grew his old plastic bed so I decided to get him a bigger soft fabric bed because we haven't had any accidents recently. The last two nights he has wet the bed both nights (around 4/5am).


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House Trained Dog Peeing and Pooping Inside?I adopted a 9 year old Greyhound from a friend who is unable to care for him any longer. The dog has been with us 5 months and is walked several times a day, but from the first day he has been urinating and defecating in the house.


Dog Poops and Pees Inside When Left Alone

Dog Poops and Pees Inside When Left Alone?I have an 8 month old Labrador and Spaniel mix neutered male. He was potty trained for a long time with no accidents indoors. Then it started about a month ago, he poops and pees every time we leave the house. Whether it's for a few hours or literally 20 minutes.


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Dog Pooping in House?My fiancé and I share custody of a 16 month old Pit Bull terrier named Gunner. Gunner does not poop in the house at my fiancé's house, but he will at mine and always in the same spot. How can I break Gunner of this?


Toilet Trained Havanese Peeing -
Inside - white and gray dog

Toilet Trained Havanese Peeing Inside?We have a 4 year old Havanese. We do not show her and she was desexed at 5 months old. She was well potty trained. Lately I have noticed she has taken to weeing either in her crate, on the toilet mat, or the bathmat! I am home with her all day and only leave her for short whiles if I have messages to do.


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Dog Peeing in the House When Left Alone?My dog is almost 5 years old, and I have a big problem with him. He pees at home when he is left alone. It doesn't matter if he will go out before or not, if the balcony door is open so he can go out to the garden or if I leave him for 1 or 5 hours. He exactly knows what he is doing is wrong.


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House Trained Dog Started Pooping in His Kennel?My 16 month old English Bulldog is pooping in his kennel after being house broken for over a year.


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House Trained Dog Peeing Inside?I've had my dog since she was 3 weeks old. She is house broken, but has peed in my room a couple times. She is now 1 going on 2. Any ideas why?


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House Trained Dog Peeing on Carpet?My dog is a Chi rescue. I trained her to go via a dog door to backyard an urinate. Also before going in her crate at night she's been trained to urinate several times on command using a treat. She has been fine until 2 weeks ago when she has begun maybe every other day urinating on the rug.


House Trained Dog Started Peeing Indoors

House Trained Dog Started Peeing Indoors?I've got a 3 year old Bull Mastiff and he's been house trained since I got him. He has recently been weeing inside right in front of me and my husband. He goes in and out all day. I don't know wrong with him.


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Dog Peeing in Owner's Bed?My baby is 7 months old and I've had her since she was 5 weeks old. I haven't had any issues potty training her whatsoever. But here within the past 2-3 months I have woken up or noticed she pees my bed only when I am in it.


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Older Dog Started Pooping on the Concrete?My dog has always been taught to poop and pee on the grass, but now she's doing it on the concrete. She's 13 years old. I'm thinking, maybe the age. Does anyone have any idea of what and why is this happening?


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Blind Dog Weeing Inside?We have a 6 year old blind dog who pees inside. This has usually been only on the tiles around the skirting boards, but recently he has peed inside on the carpet. He knows how to go outside and he has access to go out whenever he wants. He pees outside as well.


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4 Year Old Dog Peeing on Floor?My 4 year old Shihpoo is peeing all over the floor. We let her out regularly and try to keep her busy and exercised. She will pee when we are home and when we are out. I don't know what to do anymore'. She get very anxious in a crate.


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House Training an Abused Dog?I have a 12 month old blue nose Pit. He was given to me by a family that abused him. I am having a hard time getting him not to go to the bathroom in the house. It's been 4 months since we got him. We will let him out to use the bathroom and when my husband and I come back home from work, there's pee everywhere.


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Crate Training a Puppy?I have a 7 month old Ridgeback Mastiff Pit Bull mix. He is fully potty trained, but poops and pees in his crate daily. The crate is the right size for him as he is big. But he will poop and lay right in it. It doesn't matter how long he is in there he poops.


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Rescue Dog Pooping and Peeing Indoors?We rescued a dog in the beginning of September and the minute we brought her home she had diarrhea all over our room's carpet! Now 2 months later we are still having accidents in the house. The accidents happen often; then she's really good about going outside.


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House Training a Yorkie Puppy?I have a 7 week Yorkie. I take her out to pee at night before I go to bed. I take her out to pee again @6am. Is it bad to do that? I leave a potty pad where she sleeps.


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Dog Started Pooping in the House?My 1 year old dog started pooping in the house. She has had the same routine for a year and just started pooping on the floor when we leave for work or before we wake up. She is use to being let out at 9 at night and not again until we get home from work, as we go to work early.


Paper Training a 9 Month Old Puppy - Yorkie

Paper Training a 9 Month Old Puppy?I have a 9 month old Yorkie. It took a while to paper train her. The other day my mother was vacuuming the hallway and the puppy was in her room on her bed. Later she found that the dog had pooped right in the middle of her floor. Now the dog is refusing to go on the paper at all!


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9 Month Old Puppy Still Not House Trained?So our dog is almost 9 months old. We tried crate training her as a puppy when we got her at 8 weeks old, but she still peed and pooped where she slept and then she''d lay in it and then need a bath. So we let her sleep with us in bed and now she doesn''t mess during the night.


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Re-training a Dog to Use a Piddle Pad?My puppy is 7 months old. The weather is getting cold and he is very small. I am trying to re-train him to go on the pee pee pad, but he is stubborn. I have tried dog litter and I have tried a towel with the spray at the pet store.


Puppy Poops in Crate - Beagle puppy

Puppy Poops in Crate?I have a 3 month female Beagle puppy who will not stop pooping in her crate. I feel like I've tried everything at this point. Her crate is halved so that she can lie down/turn around, I give her a Kong with treats and a chewy to keep her busy, she's never in her crate for more than 3-4 hours at a time.


Dog Peeing in the House Sometimes and In Crate - pretty terrier

Dog Peeing in the House Sometimes and In Crate?My 6 month old Decker Rat Terrier tends to pee in the house just before I take her out. I take her out quite frequently and she will go almost every time. But around 11 she decides to pee in the house. It's not just a little bit either, it's a puddle even if I had let her out about an hour prior to it.


House Trained Puppy Pooping Inside

House Trained Puppy Pooping Inside?My 11 month old blue nose Pit Bull has been potty trained pretty much since the day we got him at 6 weeks old, but now he won't stop pooping in the house. He won't pee inside.


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House Training a Rescue Dog?I adopted a rescue 3 days ago that was supposedly house-trained. I feed him the same time every day. We walk the same time every night for 30 to 45 minutes. He has yet to poop on our walks, but inevitably when we get home and my back is turned he poops on the floor. Any suggestions?


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Dog Won't Poop Outside?I recently adopted a Pit Bull from someone I knew. She does really well peeing on a leash and not having accidents in the house, but she has not pooped outside once since I've had her. She has pooped in the house around the same spot every time and in her crate when I leave her for even 30 minutes.


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My 7 Month Puppy is Waking Up in the Middle of the Night?My 7-month-old Blue Heeler/Border Collie mix wakes up every night to use the bathroom between 2am-5am and it's been happening for the last month. I use to take her to potty at 8 am with no problems and feed her at 9 am.


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House Training an Abused Dog?We adopted a 3-year-old terrier/pit mix last week. He was neglected in a crate and never taken out. He has scars on his feet and legs from the infections caused by standing in his urine and feces. At the shelter, they completed extensive medical testing to ensure that there were no bladder issues and all checked out ok.


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Puppy Peeing on Herself When Lying Down?How do I get my 6 month old Pit mix puppy to stop laying down and peeing on herself. She only does it if there's something under her in the house. She will not sniff around to go pee. She just lays there and pees, but she will get up to go poop. How do I get her to get up to go pee outside?


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Dog Pooping Inside at New House Without Dog Door?My partner and I have 2 dogs. A 10 year old Pit Bull (Eryn) and a 1 year old runt mix (Baloo). We adopted Baloo when he was a few weeks old back at our old house in Yuma Arizona. We potty trained him just fine, we had a dog door.


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Dog Peeing and Pooping Inside?I have a 1 year old puppy. We can take outside and she'll go potty, but once we bring her in the house she still goes to her corner where her puppy pad used to be about 20 minutes later and still pees and poops over there.


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Dog Pees Outside But Poops Inside?I adopted a dog a couple of weeks ago. He's 3.5 years old. He had several homes before he got to mine. When I first had him at home he went to the bathroom outside and did great. This past week he's had some accidents.


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2 Year Old Dog Peeing and Pooping Inside?Why does one of my dogs pee and poo over night and at odd times pee on my rug? The dog that is doing this is 28 months old. The other one is 8 years old and is spotless. They are both Bichons.


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Previously House Trained Dog Going Inside?I have a 2yr old male Shih Tzu that was previously house trained, but has reacently started going to the toilet indoors since we got a female puppy of the same breed. How can I take control of the situation and have him house trained again as everything I seem to try doesn't seem to work?


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Previously House Trained Dog Pooping Inside?I have a 7-year old female Shiz Tzu who has started pooping on the floor, mainly in one room in particular. She has been to the vet and is healthy. I thought perhaps it was because she is bored so I have once again started walking her daily. She is once again being crated, how or what do I do?


Puppy Pooping in Crate During the Day

Puppy Pooping in Crate During the Day?My 4 month old puppy keeps pooping in her crate whenever I go to work. She just scatters it everywhere and lays in it! She is locked up for 8 hours during the day, but I also lock her up at night. She doesn't poop at night.


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Dog Pooping in the House?We have a female dog that has access to go out at any time, but she still goes potty in the house. She refuses to go poop in front of us. Our male is completely trained. But our female still goes inside. How do we stop her from going in the house.


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House Trained Puppy Started Pooping Inside?We have a 10 month old Pit/American Terrier mix that has been potty trained to go outside since she was 3-4 months old. She has recently started pooping in the house sometimes right after coming inside. The only thing that has changed, is that in the last 2 weeks she is afraid to go outside alone.


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Problems House Training a One Year Old Dog?I have a one year old Raggle dog. Usually she goes outside to go potty, but lately she only pees outside when she feels like it. She refuses to poop anywhere but my bedroom floor and her kennel. I deep clean my carpets to remove the scent. What should I do?


New Rescue Dog Not Pooping - dog in someone's lap

New Rescue Dog Not Pooping?My mother and I just bought a a dog from a nice lady. She said her friend's ex left her tied to their fence. She is a 7 year old Shih Tzu mix (probably poodle as well). That being said she got fleas pretty badly which we are taking care of. When I walk her she goes pee, but she won't poop.


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1 Year Old Dog Pees Outside But Poops Inside?I have an almost 1 year old Weimaraner/GSP cross. He is crate trained and goes pee outside and will go to the door when he needs to go out, but he poops inside! We have deep cleaned the areas he goes and try taking him out multiple times a night.


Dog Won't Pee on Piddle Pad After Pooping - Yorkie wearing a bow in her hair

Dog Won't Pee on Piddle Pad After Pooping?How can I train my already house broken 1yr 8mo (6lbs) Yorkie, to pee after she's pooped on the pad tray if I'm not around to scoop it? And prevent her from picking it out to play with it and/or finishing her business on the terrace couch?


2 Year Old Dog Pooping in the House

2 Year Old Dog Pooping in the House?My husband and I have a 2 year old Pug. She will go out to use the bathroom or she will at least sit out there and wait until she comes in to poop on the floor, not even 30 minutes later. We've had a trainer come in, but it didn't help.


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Rescued Dog Started Peeing Inside?I have a rescued Pit Bull who is about 1 yr old. At first she would poo in the house. Fine, we got her on a better food and got that all situated. I've never had issue with her peeing on anything in the house. Now she pees on beds that are on the floor, including her own, never when we are awake or home.


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House Training a 4 Year Old Pit Bull?My Pit Bull is 4 years old and is sometimes still going pee and poop in the house. If I don't lock her in the bedroom at night she goes potty in the living room. If we're out of the house for more then 10 hours she goes. We've tried three cages, but none of them have held up to her strength.


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House Training a Dog?I just adopted Toby on Wednesday, and he wii not potty outside. Everytime I take him out he is shaking and scared and hovers in a corner. What can I do to make him go outside?


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Toilet Trained Puppy Started Pooping Inside?We have an 11 month old English Staffordshire terrier. On a regular basis we dog sit our friend's Staffy (1 year old) for a couple of days once a month.


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Piddle Pad Trained Dog Pooping on Floor?My 4 year old Chi is still pooping in the house. I've tried keeping her in a gated room for over two months. Today I let her out and the first thing she does is go under the dining room table and poop. That is the only place that she has always pooped under. She will pee on her pads.


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House Training a Puppy?I have a 4 month old female German Shepherd. We go outside to potty as soon as we wake up, 10 minutes after 1st feeding, and multiple times throughout the day. I feed her according to what is recommended on her food. Her last feeding is no later than 4pm. She poops 2 to 3 times during the middle of the night!


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House Training a Year Old Pomeranian?My Pom is now just over a year old and has not gotten the whole "only go outside" concept yet. He's kept in the kitchen when we're out or whatever. And he pees where he wants. He'll pee right next to his food without care. Sometimes we'll let him out, he uses the toilet and then comes in and pees right on the wall.


House Training an Abused Dog - dog standing in sand

House Training an Abused Dog?This is Bud, a German Shepherd Husky cross. I need training tips! He came from a very bad home and I rescued him. I've worked very hard on potty training him and he still goes in the house when he feels like it. I've done the crate training and the praising, but I'm lost for options!


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Puppy Pooping Inside?My puppy is 8 weeks old. I feed him and give him some time, then take him out to potty. Outside I walk with him and let him run around. He pees OK, but it can be 20 minutes waiting for him to poop. If nothing happens I bring him inside and then he poops! What do I do to change that?


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House Training a Pit Bull Puppy?My Pit Bull terrier is 1 month old and he likes to pee everywhere. I go to school and I only see him in the afternoon and at night and on the majority of weekends because I'm at home. My uncles and I wanna train him to be an inside dog and be potty trained, but he pees and poops everywhere.


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House Training a Dachshund Puppy?I have a Dachshund puppy and am having trouble with the potty in house. When she does potty in the house she knows that it is wrong. She looks at me and she runs outside cuz that's what we usually do when she potties in the house; we put her outside so she knows that she's doing something wrong.


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Dog Peeing on Bed and Couches?My 9 month old female Dachshund with 1/4th Beagle keeps peeing on our couches! We take her outside often and she goes potty outside, but she's still peeing on the couches. She used to pee on the floor too, but we managed to break her of that somehow. She's even gone in our room and peed on our bed a few times.


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