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Dog Tearing Holes in Comforter?How do I break my 6 year dog, that I just adopted 5 months ago, from tearing holes in comforters. I have tried time out, making her wear the blanket around her neck because the hole fit over her head for 20 minutes, and not allowing her on the bed.


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Advice on How to Train Maltese Shih Tzu?I got a Maltese Shih Tzu and I need need some advice about how to train her. Can you please give me some advice?


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Dealing With Dog Phobias?Saw a post from several years ago from this site on Google about dogs being suddenly afraid of the TV and thought the advice was good but had more questions. Our dog is 10 years old. Our home flooded about 4 1/2 years ago during a hurricane which was traumatic for him and all of us. During the rebuild process, he became afraid of power tools which was understandable. We've always tried to minimize any exposure to this since then and he will just come inside when my husband uses them.


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Training a Pit Bull Puppy to Not Bite?I have an 8 week old female Pit Bull puppy that is very aggressive and bites constantly. Could you tell me how I can get her to stop?


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Keeping a Dog from Chewing on Their Bed?My American Bulldog is chewing on her bed. She doesn't do it often, but when she does it's bad! So I took away her bed in her cage and her regular bed in my room. What can I do to prevent this? And how long should I punish her?


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Training a Pit Bull Puppy?We just adopted a 7 month old pocket Pit Bull. He is not neutered. He seems extremely good, but the only thing is he constantly is chasing the cats and and barking at them. I'm not sure if he is being aggressive or not. He was with another cat before and constantly trying to mount the 5 year old Lab. Any help or tips? He is so good other than that.


Training an Aggressive German Shepherd - dog in coat lying on a deck

Training an Aggressive German Shepherd?I have one year old male German Shepherd. Over the last two months he has become very aggressive. 2 weeks ago he bit my son. On consulting the doctor he said getting him sterilized will calm him down, but somehow I'm not satisfied. Is there any other way out?


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Keeping Dog from Pooping on Pavers?I a have a small dog who's one year old. She's a Cocker Spaniel cross Silky Terrier. She wees on the grass and poops all over the pavers. Some times she also poops around the other dog's bowl, who is a 13 year old Labradoodle. I have used products to wash the pavers in the past. I have no idea when she goes to the toilet as she has a doggy door and helps her self out when she pleases.


Training a Former Bait Dog - brown Pit

Training a Former Bait Dog?I just rescued a Pit Bull who was used as a bait dog about a year ago and was bounced around until I got her about 2-3 weeks ago. She has issues with some dogs and an issue with cats and a couple of other animals. She lives on a farm and I wanted to know if there was any way to help her over the hurtle to be able to safely interact with these particular animals.


New 3 Month Old Puppy Attacks 6 Year Old Chihuahua - three dogs lying on the floor

New 3 Month Old Puppy Attacks 6 Year Old Chihuahua?I have a question. I need help fast cuz I do not want to give up my puppy. I'm afraid I might have to though. I have 3 dogs: a 2 and a half year old Pit Bull named Schnookums and a 6 year old Chihuahua named Moya. They're the best of friends.


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Training a Pit Bull Puppy Not to Bite?How do I get my 9 week old Pit Bull to stop biting without smacking her on the nose or butt?


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Training a Rescued Pit Bull?My 2 year old female Pit Bull that I rescued last year is jumping at people for no reason. She wags her tail at them and gets along with them sometimes. How can I fix this issue?


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Dog Pooping on Concrete and Wood Deck?My pup is about a year old. I've always taken her out on a leash to teach her the property and to teach her to listen. She recently started to be able to go out without a leash, she is now pooping on the concrete or on the wood trail to our wooden deck and even on our deck a couple times. When on a leash she never tried to poop on anything other than the grass.


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Solution for a Roommate's Dog that Barks and Whines in Its Crate?Whenever my roommates leave the house, which is mostly in the early morning for the gym, their dog will bark, yelp, thrash in the kennel, and make so much noise till someone gives the dog attention. I am home alone with the dog at this point so I know I'll need to be the one to train the dog. Any ideas on how to keep the dog quiet after they leave in the mornings?


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Training a Dog to Stay in the Yard?How can I train my 11 month American Pit Bull to stop running out the gate when someone comes in or out of the yard? She has done it twice now and got attacked and injured really badly.



House and Obedience Training a 4 Month Old Puppy - light brown and white puppy

House and Obedience Training a 4 Month Old Puppy?My very smart Pit/Boxer mix is 11 weeks old and house broken. When we leave he gets mad. When we come back he will snub us. He will also wait then poop in front of us or in front of the sink. He acts like he doesn't care if he is put in time out. How do we fix this? Once he got in trouble for chewing up my laptop cable.


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How Do I Stop My Puppy From Biting?I have a German Shepherd puppy and he's 8 weeks old. I know puppies tend to bite a lot because they're teething and because they're simply puppies, but mine bites way too hard. It really hurts and he shows signs of aggression sometimes, how can I get him to stop?


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Obedience Training Advice for a 6 Month Old Puppy?I have rehomed my American Bulldog and she is such a good girl. Although her previous home was a very chaotic environment. She's basically house trained apart from the odd wee at night, sits down before crossing the road and knows all her basic commands. She is quite nibbly though and bites and argues with me.


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Training a Pit Bull to Walk on a Leash?So I found this Pit Bull and she's super strong. I think she was being trained to fight. I have two children and she's great with us and the kids, but not so great with other animals. When I walk her she pulls me. How do I go about training her?


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Training a Puppy Not to Bite?My puppy is going on 7 months now. He is a mutt. He is mixed with breeds that I have yet to find out. He is medium size right now. He has a lot of energy, and is very trainable. But, he gets so overly excited to see me that he automatically wants to play so he bites and tugs on my skin to play.


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Keeping a Dog Off the Bed?My dog chewed a hole in my favorite fleece blanket. I wondered why. He has a nice bed on the floor, he took over a queen size pillow with a quilted sham to put on his bed. Mostly he thinks my bed is his and licks the soft sheets. He's part Great Dane and goodness knows what else.


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Training a Husky German Shepherd Puppy?I was just wondering if anyone can give me some tips about training my puppy she is 7 months old and from what I have heard she has had at least 4 owners already. She is a Husky German Shepherd cross.


8 Month Old Puppy Afraid of Everything - closeup of a black and white Pit

8 Month Old Puppy Afraid of Everything?So I adopted a 2 month old Pit Bull puppy about 6 months ago. And when I got him he seemed to be fine with the other puppies in the shelter.


Training a Dog to Not Jump and Growl

Training a Dog to Not Jump and Growl?My dog is a Chihuahua Terrier mix. I know both breeds are a bit overprotective and snippy. My dog has not "bitten" anyone, but while at home he does growl and jump on strangers with an open mouth and they feel his teeth. My roommate is mad at me and says both me and my dog are "dangerous".


Rescue Dog Afraid of Owner

Rescue Dog Afraid of Owner?I have a Belgian Malanois-Whippet mix. My dog is still uncertain of me. He looks afraid when I go to pet him sometimes. He hates dog food and makes me give him my food or he pouts, literally. His frightened disposition when there's no threat is sad. He is is close to 12.


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Training a Dog to Poop in One Spot?My husband and I have an older female Dachshund, who is his heart. And any time anyone complains about his dog, he goes ballistic. Anyway, this dog is constantly pooping right near my car, usually on the driver's side. No matter where I park in the yard, she will poop right beside my car.


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Training a Pit Bull?Can I play "sock " with my Pit Bull? I have always done so with other breeds, but don't want to make my dog aggressive. I have always had good dogs. Is training a Pit Bull any different or is it just good common sense?


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Pit Bull Puppy Aggressive Towards Dogs and People?I have an eight month old Pit Bull. He's an American Pit Bull Terrier and is showing aggression towards other dogs and people and it scares me. He's really good with me and my family, but he almost bit my cousin the other day. So is there any way you guys can help me with solving this problem?


Dog Barks at Guests

Dog Barks at Guests?I have a 3 year American Bulldog. He is a big softy until new people come in house. We put him in his crate, but he still barks and trie's to get out. He is fine with people we know, but it's getting to a point where we can't let anyone in unless we put him in back garden. Any ideas?


Crate and Behavior Training an American Bully Pit Puppy - brown dog on couch

Crate and Behavior Training an American Bully Pit Puppy?I have a 4 month old bully Pit and he's very moveable and lazy for the most part. He hasn't been in his crate a whole lot since I was working from home since I got him at 6 weeks. I've been putting him in the kennel at times, especially when we are gone. He pees in it every time.



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Teaching a Puppy to Not Bite?We've had our puppy for 3 days now. He is a 5 week old Rottweiler. I constantly have to tell him firmly, "stop" or "no" every time he tries to nibble on our clothes, ankles, or fingers, but he continuously still does it anyway.


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Puppy is Afraid of Stairs?I have been doing some work on my house. I removed the carpet from my stairs and painted them. My puppy now refuses to go up and down them. Could removing the carpet be the cause?


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Puppy Aggressive Towards Owner?I have a male 5 month old aggressive Boxer puppy. He has bitten me many times, when I get him out of his cage to let him out to go to the bathroom or when I get home from work. He will leave teeth marks along with very bad bruising. What can I do to get him to stop this before he gets to be a adult dog?


Training a Pit Bull - gray and white Pit

Training a Pit Bull?I adopted a Pit Bull, she is two. Since I brought her home I have had to work on basic things - potty training, sit, leave it, and drop it. Introducing her to others has gotten better, but isn't perfect. I've tried to get training, but every place has refused me because my dog is a Pit Bull.


Training a Dog Not to Jump on People

Training a Dog Not to Jump on People?I have a Cocker Spaniel and he is 5 years old. I can't get him to stop jumping on people when they come in my house. How can I train him to stay down?


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Training a Puppy That Is Afraid of Me?I recently bought my puppy and she is scared of me, but I'm trying to house train her. She loves being outside and she will play with me outside, but I still can't move towards her. Inside she just sits in a corner. I want to walk her on a leash.


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Pee Pad Training Two Puppies?I have two small breed dogs that are a little over two months old. I'm trying to potty train them, but I'm having a hard time. They use the potty pad most the time, but lately they have been going wherever and I don't know who is doing it.


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Crate Training a Shorkie?My Shorkie goes into a crate just while we're gone somewhere. I do take him out and he will just sit out there even when it is cold outside. I have to tell him to go or he would just stay in one place for 5 minutes.


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Training a Puppy Not to Chew?I have a Pit Bull puppy named Ginger. She is nearly 2 months old. When she plays or gets excited she bites. She doesn't sleep when she needs to at night. I will wake up because she is crying or is chewing things she shouldn't like blanket fluff, hair, and pillows.


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Training a Dog Not to Lick People?How can I prevent our dog from licking people? We just got him last year. Tank is nine year old a Border Collie. He is such a sweet good dog, but seems very needy. He gets lots of attention from me and my husband, but wants to constantly lick anyone and everyone who comes into our home.


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Training a Disrespectful and Sassy Lab?I have a 1 year old yellow Lab, she is extremely hard to train as of now. When I scold her, she barks at me and when I try and discipline her, she runs away wagging her tail and barking at me. She is very disrespectful and disobedient. She steals food off the counters and out of my toddler's hands.


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Puppy Pulling on Leash?My German Shepherd is six months old now; her name is Tessy. She is very very strong and energetic. The only problem that I have with her is each time we go out for a walk, she will pull the leash so hard that I will get angry and carry her on my body because it's embarrassing. Please what can I do?


Pom on porch under chair

Training a Dog Not to Bark?I have a 10 year old purebred Pomeranian. She is the alpha in the house for sure. I have 2 other dogs, a 13 year old Pom male and a new female puppy that is a Sheltie cross. My problem is that she never shuts up. She will not let me talk on the phone or if the other dogs are playing she barks at them to stop.


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Dog Started Growling and Snipping?I recently adopted a 3 yr old Beagle from the humane society. The first few days he was a perfect dog, then he sprained his rear leg playing ball. We took him to the ER vet. Ever since sometimes he's happy, but sometimes he growls and tries to bite us if we try to touch him.


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Training a Pit Bull Puppy Not to Bite?My three month old Pit Bull puppy won't quit biting. I want to teach him not to nibble or bite. Also what is the best way to potty train?



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Puppy Won't Come Back When Playing?I've recently got a 6 month old boy Dachshund. I got him when he was about 3 months old. He is a very hyper dog, but a very good dog. He has a great personality, is very loving and has to be everywhere I am. My concern is that he will not stay in the yard when we go outside to play.


white Pit puppy

Teaching a Puppy Not to Jump or Bite?So I have a 5 month old Pit Bull and I'm trying to figure out some other ways to get her to stop chewing on hands and jumping on people when she greets them.


black and white Pit Bull

Abused Dog Afraid of Loud Voices?I recently adopted a year and a half old Pit Bull that was abused. She is a total sweet heart. But when I raise my voice she always runs away in fear. She even cries sometimes. I don't know how to get her to stop barking for no reason when she is outside.


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Training a Dog Not to Chew?I have a 1 year old Jack Russell. He chews glasses and through electronic wires. We've bought him chew toys. The problem is we have 2 other dogs that play with the toys. I don't know what to do, my family is ready to send him to the pound. I don't want this to happen I love this dog, but I'm frustrated.


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Dog Tries to Bite When in Cage?I have a Pit/Boxer mix. He is a male and he is a year and a half old. We have had him for a week and he's a very well trained dog. We have no issues besides one. He tries to bite if people stick their fingers into his cage to pet him.


White dog lying down.

Crate Training an Abused Puppy?We have a 4 month old Great Pyrenees/Maremma puppy. The place where we got this pretty female pup was on a farm. There were a few pups in a closed shed with no windows. I want to crate train her.


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Training a Puppy Not to Chew?I have a German Shepherd that is 6 months old and I have flowers that he ate, solar lights that he chewed up, and rocks and wood everything he sees!


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Training a Puppy Not to Chew and Run Away?I have a Dachshund Chihuahua Pug mix puppy with chewing and issues of running off when let out or getting out of the house without a leash. How can I get her to stop these bad behaviors?


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Dog Poops and Pees Inside When It Is Raining?I have an 8 yr old rescue Doxi; she is from a puppy mill. When it is raining outside she won't go outside. There is a doggy door for them to use and she goes in an out. But when it's raining she will go in the house.


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7 Month Old Puppy Whines a Lot?I have a 7 month old Blue Nose Pit Bull puppy. I had just gotten her a few days ago and understand her separation anxiety. Anywhere that I take her, especially when I take her on walks or on a car ride, she whines constantly. It is difficult to train her because of the whining.


black dog in kennel

Training a Show Dog?How do I train my dogs to enter them in dog shows. My dream is to enter them in a dog show. My sister and brother are teaching them to fetch the ball, I want to teach my dog with other things.


brown and white Pit puppy

Training a Pit Bull Puppy Not to Bite?I have this baby Pit Bull. He is about 8 months old now. He is snapping and biting, but only at kids. He use to never do that to the kids as a baby. We have been putting him outside on the chain or in the room when he does and/or spanking him.


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Dog With Stress Incontinence?I have a 2 year old German Shepherd/Lab mix. He was always a difficult one to train, but being very patient worked. For the past year or so he has been wandering off acting scared and pees on himself whenever I tell him to go to his kennel or do something that he doesn't want to do.


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Training an Abused Dog?I adopted a Pit Bull mix puppy, who is 1 a year old. She appears she might have been abused before I got her from the shelter. When I brought her home to my family I found that she is wakes up from naps startled, growls, and barks.


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Training an Abused Dog?I recently got a younger (probably 2 or 3) year old dog that is very skittish and scared, but is OK around me and my husband; she trusts us. How do we teach her commands like sit, stay, don't chew, and go potty since she shows signs of abuse and is very skittish?


brown and white Boxer

Training an Adult Dog?I have a 3 year old male Boxer. When I'm home he is fine unless someone comes over he doesn't approve of then he tries to attack them. I think he's trying to protect me. I've noticed if I'm not home and my dad's here and someone new comes over he's totally fine as long as I'm not here.


Puppy Afraid After Dog Attack

Puppy Afraid After Dog Attack?I have 4 month old Rottweiler. A few days back he was under attack by a dog. After that he never comes in front of any dog, he hides behind me and starts running. If a dog is far away then he stands confidentially, but when the dog comes near, even a 2 month puppy, he starts shaking. What should I do?


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Dog Pooping in Grass Not Where Trained to Go?I have a 2 year old Lab who's been trained to poop in a marked off dog run area. Suddenly he is pooping also in the grass for the first time in at least 18 months. We can't think of any variables that have changed so we can't figure this out.


yellow dog

Training an Aggressive Dog?My son's 1.5 year old Boxer Pit has started to go to bite my husband, a few times and also a friend. He is has never been like this. He lived with us last summer and is now back at our house.


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Training a 3 Year Old Aggressive Pit Bull?My boyfriend has a 3 year old Pit Bull that barely listens, has no discipline, and jumps on everyone when entering a room. He bum rushes our cats and then attacks them when they defend themselves and on top of it he shows aggressive behavior when animals approach his food bowl.


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Teaching a Dog to Go Down Stairs?I have a Rednose Pit Bull. Can anyone help me teach her how to go down the stairs? It's like she knows then she doesn't. I really need help teaching her.


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Dog Started Going After Cat?I got 2 kittens recently, but my dog has actually started going for my older cat who I've had for years. Why is this and how can I prevent it?


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Training a Puppy Not to Chew?I have a 7 month old female boxer/pit mix who is chewing everything. I have tried crating her as well as giving her toys and correcting her on what not to chew and what is allowed but she still chews everything she can get a hold of.


closeup of Luna

Dog Afraid of People?We got Luna, a Pit Bull/Mastiff, when she was 6 weeks old. She is 12 months old now. She was great and a happy pup, but because of the weather, we haven't been able to take her out or have her be socialized like we were before. She would run to people now she is scared of people she doesn't know.


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Training a Dog Not to Jump and Bite?My small black female toy Poodle, Lucy, that we picked up from a rescue centre a month ago keeps on biting my jumpers. The 4-year-old dog is now getting very aggressive with me. What should I do?


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Training a Pit Bull Puppy Not to Bite?I have a 5 week old Pit Bull puppy. How do I stop her from biting people?


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Dog Chews Bed and Blankets?My 3 year old Yorkie chews his bed and blankets. He does not do this when left in the house alone, but will start when I return home, especially if I am on the phone.


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Training a Dog Not to Bark?Our female Corgi has a fit when we are leaving the house. She does it with anyone who's leaving the house. She runs around in circles barking. Is it an instinct of her breed for herding? How do we stop it?


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Training a Dog Not to Bite?We just got a Shih Tzu dog from a friend because they don't want him anymore and he was living in bad conditions as they were always busy with their work. I just want to know if it is too late to train him now? He is 2 years old and bites. He bit me and my mom once.


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Teaching a Puppy Not to Growl and Snap?I have just gotten a Collie cross with a Labrador puppy. She is very fun and gentle, but recently when she has taken on one occassion a sock and other something in the garden, when I tried to retrieve same she growled and snapped at me and even jumped at me.


Lola, white and brown Pit Bull

Training an Abused Dog?I rescued a 3-4 year old red nose Pit Bull that had been abused. I got Lola off the road, she was looking for food to eat and she had burns all over her. I don't know how to train her after she has been abused for a long time.


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Crate Training a Puppy?My Chihuahua is 3 months old and I have been trying to crate train him. I work during the day 8-5 and go home at lunch to let him out. He no longer has accidents in the house while I am home and does not squeal as long as I am in sight.


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Yorkie Started Peeing on Carpet?Little 5 pound Zoe was 7 months when I got her. She is one year old now. She was pretty easy to train to pee pads, but never poops on them. That isn't as much a concern as what I have now.


lying in dog bed

Training an Abused Dog?I am in need of some advice please! I have a year old Beagle, Alfie. We first got him when he was weeks old and he was lovely and jumpy like a puppy would be. I had a dog before Alfie, but he does not live with me, my brother, or mother now because my father took him due to a divorce.


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Training a Dog Not to Bark?My son has a ten and 1/2yr old Chihuahua. My husband and I bring the dog next dog for 4 hrs every day, while our son is at work. When Chico barks I say "use your indoor voice" and I pat his head and say good boy. It works fine.


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Working With a Scared Abused Dog?Hippa (my Staffy) was found under a freeway with a broken leg and scars. She had obviously had multiple litters. Her microchip took us to the original breeder...


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Training an Aggressive Dog?I recently took in my cousin's dog. Her boyfriend was abusing him and trying to make him a fighting dog and now he thinks he's alpha male in the house.


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New Barking Dog?My neighbors didn't want their dog. Their dog always came to my house and played with my dog for hours and sometimes just spent the night.


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Labradoodle Puppy Jumping and Biting?My 11 month old Labradoodle has been jumping up recently and biting my lower and upper arms and clothes. This is extremely painful and frustrating. He has been doing this for two months.


Tan Chiweenie

Abused Dog Afraid of Being Picked Up?We rescued our Chiweenie (Chihuahua Dachshund mix) from an out of state pound where she was picked up as a stray. The pound had her age at 11 months. Once she arrived with us, we quickly found that she had been abused.


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Previously House Trained Dogs Making Messes?My fiance and I have three dogs; a Boxer, and two Yorkies from different parents. Our oldest Yorkie's name is Lexi. The younger is Chloe. We got both of them when they were close to six weeks, Lexi is 1 1/2 years old and Chloe is almost 1.


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Training a Dog Not to Bark or Be Aggressive?We have a Cojack named Sparky, which is a very, very fitting name for him. We rescued him from a local shelter and didn't know what he was. They said he was a Sheltie/Dachshund mix, but after looking at the photos of the Cojacks I see exactly what he is.


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Training a Pit Bull Puppy?I have a 10 month old Pit Bull that I need to train badly. How do I make her sleep at night in her kennel? How do I make her stop growling/barking at every noise she hears? How to make her stop jumping on me?


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New Poodle is Afraid to Come When Called?I just bought a Toy Poodle that is 3 months old. It is afraid to come to me or my boyfriend or anyone. Once you get it, it will let you hold it and it will love it, but other than that it will run from you!


White and brown Pit on bed with two other dogs.

Pit Bull is Nippy with Guests?My mom has a Pit Bull and two other dogs. We got him five years ago from a shelter and he was underweight and not healthy. He now is happy and healthy and loves my mom. My brother and I have moved out for college and he now lives with my mom.


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Training a Dog Not to Bite?Our 6 year old Yorkipoo is biting, whoever is holding or playing with her. She doesn't want anyone else approaching, etc. The one holding her also gets bit, too. If anyone goes to get her from wherever, she starts growling and lunging.


White and tan puppy.

Training Puppy Not to Bite?Jewels (10 wk old Pit) has a bad habit of biting us and our smaller dogs. We want to break her of it before our child arrives so our son/daughter does not get bitten.


Dog and cat laying on bed

Dog Urinating on Our Bed?We have a 3 year old American Staffordshire Bull Terrior that has been urinating on all the beds in our apartment, on and off since he was a puppy.


Closeup of Yorkie.

Training a Dog Not to Bite?When we got this dog he was sweet. He used to bite our socks off our feet and chew them, but he got older and now he is an abusive dog who likes to chew anything and anyone!


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Training a Dog Not to Growl and Snap?I have an Australian Shepherd who just moved into my house at college with me and 3 roommates. He is sweet and friendly 95% of the time, but I have recently noticed he has some weird quirks.


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Training a Dog to Use Pee Pads?I have had a Pomeranian for 3 months now. The vet said he's about 2-5 years old. We take him out for walks 3 times a day for about 30 minutes each. He usually does his business outside and normally can hold it through the night with no problem.


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Training a Dog Not to Bite?I have a Chiweenie that bites everyone. Any suggestion how to break her of this? Please let me know. I am desperate.


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Training a Dog to Not Be Afraid?My 6.5 month old German Shepherd is scared of cartoons and other dogs. If someone comes into our house she will bark, but if that guy is clothed she will be run and bark from far:-( What can I do? I want to train her to attack and bite.


Sleeping dog.

Training a Pit Bull Not to Bite?I have a 1 year old female Pit and recently she has been going after my roommate and his dog (which is a male pit) when they come in our room or by us. My roommate came in my room and she bit him and then went and stood over her food and then she went after him again.


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Training a 9 Week Old Pit Bull Puppy?I have a 9 week old male Pit Bull and he's very hyper. He bites everything, me, my clothes, furniture, everything and when he bites it hurts! When he does this I tap him on his butt and tell him "no", but this is not working.


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Training a Pit Bull Puppy Not to Bite?I have a three month old Pit Bull, that is just biting like crazy. How do I get my puppy to stop biting?


Closeup of Pit puppy.

8 Month Pit Bull Plays Too Rough?My APBT is currently 8 months old and I have had her since she was 6 weeks old. During this time we have moved three times. Initially, we lived in a situation where she got to play with a few different dogs and see various people.


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