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Missing Your Newsletter or Happy Garden Posts?Our apologies to all newsletter and list subscribers. Due to changes in our web server, the list server has not been serving the lists. (I may rename it the "list nonserver".


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Spammers Love the Holiday SeasonFollow these simple rules when receiving and responding to e-mail:


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Upgrading Your Operating SystemIf you are going from Windows 98 to XP, before you buy your new computer with a new Windows Program, get a library book and start reading up on the new Windows. That way you won't be overwhelmed when the new XP Windows doesn't work the same as your old 98 Windows. A lot of times you can renew the book until someone else makes a request for it. By Syd


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Problems Staying Logged in on ThriftyFun?I have a question. When I want to make a comment about something someone has written about, I make sure I am logged in, and still i get the message that I am logged on a guest. What gives?


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Phone Tied up While Online?We recently purchased a new computer. While this has been like a new toy to us, it has tied up our phone line and we've missed all kinds of calls.


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Free Downloads Can Freeze Up Your ComputerI get so tired of "ctrl-alt-delete" when my computer freezes up on me, like five times a day. My buddy, the computer nerd, reminded me that downloading too many cutsie things and free stuff can have that effect.


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What is a URL?What is a url?


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Internet People Searches?How do all those Internet 'people' searches get our personal data? Is there a way to opt-out and not have our personal data available on the internet 'people' searches? Does anyone know if a opt-out option is real (legitimate) or a scam (just a way to collect our personal data)? Always wanting (internet) privacy control.


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Can My PC Remember My ThriftyFun Login Information?I often post answers to questions here but I have to post as a guest because I never can remember my name and password. Is there a way to keep these on my pc but secret?. I always mean to write them down but then forget to do it. Or forget where I wrote it. There are too many places where I need them to remember them all.


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Free Computer Defrag Program?Does anyone have a free computer defrag program they'd like to recommend?


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Coupon Sites for WebTV Users?Does anyone know of any coupon printing sites that are compatible with my WebTV? All of the ones I go to say I can't use them.


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Comparing Video Cards?I am wanting to buy a video card for my son for Christmas. There are a ton of different video cards to buy. Does anyone know how to compare video cards and how to tell what is a good buy? Is Ebay a good place to buy one?


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Do MSN packs cost money?Do MSN packs cost money?


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Problems Transferring Callwave to a New Computer?I recently purchased a new computer. I had Callwave on my old computer and fax. I have forgotten my password. I have asked several times to have it sent to me so I can switch to this new computer and have Callwave on this one, but so far, no one has sent me my password.


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Adding Password Protection to a Computer?We have a need to block access to the computer and are trying to avoid having to hide parts or buy software. Can we configure it to have the whole machine password protected? We have an HP Pavilion desktop that runs Windows XP.



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Attention Juno SubscribersTo all Juno subscribers who haven't been receiving your newsletters: For some reason for the last week or so they have been blocking our mail so I am unable to write to you to explain why you haven't been getting your newsletters. All emails to Juno are bouncing . . .


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Printing In Black and WhiteI print from my computer regularly. The cost of ink really displeases me, so to save I most often print only in black and white and do not use the color at all. . .


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Remembering My Login?Every time I want to post on here I can't remember my name or password. Is there a way of keeping these somewhere on my PC but safe from hackers? Please don't tell me just to write them on a paper. I have started several times and never can find it when I want it.


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How do I change my e-mail address?How do I change my e-mail address?


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Apple Lost My RAM?Just a warning to people who own Macintosh computers and need to get them repaired. I sent a G4 iBook in for repair and when it returned, it was missing the 512 of RAM that was in the secondary RAM slot. The logic board was replaced, so it certainly had to be taken out to make the repair, but the tech never noted that it had the 512 MB of RAM.


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Free Countdown Timer for Email?I know this is off the wall, but I wondered if anyone knew where I could get a (free) scroll or countdown thing for e-mails that shows how many days till a wedding, or baby, etc.


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Save Money on PrintingSave Money on Printing Tip. I have started using the draft mode on my home computer's printer, you can too, and this will save ink "in some programs." You can change your preferences and settings so you print in draft mode for all programs, and then you don't have to change it every time you print. . .


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Saving Favorites When You Get a New Computer?We are getting a new computer and I need to know if anyone knows how to save favorites without having to email each link to myself? I have a lot of them and need some suggestions.


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Deleting Auto-Fill Information On My Computer?I would like to know how to delete the information that you type in when filling out forms and such on my computer. For example, when asking for address you type first letter and the rest shows up.


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Upgrading WebTV?I need to upgrade my webtv to receive more e-mail information. I'm told my browser does not receive Java. What does that mean and what can I do to improve it?


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I Stopped Receiving Some Newsletters?For some unknown reason, two of my favorite newsletters haven't come in for at least a week. No idea what happened to them. I deleted the last ones, so I don't have an email to check and see.


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Getting Rid of Pop Ups?Could someone help me with pop ups on my PC? They are driving me crazy. It started about a week ago. Not one will pop up, but several. Almost seems like it starts with a Microsoft Ex pop up.


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Internet Explorer Becoming Corrupt When I Update It?My IE (internet explorer) becomes slightly corrupt every time I get an update from Microsoft. Do you have any suggestions? I like g-mail, but Firefox is having trouble with it, so abandoning IE is something I can't do.


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips Links Added to ThriftyFunWe now have links on new posts on ThriftyFun. It allows you to quickly save ThriftyFun pages to your account.


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Knowing When a Website Was Last Updated?Knowing When a Website Was Last Updated Reqest. This may or not be a complicated question... but here goes! I use Microsoft Windows XP and have Internet Explorer as my browser. . .



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Internet Spell CheckerSpell check doesn't work for internet boxes like we use to post our tips here but I found some freeware that does. It's ieSpell. Look it up on Google, download and enjoy! (Note - it's free for personal use only.)


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Follow Net Pathways For FunFollow Net Pathways For Fun. If you follow the threads on a Yahoo or Google search, they will take you down winding 'net pathways you never would have found otherwise!


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Question About Using Picasa?Does Picasa go into other photo files to pick up the pictures?


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Worldwide EbayWorldwide Ebay. Did you know that it's easy to use worldwide eBay? You can even pay through PayPal and they will convert whatever foreign currency into dollars for you!


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Updating My Computer?Updating My Computer. My computer has been stored away for about seven months. Within a month, I will be using it again. Can anyone advise me the best way to do all my various updates?


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Take A Digital Picture Of Computer HookupsIf you ever have to move a TV, computer, or any other electronic item that has a lot of hookups and cables, always take a digital photo of the back so you can refer to what gets connected where.


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Printing From The Web?When I print something from a web site it misses the writing at the edge. What do I have to do to alter that on my computer when I want to print something out?


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Backing Up My Computer?I am fairly new to computers. How do I backup everything on my computer, ie. my documents, pictures, favorites, address book?


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Creating a Family Website?Does anybody know of a good user friendly website that is free to create a family website?


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Surge Protector vs. Power StripsIt's a good idea to plug your computer into a power strip that has a surge protector in it. Not all power strips have this feature.


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Spam Attack to HotmailTo those of you who are coming here to unsubscribe from a spam email you received, it is not from us and you don't need to unsubscribe. Someone "janelle25" is sending email saying "hi Come Join Me" with some of today's recipe newsletter text. It is NOT from us.


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Photo Collage Software?Does anyone know of a free program that I can download to make a collage with different sized pictures of my child? Basically something that I could crop and then paste the pictures into and add fun borders?


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Removing My Phone Number From Google?Thanks so much for the post about Google's reverse phone book. I couldn't find the removal instructions. Could someone help those of us that are computer illiterate?


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Locating Old Friends Online?Am looking for the best website to locate an old college friend. I have tried the free searches but since I know she is married now and I don't know her husband's name, I will probably need to use one of the websites that charges a fee and allows for more in depth searches.


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Keeping MS Word Formatting Box Out of the Way?In MS Word, when I am typing a document and the formatting is getting in the way, I'd like to turn it off - but I would still like to be able to change the font and add bold - how do I do this?



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Using Extended Characters on My Keyboard?I am looking for a little help with my keyboard. My question is, my keyboard has blue symbols on some of the keys. For example on the zero there is the ) when you press shift, but there is also a blue sign for the fraction 1/4.


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One Login Not Working on a Multi-User Computer?My husband & I share a laptop computer. We have separate log-ins. His side is working fine, but when I try to log in on my side, nothing works.


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Finding a Date Online?Does anyone have any tips for finding a date and/or boyfriend online? Any success stories to share?


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Try Using MySpaceMySpace, It's not just for kids! As a single mother of three now grown at with homes of their own, sometimes life can get pretty lonely. The day I discovered ThriftyFun was a real pleasure for me. Computers have opened the door for many a lonely person.


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Craigslist Alternatives?I was wondering if anyone has a recommendation for good free online advertising. I want to place a couple of ads for household items, furniture and a vehicle. I have already tried Craigslist and it isn't working for me.


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Free Landscaping Programs?Are there any free programs that doesn't come with spam, viruses, or spyware that I can use to plan my landscaping on? I'm just moving into a place and there are many things I'd like to have, but I know what it would look like if I don't plan it... like a disaster.


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Help With Computers?I'm a bit new to using computers and I've just seen my account in ThriftyFun. I'd like to sort it out and delete a few things from my bookmarks that I don't need anymore. Please, how to delete from bookmarks and change stuff from one folder to another? Sorry, I sound stupid, but this is all new to me. Thanks.


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Help With HP Printer & Windows Vista?My computer is a Windows Vista. My copier is an HP Deskjet D1341. Sometimes when I try to copy something it says "offline" and won't print. Then suddenly it starts copying and won't stop. It just made 10 copies of "Busy Day Chocolate Cake". This thing is wasting inkjets and paper. Why does it do this and how do I get it to stop? By the way, it didn't come with an instruction manual, just a diagram showing how to hook it up and a big, fat booklet of other expensive products I can buy from the company. Thanks for any help.


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Print Preview to Save PaperBefore printing a document off the Internet, do a print preview. Many times the last page is nothing more than the icons at the bottom of the web page. You can save on paper by selecting to print one fewer page than is listed.


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Review of Dollar Tree Inkjet Refills?Yesterday at the "Dollar Tree" I saw refills for inkjets. Has anyone tried these? Are they any good?


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Screen Size Problems?Please help me with my screen size, when it is minimized the sides are crooked and when large the sides are off the screen. What did I hit? (Please be kind as I am 76 yrs.


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Trouble Downloading on the Internet?I hope someone can help me. When I go to download something or go to a coupon page to get coupons when I hit download the screen automatically goes blank and at the bottom left hand side it says Done - without even downloading. I was always able to download before through Adobe and now it doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to find out if I still have Adobe on my computer and could there be something on here that is causing it to be blocked?


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Improving Scanner Quality?The situation is that when I write on a sheet of paper and then scan it, the one from work comes out dark and legible and the one I have at home is substantially lighter. (The scanner at work probably cost between $400 and $1,000. Mine was maybe $125 and is so old I don't recall when I bought it.)


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Free Pictures to Download?Where on the internet can I find free pictures of objects to use when I make up my class worksheets? I need pictures of animals, furniture, people, etc. Can be black line or simple pix with colors (black line preferred). I have a Broderbund with these pictures from years ago, but it doesn't seem to like my Win XP computer.


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Trouble Finding Correct Web Page?I am looking for help for my computer. I am the only one who uses it. Two things are happening: when I do either a search engine search or an address bar entry, the resulting page is a porn site. I tried to type in my state official license site for my teaching degree and I get porn. When I try and close it, more pages come up. My security and filtering is set on high. I have no idea how to fix this. Help! I'm sick of porn! My computer also is running so slow and it's less than a year old. Any suggestions? Thanks!


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LiveUpdate Failure on Computer?Any computer geniuses out there? I need help! My computer is Windows Vista, my security is Norton 360. My LiveUpdate keeps saying, "LiveUpdate failed: Could not connect to the LiveUpdate server" (no error numbers, just the message).


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Computer Registry Repair Software?Is there a computer Registry Repair Software you'd like to recommend?


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Free Printable Budget Planner?I am looking for a (free) printable budget planner (or spreadsheet) that I can download (copy and paste my own info into).


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Website Security Certificate?Just recently when I try to log into my email I get this message: 'There is a problem with this website's security certificate. The security certificate presented by this website has expired or is not yet valid. Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server. We recommend that you close this web page and do not continue to this website.' I don't have any problem bringing up AOL, I just get this message when I go to retrieve my email.


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Microsoft EHome MCIR 109 Keyboards Number Pad Not Working?I bought a new notebook yesterday, and yes its great. But my NumPad isn't working.


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Installing High Speed Internet Without Using Disc?I have the installation kit from AT&T/SBC, but my computer friend who deals with these companies and knows the 'ins and outs' and 'behind the scenes stuff' said that since I'm keeping my AOL e-mail address that I don't need to use the disc?


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How To Make Sims 2 Movie With Windows Movie Maker?How do I make Sims 2 movies with Windows Movie Maker?


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Looking For Free Calendar Templates Online?Does anyone now of a web site with free calender templates. Prefer one where I don't have to give them my e-mail address or sign my life away.


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Free Label Printing Program?I am looking for free print program for printing labels on spice jars and canisters.


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Looking for Professional 3D Graphics Program?I am looking for a 3D program, that does 3D object and character modeling. I would like it to be professional quality graphics with animation.


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Computer Wallpaper from National GeographicIf you want hassle-free wall paper or screen savers for your computer that are gorgeous - go to and go to photos to download some of their fabulous nature pix!


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GoYaMS Multi Search EngineHere is a multi search engine that searches Google/Yahoo/MSN all at once


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What is an RSS Feed?What exactly is RSS Feed?


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Removing Ink from Printer Ink Cartridge?We just bought ink cartridges for our printer and it quit on us. Is there any way to take the ink out of the cartridges to use as a refill? Thanks for any help.


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Looking for a Good Place to Find a Computer?I am looking for a computer. I am a disabled lady and would love to have one to use as a way of keeping up with the world. Where would be a good place to look for one?


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Upgrading My Computer to XP?My computer is old. I bought it in 2000, I would like to up grade it to XP. Any advice on how to do this would be appreciated.


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Manual for Brother's Printer MFC-240C?I need a printer manual for a MFC-240C Brother printer. I want to repair the print head. A download of how to do this would suffice.


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Looking to download the Song 'Like Whoa'?Where can I find a PC-downloadable of the song 'Like Whoa'?


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Turning the Ringer Off on a Brother All-in-one Unit?How do you turn off the ringer on a Brother Model MFC-240C all in one unit? I have it set to TAD response and only want to turn off the ringer without affecting any other features.


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Website Used to Give Items Away for Free?Within the last couple of months someone posted a site that was started mainly for disabled, but is now used for anyone who wants to give or get free items in their own area. I thought I saved it, but it's gone and I have free Pergo to give away. I don't want it to go to charity that someone would have to pay for it. Does anyone have the site name?


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Computer's F11 Key Doesn't Work?My F11 button on my computer does not work 99% of the time. Because of recent updates on my computer, most of the time the box to write the chat in while playing games is all but cut off. The button doesn't work unless by chance. There is a link to do it another way, but that is only on screens with the tool bars at the top. The game page doesn't have those links. Anyone have any other suggestions? If we get the screen to enlarge , it surprises us so much we don't remember how we did it.


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Downloading Firefox Browser?I am currently on Internet Explorer and am wanting to download Firefox. When I begin the download process, it says to close all programs. My question is: Does that mean I also need to close Internet Explorer before doing the download? I know I do not have to delete IE, but I don't know if I need to close it once I am on the Firefox site. HELP!


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Sites Similar to Thriftyfun?I was wanting to know if you all have any more sites that you all visit like Thriftyfun that you could share with me. I totally love Thriftyfun and there's not another site like it. It's the best ever.


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Add A Clickable Link To Your Yahoo MessengerGive your Yahoo messenger chums a clickable link to brighten their day! Open your messenger and find the "new status message" located on the option bar beside your profile pic above the ADD (+) friends symbol on the left.


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Tool Bar That Detects Impostor Websites?Does anyone know of a tool bar addition that tells you if you are on the website you have requested (not an impostor website)? I had it on my computer, but lost it. Thanks.


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Transferring Camcorder Tapes to Computer?I need help figuring out how to transfer our home movie camcorder tapes to my computer. I have windows xp professional with windows movie maker. I have an a/v out connection on the camcorder. It's a Quasar VM-D51 model palmcorder. Thanks for your help.


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Bible Based Preschool Mom's Message Board?Does anyone know of a message board/site that is for preschool moms, that is Biblical based? Thanks.


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Magic Gopher Computer Game?Can anyone explain how the computer game called Magic-gopher works? I received it in an e-mail and it is fascinating, but mind boggling. Thanks!


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Looking For Discount Craft Supplies Websites?I am looking for websites similar to Oriental Trading that sell discount craft supplies. I am trying to find some projects for my boys to do over the summer break. Thank you.


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Speakers Don't Work On My Dell?Speakers won't work on my dell.


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Is Firefox Better Than Internet Explorer?I'm not very knowledgeable about computers, just enough to get by, so I would appreciate some information please. Is Firefox really better than Internet Explorer?


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Are Macs Good Computers?Is a Mac a good computer? Why?


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Getting Rid of Glare on a Laptop Screen?I would like to work outside on my laptop, but the screen glare prevents me from seeing anything. I could get an anti glare screen, but would prefer a "kitchen remedy" that costs nothing.


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Free Desktop Icons?Where can I find cute, free desk top icons?


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Help with Print Shop 20 Crashing?I am using a Print Shop 20 software program that keeps crashing my computer. I have deleted and re-installed it it several times. I recovered my computer several weeks back, but it keeps opening in the last document I was working on and freezes up.


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Trouble Removing External Hard Drive?My external hard drive frequently can't be removed from the computer because "a program is accessing it". How do we stop the program from accessing it so I can disengage the Freeagent by Seagate?


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Restoring Icons On Computer Task Bar?I have a Windows XP Computer and I'm having problems in restoring the small icons in the narrow blue task bar on the bottom of my desktop. This is the bar where the Start button is located. I've tried dragging and dropping the large icons from the desktop into the bar and have had no success.


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Using Norton Anti Virus With Windows Vista?I recently installed Norton virus protection on my daughters laptop, she has Windows Vista and it has significantly slowed her computer. A co worker had recommended Norton over the free yahoo protection that I had. Any comments or experience will be appreciated. Thanks.


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Problems With Uppercase Living Site?I am trying to get on the website Uppercase living, it has decorating items, etc. You need to have an id and password and to get those, you have to have a demonstrator first to get you into the area where you would get a user id and password.


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Resetting Printer Settings?A few years ago I set my printer so it would print using less ink. Every time I print something the print comes out smaller then the actual size that is shown on the page. Does anyone know how I can get my printer back to the way it printed when I first got it? Thank you so much.


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Fixing Misspelled Words In Firefox Dictionary?I need to delete misspelled words from my Firefox dictionary. I accidentally added them. I am using a Mac.


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Listing Business Services Online?I have a small business, but I don't have enough customers. I want to post my services online. What do I have to do?


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