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Tips and ideas about better family living.

Genealogy (11)Elderly Parent Care (2)


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Finding a Lost Relative, Genealogy Study

Finding a Lost RelativeWhether you are trying to locate a relative you have never met or attempting to reconnect with some one you have lost track of, finding a lost relative can be a daunting task. This is a page to finding a lost relative.


A girl who is ungrateful for the gift she is holding.

Grandchildren Ungrateful for Gifts?It can be hurtful to give a gift that it not acknowledged or seemingly appreciated. There are several ways to handle this either directly or indirectly. This is a page about grandchildren ungrateful for gifts.


Locating for a Half Sibling

Locating a Half Sibling?Finding long lost relatives can be a challenge and often requires professional help. This is a page about locating a half sibling.


Large group of people in the shape of a magnifying glass.

Locating an Adult Child?There are a number of reasons parents lose track of their children, including divorce. Try to contact other family members. Failing at that, Facebook and other sites may provide help. This is a page about locating an adult child.


Relatives Arriving Unannounced

Dealing with Relatives Who Come Over Unannounced?Uninvited guests, especially family members, can put you in an awkward position. It can be hard to define the need for privacy and general courtesy to your relatives. This is a page about dealing with relatives who come over unannounced.


A picture of a woman in a striped shirt.

Searching For My Half-Sister?I believe down deep in my heart that I have an older sister born sometime around 1950 in Caldwell or Wilkes County, North Carolina, who is most likely bi-racial. My father, Buel "Bill" Pearson, served twenty years in the U.S. Army and was wounded in the Korean War. I was born in 1952 in San Antonio, Texas. The following year, Daddy married my mother. They had three more children, a daughter and two sons. When I was in my 30's, we learned we had a half-brother who was born in Louisiana in 1953. Johnny traveled to North Carolina to meet us and has become an integral part of our family. Daddy died in 1997, never having acknowledged my sister's existence to me or to our siblings.


A man drinking while a woman comforts a child.

Living With An Alcoholic?Alcoholism affects families all across the world. Treatment is slow and requires commitment and effort from the affected individual to stop drinking. This page has advice to help the friends and family who are living with an alcohol and resources for the eventual recovery.


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What Is The Best Family Tree Builder App?I want to start a family tree and it all seems just too much and overwhelming. I'm sure there are plenty of good apps I haven't come across yet. Any helpful tips? Thank you!


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Life of a Sighted Care GiverI enjoyed sharing Ms Cordell's article's concerning the blind with my blind man. The other side of the coin is the care giver. I have been one for 17 years. Oh my what a re-teaching on my perspective of sight.



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Arguing With Parent?Me and my dad are not getting along right now at home. For the past three days, we have been arguing non stop. How do I resolve this issue so that we can get along for at least until my birthday, which is in a month.


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Looking for My Biological Dad?I am looking for my biological father. I've tried Family Tree now, searched Facebook/social media and I'm waiting on 23 and Me results. Does anyone have any other ideas? After 39 years, I was told 3 weeks ago my dad was not biologically my dad and that I have an older half brother.


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Help with Grieving?I was a caregiver to my mother who passed back in May. She was in a nursing home and I used to visit twice a day. I am having trouble still trying to deal with the fact I could not see her without glass between us for 3 months before she passed because of the virus and also just the general missing her. I could really take from hearing from some people on how to go about feeling better.


A grandmother hugging her grandchild.

Being Denied Visits with Grandchildren?It's always unfortunate when adult children and parents don't get along, especially when there are grandchildren involved. Many states have grandparent's rights to allow visitation in these situations.


tap shoes

The Last Day at Grandma's HouseOutliving both her daughters had meant that, despite being cherished, respected and loved by her expanding legacy of grandchildren and great grandchildren right up to the end of her days, Grandma wasn't really known by any soul left living.


An unhappy young woman sitting on the couch next to a Christmas tree.

Ways to Make Christmas Less Lonely and More Fun?If you live alone or far away from family Christmas can be a very lonely time. This page contains suggestions for ways to make it less lonely and more fun, such as volunteering, inviting neighbors over, movies, games, etc.


A couple waving at a tablet screen at Christmastime.

Celebrating Holidays Away From HomeThe holidays are a time that traditionally centers around family get togethers, but as family members move away new traditions can replace the old one. Perhaps a telecommunications video chat app can allow everyone to sit down to a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal together.


A vintage black and white photo of a woman and a child next to a field.

Recalling Childhood MemoriesThere may be no time travel as depicted in science fiction stories or movies, but our memories of earlier times in our lives can often be quite vivid. They can be triggered by sights, sounds, smells, or just a desire to travel back to our childhood through our memories of those days gone by. We spend a few moments there and return to the present better for the fond memories.


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Finding a Half Sibling?I am trying to find my oldest brother, Luke, born in 1987 whom I've never met. He is my father's son. My dad didn't have much to do with him. All I know is that he was born and I think may still live there in Victoria Australia. I have no clue as to how to find him. I've tried Facebook and his surname is either Walsh or Welsh.


A mother and daughter after a disagreement.

Apologizing to Your Parents After a Fight?When tempers flare, we can say the wrong thing and make matters much worse. Apologies must be sincere and listening to others is an important skill we need to develop. This is a page about apologizing to your parents after a fight.


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Concerns after Sister-in-Law and Children Moved In?My sister-in-law told my husband that she had everything situated to move. We haven't been married 3 years yet and his family is always asking him for help. I was watching the kids (3) and only that. After the kids leave and on the weekends is my time. When she moved here, all of a sudden she doesn't have anything in order.


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Dealing With Cold and Distant Family Members?I'm so hurt about my family. My estranged mother, along with two adult nieces came back into my life last year after my brother died; he wouldn't let me see his kids for years. He was angry, because I cut my abusive mother out of my life. They were close.


Pile of black and white photos.

Sharing Family MemoriesOur memories are what remain when we lose a loved one. Keeping scrapbooks, photo albums and written records can help preserve the history of your family. This is a page about sharing family memories.


Young couple cooking.

Family Etiquette for Young Couples Visiting Home?Intimate behavior can be uncomfortable for others, when a young couple is hanging with other family members. This is a page about family etiquette for young couples visiting home.


A male and two female arguing around an outdoor table.

Resolving a Dispute With a Family MemberThis is a page about resolving a dispute with a family member. It can be hard to know what to do if you are having a dispute with a family member. Here is some advice that make help.



Abusive wife pointing at a man with a paper bag on his head with a sad face.

Dealing With a Mean Wife?Determining the cause of a partner's cruelness and seeking solutions is all you can do to change the situation. This is a page about dealing with a mean wife.


A teen looking sad.

Grandma and Grandson Not Speaking?Family disputes are very painful and disruptive as well as being difficult to resolve. Often there needs to be some give and take from all parties involved. This is a page about grandma and grandson not speaking.


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Locating a Lost Relative?I have a brother named Saavan Krishna. He is supposed to be my aunt's son. We lost my aunt in 1991. Her name was Sujatha. He had departed with his dad. So I want to meet my brother and need to see where he is now.


Father and Daughter Together

Finding My Dad?If you have been separated from your father, there are some websites and other resources out there to help you with your search. Here are some ideas to help with finding my dad.


An older woman who is visibly upset.

Live-in Grandmother No Longer Welcome in Daughter's Home?It is sad to find that despite the help you have given in raising your grandchildren that now your daughter and her spouse appear to want you to move out. Protect yourself and be proactive. This is a page about live-in grandmother no longer welcome in daughter's home.


Finding a Lost Parent

Finding a Lost Parent?If you were not raised by your biological parent it would be a difficult and emotional process to locate your lost parent. This is a page about finding a lost parent.


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Relationship Advice for Mothers and Daughters-in-LawIf you have differences, first try to work them out between the two of you. Don't put the son/husband in the middle. Most mother-in-law/daughter-in-law bickering boil down to jealousy of each others time with the son/husband. don't create scenes in front of the family especially the grand kids.


A grandfather playing blocks with his granddaughter.

Advice for Grandparents Providing Daycare?This page contains advice for grandparents providing daycare. Helping your children take care of their kids can be a challenging and rewarding experience.


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Relationship Commitments in a Blended Family?I've been in a long term relationship (almost 9 years) with someone I love very much, but I don't feel as if we are going anywhere although he talks about us getting engaged often. My concern is that I am unable to establish a relationship with two of his grown children.


Senior couple working on a scrapbook together

Activities for Alzheimer's PatientsThis is a page about activities for Alzheimer's patients. Alzheimer's and other dementia patients can benefit from and enjoy activities that stimulate their cognitive functions and that are just plain fun.


Family at the Beach

Preparing for Family OutingsThis is a page about preparing for family outings. Outings are a fun and frugal way to create great memories with your family. Planning ahead is the best way to ensure an enjoyable trip for everyone.


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Troubles Between Wife and Mother?I have been married for about 9 months and we have a new born who was 5 months this 19 September. My wife and my mother do not get along. They fought on our wedding day and a had words a few times after. We live in the same house.


two unhappy women

Getting Along With Your Stepmother?This is a page about getting along with your stepmother. It can be a challenge to accept your father's wife and the way she chooses to interact with the family.


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Honoring a Deceased Parent's Birthday?My mom has died. We want to do something for her birthday, she has six kids. Please suggest something to do for her birthday.


Family Eating Dinner

Eating Dinner as a FamilyThis is a page about eating dinner as a family. A great time to have good family communication is around the table for regular dinnertime meals together.



Man with Granddaughter

Spending Time with GrandchildrenThis is a page about spending time with grandchildren. Whatever time grandparents are able to share with grandkids, you want to be fun and meaningful.


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Birthday Party Planning for Family?So, my mom is having her 60th birthday this year and my boyfriend is having his 25th birthday this year. Oh, and they're both on the same weekend. Her b-day is November 29th and his is November 30th.


family arriving at grandmother's house

Etiquette for Visiting Family?This is a page about etiquette for visiting family. Make sure you are a welcomed visitor and will not cause hardship to your family members, when you plan to visit.


Grandparent with Granddaughter

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren?This is a page about grandparents raising grandchildren. For various reasons grandparents sometimes take on the responsibility for raising their grandchildren.


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Talking to Granddaughter About Dirty Unsafe Apartment?My 21 year old daughter has a 11 month old baby. She is unmarried, but lives with the baby's dad. They live together in an apartment that is paid for by the dad's employer. She is a full time student except for in the summer.


An young girl standing with her mother.

Growing Up an Only Child?This is a page about growing up an only child. Growing up an only child is not necessarily a lonely experience, but may be in fact very empowering.


A woman holding a pregnancy test.

Creative Ways to Let People Know Your Are...This is a page about creative ways to let people know your are pregnant. There are many different ways to share your joy of becoming a mother.


Heart Patient with Doctor

Open Heart Surgery Recovery Advice for...This is a page about open heart surgery recovery advice for patient's family. During the post surgical recovery at home, the patient needs to be the center of attention.


Family Celebrating the Holidays

Celebrating the Holidays with FamilyThis page is about celebrating the holidays with family. As families grow it is not always possible to all get together on the holiday. Family members may choose another day when everyone is able to attend.


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Determining the Paternity of a Child?When I was separated from my husband I was seeing someone and also meeting with my husband. I got pregnant and was sure child was my husband's and the hospital said even if he wasn't my husband's child, he had to be listed as father because we were still married.


Strained Relationship With Brother

Advice for a Strained Relationship With Brother?There are numerous reasons that the relationship with a sibling may become strained, even if you were very close as children.


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Pets Now Sleeping With New Father's Kids?I'm not very old and my mom just got married, she got married to a husband that I like, but the two other kids I don't. They are stealing my relationship with my pets away and I don't know what to do!


Locating Adopted Relatives

Locating Adopted RelativesThis is a page about locating adopted relatives. Locating lost relatives is often difficult enough, adding an adoption into the mix only increases the complexities.


Houseguests Enjoying a Gathering

Being a HouseguestThis is a page about being a houseguest. Being a good houseguest will ensure a pleasant stay and a likely invitation to return.


Improving Family Relationships

Improving Family Relationships?This page is about improving family relationships. Good communication and tolerance help make people get along better.


Using Email Discussion List for Family

Using Email Discussion List for FamilyThis page is about using email discussion list for family. There are free ways to get the family together using the internet.


Making a Family Time Capsule

Making a Family Time CapsuleThis page is about making a family time capsule. A fun, thrifty family project can be a historical collection to share with new family members in the future.


Tips for a Successful Marriage

Tips for a Successful MarriageThis page contains tips for a successful marriage. Maintaining a healthy marital relationship can be a challenge for many couples.


Planning a Memorial Service

Planning a Memorial ServiceThis page is about planning a memorial service. In times of loss it often is a challenge to arrange a tribute for a loved one.


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Looking for the Name and Words to a Poem?Does anybody know the name and words to a poem about an elderly man that gets all cleaned up and spends the day of his birthday sitting on his porch waiting for his adult children to drop by and they never show up?


A pile of birth certificates and marriage licenses.

Organizing Genealogy InformationThis is a page about organizing genealogy information. Researching your genealogy can be a fun and rewarding experience. Organizing the information you collect is important to preserve your hard work.


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Empty Nest for the Holiday Season?I am finally able to be somewhat content with having an empty nest, but I dread the holiday season as the house is so quiet and I am lost at the thought of not having all my kids home! How can I make this an enjoyable season for my husband and I without busting the bank?


Daughter holding moms hand

Caring For an Aging ParentThis is a page about caring for an aging parent. Many people are lucky enough to get the chance to care for their aging parents. Being able to give back to those who once cared for us can be a great honor. But, with that honor can come many difficulties.


A stack of old black and white family photos.

Researching Your GenealogyThis is a page about researching your genealogy.Tracing back your family tree can be challenging even after only a few generations. Whether you are trying to fill in gaps in your genealogy or starting from scratch, there are lots of resources available to you.


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Getting Family Members to Help Around the House?My kids and hubby rarely help out around the house. Does anyone have tips and ideas for getting family members to pitch in?


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Recommendations for Genealogy Software?I have just started searching my family background and need a way to get it all organized. Have you used any of the software programs that are sold? I need something user friendly and that doesn't cost a lot of money.


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Pattern for a Family Tree Poster?I'm planning a family reunion and would love to create a forest of individual family trees. Does anyone have a pattern for a large tree and branches (poster board size)?


Public Domain FreebiesWith the growing popularity of genealogical research comes an onslaught of get rich quick salesmen. People often jump at the opportunity to own a digital copy of a map, a photo, or a letter that ties into their family history.


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When to Help Adult Children Financially?When does it become enough when helping adult kids with finances when they don't modify their lifestyle? We've helped with insurance deductibles and other emergencies.


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Reproducing a Personal History Book?I've been editing my father's personal history and my sister wants to add pictures to it. We're looking for some recommendations for reasonably priced places to have the history reproduced into a book. Quality and ease of use is a must.


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Treasure Your Freedom - Join A Historical GroupI quit my job a little over a year and a half ago. Since then I have begun doing things I was unable to do while working. I have joined both the Daughters of the American Revolution and the United Daughters of the Confederacy.


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Getting Someone to Move Out?What can I do when a 20 year old will not move out when ask to do so repeatedly? They are disrespectful, mean, bossy the list goes on. They have a wonderful baby and know we want the the child safe and happy and they effectively use this against us and are making our home life awful.


Write an Ethical WillAn ethical will, sometimes called an ethical legacy, is a document written to preserve and pass along key moral and life lessons. An ethical will is not a legally binding document and is not intended as a way to distribute property or money.


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Sister Diagnosed With Cervical Cancer?I just found out my sister/best friend has cervical cancer. I'm very shocked and heart broken over this news. We are both scared because I just lost my Mother-in-law to cancer so the word alone is so scary to me. I told my sister and she knows I'll be there for her through it all but I just want to know what I can do for her? What should I say to her?


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Essay About Children Growing Up?Does anybody recall an essay/opinion written by a man, about how children should grow up experiencing things that teach them certain characteristics, traits, lessons to live by. Not "Children Learn What They Live". I have had it forwarded to me in emails a couple of times but it's gone now. I thought it was a pretty good piece and would like to read it again.


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Grandma's Cookie Jar PoemGrandma's Cookie Jar - When I went to visit Grandma . . .


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Tips To Search For Birth Father?My sister was adopted and wants to find her birth father. Any idea how to go about this? Her birth mother does not know where he is, and all we have is his name. She has three kids and a single income from her husband, so does not have any money to spend on dubious websites or private investigators. Any tips or free websites in Australia that she can use?


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Adopting Children from Vietnam?I would like to know more about adopting from Vietnam. My nationality is Greek Cypriot (from Cyprus), and would like to get some help on what the procedure is. Is it true that only Swiss, French and Americans are allowed to adopt from Vietnam for the moment?


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Updates on Your Answering MachineWhen my husband underwent open-heart surgery in an out-of-town hospital, many friends and family were anxious to receive updates on his condition. Since I was staying at a hotel near the hospital, there was nobody at home to answer the phone.


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Advice for a Dealing with Fiance's Family?My daughter is getting married in a few months and she is so stressed out. Her fiance's family is trying to change most things about the wedding. She doesn't have much done, but she wants an evening wedding and they tell her she should have it in the afternoon. She had already decided on the church, her colors, her menu, and that she wanted to have a nice wedding. Nothing too big, but nice. Now they're telling her to look around at other churches, she should add other colors, to only have finger foods.


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DNA Testing for Ethnicity?I keep getting unsolicited emails and snail mails from genealogy companies. They say they can do a DNA test to determine my ethnicity. I'd like to do this because I don't really know what I am. Every time someone on my family tree dies a little bit more information comes out.


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Help Getting Documents to Trace Family History?I was reading some requests here and realized we have a fairly diverse group, lots of people from other countries. I am wondering if there is a way to locate someone who can do some leg work for me in regards to family history searches.


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Celebrate!Develop a sense of occasion! Life is so much nicer when broken up with little celebrations, for birthdays, anniversaries and the other holidays throughout the year.


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Send Mail To Your GrandchildrenEach week I send my 4 year old twin granddaughters some mail. I use large colorful envelopes that I pick up at thrift sales or have leftover from greeting cards, pre-address and stamp them.


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Balancing Work and Family?Balancing Work and Family. I have a two year old beautiful daughter and another child on the way. I love my job, but it breaks my heart when my little girl cries for me to stay home with her so we can be together all day.


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"Clipping Service"Frugal Way to Keep in Touch with Relatives. One old-fashioned and frugal way to keep in touch with relatives and friends is to act as a "clipping service" for them and send on newspaper articles, etc. they will find of interest. . .


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A Speech to Honor My Dad?I need a nice speech to honor my dad for his 80th birthday.


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Talking to My Mom?I have a problem. I feel like if I need to open up to my mom but she will get mad at how I feel because everything I say.


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Preserving Family HistoryI was fortunate enough to know both of my great-grandmothers, but within the past 13 years, both of them passed on, along with my maternal grandparents. My paternal grandma is currently terminally ill and in the hospital. I was a history major in college, and had always planned on talking to my grandparents and asking them about their lives and my ancestors...


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Instruction Manual for the FamilyI have created an "Instruction Manual" for our family. I purchased a three-ring binder. The cover I created says, "The Smith's Instruction Manual".


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Keeping in Touch with the Relatives With Video and Audio RecordingsWe live a long distance from most of our relatives and one thing they appreciated most from us was the times when we would either video record the children or else record their voices on a tape and send it to them.


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Keeping a Little Drinking Cup HandyI always keep a ziplock bag in my purse with a small mouthwash top, the little cup that comes on the mouthwash, to use for my kids when they want a drink from a public water fountain. Be sure to let the water run a little first before filling up the cup.



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Daughter Will Not Let Me See My Grandson?How do I deal with a daughter who creates drama against me and blocks me constantly and keeps me from seeing my grandson? She has this unrealistic perception in her mind, that or else she is just saying that I do these things that are the exact opposite than what I do? I fear for my grandson who is being parented by my daughter who has this personality disorder (NPD), undiagnosed.


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Searching For Half Sibling?Where would or what type of agency would be best to find a half sibling with the only things known are of myself, my father, and where the mother worked with that year they were there? I just found out from my mom that my dad had gotten a work colleague pregnant at same time my mom was pregnant with me. The colleagues name is unknown and mom can't remember and my dad has recently passed away. If I have a brother or sister, I have an interest in knowing them . Please any info will help. I would like to find specialized places with finding family with very little information available to me.


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Finding a Sister Who Was Adopted at Birth?My mom died 5 years ago and before me she had another daughter that I was unaware of. She had her daughter at 16 and put her up for adoption at that time. I never knew that I had a sister until today when I asked my dad a question and he finally told me about her. I don't know where she is, who she is, or how to find her.


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Arguing With Parent?Me and my dad are not getting along right now at home. For the past three days, we have been arguing non stop. How do I resolve this issue so that we can get along for at least until my birthday, which is in a month.


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Problems With a DPOA?My mom and her sister are DPOA of medical and financial for my grandma. My grandma recently had a stroke and has been diagnosed with vascular dementia. My grandma has been trying to write checks in the thousands but my aunt has taken over financial stuff due to the dementia diagnosis and my grandma's doctor told them my grandma is no longer competent to take care of her finances.


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Finding Half Siblings?I am searching for my half siblings from my father. I have never met him and have just recently been told I have many siblings from him. His name is Steve Pernicka, he was from Staten Island, NY. He now lives in Jeffersonville, Vermont. He has worked for the Red Cross. I was told there are many siblings, boys and girls.


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