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Movie Had a Little Boy That Was a Maggot?It was a movie where a woman come up the steps there was a little boy sitting in the corner of the room. He looked normal from behind, but when he turned around his head was actually the head of a maggot.


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Finding an Old Horror Movie?So I have been looking for a horror movie for years now. I saw it as a child and the things I remember are:


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Finding the Title of an Old Horror Movie?There is an old movie, I can't remember if I watched it in the late 80's or early 90's. But it started out I guess in some kind of asylum? Not really 100% sure what it was. But this couple were sneaking around the place, they freaked and left, and this either a man or deep voiced female went around killing. They always had these cheesy one liners saying "No" before everything. Their first kill was "No TV!" and slit the sleeping woman's throat.


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What's This Movie?Movie starts with a person being chased into this building. I believe he has a blade with him and has like metal teeth and he tears up everyone chasing him. Horror type/cannibal 80s-early 90s


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Help Me Remember This Movie?The movie starts with a hand coming out of a vent on the wall and dragging a crib to the wall but the hand ends up grabbing the mom and pulling her through the vent. There ends up being a bunch of creatures under the building they have to survive. Guessing 80s-early 90s.


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What's This Scary Movie?They find a tunnel in, I believe, a graveyard and there is a woman chained to a wall underground. Turns out, she's actually some like demon. As the movie progresses, she transforms into the demon and starts killing everyone


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Help Remembering Scary Movie?The movie is from the 80s, maybe early 90s. Starts in almost like a castle. There's a deformed creature that may be the owner's child. They have a barbed whip they use for punishment. The creature escapes and starts killing everyone. I believe it ends with the creature being knocked off the roof of the castle type wall.


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80's Horror Movie?There was a movie in the 80's that was about monsters, or mutants in the jungle. I don't remember the full plot, but the ending was that the helicopter came to save the last survivors, and as they were flying away. They thought they were safe, but a monster popped out of the back of the helicopter, from behind a curtain.


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Identifying a Horror Movie?Ok, so I was about 6 or 7 when I watched my first horror movie but for the life of me I can't find it but I only remember 3 main scene and kind of the plot.


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Title of Old Scary Movie?It was maybe an old 70s movie, possibly an English film with the type of house and car, idk. It aired on TV at night and was either after M.A.S.H or 10pm local news. All I remember was some dude driving up to an old house then walking in. Then I remember it got dark and some kind of fog and lightning came rolling in inside the house.


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1970-1980 Possession Movie?There was a movie about 2 priests saving a young boy from a demon. I remember a church scene where they have him draped in a silk cloth to protect him. I thought Edward Albert was one of the priests but I have looked and looked and can't seem to find it. It's possibly a made for TV movie but it was good and I'd like to see it again.


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Name Of Movie Where Farmer Is Given a Metal Head?There is an old sci fi or horror movie where a farmer who has been in an accident was given a new metal skull to replace his damaged one. I remember it from my childhood, so it could be anywhere from the late 60s (I'm a '74 vintage model!) all the way into the early 80s.


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Finding the Name of a Horror Film?I'm looking for the title of an old (possibly short) horror from the 1970s or maybe early 80s. An impotent husband ends up killing his wife and her lover by dropping a chandelier on them both. He was jealous because, I think through a keyhole, he saw a woman seducing her. I think his wife was in her wedding dress, so probably happened on the wedding day.


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Name of Old Horror MovieI think it was from the 90s, I watched it when I was a kid. It's with a dead bride or something in a white dress? I remember teenagers on Halloween night end up at an old house, 2 wander off into a barn and start having sex. The girl is dressed like a cat and she kinda starts turning into one. There's like a scary looking demon dressed like a bride in the big house.


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Identifying a Horror Movie from the 90s or 2000s?What is the horror movie where a group of young filmmakers stay in a house possessed by a demon? The demon places toys in suggestive sexual positions (the filmmaker in the group is accused of that), one guy cheats on his girlfriend with another member of the group (takes off her glasses when she's reading a book in bed and kisses her) and the demon appears at the end.



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Finding the Title for an Old Horror Movie?It was about a guy and his girlfriend who had to save a little girl in his family from something under her bed. The only way to save her is to go to the bed and leave a certain number of blood relatives and leave them and let the thing grab the person and pull them under the bed.


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Finding the Name for an Old Horror Movie?A man gets his head chopped off coming out of a fox hole and a woman swimming in a pond gets chopped every time she surfaces. It was a black and white movie.


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Finding the Name of an Old Horror Movie?I need the name of the scariest horror I have ever watched, and to make things worse I was a kid and watched it in a hospital. I remember a man in a black suit and hat walking up a path to a house (think he was the devil) chainsaws in a garage goin off, and I think someone was locked in the car.


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Name of a Werewolf Movie?Does anyone remember a movie about werewolves where at the end it turns out that most of the town are vampires and when bitten become hybrids and start fighting. The town's people are catatonic at some point as well.


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Identifying a Horror Movie?There is an old horror movie from the early 2000s that I am trying to find the name of. I know the movie started out with a kid hitting a baseball into this yard and when he goes over to get the ball it's on the porch. But when he tries to run away he keeps getting closer until he is pulled into the house.


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Finding the Title of an Old Horror Movie?I remember seeing, about 7-8 years ago on TV, a movie about a man being haunted by a ghost. The movie was probably for the late 90s or early 2010.


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Finding the Title of an Old Horror Movie?I am trying to get the name of an old horror movie. A group on holiday at a desert house find what looks like old cannon balls in a mine. It turns out they were eggs. One hatches. It is an invisible monster that lashes people to death. They finally escape when the car they try to get away in catches fire and burns the creature.


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Finding the Title of an Old Horror Movie?I need to know the title of an old horror movie. All I cam remember is that it's a film about a creature that turns kids into stone and at the end of the movie the the creature tries to turn this kid to stone, but the kid's brother turns the creature to stone instead. I'm not sure what year it was from, but I know it's a really old horror film.


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Name of an Old Horror Movie?I can't find this old movie. It's a scary movie that takes place in a psych ward I think with cells in the basement. There is a bunch of crazy people in their own cell. There's a cell way down the hallway and a patient in there, but it's always dark so you can never see the patient's face. A man continuously goes and talks to the patient and in the end I think the patient turns out to be him.


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Name of an Old Horror Thriller Movie from the 80s or 90s?I can't seem to find an old horror movie I remember watching when I was a kid. It opens up with a guy on a payphone calling his old friends telling them he just got out of prison. When they were in college or something they got drunk and supposedly killed a lady and buried her body in the woods.


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Identifying a Movie from the 1970s?I have a weird question. Does anyone remember a movie from the early 70s about a family and a dollhouse. Whatever happened in the dollhouse happened to the family. I know there was a fire in the end. Anyone remember?


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Horror Film Title?The film has a scene in it that is filmed at night and all I remember is the people or creatures in silhouette throwing people in a open pit that I presume is the opening to hell! I know it's vague, but it's been in my head for 40 years now.


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Name of Song and Artist from the Movie "Christmas Dance"?What is the name of the song and artist in movie 'Christmas Dance' with Andrew McCarthy when Jack and Demi are at the club. It starts out like this, "'I don't care, I don't care.., I wake up in the morning...'


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Finding the Title of an Older Horror Movie?I think it was called Mirror Mirror, but I don't know and can't find it anywhere. The movie has a mirror from the Amityville house and it shows you how you die. I know it's not any of the Mirrors movies and not Mirror Mirror with Karen Black. Dpes anyone know the movie I am talking about? Also where can I get it?


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Identifying a Movie from the 1960s?It was a movie about a young woman (maybe a teen?) who was put in a glass coffin to be buried (it was placed on a horse drawn wagon so an old setting). She wasn't really dead, but couldn't move, open her eyes or tell anyone she wasn't dead. It was a black and white TV movie.



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Name of Old Fairytale Movie?I totally forgot the name of this movie. I think it was about a girl who was found among wolves as a little kid, maybe as a baby, and taken to a palace.


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DVD of The Two Worlds of Jennie Logan?Does anyone know where I can purchase a DVD of an old film called "The Two Worlds of Jennie Logan" starring Lynsey Wagner? I had it on video and when moving home I lost it. l love that film so if anyone can help that would be great. Cheers.


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What is the Title of This Movie?Can anyone tell me the name of this movie? It a vampire movie filmed in a huge white house during the winter with tons of snows. They rescue the girl being held in a bedroom by making escape out a window into the snow and get away in a horse and buggy.


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Name of The Song from the Movie "This Christmas"?I saw a movie called "This Christmas". At the end all of the actors were dancing to a Soul Train line dance, what is the name of that song?


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Can't Remember The Name of an Old Horror Movie?Does anyone know the name of an old scary movie (black and white) that had a diving suit that was lying in the corner of a darkened room and begins to inflate all by itself.


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"New in Town" Movie Question ?Does anyone know what shoes Renee Zellwelger wore in the movie "New in Town"?


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What is the Title of This Movie?I'm looking for an older horror movie I saw in the 90's. The parts I remember were that a group of teens are traveling to a house for a trip of some sort.


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What is the Title of This Movie?I remember a movie in B/W where a UFO is discovered in the ocean and one of our subs crashes into it. The UFO alien was a blobby thing that was in the center of the craft.


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What is the Title of This Movie?What is this movie? I just remember dinosaurs on a beach-like setting. It was B/W, it must have been one of the first dinosaur movies. I saw it in late 50's or early 60's and I watched it on TV.


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Alfred Hitchcock's "Where the Woodbine Twineth"?I have been looking for an Alfred Hitchcock movie called "Where the Woodbine Twineth". It's about a white girl that gets a black life size doll which takes over her life and the nanny spanks her legs at the end with a switch telling her to go away.


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What is the Title of This Movie?Does anyone know of a movie where there is a crazy shape-shifting guy who is obsessed with this girl and near the end he yells at the girl "Tell me you love me, I won't tell anyone!" I know it's weird but it's really bugging me.


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What is the Title of This Movie? (Take Her, She's Mine)There is a classical movie, perhaps starring Jimmy Stewart. His daughter goes to Paris and he eventually goes over there to bring her back home because he can't stand her being over there. It's a comedy about an overprotective dad.


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Title of a Horror Movie Where a Doll Becomes a Girl and a Girl Becomes a Doll?I hope someone can help me with the title of a horror movie I saw years ago. I'm not sure if it was a movie or an episode of a series, but it was in black and white and was made in either the late 60s or early 70s.


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Is Netflix Worth it?I have had my eye on Netflix for a while. I believe its unlimited rentals for 20 dollars a month but you can only have a few movies out at a time (unless you pay more). Is anyone out there using it and having a good or bad experience.


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