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Looking For An Old Jeep Commercial?The commercial featured a man driving his family around the streets of New Orleans, as smooth jazz played in the background. There were a few shots of the city, and there was a shot of girls playing jump rope outside. I don't remember the model of the Jeep, I just know that it was a Jeep designed for a family. It aired years ago, and I haven't been able to find it since. Can someone help?


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Activities for a Developmentally Disabled Ex-smoker?Any suggestions for a 75-year-old developmentally disabled ex-smoker to keep her hands busy? She's on oxygen and says she needs something to do with her hands now that she can't smoke.


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Activites for a Deaf and Blind Adult?I'm a home health care provider and my client has Ushers Syndrome and RP. She's an adult and I was wondering what kind activities I can do with her?


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Identifying a Song?I heard I song I liked today, but was unable to ask Siri or Shazam the lyrics. The song starts off with a repetition of, "Have you ever felt", (more lyrics here I think), then goes to something like, "I feel the fire in my heart". I hope that made sense. Does anyone have any idea what this song is?


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Name of a Hymn?There is a song that I sang in church. The words I remember are: " the quite heart is the hidden sorrow that the eye can not see." Does anyone remember the name of it?


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Finding Photos of Singers?I am looking for Chris Cornell photos. I run a group and a page about him.


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Activities for a Deaf and Blind Person?What books and entertainment are good for a person that's both deaf and blind?


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Activities for Deaf and Blind Parent?Can you think of any activities my 90 year old mom might enjoy? She had been enjoying coloring, but her vision is now so impaired she can no longer see well enough to color. She is also hearing impaired.


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Activities for MS Adults?My sister has severe tremors. What kind of activities exist for her that don't require the use of her hands because they shake too much. She just sits on the couch all day and I want to get her active instead of just waiting to die.


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Outings for Profoundly Disabled Blind Adults?Winter outings are especially hard for low functioning adults. Any suggestions?


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Activities for Ill Older Person?My mom, age 83, recently was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She was a pretty terrific artist, but now can not concentrate for any length of time so can no longer do her arts and crafts. She is very bored at home just watching TV with the home aide (who does not drive).


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Activities for Someone With MS?I have MS. I can stand, but not walk. I have the use of one hand. My husband would like to take day trips. Sometimes we take the bus to a casino. What is there to do? Beaches, swimming, hiking are out.


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Easy Games for a Group of Senior Red Hat Ladies?Do you know any games to be played sitting around a table for a group of 30 senior ladies, Red Hats. Maybe something such as memory games, cards, etc.


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Activities for an Elderly Person?My mother has macqular degeneration, problems with incontinence, dementia, and cannot walk well. Any suggestions to stimulate her mentally and physically would be greatly appreciated. She is 93 years old.


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Weekend Activities for Teens?I am a 14 year old girl looking for something to do during weekends. Money is not a problem, but I'm not looking to spend $500. Does anyone know anything?



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What to Do on a School Holiday?I love going to school; the only problem is, that it's a holiday for the school. I have to wait until the year is over. I'm bored and I need something to do. Please help me.


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Ideas for Outdoor Activities?How do I get outside? I love being outside. What are someone fun games to do outside? Can you tell me things to do with friends, a group, or just me? Crafts, games, anything outside. thanks:)


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Activity Ideas for People with Limited Movement?Please could anyone help with things to do with people with little or no movement skills?


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DVD Suggestions?I don't watch much TV and haven't been to the movies in years. I do a huge freezer cooking session in the summer while the kids are at grandma's. During that time, I'd like to rent some DVDs to have on while I am cooking. I like shows like NCIS, CSI and historical documentaries. Any suggestions beside NCIS, CSI, and no Law and Order. I would appreciate suggestions for the documentaries especially. Thanks!


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Teen Summer Fun Ideas?My friend and I are 15 and 16, we are looking for fun ideas to do during the summer with our friends (boys and girls). We have access to some driving. We would appreciate any ideas! Thank you.


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Ideas for Playing Crossword for the Visually Impaired?I live in a retirement community and we have a lady who comes to play games with us! Several of our members cannot see well enough to do crossword and we were wondering if you could suggest a method for us to do that?


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Fun Things to Do With a Teenager?My 15 1/2 yr. old grandson will be spending his days with me this summer. I would like some interesting and or fun things to do with him so that he doesn't spend too much time with video games and texting on his phone.


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Activities for an Assisted Living Home?I am the coordinator of social activities for an elderly care home. Any ideas for an easy, simple recipes, or food decorations for the residents to do?


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Locating Christmas Activities for Assisted Living Residents?I am an administrator for a company called Flourish Homes; we support the disabled and elderly within our sheltered housing schemes. I have been given the task to find local activities or entertainment for them.


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Ideas for Activities at a Rehabilitation Facility?I am a activity director for a rehabilitation facility, so they pretty much come here to get better and then go home. I have a hard time getting residents into activities.


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What is This Song? (Oh She Looks Like Helen Brown)My Grandfather used to say, "You knock them dead when you dress in Red, but you look like Helen Brown (or hell in Brown)". I understand this is part of a song and would love to know the rest of the lyrics if anyone knows them. Thanks.


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Planning a Ladies Only Outing?Where would be a good place to go with a group of 8 females ages 13 to 60? We are hoping for a nice relaxing, but exciting time.


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Summer Activities for Teens?What are some fun ideas and activities for teens to do in the summer? Please keep in mind: I am 15 years old, so there isn't much transportation or money available. My friends and I are trying to think of some different things that would be a load of fun.


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What is This Song? (Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod)My sister is 10 years older than I am, and when I was little she would sometimes sing me to sleep. She used to sing songs like One Tin Soldier, Puff the Magic Dragon (it was the early 70s after all) but one that has stuck in my mind is about a little boy in a shoe (I think).


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What is This Song? (I Think About You)I heard a country song on the TV Guide channel around early 2000s I believe. They showed a bit of the music video and it showed a father and his daughter shopping. I never knew the title of the song, but I remember a lot of the lyrics.



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What is This Song?There's this song I heard in church today and it goes "As a church we rise against the enemy, strength and power in your name as we stand triumphantly". Then it goes "You are the answer". If you could please help me with the name of the song I would be so happy.


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What is This Song?I am trying to find a song that was out about 1993. It was about your roots. The man talked about listening to your family about your past, you will need it someday. A lot about just listen to your roots. That's all I can remember. If anyone can help let me know.


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Activities for the Elderly and Disabled?My mother is legally blind and handicapped with a left arm she is unable to use and a right arm and hand that will work but on a limited basis. She has been active all of her life and now sits in a nursing home where she is bored and wants something to do so that she feels like she is accomplishing something.


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What Is This Song? (Kicking Back With Taxman - Devotion)Anybody know a song where part of the chorus goes 'Is this devotion or is it just emo-o-o-tion?' Sounds like Hip-Hop fused with dance-hall with male vocals circa 1990's. First line "Well listen dis cause it a brand new style".


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Entertainment Activities for Businesses?I'm responsible for spreading an entertaining culture in a multinational company to satisfy the employees. I need ideas of any kind; sports, social activities, anything. I thought of throwing a birthday party every month to celebrate the employees whose birthdays are in that month. Also I thought of starting a table tennis tournament. Please help me with more creative ideas. Thank you all for your time.


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Daycare Activities?A friend works at a daycare center and has kids ages 10 to 13 for two hours after their regular school. This place offers only babysitting, not crafts.


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What Color Is Grover?Ok everyone, I need your opinion. We are having a debate on Sesame Street's grover. Is he blue or purple? I say blue.


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Entertainment Ideas for a Single Female?I don't drink, smoke, gamble, do drugs, or go to church. The nearest place to volunteer is 100 miles away. People ask me if I have hobbies, it's like what? Does anyone have any ideas on what a single female could do?


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Widow Looking For Advice On Entertaining, Travel and Meals?After 50+ yrs of marriage I am now a widow. How do I become a content and successful single? I need ideas for entertaining, travel, and meals. Thanks, Lady Bet


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