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17th Birthday Ideas?My birthday is June 6th and I'm turning 17, but I have no idea of what to do. I would like it to be with boys and girls, but I really don't have clue what to do.


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Sweet Sixteen Birthday Ideas?I turn 16 in two weeks and I need ideas for a girl's sweet sixteen?


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 17th Birthday?My boyfriend of 2 years is 17 on April 14. And I have no clue what to get him. He loves baseball and hunting and fishing! But it's harder to put together a gift than you think. He has everything and never tells me what he wants. I just need help.


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16th Birthday Party Ideas?I turn 16 in December, but I'm thinking to have my party early cuz it's a week before Christmas and when I have parties in December no one shows up cuz they are too busy. What type of party should I do for my 16th birthday?


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A Gift for My Boyfriend?My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 months now. His birthday is coming and I'm confused on what to get him. He's turning 23 and he loves photography, wrestling, music, and traveling. He also seems interested in couple stuff (couple shirts, couple rings, etc.).


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?I'm turning 14 in September and I want to have my party in the summer. I plan on inviting boys and girls, but I don't know what to do. I love to party and go out with friends, but planning a party is not my thing. I thought about a bonfire, but my yard is too small.


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Ideas for My 14 Birthday Party?OK so my birthday is at the end of this month and I have no idea what I'm going to do for it. It needs to be really awesome, but I don't have any ideas. My birthday party last year wasn't all that great so I really need to step it up. Please give me ideas I'm running out of time to plan and save.


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?I don't know what to do for my birthday and unfortunately I live in a small town where we have to drive a long way to go somewhere. I am inviting 2 boys and maybe 3 girls. I need some ideas.


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First Communion Centerpiece Ideas?I would like an example of how to make a centerpiece for boy's first communion.


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30th Birthday Ideas and a Theme?What theme or ideas would you suggest for a 30th birthday celebration for a daughter who favorite color is black and a lover of pearls?


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16th Birthday Party Ideas?I turn 16 in July. I have most people coming in a hall, but I don't know what to do and I don't want it to be all dressy like MTV. I need ideas so my guests don't get bored.


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?Okay you might think I am completely crazy for asking this so early. I turn 14 on November 16. I know that's about eight months away, but I need to know what I am going to do so I can make a budget and start saving my money (yes my mom will be paying for most of it, but I want to help out).


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Sweet 16 Birthday Ideas?So my sweet 16 is coming up really soon. I can't have a really big dance party or anything, so I want to do something with my close friends, maybe like ten people. I really want to get dressed up and feel special. I am also a twin so it has to be something we could both agree on. Any ideas?


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?I'll be turning 14 in 3 weeks and everyone's cool with a party and all. All I need is a theme. I have no clue as to what to do. Please help. A Hollywood Party is a good idea, but idk what to do. It's surely gonna be dance though!


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15th Birthday Party Ideas?I wanted to go to a hotel w/a pool and hot tub, but the date I wanna do it is April 12th-13th and there are no open rooms. :-( So I wanna do something so fun that when we go back to school we'll be talking about it.



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Sweet 16 Party Ideas?I'm turning 16 in exactly one week, but I'm going I have my party at the beginning of April because my birthday is during Canadian spring break and lots of people are away. I have no ideas for themes or food.


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16th Birthday Party Ideas?Any good 16th bday party ideas? I'd like it to be unique and not involve massive amounts of people drinking at my house. I have lots of friends who are polar opposites and get a bit antsy. They also don't really know each other and I have a mesh of guys and girls.


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Activity Ideas for Teen Church Group?I am always looking for projects, crafts, and activities for teens of our YouthQuake at Lakewood Baptist Church.


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Cute Way to Say Yes to Prom Invitation?So my boyfriend asked me to prom by putting a path of Hersey kisses with roses from my front door to my room and a poster at the end that said I would kiss the floor you walk on if you would go to prom with me? And I wanna answer in a cute way how do I do it?


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14th Golden Birthday Party Ideas?I'm turning 14 on August 14th this year, and I want to do something special, as it is my Golden Birthday. I love everything fandom, from Doctor Who, to Youtubers, to Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Any ideas?


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Birthday Present for My Boyfriend?My boyfriend likes music, yet he doesn't like to go with the crowd. What should I get him for his birthday?


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16th Birthday Ideas?My birthday is coming up in May and I'm not sure what I wanna do for my birthday. Like I want to do something like with me and some of my friends, but I'm not sure what to do. There's so many things that I could do that I can't figure out what I want to do. Any suggestions?


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17th Birthday Party Ideas?I need ideas for a party for a 17 year old girl who is out-going and loves music and people.


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15th Birthday Party Ideas?I'm turning 15 in April and I don't know what to do. I'm thinking of going to the pub with some friends and family and then having a fire at my house and inviting like some of my close friends and my boyfriend, but I don't know what do do while it's going :(


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College Graduation Party Centerpiece Ideas: CPA?I would like some ideas for a centerpiece for a college graduation for someone with a CPA degree.


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Ideas for 17th Birthday?I have no ideas I need help!


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Sweet 16 Birthday Party Ideas?I'm trying to plan an inexpensive sweet 16, for late August. It is a co-ed party and most of them are soccer player like me. I want to be able to run around, but at the same time be able talk with my friends.


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Hiring a Motorbike for Birthday Party?I would like to surprise my daughter for her birthday by hiring a motorbike and rider to pick her up to take her to her party. How can I find one?


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Sweet 16 Birthday Ideas?My name is Kelly and I turn sixteen at the end of April. I want to have a small gathering of about 18 of my closest friends. I am also super preppy, I was thinking of either a luncheon, or tea party. The problem is I have no idea where to have one, or what to do.


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Ideas for Girl's 16th Birthday Party?I'm turning 16 in a month, I am having about 40 girls around to my house. We would have pass arounds, but we need something to do, or something to entertain us for 2 hours or so! All of my friends are really different and enjoy different things.



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17th Birthday Beach Party Ideas?I was thinking of inviting 6 friends (girls only) to my beach house to just hang around there. I can't throw a big party because my house is small, but there are restaurants, tennis courts, and beaches (2) nearby so what would be fun?


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?I am turning 14 in two weeks and I have no idea where to have my party. I am inviting guys and girls so I don't want it to be all girly. And I'll have around 25-30 people there.


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Sweet Sixteen Party Ideas?I will be turning 16 in July and I have no idea what I should have as my theme. I had a couple ideas, but everybody else turned them down. I also am on a budget.


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15th Birthday Party Ideas?I am turning 15 on February 24th and I'm trying to think of some ideas that aren't that expensive. My boyfriend will be there so I don't want it to be a sleepover and a girly party, plus I don't like girly parties. I can't think of anything and I could use a hand with ideas.


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15th Birthday Ideas?My 15th birthday is two days away and I have no idea what to do. Help!


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Leap Year Celebration for 18th Birthday?My son is turning 18 this year. I want to know of any ideas for a birthday celebration. He graduates high school this year, also. I think the frog theme is too juvenile for him. We celebrate on February 28 and March 1.


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?I need a little help. I'm turning 14 in 17 days. I was thinking of having three friends. It has to be cheap, not too girly, and no sleepovers (parents' decision).


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St. Patrick's Day Float Idea?We are a large Irish community living in Costa Blanca Spain and this will be our 3rd parade. We are looking for ideas for a simple float maybe where we can combine both countries.


Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 17th Birthday?My boyfriend turns 17 on Valentine's Day and I have no clue what too get him. He's not really into sports, but he does love music and loves iPods, etc. I want too get him something unique.


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?My 14th birthday party is in a few months, but I like to plan ahead. I am at a total loss for ideas. A few things to help you advise me are; I like tennis, mustaches, pandas, books, the color blue, and the show Psych.


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Sweet 16 Party Ideas?I am also having a sweet 16 in December and my theme is like black lights and glow in the dark stuff. I am trying to figure out some things to do. It is going to be a mixture of people. It's going to be boys and girls from ages to 14-17.


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16th Birthday Ideas?I'm turning 16 soon, and I would love to do something fun with my friends. My birthday is in late February and I'm in Southern California. I want to bring about 3-5 friends and since times are hard, it's $200 all together.


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15th Birthday Party Ideas?I am turning 15 years old in 2 days and still haven't figured out what I wanna do. All my friends are asking me what I'm gonna do, but I don't wanna have another party this year.I want something different.


Ideas for Sister's 17th Birthday?Tomorrow is my sister's 17th birthday (1st of February). What steps should I make?


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15th Birthday Party Ideas?My 15th birthday is in 2 weeks and I don't know what to do. I don't really want to do something big with lots of people. I just want to do something with my best friend, not something to expensive.



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12th Birthday Party Ideas?I need a fun party plan for my daughter's 12th birthday.


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50th Birthday Surprise Gift?We are taking a girl's trip to Jamaica to celebrate 50th birthdays. There will be 8 of us going. The problem is 6 of them are turning 50 this year, and I want to do something special to surprise them while we are there.


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Planning My Sweet 16th Birthday?I am planning a 16th birthday party mid August. I don't have a lot of money and I only have about 3-5 people in mind to invite. Do you have any ideas?


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Surprise 35th Birthday Party Ideas?I want to throw a cheap surprise party with friends for my husband's 35th bday this summer. We have limited parking at our house, so I'm not sure what to do there.


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?My birthday is in 10 days. I'm turning 14. I have no idea what I want to do. My mom and I have been trying to figure out something, but we haven't came up with anything so this was our last choice.


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?So my friend is throwing her party in 6 days, and she is inviting 3 people. So altogether there will be 4 girls. What should we do? We want to go somewhere. She is turning 14 and wants to do some awesome. Any suggestions please?


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Activities for an 11 Year Old Girl's Birthday Party?What activities can we do at an 11 year old's party?


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15th Birthday Party Ideas?I'm turning 15 in March and I don't know what to do. I want to invite some friends that are girls and guys. I want to do something that they both would like.


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16th Birthday Party Ideas?I am looking for ideas for my birthday party, including the dress code, color, and the theme of the party.


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Ideas for My 17th Birthday?I'm turning 17 on February 15, just after Valentine's Day. Despite it being after a special, widely celebrated event, I want my 17th to be memorable and special not like any other day.


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14th Winter Birthday Party Ideas?I have no clue what to do for my 14th birthday! It has to be cheap and my house is too little for a party. It's going to be a girl-boy party! Also I live in the dead beat country!


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St. Patrick's Day Float Ideas?We are doing a St. Patrick's Day float. We have many apartments and our slogan is "something for everyone" or "where the true hawks nest". Any theme ideas?


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14th Birthday Ideas for a Girl?My birthday is October 17 so it'll be pretty cold. I need something cheap and fun to do with some friends. Ideas?


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Ideas for a Girl's 15th Birthday Party?I'm turning 15 this February and I need some party ideas. It is still pretty cold where I live in February so I don't want anything outside.


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Sweet Sixteen Party Ideas?I'm having a sweet sixteen in April and it will be around income tax time so money is not an issue. I want to invite 30-40 friends, boys and girls.


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13th Birthday Ideas for Girls?What kind of birthday party should I have for my daughter? She's turning thirteen and I have no ideas for games or what kind of cake she wants.


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16th Birthday Gift Ideas for a Friend?My friend's birthday is coming up soon and I don't know what to buy him. Boys are hard to buy for and the hardest part is I barely have any money and he is turning 16.


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17th Birthday Party Ideas?I'm turning 17 in May and I want to rent a party bus, but I don't know where I'd take it? Or if I should? I just want a day to remember with close friends.


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14th Birthday Confusion?My birthday will be on February 8 2014, I'll be turning 14. I want a coed party, but I don't know how my mom/dad will react. I haven't had guys at my parties since 2nd grade.


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16th Birthday Party Ideas?My party is on the first of February, and I want to have a big celebration. The problem with that is I can't have an expensive party. People of both genders will be invited.


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13th Birthday Party Ideas?My child is having her party at a hotel. It is her 13th birthday party and soon after Xmas. We have had the makeover party with a beach theme, a Mexican fiesta themed party, and a pink themed party. And we are having it at a hotel so no pizza making. Thanks (:


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17th Birthday Options?I'm turning 17 on the 30th of January and I still don't have any ideas what I could do. My parents have said I can't have a big party this year so I have chosen to have a few friends over for a drink in the night.


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15th Birthday Party Ideas?It's my birthday in 12 days. My birthday is in January and I have no idea what to do, I don't have many friends haha and I live in the country side.


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?My birthday is in 4 weeks. I need something fun for girls and cheap. I live in New York and it's snowing.


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16th Birthday Party Ideas?I wanna have a really good 16th birthday party that everyone will remember and were they will have fun! I just need help figuring out what we could all do. My birthday is January 21st, but I'm having my party the 17th of January. Help!


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?I'm having a 14th birthday party (girl) and was wondering what suggestions you had for a fun birthday party including guys. I was thinking of a bonfire, but my birthday's in February and it all depends on weather. Please help I've looked at all the websites.


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15th Birthday Ideas?I have no ideas of what to do for my birthday. I have no money to put towards it and my parents are not paying towards it and my friends have little money at the moment. It is also winter, so the majority of things outdoors are ruled out.


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14th Birthday Ideas?May 17th I am turning 14. For the past few years I have not had a party because I either didn't have the time or have any ideas.


14th Birthday Ideas?I'm turning 14 in a few days and I don't want a big party I just want some ideas. I'm going to have like 3 or 4 friends. I don't know what to do. Do you have any ideas? Also it's not a party, I am just trying to do something with some friends.


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Sweet 16 Party Ideas?I am turning 16 in less than a month and I want to have a party, but I have no clue what I want to do. I'm thinking about inviting about 3-4 people. I'm not a girly-girl.


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14 Birthday Party Ideas?I'm turning 14 in a week and a half and I'm still not sure on what I want to do. It's very hard because my birthday is in the winter and I cannot have a party at my house.


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Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party Ideas?My best friend and I both have birthdays in March, so we decided that we should have our sweet sixteen together.


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July Sweet 16 Party Ideas?I have a sweet 16 coming up in July. I need it to be inexpensive and cool. I am not sure how many people I want to invite, but I want to have a few girls and maybe a guy or two.


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Black History Month Program Ideas?Each Sunday in February our church have activities recognizing Black History Month. We need new and fresh ideas. Do you have any suggestions?


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15th Birthday Party Ideas?I'm a 15 year old girl and I want to do something fun with a couple of friends. My birthday is in winter and I want to do something indoors that is inexpensive and not too girly. Any ideas?


Sweet 16 Birthday Party?I really need some ideas for a January birthday party. There will be 10-12 girls there. I know I don't want anything super, duper girly. Please help!


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Sweet 16 Birthday on a Budget?I am turning 16 at the end of February and I have no clue of what I want to do. I only have a couple friends that I want to invite (3-8). We all play volleyball, but that's not really a winter sport. Any interesting ideas?


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Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party Ideas?I know it's a few months away but I'm trying to think of a few ideas for a sweet sixteen party. I live in Alberta, Canada. My birthday is in April, so there will probably still be snow on the ground.


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?My 14th birthday is coming up and I have no idea what to do. I'm quite fun and energetic and so are my friends. I hope that helps.


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17th Birthday Ideas?I need help. I'm turning 17 on the 16th and want to have my party on a Friday or Saturday. I don't know what to do. I haven't had a party in a couple of years and I'm stumped. I would like something fun for girls and boys!


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16th Birthday Ideas?I'm turning 16 in February and I don't know what to do for my birthday party. We live in a small town so there is nothing really to do. I'm looking to have maybe four or five girls around the ages of 15/16.


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New Year's Day Parade Float Ideas?Any theme ideas for a New Year's day parade float put together by a homeschooling group?


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15th Birthday Party Ideas?I want to go out with my friends this year for my birthday, but I don't know what is fun for us to do considering my birthday is in December and its cold :} brrrr


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16th Birthday Party Plan?I'm turning 16 at the end of the week. My parents want a detailed party plan from the moment guests arrive to the moment they leave. I'm going with a "Summer Evening" theme...


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14th Birthday Hotel Party Ideas?I'm turning 14 and I want to have a hotel party, but I don't know what kind of fun stuff to do at a hotel party ?


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Birthday Gift for Boyfriend?My boyfriend turns 18 in 10 days. He really likes tools and loves to work on things. Should I get him a tool box or what?


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14th Birthday Ideas?It's my 14th birthday on the 17th of January. I have just over a month to plan it. I want just girls I think, nothing big, but I don't want any of the makeover kind of stuff. I want something fun, but I don't have a pool or anything. Any ideas? Please!


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Sweet 16 Birthday Party Ideas?I am looking at having my sweet 16th party at my house and it's coming up in about two weeks now. There will be both guys and girls coming. What kinds of things should I do to keep everyone entertained?


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Sweet 16 for Twins - Girl and Boy?In May I'm having a sweet 16. I have a twin brother and of course, we have to have it together. We are having trouble with a party theme appropriate for a boy and girl.


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Planning my 14th Birthday Party?My theme for my birthday party is Duck Dynasty and I have no idea what to do. I am planning on inviting a few friends, people from my church, and my family.


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17th Birthday Party Ideas?What should I do for my 17th birthday party? It's on February the 26th.


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Choosing a Gift for Boyfriend?My boyfriend and I have been dating for close to 2 months and his birthday is coming up. It's also around Christmas. He's turning 19 and I am wondering if I should have his birthday present simpler and smaller and then go more out for Christmas?


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Parade Float Ideas for Football Team and Cheerleaders?Our area private school just started a football team this past season. We would like to let the boys and the cheerleaders ride in the parade. I need a good idea for a float to incorporate the football players and the cheerleaders. Any ideas?


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Sweet Sixteen Party?I don't know what to do for my birthday considering I live in the middle of no where and it will most likely snow! I want to have the party at my house and need really cool ideas.


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Sweet 16 Party Ideas?I'll be turning 16 in about 3 months, and wanted to have an idea of what to do. Anyone have any ideas?


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Ordering Prizes for Office Party?For our office party we are awarding superlatives. I would like to order statues for the "Best Dressed" male and female. Any suggestions of sites to search?


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Fun Places for 16th Birthday?What are some good, fun, exciting, unusual places to have your 16th bday that would be remembered forever?


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"North Pole" Christmas Parade Float Ideas?I need ideas for a Christmas parade float for a dog rescue and the theme is "North Pole". We would like to have a catchy phrase.


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16th Birthday Party Ideas?My birthday is February 10th and I'm going to be 16. I am going to get a car for my birthday, but if I get a car I can't have a big party. So I decided just to get a car and have a little party with close friends.


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Sweet 16th Birthday Ideas?I am turning 16 in January, it will be nice and hot weather. I want this birthday to be something to remember. I am allowed up to 40 people.


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Speech for Pastor's Installation Service?What should I say when I make a presentation to our pastor during his installation service?


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Surprise Ideas for Friend's 15th Birthday?I want to do something for my friend's birthday in December. She is kinda a tom girl, but might like shopping. She is turning 15!


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Sweet 16 Ideas?I'm turning 16 in May and I still have no clue what kind of party I want to have! I don't plan on having a big party with 40 people there. I want a small party with at least 15-20 people there.


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