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Planning a Wedding on a $2000 Budget?I am trying to plan a wedding with $2,000, but I have no idea where to start.


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Choosing Calla Lilies and Roses for Wedding?I will be getting married September 16, 2018 and I was wanting roses and calla lilies for my flowers. Will they they have bloomed in time for it? Or will I have to go with a different flower?


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Inexpensive Wedding Dinner Ideas?Can any suggest cheap ideas for a wedding dinner?


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Keeping a Wedding Guest List Small?My grandson is marrying a sweet, shy young lady from another state who is planning a very small wedding; as a matter of fact her guest list adds up to 15 people. Economic issues and the fact that her family is uncomfortable with large gatherings underlie these plans.


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Using Stargazer Lilies for a Wedding?I am getting married at the end of August of this year. This will be an outdoor wedding and I would like to use stargazer lilies, but am not sure if they would last in the heat. I really want them at least in my bouquet and the girls. I am not sure about the boots or corsages yet. What do you think?


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Wedding Decoration Ideas?Please I am planning for my wedding and am so confused. I am thinking of doing my wedding outdoors or renting a hall. I want a wonderful decoration for either. My colours are orange, olive green, royal blue, and red.


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Planning a Wedding and Reception on $3000 or Less?I'm planning my wedding for 3/14/2015 and I'm way behind and I don't know what to do. We have a budget of $2500.00-$3000.00 with 50 guests. I going to use I recreation center and make almost everything to save money. I'm so lost, please help. I want to decorate and...


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Planning an Elopement?Bill and I are planning to elope. We don't have a lot of money, but would like a place to be wed. I was thinking about a bed and breakfast and if possible to have a priest or minister as well. Any ideas would be appreciated.


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Guests at Groomsman's Dinner?Who exactly should all be invited to the dinner? Should it be the wedding party, parents of both couples, grandparents of both couples?


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Small Wedding or Elopement?We want a super small wedding! Either just the two of us, or very few people. We live in Washington state and need some help with ideas.


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Commitment Ceremony Plans?My boyfriend and I want to have a commitment ceremony, but have very little space to have one, and not much money to have it somewhere else. What should we do?


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Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Decorating Ideas?My son will be getting married in early May 2014. He lives on the coast of South Carolina and wants to have a BBQ meal. What type of decorations would be appropriate for a rustic marina type facility right on the water that would be informal yet still present that "wow" factor....


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Planning a Small Late Evening Wedding and Dinner?We are having a very small intimate beach wedding in the late winter on the shore at the Gulf of Mexico. We are planning the wedding to be at about 9pm under a full moon.


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Small Coin Envelopes to Use for Rice at Wedding?Instead of making up rice bags with the netting and tying a ribbon around it, I thought maybe we could fill coin envelopes with rice. I plan to put some kind of a decorative sticker on the outside with the bride and groom's name and date or something like that.


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Shoe and Hosiery Colors for Taupe Dress?What color shoes should I wear, as mother of the bride, with a taupe dress with silver sequins? What color hosiery should I wear?



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Serving Champagne for a Wedding Toast?When the toast is made to the bride and groom we will have wine glasses for the bridal party. What do we do about the other people at the reception? Is it OK to just use a regular cup?


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Ideas for Planning a Wedding on a Budget?I would like some ideas for planning a wedding with the theme, soul food. Please provide thrifty ideas. Thank you.


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Planning a Wedding on $3000?We haven't set a date yet, but we want to get married in 2014 after June, we both will have our bachelors in June and want to have our wedding afterwards. What month is it cheaper to get married in?


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Choosing Flowers for Wedding Reception?My daughter's wedding will be March of 2013. She has chosen precious metals as her color scheme: bronze, gold, and pewter and wants cream calla lilies. We would like candles and flowers at the reception tables. What type and color flowers would you recommend?


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Inexpensive Menu Ideas for Large Rehearsal Dinner?Instead of a rehearsal dinner I thought we could have all the family members and wedding party for the meal after the wedding rehearsal. Between the 2 families, if everyone came it would 80 people then add in the pastor, bridesmaids, groomsmen, and maybe dates if they have one.


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Autumn Wedding Ideas on a Budget?I would like to know if anyone has any good ideas for DIY decor/creative wedding transportation ideas for an autumn wedding?


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Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Ideas?My wedding is in the spring and I have no idea what to do for my rehearsal dinner. I live in Maine so the springtime gets very muddy we are also on a very tight budget :/ Help please!


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Wedding and Honeymoon on $5,500 Budget?I only have a $5,500 budget for my wedding and honeymoon. I was wondering if I could pull it off? I live in Newport News, Virginia. Please help.


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Ideas for Wedding Flowers?We are having a spring wedding. The week after Easter to be exact and the church is filled with lilies and tulips during this time. We have gone with the pink, purple, and green approach because these seemed to be the Easter pastel colors.


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What Does the Groom's Family Pay For?My 21 year old son is newly engaged. I am so new to wedding information. Please help me! I know we have to pay for the rehearsal dinner, but don't agree with what her family includes in that. Help!


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Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Ideas?Any ideas for a rehearsal dinner for 50? The bride's parents are having a $20 a plate wedding for 300 people. I hate to look too cheap, but I am on a budget! (It is a summer wedding.)


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Wedding Etiquette: Groom's Family's Responsibilities?My son has just become engaged to a girl with a wealthy family. I am not wealthy and am also divorced from his dad. What are my obligations, as I know they will be putting on a huge wedding. I love my son dearly, but don't know what I can do!


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Planning a Wedding on a $1,500 Budget?I need help with my wedding. I have the venue, for an awesome price. Now I would like to stay on a budget of 1,500 dollars. I welcome any and all help please. I live in the bay area so I welcome the help. My wedding date is 3/24/11.


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Choosing the Flower Color for Bridesmaids Bouquets?My bridesmaids are wearing wine, what color flowers will go with that?


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Ideas for an Inexpensive Commitment Ceremony?My boyfriend and I have been together for about 8 yrs. and we are planning to be together the rest of our lives. We want to have a vow exchange between the two of us and have a small get together after with family and some friends.



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Planning a Commitment Ceremony?My girlfriend and I are looking to have a commitment ceremony. We want to do it for under $2,000 with the reception included. Any suggestions?


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Planning a Wedding Reception for $1500?My son is active duty Army in Alaska and just got married. We were given only 4 weeks notice so of course no one from our side of the family could attend. Tickets are a minimum of $1,100.


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Wedding Meal on a Tight Budget?We have a small budget for our wedding and catering is so expensive. If we do it ourselves with frozen lasagna, salad and bread will it look cheap? How can we have a nice meal on a tight budget?


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Third Wedding Attendance Etiquette?My brother has been dating a woman for 5 months (kids involved both sides). I just found out they are getting married in 1 month. Do I have to attend it? It is his and her 3rd wedding. What is the protocol? My husband thinks it's goofy to attend when it is the 3rd time around. Ideas?


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Need Help Planning an Inexpensive Wedding?I am looking for ideas for how to plan a nice wedding on a tight budget?


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Ideas for a Frugal Wedding?I'm interested in any suggestions on how to contain the cost of a wedding. For example, I need help with dresses, flowers, food, venues, etc.


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Planning a Wedding Reception For Under $2000?Is there a way I can have my wedding reception for under $2,000 including venue, DJ, and catering. The wedding is in 60 days please respond ASAP. Thank you.


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Pink And Blue Wedding Decorations?I have chosen the colors blue and pink for my wedding. Does anyone have any pictures or inspiration boards with these colors?


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$1500 Wedding Budget?How can I do a wedding on a 1,500 dollar budget?


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Using a Vinyl Record for a Wedding Guest Book?We want to use a vinyl record as our guest book at our wedding. Any suggestions on the best type of marker to use?


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Planning a Wedding on a $5,000 Budget?I have 3 months to plan my whole wedding by myself. Nobody is helping me to pay for it and my budget is $5000. I don't really want to spend more money because I want to save it for some traveling after, and I believe that is going to be more expensive.


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Finding Inexpensive Weddings Supplies?Where can I find discounted or used wedding supplies? We're doing our wedding on a tight budget, but I have some hopes for simple elegance as well. I don't want things looking cheap or cheesy.


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Planning a Very Small Wedding?I have a friend who is having a private wedding with only 6 guests. She has asked me to assist her but neither she nor I know where to start planning. We have already chosen a gown to wear.


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Ideas for an Exchange of Vows Ceremony and Party?I have been with my boyfriend for about 10 years. We both have been divorced so, we are a little gun shy about the whole wedding thing. We would like to say our vows to each other in private and exchange rings.


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Where Can I Find Inexpensive Wedding Invitations and Decorations?How do l get invitation cards, cheap centerpieces, table cloths, balloons, and plates? I really do not mind if they are used. Thank you for the reply.



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Creating a Wedding Supply Check List?I need a whole list of supplies need for a wedding. I feel like I'm forgetting something. Please help.


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Planning a Wedding and Reception on a $2000 Budget?My fiance and I are getting married next March and I only have a budget of $2000 to work with. I don't know where to start. I also don't know what type of low budget foods people would like, and we are inviting over 100 people.


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Roles for Children in a Wedding?We have something of a dilemma. My daughter is getting married soon, and there are 2 four year old girls and 3 young boys (2 four year olds and a six year old) that will be in the wedding.


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Cheap Ideas for a Wedding Rehearsal Dinner?My groom and I are paying for every aspect of out wedding. So we are a little strapped for cash when it comes to the rehearsal dinner. I was going to have sandwiches or something at the house.


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Wearing Flowers in Your Hair for Wedding Ceremony?My daughter's getting married on March 12th and wants to wear fresh flowers in her hair. She's wearing her hair curled and down. I need ideas on a medium or light pink flower that has a long enough stem that can be inserted under some bobby pins and not fall out easily.


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Wedding For Under $5000?How can I have a dream wedding for under $5000


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Ideas for a $300 Wedding?I need cheap ideas for a $300 wedding for 50 people. The dress and place are already taken care of. They are having a church wedding in July. My sister doesn't have a lot of money to throw her daughter a wedding. Any ideas? Is it possible? Thanks.


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Seating for Wedding Appetizers?We are planning to get married around 6 PM. The reason for the later ceremony is that we do not plan to serve dinner. Instead we will be serving lots of hearty appetizers and of course a proper dessert. I really want to have speeches the traditional way.


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Engagement Party Etiquette?Can the groom's family have an engagement party for the couple? The bride's family lives three hours north and may want to have a party up there. How do we do this?


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Is There a Difference Between the Rehearsal and Groom's Dinner?I am the mother of the Groom. The wedding is in August, 2010. I don't have a clue. The Bride says I am responsible for the rehearsal dinner. My sister asked what the plans are for the Groom's dinner. Are these the same thing?


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Planning a Wedding for Under $3000?I'm planning a wedding for 10/09/10. I am on a strict budget of $3000 dollars. I would appreciate any tips and advice you could share to make wedding a memorable event.


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Flowers to Match My Wedding Colors?My wedding colors are chocolate, pink, and cream. I was wondering if someone has suggestions on flowers and flower colors.


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Finding a Reasonably Priced Wedding Venue and Caterer?My fiance and I would love to have a beautiful, elegant, evening wedding on an $8,000 dollar budget. My dress, shoes, and jewelry are already paid for. The bridesmaids' dresses and shoes they will be purchasing themselves.


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Making a Courthouse Wedding Special?My fiancee and I have decided to go to the courthouse (or maybe our pastor's chambers) to be married. Is there any thing we can do to make this kind of special? We don't have much money.


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Inexpensive Western Wedding Decorations?My fiance and I are getting married in May 2010 and we are having a western wedding with royal blue and silver as our colors. We will be getting married on our acreage, with our reception there too. I am looking for easy, cheap, do-it-yourself decorations.


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Planning A Low Waste Wedding?I am looking for thrifty, but sustainable "green" wedding tips. Our wedding is in a month and we are trying to make it as sustainable as possible, without losing its frugality.


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Alternative to Unity Candles?My nephew is having a 4th of July wedding. It will be outside and he wanted to know what to use instead of unity candles because the wind will blow them out. Any other ideas with the same concept?


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Picnic Themed Rehearsal Dinner Ideas?I need some ideas for a fall "picnic" themed rehearsal dinner.


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Selling Wedding Supplies?How can I sell my wedding supplies?


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Reception Ideas for an "At Home" Wedding?Does anyone have any ideas on how to make a nice reception for an at home wedding? We have a small budget and this is a second marriage. Would a BBQ be tacky? We are having a casual ceremony. Any food and decorating suggestions? I am not really creative. Thanks!


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Planning a Wedding and Reception for $1500?I'm planning a wedding for August 1, 2009 (12 weeks from now) and have limited budget ($1500). I would like to find a place to have the ceremony and reception with about 80 guests.


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Getting Married Near Thanksgiving?Would any of you experienced wedding planners please share the pros and cons of getting married the Saturday before Thanksgiving or the Saturday after Thanksgiving?


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Reinforcing a Wedding Runner?I have a huge question to ask about weddings, mine is 5/9/09. I am having an outdoor wedding at my home and I have bought a wedding runner. But I found out it has no backing and am afraid of high heel shoes going through it.


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Selecting Songs for a Wedding?I need to know if you play another song before the wedding march song for your maids of honor and brides maids to walk down. What song can you use? I don't think they walk down to the wedding March song.


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Telling Your Family About a Marriage Engagement?My wedding date is July 16, 2009. My fiance asked me to marry him about a month ago. Everything is going well, but I do not know how to let my family know. They do not like him. What should I do?


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Floor Covering Ideas for a Barn Wedding Reception?Our son and his bride-to-be are having their reception in a barn. What could we put on the ground under the tables? I know we can rent a dance floor but flooring for the whole barn is too much? Thanks.


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Planning a Wedding and Reception for Under $2500?My fiance and I are getting married at the end of August and are on a tight budget. We need somewhere to hold a ceremony and reception for 60 guests. Our budget is $2000 - $2500.


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Planning a Wedding on a $6000 Budget?My fiance and I are trying to plan a cheap wedding in NJ. Realistically, we want everything to cost around $6000. Any help?


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Mother-of-the-Groom Dress Ideas?I need mother-of-the-groom dress ideas, pronto. It is a summer wedding. I probably won't lose weight in time for the wedding, so I need to hide what will be the shoes (the hips, ...). The jacket, top or the outfit needs to be watermelon pink. Any suggestions?


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Length of a Wedding Slideshow?How long should a wedding reception slideshow last?


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Decorations for a Groom's Dinner?Our son is getting married next Fall and does not have a clue what kind of Groom's/Rehearsal dinner. I need ideas for decorations. Does anyone have ideas?


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Printing Your Own Wedding Programs?My daughter is getting married. We are wondering if you have to go to a printer to do wedding programs, or if anyone has a way of making them? I do want them to look nice. Is there a special program to do this? Same thing with little cards for the favors. Can you do them yourself or do you need a professional?


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Locations to Host an Engagement Party?My best friend recently got engaged and I would like to throw an engagement party for her and her fiance. Only I live in a small one bedroom apartment in downtown. Can anyone give me some suggestions for an inexpensive place to host an engagement party?


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Inexpensive March Wedding?I have a friend who is getting married in March and she wants a nice wedding with bridesmaids and all, but she doesn't want to spend a lot of money. Any ideas on how she can have a nice wedding without breaking her piggy bank?


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Calculating Costs for a Large Wedding?I have a nephew, that's getting married next month. His new bride wants a large wedding, with four bride-maids. How much would the wedding cost?


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Finger Foods For Halloween Wedding?I need ideas for finger foods for my Halloween Wedding @ 7:00 p.m. I would greatly appreciate anyone's ideas. I had pumpkin muffins with ham at one wedding but need a recipe as well.


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How Much Do Wedding Flowers Cost?I am planning a spring wedding. I need a lot of stuff and I was wondering on the prices for flowers. I need 14 boutonnières and 8 corsages and two center pieces for the church all real and then fake 7 boutonnières. The colors are cornflower blue and yellow and I don't know what flowers I want.


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Gift Basket Ideas for Wedding Guests?I am trying to get ideas for what to put in a lovely basket for my out of town guests who will be coming for my wedding. I want the hotel personnel to give them to my guests, as they check into their hotels.


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Planning A Spring Wedding?My wedding is in march on the 15th. How do I plan my spring wedding?


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Engagement Party Ideas?I'm having an engagement party in two weeks at my apartment and its going to be mostly family with a few friends. Does anyone have any ideas of things we could do so that its not just standing around and talking? I want everyone to feel involved and not awkward or out of place.


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Planning A Frugal Wedding Quickly?My fiance and I are trying to get married this August. As far as we know we have no financial support coming from our families and we are stuck going at it alone. I'm in college so I do not make much money and he is the only one working full time but we still don't have a lot of extra cash to spare.


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Inexpensive Wedding Hall In Washington DC?My daughter is getting married in August and we are in need of an inexpensive wedding hall. I'm trying to help her. But funds are really tight.


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Wedding Reception For Under $1000?I'm trying to plan a wedding, and have no idea where to start. I only have $1000 for the entire reception. If anyone has any ideas on what to do, please help me!


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Colors for a March Wedding?We are planning a March wedding, for this year. What are good color options for this month?


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Newlywed Financial Advice?My fiance and I are finally moving in together after a long distance relationship. I am wondering how I can find a reliable financial adviser and/or what investments we need to start looking into. We still need to pay for our wedding and find a place to live.


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Help Planning Elegant Wedding For $2,000?I am getting married May 24, 2008 and we are on a very tight budget, but I want it to be very elegant. My budget is around $2,000, can anyone give me any help, please!


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Cheap Table Clothes For Wedding Reception?What can I use to make cheap tablecloths for the banquet tables for my wedding reception.


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Wedding Reception in a Church's Gym?I need ideas on how to transform a church gym to an elegant yet inexpensive wedding reception.


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Gift Baskets for Wedding Guests?Our son is getting married this summer. I would like to put a gift basket in the hotel rooms of our out of town guests. Does anyone have any suggestions for inexpensive items?


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Creating a Budget for My Wedding?How do I budget for my wedding?


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Wedding Mints?I want the recipe for those mints you make in molds for weddings, bridal showers or baby showers.


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Planning Weddings on a Budget?I'm looking to get married in about 6 weeks and between me and my fiance there are 7 children. We don't have much money but are looking for ways to have a nice wedding.


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Sources for Wedding Flowers?Sources for Wedding Flowers. I'm trying to save money on my wedding by creating my own flower arrangements. Any ideas where I can get the flowers from?


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Should I Keep My Last Name?I am 64, my fiance is 65, and we are getting married in November. Would it be financially better (taxes, health issues, etc.) for me to keep my current last name? We have both been married before and have grown married children.


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Planning a Simple Wedding?I am wanting a simple wedding. My fiance is wanting to wear blue jeans and a nice dress shirt. He is also wanting to wear cowboy boots and his cowboy hat. Will that look okay with my dress?


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Buying Tulips for a June Wedding?I am planning my wedding for June 07' and I am interested in having tulips at the wedding. Everyone keeps telling me that they are out of season and that they will be expensive. Does anyone know if they are available for the first week in June and how much they cost?


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Quick and Inexpensive Wedding Decorations?My husbands aunt is getting married in 2 weeks and has not done any planning for decorations at the reception. I have been given the task. I need some ideas for quick and simple inexpensive decorations in lavendar in green that I can pull this together.


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Wedding Flower Advice?I have a wedding this December 2006. I'm having some trouble deciding what kind of flowers and color of flowers to use as my center pieces. If there is anyone that could give me some ideas please do.


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Something for Guests to Throw at Our Wedding?I need some ideas for something for the guests to throw at our wedding as we leave the church. I do not want to use bubbles, rice, or petals, something original and inexpensive. There will be about 300 guests and our colors are black and white with red accents.


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Luau Wedding Rehearsal?My son is getting married this summer. He wants a luau themed rehearsal dinner, very fun and relaxed. I know I can order decorations from some of the web sites but does anyone have suggestions for things we can do, music we can play, decorations, and (most needed) food suggestions?


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Wedding Expenses - Who Should Pay For What?I was just wondering if anyone knows where I can find a link of who pays for what expenses in a wedding?


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Wedding Vendors in San Antonio, Texas?I'm a wedding planner just moved to San Antonio. I need to hear from BRIDES in this area. Who have you used? Photographers, locations, hair, makeup, catering, music? Please let me know about your good experiences with suppliers in this area.


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Bridesmaid Dress Dilemma?My best friend asked me to be her Matron of Honor. She emailed me today and said she would like to buy my dress and shoes. I am kind of stuck. I would like to buy it but is it ok if she does? She already will have enough to pay for. Any thoughts?


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Elegant, but Cheap, Wedding Decorations?I am getting Married in September 2005 and it is a afternoon wedding. We have opted to pay for it ourselves and my colors are wine and champagne the accent color is gold.


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An Indoor Wedding For Less Than $1,500?Hi all thrifters. I am from New Jesey and cannot afford a $3000 wedding. My fiancee and I want a reception indoors, with a DJ, and dinner food (not brunch), but are looking to spend between $1000 to $1,500. I have made requests for help before but I was not specific, so many people, whose ideas were all great, suggested brunch and outdoors.


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How to Unstick Marshmallows?My daughter is doing a very "untraditional" thing at her reception. Instead of throwing rice or blowing bubbles she wants to throw mini marshmallows, I think it will be cute but the marshmallows I have bought are starting to get sticky. Any suggestions as to how to "unstick" them so we can put them in tulle bags?


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Hot Pink, Blue, and White Wedding Colors?I am planning my wedding. It is hard to decide on colors. I wanted royal blue, silver, and white, but I was told that the flowers would probably look black in the pictures and it is hard to find royal blue items. So I think I am going to go with hot or bright pink.


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Wedding Etiquette and Setting Up a Budget?I am getting married June of next year and am trying very hard to get together a budget for my wedding which I am planning myself. I have been doing research after research and can't come up with one answer. My mother is going to be my maid of honor, but what about his mother?


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Saving Money On Our Honeymoon?Hi fellow spendthrifts! Well after being married and saving for 9 years my husband and I can finally afford a honeymoon! (YEAH) We want to go somewhere tropical, ie Jamaica, Fiji, etc. I've been looking at prices and nearly had a cow.


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Flower Advice For a June Wedding?I am getting married in june 2005 and I don't know about flowers. What flowers do I use for a june wedding? What flowers should I put in the aisle and use for the banquet. I am lost with flowers but my mother wants flowers. I don't want to spend too much money. Jennifer from Texas


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Buying a Wedding Ring With Bad Credit?I want to propose to my girlfriend but I don't have the money to buy a ring right this moment, so are there any sites out there that you can buy now and pay later without good credit? and you can receive the ring before you get finish paying it off! Allan


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Planning an Engagement Party?I have to plan an engagement party for my brother and his fiance. I don't know what to do. I am married, but never had one myself. Please help. Kimberly


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