
Removing MoldAsk a Question Follow

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Mildew on Christmas Decorations Stored in Bomb Shelter?We have a bomb shelter under our house in California. Really unusual I know. Any way, last year my husband wanted to clean out the garage, so we packed up all holiday stuff in tubs (not air proof.) And put them in shelter. We just got Christmas stuff out and to my disapointment, As I told my husband everything smells like mildew really bad. The items do not actually have mold on them they just smell really bad. I have done many searches on how to get mildew smells out of non washable items. I am so sad I do not want to have to throw away all my accumulated stuff, memories, kids crafts, wrapping paper, cards, stockings etc. I also have a 23 month little boy that has asthma and I dont want to risk his health. If I must throw all of it away I will but I dont want to. Any advice or ideas would be appreciated. And as it figures I bought a ton of stuff last year. Kitten from Cali


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Mold on a Baby Swing?We had a baby swing given to us but it has mold or mildew on the seat cover. Can this be removed and if so what do I use? Can you buy new seat covers for them?


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Mold on Converse Chuck Taylors?How do you get mould off of pink canvas sneakers. They are Converse Chuck Taylors.


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What does mold look like?What does mold and mildew look like and how do I get rid of it?


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Removing Mold from Pushchair?My mother-in-law borrowed my pushchair and put it in her garage and now it has grown mold all over it! I have tried scrubbing with washing powder and kitchen cleaner (its the only thing I had with bleach in it) but so far nothing has worked. It's the type of mold that looks like black spots. I would be really grateful if someone knows what to do to get rid of it! Many thanks in advance.


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Removing Mold and Mildew From Boat?We need to clean mold/mildew off of our boat. It has vinyl interior and a fiberglass outer. It is everywhere due to a cut in the tarp we did not know about! I need a strong but safe suggestion. Please help!


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Black Mold on Tile Roof?I've read on this board about various posts offering advice to use a mixture of bleach and water on shingle roofs. How about on tile roofs? And what are the mixture ratios and how long to leave on before rinsing?


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Mold on Wood Window Sills?How do you remove mold from wood window sills?


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Removing Mold from Kitchen Cabinets?There are some mold or mildew growths on my sister's kitchen cabinets. Could someone tell us how to remove them and keep the mold from coming back?


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Using EZ Breathe Ventilation System for Mold?We are considering buying a EZ Breathe machine to rid us of mold in our basement. Looking for advice and solutions.


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Identifying Toxic Mold?My son is looking at a house to rent with a few buddies. He took me over to see it today its very nice, very old. I could smell dampness from the basement when we walked in there is a lot of mold coming through the walls in the basement.


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Mould and Salt Stains on Brick?How do I treat mould and salt deposits, on a single brick construction?


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Removing Mold from Brick?What can I use to clean black mold off brick paving?


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Mold on Baby Jumper Seat?I have a mildew stain on my baby's cover, that is on the seat of the Rain Forest swing and baby bouncer. I need to know how to clean the covers that go on them.


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Mattress Smells Moldy?We had water damage in our bedroom last year and now our mattress smells like mold. How do you remove the smell?



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How Do I Clean a Moldy Bathroom Before Painting?How do I clean a moldy bathroom prior to painting?


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How Do I Rid of Black Mold in My House?I am helping my boyfriend clean up his house so we can move in. Please give me some advise, it is full of black mold. What should I do to get rid of it? I don't even want to go in there. Is there any home remedy I can use?


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Removing Mold From Books?I have many books that have have been on shelves in a room that has significant mold contamination. How can I remove any mold contamination of the books.


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Bathroom Smells Moldy?I had a leak in my roof and a lot of rain came through the ceiling around the fan vent in my bathroom. The roof is now patched, but the insulation in the attic must be moldy because the room smells strongly of mildew. How can I get rid of the moldy smell?


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Cleaning Mold and Odor from a Velvet Lined Guitar Case?My guitar case which is made of plywood and lined with a gold rayon velvet was covered with mold after being in storage for about 4 years. It is mostly the outside of the case and inside the case at a few of the 90 degree angles, there are splotchy circles of mold.


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Removing Mold from Awning?Is there something I can use to remove the mould on my folding arm awning on my balcony? As I am on the 2nd floor it is hard for me to use a hose. I was hoping there may be something I can spray on that would make it dissolve without the need of being hosed off.


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Prepping and Painting Plaster Walls With a Chronic Mold Problem?I have a multi-part question, especially for anyone with experience renovating older homes (with emphasis on TLC projects, I would assume.)


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Removing Mold on a Stroller?How do I remove mold from my daughter's Peg Perego Aria stroller?


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Painting Moldy Basement Walls?Do I need to remove mold from basement walls before repainting? What kind of paint should I use?


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Removing Black Mold from Window Sills?I have a lot of condensation on my windows and where water collects in the sills, there is black mold. How should I clean this? I can't afford new windows.


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How Do I Remove Green Mold From Concrete Near Garden?Can anyone suggest how to remove green mold from concrete without having to use harsh chemicals and without affecting the bordering garden bed? Your help is appreciated.


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Getting Rid of Mold in the Kitchen and Refrigerator?I was around oranges at my daughter's house with mold on them and could hardly breathe. Now I find mold in the bathroom sink and on food in my refrigerator. Where is it coming from? I feel as if I need to move out of my house. I am having difficulty breathing. Please help.


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Removing Mold Spores from a Room?During the course of many years and failed attempts to stop rain leakage in a room of our house we finally have found the problem and fixed the hidden area of the roof. That was over a year ago and we are ready to fix the damage inside.


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Cleaning Mold Stains Off Cushions?How do I rid some cotton cushions that I have left outside of mold stains?


Cleaning up Mildew From Wood

Removing Mildew from Wood?This is a page about removing mildew from wood. Mildew can damage wood and smell up a room faster than you might think. Cleaning up mildew can be very difficult, especially on wood.



Balack mokd on the wall.

Getting Rid of Black MoldThis is a page about getting rid of black mold. Mold can thrive in damp poorly ventilated areas of your home. While there are many types of mold, black mold is one of the more toxic ones to humans. Getting rid of mold can be difficult depending on where it is located and the cause for its growth.


Moldy Tiles and Bathtub

Cleaning Mold in the BathtubThis is a page about cleaning mold in the bathtub. Your bathtub is a place to get clean. If it gets dirty and moldy then it's impossible to use it for yourself, so it is important to clean mold out of the tub as soon as possible.


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Removing Mold from Unglazed Painted Ceramic Items?How do you get mold or mildew off ceramic items that aren't glazed without taking the paint off?


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Cleaning Mold Off a Chair?I have a "moon chair" that was in my basement, and now has spots of mold on it. How can I clean this chair? Since it's a chair, I cannot put it is my washing machine. Thanks for any helpful information you can give me.


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Mildew Smell on Playpen?I have a portable baby playpen and it has developed a smell of mold or mildew. I have heard that hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove it. Is there a sure way to sanitize and remove this odor?


Removing Mildew Smell from Clothes

Removing Mildew Smell from Clothes?This page is about removing mildew smell from clothes. The clothes have been cleaned, but the moldy odor is still present.


Removing Mold From Shoes

Removing Mold From ShoesThis is a page about removing mold from shoes. Shoes sometimes get moldy when stored in a damp closet or put away wet.


Removing Mildew From Tiles

Removing Mildew From Tiles?This page is about removing mildew from tiles. Often mildew develops in the bathroom, where it doesn't completely dry out.



Removing Mold Stains on FabricThis is a page about removing mold stains on fabric. Mold can grow on many surfaces, particularly in damp areas.


Canvas Tent

Removing Mold From Canvas?This page is about removing mold from canvas. When fabric can not dry out completely, mold and mildew can develop.


Mold and Mildew in Corner

Preventing MildewThis page is about preventing mildew. Reducing the amount of moisture and good air circulation help to reduce mold growth.


Sunroof Gasket

Cleaning Mold on a Sunroof Gasket?Mold can grow on the gasket of your car's sunroof, potentially leaving ugly stains. This is a page about cleaning mold on a sunroof gasket.


Non Toxic Mold Cleaner

Non-Toxic Mold Cleaners?There are some natural, non-toxic products that are effective in removing mold. This is a page about non-toxic mold cleaners.



DampRid ReviewsMildew can leave behind stains if not prevented. DampRid is a spray-on product that cleans mildew stains. This page contains reviews of DampRid.


Moldy Old Garage

Getting Rid of Mold in My Garage?This page is about getting rid of mold in my garage. Unheated, moist space can become a great environment for mold and mildew to grow.



Mold on Window Seals

Getting Rid of Mold on Window Seals?This is a page about getting rid of mold on window seals. Condensation on the inside of windows can allow mildew or mold to develop.


Mold from Growing on House Siding

Keeping Mold from Growing on House Siding?Humid climates and natural disasters can lead to mold growth on the siding of your home. This is a page about keeping mold from growing on house siding.


Blue Suede Shoes

Removing Mildew on Suede?If allowed to grow for any length of time, mildew can stain your suede clothing, shoes, or furniture. This is a page about removing mildew on suede.


mold on garage ceiling

Health Hazards of Black Mold?Does black mold in your garage ceiling effect your health in the home?


Young boy laying on a bed and wrinkling his nose

Removing Mildew from a MattressThis is a page about removing mildew from a mattress. Mildew can grow on your mattress as a result of moisture and humidity.


Man power washing tile roof

Cleaning Black Streaks (Mold) on a RoofThis is a page about cleaning black streaks on roof (mold) on a roof. Mold can grow on a wide variety of surfaces including the shingles on your roof.


Old stuffed bear sitting in front of a rainy window

Cleaning Mildew from a Stuffed ToyThis is a page about removing mildew from a stuffed toy. Stuffies can get wet and if left that way, begin to grow mildew that needs to be removed for the health of your child.


The bottom of a wicker basket.

Removing Mold on Baskets?This is a page about removing mold on baskets. Baskets made from natural fibers may grow mold if they get wet and don't dry properly.


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Removing Mold on Red Christmas Table Runner?How do you get mold out of a bright red table runner without taking the color out? The stain is a little to the middle left and it's my favorite!


Black mold on a bathroom ceiling.

How Do I Remove Black Mold on the Ceiling?This is a page about removing black mold on the ceiling. Black mold can be difficult to get rid of anywhere in the home, but the ceiling can be one of the most challenging.


A row of Christmas stocking in red and white.

Cleaning Mold from a Christmas Stocking?Christmas stockings and decorations are often stored in attics, basements, and garages. Sometimes this can result in mold growth. This is a page about cleaning mold from a Christmas stocking.


A used stroller outside near steps.

Removing Mold Stains on a Stroller?The fabric on a baby stroller can develop mold stains if closed up and stored while wet or placed in a damp area. This is a page about removing mold stains on stroller.


Close up of black mold on a white surface.

Removing Mold from Non-Bleachable SurfacesVinegar is an excellent alternative product for removing mold on surfaces where bleach would not be safe. This is a page about removing mold from non-bleachable surfaces.


Shower Curtain

Preventing Mold and Mildew on a Shower CurtainShower curtains are the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew. This is a page about preventing mold and mildew on a shower curtain.


Two women setting up a tent.

Vinegar for Removing Mildew from a TentThere are several common household products that can be used to remove mildew. This is a page about vinegar for removing mildew from a tent.


Mold on Floor

Can Mold Grow Under Laminate Flooring on a Concrete Foundation?If moisture gets between your laminate floors and the concrete underneath, it can be easy for mold to grow. This is a page about can mold grow under laminate flooring on a concrete foundation?.


Old style ice chest.

Preventing Mold in Stored Cooler?If you have experienced problems with mold growing in a cooler that is being stored, try some of these tips. This is a page about preventing mold in stored cooler.


Photo of an old shed.

Removing Mold from a Shed's Roof?Depending on the material that your shed's roof is made from there are several ways to remove the mold growing there. This is a page about removing mold from a shed's roof.


Red Brick Patio Cleaned on one side

Cleaning a Red Brick Patio?Moss and mold can discolor your patio, making it unattractive. This is a page about cleaning a red brick patio.


Scrubbing Mold from Bathroom Tile

Cleaning Mold Off Bathroom Tile?The heat and humidity in a bathroom are the perfect environment for the growth of mold on the tiles on your walls and floor. This is a page about cleaning mold off bathroom tile.


Spraying Tile Cleaner

Use X-14 For Removing Mold and MildewIf you are looking for a good mold killing bathroom cleaner, X-14 is recommended by many people. This is a page about use X-14 for removing mold and mildew.


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Removing Mold on Bathroom Floor?I have black mold on my bathroom floor. I do keep my bathroom rugs there. How can I remove it off the flooring?


Wearing rubber gloves spraying cleaner with a spray bottle.

Mold in a Popup CamperPopup campers can often retain moisture easily and then start to grow mold. This is a page about mold in a popup camper.


Close-up of a red and white football jersey.

Cleaning Mold Stains on a Football JerseyMold can stain clothes if it is allowed to grow on them long enough. Here are some ideas about cleaning mold stains on a football jersey.


Removing Mold Stains from Linoleum Floor

How to Remove Mold Stains from a Linoleum Floor?Mold will stain just about anything it grows on and linoleum is no exception. Check out these ideas on how to remove mold stains from a linoleum floor.


Cleaning Mold From Vinyl Siding - arrow pointing to cleaned area

Cleaning Mold From Vinyl SidingHouse siding of all types can provide a good place for mold growth under certain conditions. This is a page about cleaning mold from vinyl siding.


Stored Christmas Decorations

Removing Mold on Stored Christmas Decorations?Christmas decorations are often stored in basements or other unconditioned spaces without being thoroughly cleaned. This can result in mold and mildew growth. This is a page about removing mold on stored Christmas decorations.


Moldy wall corner.

Getting Rid of Mold in a BasementThis is a page about mold in my basement. If you have mold in your basement, it is important to get rid of it. Here is some information about how to clean up the mold and prevent it from coming back.


A pair of cross country ski boots in need of cleaning.

Removing Mold from Cross Country Boots?This is a page about removing mold from cross country ski boots. If not thoroughly dried and stored properly, ski boots can grow mold. Here are some tips for getting rid of the mold and preventing it from coming back.


Mold on walls in a corner

How Does Mold Spread?Mold spores can spread through the air, water or on animals and land anywhere in a house. However, the spots where mold spores may land must be conducive for the spores to survive and thrive, such as damp dark places.


Old bath in need of repair.

Black Spots on Shower Caulking?Black spots on shower caulking are caused by mold either on the surface or behind the caulk. This is a page about black spots on shower caulking.


Spray bottle next to wall with mold.

How to Clean Mold With BleachBleach can be used on non-porous surfaces to clean mold. Use a ratio of 1 cup bleach to 1 gallon of water. Avoid combining with any other products as toxic fumes may result. This is a page about how to clean mold with bleach.


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Getting Rid of Black Mold in an RV?I am looking for different ways to get rid of mold in my RV that are cheap and easy for me to do at home.


A camping trailer in the winter.

Mold in a Camping Trailer?Leaking seams on a camping trailer can result in the growth of mold. Cleaning may not be enough. Depending on the extent of the mold growth and other possible water damage, you may need to gut and refinish the interior. This is a page about removing mold in a camping trailer.


A crowded clothes closet.

Dampness and Mildew in a ClosetFinding and fixing the root cause of the moisture is the only real way to stop mold and mildew from growing. This is a page about dampness and mildew in a closet.


Removing Mold from Dish Drainer

Removing Mold from a Dish DrainerAny damp surface can develop mold and mildew unless dried between uses. If your dish drainer has gotten moldy, it's important to completely clean it off. This is a page about removing mold from a dish drainer.


Cleaning mold from a tiled wall in a bathroom.

Preventing Mold in BathroomsMany older homes can have problems with mold and mildew in the bathroom. Preventing it can be difficult because dealing with the excess moisture must be dealt with before any mold can be eradicated.


Cause of Mold Growth in a Mobile Home

Cause of Mold Growth in a Mobile Home?Mobile homes are often not as insulated or moisture proof as a conventional home. This can cause mold and mildew to grow inside walls or in bathrooms or kitchen areas.


A stack of old books.

Removing Mold and Mildew from Books?Books that have been in damp or humid storage or those that have suffered water damage may begin to grow mold and mildew. This page offers some suggestions for removing mold and mildew from books.


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Removing Mold and Mildew on Stored Books and Photos?How do I get rid of possible mold and mildew in stored items? Nothing can just be thrown in the washing machine. The items include books, photos and frames, odds and ends, but nothing fabric.


Prevent Mold and Mildew on Shower Curtain Liners

Prevent Mold and Mildew on Shower Curtain LinersIf you have a shower curtain or liner that comes in contact with the side of your shower stall or tub while it dries, you have probably noticed that where it makes contact is where you see mold and mildew. That's because it's not drying fast enough to keep those nasty critters at bay.


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Getting Rid of Green Mold Under a Mobile Home?I live in a mobile home, and we just replaced the insulation under the trailer due to a tornado that we had earlier this year. My son says there is a dark, greenish mold all over the ground. What can I put under there to kill that mold?


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