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Uses for CDs?Does anyone have lots of ideas or a source for lots of ideas on how to recycle those CDs we all get in the mail almost daily? I will appreciate any help.


Uses for Tennis Balls?I have a box full of tennis balls that are old and beat up from when my son used to play tennis in high school. Does anyone have any imaginative or practical uses for these?


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Teaching Kids to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle?I know it is kinda late, but I need some ideas for February 13th on fun things kids between the age of 5 to 14 can do to learn about reducing and recycling. I have hardly any ideas and am lost. Any ideas would be great.


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Frugal Uses for Packaging Materials: Bubble Wrap and Foam Peanuts?I am looking for frugal uses for bubble wrap and packaging peanuts. Do you have any tips?


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Reusing Old Wine Bottles?Does anyone know of a use for vast quantities of wine bottles, the typical 750 ml. size? My family loves good wine, and the proof has taken over the garage.


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Using It All - Tin Cans and Lids?How do you use tin cans other than recycling them. Ideas can include craft ideas or anything else you can think of. Please specify type or size of can.


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Using It All - Margarine Tubs?What uses do you have for margarine tubs?


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What to Do with Pine Cones?Does anyone have any ideas what can be done with whole lot of pine cones? I have hundreds in my yard and would like to help someone with how they could use them or what to do with them. Thanks.


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Uses for Jello Cups?Ways to reuse Jello and Jello pudding cups. Post your ideas below.


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Uses for Candle Wax?Tips for using leftover wax from candles. Post your ideas.


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Uses For Plastic Hooks From New Socks?I was wondering if anyone had any uses for the little plastic hook things that come with new socks? I hate to just toss them in the trash. Thank you, MrsMoted2


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Other Uses for an Old Sewing Machine?I have an old Singer cabinet style sewing machine and I would like some ideas of how to utilize it other than using it as an end table with a cloth covering it. I would appreciate any clever ideas you may have.


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Using It Up - Old Pantyhose and Nylons?How do you use old panty hose and/or nylon stockings when they can no longer be worn.


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Uses for Oxygen Tubing?I need to do something with used oyxgen tubing. It's clear in color and 50ft. long and as round as a straw.


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Uses for Old Vertical Blinds?Does anyone have any uses for old vertical blinds? We replaced a bunch and I feel like there must be something I can do with them. They are the fake wood kind not the plastic.



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Uses for Floppy Disk Cases?I have a lot of old plastic floppy disk cases that snap close. They are the plastic ones that are 5.5 inches that you can sit on a shelf or stack. I need some ideas for what to do with them.


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Uses for Used Canning Lids?I do a lot of canning and jam/jelly making and always end up with used lids. They can't be reused for canning since used ones don't seal. I have hundreds of them and just can't just throw them away. I've already used many for storage, but still have lots left over. Any ideas, crafts or otherwise, are appreciated.


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Uses For Square Plastic Baby Food Containers?Can anyone tell me what to do with the new baby foods square plastic boxes? I have used them for jewelry, storing small items, storing matches, sewing kits, safety pin and straight pins, small staples, buttons, cut up fruit. I am out of ideas!


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Uses for Sippy Cups?What are your ideas for using retired sippy cups?


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Uses for Pudding Cups?What are some ways to recycle/reuse empty clean pudding cups? I am talking about the Hunt's Snack Pack pudding cups. I usually have 2 empty ones daily. I have thought of a few ideas to reuse a few but otherwise have just been recycling them on trash day.


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Uses for Chipped China Platters?Does anyone have an idea of how to use old chipped china platters? I have some plain ones and some beautiful ones that I don't dare serve on due to chips and discoloration.


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Uses For Water Bottles?Uses For Water Bottles. I am looking for any ideas that I can make using 8oz plastic water bottles. Any Christmas ideas?


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Uses for Empty Plastic Thread Cones?Does anyone have any idea's how to use empty plastic thread cones?


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Old Medicine Bottles?How can I earn money with old medicine bottles?


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Uses for Lipstick?Does anyone have a use for old, unused lipsticks? A craft? A method to make them usable as lipsticks again?


Uses for Old Watches?Creative ideas for reusing old and broken watches from our ThriftyFun community.


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Uses for Pencil Stubs?What can I do with pencil stubs? These pencils have been used and sharpened by my 6 year old, until they are too short to write with them (under 2 inches long).


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Recycling Contact Lenses?Does anyone know what to do with old but still usable contact lenses? Can they be donated? Does it matter if they're soft or hard, semi-permeable lenses? I know the Lions Club used to take old eyeglasses.


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Uses for Tuna Cans?Tips for reusing empty tuna cans from the ThriftyFun community. Post your own ideas here.


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Reusing Childproof Pill Bottle?Does anyone have any ideas on uses for the brown plastic childproof pill bottle? These are the ones that Wal-Mart uses.



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Garbage Bag Made From Newspaper?A few days ago someone posted a tip to use newspaper as a garbage bag. They said to line garbage with loose newspapers and at the end of the day just crumple papers with the days trash up into your outside garbage can. I like this idea but was wondering if their is a way to make an actual "bag" from the newspaper that would work as well as a normal plastic garbage bag. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!


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Recycled Object To Use As a Soap Holder?I am looking for an inexpensive way to recycle something to make a soap holder or dish that will fit on the ledge of the sink and not fall off. I can't think of anything any suggestions?


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Uses for Plastic Trash Bins?I have collected oodles of plastic trash bins, bathroom, kitchen, some with lids, that people throw out on our base. It slays me to see these perfectly good items thrown away, not to mention the petroleum used to make them. Any ideas on how to create something from them?


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Alternative Uses For Wine?Does anyone know alternative uses for wine other than food related? I have about 2 gallons of homemade wine that was left by a previous house owner.


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Reusing Grolsch Bottles?I have two "Grolsch" type bottles (with the cantilever top and ceramic stopper) What can I do with them?


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Reusing Foil Cereal Bags?Is there a use for the aluminum foil bags that some cereal comes in?


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Uses for Pizza Boxes?My sister's family and mine have to order 4 to 6 pizzas every time we want pizza to feed our large families, we would like to know if anyone has any ideas on what we can do with the pizza boxes (besides throw them away)? We welcome any ideas you may have.


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What to do With Collard Stems?Does anyone have ideas as to what I can do with collard stems? I have an Iguana who I only feed the leaves so I am often left with stems that I discard.


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Ideas For Reusing Large Coffee Creamer Canisters?I have many of the big plastic canisters that powdered coffee creamer comes in. We drink A LOT of coffee around here! I'm reusing one to store sugar in. It's great because it has the spout on it for pouring. Other than that, what else could I use these containers for?


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Uses for DVD Cases?Any ideas for alternate uses for DVD cases?


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Reusing Ziploc Freezer Bags?Can you reuse Ziploc freezer bags after you have defrosted what was already in it? It seems like a lot of money to keep throwing them away.


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Uses for Small Styrofoam Ice Chests?How can I recycle small Styrofoam ice chests? Medication is delivered in these ice chests once a month and they are really piling up. Inside the ice chests are ice packets that I can't find another use for. Any advise on how to recycle the Styrofoam?


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Can't Recycle Plastic Containers?I am overrun with plastic containers that aren't recyclable in my area (we only can recycle #1 and #2 plastics). Are there any crafts I can do with them or does anyone have a suggestion for donating them. Our local senior center can't use them. I have given away bagfuls at yard sales and still have more. Thanks in advance for your help.


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Reusing Trampoline Mesh?Does anyone have any ideas of how to recycle an old trampoline mesh? My son is recycling the metal and my husband is keeping the springs. The mesh is still good and so nice and thick I was trying to think of something it could be used for. We have a mule and I was thinking we could use it as some shade for his lot. That's all I could come up with.


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Uses For Broken Christmas Light Strands?Let's pretend the you have a ton of non-working strands of Christmas lights. You tried to fix them by replacing the bulbs but they still aren't working. What would you do with them?



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Reusing a Steel Trampoline Frame?What can I do with a 7-foot x 7-foot round, steel trampoline frame? The trampoline part is all ripped up from sun-rot, but the frame is really solid, and I know it could have a use, but what?


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Uses for Store Hangers?I have a bunch of the Walmart hangers. Does anyone have any other uses for them? I prefer the sturdy plastic ones for everyday use. Even if there was some place to recycle them, I'd be happy.


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Reusing Matchstick Roll Up Blinds?Hello I need help in the re-purpose/recycle dept. I have some old matchstick roll up blinds. Any ideas on what I can do with them or make them into? I have about 10 or so I would hate to toss them and a week later realize that I should have kept them. The only thing I have thought of is making a few place mats. Thanks for the help.


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Ideas for Using Stand from a Bird Bath?The neighbor's cat knocked the bowl off of my bird bath and broke it in two. Any ideas for the stand that is left?


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Reusing Ceramic Pot from Crockpot?My crockpot finally went out on me. Not sure what went wrong with it but the plastic bottom has a big long bubble where the plastic melted. So now, I will not be using it anymore. I hate to throw away the ceramic pot but cannot think of any uses for it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance!


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Using Glass Punch Cups?I have about 100 glass punch cups. Any ideas (besides drinking punch) on what I can use them for? Any craft ideas?


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Reusing Plastic Pens?How can I reuse plastic pens? Over my 62 years the reuse of most anything has come pretty easy to me with just a little thought, and the expectations that it only has to work for me. But plastic pens have been "the challenge" of course, along with disposable razors.


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Reusing Remote Controls?I have several remote controls that I no longer use. Can they be recycled or reprogrammed so they can be used for a different TV or electronic appliance?


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Uses for a CD Stand?I recently bought a CD stand at a yard sale thinking my DVD movies would fit, but they didn't. What are some other uses I can use it for?


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Converting a Piano Into a Bar?Does anybody have any ideas on converting an old upright piano into a bar for our game room?


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Buying Old Technology - Music and Video?Does anyone know if you can buy cassette audio music tapes anywhere?


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Recycling Coffee Containers?Looking for ideas to reuse those nice Maxwell House coffee containers. How can I cover up the label? Thanks and God bless.


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Reusing Nestle Nesquick Containers?Does anyone have any ideas for recycling Nestle Nesquick Strawberry Mix containers. I use a lot of the the 21.8 ounce size and it is very difficult to throw them away. I appreciate any suggestions. Thanks. Diane


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Repurposing an Old Basketball Goal Post With No Backboard?This is going to sound like an odd question, but hoping some one might have some ideas. We have an old in ground basketball goal. The backboard gave out months ago and now I am stuck with a metal pole sticking out of the ground.


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Reusing Plastic Potato Chip Canisters?What are some ways to reuse the plastic potato chip canisters?


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Creative Uses for A Broken Computer Mouse?I have a broken Apple Pro Mouse, that is a computer mouse. I would like to find some use for it, rather than sending it to a landfill. Any ideas?


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Alternatives to GladWare for Brown Bagging?Food containers to brown bag my lunch? I currently use GladWare containers, but don't have enough (we seem to keep losing them). Any suggestions on what I could use/re-use instead of buying more GladWare? Thanks so much.


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Reusable Grocery Bags vs. Trashcan Liners?This is almost like the question, which came first the chicken or the egg, but here it is: Is it kinder/cheaper to our environment to use the reusable grocery bags and use trash can liners?


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Reusing Plastic Tool Storage Boxes?What else can you do with the plastic tool boxes your tools come in? I use my tools frequently, so putting them back in evening isn't practical. So, there are about 7-10 various plastic boxes taking up space in my basement.


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Creatively Reusing Chop Sticks?What can be done with used chopsticks? I got a bowl at a craft fair once that was strung together with fishing line and folded up. That was pretty cool. I have made a folding business card holder with them. I was wondering what else people have thought of.


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Using Banana Peels?What are some uses for banana peels?


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Recycling Window Curtain Packaging?Forgive me if this question has been asked before, but I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how they re-use the packaging that curtains come in? They are thick plastic and have a zipper at the top. I have used the large ones to store blankets and clothing.


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Repurposing a Kitchen Sink?I just replaced my kitchen sink. It was a double sink and I was trying to think of ways to use it. I don't want to have to run lines to use it as a sink, but would like to use it somehow. All ideas appreciated.


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Uses for Plastic Clothing Hangers?Does anybody have any ideas for broken plastic hangers?


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Uses for Old Shoes?What can I do with old tennis shoes and steel toed work boots?


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Reusing a Desk Fan?I have an electric desk fan that has broken well beyond repair. I was wondering if I could line the wire covers with newspapers or cloth or something (for drainage) fill them with compost, and use them for sowing mint (which is very invasive).


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Reusing Motor Oil?Has anyone tried to pour waste oil from tractors or automobiles into a newspaper log roll and let it soak in? I would think for a wood stove it would be a way to recycle oil as well. What are your thoughts? Would it burn too hot?


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Reusing Toilet Paper Rolls?What should I do with all the empty toilet paper rolls that I have saved? I hate to just throw them away.


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Other Uses for a Cooker Gasket?Can anybody suggest a good use of cooker gasket, after it's no longer usable for cooking purposes?


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Ideas for Reusing Spice Bottles?Does anyone have any ideas for reusing glass spice jars? Thank you.


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Alternative Uses for Wire Reindeer Christmas Decorations?I have two outdoor wire reindeer and the lights do not work. I do not wish to fix the lights, but would like to use them in another way. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Reusing the Cardboard Backs from Children's Puzzles?Does anyone have a use for the heavy cardboard backs from kid's puzzles? Our dog chewed up a bunch of pieces from my son's puzzles, but it seems like there could be another use for the backs of them. Any ideas?


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Reusing Glass Candle Canisters?Is it safe to use the glass canisters which come with candles, as ramekins? This is of course, after the wax residue has been thoroughly cleaned out. Any thoughts are welcome. Thanks.


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Buying Items to Reuse the Containers?I would love to see ideas on planned leftovers, not necessary for food. For instance purchasing an item wanting the container for a further use.


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Uses for Used Paper?I have a lot of used paper. How can I reuse this paper?


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Uses for Old Diskettes?How can I make use of old diskettes? What about broken and old cartridge?


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Making Small Pieces of Chalk Useful?Thank you so much for sharing your ideas re: old diskettes and used papers. Another question for this week is: As teachers we always throw away smaller pieces of chalk. Do you have any idea what to do with it to make it still useful?


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Uses for a Broken Garden Hose?How can I recycle an old garden water hose that has a hole in it? I am not interesting in trying to repair it but can I use it for something else?


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Uses for Cigarette Ash?I'm wondering if anyone has ideas of what to do with cigarette ash. My elderly mother is a heavy smoker and while I was emptying another, full, ashtray, it occurred to me that perhaps the cigarette ash itself may be useful for another purpose.


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Uses for Dog Food Bags?What are some uses for cat and dog pet food bags? I used some pet food and litter bags this week as weed blocking plastic. Do you have any other ideas for using pet food bags?


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Reusing Coffee Filters in the Garden?After reading numerous posting here I've been saving coffee grounds, egg shells, veggie peels, etc. My question is how can I reuse the coffee filters? Thanks in advance.


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Alternative Uses for Broken Bandsaw Blades?Does anyone have alternative uses for broken-at-the-weld bandsaw blades? Basically, these are 93" loops of steel and are anywhere from 1/8 to 1/2 inch wide, depending upon what kind of wood the person is cutting.


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Reusing Plastic Table Cloths?I am the president of a social organization in Port Ludllow and we hold several dinners each year for our members which range from 135 to 190. We use plastic table covers for two of the dinners because they are casual and the food is picnic like.


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Finding Plastic Coffee Can Lids?I am in need of about 200 plastic coffee lids for a service project we are doing for our senior citizens in town. Color doesn't matter. They must be the small coffee can size. Must be round and flat similar to Maxwell coffee size. Not the Folger's style. Any suggestions?


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Dumpster Diving: Free Stuff?Lately, I've been hearing and reading articles on dumpster diving. It's something I'm really willing to do it since it helps reduce waste and many other reasons. The thing is where are some good places to look for food, clothes, random things, etc.?


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Alternative Uses for Dryer Sheets?What are some alternative uses for Bounce fabric sheets?


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Alternative Uses for Elastic Hair Bands?Just curious! I'm wanting to know of some other ways to reuse/use elastic hair bands than just using to put your hair into a ponytail. Thanks.


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Uses for Cloth Diapers Other Than as Cleaning Cloths?How can cloth diapers be reused after your child is potty trained? We use the diaper service quality prefolds. I have more than 8 dozen diapers of various sizes so I need more clever ideas other than "use them as cleaning cloths".


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Alternative to Paper Napkins?I usually buy paper towels to use as napkins, but could I do without buying them and use something I have in the home instead?


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Reusing Old Curtain Fixtures?What can I do with old curtain fixtures?


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Reusing a Mattress Pad?I use mattress pads that are no longer usable for beds to make baby changing pads, bibs, stroller blankets, etc. There are many other uses, I am sure, but I sew for our less fortunate and young girls that have had babies.


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Other Uses for Key Rings?What can I use key rings for, besides holding keys, of course? I've got loads of them in every size and I can't come up with anything to do with them. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thank you.


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Finding Free Furniture in Australia?Where can I find frfe Furniture?


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Using Leftover Candle Wax?I always have candle wax left in the bottom of my candle jars that does not get used. It is such a waste to toss the wax. I do save the jars. What can I do to use it? I've tried buying wicks, but it doesn't really work well.


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Can I Reuse Cat Litter Containers for Food Storage?When the large hard plastic container of Tidy Cat litter is empty, is it safe to place food or water for humans in it?


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Uses for Clothing Rags?When clothing isn't good enough to give to a store, I tend to keep them for rags, but have more than I need. I've called animal shelters and homeless shelters, but they either have enough or only accept towels.


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Use for Used Fabric Softener Sheets?Is there anything I can do with used fabric softener sheets?


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