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Tarnished Silver Rope?I have had a beautiful silver rope necklace for about ten years that has gotten terribly tarnished. I can't remove the tarnish with a chamois cloth because of the intricate rope detail.


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Removing Beetle Stains?Does anyone know how to remove beetle stains without removing acrylic paint?


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Can You Clean Your Drain with Coffee Grounds?Is this an old wives tale or true? Do coffee grounds down your sink really help clean it out of fat and grime?


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Cleaning CDs?Does anybody have any safe ways to clean CDs?


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Removing Soot from Curtains?Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get the soot out of my custom curtains?


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Mildew off Tiles?Does anyone have any ideas what to do about completely getting rid of the mildew on the bathroom tiles? -Anna Marie in Lesigny France


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Chocolate Stains/Black Heat Stains?Does anyone have any ideas about getting rid of chocolate stains on rugs and black heat stains on cloth-like wall paper? -Anna Marie in Lesigny France


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Need Tips on Using Liquid Fabric Softener?I have been using dryer sheets to soften my clothes in the dryer for a while now. Recently, I found a deal on liquid fabric softener that I couldn't pass up (free!), and am wondering if anyone has tips on using liquid softener in a machine without an automatic dispenser.


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Underarm Stains on Tank Tops?How do I get underarm stains off of my white tank tops?


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Pink Stains on Sink?We have well water and it seems to have a high iron content. All around my sinks there are pink stains. Does anyone know what will remove them? So far Lime-Away hasn't worked.


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Cleaning Granite Countertop?How do I clean my granite kitchen countertop?


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Burned Popcorn in Microwave?I burned popcorn in my microwave and the inside is now stained yellow. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this out?


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Stainless Steel Sink?I would like to restore my stainless steel sink to its original newish shine. Can anyone help?


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Orange Stains on Dishwasher?I have a request for information on how to get my dishwasher clean on the inside. The baskets and the walls have all turned a dirty orange color due to extremely hard water.


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Throw Up Smell in a Car?My little nephew was unfortunately sick in my sister's car. She cleaned the mess up immediately and has since tried a couple of different solutions to get rid of the smell, but without success. Does anyone have a simple tip to get rid of the smell? -Virginia



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How Can I Clean My Dirty Gas Oven?We just recently purchased a house. My problem is the oven. It is a gas range, but I don't think the previous owner cleaned the oven at all. I've tried oven cleaner, S.O.S. pads, and a few other things.


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Smelly Mouth Guard?I have to wear a night guard on my upper teeth every night to prevent damage to my teeth because I grind my teeth during the night. Mine has gotten stained and smells terrible. I don't care about the staining, but don't like the smell.


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Removing Stains on Formica?I have been trying in vane to find some way to clean the counter tops in my kitchen. We are renting this house and the counter tops in the kitchen (Formica I think) are beige. There are all kinds of grayish stains and some that look like rust.


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Removing Stains on Marble Countertops?My marble countertops in the bathrooms have turned quite yellow in spots. Any suggestions on how to get them clean again? I've tried everything from bleach to Zap.


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Water Spots on Leather?Do you have any suggestions for getting water spots out of leather covered tables, also wood tables? Thanking you in advance.


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Strong Musty Odor in Cabinet?I purchased a wood cabinet from an import company. The shelf has a strong musty odor that has not yet worn off. I have tried cleaning the entire shelf with polish, spraying the shelves with vinegar and sprinkling baking soda on the shelves, but nothing has taken away the smell.


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Cleaning My Chimney?Does anyone know how to clean creosote out of my chimney? Does stuff like Red Devil work?


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Chocolate Stains on Rugs?Does anyone know how to get chocolate and wine stains out of rugs? Or a good universal carpet stain remover?


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Buying Cleaning Products Online?I am looking for information about buying cleaning products by mail through Internet. Does anyone know of a good website for buying cleaning products by mail?


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Getting Perfume Smell Out of Clothing?How do you get strong perfume smells out of clothing?


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More Water Softening Problems?The hardness of our water tested at 20 grains. Best advice seems to be to install a water softener. Since neither sodium or potassium is acceptable in husband's diet we were advised to install softener on hot water only. Is this a viable solution? Is there a better way?


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Grease/Oil Stains on Asphalt?Can anyone tell me how to get grease/oil removed from asphalt? I've heard kitty litter works, but some of the stains could be as old as 5 months. Thanks a bunch.


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Smoke Smell?I'm moving into a house where a smoker has lived for 30 years. It smells like it, too. Any suggestions to get that deep down smoky smell out?


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Cleaning a Teflon Griddle?I was wondering if anyone knows how to clean a teflon coated griddle that has a dark buildup of cooking oil and cooking spray and is very sticky to the touch. I just can't seem to get it off.


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Removing Bathtub Appliques?How do you remove those non-skid bathtub appliques without damaging the tub surface? We've tried all sorts of cleaners, Goo-Gone and turpentine and they still hang on.



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Getting Tape off Wooden Furniture?Does anyone know how to get Scotch tape and brown tape off wooden furniture? It is impossible to peel off now. Thanks.


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Dishwasher Stained Glass?Does anyone know of a way to remove the milky haze (stain) that accumulates on glass's after being washed in the dishwasher repeatedly? It scrapes of with a finger nail, so the glass is not etched. Is there a home remedy, or a product I could buy? Please help.


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Ink Stains Off Paneling?Help! I am trying to clean a pen mark and permanent ink mark off of paneling in a manufactured home. Any ideas would be appreciated.


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Homemade OxiClean?Did you ever see the oxi-clean infomercial? I have the basic recipe for a clone but I need a source where I can buy sodium percarbonate which is the main ingredient. OxiClean is about 70% sodium percarbonate and 30% washing soda (sodium carbonate) with some fungicides added.


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Mold Out of Canvas Tent?Does anyone know how to get mold and mildew out of the canvas from a camper trailer? I am borrowing a friend's camper, but the canvas is full of mold and mildew.


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Charcoal and Mothballs?When we visit in Florida you find little trays of charcoal under the beds or couch. Also they use moth balls all over the place. Does anyone know really if all that is necessary? or why?


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Ink Cleaner/Remover?All Ideas are welcome. IS there any safety ink-cleaner emover, makes this old (chaired)man happy again?. My grand father (65 yrs) is an old typewriter, and still using the mechanical-style printer with newspaper ink. And because oldness, he makes a lot of typing mistakes, May any one help? - Amayruee


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Kitchen Counter Tops?Does anyone know how to shine up a dingy counter top? After regular everyday cleaning and wiping with a kitchen spray, my kitchen counter is dingy and streaky. I would like it to not look so dull but new and shiny. Any suggestions?


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Stain on White Leather Sofa?I have a white leather sofa and my dog got sick on it while I was at work and so now it has a yellow stain on it. I have tried tooth paste and also baking soda to remove the stain, but no luck. Is there any thing else that I can try?


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Cleaning Artificial Trees?Does anyone have an easy way to clean artificial trees. Dusting with a duster doesn't work. - Loafer98


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Black Skirt/White Sofa Help!I sat on my off white sofa with my black skirt. OH No I noticed a few minutes later the black dye rubbed off onto my sofa ....HELP . What can I do to wash it off I really don't have a clue. - Sue the Hummingbird


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Pine Tree Sap?Does anyone know how to get pine tree sap off of outdoor furniture fabric?


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Wallet Stain on Khaki Pants?I got wet while wearing my clothes (khaki pants) and my leather wallet stained my pants. Any tips on removing the stain? Thanks - David


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Cleaning Griddle?I have a griddle that I can use in my Whirlpool cooktop in place of the glasstop burners. I cannot find any thing that will clean it. Can you help?


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Inexpensive Dry Cleaning?Dear ThriftyFun,

I have a ton of clothing that requires dry cleaning. Do you or your readers know of any ways to save on dry cleaning?




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Help, Chlorine Stained My Shirt.I bought a new shirt. unfortunately, I washed it yesterday and chlorine stained my shirt. what can I do? Please help...

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How do I remove gum from a dolls hair?Somehow, one of my daughter's dolls got gum in its hair. Anyone have any ideas for removing it? Who would have thought that dolls chewed gum? :-) Thanks, Sandy.

Post your ideas online or email them to us.


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Gasoline Smell out of Towels?How do you get the smell of gasoline out of a load of towels in the washer?


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Cleaning or Washing Off Mold?Looking for home made product for cleaning or washing off mold growth as in weed killer.


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Dead mice in my new car!I would really appreciate any help that you can give me. we just purchased a new (to us) minivan. We got it from a family that lived on a farm, and when we went to look at it and brought it home, the windows were down, so we really didn't think anything of the smell, as it wasn't that bad and we were on a farm.


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How to Make Countertops Shine?I read in other messages how to clean my laminate countertops and now need to know how to restore the shine to them. Is there a product made especially for this? I have used Countertop Shine but it has to be done everytime you wipe them with a wet cloth.


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Slime Mold Problems?I have a landscaped area that faces the north along the side of the house. I just put cedar mulch down this year around my hostas. We have had an unusual amount of rain this July in Bourbonnais, Illinois. It hasn't had a chance to dry out there. From looking at pictures of slime mold that looks like dog vomit (grayish in color and becomes a black powder when struck by a broom), I believe that is what I have. My concern is that it is close to the cinder block foundation and appeared to be heading up the vinyl siding of my house. Is there cause for concern that it is getting between the vinyl and the foam insulation of the house. I just cleaned that area with a 50/50 solution of water and bleach. Please advise.


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Removing Water Stains from Old Wallpaper?I was wondering what if anything could be done to remove water stains from wallpaper? I cannot replace the stained section as they do not make the pattern anymore (antique victorian).


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Stickiness on Kitchen Floor?Hi, No matter what we try, we cannot get rid of the stickiness on the kitchen floor. It is linoleum and we've tried coat after coat of everything from soapy water to PineSol, and nothing works. What can you suggest? Lisa


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Ink Out of a Load of Laundry?I was wondering how to get ink out of a load of lights. It is on every piece of clothing. Thanks, Sasha


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HELP! Permanent Marker on Leather Couch?My daughter recently marked on my friend's leather couch with a Sharpie permanent marker! How in the world can I get that out? Please help.


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Moldy Smelling Dollar Bills?Please help! I have some dollar bills that smell of mold. Does anyone know how to get rid of the smell? If you put this money in with other money, the smell transfers. Thanks so much for your help.


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How to Clean Your Own Room?How do I clean my own room up? I want it to look nice.


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How to Get Marker Off Photos?I need help on how to get marker off photos....


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Removing Liquid Rollerball Pen Ink?I got ink from a liquid pen on my jeans. Nail polish remover isn't helping. Any advise?


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Swim Suit Odor?I recently found a bad smelling bag of my bathing suits that was forgotten when I unpacked from my trip to the beach. Any idea on how to remove this bad smelling odor? Thanks.


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Marble Cleaning?I have marble in my bathroom and I'm not sure how to clean it. Any tips?


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Removing Red and Blue Ink?I need more information on how to remove blue and red ink from shirt pockets. I have asthma and the hairspray really affects my asthma. Is there anything I can use that won't affect my asthma? Especially red ink? I would really appreciate this. Thanks.


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Milk Spots off Leather Couch?How do you get milk spots off a leather couch?


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Getting Cooking Smell out of Uniforms?I need help trying to get the smell of food out of my clothes! I am in the Navy and cook over 1000 meals a day. I have tried the over night soaking in fabric softener, even washing 2-3 times.


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Lotion Stains on a Leather Couch?Any ideas on how to get hand moisturizer stains off a bomber leather sofa.


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Wine Stain Off a Wall?How do you get a wine stain off a wall?


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Coffee Stain Removal?Does anyone know how to remove a coffee stain from a countertop? I have tried bleach, baking soda (it was old so I might need a new box), and oxyclean. Nothing has worked! Please help! Becky


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Removing Sticker Glue From Nylon?How do you remove sticker glue from nylon clothing, without damaging the item? Thanks rain9888


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Getting Tar Out of Clothing?I need to know how to get road tar out of cotton jeans and 100% micropolyester. Lucretia from Oklahoma


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Air Purifier Recommendation?I am looking at buying an air purifier. I am thinking about the one from sharper image. Anyone have any advice on what works for them?


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Mothball Smell in Condo?I have just bought a condo, and the smell of moth balls is wicked, I have removed everything in condo, all furniture, carpets, and stripped the wall paper. I have placed air fresheners in every room (some rooms have more than one) and have aired the house out day and night for a week. Does anyone have any suggestions?PLEASE!


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Cleaning My Yellowed Seersucker?I have a dry cleanable seersucker jacket that has yellowed over time. is there any remedy to return the white areas, white? now it just looks dirty and dingy and is unwearable.


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Caring for Leather Coats: Frugal Tips?Hello, Would you please send me some economical tips on caring for leather jackets. I want to keep them supple and soft without having to purchase expensive leather care products. - Julie


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Stains Above Toilet Water Line?Please help! I moved into a townhouse and both toilets have greenish stains above the water line where the water flows (in lines down the bowl to the water line.) I can only assume these are from over-use of colored "toilet tabs" and the like without regular cleaning. I am able to clean below the water line nicely, but above the water line it is horribly stained. Any suggestions? Would pumice work for these stains? Thanks! CherryTuscadero from Maryland


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How do you get the smell out of nylon shirts?How do you get the smell out of nylon shirts? I've worn one twice and now the stench is unbelievable (None of my other clothes smell this way). Lee


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Yellow Stains on Tablecloth?I bought a used tablecloth and it has yellow stains on a couple of areas. The material I think is cotton. Any suggestions as to remove these yellow stains w/o ruining the tablecloth?


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Removing Oil Stains from Garage Floor?I recently bought a house and I am turning the garage into a workshop. There is a pretty thick oil and grease buildup where the cars were parked and apparently worked on.


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Rust Removal Tips for My Old Truck?I have another question: I have an old Toyota truck I use for going to the dump and hauling brush. It's starting to get pretty rusty. I am not worried about how it looks but don't want it to rust out.


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Removing Steak Sauce Stain From a Prom Dress?I need to know how to get a steak sauce stain out of my prom dress.


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Tips for Storing Toothbrushes?I keep seeing infomercial on tv for toothbrush sterilizer that claims much of the germs from sink and toilet use settle into toothbrushes, and by extension must settle on bath towels etc. Does anyone have tips on what solution to store toothbrushes?


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Dried Paint from an Upholstered Chair?How can I remove dried paint from an upholstered chair?


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Sticky Situation: Cleaning Syrup off My Dress?A waitress spilled warm syrup all over my dress. The dress is now all stuck together. How can I wash it out completely? Joanne


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Cleaning the filter on a vacuum.I bought a used vacuum cleaner and love it but it has a filter on it that is really dirty. I was wondering if there is a way I can clean the filter so that I don't have to go out and buy a new one right now? The vaccum is a bagless one that has the canister that catches the dirt and the filter I'm referring to fits down inside the canister. Thanks for any ideas!


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Rotting Meat Smell in Car?I let my mother use my car this past week and when I got it back I smelled something awful coming from the back of the vehicle. I went back to investigate and there I found a tub of liver that had been left there for 5 days and had exploded all over the back of the car.


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Burnt Tea Bag in Pot?Hey everyone! I have burnt some tea bags in one of my favorite pots and was looking for a way to clean it. Any thoughts would be great. Thanks, Katie in SC


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Cleaning Featherbeds?How do you clean featherbeds? Can you wash them in the washing machine like you can a down comforter? Cindy


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Wine Stain on Table Cloth?I have a giant wine stain on my favorite tablecloth. It's a cotton table cloth with a floral pattern but it is pretty light so the stain will look really bad if I can't remove it. I didn't really know how to treat it so I put it in a bucket of water to keep it wet. Does anyone have any tips for removing it? Thanks, Christine in CA


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Getting Fish Smell Off George Foreman Grill?I have a George Foreman grill and someone cooked fish it in. I have tried cleaning it but it still smells like fish. I am not a big fan of fish. Does anyone have any tips for removing the smell? Thanks, Diane


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Stained Shirt?I have these new shirts that I got. They are baseball shirts. I made these dumb Iron On logos I was going to put on them. When I ironed them on, the melted to the shirt! it lookes really dumb. I want to know what I can do to get rid of the logo. I like the way the shirt fits me, so I want to keep it. How can I get rid of the logo? Andrew Steele


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Getting Tar out of Jeans?How do i get tar out of my jeans? Violet


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Bleach Stains from my Washer are Driving Me Nuts!i need help. Every once in a while (more lately) when I do a colored load of wash clothes will come out with what looks to be a bleach stain on them. I have already lost a few shirts and some nice pants and I cant figure out whats doing it. I very rarely use bleach and I know I didnt spill it. I seperate the clothes and follow the lables. I am sick of losing nice clothes. It will only happen to one or two things a load and not every time I do wash. Anyone have any ideas what it could be?? Thanks for the help, Missy in PA


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Painted Clothes Pins?If I paint clothes pins with acrylic paint, what should I put over the paint to assure it stays put. I want to use the pins on my clothesline but DO NOT want the paint to get on my clothes. Any suggestions? Thank You Jen G.


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Prune Stained Sheets?HELP ME! My daughter has a problem with constipation. I asked the doctor about it, he said try prunes. Well i did and put her down for the night and when I went to get her in the morning. Her diaper had exploded all over her sheets. Can anyone help me? I have tried Shout, Dawn, and Baking soda. Please someone help me. Thanks, Katie in SC


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Ketchup Stain on White Carpet?Ketchup was spilt on a whitish carpet in our house, and I was wondering how to get rid of the stain? I've tried a vanish carpet cleaning foam. Ida from England


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Removing Permanent Ink from a Table?Help! My daughter got black permanent ink on my kitchen table. It is medium oak color. Any ideas?


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Black Oil Pastel Crayon on Clothing?I need help! I have dried clothes in my dryer and have found a black oils pastel crayon melted on all of my clothes. Help how do I get them clean. They are brand new!!! I just washed them once. Debbie in Illinois


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Getting Cigarette Smell out of a Basket?I recently received a lovely basket that, unfortunately smells like cigarette smoke. Does anyone know of a way to rid it of that nasty smell without damaging the basket? Rennie from NY


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Steam Iron Leaving Black Streaks on Clothing?How can I clean the inside of my steam iron. It is putting a black streak on my white shirts. Help Charlie Tucker


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Removing Reusable Glue out of Wool Pants?I got some of the reusable wax like glue on some wool pants and unfortunately it got sent to the cleaners before I could scrape it off. It came back looking like it melted through I'm not sure what I should do can someone help me. Vaughn in the Bahamas


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Rotten Crabmeat Smell in Cabinet?We had a can of crab meat explode in our kitchen cabinet, shooting something akin to wasabe mash potatoes throughout cabinet. The smell is unbelievable! I was wondering if this is health hazard, and how to remove smell? cleaned as best we could with bleach, but it got into joints of cabinet. Thank, jbm


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Removing Candle Wax from Silk?After a christmas service at our church a lady was blowing out the candles and she got some on her silk blouse. She has put the blouse away because she doesn't want to throw it away but the wax is where everyone can see it. She has tried ice and stuff but it didn't work. Also I need something that will work on table clothes too. :) Ashley in OH


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