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Sticky Plastic/Rubber Handles?How do you remove the stickiness that shows up with age on some plastic/rubber tool handles?


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Removing Set Dust Stain?I have two sweaters that have been in my closet and not worn for 3 years. They both have a stubborn dust line that I can't get out. I have used oxystain remover spray, washed in cold water and line dried. Didn't work. How do I get these horrible stains out?


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Cleaning Faux Leather?Hello. I hope you can help. My son cleaned his leather seats with Armor All cleaning wipes. I sat in his car with a pink faux leather coat. Dark marks transferred onto my coat. I have tried everything you suggested and the marks remain. Not even slightly gone. Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you.


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Swiffer WetJet Nozzle Holes Won't Spray?I moped over some hot oil with my swifer wer jet. Now liquid will not spray through nozzle. Can the metal mesh holes melt? Mope still works,lights still work but liquid is backing up at the nozzle end and trying to squeeze through. Can I fix this or do o need to replace mop?


Cleaning Stains on Nylon Backpack?

Cleaning Stains on Nylon Backpack?I recently bought this backpack with stains on it and I would like to know how to take them off. I believe the fabric to be nylon but I'm not really sure. The color of the stains are black and grey. Please send recommendations of how to remove them!


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Getting Rid of Cat Urine Smell On Hardback Books?I have over 100 large size hard back cook books that have a cat urine smell to them. The books were in a closed up house on a bookcase and apparently the carpet had been peed on by cats prior to the house being closed up. The books were not peed on. The Cook books just absorbed the smell. It is a collection of books that is worth trying to salvage if at all possible. I don't even know where to start. I have the books boxed up on my carport and open the boxes during the day and try to spread them in the sunlight. That does not help. I would appreciate any help you can give me on this issue.


And old photo with an ink stamp over the top.

Removing Ink Stamp From Picture?Can you help me to make this picture clear and colorful. One of my friend has this picture of her late parents only. I want to give her this clear picture to them.


A blue mark on a wooden table.

Removing Blue Wax From a Wood Table?How to you remove blue stain from candle wax on a wood table?


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Remove Towel Lint After Showering?How do I remove all this lint off my body and back? I dried off with a new towel that hadn't been washed yet. Lint is all over my body.


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Cleaning Spit Buildup?I have, sinus drainage and I've been spitting it out my driver window not realizing the build up by the window where it goes up and down. How do I get it off without changing the color of the original color on the other door? Unfortunately, it's dry stained. Should I use a toothbrush?


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Removing Stain From Nylon Bag?I recently found a good deal on a green colored nylon bag and even though it looked to be a bit used, I got it. There was sharpie on part of it which I managed to get out with a bit of Isopropyl alcohol, but there were some light colored stains that look like dropplets on part of it. Not sure what the stain is from but it didn't come out when scrubbed with just cold water nor the Isopropyl. I haven't tried any detergents yet, and the bag is at least 20 years old so I don't want to damage it.


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Getting Rid of Urine Stench?Purchased this house 1 1/2 years ago, pretty much sight unseen. It was a pig pen, I don't believe it was ever cleaned as dust was major. My BIG problem is owners couldn't hit the toilet when urinating. The linoleum was completely eaten up.


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Black Sticky Mark Left On Carpet?How do I remove the black sticky rubber from the bottom of the desktop computer that melted on my carpet. Best solutions as how to remove from carpet without hurting the carpet with a bigger stain. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all your help.


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Cleaning Caked-On Hair On My Hair Dryer?A while ago, I asked this question and I never received a response. My electric hair dryer has caked on hair on the outside of dryer that I can't remove. I have used bleach, hydrogen peroxide, Mr. Clean eraser, etc. Nothing has penetrated the hair. Can anyone help me? Thank you.


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Cleaning The Back of The Refrigerator?I saw an article some years ago about a lady that moved out the refrigerator by herself to clean the coils as she had nobody to assist her. I would like to see that reprinted. Thanks!



A stain on a wooden surface.

Removing a Chemical Stain On Wood?I had a little paint and some sticky stuff like glue residue on my new table. I went to hardware store and was told the product "Goof off" could be used. As soon as I applied to table it took away the color leaving a white spot. Talked with a local wood paint and design company that does refinishing. They said to sand area and see if it's still cloudy or light spot. My husband did with very fine sand pad 3m. And it is still light spot there. We may need to sand a little further to see if spot does go away. Any advice how to fix without having to do whole table? It's a beautiful wood. But only $500.


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Kleenex Left In Washable Item?When a kleenex has been left in a garment, I heard to rinse the item in vinegar water. Has anyone else heard this and does it work?


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Cleaning Ash From Porcelain Dolls?I had a house fire in 2018 and my dolls got covered in ash. I sent them to someone to clean but she never did and returned them to me 3 weeks ago. My question is there any way of cleaning the ash off and how please?


A molded plastic tub.

Cleaning a Plastic Tub?Help me clean my plastic tub, it grosses me out. I like my bathtub sparkling but it's plastic which is new for me from porcelain. I've tried so many remedies these cover overs frustrate me, so I just keep it in my head I know it's at least clean. Please, please help me!


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Built Up Soap Scum?What can I use to remove soap scum?


Oil-like Stains on Freshly Washed Clothes?

Oil-like Stains on Freshly Washed Clothes?My husband got a used washer and dryer on Facebook two years ago. All of the sudden oil-like stains started appearing on a ton of our clothes. I'd clean out the machine, switch up detergents, I don't user fabric softener and still got stains. Recently, we decided it was probably the washer so we got a new machine. I thought we were in the clear when all of the sudden I washed a brand new pair of kids leggings and, alas, a small oil stain!


A christening shawl with stains.

Cleaning A Christening Shawl?How do I clean a cream 70 year old crepe christening shawl. It has some light shading stains.


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Bleach Cleaner on Oak Table?How do I get bleach cleaner stains out of an oak tabletop?


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Drying Football Pants?Can football pants with built in pads go in the dryer?


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Removing Rubber Shoe Marks From Bouncy Castle?Any way to remove rubber shoe marks from a bouncy castle. Brand new 4 weeks old white rubber marks on red slide.


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Washing House Siding?Can I use Totally Awesome in a pressure washer? If I can, is it safe to use on vinyl house siding and how much do I dilute it? Is it safe around outdoor plants?


Ink Stain on Antique Crocheted Bedspread?

Ink Stain on Antique Crocheted Bedspread?Do you have suggestions for removal of this ink stain from antique crocheted bedspread? I am not sure what type of ink.


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Faded Spot on Silk Kimono?Hi, I tried to spot clean a stain on my silk kimono but think I might have rubbed a little too vigorously'. The area I tried to clean is now slightly lighter than the rest of the kimono. ''Is there any way that I can repair/fix this or at least make the faded area less noticeable? Thanks!


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Removing Dog Poop From Cement Patio?How do I remove dog poop from a cement patio?


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Homemade Laundry Detergent Separating?I made 5 gallons using a recipe from TikTok. Because of the quantity and frequency of our laundry, I diverted a little. I used one full bar of fels naphtha, 2 cups borax, 2 cups of washing powder and added essential oil for fragrance. Also added 1/2 cup laundry sanitizer, and 1/2 cup of softener. I'm having the same separating issues. Is there anything I can do in the main bucket before I put it in the smaller use container?



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Can Ozone Remove Odors?Nowadays, we all know that ozone is a kind of green disinfectant, which is widely used for many aspects of our life. In market, there are many kinds of ozone machines for rooms, toilet, pet room, office, etc. to disinfect.


A baby doll with blonde hair.

Dusty Tippee Toes Doll?I own a vintage Tippee Toes vinyl and plastic doll. It was stored in its box all of these years and never removed from the box. I removed her and she is very dusty. When I dust her, the dust immediately reappears as if the doll is shedding. Please advise and please let me know why my doll is always dusty. The dust appears reddish also. The dust is only on the vinyl parts. The plastic parts are fine.


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How to Remove Rotted Meat Odor From Heavy Fabric?Help! Someone left meat in my daughter's trunk and went unnoticed for 2 weeks! She had a very heavy fabric Renaissance costume cape in the trunk that has completely soaked up the rotten smell! She needs to wear this! I've tried regular Tide. Then washed with vinegar instead of detergent. It still reeks! Now soaking in vinegar water, but running out of hope.


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Using Totally Awesome Cleaner for Washing Machines?Is LA's totally awesome all purpose concentrate cleaner degreaser spot remover able to clean the washer for odd smells too? I have to get a funky stinky smell out of the washer before I can't wash my clothes anymore! It's getting ''''nasty!


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Burnt On Grease on Glass Dish?How-to clean burnt on fat from glass cookware?


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Detergent Leaked Into Dryer Vent?Detergent container leaked and spilled into dryer vent. The screen has been cleaned and a towel was run down the shaft. Detergent has drained out the back of the Kenmore dryer. The hose is disconnected. The dryer is propped at an angle to facilitate draining. What else needs to be done?


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Using a Clothes Line?I love to line dry my clothes but they have lots of wrinkles, lint and cat hair on them. What can I do to save money by not using the dryer but keep my clothes and linens looking nice. I don't think ironing would help save on the electric bill.


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Ink On Shoe?How to remove pen ink from the rubber sole of shoes if the area isn't smooth?


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How to Remove Stains from Marble?I have a marble countertop in my bathroom it has bad water stains. Have tried a few polishes and cleaners but nothing worked. How do I clean it?


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Disinfecting a Backyard?How do I disinfect my backyard? It is all dirt.


A fabric dresser in a polka dot pattern.

How to Clean Mouse Pee From Clothing Storage Dresser?We had a really bad mice infestation and they got into these dressers. They are fabric clothing storage dressers. They have those storage cubes which feel like they have cardboard inside. I wiped them down with Clorox wipes and sprayed them with Dreft. Some were used for clothing and some were used for holding snacks and stuff. Can I clean and reuse or should I toss. Thanks


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Adding Scent to Vacuum Cleaner?What can I use to make my vacuum bag smell better?


Leather upholstery in a car.

Homemade Leather Cleaner?I need a homemade leather upholstery cleaning recipe that will clean but also leave the leather soft with a satiny shine. Any help is greatly appreciated. Please and Thank You.


A pair of rhinestone earrings.

Fix for Fake Diamonds Turning Black?I have these earrings where several of the stones in the bottom earring have turned dark in color, which may be the metal, not the stones. I have tried to fix this by doing the following things:


An old wooden table.

Removing Residue from PVC Table Cover?I put a PVC protective cover on our table as our son was using it for study. When I took it off, the finish was sticky and books, etc. just stuck to it. Have tried a few things but scraping with a tungsten blade removes the varnish/polish not sure which? Can anyone give guidance how to proceed before I ruin the beautiful parquetry finish.



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Getting Raw Meat Smell Out of Leather Seats?Spilled raw turkey blood in my car. Thought I cleaned it all up but car smells horrible. How do I get the smell out? I've tried air fresheners, leaving windows open every night for two weeks, febreze and nothing is working. Please help, not sure what to do since it's leather and not carpet.


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Keeping Bed Covers Straight?I am a restless sleeper. Keeping the bed covers straight is a big problem. I might awaken cold with the spread in the floor, the blanket in a wad at my head and the top sheet at my feet.


A purple stain on a pair of pink jeans.

Get Blue Jean Dye Out of Pink Jeans?So I got these lovely pink jeans and I threw them in the wash stupidly with my blue jeans and this is how they came out with a purple stain from the blue jeans :/ I love the colour so much and now I feel they are ruined. I've tried soaking them in Resolve stain remover and Oxiclean overnight but the stain is not going away. I also didn't see the stain until after they dried. Any ideas?


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Making a Split King Adjustable Bed?How to make a split king adjustable bed using 2 flat sheets? A single king flat sheet gets pulled off from the level side of the bed to the other elevated head. I've tried folding each side along the split (which doesn't always look flat under a king bedspread). I saw a trick of overlapping onto the other side, but haven't found that website again (did I forget there was a bookmark button?) Any suggestions?


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How Do You Clean Hazy Antique Bottles?I have many antique bottles and they are no longer clear. What is the best time to clean them?


Streaks on the side of a red car.

Something Splashed Over My Car?I parked my car and came back to find this on my car. It's dried on the window and the door and across the back passenger side. It feels bumpy and looks powdery. Tried soapy water and sponge no luck, any advice?


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Cleaning Rotting Pumpkin Smell From Car?How do you get rotting pumpkin smell out of the car? It liquefied and juice got into the car. Smells like a rotting corpse.


My Bratz and Barbies Keep Getting Darker?

My Bratz and Barbies Keep Getting Darker?Hi, I'm a Bratz collector and a Barbie collector but I'm more so a Bratz collector by heart. Anyways what's been going on is that my Bratz dolls keep getting this weird dark color on them. I will admit I play with them every day and sometimes I even wash them up from time to time. I thought that my natural oils from my fingertips ( from touching them every day) might be the problem...or the clothes that they are wearing. Because the dolls that don't get played with (which is on display ) aren't as dirty as these you see in the picture. The ones in the picture get played with VERY frequently.


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Cleaning a No Bleach PVC Bathmat?I purchased a white PVC bathmat with suction cups for inside my tub. In the past, I have cleaned these successfully either in the washing machine or by hand with bleach or a bathroom spray cleaner with bleach. However, the directions on this one say "DO NOT BLEACH" which results in the PVC getting permanently sticky. What can I use to clean this mat and remove mildew, mold, etc.?


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Cleaning Rubber From Fabric?I was pulling in the garage and as I was pulling in, I forget about a fabric couch. My front tire rubbed up against the arm of the couch leaving a black smudge. I have looked online for some help cleaning the rubber off from the couch. No luck! Please give me some advice on how to clean the couch?


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Removing Brown Stains in Toilet?What can I use to get rid of hard brown stains in my toilet?


A elf doll with a red hat.

Cleaning a Doll with Sticky Latex?I have an old Arne Hasle elf doll that has sticky latex legs, face, and hands. How do I clean them? Is it toxic?


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Yellowed WhitesI have a couple old pillow protector cases, zippered, in good condition BUT are dingy yellow with age. Short of bleach (which I think I have tried) any suggestions to make them white again? I guess it doesn't really matter as long as they are clean. I will also add that I have tried a bluing product on other things with less than fabulous results. Thanks in advance for any hints.


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Removing Smoke Smell in House?I asked someone to paint my smoke smelled place. They did not clean before they painted. Now my place still has the smoke smell.'Any advice on how I can fix it please?


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Cleaning Spilt Pine O Clean From Carpet?I spilt Pine O Clean in my car. How to fix that smell. Thank you


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Mysterious Bleach Stains on Clothing?I recently bought a Pure Wash Pro to attach to our top load washer and suddenly started getting bleach spots on clothes. I don't use detergent, softener or bleach. I only wash with cold water. For the first month, everything was great, now I'm getting bleach spots. Any ideas out there?


A shirt that has the blue color bled into the white.

How Can I Restore the Colour On My Shirt?Unfortunately, I put my shirt in the wash last night and it looks like the blue has bled into the white stripe along the middle. The two photos show before and after. Please can someone recommend how to restore the colours? This is a very sentimental shirt and I would massively appreciate any help!


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Repairing A Stain From Wood Floor Cleaner?I spilled Awesome cleaner on my hardwood floor. It stripped the polish off of an area. How can I repair it?


A bedroom dresser set.

Nicotine Stained Wood Furniture?When I look at my photos, the furniture doesn't look yellow, but it is. My husband and I both smoked for years and the wood went from nearly white to very yellow. It's just the finish that's stained. I want to do it myself. Is there a miracle product that removes the top layer of finish?


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Unwanted Creases in Jeans?I wear Ariat brand jeans, every pair in the wash creases off center. How do I eliminate the jeans from creasing?


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Cleaning a CPAP Machine?I suffer terribly from moderate obstructive sleep apnea. After over 2 months of waiting, I am finally getting a CPAP machine tomorrow (6/9). I hope this will help me. I have a concern about keeping this machine clean. I know that there are machines to buy that will clean them, but I probably can't afford one. I'm lucky my health insurance covers my CPAP! I need a way to clean this thing as simply and easily as possible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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Will Diesel Fumes Evaporate From Wood Furniture?I have three pieces of furniture that were exposed to diesel fumes from a garage. They were exposed for about an hour. I can not smell it now, but would like to know if diesel fume exposure dissipates, or if anyone knows if it does before I bring the desk in the house. Or does anyone know if there is a way to actually make sure the fumes have evaporated from the wood?


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Odor in Mobile Home?Last summer, I notice a musty type, sewer, rotten egg odor coming from the kitchen sink. The smell kicked in my children's allergies. Sometimes I notice the smell in the hallway from the bathroom to the back door also. Had anyone had this issue and know how I can solve the problem?


Stain that has been dumped on a truck hood.

Stain on a Truck Hood?One of my granddaughter's friends thought it would be cute to pour a can of stain on the front of our truck. It sat for a while and now I can't get it off. Any solutions


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Hoover Carpet Cleaner Won't Stay Upright?I just bought a brand new Hoover pro clean pet carpet cleaner. The problem is I took it out of the box and it won't stay standing upright? Is there something that I'm missing here? Seems like something's either missing to keep it locked into place or something's in the way of it to lock.


Yellow stains on a painted wall.

Degreaser Stains on Painted Wood?I used degreaser on my painted wood cabinets and now I have orange stains all over them and I can't figure out how to remove them.


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Cleaning A Suede/Shearling Coat?A week ago, I bought a gorgeous vintage Penny Lane-style suede/shearling coat (eBay). Made in the 1970s, it's roughly 52 years old (almost as old as I am). It's in excellent condition with just a few spots here and there. No odors and clean sherpa lining.


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Getting Dye Stains Out of Light-Wash Jeans?My light-wash jeans went through the washer and dryer. Another item bled into my jeans and I did not realize this had happened until they had already gone through the dryer. There are now pink splotches on my jeans. I have tried many home remedies to try and get rid of these dye stains. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to use to get these dye stains out? I am desperate to save my jeans!


A stain on a suede headboard.

Suede Headboard Help?I have this mark on my suede headboard. I'm not sure what it is. I'have tried using a steamer to get rid of it but it didn't work. I also tried using a fabric brush but it didn't help. I'm not sure if it's the actual material?


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Removing Leather Stuck to Top of Wooden Desk?Leather album was stuck to furniture. When removed, some leather is still on the furniture. How can I remove this leather?


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Where to Take Frogs and Tadpoles?I have a lot of frogs and tadpoles in my swimming pool that I'd like to get rid of before we completely empty out the pool to clean then fill. I live in Central Missouri in the country.


A television with a film on it.

Removing Vapor Film?How do I remove the vapor film collected on my TV (most importantly) and other surfaces caused from vaping (not smoking) inside. It is a small space and despite the remedies I've tried, nothing seems to work. It simply smears the stain and moves it around. You can see the smear around the flash in the pic. I've since resorted to going outside. But that doesn't fix the problem that already exists. Any help is appreciated.


A doll with discolored places on the nose and cheeks.

What is This Green Stuff on My Doll?Does anyone know what this stuff is on my doll. Is it mildew, dirt or mold? Is there anyway to clean it? I've tried washing with soap and water but it doesn't come off :(


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Removing Turpentine Stain from Cotton Fabric?How can I remove a turpentine stain from cotton fabric?


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Removing Dye From Shirt?I bought a white and blue striped shirt and forgot that a brand new pair of dark blue jeans were in the wash with it. I have the shirt soaking in Oxi Clean and water overnight. Is there something else that I can use to make the white parts of my shirt white while keeping my blue stripes blue?


Soot on a Pink Hoodie

How to get Soot Out of Clothing?I Have a light pinkish hoodie that I dropped on a kerosene heater, which was off thank gosh, but it has soot on the top. So now there is soot on the top of my hoodie, is there a way to get it out?


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Black Color Transfer On My Laundry?There is black color transfer from my other laundry to my new light color undergarments which material is 90% nylon & 10% spandex. The black patches are all over it now. Please help how to fix it.


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Old Wood Floor Care?Recently moved into 110 year old home. How do I take care of original wood floors so they look nice and don't cause splinters?


Removing a Promotional Label From A JacketI would like to get this sticker off so I can wear this jacket.


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Nicotine Stains?Does anybody know how to get nicotine stains out of my clear eyeglass frames? Not the lenses, the frame.


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Using Panty Hose as a Dryer Vent?Could I put a pair of panty hose on the back of the dryer to dry clothes since I don't have a vent pipe to dry clothes? Is it safe to do that?


A decorative ceramic church.

What Removes Smoke From Ceramics?My aunt made this ceramic church. They were heavy smokers. It was in my attic for over 15 years. What can I use to safely remove the smell of the cigarette smoke?


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Red Color Bled On White Lace?Twenty-five years ago, I made a Christmas tree skirt with green/red plaid taffeta and red twill on other side, with expensive delicate white lace. I over watered the tree this year and the skirt got wet. The red twill bled onto the white lace. How do I get the red dye out of the white lace. I have used Oxyclean with peroxide so far. Waiting a little while before rinsing. Any other suggestions?


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Using Purple Power?When using Purple Power in the laundry, do you also use detergent or no?


Removing an Ink Stain on a Vinyl Purse? - Coach purse with stains

Removing an Ink Stain on a Vinyl Purse?How do I get this ink stain off a vinyl purse?


Removing a Spot on a Chanel Satin Purse? - whitish spot

Removing a Spot on a Chanel Satin Purse?I had an old spot on my Chanel satin bag. It looked like maybe lipstick or something oil based. I put on a little bit of cornstarch and blotted. Now I can't fully get the white from the cornstarch out and as you can see from the photo, the spot has lost its shine and doesn't blend fully. I tried blotting with a little water and Woolite on a microfiber cloth and then using a hairdryer on low.


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Remove Pet Urine Odors in LaundryPlease help! I have a senior female dog that is incontinent. Because of this, I am now laundering a load of towels daily that line her dog crate and that have urine on them. Does anyone out there have a suggestion to add to the washing machine to get rid of the urine odor in the towels that would be less expensive?


A collar on a shirt with frayed edges.

Preventing Shirt Collars From Fraying?Is there a way to prevent the collars of shirts from fraying or at least slow the process? Many of my husband's shirts are in excellent condition apart from the collars which have started to fray along the fold. I've seen some posts about unpicking, turning the collar and sewing it back on but that's beyond my capabilities so I was hoping to prevent it in the future.


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Removing Miracle-Gro Stains?I spilled Miracle-Gro on a vintage stoneware platter with some crazing. It now has blue spots. I have tried bleach, Bar Keeper's Friend, hydrogen peroxide, oxyclean powder, and alcohol, all of which I had on hand. Any ideas on how to get this stain out?


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Removing Dog Urine Odor from Leather Couch?Our dog peed on our grey leather couch. There is no stain, but you can smell it. I didn't notice it until about 2 days in I am guessing! How do I get the smell out? Also the part where she peed you can not take out the stuffing. There is no zipper.


A yellow stain on the white number on a jersey.

Removing a Stain From a Jersey?Notice the yellow stain on the jersey at 3 o'clock. There is not actual glue, just its color. How do I get the yellow fly-paper glue stain off the number on my jersey?


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Laundry Odor from HE Washer?I have an HE LG washer and dryer. About a year ago, my laundry started smelling like vomit. Only way I can describe. We have well water, a softener, and a conditioner that removes the sulphur odor, too.


A mark on a white glossy surface.

Perfume Stain on Glossy Surface?Help! How do I get rid of this perfume stain on my glossy counter? I tried soapy water but it just doesn't go


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Removing Pen Marks on Pine FurnitureHow to take Bic pen off a brand new pine TV stand that won't leave a mark. I only got the TV unit yesurday and my kid drew on it a bit. Not happy! '


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Removing a Hand Sanitizer Stain on a Comforter?My son spilled hand sanitizer on his comforter. When I found it, it had dried into a hard layer. I washed it, but did not dry it in the dryer. It was still there. I rewashed it with laundry soap rubbed into the hard, crusty stain. Still there after washing. I have now tried Spot Shot, which I love for carpets, but it is still there! It looks like a layer of dried glue, light whitish, gray.


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Black Clothing Dulled my Pinks?Basically, an unsuspected piece of black clothing got into my pinks. After washing I put them into the dryer overnight. Waking up the next day, I take them out and two clothes stand out to me. My brand new pink gym top and my pink gym bra. The colour has been dulled!


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Cleaning Burned Grease Off of Stove Elements?How do I clean burned on grease on my heating elements on my stove?


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