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Sticky Plastic/Rubber Handles?How do you remove the stickiness that shows up with age on some plastic/rubber tool handles?


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Cleaning Faux Leather?Hello. I hope you can help. My son cleaned his leather seats with Armor All cleaning wipes. I sat in his car with a pink faux leather coat. Dark marks transferred onto my coat. I have tried everything you suggested and the marks remain. Not even slightly gone. Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you.


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Swiffer WetJet Nozzle Holes Won't Spray?I moped over some hot oil with my swifer wer jet. Now liquid will not spray through nozzle. Can the metal mesh holes melt? Mope still works,lights still work but liquid is backing up at the nozzle end and trying to squeeze through. Can I fix this or do o need to replace mop?


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Getting Rid of Cat Urine Smell On Hardback Books?I have over 100 large size hard back cook books that have a cat urine smell to them. The books were in a closed up house on a bookcase and apparently the carpet had been peed on by cats prior to the house being closed up. The books were not peed on. The Cook books just absorbed the smell. It is a collection of books that is worth trying to salvage if at all possible. I don't even know where to start. I have the books boxed up on my carport and open the boxes during the day and try to spread them in the sunlight. That does not help. I would appreciate any help you can give me on this issue.


A blue mark on a wooden table.

Removing Blue Wax From a Wood Table?How to you remove blue stain from candle wax on a wood table?


A bottle with the label removed.

Removing Jar And Bottle Label GlueSaving that jar or bottle for that special use you've found can be nice until you try getting all the label glue off it. Then it can be a pain. Not any more!


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How To Clean 18K Gold ChainCleaning your 18K Chain gold is easy and can be done at home. Here are some steps you can follow:


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Cleaning Ash From Porcelain Dolls?I had a house fire in 2018 and my dolls got covered in ash. I sent them to someone to clean but she never did and returned them to me 3 weeks ago. My question is there any way of cleaning the ash off and how please?


A molded plastic tub.

Cleaning a Plastic Tub?Help me clean my plastic tub, it grosses me out. I like my bathtub sparkling but it's plastic which is new for me from porcelain. I've tried so many remedies these cover overs frustrate me, so I just keep it in my head I know it's at least clean. Please, please help me!


A steel wool pad in a plastic bag.

Make Steel Wool Soap Pads Last LongerI cut mine in half. Then, after I use them, I store in a plastic sandwich bag with all the air squeezed out. Some people store the bag in the freezer.


Using a reacher for dusting under furniture.

Use a Reacher for DustingReachers are useful after surgery and for the elderly. However, they are fantastic for dusting behind and under heavy furniture.


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Oven Cleaner for Soap ScumWe have used Easy Off Fume Free over cleaner (for cold ovens, no heat required) to clean years of soap scum and hard water build up off showers and tubs, both fiberglass and tile.


Cleaning a bathtub.

Cleaning Soap ScumSoap scum is a common cleaning problem in the bathroom. Leftover soap will combine with dirt and oils to leave a stubborn residue on tile, porcelain and fixtures. There are lots of products that can be used to clean it off, including some that you probably already have at home.


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Removing Pumpkin Stains from Clothing?I made pumpkin soup and it spattered on my cotton shirt. How do I remove it?


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Removing Rubber Shoe Marks From Bouncy Castle?Any way to remove rubber shoe marks from a bouncy castle. Brand new 4 weeks old white rubber marks on red slide.



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Removing Rodent Urine Stains?Does anyone know how to get mouse/rat urine stains from clothing? I had my off-season clothing hung in my spare bedroom closet but found evidence of droppings and yellow urine stains on the shoulders of the hanging items. I tried regular laundering but the urine stains remained. Didn't want to try anything else until I consulted my friends. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Cleaning Human Urine Off Hardwood Floors?I have a little boy who is learning to use the potty. Can anyone give me a solution for cleaning the hardwood floor around the toilet? I find that I clean it everyday. He misses sometimes, so I just want to get the area clean and smell free.


A very burned sauce pan.

An Easy Way to Clean a Burnt SaucepanPlease note that I haven't tried this on a pan with a non stick coating. However, if your pan is so burnt that you'll have to throw it out, then you may decide it's worth a try.


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Cleaning a Rice Filled Pillow?I have one of those pillows with rice in it that you can use for sore muscles, etc. I bought it second hand and it smells like cigarette smoke. I can't wash it because of the rice, and can't use Febreze or anything because it is heated in the microwave and I don't want skin rashes.


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Flarp Stains on Clothing?How do you remove noise putty from clothes?


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How Do I Remove Cat Urine Odor from Mesh Running Shoes?One of my cats had a urinary tract infection and peed in my son's expensive Reebok runners. They are a black mesh, and not the leather shoe. How do I get the smell out of them?


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Getting Rid of Green Mold Under a Mobile Home?I live in a mobile home, and we just replaced the insulation under the trailer due to a tornado that we had earlier this year. My son says there is a dark, greenish mold all over the ground. What can I put under there to kill that mold?


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Removing a Musty Smell from Faux Leather Furniture?I just bought a foam filled leatherette suite. It has a damp smell. There is no way I can open and clean the interior. I have only had it one night, but it smells horrible. Any suggestions? Thanks.


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Deodorize a Musty Couch?I found a semi-old couch that my university that was going to thrown out. I snagged it before they could throw it in the dumpster. It is a really nice couch that I could really use, but it has a slight mildew and dusty smell to it.


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Removing Dog Poop From Cement?How do I remove dog poop from a cement patio?


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Can Ozone Remove Odors?Nowadays, we all know that ozone is a kind of green disinfectant, which is widely used for many aspects of our life. In market, there are many kinds of ozone machines for rooms, toilet, pet room, office, etc. to disinfect.


A baby doll with blonde hair.

Dusty Tippee Toes Doll?I own a vintage Tippee Toes vinyl and plastic doll. It was stored in its box all of these years and never removed from the box. I removed her and she is very dusty. When I dust her, the dust immediately reappears as if the doll is shedding. Please advise and please let me know why my doll is always dusty. The dust appears reddish also. The dust is only on the vinyl parts. The plastic parts are fine.


A fanny pack full of clothespins.

Fanny Pack for Clothespin BagI have an old fanny pack and have discovered it has multiple uses. I have been wanting an apron clothespin bag but just haven't gotten around to making one. After using my fanny pack for dropping seed, when planting the garden, I thought about using it for a clothespin bag. Hooked around my waist, it's so easy to get the clothespins out when hanging clothes on the line. This little bag will hold well over 60 clothespins.


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Fiberglass Tub Has Yellowed?How do you make a yellowed fiberglass shower look white again? Mine is 22 yrs. old. At one time I used Gel Gloss for boats. Nothing seems to work now.


A DIY clothes dryer in a shower.

DIY Apartment Clothes DryerMultipurpose your vacuum cleaner to help dry your clothes! Fit your garment bag onto the shower curtain rod, if it must be put on beforehand. You will want to set up your curtain rod over the bathtub, a little ways inside from the shower curtain that you may already have.



A plain white washcloth.

Cheap White Washcloths for EverydayIf you have young children or teenagers who wear make-up, purchasing a bulk package of plain white washcloths can be very economical! I used to have nice, thick washcloths with pretty designs until I began to have kids.


Hanging Fitted Sheets On the Clothesline

Hanging Fitted Sheets On the ClotheslineI love being able to hang my sheets on the clothesline. To keep from stretching the elastic on my fitted sheets, I hang them with the elastic on the inside.


A glove turned inside out next to a right side glove.

Left Hand Glove Turned Into A Right Hand GloveI use rubber gloves when I wash dishes and I wear the right hand glove out before I do the left hand glove. I save the left hand glove and when the next right hand glove gets a hole in it and I have two left hand gloves, I turn one inside out and immediately have another right hand glove.


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Using Totally Awesome Cleaner for Washing Machines?Is LA's totally awesome all purpose concentrate cleaner degreaser spot remover able to clean the washer for odd smells too? I have to get a funky stinky smell out of the washer before I can't wash my clothes anymore! It's getting ''''nasty!


A letterman's jacket's sleeve.

Sleeves on Old Letter Jacket Are Sticky?I still have my son's high school letter jacket from 20 years ago. Guess I am waiting for a grandson! Lol! Anyway, the sleeves are made of a type of vinyl, I am sure you know what I mean. Keeping it in the closet for so long, I think the heat or age has gotten to it. The sleeves are sticky or tacky.


A woman smelling a rotten odor in the kitchen.

Rotten Onion Smell in Home?Has anyone ever experienced a strong odor of rotten onions in just one place in the house? It is not the fridge, not the cat box, and not the trash bin. It has been going on for more than two weeks. If anyone has had this problem, do you know the cause and what has been effective in removing the noxious odor?


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Disinfecting a Backyard?How do I disinfect my backyard? It is all dirt.


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Removing Musty Odor from a Photo Album?Does anyone have any idea how I can remove the musty, moldy smell from my parents' wedding album that was stored in the basement? My niece wants to use some of these old photos at her wedding. Thanks!


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Adding Scent to Vacuum Cleaner?What can I use to make my vacuum bag smell better?


A fabric dresser in a polka dot pattern.

How to Clean Mouse Pee From Clothing Storage Dresser?We had a really bad mice infestation and they got into these dressers. They are fabric clothing storage dressers. They have those storage cubes which feel like they have cardboard inside. I wiped them down with Clorox wipes and sprayed them with Dreft. Some were used for clothing and some were used for holding snacks and stuff. Can I clean and reuse or should I toss. Thanks


A pair of rhinestone earrings.

Fix for Fake Diamonds Turning Black?I have these earrings where several of the stones in the bottom earring have turned dark in color, which may be the metal, not the stones. I have tried to fix this by doing the following things:


A thermometer inside a refrigerator.

Keep Refrigerator Coils CleanIn 2021, we used more electric (kWh) than we did the year before, causing our electric bill to be over $200.00 more for the year. I have been trying to figure out why. Recently, I noticed that our 1994 refrigerator was not cooling like it should and when the milk soured way before the expiration date, I knew something was wrong. I started searching the internet to see how much it was going to cost to get a new refrigerator.


A pump style dish detergent.

Extending Dish Detergent with PeroxideA lot of us find the better dish detergents so thick and concentrated, we choose to dilute them a bit (or a lot). We save money and the product is easier to use.


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Sink Strainer Catch-AllI'm trying to get away from so much processed food. I still indulge occasionally. Single servings of Stouffer's Lasagna is a favorite, and for me, comes with a little kitchen aid bonus.


A pair of clean silver earrings.

Baking Soda Will Clean SilverThe earrings I got were completely black with tarnish. I made a thick paste of baking soda and water, covered the earrings, and let them sit for an hour or so. I then rinsed them well, dried them completely, and enjoyed the sparkle.



A gloved hand cleaning a microwave oven.

Deep Clean Your Microwave/Oven When Changing ClocksWhen I went to set my clocks ahead in the kitchen, I took the time to thoroughly clean the microwave. It gets wiped down pretty regularly but there was a surprising amount of greasy dust on the top and bottom. It's over our stove so I removed the vent fan filters and gave them a rinse too. I plan to do my oven this weekend so it is clean and ready for Thanksgiving and holiday baking.


A spray bottle on a counter.

Prevent Hair Clogs in the SinkHair can cause nasty clogs in the sink. I have curly hair and wet it down every morning to freshen up the curls. I used to wet it in the sink. I decided to fill a spray bottle with water, step away from the sink and do it that way. This has helped so much.


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Add Small Amount of Bleach to Dish WaterAdd just a small amount of bleach to your dishwater. It's a great germ killer and it helps remove stubborn stains from your Tupperware and the like.


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Scuff Marks On Laminate Floors?I have laminated floors, which have marks from furniture being moved. I've tried baking soda paste, vinegar and water, and Awesome. Does anyone know how to remove these?


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Cleaning a No Bleach PVC Bathmat?I purchased a white PVC bathmat with suction cups for inside my tub. In the past, I have cleaned these successfully either in the washing machine or by hand with bleach or a bathroom spray cleaner with bleach. However, the directions on this one say "DO NOT BLEACH" which results in the PVC getting permanently sticky. What can I use to clean this mat and remove mildew, mold, etc.?


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Removing Brown Stains in Toilet?What can I use to get rid of hard brown stains in my toilet?


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Cleaning Rubber From Fabric?I was pulling in the garage and as I was pulling in, I forget about a fabric couch. My front tire rubbed up against the arm of the couch leaving a black smudge. I have looked online for some help cleaning the rubber off from the couch. No luck! Please give me some advice on how to clean the couch?


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Underarm Odor On Dry Clean Only Clothes?Uderarm Odor On Dry Clean Only Clothes. I have a very expensive, dry clean only suit that has underarm odor. I took it to the cleaners but the odor is still there.


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Removing Cooking Oil Stains From a Wooden Floor?Some oil leaked from a bag I put on the floor, about a month ago. The oil has leaked into the wood, leaving a dark stain. I've looked up various remedies online but have not found a clear solution, and I don't want to go messing around with the floor until I know what I'm doing.


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Whitening Dirty Washcloths?Many of my white washcloths have a dirt stain in the center (mostly from cleaning my kids' dirty hands/feet at bedtime on those nights they don't get baths. I only use washcloths once before laundering and use lots of bleach, tried RIT whitener (definitely whitened but dirt stains remained).


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Red Gatorade Stains on Carpet?How can I get red Gatorade stains out of beige carpet? The stain is about 2 years old and I've tried everything.


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Smears on Windows After Cleaning?When I wash my windows and later in the day the sun shines through, the window has smear marks. I have tried various cleaners and I still get smears which are hard to remove. Any suggestions?


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What Is Biological Washing Powder?I watch "How Clean is Your House" every day on BBC America. Their tips are fantastic and rarely require commercial cleaning products. They make baking soda, vinegar, dish washing liquid and borax do just about everything. My question is this: they frequently use "biological washing powder". I'm thinking that they might mean Biz, because they've mentioned enzymes, but I'm not sure. Can anyone translate this for me? Thanks!


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Fog Free Bathroom MirrorWhat I do to keep my bathroom mirror from being fogged up after my shower is this. When I shave, there's usually some shaving cream left in my hand or lather cup, so I smear it on the mirror. With a bit of moist tissue, clean the mirror, which I believe is a very nice clean. When I get out of the shower, the mirror is fog free. No grabbing a towel and stricking it up or waiting for it to clear. So I can finish up and start my day.


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Repairing A Stain From Wood Floor Cleaner?I spilled Awesome cleaner on my hardwood floor. It stripped the polish off of an area. How can I repair it?


Using a spray bottle to sanitize hands.

Rubbing Alcohol for Hand SanitizerInstead of buying bottle after bottle of hand sanitizer which can go fast with a lot of kids, I save old spray bottles that give a mist like hair spray pump bottles. I refill them with rubbing alcohol.


A woman unloading a dishwasher.

Why is My Dishwasher Leaving a Dirty Gritty Residue?My dishwasher is leaving residue that looks like dirt (gritty, etc.) all over the dishes and especially the top of the door. Any suggestions as to why it's doing this?


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House Is Humid and Musty?I live with my family in a rented house that is very damp, and it smells really strong and musty. Does anyone know how I can get rid of the smell? I live in England, so I wouldn't be able to get any American products if you recommended them. Thanks.


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Set in Gum on Clothing?I need some hints on how to get chewing gum out of a shirt after going through the dryer.


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Alternative Scents for Rainbow Vacuum?Does anyone know of any alternatives that can be used instead of the regular scents that you put into your rainbow vacuum cleaner? I don't have any stores near me that sell them and don't want to buy them online without being able to smell them first.


A clothes basket with strings attached for pulling.

Drag Your Clothes BasketWhen you are not suppose to bend over and have to walk with a walker or a cane or just have back problems, you may need some help to get the basket of clothes from the dryer to the bed or folding table. I needed a way to get the job done so I tied some old shoe strings to the clothes basket handle and pulled it to the bed. It works great for me.


Using a cloth to avoid smudges on the microwaves.

Stop Smudges Before They StartA newlywed asked the question, "How do I keep my house clean with as little maintenance as possible?" on one of the Facebook groups I belong to.


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Spray Starch Time SaverI bought a can of spray starch at Walmart. It works well, but a hassle. I spray an arm, then iron. I spray a yoke, then iron, I spray a cuff, then iron. I was picking up and putting down that can of starch as much as I was ironing. I came up with an idea I wanted to try.


A washing machine being cleaned.

Using a Washing MachineWashing machines are a essential part of keeping your clothes and linens clean. With proper care, your washer can last a long time.


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Removing Leather Stuck to Top of Wooden Desk?Leather album was stuck to furniture. When removed, some leather is still on the furniture. How can I remove this leather?


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Removing Diesel Smell from WoodIf diesel fuel has been spilled on a piece of wooden furniture or wooden flooring or construction, the odors and fumes may remain a long time. Odor absorbing materials like baking soda, charcoal and kitty litter can help to minimize the smell but it could be difficult to remove it entirely.


A coffee carafe.

How to Thoroughly Clean a Coffee CarafeI make coffee and put it in a carafe. It keeps it hot then warm, but I nuke it when I want a fresh cup. But coffee has a tendency to stain plastic, so before I donated it, I wanted to clean it good. For a long time, I didn't know how to clean all the pieces parts. When I realized you take the bottom off, then you can take out the silver inner parts and clean it all.


A line of ants near and in a microwave.

Exterminating Bugs From a MicrowaveMicrowaves can become a haven for unwelcome pests and it could be difficult to eradicate them. They can hide in the internal workings, which will require a pesticide or disassembly in order to evict them.


Rose water in a small spray bottle.

Many Uses For Rose WaterRose water costs very little and I have found a few useful ways to use it. Mainly I was using it as a natural air freshener. I bought some empty spray bottles in the Pound Shop and filled a bottle with pure Rose Water. Because I dislike to spray chemicals around myself and my cat.


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Removing Garlic Smell from Clothes?How do I get minced garlic smell out of my clothes? I used Pine Sol, lemon juice, and baking soda and I cannot get it out. It's bad.


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Removing a Hand Sanitizer Stain on Clothing?I got some hand sanitizer spilled on a brand new black top. It shows stains and I can't get them to wash out. Has anyone had this happen and what did they do?


Removing a Spot on a Chanel Satin Purse? - whitish spot

Removing a Spot on a Chanel Satin Purse?I had an old spot on my Chanel satin bag. It looked like maybe lipstick or something oil based. I put on a little bit of cornstarch and blotted. Now I can't fully get the white from the cornstarch out and as you can see from the photo, the spot has lost its shine and doesn't blend fully. I tried blotting with a little water and Woolite on a microfiber cloth and then using a hairdryer on low.


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Cleaning Plastic Dish Strainer?I need something to help me clean my plastic dish strainer. It has a build up of soap, I do not have the money to buy another one. I know its only a couple dollars for one, but money is tight.


A blue basin with soapy clothing.

Hand Washing ClothingWhether you are caring for delicates or just don't have access to a washing machine, it's possible to hand wash your clothing without any special equipment or detergents. These tips are great if you are traveling without access to a laundromat.


Disposable Sport Water Bottle to Hold Dish Soap - clear bottle with blue dish soap

Disposable Sport Water Bottle to Hold Dish SoapIf you purchase dish soap in bulk, you'll know that the container is huge! It is heavy to pour out on a daily basis and it's not very convenient.


Grabbing laundry from the dryer with a reach extender.

Save Your Back with a Reach ExtenderI have a reach extender hanging in my wash room. It makes getting the clothes out of the dryer much easier.


The sock on a long pole with cobwebs.

Improvised Cobweb Duster for LessNeed to get rid of those high cobwebs? Here's an inexpensive way that's worked for us.


Make Your Own Box Fan Air Filter

Make Your Own Box Fan Air FilterWith all the wildfires right now air quality has gone down throughout the west coast. Here's an easy way to make a room air filter out of a box fan and a furnace filter.


A rusty knife on a white background.

Cleaning a Rusty Knife?I just bought a couple old knives. The edge and tip is still in good condition, but the sides of the blade look old and a little bit rusty. I want to ask, is there a way to clean the sides but not damage the knives?


A sponge stored in the handle of a bottle of cleaner.

Keeping Your Dirty Work Sponge HandyI have two baggies under my sink. One is for the sponges (with the scrubby side), marked for veggies. Another is for the "dirty work" sponges. Lately, I have accumulated too many of them and they have begun to smell.


Colorful Paint splatters on shoes and jeans.

Removing Paint from Jeans?I wore my favorite jeans when helping my girlfriend paint her front room bright yellow. I got paint all down my pant legs. How do I get it out? Please help.


A woman taking something smelly from the freezer.

Removing Odors from a FreezerFreezers can develop odors for a number of reasons. Frozen food can release odors normally. This is exacerbated by power outages that can result in leakage and spoilage. Sometimes a container of baking soda will help. You may also have to empty and thoroughly clean the freezer.


A Slurpee straw being used to remove lotion from a bottle.

Slurpee Straw Saver and CleanerA while ago, I saw a product on "Shark Tank" that was a tiny spatula tip on a long stick. It was used to clean out the last of the lotion in tall bottles. I was doing the dishes this morning and came across some Slurpee spoon-tip straws and realized they could be used for the same thing.


A soap dispenser and a water glass inside terra cotta planter bases.

Say Good-bye to Wet Bathroom Counters and FloorsI store my soap dispenser, bathroom cup, and toilet plunger on clay plant pot bottoms. They contain the drips and the water evaporates fast. To clean, I use soap and water and rinse with vinegar or rubbing alcohol to sanitize.


A short broom handle being extended with a cardboard tube.

Extending a Short Broom HandleI can't afford a nice big broom, nor would I want one. They hurt my thumbs and are too coarse. So, I love the Dollar Tree ones, but man are they short! I am only 5 feet 1 inch tall and I find myself stooping just to use it.


Spray bottle with cleaner

Getting Pizza Sauce Off Your Upholstered Car SeatIt just happened! Bringing home two pizzas and a container of extra sauce, that ended up opening and dumping onto my new, light gray upholstered car seat! AUGH!! I had even used an over the counter upholstery protection spray previously on the seats, but it didn't seem to help at all!


Window Cleaning Tip For an RV - squeegee and a towel

Cleaning Windows in an RVIf you travel in a motorhome, camper, or travel trailers (or maybe even at your regular home as well), this might help. At night, condensation builds up on our windows. My easy clean fix is to use a squeegee to run the water down the window onto a reusable towel. Takes a few seconds to do each window. The plus side is you just hang the wet towel out/up to dry and do it all again the next day or time depending on the weather where your staying/living.


Washing a Sunbeam Heated Blanket - blue and white heated throw

Washing a Sunbeam Heated BlanketI received a heated throw for Christmas and recently my kids spilled some food on it. I assumed that all I could do was wipe it with a damp cloth, but it turns out you can wash them! You do need to be careful when washing and drying and you can not wash as you would a regular blanket.


Prevent Mold and Mildew on Shower Curtain Liners

Prevent Mold and Mildew on Shower Curtain LinersIf you have a shower curtain or liner that comes in contact with the side of your shower stall or tub while it dries, you have probably noticed that where it makes contact is where you see mold and mildew. That's because it's not drying fast enough to keep those nasty critters at bay.


Silverware being rinsed in clean water.

Bleach Water for Rinsing DishesMy complex shares a very large waterheater between 4 units. So sometimes, getting grease off my dishes isn't easy, as the water is actually hotter in the bathroom than in the kitchen.


A woman pouring laundry detergent into a measuring cup.

Removing Laundry Detergent StainsSometimes laundry detergent can cause stains instead of removing them. Many people recommend using vinegar or bleaching the stain out of the clothing.


Extra Dish Drainer - white dishpan with a wire rack inside

DIY Extra Dish DrainerIf you need extra space for dishes, you can use an old dish pan and a cooking rack. This is great for parties or holidays when you have more dishes than normal.


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Remedy for Odor from Front Load Washing Machine?After using the washing machine I keep the door ajar. Several hours or longer later there is a musty odor from the machine and in the inside. Any solutions? The machine is three years old and besides that I really like it.


Cleaning In Tough Kitchen Areas - paper towel wrapped tube

Cleaning In Tough Kitchen AreasYou don't need specialized tools to get into cracks and crevices in your kitchen. A paper towel attached to a recycled tube can be shaped to fit any space.


A pair of hand painted wine glasses.

Removing Paint from GlassAlthough paint can adhere to glass surfaces, it can usually be removed easily. Isopropyl alcohol, scrubbing pads and razor blades can all be effective in removing unwanted paint.


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Recipe for Homemade Furniture Wax or Polish?I've had a quick look, but can't find a recipe for furniture wax/polish.


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Removing Mold and Mildew on Stored Books and Photos?How do I get rid of possible mold and mildew in stored items? Nothing can just be thrown in the washing machine. The items include books, photos and frames, odds and ends, but nothing fabric.


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