
Cleaning BathroomsAsk a Question Follow

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SOS Pad Stained Toilet?Our cleaning lady used an SOS pad inside the toilet, and now there are gray stains! I let it soak twice with toilet bowl cleaner and scrubbed, and it helped a little, but is still there.


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Cleaning Bleach Stain On An Old Claw Tub?We have an old claw tub (50+ years old) in our apartment. In an attempt to clean and brighten it up we used bleach! I know now this was a huge mistake! Does anyone know to to remove brownish bleach stains?


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How Soon Can I Use the Tub After Cleaning?How long should I wait before taking a bath after using a solvent like Shower Power? (contains phosphoric acid)


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Yellow Bleach Stain on White Counter?I have a white laminate counter top in my kitchen. I used bleach and water to clean it and something happened. The spots on the counter turned brow. I can't get them out. Does anyone have any ideas?


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Removing Hairspray from Door Handles?How do you remove hair spray from bathroom door handles?


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Removing a Blue Green Stain in the Shower?Three years ago a stain appeared in my shower. It's a blue-green stain coming from the shower handle to the drain, a streak. Does anyone know how to fix it?


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Sharpie on Porcelain?My 4 year old wrote on my porcelain toilet seat with a black sharpie marker and it won't come off with bleach or acetone, any more suggestions?


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Cleaning White Bathroom Tiles That Have Yellowed?The white tile around my bathtub has turned yellow. What can I use to clean the tile and make it white again?


dark stain on sink

Hair Removal Cream Stain on Sink?I have a hair removal cream stain on my white sink. It has been there for 3 weeks. Now the stain is dark grey. What can I do?


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Cleaning Old Bathroom Tiles?Hi there. I live in an old brownstone and have those small white hexagonal tiles in my bathroom (like most other old brownstones in Boston). They are quite old and are now pretty dingy. I have tried cleaning them with bleach, to no avail. Does anyone have any ideas for getting the tiles white again? Melane from Boston


Jacuzzi Bathtub Has Sand in Water Pipes/Jets - sand in the bottom of the tub

Jacuzzi Bathtub Has Sand in Water Pipes/Jets?My wife and I purchased a home in Apple Valley, California approximately one year ago. This is located in the mountains and is called the High Desert area. We finally decided to use the jacuzzi bathtub in the master bathroom. I had remembered that prior to using a jacuzzi tub that hasn't been used in a long, it needed to be cleaned.


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Stains on a Toilet Seat?I have a graphic problem - you have been warned - about cleaning my toilet seat. My husband takes a medication called Byetta to help him lose weight because of diabetes. Unfortunately, it gives him horrible diarrhea - I suppose you get the picture by now.


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Cleaning Urine Off Bathroom Wall?My two boys and my bigger boy obviously don't know how to go in the toilet. I've cleaned the toilet, but now I see that urine is behind the toilet on the wall near the baseboard. I'm going to have to take the baseboard off, but how do I clean the wall/baseboard area before I put a new baseboard on?


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Getting Rid of Urine Stench?Purchased this house 1 1/2 years ago, pretty much sight unseen. It was a pig pen, I don't believe it was ever cleaned as dust was major. My BIG problem is owners couldn't hit the toilet when urinating. The linoleum was completely eaten up.


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Cleaning Caked-On Hair On My Hair Dryer?A while ago, I asked this question and I never received a response. My electric hair dryer has caked on hair on the outside of dryer that I can't remove. I have used bleach, hydrogen peroxide, Mr. Clean eraser, etc. Nothing has penetrated the hair. Can anyone help me? Thank you.



A molded plastic tub.

Cleaning a Plastic Tub?Help me clean my plastic tub, it grosses me out. I like my bathtub sparkling but it's plastic which is new for me from porcelain. I've tried so many remedies these cover overs frustrate me, so I just keep it in my head I know it's at least clean. Please, please help me!


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Built Up Soap Scum?What can I use to remove soap scum?


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Cleaning a No Bleach PVC Bathmat?I purchased a white PVC bathmat with suction cups for inside my tub. In the past, I have cleaned these successfully either in the washing machine or by hand with bleach or a bathroom spray cleaner with bleach. However, the directions on this one say "DO NOT BLEACH" which results in the PVC getting permanently sticky. What can I use to clean this mat and remove mildew, mold, etc.?


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Removing Brown Stains in Toilet?What can I use to get rid of hard brown stains in my toilet?


Removing a Grey Mark in My Bathroom Sink? - grey stain near sink drain

Removing a Grey Mark in My Bathroom Sink?I've used all kinds of products to get rid of this. Nothing has worked. When I used the bathroom there was no mark. Within a few hours this mark has come!


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Clumping Cat Litter Stuck to Inside of Toilet Bowl?How do I remove clumping cat litter that is stuck like cement to the inside of the toilet bowl?


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Cleaning a Stained Rusty Tub?What are the best home remedies to clean a dirty, water stained, rusty tub?


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Poop and Urine Odor Coming from Toilet?I am smelling poop and urine coming from the toilet stool. I have cleaned repeatedly and changed the bowl wax. The smell is still there! I have used Liquid Fire, baking soda, ammonia, and other cleaners and chemicals to remove the odor, but I can still smell the odor in the hallway and the next room.


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Removing Gray Marks Left by Toilet Cleaning Screen?I used the screen that is on a handle that's made to use to clean off the hard water ring in my toilet, but now I have gray marks. How do I remove them? I also have a gray mark in the toilet that is stained from where a cleaning person used a pumice stone.


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Cleaning Non-skid Strips in Tubs?How do you clean the grip or non-skid strips that seem embedded on the bottom of the newer tubs, so they remain white?


Removing Blue Streaks in Bathtub - several blue spots and streaks in bathtub

Removing Blue Streaks in Bathtub?I have several blue streaks in my bathtub that suddenly appeared. Any suggestions on how to get rid of them and the cause?


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Drain Cleaner Discolored Granite Sink?Unfortunately the sink drain unblocker spilled into the sink and caused discolouring. Is there a remedy to get it back to the original black colour?


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Removing Tobacco Stains from a Toilet Bowl?How can I remove chewing tobacco stains from a toilet bowl? The stains are very strong and a deep dark brown. I have tried a variety of toilet cleaners, nothing worked.


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Removing an Acetone Stain in the Shower?I stupidly poured acetone down my shower and now my shower base is stained! How do I remove it?


Removing a Discoloration on My Bathtub - pink tub

Removing a Discoloration on My Bathtub?I moved into a rental house and the bathtub color is pink not white. I noticed that a discoloration started to form on the sides, like a grayish white. I tried the Magic Eraser, Clorox beach for bathrooms, baking soda, and dish soap.



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Leaving Toilet cleaner in the Toilet for Extended Period of Time?I am going on holiday and wondering if it's OK to leave toilet cleaner in toilet while away for 2 weeks.


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Removing Stains from a Composite Granite Sink?I put nail polish remover in a red plastic cup to take off my polish and it put a ring red mark from the cup onto my sink how do I get it off.


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Using a Broom to Clean a Fiberglas Tub?Will a soft broom ruin my fiberglass tub?


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Cleaning Soap Scum Off Shower Walls?I have a septic tank. Our water is hard and very metallic smelling. It wreaks havoc on our showers. What product can I use to get rid of the soap scum that is also safe for a septic tank?


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Cleaning a Bathtub with Bleach and Liquid Soap?I've read somewhere about a bathtub cleaning tip that said to fill it up with hot water and Clorox and liquid soap, but I'm not sure which specific ingredients. Has anyone heard about this cleaning tip? Can you help figure out the correct instructions?


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Removing Sticky Black Residue from Cheap Rubber Bath Mat?Has anyone had a problem with your rubber bath mat (cheap one) sort of "collecting" a bit of sticky, black residue? It is not mold or bacteria. But I really started having a problem with it after I sprayed a mixture of Clorox (chlorine) and water on my shower walls and on the mat to remove mold and sanitize them.


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Removing a Stain on a Terrazzo Shower Floor?I cleaned a terrazzo shower floor that had a copper (blue/free) stain. I used a toilet gel. When I rinsed it off I noticed it has gone black. It's at a Bed & Breakfast that I clean. Any ideas to remove this now? It looks like the cement part that has gone blackish.


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Top of Tub Mat Gets Slippery?I'm a senior and my bath mat is only a month old. It holds nicely in the tub. The problem is that the top of the mat gets very slippery while I'm taking my shower. I've tried everything.


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Shower Grip Left Stain on Wall?I have a round circular stain from a shower grip on the wall. Is there anything I can do?


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Removing Soap Scum from Shower and Tub?How do I remove soap scum from a shower and tub without using harsh chemicals? I have become very sensitive to them.


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Cleaning a Jet Tub?3 years ago I bought a home that had a jet tub. I was told the jets didn't work and the previous owners never used them. They lived here for 2 years. So including their time living here, the jets haven't been used for 5 years for sure. I recently got them working and as you can imagine... black funk everywhere!


Removing Permanent Marker From Tub and Toilet - marker on tub

Removing Permanent Marker From Tub and Toilet?We are moving out and I was using a Sharpie ultra fine point marker to label boxes and I left it in my son's reach on my bathroom sink. So now I need to know to remove it from the outside wall of my bath tub and my toilet seat, not the lid, but the ring.


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Cleaning the Filters and Screens in a Walk-in Tub?I got a walk-in tub. It's nasty; all the tubing is black and the water level goes down when you take a bath. The manual just touches on the fact that either filters or screens need to be kept clean, but never says where they are. Any insights? It's a 2015 SafeStepTub.


Removing Dark Spots on Granite Composite Sink - spots on sink bottom

Removing Dark Spots on Granite Composite Sink?I put a clear rubber protector on the bottom of my new granite composite sink to keep it from scratching, and now I have dark spots. How can I remove them?


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Preventing Mineral Build Up in a Toilet?How do you stop mineral build up in toilets that are seldom used?



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Stubborn Toilet Stain?I have a brown stain at the bottom of a toilet (it looks like someone had not flushed) that I cannot get it off with a regular brush and Ajax. Can any one tell me how to remove this stain?


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Cleaning Fiberglass Tub with Alcohol?On your site it says you can clean fiberglass bathtubs with alcohol. What kind are you talking about grain alcohol or rubbing alcohol?


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Cleaning Stains from Marble Countertop?I saw on your site that it said to make paste from corn starch and peroxide. Can I use baking soda instead of corn starch. I have a beige marble slab that has dark staining in the veins. I have no idea what it is, but it's in the bathroom so it very well could be mold, but it's not on the surface.


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Cleaning a Stained Toilet Bowl?So basically I just moved into a flat and the toilet bowl is stained and disgusting. The whole bathroom is in a state. How do I get rid of the stains? Any ideas?


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Cleaning Up Hair in the Bathroom?My daughter and I both have long hair. Our black cat sheds and so do we! How do I get all the hair off the sink, counters, and shower? Also is there a way to keep it from collecting there in the first place?


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Removing Toilet Stains?I am just wondering if anyone had a tip on how to get rid of brown stains at the bottom of the toilet bowl. I have tried everything and nothing is working at all.


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Removing a Toilet Bowl Stain?How can I get rid of a blue/grey tint in my toilet bowl? It is not just a ring, but the whole bowl where the water sits. And what's the cause?


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Removing Brown Hard Water Toilet Stains?I have brown stains that run down from the rim where the water comes into the bowl. There is actually a hard buildup that I cannot get off with Lime Away or CLR. What will remove this?


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Cleaning Yellow Spots on Fiberglass Tub?My fiberglass tub has some yellow spots. How can I get rid of them?


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Mouthwash Left Mark on Laminate?The mouthwash bottle has stained a laminated countertop in my bathroom. Is there anything I can use to remove it? The top is a black marbled effect and it seems to have made it go whiter like a bleaching effect. When I wash it, it goes back to black, but as it dries the white staining comes back.


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Removing Hairspray from Marble Countertop?How do I remove hairspray from marble countertops?


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Cleaning a Stained Toilet?I purchased a home where the whole house and toilet were majorly neglected. There are major stains in the toilet. I tried mesh screen with a cleaner. That did not help. I will accept all suggestions.


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Cleaning an Old Bathtub?What is the best way to clean an old bathtub? I tried many cleaners, but the tub is still dirty. Also what cleans unsealed grout? Should I paint or color?


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Cleaning Mold Off Shower Walls?How do I clean mold in the cracks of my cheap shower walls? They are hard plastic.


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Removing Soap Scum from Tile Shower Walls?I have a rental house with really bad soap scum build up on the interior ceramic walls. What are your recommendations on the best, most efficient way to make these ceramic tile walls sparking clean again?


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Cleaning a Fiberglass Tub?I have tried many things to get the soap scum off my fiber glass tub, but to no avail, nothing has worked. Is there any sure way to clean it?


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Cleaning Soft Water Toilet Bowl Stains?My question is how do I remove the "pinkish" water stains in my toilets, due to our soft water? I have tried so many different products without success. I am so frustrated I hope someone may have a solution. Our toilets are only a year old, and I clean them 2-3 times a week.


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Cleaning Well Water Stains in Tub?I am building a house. My plumber left well water in the bathtub. It has been 6 months now because I am building slowly,due to funds. Will the water stain the bathtub, and will it be difficult to clean?


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Removing Yellow Stains in Tub?I live in a manufactured home. How do I clean it so it doesn't have yellow stains?


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Cleaning Stains in a Porcelain Tub?I have an old, big, solid tub with blue and green stains where the water pours out. It is not rust and I do not know how or what to use to clean it. Does anyone have any ideas?


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Cleaning a Bathtub Ring?I always have consoled myself that the ring was not from me, but from the soaking of basket weave reeds in the tub. Whether that is true or not I have no idea. Is that a possibility? I would not mind getting rid of it if anyone has a suggestion. It has been there for years and I have scrubbed it as though it were a regular ring, but to no avail.


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Cleaning Shower Head?My shower head is on a flexible hose. How can I clean it? No, I can not remove the shower head.


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Removing Scratches in White Porcelain Sink?I use the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser with Comet which helps, but you really have to scrub. Think I will try that Bartender's Secret.


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Removing Toothpaste Stains from Laminate?What can I use to remove toothpaste stains from a laminate bathroom counter top? Thus far I've used peroxide, bleach, various bathroom cleansers, ammonia, and CLR. Any one with experience with this stain problem?


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Cleaning Stain on Toilet Seat?How can I remove a green stain on my hard rubber toilet seat? I think it was caused by urine. I have tried cleaning it with baking soda and vinegar, but that didn't work.


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Cleaning a Fiberglass Tub?How can I remove the dark ring around the sides of the tub?


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Drain Cleaner Stained Bathtub?How do I remove stains left behind by drain cleaners such as Draino or Liquid Fire?


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Cleaning Ceramic Shower Wall Tile?How do I clean very dirty bathroom wall tiles? I have arthritis and can't clean it but have someone who will. What can be used to make this job not so tough but will clean and make the tile shine again? It is ceramic tile.


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Cleaning Ceramic Tile Grout?How do you get the yellowish color out of grout in between ceramic tile?


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Blue Stain in Sink?My wife likes to use Windex to clean everything! Well, she was cleaning the guest bathroom sink and there was an area where the porcelain enamel had rubbed off unbeknownst to her. Once the spray hit that spot, it absorbed the blue spray and now there is a big discolored blue spot where the enamel had rubbed off. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can remove the stain?


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Removing Yellow Stain in Fiberglass Tub?I have a fiberglass jet bath tub that has a yellowing stain in the bottom of tub how do I get it out?


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Removing Glue from Bathroom Tiles?I have sticky glue on my bathroom tiles that has been there for a long time. It has become very hard in texure. How can I remove it?


pinkish brown stains

Cleaning Stains on Shower Floor?There were terrible stains on my shower flower after the construction of my home. I had done some of the work myself and had stored various things in the shower. I've scrubbed it with Comet, used a stiff brush, and used Clorox, but nothing worked.


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Cleaing Shower Doors?I live in an apartment and the previous tenants didn't ever clean the shower doors. They are extremely stained. I have tried lemon juice, vinegar, and Lime Away, but nothing seems to work.


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Cleaning Bathroom Cabinet Handles?How do I get the green stuff off of my bathroom cabinet handles?


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Cleaning a Stained Toilet?I have a toilet in a vacant rental house that was used many times (by someone who broke in) after the water was turned off, so basically it was never flushed and full of nasty. I have cleaned it numerous times.


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Cleaning Vinyl Shower Flooring?How do you clean permanent rubber vinyl shower flooring? It is 10 years old and badly stained.


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Removing Hair Dye from Wood Cabinet?When I dyed my hair the plastic bottle went flying, and spattered the side of my bathroom wood cabinet.


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Removing Rust in Toilet Bowl?How do you get rid of rust in toilet bowl? I've tried bleach cleaners.


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Removing a Rust Stain in Porcelain Tub?I have a white porcelain bathtub that was heavily stained with rust when rusty drain clearing cable was left spread in tub. Sprayed the tub, sprinkled Bar Keepers Friend on stain. Wet cloth and lightly scrubbed the tub. The rust disappeared 90% first application.


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Cleaning Permanent Vinyl Shower Mat?The shower mat is old and has dark areas which I cannot get washed out. I have used vinegar, bleach, etc. with no success.


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Cleaning an Old Stained Shower Stall?My 25 yr. old permanent shower stall is stained. Are there any solutions to restore it, getting it clean?


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Removing Porcelain Sink Stain?It appears that some eye medicine my mom used has made stains on my bathroom sink. I tried several things, but nothing works. Any suggestions?


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Conditioner Leaves Fiberglass Tub Slippery?Hair conditioner causes the tub to be very slippery. I clean the tub regularly, no stains, just very slippery. I've tried about every cleaner, suction cups on bath mats do not stick.


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Cleaning Shower Head?How to clean the shower head without taking it off?


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Cleaning a Permanent Shower Mat?My aged permanent shower mat looks dirty with no success of cleansing it. I have used bleach, baking soda, and professional cleansers and still no success.


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Removing Well Water Stains on Shower?I have well water stains on my plastic shower. How do remove them?


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Cleaning Grout in Shower?The grout on my shower floor has a few black lines that don't clean out. What to do?


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Cleaning a Toilet Bowl?On my toilet around the top circle part is what looks to be some brownish material. I don't know what it is or how to get rid of it.


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Cleaning an Old Dirty Tub?My boyfriend and I are renovating a really old house. The lady who lived there before us was there for 7 years. She was a chain smoker, had arthritis, and had several baths a day!


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Removing Urine Smell from Bathroom Floor?I empty the bedside commode into the toilet. The toilet paper splashes in and some of it gets on the bathroom floor.


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Removing a Hard Water Ring in Toilet?My neighbor has always had soft water, whilst I did not. She and I used a pumice stone to remove a build-up of hard scale inside the toilet bowl, even though she had a water softener installed in her house. The pumice stone left black streaks in the porcelain.


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Cleaning Up Sink After Shaving?How do you keep your sink clean after your men shave their faces?


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Cleaning Glass Shower Doors?My shower doors are old and the glass gets grimy even when I have scrubbed it clean with ammonia. Then I tried using a dryer sheet which kept it clean for a little while, but now it is back to looking terrible.


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Removing Calcium Deposits on Shower Doors?How do you clean calcium deposits on glass shower doors?


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Cleaning the Shower with Vinegar and Dawn?What was the recipe for cleaning a shower with vinegar and Dawn dish washing detergent?


Discoloration on white tub.

Cleaner Discolored Cast Iron Tub?How do you restore the color on a white tub? I had a new tub installed last summer and recently ruined the color when I sprayed an off brand cleaner on it. Now it has discoloration from the cleaner. I tried bleach and CLR, but nothing has worked so far.


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