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A blood stain on a garment.

Removing Blood from GarmentI was in the hospital this week with a hip replacement. I had gotten all dressed to come home and the student nurse removed the IV from my arm. Next thing we knew, the gauze was soaked with blood and blood was running down my arm. A big drop fell on my shirt. The Physical Therapy lady told me to spit on it. The enzymes in my spit would help to take it out.


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Hydrogen Peroxide for Removing StainsPeroxide is cheap, environmentally friendly and removes most organic stains. I find it funny that most people don't know that two of the active ingredients of Oxiclean are washing soda (like Arm & Hammer) and peroxide. Save some money, buy a box and bottle and make your own, over and over again.


Salt for Removing Blood from Clothing - container of salt

Salt for Removing Blood from ClothingRemove blood from clothing is by using salt. Where the stain is, get it wet and then cover the stain with salt and let it sit for about 10-20 minutes. Then when you are ready to wash it in the washer, add your regular amount of detergent you normally use, but add about 3-4 tablespoons of salt to your wash as well. Wash as usual, and you will get great results!


Salt and vinegar being used to treat a rust stain on overalls.

Salt and Vinegar Ineffective for Removing Rust StainsI scoured the internet in search of the best way of removing rust stains from clothes. The method I ran into the most was rubbing salt into the stain with vinegar and letting it dry in the sun. Sadly, it didn't work. I feel like there wasn't even a slight lift of the stain with this method.


A bottle of dish soap and one of hydrogen peroxide to remove stains.

Remove Perspiration Stains on T-ShirtsI had a special marathon T-shirt that I needed to remove perspiration stains from and found this one worked for me! It had already been laundered, but the stains were still on it.


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Boiling Water for Removing Fruit StainsMy Aunt taught me how to make strawberry preserves and I got some on my T-shirt I was wearing. I thought my shirt was forever stained by the juice of the strawberries. She showed me that when you take your shirt and stretch it over a bowl inside out and pour boiling water on the stain, it disappears!


Cleaning 'Ring Around The Collar' - dirty t-shirt

Cleaning 'Ring Around The Collar'I go through a lot of T shirts while gardening, it's a dirty hobby. The shirts collect a lot of dust which is easily washed away. It's the oily grime around the collar that poses a problem.


Permanent marker covered by isopropyl alcohol to remove stains.

Isopropyl Alcohol to Remove Permanent Marker from ClothingMy son came home from school the other day and asked me if I could get pen off his favorite hoodie. I poured isopropyl alcohol directly on the spots and used q-tips to scrub across the pen marks, rinsing it out and reapplying a few times.


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Murphy's Oil Soap for Oily StainsUse undiluted Murphy's Oil Soap directly on an oily clothing stain. Rub it in, and launder as you normally would. This method removed salad dressing stains from my daughter's solid colored school uniform shirts and khakis for years. Even set in stains I had not thrown out yet were gone!


Lemon halves and powdered laundry detergent to remove a stain.

Lemon as Stain RemoverNo chemicals used; this is an organic way to use lemon as a stain remover on your clothes. Just grab powdered soap and one lemon. If you have stains on your dress, just tap the stain with water, put a pinch of soap powder and overlap it with lemon. Then scrub the lemon over the stained area.


Meat Tenderizer for Old Stains

Meat Tenderizer for Old StainsNon-seasoned meat tenderizer works fabulous on old, stuck-on stains, especially blood and sweat. The bromelain in it breaks down the proteins in blood and sweat without ruining your fabric.


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Removing Grease Stains on Lace SkirtI achieved success on a lace skirt by using a combination of Resolve Gold Laundry Stain Remover, which can be purchased at any grocery store, and Totally Awesome All Purpose Concentrate Cleaner, Degreaser Spot Remover, which is available at Walmart, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Big Lots, or online.


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Spray Deodorant for Removing Ink StainsSpray deodorant on the stain, then rub with a cloth. It should come off. If it doesn't come off straight away, but instead only fades after you have rubbed it, then spray more deodorant on the stain.


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Hand Cleaner for Cooking Oil StainsFirst, "do not" get clothing wet! Go to a Walmart and purchase Permatex Hand Cleaner. It says on the top of the cap, "Toughest on Laundry Stains".


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Dishwasher Detergent for Grass StainsWhen Softball/Baseball season comes around, my hubby and son play on multiple teams and in lots of tournaments. Their uniform pants - usually white - are consistently subjected to ground in dirt, grass, even blood stains.



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Removing Dry Erase Marker Stains from ClothesFirst I tried Murphy's Oil Soap on the water-wetted shirt spot. It took a bit of the stain out, but not much. Then I sprayed Top Job Spot & Stain carpet cleaner, it comes in a red plastic spray container, directly onto the spot and rubbed it with an old white cotton sock.


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Removing Wax or Crayon from ClothesHeat an iron. Damp a face cloth. Put the face cloth on the item of clothing with the crayon or wax to be removed. Place the hot iron on the damp face cloth and move around for 30 seconds until wax or crayon is removed.


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Murphy's Oil Soap to Remove Chocolate StainsIf you have a chocolate stain on clothes, try Murphy's Oil Soap. Dab it on the stain and rub. Once the stain is gone, rinse with cool water til soap is removed and launder as usual.


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Getting Melted Crayon Out of Dried ClothesGo to your nearest a Dollar Tree or Dollar General and buy a bottle of Awesome. Spray Awesome directly on the dried crayon and soak in hot water. Then use your choice of laundry detergent to pretreat the stain again. After about 10 to 20 minutes put back in machine and wash again.


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Nail Polish Remover For Silk StainsI have an ivory silk comforter that I purchased about a week and a half ago. It came in the mail, and I've already spilled a pink substance on it. I took a cotton ball and dipped it 1/4 of the way into nail polish remover.


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Removing Transferred Dye from ClothingI accidentally ruined my daughter's favorite delicate light pink shirt. Somehow, I managed to get blue streaks of dye all over it. I tried stain remover, but the dye didn't budge. I decided I didn't have anything to lose so I researched and did a combination of different recommendations.


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Homemade Stain TacklerMake a paste with water, white vinegar, and sugar to pre-treat spots on clothing before washing. Rub on stain leave alone for about 10-20 minutes, rinse, then wash in cold water. Do not put it in the dryer until you check and make sure the stain is gone! If it is still there repeat.


How to Get Grease Out of Fabrics - Woman eating a greasy hamburger

How to Get Grease Out of FabricsGrease stains can be caused by a number of things. For light stains on washable fabrics, a simple laundry pre-treat is usually all that is needed to remove many stains.


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Removing Blueberry Stains from ClothingA blueberry stain is one of the easiest stains to see, and depending on the fabric, one of the most difficult to treat. This also applies to other deep 'red-colored' fruit stains such as those made by cherries, grapes, blackberries, cranberries, and raspberries. T


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Removing Tar and Black Oil from ClothingUse machine or any white oil to remove tar or black oil from clothing. Just lay it out flat, soak in oil and gently scrape the tar.


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Removing Blood Stains from ClothingTo remove blood stains from clothing, follow these steps immediately, if possible:


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Murphy's Oil Soap Can Remove Fabric DyeI had a bright pink dry erase stain on some blue cotton chambray light-weight fabric. Scrubbing with lots of Murphy's Oil Soap got the ink out - along with some of the dress's blue color.


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Remove Tomato Stains on ClothingI was folding clothes and found a tomato stain on my white shirt after it had been dried. I put Borax on it, hydrogen peroxide and bleach. After I bleached it, I soaked it in water for 10 minutes.


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Stain Remover FormulaTo remove a stain, mix 1 tsp. Dawn dish detergent, 3-4 Tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and a couple of Tbsp. baking soda. Scrub with a brush.


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Removing Crayon from Washed and Dried ClothesI never check pockets when I wash clothes, and of course this time I payed the price. I did not realize there was a crayon in a pocket until I dried the load and to my horror saw that I had blue spots on everything. I honestly almost started crying.



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Methylated Spirits for Color RunHave the garment either dry and damp with cold water, rub in by hand methylated spirits, undiluted, rinse well in cold water, then wash as normal.


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Removing Silly Putty from Plush RobeThis just happened to my grand-daughter's plush robe. Scrape off as much of the Silly Putty as you can, then wet a soft cloth with Noxema facial astringent and rub the stain.


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The Works for Sunscreen StainsAfter reading all the comments about chemical reactions I decided to do a little experimenting myself. I found that The Works tub & shower cleaner takes out the stain.


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Removing Stains from Your New DressThe best tip ever is too simple. You just need to rub a lemon on the stain and it actually vanishes. So no more worries.


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Homemade Stain RemoverUse 2/3 cups of dish soap, 2/3 cups of ammonia, 6 tablespoons of baking soda, and 2 cups of warm water. Mix everything into a spray bottle and shake well.


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Hairspray to Remove Ink StainsUse hairspray to treat any type of ink stain (permanent marker, ink pen, etc.). Throw it in the wash machine and voila! No more stain. I have been doing this for years and it works fantastic.


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Remove Wine Stains on ShirtsIf you have a wine stain on your shirt, stretch your fabric over a bowl, cover the stain with salt and carefully pour boiling water over it. This will remove your stain.


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Use Aspirin for Sweat StainsMake a paste of the cheapest aspirin you can find and grind into a powderish consistency. Then mix with water to form a thick paste. Spread paste over stain and rub in.


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Awesome Cleaner for StainsAwesome cleaner from the Dollar Store works great on every stain there is. From grease to grass stains on fabric, and will not affect the color of fabric! It is great for cleaning everything from lawn furniture to stove tops.


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Baby Wipes to Spot Clean ClothesI have a black sweatshirt that wasn't really dirty, it just had some white spots, as black garments often get. I have used baby wipes to take off toothpaste stains that remain after I try to sponge them off and thought I would try to use them to get these white spots off.


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Shampoo For Stain TreatmentI found this a few years ago and have been using it ever since. It works great and is inexpensive: Fill a water bottle with warm water and add about a quarter cup of inexpensive shampoo. Mix and keep in laundry room to pretreat stains before washing.


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Pine-Sol to Remove SapWhen it comes to removing sap from clothing, I have had very good luck with Pine-Sol or Lestoil. It is worth a try.


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Pour Boiling Water Over StainFor a red wine stain, place the cloth item over a large bowl so it is stretched over the rim. Boil water in a tea kettle and pour over the fabric from about a foot away. Keep the cloth item stretched tight so it doesn't go to the bottom of the bowl.


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White Wine And Salt For Red WineThe first solution for removing red wine stains is to always have white wine on hand. Dilute the spot with white wine, and then flush with cool water and apply salt.


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Soft Scrub to Remove StainsI had a set in tea stain on one of my white t-shirts. I had just bought a container of Soft Scrub - it will clean about anything. So I dropped just a small dot on the two stains and washed. They came out!



Removing Gum From Clothing

Goof OffShortly after starting Taekwondo, my son got a bubble gum spread all over the front of his uniform and belt. We tried freezing it and picking it off. That didn't work so we also tried isopropyl alcohol.


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Removing Red Wine Stains With White WineWhen I was in my 20s, I seemed to spill a lot of red wine on myself. I had a long, white, cardigan sweater I wore all the time, and sometimes I would end up with red wine on it. One day an elderly woman I worked with told me to put white wine on the red wine stain.


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Removing Blood Stains from White ClothesMy husband went fishing the other day, and came home with fish blood stained through his jeans to his underwear and on his white T-shirt. I washed the whites in bleach and dried them, but the stains were still there.


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Marking Stains On ClothingBefore you put stained clothes in the hamper to wash, tie a knot if possible or fix so it has to be looked at before putting in the washer. When I find a knot or clothing not the usual way it should be, I know to look for a stain on it.


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Dishwasher Detergent and Shout Color Catcher Sheets for Dye Transfer StainsFirst, soak the affected clothing item overnight or longer, in a solution of 1 cup powdered dishwasher detergent and enough warm water to cover the item. This also works well on stains.


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Removing Blood StainsUse household ammonia (full strength) to remove blood stains from clothing. Try to catch the stain as quickly as possible, and launder right away in cold water. Stain will disappear.


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Vinegar to Remove Cherry StainsMy daughter loves cherries and messes. After leaving the cherry stains to soak into her shirt for a day, I was having a very hard time getting the stains out. In the end, I poured vinegar on the stains, rubbed the shirt together and, no more stains!


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Removing Sticky Residue From ClothingFor gum or tar on clothing, spray WD40 on and wash. To remove oil or grease from clothing, cover with baby powder or cornstarch, then spray with stain remover. Wash as usual.


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Aspirin Paste for Antiperspirant StainsA paste of aspirin will work to get rid of yellow antiperspirant stains (and other protein-based stains). This is in addition to the age-old white vinegar/meat tenderizer remedies.


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Cleaning White Leather Tennis ShoesI sprayed some Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom cleaner on a paper towel to clean up my leather tennis shoes. It worked really well.


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Removing Blood from FabricBlood stains on clothes? Not to worry. Just pour a little hydrogen peroxide on a cloth and proceed to wipe off every drop of blood. Works every time!


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Removing Alcoholic Beverage StainsTo remove alcoholic beverage stains, apply a detergent solution (1/4 tsp. clear, non-bleach dishwashing liquid to 1 cup clear water) and allow it to sit 8-10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and blot until dry.


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Removing Stains from White ClothesBad stain on white clothes? Don't throw the item away. If you have stains from blood, fruit (such as blueberries) wine, coffee, mustard even barbecue sauce, pre-soak item in very hot water with laundry soap for 10 minutes then launder as usual.


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Shortening to Remove Grease From ClothesTo remove grease and automotive oil from cotton clothing, rub shortening into the stain and then overlap with a paste of water and laundry detergent, rubbing it into the material. Wash as usual.


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Remove Stains with Boiling Water and BleachDenim dye bled on my coral dress, white cotton scrub top, and pink shorts with embroidered frogs. To get it out, I used 6 quarts almost boiling water and 1/8 cup Clorox. I dipped each piece in this solution and it removed every bit of the denim dye.


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Getting White Clothes White AgainPour the hot water into a plastic, enamel or stainless steel (not aluminum) container. Add the dish washing soap and bleach, and stir well. Put 100% cotton in this and let soak for 30 minutes.


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Home Made "Spray and Wash"Add 1 part liquid color-safe bleach to 5 parts water in a spray bottle. Mix well. Spray on spots and let it set a couple of hours before washing. This removes most anything.


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Cornstarch As Grease Stain RemoverIf you have grease spots on t-shirts, dust the stain with cornstarch, grinding it in, and let it set several hours or overnight before washing. Talcum powder or baby powder will also work as it soaks up the grease. Wash as normal.


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Use Dawn Dish Soap as a Stain RemoverI really can't take any credit for this tip at all, except to tell you that it works. I used it to remove human urine from the decorative contour rug around our commode. Recently, someone from ThriftyFun suggested it and all credit to her.


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Pre-Treating Greasy StainsI've found the best way to remove any greasy stain (including shirt collars) is to put a little dishwashing liquid (Joy, Dawn, etc.) on the stain, and rub it in. Then dip the spot in as hot water as is appropriate for the fabric and rub again.


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Use Hair Spray To Remove Permanent MarkerAs soon as possible, spray the mark liberally with hair-spray. Allow to sit for one minute then rinse in clear warm water. If some stain remains, repeat, until all stain is removed and then launder as usual.


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Removing Old Ink Stains From ClothingTo get ink out of a white shirt or blouse that has already set in the dryer, try this. Place an old towel between the shirt so stain will not go through.


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Shout Color Catchers ReviewAs a mom of two boys under two years, I swear by the Shout Color Catcher sheets to save me when laundry doesn't get sorted that well (try red socks in a load of whites).


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Toothpaste For Blood StainsColgate toothpaste removes blood stains from cotton material even after it has dried. Use before you wash and dry. It even smells good.


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Candy Stains on Blue JeansI requested a suggestion for getting candy stains out of blue jeans after they have been washed and dried but no one seemed to know. I saw where people were getting various stains out of clothing with 'Mean Green' or a similar cleaning product and guess what?


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Pretreating Lipstick StainsIf you get a lipstick stain on your clothing, try pretreating it with cold cream or shortening. Then rub a little grease fighting dish detergent into it and launder as usual.


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Treating Ink Before LaunderingIf you ever get any ink on your clothing, you can remove it by spraying hair spray on it and then gently rubbing it with an old toothbrush.


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Ammonia Instead for Bleach for Clean SocksTry ammonia instead of bleach, or even a 1/2 cup of baking soda and the Downy ball filled with white vinegar. One of those should work for sure.


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Removing Pedialyte StainsThis tip is for removing purple stains (Pedialyte) on white cotton shirts.


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Removing Deodorant MarksTake a pair of old panty hose and rub back and forth across the fabric where the deodorant stain is. It will help remove it.


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Club Soda for Wine StainsUse club soda to get wine stains out of linens and clothes.


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Baking Soda and Dawn For Clothing StainsA great way to remove stains from your clothes is to mix baking soda and Dawn liquid dishwashing soap (blue liquid) into a paste. Brush it into the stain and let set.


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Regaining the Tan Color after BleachingIf you are trying to get bleach stain out of tan clothing you can use a tea bag to hide the stain. I discovered this trick when I used a bit of bleach to get rid of a stain on my favorite tan jacket.


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Chalk For Ring-Around-the-CollarClean ring-around-the-collar. Mark the stain heavily with white Crayola chalk. The chalk will absorb the sebum oil that holds in the dirt. By chrystalkay


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Stain Remover For Tough Baby StainsTo remove tough baby stains, mix equal amounts of Dawn dish soap and liquid dishwashing detergent together in a squirt bottle. Apply directly to stain and wash as normal. Saves lots of baby clothes! By Jennifer Metz


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Lysol Basin Tub And Tile Cleaner for Laundry StainsI read the tip about using oven cleaner to get out stains. I have a much safer alternative than oven cleaner for laundry stains.


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Use Baby Powder on Grease StainsThis always works. When you have a grease stain, use baby powder. Put a lot on it and let it sit for a few days. Shake it off and if it still looks greasy, pour more on and wait.


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Yellow Creases on Stored DressesDid you ever put clothing items away i.e., like an heirloom wedding dress or a christening outfit only to find out that the creases had turned a bit yellow? Well I have a solution for you but only if you can be real patient.


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Freeze Stains with HairsprayCarry a travel-size can of hair spray in your purse. It doesn't take up much room. If you accidentally stain your clothes with an ink pen, wine, lipstick or practically anything, spray the stain with the hairspray.


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Washing Clothing With StainsMachine-wash your whites in cold water, using a detergent and washing soda mixture. Hot water sets the stains, instead of removing them.


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