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A very burned sauce pan.

An Easy Way to Clean a Burnt SaucepanPlease note that I haven't tried this on a pan with a non stick coating. However, if your pan is so burnt that you'll have to throw it out, then you may decide it's worth a try.


A pump style dish detergent.

Extending Dish Detergent with PeroxideA lot of us find the better dish detergents so thick and concentrated, we choose to dilute them a bit (or a lot). We save money and the product is easier to use.


A coffee carafe.

How to Thoroughly Clean a Coffee CarafeI make coffee and put it in a carafe. It keeps it hot then warm, but I nuke it when I want a fresh cup. But coffee has a tendency to stain plastic, so before I donated it, I wanted to clean it good. For a long time, I didn't know how to clean all the pieces parts. When I realized you take the bottom off, then you can take out the silver inner parts and clean it all.


Disposable Sport Water Bottle to Hold Dish Soap - clear bottle with blue dish soap

Disposable Sport Water Bottle to Hold Dish SoapIf you purchase dish soap in bulk, you'll know that the container is huge! It is heavy to pour out on a daily basis and it's not very convenient.


Soaking dishes in bleach water.

Bleach Water for Rinsing DishesMy complex shares a very large waterheater between 4 units. So sometimes, getting grease off my dishes isn't easy, as the water is actually hotter in the bathroom than in the kitchen.


Extra Dish Drainer - white dishpan with a wire rack inside

Extra Dish DrainerMost of the time, when I cook, I use a lot of pots and pans. Washing them can be a chore.


A close up of a dirty spatula with the handle removed.

Clean Inside Spatula HandlesQuite by accident, I realized that spatula handles come off. And when they do, omgosh! Now I am guessing this is not all food that gets trapped, but perhaps soap scum and/or?


Magic Eraser to Clean Glass Cookware - small burned on food spot on glass baking dish

Magic Eraser to Clean Glass CookwareDon't scrub your glass cookware to clean off baked on food. The Magic Eraser (or knockoff) will remove it in seconds.


Add Vinegar to Dish Soap - bowl of suds and bottles of vinegar and dish soap

Add Vinegar to Dish SoapA doctor on a Japanese TV show mentioned adding a tiny splash of white vinegar to dish soap when washing up. It gives glass items an extra spotless sheen, and apparently it will help completely remove any soap residue on the dishes when you think you've got it all rinsed off, aiding in what you digest in the future.


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Clean Glasses With Magic EraserTake a Magic Eraser and cut it across the short side, into half-inch wide fingers. To clean glasses, rinse them with water or Windex, then wipe them with a Magic Eraser finger.


Small Dish Drainer for Sink - vinyl coated dish rack

Small Dish Drainer for SinkI live in a complex that redid my apt. It's newer and such, but I would have loved it if I could have had the older style double sink. Recently, someone left a tiny drainer in the community center. At first I thought it was a shelf unit to allow you to keep plates up higher.


A scrub brush being used to clean a serrated knife.

Clean Serrated Knives With BrushI use to think I wasn't getting my serrated knives clean enough. I would wash them with a dish cloth, very gently, trying not to snag my cloth on the serrations.


Raising a Dishwdrying Tub  - sink mat under the tub

Raising a Dishdrying TubI have a tiny kitchen and when I moved, I lost my dishwasher. That used to be my dish drainer. Now I have to have a drainer, but I prefer to put it inside a nice tub. I began noticing the tub collected water underneath it, but could never figure out why.


A recycled oven rack being used as a drying rack.

Use Recycled Oven Racks for a Drying RackIf you have extra toaster/oven racks, you can make yourself a drying rack. The oven rack is elevated and underneath you can put a towel to absorb the water.


Seasoning a Cast Iron
Pan with Crisco.

Seasoning Cast Iron PansCast iron will last for generations if properly cared for. A properly seasoned pan will be non-stick and will clean up very easily. After washing, I warm up the pan on my stovetop. I then use Crisco on a paper towel to rub all over the pan.



A stuck on label on a to-go coffee cup.

Removing Stuck-on LabelsNothing I'd tried worked in removing this label's glue. And I mean I tried everything, yet that's as far as I'd gotten with it, being left with that large gluey patch. Well, this morning, I tried something different, and it worked, after all this time of not being able to get the label glue off and not using that to-go-mug.


Dish gloves that have been doubled up.

Double Up Dish GlovesWhen the good dish gloves wore through, I had another pair of the other. I put the other ones inside the good ones and now I have a pair that still gives me the protection I need, no leaks, and double the thickness.


Help Dishwasher to Dry Dishes Properly - handle protruding from dishwasher door

Help Your Dishwasher to Dry Dishes ProperlyNear the end of the drying cycle on your dishwasher, if you pull the door slightly ajar it will let a lot of the steam out and help to prevent the puddles that often condense onto the base of cups and bowls.


Clean Cast Iron Skillet with Used Coffee Grounds

Clean Cast Iron Skillet with Used Coffee GroundsI usually use salt to clean my cast iron skillet, but this morning I was about to pour my coffee grounds into the garden when I realized I could use them to clean my skillet. Just pour used grounds onto skillet with a bit of water, scrub, and rinse.


Salt and Ice for Removing Coffee Stains

Salt and Ice for Removing Coffee StainsYou can remove coffee stains from cups, mugs, and glass (even coffee carafes) by sprinkling the stains with salt then covering with ice. Stir around a bit then the stains wipe away.


Crocheted Square for Silverware Drying - spoon and fork on red crochet square

Crocheted Square for Silverware DryingI found that laying my spoons, forks, and knives on a crocheted square works better than laying them on a towel because they dry much faster and so does the crocheted square. This is a great way to recycle squares of crochet that did not turn out perfect.


A dishwasher soap dispenser, where you can put pods.

Dishwasher Pods Not DissolvingIn the last couple of weeks, I noticed my dishwasher pods were either not dissolving at all, or only dissolving partially. I Googled this, and there were two common reasons: there isn't enough water coming into the dishwasher, or the water isn't hot enough.


mesh bag with small items on top dishwasher rack

Use a Mesh Laundry Bag on the Top Rack of DishwasherUse a small bag to hold small items such as lids and baby bottle lids and nipples. The items will be clean, and they won't be thrown around the dishwasher. I especially like this hint because I can use an item I already have, and don't have to purchase those plastic holders that they sell for this purpose.


adding used tea bags to sink

Used Teabags to Assist DishwashingDon't throw out your teabags after you've used them to steep your tea. Drop them in your warm soapy dishwater and they will help break down the tough grease that clings to your dishes. Magic!


spray nozzle on dish soap container

Spray Nozzle for Dish Soap ContainerHere is a way to control how much soap comes out of your dish soap container. Get a sturdy spray nozzle from an old bottle and just screw it on. Make the adjustment as to how stong or soft you want the spray to be. You will save soap, plus it will spray out more evenly over dishes.


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Ammonia for Easy Handwash DishesWhen you start to wash dishes by hand, fill the sink only halfway up and squirt dish detergent in the sink. Then pour a couple of ounces of ammonia into the sink. Sounds crazy, right? But you will find you have the richest, soapiest abundance of soapsuds you have ever had!


A white bowl with scratches removed on one side.

Removing Flatware Scuffs on Porcelain...My husband is a heavy stirrer and our everyday porcelain dishes were showing flatware scuffing. I tried the Weiman's Stove Top Cleaner. Rubbing with a damp paper towel, this is the cleaning results from a moderate swiping motion. I did half of the bowl for comparison purposes.


A slice of luffa as a pot scrubber

Luffa Pot ScrubberRather then using antiquated steel wool pads that rust and stick your fingers, I cut a slice of a new luffa sponge to use for a pot scrubber! It works great and doesn't shred apart! Luffa is also anti bacterial. A simple solution!


A clean and shiny cast iron pan

Thoroughly Cleaning A Cast Iron Fry PanYou can tell me not to use soap on my cast iron pans til the cows come home. I will use it, anyway. I refuse to put away a pan that has only been scraped and wiped. To me, that borders on 'nasty'.


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Denture Cleaning Tablets to Keep Bottles CleanSome of my cups and bottles are expensive to just replace but these tend to get cloudy after a time. I have found that denture cleaning tablets keep these clean and cloud free.



stained mug

Easily Remove Coffee Stains From MugsNormally I use baking soda and rub the stains out, but it was all gone. The cups also had some lime deposits on them so I thought I'd use vinegar to remove those and found I only had apple cider vinegar.


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Add Essential Oil to Dish SoapI add a few drops of essential oil to Free and Clear (hypoallergenic) dish soap to mimic the expensive all-natural soaps without the possible allergens, since even all-natural soaps can have natural ingredients I'm allergic to.


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Use Gravel for Cleaning BottlesI shake a small amount of rough cut small gravel with some detergent and water to clean our bottles that have stuff stuck to the inside. Just strain off and rinse the gravel, let dry, and it is ready for next time.


Double up on Drainer Space

Double up on Drainer SpaceWe have glasses that are just wide enough on the top that only 3 fit on 5 hooks along the side of the drainer. But if you have larger plastic glasses, you can set those on top and double the space you have.


Muffin Tin for Draining Glasses

Muffin Tin for Draining GlassesI recently cleaned out a garage and found tons of things others could use. However, they were only usable after about 8 hours of washing and bleach rinsing.


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Cleaning Stained Plastic BowlsTo clean stains out of bowls, leave bowl sitting with white vinegar in it. Leave it for a few days, then rinse and wipe out.


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Dilute Dishwashing LiquidI buy 1 large bottle of whatever is on sale and I save the old bottles, When I get a new bottle, I fill 3 bottles with just a 1/4 of liquid and the rest water, I end up with 4 bottles of liquid detergent.


Emergency Sink Stopper

Emergency Sink StopperThe house I am at doesn't have the disposal stopper. I like to do dishes with a full sink of water so this posed a problem. Then, I realized that a tall glass works wonders.


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Brillo for Stainless CookwareI was reading all the tips on stainless steel cookware. I clean mine with soap pads. It seems the more I scrub the brighter they shine! Just sayin.


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Removing Stains Out of a Ceramic TeapotUse White King bleach diluted with water or table or cooking salt. I find that salt definitely works.


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Mesh Bags for Dishwashing Small ItemsI save the mesh bags from produce items, such as onions and shallots. Use it for small items that would fly around during the dishwasher cycle.


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Cleaning Dishes By HandI use dishwasher cubes to do my dishes by hand for hard stuck on food. I just fill the sink with hot/warm water and my soap and add a little dishwasher soap, as well. The food just falls off, even hard egg. It really saves time.


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Aluminum Foil as Frugal Scouring PadsTo save on money but still get the job of crusty, burnt pots and pans clean, I recycle my aluminum foil. Why throw what has been used to cover something up with away?


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Dishwashing TipWhen I was a little kid I was always underfoot while Mama was doing chores. When washing the dishes she had a really peculiar (to me) habit. This was eons before dishwashers became commonplace. She always ran her hand over a dish before putting it to rinse.


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Drying Silicone Baking MatsMy solution is to simply put the damp mats right back into the oven on oven racks. Most likely, the oven will be warm from baking anyway, and the mats dry nice and flat in no time.



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Removing Dishwasher Film from GlassesI have an old dishwasher and there was always a film on glasses. LemiShine worked, but was too expensive for the amount to use regularly. One day I bought Sunlight Lemonoxi complex powder. "No more film on the glasses."


Dawn to Clean Burnt Pans

Dawn to Clean Burnt PansIt worked! I used the tip for using Dawn on my burnt pan and it worked! But I had to improve on the tip a little since my pan was really burnt.


burnt oil

Removing Burnt Oil From a Frying PanI forgot to remove my pan from the burner after frying taco shells, causing the oil to burn onto the pan.


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Simple Green to Clean ThermosI contacted the company that makes "Simple Green" and was told that their product will not damage a stainless steel thermos.


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Phosphorus Removes White FilmThe government started recommending a reduction in phosphorus in detergent back in the '70's and many dish washing detergent companies lowered the amount in their products.


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Are the Dishes in the Washer Clean or Dirty?Always make filling the soap dispenser the very last step of unloading the dishwasher. That way if the soap dispenser is filled (closed), the dishes are dirty and when empty (open), the dishes are clean.


Net Bag As Dish Scrubber

Net Bag as Dish ScrubberThese plastic net bags make excellent dish scrubbers. I cut the paper top off and kind of roll it up like a sock, and it is fantastic!


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Baking Soda for Hard Water Spots on DishesA spoonful of baking soda in the dishwasher will get rid of hard water spots on glasses and dishes.


Plastic Lid for Non-Stick Skillet Scrubber

Plastic Lid for Non-Stick Skillet ScrubberI took this little lid that came off of one of the knock off slimfast drink canisters, scrunched it in my hand and used it as a scrubber over the screws that hold the handle to the skillet.


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Comet for Cleaning Burnt Pots and PansTo clean the worst burnt pots and pans in just a few minutes, put about 1/2 to 1 inch of water in the pan then shake a generous amount of Comet and boil.


View of clean and burnt sides of pan.Cleaning a Very Burnt Saucepan

Cleaning a Very Burnt SaucepanI took a telephone call and completely forgot my saucepan boiling my Udon noodles. I didn't think anything would shift the burnt-on food. How wrong I was.


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How Not to Store SkilletsForgive me for not having a photo, but the skillets are no longer here. Let me explain.


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Scouring Pots and PansRather than soak and scrub hard to remove baked on, caked on food from pots/pans try this. Add a little water and place back on the stove and simmer.


Small cotton ball at the end of straw with tip of skewer in photo.

Keeping Plastic Drinking Straw CleanI love my insulated drinking glass and came up with this method for cleaning the straw. I take a small piece of cotton, wet it with hot soapy water and push it through with a kabob skewer. It keeps the tea stains out and I feel satisfied that the straw is clean.


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Don't Scrub Your Cookie SheetsAluminum cookie sheets do much better if you just wash them in the sink. Do not put in dishwasher ever or scrub hard with a metal scrubber. After awhile, your cookie sheets will turn black and be "seasoned" like cast iron and will be practically non-stick.


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Small Rock Under Sink DrainerA small rock with a smile on it's face from puffy paints, fell in my sink under the drainer. There it was, just smiling back at me one day.


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Cleaning Old Stained Cookie SheetsPut the old cookie sheet in the sink add a little water and add some baking soda and peroxide. Leave it soak for about 1 hour and the grime should wipe right off.


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Stretch Dish Soap with BubblesTo stretch your dish detergent, use "bubbles" refills from the dollar store, the type kids use to create bubbles. The cost is about $1 for 32 ounces.


Salt for Dish Stains

Use Salt to Remove Stains on DishesMy cups were getting pretty stained so I sprinkled salt into each cup, then wiped it out. It took away all the stains and made the cups shine. Best of all no scrubbing or soaking for hours in Javex.


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Fabric Softener Sheet for Burnt Pots and PansFill the burnt pan with soap and water and add a fabric softener sheet. Let set overnight and wash as usual. If it is a stubborn burn repeat the process.


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Camp Dish CleaningWhen I go camping, I take jugs of water, some for drinking, others for cleaning. If you have a lot of dishes, take a dishpan, add some water, pour in a bit of dish soap and do your dishes as you normally would.


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Cleaning Teflon PotsHow can I clean my scummy Teflon pots and pans? Actually, this is an answer to that question from my mother.


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Washing Small Bowls in the DishwasherHow many of you have placed plastic bowls in the dishwasher only to find they have turned upright and are full of water? I line all of my plastic bowls up on the same side of the top rack of my dishwasher.


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Cream of Tartar for Ceramic Cup StainsYou can easily remove brown stains from ceramic by wetting and then sprinkling area with something from your spice rack: cream of tartar. Rub with cloth or rough sponge. For tough spots try again and add lemon juice if necessary. Makes surface shine.


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Thrifty Dish Liquid ContainerI had a nice pretty hand soap pump container that I had gotten from my niece. When it was empty, I filled it with dish washing liquid soap and I leave that on top of the sink to be used for either hands or dishes.


Large plastic container of soapy water.

Soak Utensils in Soapy Water for the DayIn the kitchen, I try and work smarter not harder. While my tea or coffee is nuking, I draw a container of hot soapy water and during the day, soak my eating and cooking utensils in it.


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Use A Paint Scraper For Baked On FoodWhen hand washing glass cookware and cast iron pans, I like to use a window paint scraper with the blade to remove baked on food. It works great and has them clean in no time.


Apple shaped and stemmed glass dishes after cleaning.

Citrus To Remove White Buildup on DishesIt was either throw out my apple shaped dish and several others if truth be known, or figure out how to get that ugly white film off of them. Elbow grease is not my favorite way of doing anything so desperation took over.


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Frugal Dishwashing TipsWhen I have a saucepan that needs soaking, after scooping out the contents I fill with water, heat til hot, take off heat, squirt in a little dish detergent, and set in sink. Using a long handled dish brush, I wash each dish, rinse, and drain.


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Vinegar Dish Washing SystemHow many of you use vinegar to augment your ordinary dish soap? The idea is simple. Find a large pump squirt bottle and fill it half and half with vinegar and water.


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Wipe Zester ImmediatelyThe easiest way to clean a zester is to immediately wipe off the excess zest with your finger tips from the handle side out towards the zesting edge on both sides. Rinse right away with water.


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Use Denture Cleaning TabletsDrop a couple denture cleanser tablets in the water with enough room to swish around. Leave it there over night and there should be nothing left but green water and a quick rinse should do the trick.


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Avoiding Milk Residue in GlassIf you don't want to jump up and run to the sink to rinse your milk glass right away, just turn your glass upside down on your plate and the milk will run down the sides.


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Cleaning Teapot and CupsI drink a pot of tea daily. My teapot and cup are white and get stained by the tea. I use a small amount of powdered dishwasher soap in the bottom of the teapot and cup, fill with hot water, and let soak for at least an hour and the stains are gone.


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Seasoning Cast IronWhen seasoning a cast iron pan, I always heat the pan on the stove pot until very hot. Using a paper towel dipped in oil, wipe the inside of the pan, the sides, and the bottom with the oil.


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Season a Cast Iron SkilletI rotate my 3 cast iron skillets and Dutch Oven and bake a batch of corn bread to keep them in top shape.


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Use Gel Dishwasher DetergentsConsider using gel dishwasher detergent or gel-pacs in your dishwasher. They aren't as abrasive as the powder detergents are. They will get the job done without leaving scratches on your dishes.


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Removing Burnt On FoodTo easily remove burnt on food from your skillet, simply add a drop or two of dish soap and enough water to cover bottom of pan and bring to a boil on stove top.


Cleaning Badly Burnt Pots and Pans

Cleaning Badly Burnt Pots and PansDon't waste your time scrubbing a badly burned pot. All you need to do is put it outside in direct sunlight for a few days. The burnt food will crust up together, and when you turn it upside down, it will all fall out.


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Wash Dishes as You GoHow would you like visitors to drop by and you have a whole sink load of dirty dishes? This would embarrass me, and it also makes me think people are not very clean.


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Dishwasher Tablet for Burned On FoodTired of scrubbing roasting pans or burnt food in your favorite saucepan?


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Use a Dryer Sheet for Stuck-on FoodIf you have a pan or casserole bowl that is really dirty, fill with water and add a dryer sheet. Let it soak for 10 minutes, and it will come clean in a second!


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Cleaning Cast Iron PansSometimes a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet needs more than just a simple scraping/wiping to get it ready for the next job. In those cases, I used to soak mine in hot water in the sink.


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Removing Tea Stains From PitchersHere's an easy way to remove those brown tea stains that accumulate in plastic pitchers. Alternate using the pitchers for tea with tomato juice or pineapple juice. The acid in the juices eat the stain off the plastic.


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Ketchup For Cleaning Copper PotsWhy buy expensive copper cleaner for those beautiful copper kettles or planters? Regular Heinz Ketchup does the job just as well.


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Tips for Hand Washing DishesAdd 1/2 tsp. baking soda to dishwater to help cut grease. Then, add 1 tsp. vinegar to the hot rinse water for sparkling glasses and to remove any soap residue.


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Clean Coffee Pots with Baking SodaThe other day, I was in my local big box discount store, walking by the coffee making machines. On the shelf I saw a box of coffee machine cleaner. The active ingredient was sodium carbonate - baking soda.


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Keeping Utensils In Dishwasher BasketIf you have trouble with your silverware falling on through your utensil basket in the dishwasher, save those old scrubber pads and line the bottoms of the compartments with them.


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Removing Odors from Plastic ContainersYou will never guess what finally removed the leftover aroma from my plastic bowl. I put it outside in a flower pot (to keep the squirrels from playing with it) in full sunlight for 2 days


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Cleaning Shish-Kebab SkewersAfter removing cooked food, push skewers through a soap-filled steel wool pad before putting them into water. It will loosen the gunk and make washing them much easier.


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Removing Stuck Food From a PanHave you ever been washing dishes and come across that pot with the caked on food? Rather than burying it in the dishwater, try this. If you are having trouble removing food from a pot, place about half a cup of water in the pot and place it on the stove.


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Tomato to Restore Shine to PotsDo the insides of your pots look dull after washing them in the dishwasher? Want the shine back? Cover the bottom of the pot with tomato sauce, ketchup, or tomato soup, let stand overnight, and wash by hand the next day - the shine will be back.


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Use Spatula to Scrape DishesKeep a rubber spatula from the dollar store by the sink. It's great for scraping out pots, pans, and dishes and for getting into the corners of jars and Tupperware.


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Wash Dishes With A LoofahInstead of using a regular kitchen sponge, try using a loofah or bath scrub to wash your dishes. They dry much faster than a kitchen sponge and provide more lather.


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Keep Soapy Water with Bleach in SinkI keep a small squeeze-type bottle full of bleach on the back of my sink. In the morning I put several inches of water in the sink, with a squirt of dish soap and a teaspoon of bleach. Throughout the day, any dirty dishes go in the water to soak or to be washed right away.


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Grouping Silverware in the DishwasherI have recently realized how to make fast work of putting away my silverware from the dishwasher basket when the dishes are done. That seems to be the most laborious part of the chore.


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Restoring Shine to Aluminum PanTo restore the shine to an aluminum pan, fill the pan with water, add a couple of tablespoons of cream of tartar or vinegar and boil for a few minutes.


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