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cleaning a laminate floor

Cleaning of Footprints on Laminate FloorThis is a page about cleaning footprints on laminate floor. Hard surface floors such as wood, tile, and laminate can show water spots, foot prints, and the like on your flooring. Using the right cleaner will remove footprints and other smudges on your flooring.


mopping a floor

Removing Mop and Glo From Flooring?This is a page about removing Mop and Glo from flooring. Unfortunately some floor care products can build up on your flooring and be difficult to remove.


Man Removing Wax From Laminate Flooring

Removing Floor Wax From Laminate FlooringFloor wax and some floor cleaning products leave a waxy residue on laminate flooring. This is a page about removing wax from laminate flooring.


Wooden floor being mopped

Cleaning and Preventing Streaks on Hardwood FloorsThis is a page about cleaning and preventing streaks on hardwood floors. Many cleaners and methods of cleaning can leave streaks on your hardwood floors.


Close up image of dog's water dish on wood plank vinyl flooring

Cleaning White Water Stains on Vinyl Flooring?This is a page about cleaning white water stains on vinyl flooring. Standing water can leave unsightly white marks on your vinyl flooring.


laminate wood flooring

White Marks on Laminate FlooringIf your laminate flooring has pale or white marks, they can be unsightly and difficult to remove. Use these tips to get your laminate floor looking good again. This is a page about white marks on laminate flooring.


Kitchen With Vinyl Flooring

Restoring Shine to Vinyl FlooringThis is a page about restoring shine to vinyl flooring. Over time the shine on your vinyl flooring can get dull.


A dog laying on a hardwood floor.

Removing Pet Urine Stains from Hardwood FloorsWhen you have pets accidents happen, even on your beautiful hardwood flooring. stains from hardwood floors. This is a page about removing pet urine


Rug on a kitchen floor.

Removing Rug Backing Stuck to a FloorThis page is about removing rug backing stuck to a floor. Moisture and heat can cause a rubber backed rug to stick to a floor.


cleaning the oven

Removing Oven Cleaner Stains from FloorOven cleaner uses very strong chemicals to breakdown burnt on food and stains in your oven. Removing oven cleaner stains from floor can be a difficult chore.


A woman cleaning a laminate floor.

What Can I Use on Laminate Floors That Won't Streak?Laminate flooring is notorious for showing streaks after cleaning. This page offers some solutions for, "What can I use on laminate floors that won't streak?".


Permanent Marker

Cleaning Permanent Marker on a Vinyl FloorThis is a page about cleaning permanent marker on a vinyl floor. Despite its permanent nature, this type of marker can be removed from many surfaces using the right products and techniques.


Bathroom with vinyl flooring.

Removing Stains on Vinyl and Linoleum FlooringVinyl and linoleum are both types of resilient flooring. Because they are very different in their composition, you will want to determine your flooring type before attempting to remove stains. This is a page about removing stains on vinyl or linoleum flooring.


Puppy next to a puddle on laminate floors.

Cleaning Pet Urine Stains and Odors from...Because of its composition, removing pet urine stains and odors from laminate flooring may seem daunting. This is a page about cleaning pet urine stains and odors from laminate flooring.


Red wax stains on wood floor.

Cleaning Candle Wax from Hardwood FloorsTested solutions for removing candle wax from hardwood floors. The key to removing candle wax from most surfaces is heating it up with an hair dryer or clothes iron. Beyond that there are some solvents, like Goo Gone, that have been effective.



Photo of spring cleaning supplies.

Cleaning Tar Off VinylThis is a page about cleaning tar off vinyl. Today the city resurfaced the street in front of your house. Tonight the vinyl flooring in your home is covered in tar spots tracked in on everyone's shoes.


A rug sitting on a vinyl floor.

Removing Rubber Backed Rugs Stains...This page is about removing rubber backed rug stains on a vinyl floor. You may need some soaking and scraping to remove these stains.


Guilty Basset Hound with muddy feet and a trail of muddy paw prints

Cleaning Dog Prints from Hardwood Floors?This is a page about cleaning dog prints from hardwood floors. Hardwood floors are beautiful and durable, but they can often show a lot of spots and prints, such as pet footprints.


Cleaning Permanent Marker from Wood Floors

Cleaning Permanent Marker from Wood FloorsThis is a page about cleaning permanent marker from wood floors. Permanent marker is meant to be just that, permanent. However, there are often ways to remove it from surfaces where it has accidentally been applied.


beautiful wood floors

Removing Scuff Marks from Hardwood FloorsThis page is about removing scuff marks from hardwood floors. Certain shoes can leave black marks on your floors.



Dye From Rugs Stained My Linoleum?This is a page about dye from rugs stained my linoleum. If dye in a throw rug or carpet is not set, it could cause some staining.


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Cleaning Human Urine Off Hardwood Floors?I have a little boy who is learning to use the potty. Can anyone give me a solution for cleaning the hardwood floor around the toilet? I find that I clean it everyday. He misses sometimes, so I just want to get the area clean and smell free.


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Scuff Marks On Laminate Floors?I have laminated floors, which have marks from furniture being moved. I've tried baking soda paste, vinegar and water, and Awesome. Does anyone know how to remove these?


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Removing Cooking Oil Stains From a Wooden Floor?Some oil leaked from a bag I put on the floor, about a month ago. The oil has leaked into the wood, leaving a dark stain. I've looked up various remedies online but have not found a clear solution, and I don't want to go messing around with the floor until I know what I'm doing.


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Repairing A Stain From Wood Floor Cleaner?I spilled Awesome cleaner on my hardwood floor. It stripped the polish off of an area. How can I repair it?


A short broom handle being extended with a cardboard tube.

Extending a Short Broom HandleI can't afford a nice big broom, nor would I want one. They hurt my thumbs and are too coarse. So, I love the Dollar Tree ones, but man are they short! I am only 5 feet 1 inch tall and I find myself stooping just to use it.


Use a Candle as Floor Wax

Use a Candle as Floor WaxThis tip offers a less thought of use for a candle or old candle wax. If you have some concrete floor areas this method may work well for you.


tree sap drops

Removing Tree Sap From Vinyl Floor?Tree sap can get tracked into your home and harden on your vinyl floors. Using the best product to remove it without damaging the flooring may require a bit of research or trial and error. This is a page about removing tree sap from a vinyl floor.


Double Sided Tape on black paper.

Removing Double Sided Tape from Laminate FloorMineral spirits, baby oil or Goo Gone can be helpful in removing sticky residue from double sided tape. This is a page about removing double sided tape from laminate floor.


Rag mop on a wood floor.

Making a Rag Mop?Rag mops have been used for generations to keep wooden and linoleum floors clean. This page contains instructions for making a rag mop.



Hand scrubbing hardwood floor.

Removing Double Sided Tape from Wood Floor?The adhesive residue from double sided tape can be difficult to remove. When trying an array of products always test on a small inconspicuous area to make sure they don't mar the finish. This is a page about removing double sided tape from a wood floor.


Hand in pink glove wiping floor tiles.

Floor Wax Not Sticking to Tile?If the wax you are trying to apply is not sticking evenly or thoroughly, make sure that the floor is properly cleaned prior to applying a new coat and that the wax is intended for the type of tile you have. This is a page about floor wax not sticking to tile.


Talcum powder on a dark grey tile floor.

How to Clean Talcum Powder Off Tile Floors?Trying to clean up spilled talcum powder off of a tile floor can best be done with a vacuum. You can try a brush to dust it out of textured tile surfaces first. This is a page about how to clean talcum powder off tile floors.


Woman wearing rubber gloves spraying the floor.

Cleaning Pet Urine Stains on Vinyl Floors?Pet urine stains on vinyl floors may be difficult to remove. Vinegar, water, and dish soap might do the trick.


Scraper for removing carpet adhesive

Removing Stubborn Carpet Adhesive?When replacing carpet with a hard or resilient flooring you will need to remove the old adhesive. This can sometimes prove to be a daunting job. Boiling water or Goof Off and a scraper may do the trick. This is a page about removing stubborn carpet adhesive.


Mopping Laminate Floor

Cleaning Dull Laminate FloorsLaminate floors can become dull from wear or the use of certain cleaning products. Many homeowners have had success cleaning them using steam or vinegar and water. They typically need to be dried to prevent water spots and streaks. This is a page about cleaning dull laminate floors.


Painted Wood Floor

Removing Paint From a Wood FloorThis is a page about removing paint from a wood floor. For small amounts of paint, scraping off any excess paint, then use rubbing alcohol can be effective in removing paint from wood floors. However if there is a lot of paint, you may have to sand and refinish the flooring. Here is some additional advice about removing paint from wood floors.


Waxing Hardwood Floors

Waxing Hardwood Floors?There are several very good options when it comes to waxing your hardwood floors. Read on for preparation info and product choices. This is a page about waxing hardwood floors.


A kitchen with a vinyl floor.

How to Remove Nicotine Stains on a Vinyl Floor?Nicotine can leave ugly brown stains on many surfaces. There are several products you can try and you may need to do some scrubbing with a brush to remover particularly stubborn stains. This is a page about how to remove nicotine stains on a vinyl floor.


Spilled baby powder.

Cleaning Up Baby Powder Residue on Floors?Baby powder is very fine and can easily get on surfaces other than what was intended. If you need to be cleaning up baby powder residue on floors use these handy ideas.


Throw rug on a kitchen floor.

Removing Throw Rug Stains on LinoleumUnfortunately the backing on bath mats and other throw rugs can have a chemical reaction with your flooring causing stains. This is a page about removing throw rug stains on linoleum.


A spill on a laminate floor, being cleaned up with a mop.

Removing Stains from Laminate FloorsCertain stains on a laminate floor can be difficult to remove. This is a page about removing stains from laminate floors.


Tea light candles on a floor.

Cleaning Candle Wax From Laminate Floor?Dripping candle wax sometimes gets on your floors. In order to remove it from laminate flooring you may consider one of the methods discussed on this page.


A hardwood floor with a mop, ready to clean.

Bellawood Floor Cleaner ReviewsAny wood floor will need good cleaning from time to time. Bellwood hardwood floor cleaner is an all natural floor cleaner that will get your wood floors sparkling clean. This is a page about Product Review: Bellawood floor cleaner.


A pair of boots with black rubber soles on a wood floor.

Removing Rubber Sole Shoe Marks from Hardwood Floors?The soles on your shoes can leave unsightly marks on all types of flooring. This is a page about removing rubber sole shoe marks from hardwood floors.



A tan colored ceramic tile floor.

Cleaning Ceramic Tile FloorsCeramic tile floors have their own cleaning issues, such as streaking and stickiness if not rinsed well. This is a page about cleaning ceramic tile floors.


Unsealed Wooden Floors

Cleaning Unsealed Wooden FloorsUnsealed wood flooring can be kept looking good by using an oil or wax finish. Then just use the best cleaning method for the finish you choose. This is a page about cleaning unsealed wooden floors.


Identifying Cat Urine Stains on Hardwood Floor

Identifying Cat Urine Stains on Hardwood Floor?A black light comes in handy when trying to identify stains on hardwood flooring, as urine stains glow. This is a page about identifying cat urine stains on hardwood floor.


Mopping a hardwood floor.

Cleaning Hardwood Floors With Murphy's Oil Soap?Using Murphy's oil soap on hardwood floors can have mixed results. This is a page about cleaning hardwood floors with Murphy's oil soap.


Hardwood Floors

Cleaning Buildup Off Hardwood FloorsCertain cleaning products can leave an unsightly buildup on your hardwood floors. This is a page about cleaning buildup off hardwood floors.


Old Linoleum Floors

Removing Stains from Old Linoleum Floors?This is a page about removing stains from old linoleum floors. Cleaning stains on your flooring may require specific cleaners depending on the stain and the flooring type. Make sure that your floor is in fact linoleum rather than sheet vinyl before proceeding.


A mop and bucket on a hardwood floor.

Mopping Hardwood FloorsThis is a page about mopping hardwood floors. Hardwood flooring is quite beautiful. To keep it that way proper cleaning methods and products are essential.


How can you get tire marks off of vinyl floors?

Getting Tire Marks Off of Vinyl FloorsThis is a page about getting tire marks off of vinyl floors. Tires can leave unsightly black marks on the surfaces where they are stored.


Floor cleaning tools like mop, rags, etc. displayed on vinyl tile floor

Cleaning Vinyl FloorsThis is a page about cleaning vinyl floors. You don't need to use harsh chemicals to keep your vinyl flooring clean.


Child Looking out Window in a room with vinyl flooring

Cleaning a No Wax Floor?This is a page about cleaning no wax floors. Cleaning no wax floors is typically an easy task. You just need to identify the best method and products to use.


Close up of hand wiping the floor with bottle cleaner in the background

Cleaning the Floor by HandThis is a page about cleaning the floor by hand. Sometimes it is more practical and effective to clean your floor by hand.


Hand wiping white residue off wooden floor

Cleaning Haze on Hardwood FloorsThis is a page about cleaning haze on hardwood floors. Some wood floor cleaning products can leave an unsightly haze on your floors.


Woman cleaning floor with orange spray bottle and rag

Cleaning Orange Glo Residue from FloorsThis is a page about cleaning Orange Glo residue from floors. Orange Glo cleaner can unfortunately leave an unsightly, dull, waxy residue on your floors.


Pair of black boots and tennis shoes on a vinyl floor

Cleaning Black Rubber Marks on Laminate...This is a page about cleaning black rubber marks on laminate flooring. Black scuff marks from shoes and other items can mar the appearance of your flooring.


Cleaning Laminate Flooring With a Steam Mop

Cleaning Laminate Flooring With a Steam...This is a page about cleaning laminate flooring with a steam mop. Cleaning your laminate floors is relatively simple. Using a steam mop is an option if done properly.


Hand wearing pink glove scrubbing white vinyl floor with blue sponge.  Black bucket with green cloth in the background

Cleaning Mold on Vinyl Flooring?This is a page about cleaning mold on vinyl flooring. Mold can grow on the underside of vinyl flooring or near the edges, often due to moisture.


Nail polish spilled on the floor.

Cleaning Nail Polish Stains on Linoleum?This is a page about cleaning nail polish stains on linoleum. Removing stains from resilient flooring such as linoleum can usually be successful if the proper products and methods are used.


Cleaning Matte Finish Vinyl Flooring

Cleaning Matte Finish Vinyl Flooring?This is a page about cleaning matte finish vinyl flooring. When cleaning matte finish vinyl flooring be sure to use the right products for this flooring to keep it clean and looking new.


Excess Adhesive on Floor Tiles

Removing Excess Adhesive From Floor...This is a page about removing excess adhesive from floor tiles. Floor tile adhesive is necessarily very sticky and difficult to remove. Using the right solvent is the key to removing any adhesive.


Woman Cleaning Her Floor

Tips for Cleaning FloorsThis is a page about tips for cleaning floors. With so many flooring types available, it can be confusing as to the best way to clean your floor.


terra cotta tile floor

Removing Scuff Marks from Waxed Tile FloorsThis is a page about removing scuff marks from waxed tile floors. A nice wax job can be marred by dark and light rubber shoe soles.


Kitchen With Laminate Flooring

Removing Orange Glo Residue from...This is a page about removing Orange Glo residue from laminate flooring. This cleaner can leave a film that can be a challenge to remove.


A woman dyeing her hair at home.

Removing Hair Dye from a Linoleum or Vinyl Floor?This is a page about removing hair dye from a linoleum or vinyl floor. Hair dye can accidentally get on the floor when you are dyeing your hair at home, leaving difficult to remove stains.


girl smoking

Removing Nicotine Stains from Linoleum and Vinyl...This is a page about removing nicotine stains from linoleum and vinyl flooring. Nicotine from cigarette smoking can leave yellowish stains on many surfaces in the home of a smoker.


Shining Laminate Floor

Making Laminate Floors ShineBe sure to consult the manufacturer of your flooring, for the recommended cleaning and waxing products. This page is about making laminate floors shine.


A hairdresser applying hairspray to a client in a salon.

Removing Hairspray Residue from Vinyl...This page is about removing hairspray residue from vinyl flooring. When you have used hair spray in the same spot, over time it can buildup on the floor.


Paint can with red paint.

Removing Paint from Linoleum?Paint can stain a linoleum floor. This page contains suggestions for removing paint stains from a linoleum floor.


Laminate Flooring

Cleaning Tree Sap From Laminate Flooring?This is a page about cleaning tree sap from laminate flooring. Tree sap can easily be tracked into your home and then get stuck to your floors.


Laminate Floor

Buffing a Laminate Floor?This page is about buffing a laminate floor. Maintaing a shine on your wood floor usually requires some polishing.


Linoleum Flooring

Removing Rust Stains from a Linoleum FlooringThis page is about removing rust stains from linoleum flooring. When metal has rusted on this material, it can be difficult to remove.


Vinyl Flooring

Removing Rust Stains from Vinyl Flooring?This is a page about removing rust stains from vinyl flooring. Furniture, cans, and other metal objects can leave rust stains on your vinyl flooring. You will want to use the best products and techniques to remove the stain and not ruin the finish.


Removing Wax Buildup on Floors

Removing Wax Buildup on Floors?Shiny waxed floors look great, but over time the wax can build up and result in a dull, dingy appearance. This is a page about removing wax buildup on floors.


cat on a tile floor

Cleaning Pet Urine Stains and Odors...Removing urine stains and odors from flooring can be a challenge. This page is about cleaning pet urine stains and odors from a tile floor.


A photo of a large room with granite floors.

Cleaning Granite Flooring?This page is about cleaning granite flooring. It's nice to keep your granite floor clean and beautiful.


Slate Floor

Cleaning a Slate FloorThis page is about cleaning a slate floor. This rock flooring needs some special attention.


Steam Mop

Using a Steam MopA steam mop is an environmentally way to clean your floors. This is a page about using a steam mop.


Mop and bucket on linoleum floor

Cleaning Discolored LinoleumLinoleum, made from ground wood or cork and usually linseed oil, is susceptible to discoloration. This is a page about cleaning discolored linoleum.


Mop on linoleum floor

Cleaning Linoleum FloorsLinoleum flooring is back in vogue because of its green nature. However, before cleaning you sheet flooring you need to know if it is vinyl or true linoleum. The cleaning methods are different. This is a page about cleaning linoleum floors.


sweeping a floor

Floor Sweeping TipsThis page contains floor sweeping tips. There are numerous ways to make floor sweeping easier and more effective.


Cleaning Tile Floors, Textured blue floor tile.

Cleaning Tile FloorsThis is a page about cleaning tile floors. Tile floors are popular in kitchens and bathrooms because of their durability but can be difficult to clean, especially the grout between the tiles.


Removing Red Wine Stains from Hardwood Floors, Broken glass of red wine on wood floor.

Removing Red Wine Stains from Hardwood Floors?This is a page about removing red wine stains from hardwood floors. Your beautiful wood floor has a red wine stain on it. Removing a wine stain can be difficult, but there are a few methods that will work and not further damage the wood.


Homemade Wood
Floor Cleaner Recipes

Homemade Wood Floor Cleaner Recipes This is a page about homemade wood floor cleaner. Save time and money by making your own wood floor cleaner.


Cleaning Tile Floors, Textured blue floor tile.

Cleaning Textured FlooringThis is a page about cleaning textured flooring. Textured floor tile and flooring presents its own cleaning challenges. The textured surface collects dirt and makes it difficult to remove. This type of flooring can be cleaned with a little extra effort.


Scuffed Vinyl Flooring

Removing Scuffs from Vinyl FloorsVinyl flooring is a nice inexpensive, easy to install flooring option. However, it can get scuffed and scratched easily. This is a page about removing scuffs from vinyl floors.


A marble spa tub and floor in a beautiful bathroom.

Cleaning a Marble Floor?This is a page about cleaning a marble floor. Marble flooring is beautiful and durable for a kitchen, bathroom or entryway but needs to be cleaned and maintained with care.


Someone mopping hardwood floors

Cleaning Hardwood FloorsSome hardwood floors can easily get water damaged and the finishes can be stripped by harsh cleaners. This is a page about cleaning hardwood floors.


Cleaning Laminate Flooring, Red dry mop cleaning laminate floors

Cleaning Laminate FlooringLaminate floors can easily get water damaged. Knowing how to clean your laminate flooring, can keep it looking new for many years. This is a page on cleaning laminate flooring.


Photo of a bamboo floor.

Cleaning Bamboo FlooringThis is a page about cleaning bamboo flooring. Bamboo is a beautiful and sustainable choice for flooring. Proper cleaning methods will help it look its best.


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